FRIDAY FACTS J V Hansom vnn a Slonx Oily vis Aot yestirdny Bruno Hanson of Tilden Is lit tho city vlfiltlnp ft lends 1 D Hall tho WorliMIornlilinnn is tin Onmhn ioitur Mrs Hoyor was a city visitor yester day from Unttlo Creek MIsb Delia RcavlR of Unttlo Creek 1h visiting Norfolk frlondB August Molchrr was a pnsHonger for J lot Springs S 1 last night MIbb Eva Dolen returned today from i two wcckH islt with frirndfl In Humphrey Mrs 0 S Dridgo and daughter MIbb Mellio hvo gone to Fremont to visit ro IniivtH and friends Harry Mendonhnll of this city won out in both tho egg potato racoH at AlndiMin Widni Bday Another splendid shower of rnin foil lust night and thu luariiiK iimllty of tho rorn i rapidly Improving Mrs Walton and daughtor of Lincoln hit expected hero next week to vlHlt at tho homo of W 11 Bridge Miss Elncr Shaw who haH boon visit ing MIsh Jessie Bridgo has rotnrncd to her homo in Woascr Idaho MIbb Margaret Morrow ifl ontortninitiK u company of ladioB thlw afternoon in honor of her frloud MIbb Soabury T II Tracy of Milford and MrH Win Baldwin of Rlpon Win aro in tho city visitiug their son and brother E II Tracy Tho building of Burt Mapcfl injured ly tho Mitchell fire in bolng thoroughly jopaired and placed in Hhapo for another tcnuut Two wagouotto loads of young pooplo from tho city enjoyed tho weekly enter tainment at the hospital for tho iiiBano last evening MrB W O Toliver and MIsh Thatcher huvb returned to their homcHiu Laurel after a pleasant visit of a few days with Norfolk friends Hinglings car No 2 was in tho city today replacing tho bills destroyed dur liig tho late storm and distributing othor advertising matter Dr and Mrs Frauk Salter Claranco Salter and their cousin Miss Powers of Canada went to Long Pino this morn ing for an outing of n few days Earl Sidler ontertaiued a uniuhor of his associates at n party last evening at tho homo of his parents Mr and Mrs J F Sidler on South Eighth htreot It was reported hero that tho mill dam at Pierco had gouo out on account of tho high water hut investigation roveals that thero is no foundation for the rumor A gang of lit railroad laborers passed through tho city today on their way lrom Minneapolis Minn to Green River Wyoming where they will find employment It is said that thero will bo littlo chicken shooting for law abiding sports men unless tho ravages of tho pot hunters aro stopped They aro quite hold in their outtages Tho Industrial storo of tho Congrega tional ladies is being removed lrom tho htoro room in tho Kiokards block to inako way for ico cream parlois to bo opeucd soon by Mr Van Horn Thero was an enjoyable danco in jinilway kail of South Norfolk last vveuing iu which a number of tho young peoplo participated Tho music was a violin and harp combination While it is probable that some of tho fields of small grain will bo disappoint ing Jin their yield Wui Waguor reports lhat ho hasnt had such an excellent crop of wheat on his place in ten years Yesterday was Wairon Beelers 11th birthday and he celebrated tho occasion by entertaining a party of alout 20 youthful friends yesterday afternoon lietween the hours of 2 aud fi oclock They had n good time Georgo Stalcop and his gang of helpers aro engaged m laisiug the shed on tho east side of tho Chicago lumber yard which will have now timbers put Tinder it and other repairs rondo Tho task is uo light ouo as the building lias a large quantity of lumber Mored in it Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers fchows have made dates in Nebraska but their performances seem to be conliued to the South Platte country Tho North Platte country is probably awarded to tho Ringliugs and it will undoubtedly bo tho only big show to exhibit here this BCObOU Tho voting coutest of the Omaha Boo will close tomorrow at f oclock The ilght in North Nebraska seems to lay between Miss CehaChaBe of Wayne and Miss Clara Mohl of West Point But there are a number of other contestants well up in the list who may develop home surprising results between now nnd tomorrow night This morning Miss Chabe headed the list with n vote of 51581 Judge Coues last Satui day granted a temporary injunction to Miss Edna llichardson aud against County Super intendeut Crunt to preveut him from revoking or annulling a teachers certi ficate granted by him in June lb9 It is alleged that the Buperi uteudeut threatened to revoke tho certificate be cause Miss Richardson didnt attend the teachers lUbtitute She gave as her renson for not attending that sho was fatigued and broken