V TneflorfolkJSleuas V N HUSK PiibllMlinr DAILY KMnblUliml PW7 mrmil Similar Ht V 15 cents llj mull por jnar K lixllolitl For ludgn Ninth lllrlot J F llim pitrrlor 100 per WKKKIV KotnMUIied mi Krory Thursday Ily mnll per jronr lrrf IKiitorrtl lit llm Iostolllen nl Norfolk Neb as tecum rln matter Tolcphoun No 52 REPUBLICAN TICKET National For Irnrtiltnt WitiMM MrKlNIKT Ohio Knr VIcn Prw lilenl Tiikoimihi Hoihia ijit Now rk Hlitln Kor loMTimr Ciiahmh II DlKTlttril Allium For Ilouteumit looiniii K V Hvvuil Custor For Hocritnry of Stain Iko W Mmiiii Itloliitrdiuin For Treasurer WllMVMSlltimlB llllllllg For Aiulllor Ciiakikh Wilton Hliorldaii For Altonioy Uminnil Fuank N PnotiT Ihko For Land Cominltloiior OkoiuikD Foimkii Nuckolls For Superintendent of Public Instruction V K Fowiku Washington Presidential Electors John F NKHiurr l II WINIIOM KowAitn ItovHi II L llAome H I Davhihon Jacoii li Jacoiihon John h Kknncdv John 1 1 amii u Uniigrnrtslnuttl For Congressman Tlilnl District Jons II HUa Norfolk Atitnlopo Tho report couioh from Homo that nearly 1 0X prionta volunteered to take tho place of their martyred brothron in China It in mush Hon intent an thin that menuB that China imiHt hoiiio day Kubmit to ehristiauiinK and civilizing influences HulYulo Hill Cody Iihh announced that ho will support Mclvinley for tho presidency Buffalo Hills Wild AVost show has prospered under Mo Kinloys administration which indicatos that thu peoplo havo prospered Under the last democratic administration thu show businchS was about dead leoplo had no money to spend for tmowRor any othor pleasure when tho douioorats wore in power Tlio Stanton KoRintor is tho only kind of sheet that can aid tho fusionints this fall With an uttor disrecard of facts mid without a semblance of honor that papor lies aud then swoars to it week nftor week month after month Its editor is totally lacking in cousoionco or kouso wofully depraved or vicious or without a spark of intelligence lie is tlio sort of writer who was vory uumorous in lSKI aud the reminder of nu uttor failuru in campaign mothods llow his readers can continuo to onduro him is boyoud comprehension Othor papers Ho occasionally but tho Register is ontitlod to the bakery on persistant provarieations Hour Scotch lli yun There was much disappointment among the aunties when they found that Senator Hoar was going to stick to tho republican party aud Hryan papers and orators which had previously boon lauding the Massachusetts senator as a grand old man an incorruptible patriot etc began to accuse him of inconsist ency in announcing his intention to sup port President MoKinley for ro electiou But Hoar very quickly turned tho tublos ou them by showing Unit whio ho bad good and abundant reasons for prefer ring MoKiuloy to Hryau on tho money question there was not in his esima tiou much ditVeronco botwoon tho two ou tho question of so called imperial ism It will bo remembered that Senator Hoar very vigorously opposed tho ratifi cation of tho Paris treaty aud ho holds now that if that treaty could havo beou beaten in the senate and its modification therefore insured all our troubles with reference to tho Philippines might havo boon averted The treaty would havo beou defeated ho thinks if it had not been for tho fact that Mr Bryan hast ened to Washington aud brought all his iutluonco to bear upou the democratic senators to induce them to voto for it Heuco ho holds Bryan responsible for the ratification of the treaty and charges that he was animated by un worthy motive in takiug tho courso ho did I think I do Mr Bryau no injust ice says the venerable statosmau when I say that ho took that courso whiota brought upou us tho war in tho Philippine Ulauds tho destruction of the lifo and health of 0000 American soldiers and probably ten times the number of people of those islands sim ply to keep the quest iou au issuo in tho coming campaign That is to say Bryans uiotivo was purely a selfish ono He was playing politics He didnt caro anything about the rights of tho question or the Filipino peoplo but ho wauted to lay up material for assaultiug the admiustra tiou If Bryan had boon sincerely op posed to imperialism Mr Hoar thinks the time for him to havo proved it was the timo when the step that led to imperialism could havo been avorted by opposing tho