i I J Our Line of Summer Footwears j Is Complete C See the Strap Slippers for Misses and Children Davenport Bros 3 DONT Think that ovurythiiu that ulistons UroIiI Move n clock until j mi hnro romoeil tho pumlulimi hall Turn n watch uliun jou wind it just turn tho koy or stum Clean mr sllwrwiiro with choap sritty or aciil prcpuatinn Let jour watch tun Iho or ten years without cleaning anil oilinu Huy choap spectacles They will soon ruin jour ejus Huy cheap platedwure lecauo it soon wears out ami jou hao to buy main Huy n rolleil platoil watch anil pay tho price of n hecatuo it lias a vauo miarau tea on it Forcot MAKQlAHDT tho NORFOLK JKW KLKH sells oniy the best kooiIa in hw lino Dont forgot our repairing dopartiiionl C F W MARQUARDT DR OF OPHTHALMOLOGY NORFOLK - NEBRASKA Of coarse you naturally Keep Your Eye on Our Show Window for the newest styles of Photo Mounts and latest in Medallions and Photo Nov cities Your likeness made to please you and your friends Have Your Pictures Framed where you can get mouldings suitable for them Finest assortment of Mat Board in the city Art Materials and amateur supplies Yours for business C P MICHAEL t NORFOLK t Steam Laundry Only First Class Laundry In Northeast Nebraska Every olTort made to please pitrous and Bivo satisfaction Latost improved ma- not satisfactory will bu ralaumlored free of elm wo if returned unworn ROUGH EDOES TAKEN OFF COLLARS Thompsons 5 Cash Grocery For Pure Cider Vinegar and Fancy Teas and Coffees Heinzes Preserves and Pickles The best of everything in our line THURSDAY TIDINGS The choir boys of Triuity Episcopal o auroh who have been camping at the Yellow Banks aro expected home today The guild of Triuity church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 30 with Mrs Dr Holden A good attendance is do sired us there is work to do It has been a loug time siuce such activity in the horse market m this part of the country has beeu sliowu The adimuls which a short time ago were considered scarcely worth their salt are now valuable and ready purchasors are found for auythlng otitltlod to bilong to tho equine family A small ilro was started this morning in soino packitig material at the coriior of W II Utahs plumbing shop A coaplo of pails of water put it out with out calling on the tiro department It Is said thnt Dr Uobort Nourao who will bo favorably remembered by Nor folk pooplo iu hta lecture on Dr Tekyl and Mr Hydo Is to campaign Ne braska iu tho interests of tho republi can ticket Miss Scliillno of Crelghtou who is visiting tho family of l Shulz was Hud douly taken nuito sick with an attack of typhoid fever Her parents camo down yostorday In response to a tolegram no tifying them of their daughters condi tion A new sldowalk is being built on tho east side of South Ninth streot opposito Dr Bears residence and the bidowalk on tho west sldo of Maniuardt block is being replaced with a now ono Thoso are improvements iu which all tho citi zens will rejoice A number of ladios woro very pleas antly entertained yesterday afternoon at a bathing and boating party at Tnfts grove Tho party was given by Mrs Louis Sessions and Mrs P P Sprochor iu honor of Miss Laura Bromo who is spending her vacation here Tuesday was the 30th wedding anni versary of Mr aud Mrs Martin Mach muller who livo ono mile west of tho sugar factory In tho evening they were surprised by a large nuuibor of friends all In attendance at tho celebra tion enjoying a very pleacaut time John B Herman of this city had a bid before tho commissioner of Indian affairs at Washington for tho erection of buildings aud improvements at tho Omaha aud Winnebago agency His bid for the work was iGS2 The dis patches do not announce tho awarding of the contract Bingling Bros advertising car No was in town today distributing tho in teresting literature of that aggregation It will be followed a week from today by the 01 monster cars of tho show Itself Riugling day will as always heretofore be tho signal for big crowds iu Norfolk and a general holiday time That fire bug at West Point is mak ing a magnificent record Very few days pass but that there are one or more fires reported from that city and consid erable damage has been done siuce his operations commenced Tho queer feature of the affair is that ho has not been apprehended as he must have worked very boldly and persistently The German Singing societies of Ne braska will hold their sixth annual festival atStautou August 17 18 aud 11 It is expected that the meeting will be largely attended by representatives of singing societies from nil parts of the state The location is especially con venient for Norfolk people and it is not doubted but that mauy will attend from here It is reported that several young ladies have formed a dancing school and that their favorite place for practicing the Terpsichoreau art is on the broad steps of the High school building It is suggested that the new walk in front of tho Marquardt block might be waxed and make a very