The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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I Jennie Baxter
I Journalist
I Continued
Oli ho lm tlotio ho biI1 MIka Hiiv
tcr nnd did it very elTectivoly indeed
In fnct your rensotm nro quite unnn
wornble Yon fonr of conrnc tlmt you
will lose vonrnltuntloii nml Unit In very
important nml no cno In Tliu Duglo
offlco wish oa yon to milTer for whnt yon
hnvo done Of course It Ih nil In tho
public lutorcflt
Of contso of conrHO murmured
Ilntol looking down on tlio table
Well linvo yon nil tlio docuiiiontB
rwuly bo tlmt they win bo published nt
ny timoT
Quito rendy niiHWoml tho mnn
Very woll paid tho fjlrl with de
cision Hero is your 00 Just count
tho money nud neo that It Ih correct I
took tho cnvelopo hh It was bunded to
mo nnd lmve not examined tho amount
She poured tho povcroignn out on tho
tnblo nnd Ilnzof with tromblhiu An
Bora counted thoni out two by two
That Ih qnlto rlM ho Bald rising
Ho went to a drawer unlocked It and
took out n long blno cnvelopo
There ho wild with 11 sigh that
was nlmoflt a Tlioro nro tho 11k
nrca nnd n full explanation of them
Yon will bo very carefnl tlmt my iinino
does not slip out iimny way
Oh no Bald Miss Jonnlo coolly
drawing forth tho papers from their
covering No ono known your nanio
uzcept Mr Alder Mr Hardwick and
myself and I can iiHstiro you that I
Rliall not mention your nnnio to any
Tho man had not tho HlighteHt sus
picion that liia visitor wiih not a ineni
lier of tho Btaff of tho papur he had been
negotiating with She wan ho thorough
ly self poRHOHHod and Hhowed horHolf so
familiar with all detail that had been
discussed by Hazel and Alder that no
doubt had entered tho clurkH mind
Miss Jonnlo placed tlio paporn back
in their bluo envelope and Initio1 tho
nnxiouH Hazel goodby
Onco more In the hansom shoordcral
tho man to drive her to Charing Cross
nnd when she was ten minutes away
from Rupert square she changed her
direction nnd desired him to take her
to tho ofllco of Tlio Evening Oraphito
whero sho found Mr Stoneham busy
with his loading article and impatiently
nwaiting further details of tho conspir
ucy ho was to lay open before tho public
A glanco at tho papers Miss lluxter
brought to him showed Mr Stoneham
that ho had at least got tho worth of
his JCiO Thero would ho n fluttering in
high places next day Ho made arrange
ments before ho left to have tho paper
Ihsned a llttlo earlier than usual calcu
lating his time with exactitude so that
rival sheets could not havo tho news in
their first edition cribbed from Tho
Qrnphito and yet tho paper would bo
on the street with tho newsboys shout
ing Orriblo scandal I before any
other evening sheet was visible And
this was accomplished tho following
day with a precision that was admira
Mr Stoneham with a craft worthy
of all commendation kept back from
tho early edition a small fraction of tho
figures that were in his possession so
that ho might print them in tho so
called fourth edition and thus put upon
tho Becond lot of contents bills sent out
in huge startling black typo Further
Revelations of tho Board of Construc
tion Scandal and his scathing leading
article in which ho indignantly de
manded a parliamentary inquiry into
tho coudnct of tho board was recogr
sized even by tho friends of that pub
lic body to hnvo seriously shaken confi
dence in it And all tho other papers
were tilled with impotont anger
Promptly at ft oclock that nfternoon
a hansom containing Mies Jennie Bax
ter drove up to the sideontrnucoof The
Daily Bugle oillce and tho young wom
an onco more nccosted tho Irish porter
who again came out of his den to re
ceive her
Miss Baxter said tho Irishman
ball by way of salutation nnd half by
way of Inquiry
Yes said the girl
Well Mr Hardwick left strict or
ders with mo that if yo camo or rather
that whin yo camo I was to conduct
ye right up to his room nt once
Oh that is very satisfactory cried
Misa Jennie and somewhat different
from tho state of things yesterday
The porter led tho wny to Mr Hard
Wicks room and announced tho visitor
Ask her to como in she henrd the
editor Buy and tho next instant tho por
ter left them alone together
Wont yon sit down Miss Baxter J
aaid Mr Hardwick with no trace of
that anger in his voice which she had
expected 1 havo been waiting for you
