ii r 1 FRIDAY FACTS U O Seller drovo to Battle Crock fcytstordny on ImplncM Dan Ponsloy arrived in tho city Inst enrolling to visit friends Editor Lunger of tho West Point Re publican was n city visitor today A boy was born this morning to Mr nud Mrs Frank Gliws of South Norfolk Mr nnil Mrs B T Whllo of Otnnhn uro expected hero this evening to visit friend Job Lcnoh of Niobrara arrived In the vjlty Inst night for i short visit with friends U T Sprechcr drove to llnttlo Crook liuit evening to innko some repairs on tho telephone lino Mims AgncB nnd Nnnnic Stafford will leave Smulny on a visit to friends in astern lown Miss Vclmii Covert of Columbus is with Mr and Mrs Geo II 8 poor at thoOximrd Mr and Mrs 0 W Hrnasch nnd Miss Gortrndo loftjyesterdny for an outing nt points of interest on the greut JMlssos Dossio and Tony Lobnow came a it a I lt liVnlr over irom juiiuihou 10 tqiunu mui nt home returning yesterday Kay Seymour 1ms resigned his posi tlon in Leonards drug store and will Jonvo tomorrow for his home in York Miss lulia IHocknrd who has boon -visiting at tho Davenport homo will return to Sioux City tomorrow morn ing Miss Edith McClary left this morning for Minneapolis where she will attend summer school at the Btnte university of Minnesota O S HnytH returned this noon from his trip into tho Muck Hills Ho re ports cool went hor up there with tiros nud warm wraps popular Mrs Kiln WStromileft this morning over tho Union Pacific for n visit in Wyoming Colorado and Utah She will be absent bx or eight weokj It is rumored hero that tho popular Yellow HankH hnvo been closed to pic nickers and cninpors but tho truth of tho rumor has not yet been ascertained Trinity social guild enjoyed u picnic nt Tafts grovo yesterday Tho young ladies went down in tho afternoon and wero joined at supper by tho young men in tho evening Tho severe wind of tho last few days euluminated last night in n slight shower but not as much as the soil and crops could stnml It was quito refresh ing however and vegetation in tho city looks good E Diofenbnck who hud undor consid eration theproposition of purchasing nnd reopening tho Madison college beforo it was burned now wants to or ganize n stock company and nbuild tho institution Agents of Ringling Mothers great shows aro in tho city endeavoring to nrrango for its appearance in tho city soon Hinglings are a favorite attrac tion to Noitolk people and they niny depend on a largo patronage Tho three one legged tramps are still occupying the city jail Tho police re lieved them of two generous bottles of alcohol and siuco their bath yesterday they have been sobering up consider ably Their menu consists of bread and water O W Hish has his hydraulic pipo laying mnchiuo in good running order and is breaking some records Yester day at tho residence of T O Van Horn he laid fiS feet of pipe in 10 minutes a thing impossible of accomplishment working under tho old method Tho girlB of tho M Cj M gavo a luwu social la6t evening at the homo of T J ONeill in honor of one of their members MiBs Nora Dixou who has just returned home from a visit to Iowa Those par ticipating enjoyed a delightful time Refreshments were served on tho lawn Tho family of S F Erskiue will arrive here this evening from Sioux Falls S ami will at once go to housekeeping in one of tho Bishop houses on Eleventh street Mr Erskiue has leeu here some time having taken Mr Alexanders place in this territory for McCord Brady Co Stanton Picket O P Parish camo tIowu from Norfolk last night aud today moved his family and household effects to that place In their departuro Stan ton loses au enterprising business man and a family of desirable citizens They have uiauy frieuds here who will always wish them well Nicholas Miller who has been em ployed by the OShen Brothers at New- man Grovo siuce lost fall has disap peared and all efforts to locate him hnvo been fruitless He was last seen going in the direction of a wheat field and it is thought that bo may have been over come by heat aud died The prohibition state convention is called to meet in the Auditorium at Lincoln on July 12th at 3 p m to nominate presidential