excellent place for the practice It would be scarcely less public than the high school steps The town seems to be full of threshing machines and engines getting fitted out for the seasons work They come from far and near aud nearly every day ono or two can be seen steamed up and started for the territory they will work in The foundries are both quiet busy in this line of work which they are specially fitted to do as a large amount of the repairs necessary are castings which cannot be turned out by an ordi nary blacksmith or machinist Railroad men are particularly busy considering the season of the year It is early for stock aud grain shipments but considerable iu this lino is being done The old crop of grain is being carted to market to mako room for the new crop which will soon begin to come in while a number of feeders are getting rid of fat stock to make way for that now on the pasture It is understood that quite a number of green hands are being hired for braking and other rail road work Census enumerators meet with some queer things in the prosecution of their duties says the Seward Blade J J Hamlin the enumerator for J township informs us that he found one case where the wife of a farmer gave birth to five children iuside of one year She first gave birth to triplets but they all died inside of eighteen days She next gave birth to twins a few days less than a year from tho birth of the triplets If auy other county in the state can beat that we are ready to hear from it The growth of corn since the recent rains is perfectly astonisliing Fields which gave evideuce of giving less than half a crop a few weeks ago are now promising a magnificent yield It has been ideal corn weather The crop was at a practical standstill before the rains and iu mauy iustances was badly wilted but it is uow as vigorous as could be desired The prospects are excellent The harv st of small griu is about completed and the result are fur from THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 1000 discouraging and much better than wiw anticipated 1 W Edwards states that tho uso of his track north of his shop will bo open and free to horse owners every Tuesday or Kriday while bicyclists are at liberty to use It at any tlmo whou It Is not being used by horsomon Tho track Is In fluo condition and as Mr Ed wards lias boon at a considerable ox poiiso iu fitting it up he will bo glad If horse owners and cyclists will help him got his moneys worth out of it Ho makes a goodly otlor aud those Inter ested should certainly avail thomselvos of tho opporuuity afforded Uny tho son of Mr and Mrs C J Hibbon of South Norfolk whllo trying to brldlo their horso this morning was kicked by tho animal and his left arm broken The little fellows face was also badly cut Sur gical attendance did what it could for his comfort and recovery The animal Is not vicious by any means ami tho ac cident was either tho result of au effort to chase tho Hies or done iu play on tho horses part Mr Hibbon was In Long Pino but it was arraugod so that ho came In on the noon train Tho weekly crop bulletin frotnthonnl vorsity at Lincoln gives tho following as conditions In this aud neighboring counties Madison Ground In flue shape wheat aud oats light crop corn in good condition hay will bo short Stauton Harvest about finished stack ing iu progress corn much improved by Into rain earliest corn injured somo what by drought Wuyno Postures and com benefited by rain corn prom ises a big crop whoat and oats full ttv erago crop Antelope Whoat fair to good some through cutting others just beginning early corn injured by drought late corn iu good condition A pair of snide photographors got iu thoir work on Fremont pooplo last woek Thoy advertised at very low prices and displayed ouie oxcellont photographs which they had borrowod for the occa sion They attracted a largo string of suckers who posed before a camera con taining uo negative Tho fellows de manded part payment iu advance and Saturday was a particularly good day for suckers iu Fremont their receipts being estimated at 200 They departed lato Saturday night promising somo of their vicHtns to Bend their pictures to them It was a groat scheme and somo persons received valuable lessons on patronizing home institutions Miss Grace Spear entertained a large number of young friends at tho Oxuard yestorday afternoon iu honor of Miss Florence Kramer and Miss Eloiso Roen of Columbus Tho time was pleasantly taken up with music tho sculpture gnme and other amusements At six oclock the guests repaired to tho par lors whero tables tastily decorated with ferns and cut flowers aud laden with de licious refreshments awaited them Of course the girls had a delightful time Thoso present were Misses Louise lies Louise Weills Heleu Bridge Josophiue Butterfield CoraLuikart Ethol Hartley Ethel Campbell Opal Madseu Jessio Drebert Florence and Mabel Estabrook Emma Parker Rosella Cole Louiso Whipps and May Somers DrugStorea Clone Suiiliiyn We the