in health A resident or La Hallo 111 writes to a Hastings real estate man inquiring for a good Nebraska fnrni of 100 acres for which ho 1b willing to pay J2 an acre flpot ensh Thero might havo been a time when this investor could havo purchased good Nebraska land for 2 but not for several years now and ho will havo to raise Ills bid n couple of thousand per cout and will then get his luonnyH worth Madison Chroniclo Sheriff Losoy hns received a card from Warden Hop kins of tho Htnto penitentiary to bo on tho lookout for Prank Waudell who ro contly mado his escape Waudell has been in tho charge of Sheriff liosoy twice and hns been escorted to tho penitentiary both times Ho wub sent up from this county tho first time on tho charge of disposing of mortgaged property and later for Btealing There was no quorum last night at tho council meeting and uo business was transacted Tho revised bioyclo ordinance was to havo been passed hut some who had been supporting it re mained away and tho quorum was thereforo brokon It is understood that Mayor HobortBon has been presented with a potiton against the ordinauco iu which a largo majority of busineBB men aro petitouerfl aud it is somewhat doubt ful if tho now ordinance eer becomes a law A Nebraska picnic is to bo held in Rogers grovo 11 miles northwest of Weathorford Oklahoma on August 10 II audi J Tho OiiBter County Repub lican announces that it is to celehrato tho harvesting of Oklahomas biggest crop to moot old friends and inako new ones Thero will be an exhibit of crops addresses by Senator Allen Judge J J Sullivan Ex Liouteuant Governor Tom Majors and othor prominent speakers from Nebraska aud Oklahoma Music and sports of all kinds ill be features A houieseekors excursion will bo run to that country August 7 and tho peoplo thoro expect n big crowd Col E II Traay got into an entang ling alliance with his colt this nioriiug from which ho emerged slightly dis ligurod but still in tho ring Ho was curryiug tho animnl in tho alley nt his home ou North Tenth street wlion a passing delivery wagon frighteuod the colt causing it to break looso from tho fonco to which it was tiod Mr Tracy caught tho animal and together they wont through a couplo of fences In passing tho second fonco the colt was thiown foiling on Mr Tracy Iu its strugglo to get up tho horo kicked him ou the back of tho head and cut and bruised him iu several places IPs clothes were badly torn and ho had tho general nppearanco of receiving somo rather rough usago but his deter mination won tho strugglo oud tho colt was becured Somo persons would havo boon disabled for at least a day or two but Mr Tracy was down town and at tending to business shortly after tho accidout lrcti of Ulinriv Auy adult suffering from a cold settled on tho breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonardswill bo presented with a sauiplo bottle of BoscheoV Geiinau Syrup freo of ehaigo Only one bottle given to ono penon and none to children without order from pareuts No throat or luug remedy ever had such a sale as Boseheos German Syrup iu all parts of the civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were giveu away and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really tho only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physi ciaus One 75 cent bottle will cure or provo its value Sold by dealers iu all civ ilized countries Hay tools cheap at ware Store the Cash Hard- AiiKUit Klower It is a Bnrprising fact says Prof Houton that iu my travels in all parts of the world for the last ten years I havo met moro peoplo having used Greens August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver aud stomach aud for constipation I Hud for tourists and salesmen or for persons filling otlice positions where headucheB aud general bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a graud remedy It does not Injuro tho system by frequent nso and is excellent for sour stomaohs aud iudigestion Sample bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by dealersjm all civilised countries Iettrr IUt List of lettors remaiuiug uncalled THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 26 1000 for at tho postofllco July S3 1000 Mrs J A Audersod Harry Agard Miss Emma Bernhardt Perry Cltue Lenuie Free Mrs A M Fry Miss Annie Johusou William Leonard Miss Fern Lewis Juo Maos Miss Lillio Sawyer Ploriau Widhuhu Guy Wil liams If not called for in 10 days will he sent to the dead letter olllco Parties calling for auy of the above please say advertised P F