l I t K Our Line of Summer Footwear- Is Complete See the Strap Slippers for Misses and Children Davenport Bros Beauty and Glasses nl Women strain their -- - eyes waste nerve energy and produce premature wrinkles because they think glasses detract from their personal charms Properly fitted glasses positively lmpnm the looks of those with defective eyes We put beauty In glasses as well as behind them C F W MARQUARDT DR OF OPHTHALMOLOGY NORFOLK NEBRASKA FOR THE FINEST PHOTOS TO- MICHAELS STUDIO Wo always have the latest styles and guarantee that our work will please you Our prices are right and we solicit a share of your pat ronage Finest line of Mat Board in town Newest styles of Picture Mouldings New shipment just re ceived Yours for business C P MICHAEL Thompson is some what disfigured but still in the ring The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to day Maximum temperature 90 Minimum temperature til Average 75 Precipitation 00 Total preoipitation for month 79 Earometer 29 58 Forecast for Nebraska Fair and warm weather tonight and Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS Some of tho youug people of tho city are enjoying a picuio this afternoon at Tafts grove The ladies guild of Trinity church wil meet at 2 30 tomorrow afternoon with Mrs Buudick The dog catcher is gathering in quito a number of canines with either no owner or belonging to those who are slow in complying with the dog tax ordinance A number of cigar dealers are receiv ing cigar cutters advertising tho Turtle brand which are uovelnrtistio nud con venient They are iu tho shape of a turtle with the cutter imbedded in the back and work automatically W O Hall returned Tuesday from Tjrra Haute Indiana where he has been with his trotting horte Burtwood His horse went lame and was withdrawn from a number of the race3 in which ho had been entered bat it is thought ho i will soon recovor nud be able tocompleto tho circuit The Fremont Trlbuho has Interviewed tho Ohineo lanndryiimn of that city on tho situation in hla native land His statomonts woro largoly lu regard to an admiral of Ills country who was much groatorthan LI Hong Ohang and ojuld turn night iuto day and perform other maryelous wondors Tho picnic at Tnfts grovo yoatorday participated lu by mombers of Trinity Sunday sohool and oholr was a very oujoyable affair and thoro was a good attendance A lunch was sorvod at noon and Ico croam In tho nftornoou Bathing games aud other amusomonts peculiar to a picnic woro indulged In to tho gouurnl satisfaction of thoso partici pating Tho Norfolk tolephono ofllco onjoyod tho greatest toll bnsiuosa lu its history lu tho month of Juno Tho olllco sent and rocoived an average of 8 mossngos ovory day of tho month besides handling nu averago of 45 relay messages Tho re ceipts from toll servicos for tho mouth woro about 125000 Ooutralftlco now has two operators constantly on duty from 8 a m to 8 p in The continued hot aud dry weather is having a bad effect on crops aud unless there is rain soon tho corn crop in this violnlty will bo short It Is now about time for oars to form and if the crop passes this stage without rain thore may be large stalks but few cars There were good showers west aud south dur ing the past few days but this vicinity received none worth montioniug A letter from Mrs D A Holmes formerly of this place but now of Chi cago states that their daughter Francos has boeu bedfast for ton weoks a con siderable portion of which time it was thought she would not recover Tho doctors nre giving a little hopo now that there is a possibility for her For a long time it was thought that sho was suf fering with quick consumption but it is found that sho had an abscess of the lungs which now having broken gives hopo that sho may getwoll The many friends of the family in Norfolk will share that hope Riugliugs advertising car No 1 came in this morning and long before noon bill boards barns aud other buildings about town were