Yon said yon would bo hero at 5 and I
like punctuality Withont beating
round the bush I suppose 1 may take
it for granted that The Evening Graph
ite is indebted to you for what it is
pleased to call the board of public con
struction scandal
Yea suid the young woman seat
ing herself I came up to tell you that
I procured for The Graphite that inter
esting bit of information
So I suppose My colleague Henry
Alder saw Hazel this afternoon nt the
offices of the board The good mnn
Hazel is panic stricken at tho explosion
be has caused and is iu a very nervous
state of mind more especially when he
learned that his document hud gone to
an unexpected quarter Fortunately for
him the offices of the board are throng
ed with journalists who waut to get
statements from this man or the other
regarding the exposure and eo tho visit
of Alder to Hazel was not likely to be
noticed or commented upon Hazel gave
a graphic description of the handsome
young woman who had eo cleverly
wheedled the documents from him and
who paid him tlio oxnet num agreed
upon In tho exact way that it was to
havo bcon paid Alder had not seen yon
and hns not tho lightest Idea how tho
Important m va slipped through his fin
gers but when ho told mo what lind
happened 1 knew nt onco yon wero tho
goddess of tho machine Therefore 1
hnvo liecn waiting for yon
1 would llko to ask Miss Baxter
how much Tho Graphite paid yon for
that article over and above tho 50 yon
gnvo to Hazel
Oh It wasnt n question of monoy
That is quite rtuht he laid rislno
with mo I Tho subject hasnt bcon dis
cussed Mr Stoneham Ih not n gonoronn
payer and that is why I dosiro to got
on n paper which does not count tho
cost too closely What I wished to do
was to convinco yon that I would bo n
valuable addition to Tho Bnglo Btnff
for you seemed to bo of tho opinion
that the stall wan already sufficient and
Oh my staff 5h not to blamo In this
matter I 1 am willing to tako all tho
blamo for our defeat on my shoulders
but thero aro hoiiio other thingB I nni
not willing to do and perhaps you nro
in a position to clear up a little misun
derstanding that has arisen in this
office I suppoHO 1 may tako it for
granted that you overheard tho conver
sation which took place between Mr
Alder and myself in this room yester
day afternoon
Well said Miss Bnxtor for tho
first time in hoiiio confusion 1 can as
Bino you that 1 did not como hero with
tho intention of listening to anything
I camo into tho next room by mypolf
for the purpose of getting to see you as
booh as possible Whilo not exnetly a
member of tho staff of The Evening
Graphite it nevertheless takes abont all
tho work 1 am able to do nnd so I con
sider myself bound to keep my eyes and
eais open on its behalf wherever I nni
Oh I dont want to censuro you nt
all said Hardwick 1 merely wish
to bo certain how tho thing was done
As I said I am willing to tako tho
blamo entiiely on my own shoulders I
dont think I should havo made uso of
information obtained in that wny my
self Still I am not venturing to find
fault with yon for doing so
To find fault with mol cried Miss
Jennie somewhat warmly That would
bo tho pot calling tho kettle black in
deed Why what better wero you You
were bribing a poor man to furnish you
with statistics which ho was very re
luetant to let you have Yet you over
came Jus scruples witli money quito
willing that ho hhould risk his liveli
hood so long as you got tho news If
you ask me I dont see very much dif
ference in our positions
Oh quito so quito so answered
Hardwick soothingly 1 havo already
disclaimed tho critical attitude Tho
point I wish to bo sure of is this you
overheard tho conversation between Al
der and myself
Yes I did
Would yon bo ablo to repeat it
I dont know that 1 conld repeat it
word for word but I could certainly
give the gist of it
Would you havo any objection to
telling a gentleman whom 1 shall call
in a moment as nearly as possible
what Alder said and what I said I
may add that tho gentleman I speak of
Is Mr Hempstead and ho is practically
the proprietor of this paper Thero has
arisen between Mr Alder and myself a
slight divergence of memory if I may
call it so and it seems that yon are the
only person who can settle tho dispute
I am perfectly willing to tell what
I heard to anybody-
Thank you
