t The4oHfolkrlexis W N UUS1C libllHlir Knr jk ISrpiitf DAILY tnbliidid HS71 ilny orpt Hominy llr onrrlotlor liy mnu lr jni WKKKIV KMnMIMmd tSSI1 KtrrjTliiitnlnr Nymnll nr yir IM rKnri t tlio IVulolUcn at Norfolk Nol a lecuml claM mnltnr Tolnpmmn No 351 HEPUULICAN TICKET NMIimnl or WtllHM Ohio For Vice Proclilritl TiikODOHK Hmhikit New rk Hfntfl or Omnrnor Onutlis II Diuriniii iIiiiii For IjioilliMintit ooruor K 1 rUVAOU OoMor For Secretary of Jro W Mwtn KloliiinlHiiii KnrTrnmiiinr ViMiuiNiimTin Cumin F1uWhiok Hlnrll For Attiirnny Jminnil Frank N Iboiit idllltl For limil Commlmloner Ukoiiok I Foimich Niickolln For Superintendent f Pitbllo W KFowikr Wulilnlim Iroelilimllnl Klector fJOIIN F NKHIIirT 11 11 WINIIOM KlIWAItll ItOYHK It li llAlllllt H l DWIIIHON lACOII j jACOItlON John U Kknnkii John 1 Immikii VoiiRrfimtlKiinl For CoiiKroinitu Tlilnl Dlntrlcl -John It Huw Norfolk liiillrliil For Jiitliio Ninth IlUtrlcl J F litii 1 nlolowi T Tho prosperity Imhuo sooiiih to bo piint mount wlion tho IioiioIohh ondonvorrt of fiiHionists to moot mid ilony it ivro notoil irnTdimbult to llHorodlt fixate but hoiiio of tho nntis nro not diuintod by ovon Mioho K Wyniiui iB u Buffalo county list who rpprosontod thut county in tho last loKislutmo Ho wan n ooiiHiHtont populist having joinod fir tlio purporfo of nldiiiK prinoiploH whioh ho thought to bo right Ho kooh now tho failure of nil his hopes and purposes ami has dooidod to bo an assistant republican in nam est Ho says In rewards to fusion I nni done with it aud I shall not stop in tho middle of tho road 1 shall cross tho Rubicon mid tnko tho coubo quonces Most of tho populist and sll vor republicans aro Inmost in ihoir ef forts on political linos and aio honorable aud worthy of rospoct but thoy aro sim ply wasting thoir timo in tryluR to bet tor mutters by assisting tho old demo cratic party that has boon discroditod by tho couutry for forty years into power Tho issue is plaiu It is repub licanism or democracy aud you must bo either u republican or a douiocrnt aud I m uot a democrat The Papillion Times views in a differ ent light from its contoinporarios tho mid road movement It sayB It will not do for tho fusiou forces to treat all mid road populists as traitors nor ns disappointed nnd disgruntled aud further that it knows that somo ot them nro just as true to oonyiotiou just as honest and patriotic oh any fu Bionist in Nebraska It wiuds up- tho article with tho candid statemout wo may need them aud need thorn bad Tho latter sentence is tho moat of tho cocoauut Most of tho f usionistfl boliovo it but are uot as candid as Editor Howard Ho f vidoutly boliovos in dif ferent tactics to wiu them back Tho old olllco sop whioh has boon so disap pointing in tho past should again be brought into requisition Thoy should bo promised soinothiug until their votes are secured and thou they onu again hustle for thomsolves It is a little late to be gin theso tactics As tho Times re marks many are houost and patriotic nud will therefore rafuso to assist m keepiug in power a ring that has provou such mi utter failure in statoniiiauBhip nnd accomplishments mid they have al ready laid tho foundation for a party from whioh thoy confidently expect good results That thoir ranks are rap idly tilling may well prove discouraging to the fuEiomsts hut at the same tune tho fusiouists will do woll to romoiuber that it is encouraging to thomsolvos Tho Schuyler Quill and tho Howolls Journal two promiuot fusion shoots are waging a merry war over tho Into fusion convention and its result Tho Quill is ou after Senator Allens scalp aud has withdrawn his name from its ticket re placing it with that of M F Harring ton Explaining why it changed its mind tho Quill says Whon a Uuited States senator jumps from tho dignity of theofllcial position ho holds into tho whirlpool of maohiuo politios