t Theflottfolkfletjas Tho fusloiilMs woo 1 mldnnd movement uhugor bogy limn thoy l ovor hopu to pronto Tho entire rountiy wna glad to hoar thru Minister Conger in Hnl nlivu und Mncoroly hopes tlmt no linrin ntuy bofull him It would hi both novel and intoroattng lo have tho fuslonlstrt givo some mnind and consistent reasons ns to why Brynn should bo supported by tho laboring nmn and tUo fnnnor Secretary of Stnto Porter tltiiilcH tho lnld rondors will poll nt lonst 10000 votes in Nebraska this full Tlmt In a protty fnir start for n party tlmt 1ms been almost annihilated by fusion Tho fusionists sounied to lmvo lioon HUtVeriiiK unnecessary Hpiiflum about tho mid road movoniont Tho populists lmvo gone right ahoml und niunod a full Htato ticket without thoir aid or consent Kx Congrossmnn Howard of Alabama is to stump Nebraska tor tno Hirnigni populist causp in Hoptoinber Mr Howard has tho reputation of being a llrsl class talker and will undoubtedly draw good crowds Judge Strode at Mucoln on Saturday evening ipiotod IW prophecies in Bryans First Buttle thathavo proven utterly falso in tho light of rocont ovonts 1 low many the Second Battle will contian deponent rofuses to state As an imperialist Ool Bryan is hard to beat There are few men who havo na willing slaves as he All ho has to do is to state that tho moon is mailo of grocn cheese and thoro are thousands to tako up and re echo the statement Bryans First Buttle coinpllmonts Wharton Barker populist candidate for president very handsomely Ho now wishes ho had novor said it any way his supporters in tins state are vig orously roasting Mr Marker and all his works Senator Allen is a fair sample of tho fusion populist He is populist in name but ho h continually favoring tho demo crats with his influence and support and has thus been successsful in gottiug olllees to which a truo populist neod not aspire After the votes aro counted in Nov omber Mr Brynn will be wondering where all tho truo patriots of tho country aro He classes all tho truo patriots as supporting him and will likely bo disappointed that thoro aroso fow in the country It is said tlmt five fanners from ouo township in Kansas aro attending the Paris exposition They will probably return homo in tlmo to rogistcr their voto in favor of somo ntoro democrat ic hard times so that they caunot on joy these plutocratic pleasures Tho fusionists claim they aro tho only real supporters of tho constitution all others aro spurious Tlioy aro also quot ing quite froely from tho Biblo and may bo expected at any time to inako it a campaign instrument Democratic hypocrisy and presumptiou appoars to have no limits On page 01 of Bryans First Buttlo ho says If wo havo a gold standard prices aro as certam to fall as the stouo Which is thrown into tho air Perhaps tho stone might might stay in tho air This seoms to bo tho only possible cir cumstance by which Mr Bryan may get out on tho prophooy William J Curtis member of tho democratic national committeo says Tho platform adopted and tho candi dates nominated nt Kausas City show that tho democratic party under its present management no longer presents any attractions to the men who havo al ways believed in souud democratic prin ciples If wo lose says Mr Bryan with an endeavor to sustain his enviable repu tation as a false prophet aud nu utter disregard of the ridiculousness of the Ktatement celebrations of Jthp Fourth of J uly will pass away Tho chances uro good that wo will loso aud tho chauces are equally good that tho Fourth uf July will ha celebrated when Mr Bryan is entirely forgotten It is reported tlmt a fusiou speaker iu South Dakota Marted in to laud the Fdipiuos ns patriots and condemn tho Americau soldiers as butchers but did not finish his address There were superior attractions olsowhere and ho took to his heels pursued by somo mom bers of tho South Dakota regiment who saw service iu the Philippines Ouo of his pursuers carried a rope It is evident that many gold bug democrats and newspapers were pre paring to endorse Bryan and his other fallucies providing lie would forego tho pleasure of discussing free silver and omit it from his platform but ho wouldnt and tho support couuted on has uot beeu forthcoming except in a very few iustances nud that will be worso thau half hearted Not ouly has this happeued but many populist votes have been lost because Towue was not endorsed It was a disastrous straddle V and tho fusion cause Is gonornlly eon