decorated with tho gay lithographs advertising their ap pearanco August 2 To the novice it would seem that tho wind blowing would prevent the handling of the large posters but it did not seem to inconven ience the men employed who slapped them on with surprising ease and rapid ity The advertising matter is more attractive than ever and the bill boards have been easily the center of attraction especially to the small boys during tho day Half and Half This is salted peanuts and parched sweet corn Try it At Parishs We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiorne Sec Keul Kitnte Xraimtera The following transfers of real estate are reported by E G Heilman man ager of the Madison county abstract office at Norfolk Fritz Hoehue and wife to H L McCormick lot 1 block S Koenigsteins 3rd addition to Norfolk This also releases mortgage recorded in book 22 page 09 wd 400 00 Wall paper at Ohristophs Good second hand sewing Houses for sale machine for sale at the Singer office Forty Five Cents to MailMon ami Return Modern Woodmen Loir Rolling Pic nic at Madison July 18th The Union Pacific will run a special train for the above occasion arriving at Madison in time for excursionists to be iu or see the grand procession Every body should take advantage of this Remember July 18th only 4 cents for the round trip F W Junemav Agent T E Odiornb See the biggest troupe of performing elephants on earch with the Campbell Bros big two ring circus at Norfolk July 18 See the big free street parado at 10 a m Chinch ItiiR Inoculation The Nebraka agricultural experiment station for three years furnished inocu lated chinch bugs for tho purpose of J ascertaining whether or not this metbed of fighting the insect was practical- It was learned during this - time that where instructions were followed faith fully and climatic conditions were favor able tho disease worked well On the other hand where conditions were un favorable and instructions ouly in part or not at all complied with tho results wore almost invariably negativo Since no supply of tho infection can be obtained from private sources by our fanners tho pressure has been so great recently for a continuation of this work here that tho University has concluded to send out a limited supply of the fungus to those who are suSiciently in terested in it to give it a fair trial It can be obtained by writing to the De partment of Entomology university of Nebraska Lincoln Laurence Brunkr Entomologist Dr Frank Salter Diseases of children THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 12 1000 Vnteulny NORFOLK DAY Win n Shcci nt the Plnrro I A It ltniinlnn Norfolk day at tho Piorco reunion was vory much of n success both lu point of attondanco program features aud plans urcs A shower In tho onrly morning laid tho dust and clarified tho air mak lug tho conditions all that could bo do slrod Visitors bogau to arrive early and tho crowd was a largo ono Tho ro union will practically bo ended to morrow ovonlng although thoro aro a number of campers who will not leavo hoforo Saturday In splto of tho offorts of tho local com mlttoo to dlscourngo gamblers aud othor questionable oporators there aro quite a number oporatlng In tho near violnlty of tho grounds ono of which Is tho old re HaHo shell gamo nt which it is said ono Ruben parted with 3 in coin of tho realm Tho following Is tho program for to morrow Randolph day 500 a m Hovelllo 9 30 a m Band concort 10 00 a m Grand parado of old vot orans nud ox aoldlors of tho Spanish American War Should tho woathor bo unfavorable an old soldiers aud Spanish war voteraus experience mooting will bo hold instend of tho parado 2 00 p m Baud concert 2 U0 p m Addresses by Senator W V Allen and Congressman John S Robinson Singing to bo furnished by the Randolph Choral Union 3 30 p m Baso ball gamo 7 10 p m Baud concert 8 00 p m Addrossos by Major J N Killian and Hon W A MeBorvo Short fnrewoll address by tho District Commandor and close by singing