in tho in- terest of a pot candidate for some miuor oilice or does so because of an insatiable longing for evory houor possible within tho gift of his party it is high time to call a halt Tho Quill has tho backboue to assist in calling that halt Senator Allen entered the race for chairmanship of tho state convention against tho pro tost of hundreds of tho dolegatvs a great many of whom supported him bacausa they did not wish it to go out that tho Btate convention had turned a United S ates senator down It was Allens place to h ivelepl out of that fight aud to have positively refused to beconsidoied avail able Instead he was rampant after it He is reported to have agrood to secoud the noiniuatiou of M J1 Harrington for chairman but his yo truing for tho trill - iiiR honor in HiKht nrovod stroiiKor Hum litH prnmHo uiiil It wns not falllllod Tlmn whuu thi coiivontioti lonltxl liim tho Htflit to Appoint tin oonforoneo coin iiiltloo uxcoptliiRonont InrRO ho Hko a Muili of HiflitiiiiiK appointor Mint ono in MiointoruDt of tho mnoliltii Kiiriilnlilnii Itrltoiin With KIk A London dealer In decorative gooilH Is ijiiotod In iiw Morning Louder of that city as wiylng Mint most of the IlrlllHli llag sold In Htigliunl tiown days are Imported from America No statistics are glvoti but according to this denier the number of Mrltlih IKX mntle In the United States runs Into the mlllloiiH He explained the fact by miylng that Americans miide the IIiirs better anil cheaper and Mint more IIiirh were niaile nnd sold In the United States Minn In nny other country In the world Ho also added that nearly nil the British Hubs used In Cnnada came from the republic The HrltlHli also Import this denier declnrert largo qiiantltleH of buttoiiH and hndgoa Hlmllar to those used In Mils country In political campalgnu nnd on festal oc casions Some enterpiisltiK American citizen recently sent over an enormous ship ment of them with pictures of Lord Roberts Queen Victoria Mto Prince of Wales ami other people especially popular nt the moment and they sold rnpidly and at good prices The London dealer declares Mint Knglnml could not compete with America In the manufac ture of these articles All Mils Is very gratifying to Americans and one of the many Indications of the wny the United States Is Invading the markets of the world but It must be rather an noying to some englishmen to know that even for their union lacks nnd patriotic buttons they must come to this country General Cronje who Is now held la captivity on the Island of St Helena Is siiid to be developing Into a regular golf enthusiast Js the sturdy old Boer commander getting Anglicized V Some people call the man who shot tho rapids at Nlngata a fool He can return the compliment when they be gin to buy tickets to the museums to nee him JESTER IS A FREE MAN lory Finds Him Oulltlonn oftli Munlurof Ollhert Omen New London Mo Aug 2 Alo auder Jester the octogenarian who had boon ou trial hero for tho past two woeks for tho murder 129 years ago of Gilbert Qutes was lust night acquitted Tho jury took three ballots Whon tho jury filed iuto the court room it was tilled with an oxpectaut throng Judge Erby promptly asked tho foreman of the jury Joseph Barry if thoy had coino to a conclusion Barry answerod quietly iu the affirmative and handed the verdiqt to the judge The latter calmly unfolded the paper scanned it a moment and then read Wo the jury And tho dofeudant Alexander Jester uot guilty Tho old prisoner beut with ago and worn with watching sut as if dazed for an instant while tho audience at first too amazed to realize that the trial had so quickly oomo to au end watchod tho actions of the judgo in breathless si leuco Jostor finally realizing the im port of tho words aroso aud his face fairly beaming with joy movod toward tho jurymon to thank thorn A mo ment later tho spectators