sidcred to bo in much worso eoniiition than in isim KuMniilsts are promiscuous with their ollir of reward against tho miil road cause K O Krolslnger of Beatrice wanted lo pay 10 rowotd for every Ciiigo county populist who wont to tho Criind Island convention The Gngo county delegation consisted of Vi and tho gontlomnn Is out 150 If his word is good Hut of course he was just ex orcising tho fusion prerogative of talk ing through his hat The I Stanton Register eomolos Itself with tho thought that tho populists have been supporting tho republican ticket and it Is therefore tho republicans that will lose by tho independent niovoment This is truo to a certain extent but thoro are other populists who are dissat isfied with the fusion greed for ollleo who have been supporting that ticket and will welcome the chauco of breaking away from the fusion coinbluo K Kllory Anderson a strong eastern democrat says No man who values his honor or that of his country could think for a moment of submitting to tho oranks who call thomsolvos demo crats Personally although I havo voted tho regular democratio ticket every yoar since IS5I with tho exception of I8M when I voted for Palmer and Buck nor I shall certainly cast my voto for Mo Kinky nud Itoosovelt In November How very grateful tho democrats aro Hero the populists lmvo been assisting them for years in securing tho fattest olllces In tho gift of tho state with noth ing but a pat on tho shoulder for en couragoment But now that they have resolved to havo a party of their o u they aro mercouarles bribe takers poltroons cowards and everything ineau Wo should suppose that their party would bo pleasod to got rid of them instead of kicking so like sin It is said that tho German born citi zens of tho United Statos will bo induced to voto for dishonest money and the froo coinage of silver at lit to 1 lu 1100 by disguising tho monetary issue as a bogy of militarism In fact all foreigu born voters aro to bo coerced into Bryanarohy by scaring thorn with mon arohy But it is diillcult to distinguish tho difference between tho ouo man power of monarchy in Germany and the ono man power of Bryanarchy in tho Kausas City convention Conserva tive At Boomer a fow democrats wanted to ratify tho action of the Kausas City con vention and wont to tho blacksmith for nu anvil Ho was formerly a staunch Bryan mau but this year ho luformed his former partisans that ho was entirely through witli Bryan aud his vagaries and would not allow his anvil to utter n sound against McKiuley prosperity aud tho ratitiors woro compelled to purchase oanuou crackers from another McKiuley mau who formerly supported Brynn It will tako a mighty large and well con structed bugaboo to cause voters to sacrifice what thoy know to bo a good thing by voting for Bryan The White Lake S D Wave finds quiet a sameness In tho fusion ticket which it disclosos as follows The Sioux Falls Press of tho tilth contains a lengthy editorial headed The Samo Bryan You bet Samo old ticket samo old boss samo old platform iniuus cross samo old powder same old gun same old yndding steeu to ouo same old kickers samo old growl same old nuti Hamm howl samo old issues nothing now same old lies to help em through samo old talkers samo old josh samo old brand of campaign slosh samo old voters bless their souls same old trouncing at the polls Mi Bryans alliance with Tammany hall aud all its rotteuess and corruption tho druukeu debauch of tho Massachu setts delegation aud the open recogni tion of Ciaik of Moutaua by the Kansas City convention are a few of tho things that will cause respectable people to hesitate about giviug bun support Mr Bryan may be all right himself but he seeuis to bo training with mighty ques tionable company Tno wearing of a 11 -van badge by one of tho street fakirs on i he occasion of Campbell Bros show in Norfolk was illy advised ou his part Bryau was not to blamo for it but there j aro few who would desire to follow the lead of a street fakir It seems that tho populists are not tho ouly oues to be lost to the fusiou move ment this fall The silver republicans are becoming tired of the combine aud many of them threaten to withdraw ou ouo pretext or another Charles Woos ter of tho Silver Creek Times who has been one of the main supports of the silver republican movemeut said iu a recent issue of his paper When Tom Majors was a candidate for governor some years ago ou the republican ticket the writer refused to support