Amoricn led by Comrade Row A G Brando of Pierce Parish has tho solo agency for Baylos High Grade Food products said to bo tho iinost of their kind Hazol nut pretzels at Parishs Boneless horriug at Parishs After dinuof cheese at Parishs PERSONAL F C Davis of Madison was iu tho city yesterday on business Miss Lillian Luikart was a passenger to Omaha yesterday morning Dr P H Salter went to Pilgor this morning on professional business Mrs G A Luikart wont to Meadow Grovo last night on a short visit trip Rev and Mrs J P Muoller havo gouo to Pierce for a weeks visit with friends Mrs Gust Bleich of Wiusido is tho guest of her auut Mrs Etnilio Mittel stadt of this city W H Lowe wont to Pierce today to enjoy the reunion with tho other vet erans of the rebellion Miss Joanna Hagey returned last even ing from a five weeks visit with friends in Liucolu aud Stromburg Mrs M B Wheeler was called to Columbus Junction Iowa by a tele gram annouueiug a serious injury to her cousin Mrs John Koenigsteiu Misses Edith Altschulor Clara Rudat and Motta Koenigstein went to the Yellow Banks this morning to visit the camp at Jack sons lake Farm land and city property for sale by G R Seiler Farm and city loans Thk Dubland Trust Co F E M V R R Excursions To Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D Casper Wyo Denver Colorado Springs Puoblo and- Glen wood Colorado Salt Lake City aud Ogdon Utah on July 8 9 1014 1718 21 and 28 and Aug 2 7 and 21 To Lincoln Neb account Jstato pro hibition convention on July 9 and 10 To Pierce Neb account district G A R reuuiou on July 9 to 13 To Cincinnati O account B Y P U convention on July 10 11 nud 12 To Denver account Y P C U Pres byterian church on July 28 aud 21 To Lincoln Neb account Epworth League on July 30 to Aug 9 To Long Pine Neb account Chau tauqua assembley on Aug 2 to 13 To Chicago account untional G A It eucampmeut on Aug 24 to 27 To Charleston S 0 account National Educational association on July 2 15 and 7 at 39 40 for round trip good to return until Sept 1st Will be glad to furnish particulars of above cheap excursions to all interested H C Matbau Agent Farming In Colorado aud New Mlro The Denver Rio Graudo railroad The Scenic Line of tho World has prepared an illustrated book upon tho above subject which will bo sent free to farmers desiring to change their location This publication gives valuable informa tion in regard to tho agricultural horti cultural and livo stock iuterests of this section aud should be iu the hands of everyone who desires to become ac quainted with the methods of farming by irrigation Write S K Hooper G P T A Deuver Colo For u Summer Outing The Rocky Mountain regions reached via theJUniou Pacific provide lavishly for tho healthof the invalid and the pleasure of the tourist Amid these rugged steeps are to be found some of I the most charming and restful spots on earth Fairy lakos noMlod amid sunny peaks aud climate that cheers aud ex hilarates Tho fliuuinor excursion rates put iu effect by tho Union lucillo onablo you to reaoh thoso favored localltios without unuocossary expenditure of time or money In effect Juno 21 July 7 to 10 Ino July IS and August 2 One faro plus 200 for tho round trip from Missouri river to Denver Colorado Springs Puoblo Ogdon and Halt Lake City Return limit Octobor Hist 1900 For tlmo tables and full information call on V W Junoman Agent A BIG SHOW COMING Itlnulluir flro FitmoiM 01 roil lo K hlllt In this Oily Tho nuuouucomeut that Rlngling Brothers circus will exhibit lu Norfolk Thursday August 2 will lm gratifying uows to all who havo soon this great show or famlllarlzod thomsolvos with Its claims to unrivalled fame Some Idea of tho sle and scope of the exhibi tion can bo gained from the fact that flvo trnins of double length railroad oars are roqulrod to transport It from city to city whllo tho performances aro given lu throe rings upon two stagos iu mid air and upon an Inunonso hippodrome racing traokuudor an enormous