Mr Hardwick pressed an electric
button aud his secretary camo in from
another room
Would you ask Mr Hempstead to
step this way if he is in his room
In a few minutes Mr Hempstead en
tered bowed somewhat stlfliy toward
tho lady bnt froze up instautly when
he heard that sho was the person who
bad given the board of public construc
tion scandal to The Evening Graphite
I have just this moment learned
Mr Hempstead that Misa Baxter was
in the adjoining room when Alder and
I were talking over this matter She
heurd the conversation I havo not
asked her to repeat it but sent for yon
at once and she says she is willing to
answer any questions you may ask
In that case Mr Hardwick would
it not be well to havo Henry Alder
Certainly if he is on thepremisea
Then turning to his secretary he said
Would you find out if Mr Alder is in
his room Tell him Mr Hempstead
wishes to see him here
When Henry Alder came in and the
secretary had disappeared Miss Baxter
saw at once that the waa in an unen
viable situation for it was quite evi
dent the threo men were scarcely on
speaking terms with each other Noth
ing canees such a state of tension iu a
newspaper office as the missing of a
piece of news that is important
Perhaps it would be better sug
gested Hardwick if Mies Baxter would
repeat the conversation as she heard HJj
J dont boo tho uso of Hint said
Mr Hempstead Thero Is only one
point nt Issue Did Mr Alder wnrn Mr
llnrdwlck thnt by delay ho would loso
tho publication of this report
Hardly that answered tho girl
An 1 remember It ho Bald Isnt thero
a dnnger thnt hoiiio other pnper mny get
this Mr Hardwick replied I dont
think bo not for threo days nt least
nnd then Mr Alder Bnld Very good
or Very well or something liku that
That qnlto talllcn with my own ro
xnoinbrance said Hardwick 1 admit
1 nni to blamo bnt I decidedly any that
I wbh not definitely warned by Mr Al
der that tho mat tor would be lost to us
I told yon It wonld bo lest If you
delayed Bald Alder and it linn liecn
lost 1 hnvo been on tho track of this
for two weeks nnd It Is very galling to
havo missed It at tho last moment
through no fanlt of myown
Still Hald Mr Hempstond coldly
your version of tho conversation does
not quite tally with whnt Misa Bnxter
Oh havo It bh you wish i snid Alder
trnculontly It doesnt matter In tho
least to mo 1 havo taken Bervlco on
Tho Dally Trumpet nnd yon mny con
Bidor my plnco on Tho Bnglo vacant 1
saying which ho put his hat on his head
and loft tho room
Mr Hompstoad Bcomcd distressed by
tho discussion bnt for tho first timo
Mr Hardwick Binlled grimly
I nlwayH insist on accuracy ho
paid nnd lack of it is ono of Alders
NovcrthelcRS Mr nnrdwick yon
hnvo lost one of yonr best men How
nro you going to rcplnco him in
quired tho proprietor nnxiously
Thero Is llttlo difficulty in rcplncing
oven tho best mnn on nny staff in Lon
don roplied Hardwick with n glance
at Miso Baxter Ah this yonng lady
I thought 1oh d7ut hclirvc In women
Joiiriudtxts Mr Hiirtlwlck
pcenis to keop her wits ahout her when
tho welfare of her paper is concerned I
shnll if you havo no objection fill
Henry Alders placo with Miss Bax
Mr Hempstond arched his eyebrows
a triilo I thought yon didnt beliovo
in woman journalists Mr Hardwick
ho murmured at last
I didnt up till yesterday but sinco
then I have had reason to change my
Do you think you can fill tho posi
tion Miss BaxterV asked tho propri
etor doubtingly
Oh I am sure of it answered the
Mr nardwick smiled grimly Tho
proprietor turned to him and said I
dont quito see Mr Hardwick what a
lady can do on this paper outside of the
regular departments
I hardly think thero will bo nny
tronblo ubont that Mr Hempstead
For example who would be more fitted
to attempt the solution of that knotty
question nbont the Princess von Stein-
heimer s diamonds l
By Jovol cried Hempstead his
eyea glittering with excitement That
is an inspiration I imagine that if any
ono can unravel that mystery it is Miss
To bo continued next Thursday
The Appetite of a lout
Is envied by all whoso stomach and
liver aro out of order But such should
know thnt Dr Kings New Life Pills
give a splendid appetite sound digestion
and a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy Only
2ho nt tho Iviesau Drug Cos drug storej
It Sated II U Leg
P A Dauforth of LaGiange Cla suf