SlKEClR P M Wantfd Honest man or womau to travel for largo house salary G5 monthly aud expenses with increase position permaueutj euclose self-ad-dressed stamped envelope Mnaohk 103 Caxton bidg Chicago SATURDAY SIFTINGS O H llridgo went to Stanton today ou business Mrs Adams is in tho city today from Meadow Giovo Mrs Mary KIIIb 1b in from tho enst visiting friends Ed Hrnnficli Is down from Tilden to visit his parent b Mrs Myers of Stnuton was shopping in tho olty today Ed Johnson is horo from Chicago on a visit to his folks Mrs las Covert loaves today for Ewing on n visit to her parents Mrs lhiutBinger and daughter of Lin coln aro visiting Mrs John It Hays Miss Cliesnntwood has returned from her visit to her sisters at Marceline Mo Ohns Vail camo in from Way no this morning to greet former Norfolk frlondB It h said that an opidomio of pink oyo is tlneatoning tho horses iu and about Norfolk Dr aud Mrs Koipor passed through tho city today on their way from Pierco to Hot Springs S D A boy was born this morning at 8 oclock to Mr and Mrs N A Lockwood at their homo ou Philip avonuo Clias Pilgcr is ou tho Bick list Ho was threatened with an attack of ap pendicitis but was improving at last re ports Georgo Dudley has recently hnd his restaurant and living rooms repapored aud repaiuted very much improving them Mr and Mrs Fred Longonborg who livo ou Ninth street and Madison avo nuo aro mourning tho loss of their week old baby which died yesterday It waB burled today A passonger much tho worse for booo was unloaded from tho Sioux City train this morning and was put to bed to bobor up Ho said ho was sick awful sick and ho looked aud acted it Emil Grnouwald of Pierco Ins re ceived from the Philippines a cinosity iu the shape of a bolo Tho Pierco Call thus describes it Tho bolo is a cross be tweou a sword oud a bowio kuifo It is about two feet iu length nud slightly curved without handle or hilt Tho blade is ns sharp ns a razor Pierce Call Prof Hirous left last Saturday for his homo at Early Iowa whoro he will speud his vacation with his folks Mr Hirous expects to returu tho latter part of August Ho informed yo editor however that should Teddy Roosevelt speak at Norfolk beforo that ho would sure return iu tiuio to herr him John Weills aud Geuo Huso rodo in from tho Yellow Banks this moimug ou their ponies Thoy report that tho campers aro enjoying themselves hugely Tomorrow at 1Q oclock Rev Weills will conduct open air services out there and it is expected that n uumber will drive out from Norfolk to attend tho sorvicss Battle Creek Republican M L Thomson started Sunday for Germany This is his second trip to tho oldcountiy within a year and the buppoitiou is that he is either very much taken up with traveling or that thero is au attrac tive souiobody beckoniug him across the pond The length of time ho will bo ab sent is altogether indefinite but if it is thought necessary he says ho will como back iu time to vote for McKiuley Battlo Creek Republican Aug Steflen received Tuesday evening a letter and a batch of papers from his brother-in-law Heury Miller who is doing duty as a soldier in the far away Philippines The letter contained a number of foreign coins somo of which wero over one hundred years old They were all nearly as largo as an American half dollar but Henry explained that eight of them wero worth only about five cents in our money The papers wero published iu Manila aud contained many interesting sketches relative to the life of the soldiers Mr Miller is enjoying good health and is well pleased with the country M O Haeii has returned from Illi nois where ho has been visiting relatives and friends for a mouth He visited tho government arsenal between Davenport Iowa nnd Rook Island Tho iiibtitu tiou occupies 1000 acres aud there are IS buildings built of stone During a busy season 3003 men are em ployed who occupy one tenth of the Moor spice of tho institution Thoy make everything ueeded in warfare from a cannon to acanteeu He spoke of the M W A building at Rock Is laud which cost iu tho neighborhood of 1150000 All applications and papers of the order aro kept in a steel file cose and everything is very conveuient Mr Ha7en also reports crops very fine iu that section of the country J M Covert is having somo unique experieuces iu collecting dog taxes but is quiet generally successful iu his efforts He euconnters the person quite often who owns a dog not worth the taxes but too valuable to be killed The fellow who has paid his taxes aud has a receipt at home is