The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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E lfc Dili 01 llm Princess
ICopjrUht 1MO by llobert nr
Wlwit nlxtnt tlio 1liitiiniiiln of tho
jirinccMt naked Mliw Ilnxtcr lior rrtrl
oolty jiiiitud liy tho remark of tluudltor
Tlint iarntlirrnluiiKRtory rojiHcd
Wr llnnlwick and Itoforo I bcin It
J wonld Hko to nsk yon 0110 or two
qncHtinns Can you manlpulato a typo
That depends on wlint inako it la
Tlio ordinary typuwrltcr I uiuiiTritntul
very tliorotiKlily
Good I Ilnvo yon any knowledKo of
A workable knowlcdKO I can wrlto
nbout 100 words a inlnutc
Ailmirnbio ndinirnblol Yonr com
ina to tills ofllco was an Inspiratlcn
Yon aro just tlio person I liavii been
lookhiK for
You didnt seoin to think so yestcr
Any Mr llardwlck said tliti girl with
b nly kIiuico at lilni
Well many things linvo linjipeneil
ainco yesterday Wo aro now dealiiiK
with today and with Princess von
Hho is n German princess of
A German princess bnt nn Ameri
can woman Sho was n Miss Urlggs of
Chicago a daughter of Briggs tho rail
way millionaire worth somewhere bo
tween twenty and twenty flvo millions
dollars of conrso A year or two ngo
Bho married irinco Konrad von Htein
lieimer You may romombor having
read about it in tho nnperH
Oh yes tho usual international
match the girl after tho title ho after
tho money
IsnppoHono bnt bo that as it may
Bliowas tho only daughter of old liriggs
nnd had spent a good deal of her time
in Europe and during hor stay in Eu
rope sbo had accumulated a vast stock
of diamonds some of them very notable
otoncs 1 dont know what tho whole
collection is worth Homo Bay 1000
000 while others say double that
mnount However that may bo Miss
Briggs became- tho Prlncoss von Stein
lioimer and brought to Austria with her
1000000 iir gold and diamonds which
hor father gavo her as hor dowry but
of course being an only child sho will
come in for tho rest of tho money when
tlio old man dies
Is ho likely to dio booh I dont
unpposo tho princo gavo himself away
for a mere million
Ob you forgot tho diamonds I As to
tlio likelihood of old Briggs death it
didnt btriko mo as imminent when I
bad n conversation with him yester
Yesterday Is ho hero in London
Yes ho has como over to disentan
gle tho mystery about tho diamonds
And what is tho mystery Yon tako
n dreadful long time to tell a story Mr
Hard wick
The story is important and it must
bo told in detail otherwise you may go
on a long journey for nothing Aro yon
taking down what I say in shorthand
That is right and if you aro wSho you
will not transcribe your notes so that
uny one could read them they aro safer
in that form Tho Von Stoinhcimer
family have two residences a house in
Vienna ami an ancient castle in tho
Tyrol situated on tho heights above
Meran a most picturesque place I un
derstand but very hhortly you will
know more about it than I do because
The Bugle expects you to go there as its
upeciul correspondent Hero tho dia
mond robbery took place something liko
two months ago und tho iiiTuir is still
as great a mystery as ever Tho prin
cess wns to open tho season at Meran
vwhich is a fashionable resort by giving
a fancy dress ball in Seldom Steinhei
mex to which all tho Austrian and for
eign notables were invited
It was just before tho ball com
menced that tho diamonds were first
missed In fact the princess was about
to put them on represented souio
gorgeously decorated character from the
Arabian NightB when tho discovery
Was made that tho diamonds were gone
Bhe was naturally very much upset over
lierloss and sent at once for the prince
her husband insisting that tho police
bhonld bo notified immediately and de
tectives called in as was perfectly nat
ural Now hero comes a strange fea
ture of the affair and this is that tho
prince positively forbado any publicity
and refused his sanction when sho de
manded that tho police should be in
formed and yet tho prince knew as well
as anybody tho very considerable value
of the stones
What reason did he give for his re
fusal asked Miss Baxter looking up
from her notes
I um not quito certain about that
bnt I think he said it was infra dig for
the Steinheimers to call in the police
Anyhow it was an excuse which did
not satisfy the princess but as guests