gave vent to their feelings iu a shout that mado tho court room ring Then with common impulse a rush was made for tho man who had mado so brave a fight for his life iu his declining years and almost smothered him with congratulations Aftor nearly four weeks of todious tos timouy taken the great trial of Alex ander Jester had passod into history with the buffalo calf aud Huleu laue aud the old man after a second attompt to send him to tho gallows had boon sot free It has been u trial filled with pathos presenting as it did tho specta cle of u woman testifying against nor brother iu an attempt to fasten murder committod nearly I0 yoars ago upou his hoad The first ballot stood nine for acquit tal aud three for murder iu tho first degree Tho noxt stood ton for acquit tal aud two for conviction The third and lust was unanimous for acquittal aud was given with a shout by tho tirod jurymen As soou us Jester could tear himself aviiy from thoso who crowded about to congratulate him ho hurried to his hotel aud was soou tho center of a happy group mado up of his children Harvey Jcbtor Will aud Alico Hill who quiotly rejoiced Jester will leave at ouco for Oklahoma to his old home whero ho was arrosted two yoars ago When tho verdict was mado known it caused general rejoicing throughout the town There ia more catarrh m this secitou of the couutry than all other diseases pat together aud uutil the last few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro uouueed it a local disease aud pre scribed local remedies ana by coiistautly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has provou catarrh to be a constitutional disease aud thorefnre requires nonstitu tioual treatment Hulls Outurrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It is takeu inter nally iu doses from 10 drops to a tea- spoonful It acts directly ou the blood aud mucous surfaces of the system They oiler oue hundred dollars for auy case it falls to cure Send for circulars aud testimonials Address F J Chknby Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 75o Hulls family pills aro the best THK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 2 1000 JJAHNUB TYLKIl Norfolk TJRO S PA RICK It Mast Mock Norfolk DENTIST JI II II trnnn 1 M 1 Attorncfn nl Law Tyler Noforaska Norfolk Nob J1L II T 1IULDEN Homeopathic Ihrslclaii and Surgeon Olllco Cillzoiift Nnlloiml llank llulhlluff Telephone 101 Hiuiltnrltim ntul llonldenco Mufii mid 13th St Telephone J Norfolk - Nebraska DR I K SCOU13E OSTEOPATMIST 511 South IHli Stroot Norfolk Nohrl Will ho In Crnlhtoii Monday Woriiiosiltiy mid Fridiiy nftoriiootia of oncli wunk g J OOLK DKNTIST Olllc ovnr CltlzanH Nntioiml Hunk Itndldaticfl oiii block north of Coiiitriviiitioiiiil church Norfolk Nobraaka yISS MARY SnELLEY Fashlonnhlo Dressmaker Up stiiirH In Cotton hlock ovnr Iiiumih store Fimt cluuti work ttniinuituoil Nebraska pOWERS HAYS Attorneys at Law Rooms 10 It mid ll Mnsthlock Norfolk - - Nebraska gESSIONS BELL Undertakers nnd Enihalnier Sessions Illk Norfolk Avo Norfolk - - Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgtoi Block Norfolk WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH GO TO W 0 Halls Barter Shop MAIN dT THIKI DOOfi EABT OF FOURTH PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you at Uhles the 5 pay ASK YOUR GROCER FOR foi Minute Breakfast Food rw m m OttTsaSf - ftli l un- 1 50 MILES ALONG TheColumbiaRiver By Daylight ---ON - The Chicago Portland Special Only Two Nights MAKING THETRIPMISSOURI RIVER TO PORTLAND For TickaU Time TuliltM aud full iufornu tiou call ou J W JUNEMAN Axout Lvo per can EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices on Grocorios with those of bis competi tors and thou use your judgment as to tho lost place to buy Host Stanton Flour per sock 80c Tomatoes per can 8 Peas por can 5c Corn por can 8c Java Codec