electers and state officers and to transact such other busi ness as may come before it The chair iuuu announces that all prohibitionists from nnorgauized couuties will be made delegates to the convention Walter A Sott general manager Arthur W Trenholm general superin tendent and Samuel G Strickland superintendent and Evert O Bluudell zoadmaster all officials of the O St P M O road paid a visit to Norolk this morning while on a tour of Inspection of the Nebraska division of thnt road They came in on n special in clinrgo of Conductor Gary Willie Messrs Duffy and Edwards were exercising their horses last evening on the track north of town and driving at a pretty swift gait tho wheel of tho lativr gentlemans sulky broke throwing him out He held to tho lines and was dragged by his colt Into the barb wire fence surrounding tho track Ho was swung with sufficient force against two posts to brenk thorn off but was stopped by the third and tho colt broke away running to the gato which was closed in time to stop her nnd admit of her capt ure Mr Edwards was quite badly bruised and tho colt received quito u severe scratch on one of her forelegs in the barbed wire Dr Johnson attended to her Injuries and suo will bo driven again this evening Inllxr llnl List of letters remaining uncalled for nt the postolllce July I 1H00 dims Benly Mr Fred W Tletko Miss Etta Bridge Mr N A Taylor Mary 1 Campbell Mrs D Ohapin Mrs S J Thompson Mrs Margery CobcII Hichard L Dixon Fred Dieck man Walter Gibson P II Hess Getirgin Hughes Frank Jackson N S Kelly Mrs Christie Koshau Adam Marquardt Miss Josephine Miller If not called for In 10 days will bo sent to tho dead letter office Parties calling far any of tho nbovo please say nil vert ised P F SiitKciiim P M Too Much Iorkt Not KiioukIi Flit Without doubt tho fat in pork is about as hard to digest ns anything can bo A person lias to have n Btrong digestion nnd must bo engaged in hard work in order to tako care of this food although it is true a largo number of persons dopond upon it especially through tho cold weather Tho fact is howovor that as a rule fat is largely deficient in our food that is a fat which can bo oasily digested and promptly assimilated by tho system Cod liver oil as wo find it in Scotts lSniulsion is tho most easily digested of all fats it is just tho food tho body must hnvo to givo it norvo power brain power and digostivn pnwor Frew of OlutrK Any adult suffering from a cold set tied on the breast bronchitis throat or lung troublos of any nature who will call at A K Leonnrdswill bo presented with a sample bottle of Boseheos Gerinnn Syrup free of charge Only one bottle given to one person and none to children without order from pnronts No throat or lung remedy over had Buoh a sale as Boseheos German Syrup in all parts of tho civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really the only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cians One 7i cent bottlo will cure or prove its value Sold by dealers in all civilized countries UlimiKti ot YVtittir Change of water often brings on sum mer complaint Dr Humphreys Speci fics will euro it an cents each at all druggists Manual free Humphreys Company New York AllgllHt IM OMIT It is a surprising fact says Prof Houtoti that in my travels in all parts of tito world for the last ten years 1 hnvo mot more pcoplo having uBed Greens AuguBt Flower than any other romedy for dyspepsia deranged liver and stomach and for constipation I find for tourists aud salesmen or for persons filling office positions where headaches nud gouoral bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy 1 1 does not iujure tho system by frequent use and is excellent for sour stomachs aud indigestion Sample bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by doalersjin all civilized countries Goshkn HI Geuesso PuroFood Co Lo Hoy N Y Dear Sirs Some days sinco a package of your Gmiu 0 prepar ation wbb left at my office I took it homo and gave it a trial aud I have to say 1 was very much pleased with it as a substitute for coffeo Wo have always ued the best Java ami Mocha in our family but 1 am tree to say I like tho