fererd for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg but writes
that Bucklcns Arnicn Salve wholly
cured it in five days For ulcers
wouuds piles its the best salve in the
world Cure guaranteed Only 2r cts
Sold by the Kiesau Drug Co
Wasiunotov D O Genessee Pure
Food Co Le RoyN Y Gentlemeu
Our family realize so much from the
use of Graiu O that I feel 1 must say a
word to iuduce others to use it If
people are interested in their health and
the welfare of their children they will
um no other beverage I have used
them till but Grain 0 I have found
superior to any for the reason that it is
solid grain Yours for health
O F Mvkks
A Letter From Xeuiiian Grove
Mrs Ij Gutru Newman Grove Mad
ison Co writes Last spring I used
Dr Kays Renovator for tired feeling and
aching limbs It helped me greatly
Shall use more this spring
For Free Medical Advice sample
book address Dr B J Kay Medical Co
Saratoga Springs N Y Dr KayB
remedies sold by Koenigeteina Phar
macy and Kiesau Drug Co
Jump of Oeer Two Onli Cnuaeil by tlia
Invcrimient Kcpnrt
Ciihuoo July 11 Tluro wrr nn excited
wheat mnrkrt today with prices nt times nl
iiKwt Bo ovor thn closo of Tiirxlny Confirma
tion by tho Rovernintnt crop report of Kreat
ilninnRn to spring wlirnt was tho mnln factor
nf HtrenKth RrptemWr cloned with nn ml
vnncuof i42v lti porls of ilnmnno from
drought oiiUBul a IiuIbo of ll io In corn
out Knlnul lo and provisions r12jo Cloning
Wiikat Aur 81J81Ko Hcpt fi282Ko
ColiM Aug tmaio Bopt UJio
AiR Aug21c Sept 84e
IoitK lnly mW Hvpt 11270
Ulim Hrpt 17 Ml Oct I7W
LAMti Hvpt mOi Oct0 WJ07
Cimh quotations Np t rod whtntt 83c No
2 Kprlng wheat 7Y78o No 2 cull corn
44a No 2 cahIi oatn 2Kr42o
Clilrngo IWe Stork
Chioaoo July 11 CaUln Hpeeltits lSWX
good light Metre 6 to 10c lower others 10 to lfc
lower llrnt ear load western rangers this ea
ton hrought IV2A natives hett on Kale two
ear loads nt 15CS and ten head nt ISfi good
to prlmo steers NiUOS7fi poor to medium
14443 00 selected feeders 4 004405 mixed
Mockers lWiftJOc lower at J OOrtll 76 cows
tioOut476 heifers 11J00510 cannera 12 IXXrt
27ft bulls S2M1450 calves 46OCtffla0 Texas
fed Meers I42YAS 10 Texas grass steers MC0C
41ft Texas bulla 126lKtta25 Hogn ltecolpts
today 31000 tomorrow 25000 estimated left
ovcrftOOO 10 to lp lower top J542 mixed
and butchers 1610340 good to choice heavy
61304O rough heavy tftOOfgftlO light
5Ui642 bulk or naleH 5 3V5ltt Sheep
Hecclpts 18000 Hhtep and Iambi tlow to lOo
lower except for best lnmb good to choice
wethers 410460 fair to cholcn mixed
J8OOt410 western Hheep nnd yearlings 3 05
Ct4 IX Texas sheep rMUW nntlvo lambs
I4TOJIOBO western lambs SbWWM
Kama City 11 vo Stock
Kansas City July 11 Cattlo Receipts 7
MX 10c lower native steers f405640 stock
ers nnd feeders IUH04 115 butchers cows
and helfero Vi IKXJC405 canners 260Ci3 00
fed westerns l4lfK95lW fed Texans 40J
4 45 grns Texans i 2lX400 Uogs He
cclpts 111100 Mow 710c lower hiavy J525
W5U0 mixed 51fft525 light 000517 i
pigs J470flftOO Hheep Heceipts PJ0 few of
fered stindy lambs f6 2V85 mut
tons iUUXHM tcedurs 25400 culls
Sonth Oiuiiliu Ilvc Stock
South Omaha July 11 Cattle Hocelpts
2100 btroug on best slow on common native
beef steers 440s540 western steers 375ft9
425 rows uud heifers 3 0OM40 can
ners 175340 stackers and feeders 13 00
440 calves JllWXfiO75 bulls stags etc
2 74 425 Hogs Heceipts 10500 10c lower
hen vyJ502ft510 mixed 502505 light
S5UOtg6 05 pigs 4 608500 bulk of snles
50245O5 Sheep Keeelpts 3200 slow
lower yearlings 4 0U400 wethers J160
U JO stock bheep 3003 80 lambs 46U2825
Yesterdays llasobull llesulti
Omaha 2 Sioux City 1
llenver 10 St Joseph 0
Dei Moines 7 Pueblo
St Louis 0 Boston 3
Pittsburg 4 Brooklyn 0
Cincinnati 7 Philadelphia 8
Indianapolis 0 Minneapolis 8
Buffalo 10 Chicago 5
Detroit 0 Kansas City
Biliousness is caused by n Inzy liver
permits food to sour iu your stomach
makes yon cross Rocky Mountnin Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Furnished rooms to rent
Younger on the Heights
Was It a Mlritflu
The marvellous euro of Mrs Rena J
Stout of consumption has created intense
excitement in Cnnimack Iud writes
Marion Stuart a leading druggist of
Muncio Iud Sho only weighed 90
pounds when her doctor in Yorktown
said she must soon die Then she
began to uso Dr Kings Now Discovery