boat por lb 15c Oat Meal por lb 2Jc Soap 10 bars 25c 1 v pound can Halting Powdor 20c Best Praties por lb 8o Blueing 4c Soda por lb 3JC atarcu por ID Crackers por lb Clothes Lines Mixed Candy per lb Pearlino por package Rice per lb Lamp Chimney 3C 4c c 7K 4c 7c 4c Wo naTo a big line or Tinware Uran itowaro aud Crockery which wo are selling vory cheap Wo also have a big Hue of fruit whioh wo are selling oheap All goods now and fresh B MEYERS KARO BROS Meats Sailsaoe Fish Game E erybotly wants tho best of meats We make a special effort to please the trade Our Shop is the Neatest in the City M C WALKER DEALER IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 3B B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suita miiilo to onlor ami in the latest atylo Re pairing neatlylne Shop on South Fourth St south ot Ilium Hro T WILLE City - Scavenger Water Closet and Cess Pools Cleaned AU work neatly ami promptly done according to City Ordinance No 217 Leivo order a at BraurichH coal olllco GRSEILER Sale and l Boardings Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Braasch Avenue and Third St on PHONE 44 L L REIVIBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wmk First door West of Post OtUce NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNQ E CRONK Manager All kluiU of miiclilum from a Uwu mower to a priutiuKiirniia ucciMsfully repaired Hot air utoini aud hot water luiatiiiK Special atten tion tflvmi to Boiler am KtiKiue KepiiriUK Opp IUbewalld Implemeut House NORFOLK NEBRASKA MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Hayes Jewelry Store - ALL ABOARD A familiar expression often heard in Norfolk Hotels xTHE PORTER Thus giving notice of each departing train is a friend of all travelors and other patrons of the hotels To Ali Concerned I will give free of charge a Fine Oak Cabinet Sewing Machine to the most popular Colored Porter of any Norfolk Hotel said popularity to be determined by the number of votes each one receives Contest Opens August 6 and Closes October 31 1900 Tickets may be found at my store and on the desks of tho Pacific and Oxnard Hotels The Ballot Box will be at o my store Each Monday evening the count will be pub lished in the Norfolk Daily News after having been de ll termined by the judges Postmaster P F Sprecher and urocer Uscar Uhle Sewing Machine on exhibition v inuow i ours tor Hie Sorters J D STURGEON i nc ivunuiK riano man Norfolk National in vr t niiunnrT Dmjh N A 1 ALKXANDEli BEAU Vioo Profllrtntit J 1 w n K W Bank HUUHULT4 URflUior ZUTZ Assistant Caaktar OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buya and Sella Exohange Interest Paid on Time Pepoalta Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Burona A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Bualneaa Transacted A BKAli F P HANLON DIEBOTOES F J HALE NA RAIN BOLT JOHN B HAYS W H F VBRQHd BUCHOLZ WM 88 COTTON S3SkSkSkS3SkS 4 WE HAVE RECEIVED AN ADVANCE SHIPMENT -OF THE- New MidSummer and Fall Outing Hats IN FELT AND OTHER MATERIAL AMONG THEM The Popular Ladysmith Mafeking Pretoria Del Norte And others ia a variety of colors and scarfs Please call and see them as they are Bright Fresh and Catchy You can always depend on finding here the dependable things in High Class Milliuery INSKEEPS MILLINERY GKElIIfcT Exclusive atjent ior the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE ttl Q A LUIKAUT Pbkhident CHAS 8 OBIDGE Vice Pbisident BABIES CRY FOR AND BREAD MADE FROM i C W BRAASCH DEALER IN fflCOAIi col the W H JOHNBON OAtmiBB W B BBAABUH Abst Casiiieb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Buy and soil exchange ou this country and all partA of Europe Farm Loans Director Jabl Ahmdh W H Johnson Cuah S Buidoe O W Duaabch Bwanu J A Lcikabt T F Meuhinqeb L Skhsionh O M WHEATLING BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary 1 I I C 1 K