treaty Wnether wo indorse Senator Hoars vii Kniisly iiitoiHlstnnl with liH prm out ooumk In oppoHliiK Hi illoy of tin MuKiuiiiy iitlintnhlmtloti based on tluvt trcnty Hiyan U not n eotitlfltout unit InipmiiillHt mid an bctwooii liiin and MoKliiloy tlio kuiiuIiio mitW cnu Imvo HtMo cliolco on tltut Isguo Kunator IloarM position is n vory logical ono and nliould coiumund Itsolf to all Hound nionuy moil who do not fully approvo Pronldnnt MoIClnloyfl cxpaiiHinii policy On llili Imuo thoro 1h osHontially no ilif foronco liutwoon tho two excopt tliat MolCinloy is houust and coiifllstontvlillo Hryan is not but on tho monetary ipios Hon lhyan Is thu Hamoolo champion of olinap and riUliommt inonoy that ho was four yuan ago Minnoapollrt Trlhuno A Onto to Do Coininoinoratrd In nn nddroHH dHllvorod by Mayor Nichols of Wllkoflbnrro before tho IeniiHylvanla Htiito Editorial associa tion which met recently In that place attention was called to tho fact that the year UK I will be tho two hun dredth anniversary of tho bogluntng of Journalism In America and it wan sug gested that It wiih now none too early to prepare for tho adequate colebru tlun of a date so Important Mayor Nichols told at length the sto ry of John Campbells Boston Ncwh Letter the first Issue of which appear ed on April 21 1704 and which lived to tho rlpo old ugo of 72 years Tho Idea of celebrating the event has Its at tractive feature and tho Wllkosbarre mayor Is right In suggesting that there In no time to bu lost If the commemora tion Is to bcu worthy one The name of John Cnmpbell ho said ought to be carved with deep reverence and ad miration In a granite shaft not Inferior In design or quality to those of the greatest splendor erected to perpetuate the memory of Americas most Illus trious sons This Is perhaps rather extravagant language though undeni ably the name and fame of Americas pioneer Journalist ought to bu perpetu ated In enduring form The date too of the launching of the first Journalis tic enterprise In this country ought to be fittingly commemorated As Boston wus the homo of The News Letter the Hub might properly take the Initiative mid then let the newspa per men of the whole country give the proposition such encouragement nud support ns will assure an adequate ex position of the marvelous growth of Journalism and the urt preservative during the pust iiOO years Ono hundred and twenty five Cuban schoolteachers have lately arrived In thla country for the purpose of attend ing a summer school nt Harvard where for a month or more they will be Instructed In the pedagogic methods which prevail lu our best schools The expenses attached to their coming hither nnd their maintenance while here are very largely borne by Har vard university and Its friends It Is a splendid opportunity for the Cubnu tenchora not only to study our educa tional methods but to become ac quainted with our people and our ways It will give them broader Ideas and bo In many ways helpful to them In their future work And mayhap Womans sphere seems to be con stantly broadening Tho latest ex ploit of the new woman was lu saving a bank lu Maine from the assaults of masked cracksmen She gave the warn ing which frustrated the plans of the robbers charge against Mr Bryan as to motive returning Thoro is moro catarrh in this seciton of tho country thau all other put together aud until the hw few yours was supposed to bo iucurable For a great many years doctors pro uouueed it a local diiouse and pre scribed local remedies anrt by coubtanily failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Sciencd ha proveu catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure mauufacturod by F J Ohoney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional euro on tho market It is taken inter nally in do es from 10 drops to a It acts directly ou the blood anl mucous surfaces of tho system T v offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address F J Ciiksev Co Toledo O hold ny aruggist Too Halls family pills are the best Through Colorado The Denver Rio Grande railroad with its numerous branches penetrating tho Rockies has two distinct and sep arate linos across the mountaius Tiokets readiug via the Scenio Liue Denver and Grand Junction in con nect ion with the Rio Grande Western railway between Grand Junction aud