canvass pavllliou so vast that allotherolrousos In America Leonid bo gathered without crowdiiiK uudor Its colossal domo Tho mouagorioistho mostcomploto zoological oollootion in Amotlca tho hippodrome isfiu actual reproduction of tho oxoltlng contests of old Rome and the aronio performance Is so vastly suporior to a uy thing over boforo soon in this country ns to create a distinct doparturo in this form of popular entertainment The acrobats gymnasts aeriallsts riders and othor specialists number throo hundred of the highest salaried European and American artists in cluding tlie great Fisher family of mid air evolutionists tho seven DaOonius world famous aorialists and aorobats Joseph LoKlour tho lofty somersault divor MlloTounour thoporHOuillcatiou of grace beauty and cleverness on tho swinging trnroe Alvo Boise and Plckard absolute masters of tho aerial bars Miko Roouoy Edward Shinp Lizio Roouoy Julia Lowaudo Eloun Rylaud Olgn Roed Albert Craudall and n long list of othor groat horseinon and horsewomen together with many othor featuro performers now presented for the fint time in tho United States Especial attention lias been given this soasou to trniued animal displays Lc ckharts elephant comedians compose the most novel dramatic company iu tho world These hugo pachyderms actually presout plays and farces with an intelligence aud clever appreciation of the power of expression by means of pantomime such as no human actors could surpass Soudors elephant brass baud is the most sensational trained animal featuro over over soon in Amer ica OBriens sixty ono horso act the most rotuarkablo instauco of trained equine intelligence on record has created a furore while the now patriotic introductory spectacle Tho Last Days of tho Century is declared by the leading newspapers of tho country to bo tho most gorgeously magnificent display of tho kind ever attempted Circus day will open with a beautiful street display in which will be exhibited free upon the streets tho longest richest most resplendent parado ever organized a display which even the Caesars in the days of Romes greatest splendor and spectacular ex travagance could not have equalled Call For Certificates of Indebtedness All certificates of indebtedness issued against tho general fund of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska will on presentation to tho city clerk to be taken up with cash warrants S R McFarland Clerk ijn REPORT OF THE CONDITION oi Tin NorfolkNationalBank At Norfolk in tho Stnto of Nobraika nt the cloio of Business Juno 29 1900 HKSOLMtCKS Loans mill discounts 03Pi OS Ovirdmftsbiicuriid mid iiiiMiciirml 7l 77 U S Honiln Ui Bijciiro circulation 2iOD1 U StocUa hocuritliii county warruitsotc 7J7 50 lliiikiiuHiouiiii fiirnitiiroinil llzturuii 1212 30 Duo from National IiinLii not roiurvanitniitsl ftQJM 31 Dun from upprowjd rtworvi iiKnnts 813W 72 Tutfirmil revenue stamps 4IB li Checks ami otlmr cisli itmus 1317 40 Notes of othor National Hanks 710 00 Fractional paper currency uickolsnml cents 70 81 Lawful Mom Hisikvb in IltsK viz Specie 21320 00 Leal tundor notes 4nou 00 152625 36 Keilemptioti fiimi with U S Treasurer 3 percent of cir culation 1210 00 Totul IOiH7 01 LLUJILITIKS Capital stock paid in H000 ft Siiriilu fund 20000 ft Undivided proutH legs uxpeimoa ami tnxtM pfilil 10311 3S Itoeorvuiu real nitate account 111WIOI Natn nil Hank notes muntiiinliiiu 21000 ft Due torther National bank 2M1 17 Due o tale 1 inks mil li inkers 21 MO Vi judmiluiii dopooiU bubjiCt lo check 117002 II Demand rortilirutes of dexiit 21 200 M Time certificates of deiocit 12116 10 323361 V Total llli7 01 btitn of Nolirahka count of Madison j 1 V II Ilucliolz raidiior of the ata mimed Iiuk iloboloiiiuly Huutr tliat the atiovi otute nieut in truu to tho lwt of m kuovledti and belief V H Hut iidi Catlnor SulHoribxl and Uttorn to before mo thin 10th duy of Jol lUoo 0 C low hiivil Notary Public OKIUXT Altofet N A It MNIIOLT AlKI liKUl S S Corrov Directors