also quiet num erous Then there is tho individual whoso dog is strictly a house animal aud never goes out of the yard except at every opportunity Theu there is an other who owns no dog but the daru brute gives him away with a noiso much resembliug dog proceeding fiom the house barn or woodshed It was discovered that ono of tho latter class owued a couplo of dog collars with I am b dog whose dog aro yon engraved thereon and Insido tho collar wub a neck and attached to tho neck wob something that looked and smelled thoroughly canine It has also been discovered that numerous dogs are eu joying tho country air for tho bouLflt of their health and their owuers pocket book Their outing is to continue in definitely or as long as tho collector is so proniectious Blnnks will boou be iBsued notifying dog owners to settlo within llvo days or they will bo arrested under tho ordlunnco provided for their punlshmeut This will only bo neces sary in a few caseH whoro tho owners havo persistently refused to Bottlo Gasoleuo Btovo at cost at Cash Hard ware Storo HOW BALDY UNLOADS Tli lllKRPRt iiipliHiit In itUlty Ik Iretty Cute In Mpllc of III Size Everybody who cau will bo interested in watching Riuglings circus unload ou the morniug of tho Snd An interesting sight is described as followH by the Sioux City Journal What 1b said to bo the largest ele phant known to bo in captivity iB owned by tho Ringliug Bros and is designated among circus meu aB Old Baldy One of tho interesting sights incident to tho unloading of a circus train iB the performance of Old Baldy iu getting out of his huge car The other elephauts iu this remark able herd of twenty fi o rare specimens of Asiatic and African origin in vacating their traveling compartments walk down a heavy gangplank that iucliues from tho car door to the ground The car doors aro ten foet high which of course makes tho big elephants stoop to get through as thoy btep out upon tho descending plank Old Baldy is so tall and so wido however that he can uot get out of tho car door until the gangplank is taken away Ho there fore calmly awaits uutil nil chis travel ing mateB havo walked the plank and are grouped together awaiting the coming of thoir leader t Then it is that Old Baldy gets in motion aud proves that he knows a thing or two about tho solution of math ematical problems He drops to his knees and wriggliug his great body forward slowly manages to get his front feet out and upon tho ground The floor of the car is about five feet above the ties of tho roadway but this does not keep Baldy from reachiug tho solid foundation of earth without mishap or tiyiug delay Once his fore feet aro on tho grouud he d aws his body forward allowing his hiud legs to drag along tho car floor In this way ho is soon able to get ouo hmd foot out and tho rest is eay Uiiil kxmiu lriiiiHtern The following transfers of real estate aro reported by E G Heilmou man ager of the Madisou county abstract ollice at Norfolk A T Hakes and wife to Sylves ter Lewis west la uwi and w1 swij 31-21-4 wd 100 00 Adam Pilger aud wife to Nor folk National Bank lots 5 0 7 b 0 10 and 11 block 21 Park addition to Norfolk wd Alice Mao Reed to Kate Noxou part of ne4 of sejy 5-21-1 do scribed by metes and bonds wd W H Bispham and wife to Joseph Rish lot 21 block 4 Dorsey Place addition to Nor folk Junction wd Joseph Rish to W H Rish de scription Bamo as nbove wd James Rosenborongh aud wife to II J Audrews u1 of nw142S 24 4 wd Alice Mae Reed aud husband to Mina Davis part of uej of se described by metes and bounds also blocks 1 2 and 0 and u 22 ft of nej j of block 5 Dittmars addition to Madi son subject to li00 reutal wd 1 00 000 00 100 00 75 00 1000 00 W E Bishop and wife to The Orange Co Trust fc Safe De posit Co trustee o 10 acres of s2 of swV4 21-24-1 except buildings wd 1500 00 An Iilrul ClIniHle The first white man to set foot on Utah soil Father Silvestre Velez do Escalanto who reached the Great Salt Lake on the Slrd day of September 1771 wrote in his diary Hero the climate is so delicious the air so balmy that it is a pleasuro to breathe by day and by night Tho chmato of Utah is ouo of the richest endowments of nature Ou the shores of the Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction the climate of cli mates is found To euable persons to participate iu these scenic aud climatic attractions and to reach the famous health bathing and pleasure resorts of Utah the Union Pacific has made a rate to Ogdeu aud Salt Lake city of one fare for the round trip pluB f 200 