were arriving and it was desirable
there should be no commotion to mar
the occasion the princess temporarily
yielded to the wish of her husband and
nothing was said about the robbery
The great ball was the talk of Meran
for several days aud no one suspected
the private trouble that was going on
underneath the public event During
these several days the princess insisted
that the aid of the police should bo in
voked and the prince was equally stren
uous that nothing should be said about
tho matter Then quite unexpectedly
the prince veered completely round and
aid he would engage the best detectives
in Europe Struuge to say when he an
nounced thie decision to his wife she
had veered round also and opjKjsed the
calling in of the detoctives aB strenu
ously as he bad done heretofore
What reason did she give for her
change of front asked Mii Jennie
Sho snid I believe that It wns now
tot late that tho thloves whoover thoy
were had had tlmo to mako away with
tholr plunder and there would merely
be a fuss and worry for nothing
Do yon know I am inclined toagreo
with her said tho gill
Aro yon Then tell me what yon
think of tho cmho us far as you havo
What do you think
I shant tell you at this Bingo bo
canflo 1 know of further particulars
which 1 will givo you later on 1 jnero
ly want your opinion now ho thnt 1
may seo whether what I havo to toll
you afterward modifies it in anyway
Well to mo the case looks decided
ly dark against tho prince
That is what Mr llrlggs thinks Ho
imagines IiIh highness has tho jewels
Where did you get all these particu
From Mr liriggs who of conrso
got them by letter from his daughter
Then wo have as It wore a ono
elded statement
Oh quito so but Htill you must ro
member tho princess does not in tho
least suspect her husband of the theft
Well please go on What aro tho
further particulars
Tho further particulars nro that tho
princo made some quiet investigations
among tho servants and ho found that
there was u man who although ho was
a friend of his own was much more tho
friend of the princess and this man
had on tho day the ball was given tlio
entlro freedom of tho castlo He is a
young officer and nobleman Lieutenant
von Hchannibcrg and the princo know
that this young man was being hard
pressed for some debts of honor which
lie did not appoar to bo in a position to
liquidate Tho young man went unex
pectedly to Vienna the day after tho
ball aud on his return settled his obli
gations Tho princess from ono of her
women got word of her husbands sus
picion Hho went to tho princo at onco
and told liini sho had como to his own
opinion with regard to tho lost dia
monds She would under no circum
stances have detectives about tho place
Then he told her that ho had changed
his mind and resolved to engage detect
ives So hero they wero at a deadlock
again Sho wrote to her father with
great indignation about tho princes un
just suspicions saying Von Schaumberg
was a gentleman in ovory sense of tho
word I gather that relations between
herself and her husband are somewhat
strained so I imagino there is much
more in this matter than tho lost dia
You think then that sho ia shield
ing tho lieutenant
Candidly I do
And you think ho stolo tho dia
Yes I do
I dont agree with you I think still
It was tho prince and 1 think besides
this that ho dexterously managed to
throw suspicion on the nontenant Havo
they called in tho dotectives yet
No they are still at a deadlock
Well what am I expected to do
Mr Briggs cabled to his daughter
lTo never writes a letter that ho
would como over and straighten out tho
tangle in 10 uiinutes Ho is certain tho
prince stole tho diamonds but he did
not tell his daughter so Ho told her ho
was bringing her a present of a new
typewriting machine and was bringing
from Chicago a young woman who could
write shorthand and would look after
tho princesi correspondence act as
secretary in fact for it seems tho prin
cess has a larger correspondence than
sho can reasonably attend to and it
seems sho yearns for a typewriter Tho
old man tells mo sho is very careless
about her letters never being able to
find anything sho wants and leaving
them about a good deal so ho thinks
sho needs some ono to look after her cor
respondence and it looks as if her fa
ther feared sho might leavo sonio com