Ogdeu are availablo over the Denver Rio Grande either via its main liue through Leadville nud Glenwood Springs or via tho liue over Marshall Pass and through the Black Cauou Tourists to aud from Salt Lake City Ogdeu or Sin Francisco will fiud it to their ad vantage to have their tickets read in both directions via The Scenic Liue of the World thus being able to use one of the al o e routes goiug and the other 1 Write S K Hooper G P or not the fuct stands out that his courso ic T A Denver Colo for illustrated in favoring the ratification of the treaty pamphlets TI1K NORFOLK NRViTS THURSDAY Tin Y 20 1900 those of our people who come In con tact with this baud of devoted In structors of the Cuban youth may learn something from them They are the pioneers of one of the most re markable revolutions on record nnd have accomplished marvelous results In the short time that has elapsed since tho close of the war n Cuba FUSION TICKET IN KANSAS Slurllo Nittnril Inr AsMirlntri linllrn unit llrnlliilliml Tor liiTrrimr Amiriale Juttlrc Daviii Maiitin PopullH Clotr rtinr JnilNW Hiikiiikvtiiai Iopnlht IUritrnunt governor A M HAiiVKTPopullAt Hnitryof ulivtn AmbFuakes Unmoarnt Trnitirir Covwav Marshal Domocru Attorney Renoral II mi t FaiiiieiLT Dom Buiit Initmotlon Wcnn MoNaiiHL Unpub Foht Scott Kau July 20 At their convention hero yostorduy Kansas Democrats tsitrrondorod to the demands of Populiats aud thoreby modo possible tho lightost and mot harmonious fu sion that has vor oxistod in this stato The Populists had demanded from the Democrats the ofllco of associate justice In oxchaugu for that of uttor noy gen eral although tho former office bad previously been granted tho Democrat in what was supposed to bo an air tight ngroomont A fight was expected bo foro tho Democrats would givo up this plum but led by Hon J Q Johnson national committooman for Kansas thoy finally accedod to the domauds of their brethren and embracod tho oppor tunity for a lovo feast Tho Populists when tho action of the Democrats was mods known to thorn wont wild with dolight aud gavo vent to tholr footings lu a demonstration that lastod for 20 minutes and reached tho holght of ou thusiaKm Tho stato tickot as com ploted by tho dilTerout conventions was dually endorsed by all throo Demo cratic Populist and Silver Republican Maytiury For Governor Detroit July 20 Hon William O Maybury mayor of Dotroit was last oveuing tendered the Domocratio nomi nation for goveruor of Michigan by tho Domocratio stato con volition with a unanimity which rendered useless tho takiug of a ballot Not a dissenting voioo was heard when tho voto ou tho propositiou to nominate Maybury was aoted upou and tho withdrawal of tho half dozen gubernatorial candidates bo foro auy vote was taken was rocelved by tho delegates with loud choors of ap proval Onld Dmiiiirrntii Moot Indianapolis July 20 By tho unan imous voto of tho national committoo of tho National Gold Domocracy yestorday the sohomo of fusion with the anti-imperialistic movomont originating with tho recent mass meeting at tho Plaza hotel in Now York city was defeated as was also tho plan to placo a Gold Democratic tickot in tho field this yoar W B Haldoman proprietor of tho Louisville Oourior Jounial withdrew from tho meeting after announcing that ho would support Bryan Kanaai Koatl Bold WicmTA July 20 The Kansas Mid land railway was sold at publio sale in this city yosterday by J P Shearman olork of tho United States district court to Alfred R Peck aud Harry Bronner representing the bondholders for 300 000 The road will pass into tho hands of tho Frisco system To Ihiforcn the Grime lnvri Lincoln Julr 20 Governor Poyn tor has addressed a communication to tho 00 county shoriffs of tho stato call ing attention to their duty to pro9ocuto violations of tho stato game laws Yontorilayii HunebaU Ilesulta Dm Molmw 4 Omaha 3 Punblo 7 Denver 5 Bloux City 3 Ht Joseph H Now York 3 Pittsburc U Brooklyn 0 Chicago i Boston 18 8t LouU 5 Philadelphia IH Cincinnati 3L Kansas City 4 Indianapolis 5 vi MllwnnliL u s Huffalo fl Dotroit 0 Minneapolis 4 Chicago l Cleveland 8 Oiiiim Toi1y Wftstern LonKito Omaha at Den5roin St Joseph nt Sioux City Denver nt Pueblo National Iporuo Plttslnu R at Bostons ChiuaRO at Philadelphia Cincinnati at New York St Louis at Brooklyn American Ieucue Dotroit