from Mis souri river to be iu effect June 2l6t July 7th to 10th inclusive July 18th and August 2d Return limit October 11 1000 Fir lull iuformation call ou or address F W Juuemau ageut The fii6ioni6ts are scared that is evi dent Rnt no qua hlnmpH them thev have reason to be MONDAY MENTION Miss Speuso was a city visitor yester day II M Vaught wns a visitor to Wake field yesterday W A Bishop of Pierco was iu the city this morning II G Howell was a city visitor yes terday from Randolph Geo Stego was a passenger this morning for Humphrey Mrs Knesel of Battle Creek was n Sunday visitor in Norfolk A company of 20 eujoyed a picnic yesterday iu Kings addltlou J O Guilds was over from Madisou yesterday viBiting his parents Thero wero a largo uumber of visitors in tho city yesterday from Madison A largo number of Norfolk peoplo spent tho day at the Yellow Banks yes terday Will Hazel is moving iuto tho house at tho corner of Third street aud Madi sou avenuo Art Hedrix who has been temporarily employed in Eberharts restaurant haB gouo to Neligh Misses Fannie Davenport nnd Eliza beth Sharpless havo returned from their visit to Sioux City A hoy was born last Friday morning to Mr and Mrs Louis Schenzol at their home over the Palace meat market Showers are again prevalent and tho surface of the ground has been again thoroughly soaked last night nnd this morniug The Palace meat market has added a lately improved power meat chopper which will bo used this week for the first time The Misse6 Ransom of Neola Iowa who have been biting sister Mrs Ins Rnusom returned to their homo today The men making headquarters nt the Oxuard and Pacific hotels iudulged iu another game of ball yesterday the Ox uard winning N A Raiubolt is confined to his bed witu au auncK ot sickness His mauy friends wijl hope for his early aud com plete recovery A party of 18 campers will leave the city Saturday for the mouth of the Niobrara liver where they will eujdy rest nud recreation for a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs W O Hall have com menced housekeeping on Third street They have not kept house since their homo was destroyed by lire early this spring Tho eighth annual touruamsut of the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemens as sociation will be held tins week in York beginning tomorrow A fine program hns been arranged and prizes have been offered Iu n good many parts of the city the limbs ot the trees are bunging low over the sidewalk and are of iucouveuieuce to pedestrians as well as presenting an unkempt appearance Owners should trim them nt once It will he to the advantage of their property and the citys nppenrnnce Au interesting service at tho M E church yesterday was a report of the doings at tho recent conference by the pastor Rev G A Maiu Mrs Beels read a report aud Mrs F M Sisson commented on the action of the conferance There was special music that was highly appreciated Mrs E S Waldrou died Saturday at her home iu Liucoln of caucer after a long and distressing illness Mrs D J Koenigsteiu went dowu yesterday noon to nttend the funeral Mrs Waldron formerly made this city1 her home and has many friends who will be pained to learn of her death She leaves two sous Perry and Dau the former being iu the drug business in Omaha iil o two daughters Mrs Koenigsteiu of this city and Mi6s Myrtle Waldron The proposed change in the postoflice was made yesterday extending tho pri vnto office up to the front window on tho east side The money order window is uext to the dcor while the stomp wiu dow is a little further back A couplo of carriers windows have been put in auticipatiug the change to the free de livery system The change makes much more room for the officials while there is still plenty of room outsido for the patrons Curtains have been put up at the front window and tho office part is much more private thau it has been heretofore Miss Celia M Chase of Wayue won out in the Boe vacation contest Satur day with many votes to spare Her vote was 821813 Miss Mohl of West Point was Becond with 109023 Through the generosity of the Bee 11 additional trips have been given three of which will go to north Nebraska The young ladies who will enjoy a va cation besides the two above named will be Miss Fronla Dewitt and Miss Florence Howell both of Graud Island The vote closed with Miss May Dur laud of this city in seventh place with a score of 5101 Quite a disasterous wreck occured ou the F K te M V road uear Stanton Saturday moruiug about 7 oclock The freight tram No 