promising letttor about so ho wishes to
ward off a divorce case
No I think you aro wrong there
The father hasnt tho slightest suspicion
thero could be anything wrong with
his daughter It is probable tho princess
has written some libelous statements
about her hnsband aud it is mite like
ly the princo is n brute and that young
Von Schaumberg is a most charming
Well bb I was easing continued
Ilardwick tho old man cables Ins
daughter thnt ho is bringing her a sec
retary and a typewriter He engaged a
female Pinkerton detective to enter the
castlo as secretary to tho princess and
if possible to solve the mystery Sho is
n young woman who when eho left
Chicago was very anti English but she
became acquainted on the steamer with
a young Englishman who was tremen
dously taken with her and so at Liver
pool she quito calmly broke her engage
ment with the old man and fulfilled a
new engagement she had made with the
young man by promptly marrying him
Old Briggs has therefore a new type
writing machine on his hands aud so I
was going to propose to yon that yon
tako the place of tho Chicago Pinkerton
person Briggs has become so disgusted
with all these detective women that ho
gave up the idea of sending a female
detective with the machine und doesnt
imugino that whoever is sent will be
either a detective or a newspaper wom
an I was introduced to him the other
day by one of those luckyhances that
sometimes put interesting items of news
in our way and he tcld mo the whole
story and asked me to recomneud some
one who wrote shorthand and under
stood the typewriter I am to dine with
him this evening and 1 shall cordially
recommend you I may say that Briggs
has gone to that celebrated Loudon de
tective Mr Cadbnry Taylor and has
engaged him to solve the diamond mys
tery So you see you will have a clear
field If you can leave for the castle to
morrow night you may have th6 pleas
ure of the company of Mr Cadbnry
Taylor He isnt visiting tho castle hut
goes straight to Vienna so if yon work
your cards rightly yon can be in his
company an far as Munich and during
that time yon could find out perhaps
what ho thinks about tho caso I know
only this much nbont his theory and
thnt Is ho thinks tho right place to bo
gln Is In Vienna whero some at least
of tho stones aro supposed to have been
Oh this Is a delightful caso and I
plinll enjoy It Has thero been anything
published yet about tho robbery
Not a word Nobody knows any
thing about it except tho princo and
princess Briggs myself nnd yourself
nnd perhaps ono or two of tho servants
in tlio castlo oh yes and Cadbnry
Mies Baxter wnn early nt tho station
before tho continental train left Sho
walked tip and down tho platform hop
ing to seo Mr Cadbnry Taylor with
whoso face and form sho was familiar
She H cured a jmrter who spoko French
and protended to him that she know no
I desire she said to get Into a
first class compartment with a gentle
man whom 1 shall point out to yon I
shall give you fi shillings so yon must
let mo havo your whole attention My
luggngobiis been labeled nnd registered
therefore you will not need to bother
about it but keep your eyo on mo and
follow mo into whatever carriage 1 en
ter bringing with you the handbag and
this heavy package
The heavy package was a typowritcr
In Its ease Shortly before tho train left
thero sauntered Into tho station tho tall
thin well known form of thecolobrnted
detctivo lie had on a light ulster that
reached almost to his heels nnd his
keen alert faco was entirely without
beard or mustache As ho enmo up tho
platform a short stout man nccosted
I wns afraid you wero going to bo
late said the detectives friend but
1 seo you are just in time as usual
A railway station said Mr Cad
bnry Taylor is not tho most inspiring
place in London for tho spending of a
spare half hour besides I had somo
facts to got together which aro now
complete and Im quito ready to go if
tho train is
I havo secured a smoking compart
ment here where wo shall bo alone
Thats right Smith said Cadbnry
Taylor You aro always so thought
ful and the two men entered tho com
partment together
Just as tho gunrds wero shouting
Tako your seats pleasol Miss Baxter
mado n bolt for tho compartment in
which tho detective and his friend sat
together in opposite corners
I beg your pardon snid Smith