at Minneapolis SHIPPERS TAKE WHEAT Good Huyliijj Support Ieirnlopl When the llottoiu was Kencliril Chicago July 35 Blsr sUlpplau snlea and reduction in thu pstlmitted French yield camo to the aid of tho previously wenk wheat mar kot today and September closoj XaH ovor yosterday Corn closed H lower and oata Mr down At the close thu provision market allowed to 15c decllno Closing price Whkat Aur 74c Sept 7SJo Cous Aui aJ5e Sept Sla Oat8 Auk2io Sept 3Jc PoUK July fll05 Sept UtTT Kins Sept d0 On 8VS0 8T LAltn rfept 1375 Oct M77 Cush quotation No 2 red wheat 759 7fto No J aprinc wheat 72tfJ7ao No i cash corn WjaJ0o No J cash oaU JJo CIiIcmko Live Slock Chioaoo July 35 Cattlrt Reaelpt ISKOO Stroni to 5c hiKher butcher wtock steady to strong rood to prime steer f5 25B5 poor to medium 4 504515 Koleoted feed em I4SO4170 mixed Htockors 30O3B5 cowt 3 01X1 55 heifers J3UOC4515 cannern I3 0ix300bum 1275CC 450 calvej 4HX50j Tezu fed Hteerd 4I55 30 Texa gTRAi Hteerj 8 4it4 35 Texa i bulla 35X340 Hogi Receipts today 33000 estimated to morrow 30000 left over 6000 average 60 lower top 1545 mixed and butcher I51054Jj good to choice heavy 1516 540 rough heavy 50O510 light 1515545 bulk of aala f52o5tl5 Sheep Receipts 1100 aheep and lamb- active shade good to choice wethers 1410 440 fair to choice mixed IS 103400 western Hheep 4UO440 Texas eheep IS 004 00 native laiutu 14005 05 western lamb 1500 fl580 Kama City Live Stock Kansas Citv July 25 Cattle Reaelpts T 500 Mlaughteriug steers steady Blockers and feeders higher heavy native riteertt I479555 tocker aud feeders 3SV4 55 butchers cowj and heifers I3 2OU100 canners 12503 400 feeders 13 2y3 culls IJ5J375 South 0 111 nil it IJto Stock South Omaha July 25 Cattle Receipts BSJ0 stronger on gool steady on common grades natite boel steers 14 405 50 western steers 140031 CO Texastoers I300i34 35 cows aud heifers lower 13 40 4 40 canuers 11500 3 35 stockers and feeders stronger lbIx4 5i calves 13000 00 bulU stags etc i2 60d4 9 Hogs Reoeipts UOOi 7ijJH0o lower heavy 15 05jJ515 mixed 15 ifiii 05 light 14 00O5 pigs 14 504 00 bulk of sales I5 0jlfr5 01 i Sheep Receipts 1400 strouger lamb s slow yearlings 13 35031 33 wothers 3 k375 stook sueep JCK3 00 honb H Otain County Treasurers SemiAnnual Statement i nF 1TrCaurerfl Soml Aunual Statement showing balances of each fund in Trasury Jauuarv tehis collected Warrants redeemed and othor disbursements from January 4 1100 to June W 1000 balance on liaud Juno 10 1100 Balance Jany 11000 1117 21 ooi7 lii 172 00 870 811 2011 01 8SJ5 08 2780 10 lilll 811 13 80 7 HP fit 8121 2 0270 13 778 411 1187 00 l7r5 u 72 71 2011 81 1 00 1111 07 175 40 372 I4 10574 85 Collec tions 1 1513 02 10870 24 13101 13 2051 20 8277 20 235 52 4301 83 102 48 2380 21 15 58 45 00 2 28 27758 i 7 5311 21 138 73 702 17 8010 03 81 71 I 01 201 00 0731 78 4742 50 005 75 3117 00 85 75 117328 74 BARNES TYLER Norfolk Norfolk Attorneys at Law R C S PARKER Mist Block IJENTIST Sessions WW J 0 linrnoi i M D Tyler Nebraska Norfolk Nob DR H T IIULDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Olllco Citizens Notional Hauk Huiliiiu Toloplmuo 101 Snultorium mid Rosiiluuce Muiu aud 13th St Tolupboue 9 Norfolk - - Nebraska DR I E SCOBEE OSTEOPATHIST 511 South 9tU Strelst Norfolk Nebrl Will ho iu Croiff htou Mouilny Weduosdny aud Friday afternoons of oacli V00W J J COLE DENTIST Olllco over Citizens National Rauk Residence one block north of Congregational church Norfolk Nebraska Nebraska j pOWEKS HAYS Attornejs at Law Rooms 10 11 and 12 Miat block Norfolk Nebraska 3 30 fed westerns I4 00i95 35 fed Texans 1400 CESSIONS BELL 450 gras Texan i8Mii00 - ceipts H3u0 slow MQlOo lower heavy 15 2tt I a 625 mixed 5io520 light 150525 Undertakers and Kinbaliuer pigs I4O33U0 mieep Receipts HUOJ lamb lower muttons 6teady lambs 16 10 S5t0 muttons fd 754135 westerns laSOit ySrf MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Up stairs in Cotton block over Hiums store Firdt cluss work guaruuteeJ Norfolk Norfolk Ave2 Nebraska W M ROBERTSON w v 9 Attorney at Lwt Booms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgtot Block Norfolk 1 Farm laud aud city property for sale by Q U Soiler NAME OF FUND State Taxes School Laud 18 County General 1803 County Gouoral 13 County Bridge 1303 County Bridge ISO Comity Road 1803 County Road County District