uudersigued druggists of Norfolk agree to close our respective places of business from 12 50 p m to 30 p m on each Sunday commenc ing July 29 1900 except to fill physi cians prescriptions A H Kiesau Asa K Leonard Geo B CiiRinTOiw F A Bkyant 1 KOENIOSTON J L Hershkiskk There is no coffee so rich so strong so good as Mellowrich Norfolk Cash storo solo agents Riugling Bros aquarium which is oue of mauy features iu tho zoological display of the Worlds Greatest Shows comprises a wondorfully complete col lection of hippopotami sea lions seals Polar bears and other water-frequenting animals together with a superb display of water fowl including scores of pelicans storks and flamiugoes and wild game This is the most uovol dis play of the kiud ever inaugurated aud is entirely original with this great show Salted peanuts at Parishs Wall paper at Ohnstophs Hallway Farm Iaiidn For Hale In northern Wisconsin the Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for sale at low rates and easy terms of payment about -100000 acres of choice farm lauds Early buyers will secure the advautage of locatious on the ninuy beautiful streams aud lakes which abound with fish and furnish a nevr ending aud most excellent water supply both for family use nud for stock Laud is generally well timbered the soil fertile aud easy of cultivation Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Miune apolis Duluth Superior Ashland and numerous other thriving cities aud towus on the Hue of the 0 St P M O railway aud other railroads in the same territory furnish good markets for farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bkll Land OomuiUnoner Hudson Wis or G H McRae A G P A St Paul Minn PERSONAL 1 0 Stltt had business iu Stanton today Judge Cones of Ilorco was a city vis itor yesterday K M Norton was a busluom visitor yostorday to Pierce E A Bullock has gone on one of his frequent visits to Sioux City Miss Griswold of Docatur III ta visiting with her aunt Mrs N Davis W O Hall has ratnrnod from a trip to Neligh bringing with him a duo horse Mrs Newman ot Stanton is visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs V A Moldeuhauer C 15 Hutton nianagor of tho Ilorco milling company was iu the city yes terday on business General Manager Howo ot tho Ameri can Hoot Sugar company is expected here tonight to look after tho welfare of tho Norfolk factory Mrs J W Gibson aud daughter Lota departed on tho early train this morn ing for Minneapolis Minn They will visit about a mouth iu various Minne sota towns U H Dietrich of Hastings republi can candidate for governor is expected here Saturday night to consult with Madisou county politicians aud meet now friends Corn and oats for Hale at Salters olovator Ice cream and cake for 10 cents at tho sociable on tho Mothodlst church lawn tomorrow ovonlng Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs Younger on tho Heights FurinliiK I Colorado and Now Mnxlio Tlio Denver it Uio Grande railroad Tho Scenic Lino of tho World has propared au illustrated book upon the above subject which will bo sont free to farmers doHiringtoohaugo their location This publication gives valuable informa tion in regard to tho agricultural horti cultural ami livo stock interests of this section aud should bo iu the hands of overyono who desires to become uc quuiutod with tho methods of farming by irrigation Writo S K Hoopor G P T A Denver Colo Drink Mellowrich coffee Dr Frank Salter Diseases of children Lost A small black ninro with a sor rel colt Return to Setters barn Farm aud city loans TlIK DUHLAND TttUST 00 Cheap Kxrtimlon to Dulutli The 0 St P M O railway has arraugod another cheap excursion to Duluth and Superior Special trains will leave Sioux City ou tho 2th aud return Sunday July 29th The train will leave Sioux City at 0 80 a m on tho 27th and returning will loavo Duluth at 4 p in on tho 29th und St Paul at 7 a m ou the JSOth Tho rate is extremely low being 5 for tho round trip from Sioux City This arrange ment will give nearly two days time at points of interest on the Great Lakes Steamer excursions have beeu provided for Saturday aud Sunday at 25 and 50 cents for the trips Passengers who contemplate taking tho trip should apply for tickets early so that ample accomoda tions may bo provided Further partic ulars may be learned by applying to P W Juuemau Agent Tim Uoatlmr Conditions of tho weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 81 Minimum temperature 51 Average 07 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for mouth 4 04 Barometer 29 58 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight Friday fair except showers we3t portion Warmer tonight Sturgeon is the piauo man Wanted An industrial teacher to teach cooking and dining room work One capable aud willing to do good plain cooking Apply by letter in own hand writing for 10 days J F Kinney jr Principal St Marys Mission School Rosebud S D John W Evans and sou the old reli able tuuers aro in our town Those needing