him aud has never regretted it But if there is one good reason why he should bolt Mujors there are ten good reasons why he should bolt Poyuter Miuy people were iuclined to believe the statements of the fusiouists that they had uothiug to fear from the popu lists but no v comes Chairman Edmisten of the peoples iudepeudeutpartvaud files with tho secretary of stato an objection 1HE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 20 1000 to the uso of tho word populist on the ballot uthough It has never been used by his or any other party It is apparent that tho fusionists atonot only frightened but that they will mako every effort to crowd them out discredit them and do everything possible to their ml vantage Tho fusionists shouldnt have made their bluff so soon that they had nothing to fear from tho midroaders Their actions hollo tho statement Tho Blair Pilot gives a good and suf flcent reason why populists should con tinue to aid tho democrat For Bryans sake in tho following Wayno county tlvo years ago had about 500 populist voters and 100 democratic voters Since that time fusion has existed and at tho present tlmo thoro are about S0l populist voters lu the county and at tho last county eloctlou tho democrats voted largely with tho republicans on every olllco whoro a populist was the nominee and as a result ovory pop was turned down and his place Hied by a republican A prominent demo crat remarked at tho tlmo to ouo of tho republican odltors Well you fellows got tho olllcos but wo got the bide of overy pop on tho tlckot while you woro getting them 1 II Ednilston of tho fusion popu lists advises his lieutenant to spy on tho populists nud discover If thoro be not something iu their actions which might bo used as campaign material Ho expresses fear that thoy might uso passes whou this Is solely a privilege which should acruo to tho fusionists and their roform stato otllcers Members of any other party who dare encroach on their pasteboard rights will bo roughly handled boyoud a doubt Mr Kdmiston rtlsp says I am anxious which Is probably true beyond question Ho fears tho success of tho movement and no pains or paste boards will bo spared by tho faithful to discredit tho convention nud its deliber ations Ho does not seem to be fearful that the olllco holders and pie biters will help to swell tho crowd Their duty was perfonnod at the three ringed circus Judge Frank Irviuo of Lincoln who in IS I was a candidate for supremo judgo and Is ouo of tho leadiug demo crats of the stnto strolled into republi can headquarters at Omaha after tho Kansas City convention clasped Chair mau Liudsay by tho hand and said Well sir I think this is the first time m my me tuat i could wane into repuu lican headquarters without a guilty feeling aud tho fear that somo of my political friends weru watching mo But now air I can say truly that I am nt home hero I am now a full fledged republican aud Im glad of it I have been born again If I have had any last lingering doubts that I was a re publican they havo been all swept away by tho late so called democratic conven tion when it allowed Mr Bryau to dic tate a 10 to 1 plank in the platform clearly In opposition to the will of fully two thirds of the delegates I will not say that I am In full accord with all the tenets of tho republican platform but ouo plauk or declaration appeals very strongly to mo aud that is tho one which clearly decisively aud boldly de clares that tho democratic party Is not capable of govorniug thill great country I am in hearty accord with this declara tion aud the history of the party proves It to bo correct Every time tho party has had hold of tho reigns of govern ment it has made a botch of It and a signal failure I am tired of Jit aud hereafter you will find me on the side of good government honest money nud prosperity A fusiou paper says lu speaking of the Chinese situation Oh that this nation had followed Washingtons advice to Avoid all entaugllug alliauces with foreign powers This nation has uover avoided entangling alliances Under Washington himself it got into au entaugliug alliauco with Great Britain which resulted in freedom from her rule left the colonies vlotorious aud England the worse for tho wear Iu Us 12 she got into another entangling alliauco with the samo power aud agalu sustained her rights In 1S4S there wa9 au eutangling alliauco with Mexico to emphasize the right of our people to life liberty aud tho pursuit of happluess