this is a snicking compartment
Tho lady replied to him volubly in
French and next instant tho porter
heaved tho typewriter and handbag on
tho sent beside her Smith seemed to re
Bent tho intrusion and appeared about
to blame the porter but tho man an
swered rapidly as bo banged to the door
Tho lady doesnt spenk any English
and tho next moment tho train moved
out of the station
Thero was no need said tho de
fective my dear Smith to depend
upon the porter for tho information that
the lady could not speak English Sho
is tho secretary to a very rich employer
in Chicago and camo from that city to
Now York where she sailed on tho
Servia alone coming to England to
transact some special business of which
I could hero give you full particulars
if it wero worth whilo Sho came from
Liverpool to London over tho Great
Northern railwav and is now on her
way to Paris All this of course is ob-
1 beg your pardon said Smith this is
a mnuhlnij compartment
vious to the moat casual observer and
bo my dear Smith we may discuss our
case with as much security as though
we wero entirely alone
Do you expect this Austrian dia
mond mystery to jirove diflicultV ask
ed Smith
Difficult Oh dear nol To tell the
truth I have solved it already but in
order to givo the American a run for
his money I am now on my way to
Vienna If 1 solved the problem offhand
for him in Loudon he would have no
more appreciation of my talent than
you had a moment ago when I explain
ed why I knew this French girl came
from Chicago My dear fellow every
thing in this world is simple except one
thing and that is to find any problem
that is difficult
Then who stole the diamonds the
To bo continued next Thurtdaj
Men can be cured privately aud posit
ively at borne of all weakness and die
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Another Drup of One Out In Whrnt ml
Corn Provlnliiiii tlrtn
Ciucaoo inly 18 Wlx nt wmflrin for hours
today but liroku Inter Willi corn nnd on lack
of mipimrt Hfiitrmlxr clotliiK Hfoumlir yen
tvriliiy urn hliiinniltii tntk of n Mr crop
nnd BiptetiibiT concluded Hi mMon lo lowir
Ontrf closed c down nnd provisions un
climiKcd to KjcM K lilwhcr Closing prices
Wiikat AiiKtHiVaTiiJc Sept 76VftUJio
miiN AnR iisup Hcpt injiffl8sc
Oats Ant Wo Hcpt HiJio
loliit Tnly JIlMjBrpt 111 TO
lliiu Hcit 07 Oct 10 72
IjAllli Kcpt f07Ml072W Oct tfl72J
Cwili quotations No 2 red wheat 7878ol
No i aprlni whrnt 7oJg70o No 2 crudi corn
Via No 2 ciiih ontx Ho
I ilngt Live Stork
CIIICAOO Inly 18 Cattle Hnrriptu 14600
nod to cliolro drone others plow natives
beM on xnlo today one car branded nt
5 76 good to prlino steers IS 10J7o poor
to iiicdluin 140015 00 Kdected fpodem 14 W
itJIA mixed HtocliiTH n2VMUIK cown 18 00
ii45 Iiilferx IU 00i616 cniincra 12 lXi9
ZSSlmtlH 8004400 chIviw 4fOc0 60 Tcxiih
fid stiiTH I411XGS U0 Toxiw Krina Htct rx 18 M
4100 Texas bulln j26Wtf825 Uorr Hu
celptfl today 270U0 Htlmntrd tomorrow
22000 left over 7000 lOo lower top 14 25
mlxid and butchers HMCgil4 Rood to
cholru heavy 16 0Oit522S rough heavy 14 Ro
4tl lltflit ItHVt 5 25 bulk of unhw I61UC4
517i Hlii pp lifoulpti 18000 nhecp and
lambs JstroiiRcr for Rood tti choice others
btendy to blow Rood to cholco wcthcru 1400
j4M fnlr to cholco mixed 8HVit400
western cliuep nnd yenrlltiRtf I32VB4 60 Toxna
hluep 18001400 imtivo lambs I440jj005
wiHlcrn lambs Ii25frt67f
Kmuiiii City llto Htoolc
Kansas Cut July 18 5
400 Rood lOo higher common btuff sternly
htnvy nntlvo nti erst 14 66640 ntookors und
lecdern ia40y475butcherij cowr nnd heifer
lillKqi4iS ciinnerB 12603820 fed westerns
18 0Vi5470 fed TexniiH 14004 80 Rrus Tcv
aiiH l3tXKit400 HoR lleceiptH 10800 lib
eral supply caused further decline of 1015c
heavy 46 00i510 mixed I4553S light
J4 7034 07J4 plRH 46Kt470 Sheep Heculpts
1000 Rood nt steady prices lamb 15 253026
muttons I4IXK8460 westerns 187601415
finders 18253425 culls 126011825
Sonth Omaha Ilve Stock
Hotnn Omaha July 18 Cattle Hecelpts
2l00 nctlvo Rcnenilly 10c hiuhcr than Mou
dny nnilvu beef steers J4 8ytA45 wostern
btierH J4OM460 Texan htecrs 18504400
cows und hoifiTH 40iftlU cannerB 1110
W3 25 etoekcrH aud feeders 8 00f440
calves 5J00ft0 25 bulls BtnRS etc 260425
Horh ltecelpts 8800 frcUOc lower heavy
I4S5S4UJ mixed 14850487 Hunt 470j
4 85 plRs 4 60J4 85 bulk of Bales 4 85