work iu thtaaliuo will do well to leave word at tho Oxuard as their time is limited Houses for sale T E Odiobsk We mako loaus ou real estate at lowest rates Elkhoru Building aud Savings association T E Odiorse Sec A G Bohnert has been appointed sole agent for the celebrated Mellowrich roasted coffee For a Summer Outing The Rocky Mouutain regious reached via the Union Pacific provide lavishly for the health of the invalid and the pleasure of the tourist Amid tbene rugged steeps are to be found some of tho most charming aud restful spots ou earth Fairy lakes nestled amid suuuy peaks aud climate that cheers aud ex hilarates The summer excursion rates put in effect by the Union Paciflo enable you to reach these favored localities without uuuecessary expenditure of time or money Iu effect Juue 21 July 7 to 10 iuo July 18 and August 3 One faro plus lltiO for tho touud trip torn Missouri river to Denver Colorado Hpiings Pueblo Ogdou and Salt Lako City Return limit Ootuhir Mist 1100 For time tables and full information call ou P W Juiinmau Agent A Mountain Tourlnl In smirch of grand and bountiful scenery finds such a profusion of riches iu Colorado that before planning a trip it will be well for you to gain all the in formation polbto Tho Denver it Rio Graudo railroad publishes a Horios of useful illustrated pamphlets all of which may be obtained by writing H K Hoopor General Passenger and Ticket Agont Denver Colo F K X M V It It Fmlonii To Dead wood Hot Springs and Rapid City 4 D Casper Wyo Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo and tlleu wood Colorado Halt Lake City and Ogdou Utah on Aug 2 Excursion to Hot Springs H D Inly 21 28 and Aug U 7 and 21 To Lincoln Neb account Epwortli League ou Inly 10 to Aug 9 To Long Pine Neb account Chau tauqua iiMsembloy ou Aug 2 to 111 To Chicago account national G A R encampment on Aug 21 to 27 Mid road Populist graud barbecue and basket picnic at Syndicate Park South Omaha and dollar dinner at Washing ton hall Omaha ou Wednesday Aug ust 18th Excursion tickets will be sold at one faro for the round trip ou August 18th good returning until August 19th Will be glad to furnish particulars of above cheap ovursions to all interested II C M tuai Agent L L kEMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Mvers Force unr1 Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wmk First tlo ir West of Post Office GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Braaach Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 Summer Excursions VIA rjj2s44rfjg m B rv H CT0rlV Tho Union Paciflic will nlaco in effect on June 2ITuly 7 to 10 inc July 18 aud August 2ud Summer Excursion rates of OSE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP plus 200 from Kansas aud Nebraska points TO Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City Tickets Good for Return Until October list For Time Tables aud full information address F W JUNEMAN Agent For Pluttiljiuu v Sterji Fitting Imijk Tasks Wind Mills Ami nil wor in this Inn call ou W H RISH StitUfictiou Quarauteeil First door Soutli of The Til News Otllcfl T WILLE City - Scavenger Water C Diets and Cess Pools Cleaned All orl mmtly ami jiroimitl iluini nccor luuj to fit Oriliniiico No 21i IOOO unlora at Hraibcli o coal otlico WilEX VOL WANT A J00I SHAVE or BATH W 0 Hairs Baito Shop MAIN 6V TU1UO DOOH BAbT OF FOUHTII B MEYERS Invites you to Compare Prices on Groceries with thow of Ills cnniMti torn nud then use your judgment tut to tho best place to buy Host Stauton Flour por sack 80c Tomatoes per can j Poiw pur can fto Corn per can flc lava Coffee best per lb 15o Oat Meal per lb 2J0 Hoap 10 bars 2fio I iKiund can Halting Powder 20c Host Prunes per lb Ho Hliielng c Soda per lb o Starch per lb jjio fhuokors por lb 7Uq Clothes Lines flo Lye per can q Mixed Candy per lb 7c 1imrlluo nor package 4a Rice per ill 7o Lamp Chimney 4q We have a big line of Tinware Iran Itowaro aud Crockery which wo aro selling very cheap Wo also have a big lino of fruit which we are selling cheap All goods new nud fresh B MEYERS PURE GROCERIES Aro essential to health UHLE handles only pure roeeriuH free from adulteration and sells them at- FAIR PRICES Yon iicl what yon pay for at UhleV KARO BROS 1W Moflr Q lUL0 j sausage Fish Game Everybody wants the best of meats We make a special effort to please the trade Our Shop is the Neatest in the City THE North Western LINE F E Ifl V R R Is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager All Iciml t or mncluniM from a Uwn niownr to n limiting pro ropiirui lloLnlr oloiim mil hot witur Iimuihu Spi cUl utluu tioii civmi to Iloilur ami Ktuitit Hopuriiu 0i Ilibowalki Impluniuul Homy NORFOLK TELEPHONE NEBRASKA M C WALKER DEALER IN FLOUR FEEZ Oil and Gasoline NO 33 B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits iiiaild to onler ami iu tho latent stylo Ho luiriiu uoitl ilono Shop on South Fourth St a juthof Ilium Dros MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Haves Jewelry Store