Recoutly wo proved to Spalu that she couldnt blow up our ships aud kill our sailor lads with impu nity It was au eutaugllng alliauco that Spain wished she had never become tangled iu China will get into an eu taugllng alliauco with this couutry ns loug as our couutrymeu aud representa tives ueod protection from the assaults of fanatics aud if there is any other couutry or people that think they cau deliberately kill American citizeus at pleasure they will probably get iuto an eutaugliug alliauco if they do not make reparation That editor himself would be very proud of the fact that he had this government standing behind him and affordiug him protectiou aud rights if he weut abroad If we cant enforce our right to live aud have repre sentatives iu any couutryou the face of tho globe it Is time we ceased as a nation aud became a province or a territory or dependency or else tell our peonle to stay at home and not risk their lives from every fauatio or savage by goiug beyoud the borders of the states while the nation plays tho coward act Bryan is to be notified of his nomina tion nt Kansas Glty and Sioux Palls August Hth nt Indianapolis lud How surprised ho will bu Tho man with tho senatorial boo buzz ing In his bonnet is still hoping that wo will got togothor Ho Is en deavoring to dilvo n stubborn team with veiy poor success Bryau does not think a war record is essential to success becauso ho didnt establish ouo Had ho been in Teddys place nt San Juan what a uolso there would bo about it Tho Now York Timos says that lu his whole publlo career Mr MoKlnloy has never put on such Imperial fashions nor has tho countryovor seen a more coinploto dictatorship than that which Bryan practiced at tho Kausas City con veutlon Somo of tho fusion populist sheets continue to carry Charlos A Towuo at the hoadof their columns but their editorial mattor is usod to diroct atten tion to Stovonsons popullstlo rocord which shows their willluguoss to sacri fice all principles aud support whoovor Dictator Bryau may favor If the fusionists Insist ou classing all populists who havo for the past year or two beeu voting tho republican tlckot as ropublicaus of courso the mid road or ganization is composed of quite a sprink ling of republicans They shouldnt be classed as republicans however as they were consistent populists until the fuslou deal got too utterly rotten for thorn Secretary of State Porter concedes to tho populists 10000 votes this fall This will be an army not as insignificant ns Mr Porters com patriots would lead tho people to believe They havo been arguing that there are no straight populists aud even these aro republicans Mr Porter has a sting of iugratitudo coming from Domiuator Bryan A man who wont support tho fusion combine for Bryans sake is too de praved for auythlug Notice the meau things said about the populists because they havp asserted their independence Tliev were good fellows all right as long as they were content to vote at the dic tation of tho bosses but their etlort to establish a party of their own is de plorable There is no prosperity Nearly eveiy fusion exchange aud orator says so aud it must bo truo The streets are full of men seekiug work while their families are starving No money is to be had for work or love Merchants are closing their doors for lack of business Free soup is served at the corners and things are generally going to rack and ruin Sad condition isnt it ult It was but a short time ago that tho silverites would throw a fit every time a gold bug would assert that the free silver issue was dead and they have proved its right to life by inserting it couspiciuosly iu their platform at Kansas-City Now they evidently wish it was dead but Bryau insisted it was alive and Bryau dominated the convention He made his platform aud must bo ex pected to staud ou it President McKinley to the Committee ou Notification The republican party was dedicated to freedom 44 years ago It has been the party of liberty and emancipation from that hour not of profession but of performauce It broke the 6hackles of four million slaves aud mado them free aud to tho party of Liiucom has como another supreme op portunity which it has bravely met in the liberation of 10000000 of tho human family from the yoke of imperialism If anything would cause us to quit supportiug McKiuley aud auuounce our allegiance to Wharton Barker it would be to havo tho president dress iu overalls a coarse shirt cow hido boots aud