s Fresh Raspberries Koceivod Daily ill O P PARISHS Grocery Store Finest liino of Cannot Goods in tho City Only Storo in Norfolk thai handles 01 1 AS F SANMORNH COFFFF i 1 s I vsMzfWZ i v 4i55 c 5 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Of nut ELKHORN ildii and Savinss u u Association Of Norfolk Nebraska on tho 30th day of Juno 1900 ASSETS First mortgage loans f2r9IO 02 Furniture and stationery 9i 00 Cash 12211 71 Delinquent interest premiums nud fluos Expenses and taxes paid Othor assets Judgements insurance duo and tax certill catos I 111 22 i iir 817 31 Total f 32110 79 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 130909 71 Reserve fund 200 00 Undivided profits 1001 0i Total 12110 79 RECEIPTS AND EVPENDITUKES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 I IKK mxTiiis Balaucoon hand July I 189 1912 8H Duos IIHH 92 Intorost premiums and fines 2238 19 Loans repaid Ir7 22 Total 118207 21 KxiKxm limits Loans 7100 00 Expenses 1 1 1 80 Stock redeemed 5001 82 Intorost Paid 820 ifi Taxes Bought 278 20 Cash on hand 1221 71 Total IS217421 State of Nebraska Madisoncounty hs I T E Odiorno secretary of tho above named association do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of tho con dition of said association is true and correct to tho Iwst of my knowledge and belief T E Odiornk Secretary Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 2nd day of July lKX SKAI W R BllAASCH Approved Notary Republic M C Wauckk AuiRitT Dkonkk H J Colic Directors i i i j L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik First door West of Post Otilce WHEN YOU WANT A fMI SHAVE or BATH J0 TO W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN riT THIltn DOOB KAHT OF FOlKTH CR SEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Brasch Avenue and Third St on PHONE 44 A Few Words From Hayes yr NEED THE BUST When ynu NEED a physician NEED THE BEST WHEN YOU NEED HOUSE TRY ME yon a lawyor yon A WATOH I am wide awako anil uptodato NO ONE shall oxcnl mo iu service prico or promptness I havo made watches n life study and my ability Is rooognlzod by those who must have the servlno of nu EXPERT I i RAILROADS When yen need a linioplorn why not buy It from a dealer who Is known to bo thoroughly reliable an authority on walohos and about the nrlnu you can satisfy yourself by COMPARISON I will be pleased to talk with you at any limn regarding now wntohes or about repairing your old one C S HAYES NORFOLK Waron of Onlil ami Hilvor NEURAHICA EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices on Iroooriort with those of bin competi tors and then uho your judgment iui to tho best place to buy Host Stanton Flour per Hack 80o Tomatoes per can 8 Poiw per nan 5o Corn per can 80 Java Coffee bent por lb 15o Out Meal per lb 2a soap iu nairt you lu Mtitil can linking Powder MoHt IrunoH por lb Mliieing Koda per lb Htaroh per lb OiaoknrH per lb Ololhori Lines Lye per can iillxou Uanily per 20J He 4o 3Juc 7o Do 4o 7Jc Pearline por paekago 4o Rico por lit 7u Lamp Oliimney 4o Wo have a big line of Tinware Inui itewaro and Jiockory which wo aro Helling vory cheap Wo also have a big lino of fruit which wo aro milling cheap All goods new aud frorth B MEYERS MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Haves -Jewelry SLoro PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get at Uhles what you pay for KARO BROS l3r Meats Satfsane Pish Game Everybody wants tho best of meats We make a special effort to please the trade Our Shop is the Neatest in the City For Plumbing Steam Filtiop Pumps Tanks Wind Mills Ami all work iu this lino call on W H RISH SfuUfjctiou Quaniutoeci First door South of Tnu Duly News OOlco NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager All MmJdflf machines from a Imwu mower to u iiriutiui proas iiccoifull repaired Ilotuir tttu1111 ami lint wttur Inutiiu Spuuiul iittuu lion ivmi to Ikitlur ami Knuio ItopuiriUK Upp Ijbuwulkb luiplutuuut liousu NORFOLK NEBRASKA