Road County Soldiers Relief County Judgement i County High School County Kstray District School District School Bond Precluct Railroad Bond Union Creek Precluct Court House Bond City and Village Battle Creek Village Jail Boud Township Fund Fines aud License State Apportionment Redoniptiou Fund Miscellaneous Collections Poll Advertising Norfolk National i I I00 and other inclusive aud tho Disburse ments 0050 5 12713 85 12230 00 5070 47 0070 51 885 05 2243 84 800 84 1285 72 210 3 1 18 00 25352 2521 07 772 73 18 28 701 82 37 24 25 201 00 0734 78 3802 50 005 10 3112 0 374 58 103471 70 Balatico Juno 80 1000 I lb0 33 1132 3 2202 42 3020 21 207005 227 30 2321 00 07 02 3881 47 407 03 37 10 21 no 10828 50 0000 17 104 43 4871 00 2451 57 117 18 270 17 1 00 1101 07 05 180 44 83 51 50031 83 RECAPITULATION Balnnco on hand January 4 1000 ka an Taxes Collected i School Land Collections asm 4 Costs for Serving Notices on Delinquent School Lands is 00 Redemptions Collected 4 1 no Received from Wm Bates County Judge flues oil OG Received from Houry Nework Justice of rho Peace fines 1 00 Received Interest from Banks on Deposit nw in Received from Joseph Kilpatrick fjr Rocoived from Geo W Losoy Sheriff sale of cells loo 00 Received from E G Heilmau ex Couuty Clerk excess foes 505 10 Received from Stato Apportionment 0 533 78 Transfers from ono fund to another 1575 00 CONTRA Paul Stato Treasurer oo i ltd Warrants nnmo n Paid Redemptions 3802 50 Fees iits fi4 Transfers from one fund to auother IbVjO 0 branch uoohi 83 75 155010 75 Registered County Warrants Unpaid IS1 County General Fund nn ISO County General Fund -000 V 1S08 County General Fund if 1303 County Bridge Fund i 0 m ISO County Bridge Fuud 1 iw ISO County Road Fund Im 28 ToTAL 12202 90 Statr of Nkhuvska County of Madison J S3 I R C Miles treasurer of said county and stat do hereby certifv that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of tho receipts and disbursements of my oflice from the 4th day of January 1000 to the 30th day of Juue 1900 inclusive to the best of my knowledge and belief R c MILES Couuty Treasurer J State or Nfhuaska County of Madiou We the undersigned county commissioners of Madison coifntv Nebraska do hereby certify that we have carefully examined tho foregoing statement of R C Miles county treasurer and have found the same correct to the bsst of our knowledge and belief Dated at Madison Nebraska this 19th day of July A D 1000 H W WINTER JOHN J HUGHES County Commisioners CHRIST SOHMITT N A BAINBOLT 1 Proaidant ALEXANDER BEAU Vic PrMttrat J 1 W H E W Bank ouuiul6 costlier ZDTZ ABSieUntCdahiar OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exohange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point la Europn A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIBBOTOB8 A BEAU F P HANLON F J HALE W H BUCUOIZ VM ZUf v NA RAINBOLT JOHN B HAYS P VEBGEri B8 COTTOK AHLMAN BROS The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Manufacturers Jobbers and Denlors lu Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Agoncy for Wnltham Manufacturing Vs Orient Hicycle tho Finest Strongest and Fiistost Micjclo lu tho World Wo also hnndlo tho Acme World Tribune lieubo Sjcnmoro Pnttoo and our own mako either chain or chaluleoo vslneli will bo kuowu us tho Aaliiuui Speciuls We do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable G A LOIKABT Pbemident CHA3 S BBIDOK Vice Pbisident A - 1 W H JOHNSON Casbieb W B BBAASUH AsaT Casiheb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Buy and sell exchange on this country and all parts of Europo Farm Loaus Directors Cabl Asmus W H JonNsoN CnAH S Rbidoe C W Heaahcu rlWANE r A Lcikabt T F Mfmiiivokb L BtastONs AFTER USIN6 0 M FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS C SEE- The Norfolk Building and Lean Asso C B DURLAND Secretary HEALTH AN wtality The great retnedy for nervous prostratWn and all diseases of tbegeiierati organs of either sax such as Nervous Prostration Faillniror r Tm uv8 Impptcacy Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mcaanvorryxceislvo of Touacco or Opium which load to Consumption and Insanity uo if 5 order we guarantee to cure or refund the money Sold at i on with J ri y 0 boxes for 500 Oil MOTT S CUEJIICAL CO Cll tauow For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY L K