a broad brimmed straw hat and pose for his picture He would be the laugh iug stock of the country aud the farmer would be the first to recognize how ridiculous he was A genuine farmer is one of Gods noblest creations but the spurious is more to be despised thau a lead dollar Wuilo the World Herald is urging the fusiouists to get together with their votes it might also urge them to got to gethor lu regard to issues On tin pros perity question especially there appears to be a wide divergence of opinion There is uo prosperity prosperity is waning prosperity is tho gift of God the trusts are getting all the prosperity are a few of the mauy ways of explaining it It is essential that those who are goiug to save the country should get together not only so they may present a solid front to the enemy but that the enemy may be able to locate them The Fullertou News says Obair man Joues is out in a signed statement predicting the election of Bryan aud Stevenson The great trouble with Jones is that his predicting department is in better workiug order thau his vote getting department It will be recalled that this is the same Jones who sent out telegrams two days after election in 1SU0 that Michigan Indiana and Iowa had gone democratio thereby causing divers and sundry Bryaultos to get soparated from somo of their coin Even tho wily editor of tho democrgtio organ iu Fullertou got caught ou Jones fake claim for a ten spot To tho comment of tho indiaunpolls News that tho populists control In Ne braska aud that thoro Is no democratic party In tho stato tho World Horald says that appearances aro often decep tive This is a candid acknowledg ment Tho populists aro to bo allowed to think that thoy aro In control but after eloctlou whou it couios to dishing out tho plo It will bo tho democrats who aro sorvod first Tho caudldntos for stato olllco aro to bo called populists but down under tho grimo there will havo to bo but a scratch to show a dom crat and one who will favor democratic aspirants and principles It is au old trick but will deceive no one this year Mr Bryans most recent uttoranco Is very sousiblo Indeed and is in great con trast with tho demagogy ho usually has ou tap It Is iu regard to the Ohiuose situation and will go a long ways to ward throwing the question oat of tho field of politics iu which it certainly has no placo Ho says Everyone be lieves that it is tho duty of our govern ment to protect the lives aud property of American citizens residing in China and I havo no doubt that the administra tion will do bo This opinion is rathor sevoro on somo of the little fusion shoots that have endeavored to make political capital out of tho situation and see iu the administrations efforts a further ad vance toward imperialism James II Eckles comptroller of tho curraucy under President Cleveland ex presses the following opinion regnrdiug Mr Bryans nlliauco with Tammany hall New York Heretofore demo cratic presidential candidates have gained public respect and strength by having the opeii eumity of Tammany Mr Bryan who moro thau auy of them has boasted of his staud for priuciplo and his Integrity of character has done what Mr Seymour Mr Tilden and Mr Clevelaud would uot do He has formed an opou alliauco offeusive and defensive with Tammauy and that too at a time when that organization is kuown to be thoroughly corrupt aud a constant men ace to all the best interests of good government Tho extent of the Christian religion in Ohiua is little realized by the ma jority of tho people of this couutry who are now learning many uew facts about the empire Tho first move toward christianizing the Chinese nation is said to have been made iu 128 when the Jehuite3 cuterec that couutry The Catholics aro uow by far the most powerfully orgnuized christian body iu the celestial kingdom a writer stating that they now have lu that couutry twenty three bishop vicars 39150 churches and chapels 759 European priests 40 Chinese priests 4 semin aries 3113 schools orphanages aud hospitals aud a Catholic population of over 1230000 people The protestaut churches of America did uot begiu their work in Chiua until after the treaty of 1800 but have many churches schools aud orphanages aud thousands of men and women have devoted their lives to tho work There is an old saying Womans work is U6ver done meauiug that the housekeeper has to perform almost the same identical duties day afterday and that it is impossible to escape from those