400 blutrp Receipts WO htrotiR to lOo
hlRher yeurliiiRs I400ftv450 wethers 13 25
80J stock sheep I800JJ3 50 lam bs460ft0 00
Solomon was tho wisest of men no
knew enough to cut his copy up into
sliott paragraphs In that way ho suc
ceeded in getting his writings read
Huston Transcript
David City Neb April 1 100
Genesbee Pure Food Co LeRoy N Y
Gentlemen I must soy in regard to
Graiu 0 that thero is nothing better or
healthier Wo havo used it for years
My brother was a great coffee drinker
lie was taken sick and the doctor said
coffee was the cause of it and told us to
use Graiu O Wo got a package bnt
did not liko it nt first but now would
not bo without it My brother has been
well ever since wo snrted to uso it
Yours truly
How Are Tour Kldntv f
Dr HobusSmrapiisilllscurenllkldiierllls Sam
plo free Aild sterling KemedyCo CrlcaRO or N V
Tills li Opportunity
On receipt of t n couts cash or stnmps
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6trato tho great u tiits of the remedy
ely imoniErs
C0 Wiirrtu bt irew York City
Rev Jolinlicid Jr of Grent FnllsMout
recommended Elys Cream Uilm to me 1
can emphasise his fctntement It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if u oil ns directed
llev Francis V Joolo Iabtor Central Fres
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contnins no mercury
nor any injurious dninr Trice 50 cents
3F The Appetite or it Gout
Is envied by all whose stomach nnd
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2iicnt the Kiefnu Drug Cosdiug store
A Letter From Newman Grove
Mrs L Gutru Newman Grove Mad
ison Co writes Last spring I used
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Shall use more this spring
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book nddiess Dr B J Kay Medical Co
Saratoga Springs N Y Dr Kays
remedies sold by Koenigsteius Phnr
mncy and Kiesau Drug Co
W lilte Mill Turned Yel low
Great consternation wasjfelt by the
friends of M A Hognrty of Lexington
Ky when they saw ho was turning
yellow His skin slowly changed color
also his eyes and lie suffered terribly
His malady was yellow jaundice He
was treated by tho best doctors but
without benefit Then ho was advised
to trj Klectrio Bitters the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy aud he
writes After taking two bottles I
was wholly cured A trial proves its
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by tho Kiesau Drng Co
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It is a surprising fact says Prof
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Sold by dealers in all civilized conn
Educate Tour lloweli With Cmonrots
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It Satl HI I or
P A Dauforth of LaGinnge Ga suf
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Dont Tobncro Spit aud hinsko Tour I lie Airnr
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For more than twentyllvo years Dr J New
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Diseases During that tlmo ho has had amoiig
Ills patlenu over ten thous
and women suilerlng from alt
those many dllferent com
plaints peculiar to the sex and
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By his exclusive method
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Ho has so iierfectod this system of his that ho
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sonal examination to which every sensitive
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Ills system of treatment Is taken In the pri
vacy of the homo the cure Is palnloss and It Is
Write him a letter stating nrlely your condi
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louapokltho euro Address
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Commercial Illock bluux Clt7 low
School Teaciicrs
stir vKaRl
Iti not a new variety of headache
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Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of
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Free of Charge
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No throat or lnng remedy ever had
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toroa lost ManhuLd f V n fl
mkc you Mronff 1 J 3 a LY vJtA
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