and gained 17 pounds in weight and
wns completely cured It has cured
thousands of hopeless cases and is pos
itively guaranteed to cure all throat
chest aud lung diseases iiOc and 100
Trial bottles free at tho Kiesau Drug
Cos drug store
How Are Yonr Kidney I
Dr HobbB Sparapus Pills cure all kidney tils Sam
plofrce A ild SterlliiK KeniedvCo CflcsgoorN V
To Cure Cormtlpatlon Forever
Take Ciscai ets Candv Cathartic 10c or23o
It C C C tall to cure druKKlsts refund money
White Man Turned Yellow
Great cousternatiou wasjfelt by the
friends of M A Hogarty of Lexington
Ky when they saw ho was turning
yellow His skin slowly changed color
also his eyes and he suffered terribly
His malady was yellow jaundice He
waa treated by the best doctors but
without benefit Then he was advised
to try Electric Bitters the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy aud he
writes After taking two bottles I
was wholly cured A trial proves its
matchless merit for all stomach liver
and kidney troubles Only iWo Sold
by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Educate Tour Iloweli With Cancaretli
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
c25c If C C C fall druggists refund money
August Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houtou ihat in my travels iu all parts
of the world for the last ten years I
have met more people having used
Greens August Flower than auy other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach and constipation I find
for tourists aud salesmen or for persons
filling office positions where headaches
and general bad feelings from irregular
habits exist that Greens August
Flower is a grand remedy It does no
injure the system by frequent use and
is excellent for sour stomachs and
Indigestion Sample bottles free at
Kiesau Drug Co
Sold by dealers in all civilized coun
tries 1
Thl I Your Ojnvortunlty
On receipt of ten centi cash or stamps
generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
Elys Cream Uahn sufficient to demon
trte the great merits of tho remedy
CO Wurreu bt Kew York City
Ber Johnlteid Jr of Orcat FnllBMout
recommended Elys Cream Halm to me 1
can emphahizfl hih statement Itisapoii
tive cure for catarrh if u fd ns directed
Kev Francis Vi Poole lbtor CeutrulPrea
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream Halm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercmj
nor any injurious drus Price CO ceoUr
Jan 1 Feb I Mar
April May June
Every Month
In the year most women have to suffer for a week At the best this
suffering interferes with household activities and social enjoyments
At the worst it shuts the woman in a darkened room or confines her
to bed Most women can be completely cured of irregularity by
the use of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It regulates the
periods stops enfeebling drains and cures female weakness It gives
vigor and vitality to the womanly organs and tones up the ex
hausted system
Favorite Prescription is not a stimulant but a strengthening
medicine It contains no alcohol and is free from opium cocaine and
all other narcotics Its benefits are not temporary but permanent
Accept no substitute for Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription There
is no motive to offer you a substitute except to enable the dealer to
make the lnrger profit which can be made on less responsible wares
Insist on Favorite Prescription for self protection
All praise ii due to you for your wonderful Favorite Inscription writes Mr
John W Coffman HllisburB Casey Co Ky My wife suffered with female irrcRtt
hirity was confined to bed every three weeks After using two bottles of Dr
Pierces Pavorite Prescription was cured and has not suffered nny derangement
since Your Kivorite Prescription is a boon for delicate women
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets remove the cause of constipation and
its health crippling consequences They do not beget the pill habit
Favorite Prescription
Makes Weak Women Strong Sick Women Well
July Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec
Freo of Charge
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on tho breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who
will call at Kiesau Drug Co will bo
presented with a sample bottle of
13oschees Germnu Syrup free of