duties There is another class who tiua themselves in about tho same boat aud that is the persons who week after week lay before you the news of the world the newspaper people The same old path is troddeu day after day weok after week from oue years end to the other The news is gathered the type is set the forms made up tho presses grind out the pap3rs then back iuto tho cases go tho type aud tho same monotonous grind that brought forth tho previous Issue is kept up It is a busiuess that requires a uever ceasing vigilauco While others rost from the maddening cares of life they expect the uewspaper mau to be just as alert just as keen scented and tireless iu procuring for their beuefit au ac count of overy passing event There cau bo uo let up no resting wheu weary The steru law of necessity is forever driving relentlessly on and it is little wonder that men become pre maturely nged aud broken down Wayne Republicau Olc on Iolitie t Ay ben uot gote onuy silver mine uud ay tauk ay not vote for Bill Brain Bill Braiu ha say fort Yuly ha baue goiu oot stile Ay bate ha bane talk by his hat McKiuley ha baue purt goot faller Ha make me work all tern but ay get money all torn too Ay uot laik to brake oop China Ma vife she kack laik hal uud maik ma put pieces togedder gain Das mau Daatrook ha baue Dutch maybe but ay like heetn purt good Hi know Sveuskie faller Ay not laik free soop purt goot Fuse faller ha give free beer iu kampaue uud free soop after Braiu ha baue looted Das fuse faller ha baue have purt hard time to stick togedder Ha got oue leg on sidewalk aud oue iu middle roie uud ha baue purt near schplit oop 0 m FROM CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING m f JH R Pit E c f ST LOUIS A gcnuincWdo Silver Stcet String for your Violin Mandolin lultnr or Banjo wilt be sent absolutely free to any address on receipt of n 2 cent postage stamp for return postage GREAT REDUCTION IN MANDOLINS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Ourriandollns nrc guaranteed to bo Absolutely true In tlic Scales perfect workmanship and correct adjustment of strings Our 195 Walo Mandolin reduced from 300 Is Walnut and Maple tl ribs neatly finished Inlaid soundhole rosewood fluer loard position dots American patent head FRCG with every Mandolin an oxtra sot ot Strings and a valuable Self Instructor Our 345 Walo Mandolin reduced from 1500 Is Oalc and Maple 13 ribs fancy Inlaid soundhole ccllulold bound odgc ebony trimmings position dots American pat cnt head und Unc finish Our 495 Walo Mandolin reduced from J700 Is solid Rosewood 13 ribs highly finished edges Inlaid with fancy colored wood purfllng bound with celluloid ebontzed 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for tho Pacific Coast Tliajjimited from Chicago every oven iui connects on Mondays mid Thursdays at New Orleans after December IS ls99 with tho SUNSET LIMITED of tho Southorn Pacific siviiiR special til rough servico to San Francisco CL O RID VIA H NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH Double daily SFRVIPF ice is maintained out of St- Louis via tho cou Illinois Central and connectlinr lines to Nashvillellinttanoo ga and Atlanta thro LlnilM11 I n Iifll sourillc Florida being carried on the DIXIE FLYER leaving St Louis ovory evening This train iib well as the Day Express leaving St Louis iu the morning aro both solid trains to Nashville having through coaches and sleeping cars run ning through Martin Tumi aud tho N C A St L Ky Connection via this lino for all princi pal points in the Southeast such as Charleston Wilmington Aikiu and Savannah and for all points in Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago to Memphis and New Or leans HOMESKEKKHS EXCURSIONS to certain points iu the South on the lines of tho Illinois Central and V fc M V railroads will bo run on the first aud third Tuesday of each month dur ing the winter season Full particulars concerning all of tho nbovo can bo had of agents of tlio Illinois Central or by addressing A H Hanson U P A Chicago Free ecllning Ghalr Gars on all Tr QUICK SERVICE CLOSE C0NWECTI0SS IWO DAILY FAST TKAINS EACH WAY v BETWEEN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connection to all South em and Eastern points Unexcelled time nnd accommodationa to tho Famous HotSorines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE pardtcTiiitrtsiJaf0rmal0ae6cfitI J 0 IHILLUlI WC BAKNES AG F aud P A p I A Southeast Cor lltu and Douglansti OMAHA NEBHASKA s