13 goiug webt crashed into the rear end of a gravel train that was backing out onto the main track to clear for the morning passenger tho gravYl train being too long to get onto the siding No 31 camo around a curve ard was unable to stop in time to prevent tho nccidenM Tho caboose aud three flat cars of the gravel train wero total wrecks two other flat cars were badly broken nnd derailed while the engiuo of tho freight was badly damagod Tho fireman of the freight received a sprained elbow hut otherwise thero no injuries Tho young mau is raro indeed who can prepare crisp Saratoga chips delicious corn fritters aud mellow peach ice cream with all tho delicacy and scienco known to the art Yet of such a son cau Norfolk boast Ho resides in tho we6toud aud tho other eveniug hid pareuts being absent ho entertained a half dozen young lady friends at a six oclock dinner iu a most delightful man ner Not more proficient 1b he ns cook than iu the capacity of waiter it is Bald this feature being accomplished with tho confidence nud skill of an ex perienced haud The tablo was taste fully decorated with sweet peas The guest6 eveiy ono promised to be mum which being tho case1 no further particulars could bo gloaued by the reporter A new circus has come to towu The boys of the west end have organized a show with its full complement of clowns ring performers etc The menagerie is Baid to be very complete They have not yet arrived nt the point of advertising tho greatest show on eaxth but will probably arrive at that stage before the second performance Today was the date set for the first performance which will propably be giveu rain or shine It is presumed that tho circus will be at tended by a lnrge and enthusiastic audience Tho graud free street parade this morninc took place or at least started Owing to tho mud the per fomers were hauled in a cart and on oc casional dump out into the mud was supposed to be part of the performance by the many spectators who wero ap parently as heartily amused as though they had been real clowns Buchanan Mich May 22 Genessee Pure Food Co LeRoy N Y Geutle men My mamma has been a great coffee drinker and has iound it very in jurious Having used several packages of your Graiu O the driuk that takes the plnce of coffee she fiuds it much better for herself and ub children to driuk She has giveu up coffee drink ing entirely We use a package every week I am teu years old Yours respectfully Faxxik Williams Wanted Several bright and houest persons to represent us as maungers iu this and close couuties Salary 000 a year and expenses Straight boua fide no more uo less salary Position per manent Our references any bauk m any town It is mniuly office work con ducted at home Refereuces Enclosed self- addressed stamped envelope The Dominion Company Dept Chicago Agent Wanted We waut au active ageut iu Norfolk and viciuity to represent the largest evergreen nurseries in the U S A full line of hardy fruits shade and orua meutal trees shrubs etc Three plaus pay weekly Address at once The Elgin Nurseries Elgin Illinois The intensity of feeling iu the United States over tho Chinese atrocities is evi denced by the fact that the police of the larger cities are taking precautions to ward protectiug the Cninamen in this country Such precautions should uot be necessary Vengeance should not dictate any calamity to the Chinamen here in nowise responsible for the out rages and would but be evidence that some of our people are little less than heathenish in their passions Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little body all her own will nestle in her bosom fully satisfying the yearning vhlch lies in the heart of every good woman But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture In her mind which fills her With terror The dread of childbirth takes away much of the Joy of motherhood And yet it need not be so For sometime there has been upon the market well known and recommended by physicians a liniment called Mothers Friend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it It is a 5tnf lIenne liniment which the skin readily absorbs It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor prevents sore breasts morning slck ness and the loss of the girlish figure An intelHKent mother In Butler Pa says Were 1 to nt ed JlLther VnJ again I w ould obtain U bottles flhd to pay 5 per bottle lor it Get Motbcra Friend at the dmo store 1 per bottle THE BRAOriCLD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Write or our ratJtbook Befc Hp jJraH