charge Only ouo bottle given to one
person aud none to children without
order from parents
No throat or lung remedy over had
such a sale as Boschees Gorman Syrup
iu all parts of the civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggists
will tell yoa its succuss was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy geuerally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 cent bottle will euro or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
aud blackheads should uso Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Men can be cured privately and posi
tively at home of all weakness and dis
ease Write for new freo book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Ladies if yon want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
Afck your druggibt
For more than twenty llvo years Dr J New
too Hathaway has made a specialty of Female
llsiMses During that tlmo he his had among
mike iou troo
Id fsiin aerie
bbbjp Hiih
his patients over ten thous
and u omen sintering from all
those many dlllerent com
plaints peculiar to the sex and
lias completely nud perma
nently cured more than 80 per
cent of tho cases lie has
Ily his excluMvo method
w hlch ho lias perfected during
the tweutydhe years of hl
most extenslvo practice ho Is enabled to cure all
of these different diseases Including painful
profusoor suppressed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration In
fact overv form of those diseases which make a
burden of llfo to the great majority of women
JIo has so perfected tills system of his that ho
can treat theso cases by mall without airy per
bonal examination to which every sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oer
atlon with Its consequent pain aud necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of the home tho euro Is painless and it Is
Write him a letter stating brlely your condi
tion and he will send you a blank to ho filled out
He will gho your case his personal attention and
caro and make his fee so moderate Including all
medleliuS necessary that jou will not feel the
burden of the painent and he will guarantee
joua jwsltho cure Address
Dr llatlmwuy Si Co
Commercial Illock Sioux City Iowa
Dont Be Fooledi
7Cv JBi
Take the genuine origin
Made only by MadUon Medi
cine Co Madlion Wis It
keep you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Noer sold
in bulk Accept no subitl
tute ak nur orugirisi
ftrwt with you whether 70a continue ttr
nerYe Kimajf iuuicuwuu t w
outnvrTouidlttree espelf nlo
tine c urlte Ibe tilooi
iturtf lol tuftnboud
vv I MV
vararav pbo
cured bur
OTO HlClrom
our own drugflitwbo
Tuuthfurm Tltwllh
lllDtUrDllytttraUtcBtlr One
ai uaumll curve 1 1 boxes at M
teeaiorure or we reruaa monrj
K im He
Ask your
for a generous
Elys Cream Dalm
contains no cocnnc
mercury rnr any other
It 18 quickly Abeorbcd
GIC3 ltclief at once
J ooetis nnd cleanses
tue Nasal Iasaci
Mlnvu Tntlnmrnntinn
ijn kB
Heals and 1rotccH tlio Membrane Hettoren tho
f enses of Taio nnd Mncll Full Size 6U Trial
Size 10c at Urn i st or i vriull
ELYaiUmiiltS K War v N
I lmvo used your valuable
REIS and Ond them perfect Couldnt do
without them I havo used them forsouie tlmo
for indigestion and biliousness and am now com
pletely cured Hecoinmcnd them to every one
Once tried you rill never bo without them in
tho f amilyr Emr a JIaux Albany N Y
Pleasant Palatable Potent Tasto Good Do
Goou Never fclcken Weaken or Gripe 10c 26c Mc
SlftllDK llfmnlj fompnnf MraEO Jlonlrril Kri lofk 51
llflTnRAP Sold anil ininrantced by alldrug
IIU I U DHU BSts to GMU JE Tobacco Habit
liuul lobacco Spit and Miicke lour life A Tray
To quit tobacco easily and forever be mag
netic full of life nerve and vigor talte
the wonder worker that makes weak men
strong All druggists tOc or SI Cure guaran
teed Booklet and sample free Address
Pcrling Remedy Co Chlraco rr New York
v- i i i n 1 1
Summer Excursions
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The Union Pncifiic will plane in effect
on June 21 July 7 to 10 inc July 18
nud AuRUHt 2nd Summer Excureion
rates of
plus 200 from
Kansas and Nebroekn
Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City
Tickets Good for Return
Until October 81st
For Time Tables and full information
North -Western
F E IH V R R is the best to sod
from the
North Nebraska