Grain 0 as well aa the best coffeo I ever drank Respectfully yours A O Jackson1 M D IMrrtrlo IIkH Not Dropped To The Editor of the Nokkolk Daily Niws I take it that you do not will fully make a misstatement as to the doings of the city council uud believing that yon were misinformed as to what actually occured at the last meeting I desire to make this statement that tho electrlo light proposition was not men tioned nud uothiug was said as to what a plant would cost as to the petitions not having signatures enough petitions from tho First Second and Third wards were on file each having more than is required the one in the Fourth ward had not been circulated as to the cost of the plant the committee made a full investigation nud believes that you ought to givo some wieght to what they said instead of taking the figures of parties who are interested iu not having a city plaut as the committee had noth ing but the interest of the citizens at heart while others had selfish motives AtOUST BliUMillKD THE NOKFOLK NEWS Til IHSDAY JULY 121000 SATURDAY SIFTINGS Mrs Chns Ulco wont to Tlldon Inst night to visit friends n few days Christ and John Harom of Crelghton visited yesterday with J A Lehman Tho geodetic survey corps undor E B Tilton Is working between Pierco and Plulnvlew Mrs Pilger Is laying a brick walk in front of her residence property on South Fifth street Miss Ella Mueller returned lost even ing from Lyons whero sho has been visiting friends Judge Powers nnd W II Lowo went to Madison this morning on business beforo tho county court W II Johnson Is making extensive repairs on his residence property on West Koeulgstein avenue Mrs N A Rainbolt Mrs W II Bucholz and Wynn Rainbolt nro ex pected home from tho eiiBt either tonight or tomorrow Sheriff Georgo Losoy of Mndison is a grandpa a son having been born to Mr and MrH John Hnrdliig of Mendow Grovo Tuesday It Is noticed by tho Boo that Mr nud Mrs K E Drow of Omaha both well known in this city hnvo welcomed a boy to their home Some kind of a show has erected a tent on tho vacant lot at tho corner of Main and Fourth Btroets nnd is about ready to open for business Mr and Mrs P A Shurtzof this city aud Mr nnd Mrs Hugh Herbison of MndlBon will picnic tomorrow on the farm of Scott Simpson near Wumerville Mossors Ludwig Koonigstoiu Julius Altschuler and Arthur Koonigstoiu will lenvo tomorrow for Jacksons lako where they will camp out for n week or more It is announced that tho tennis en thusiasts ot Plainviow are arranging for a Northeast Nebraska tournament to bo hold at that place in the near future 11 A PaBowalk is confined to his home with a badly sprained back tho ro Bult of a strain while recently helping lift a binder into a wngou Dr Scobee is attending him A surprise took place in the Beo vaca tion contest this morning when Miss Celia M Ohnso of Way no overreached all previous records in Omaha or out by registering n voto of 2 118a Win Parker who has been visiting hero left this morning for Boston to resume his duties as assistant editor of tho Atlantic Monthly He will visit at Lincoln Omaha and Chicago enrouto Tho show business did not stnrt in Madison county early but it is going to do the thing up brown when it does come Gollnmer Bros are to show in Madison tho UHh Campbell Bros in Norfolk the 14th and Kingling Bros August and The local committee nt Pierco hns its arrangements about coinploted for the G A It reunion at that placo next woek and a splendid timo is anticipated A largo number of tenters nro expected nnd an enjoyable program has beon ar ranged Police Judge Hayes this morning sus pended the sentence passed against the threo cripples who had beon occupying tho city jail aud they were started out of town One of the prisoners has prop erty iu Platte county and an effort may be made to collect his fine aud costs Hinglings show on the 2nd will bo oxhibitod in the EdwnrdB pasture north of tho M O tracks The show now carries plank rings and does not cut up the sod iu pastures and meadowB as formerly Iron tent pins have like wise beou substituted for the large wooden ones used until lately W D Coxey press agent for Ring ling Bros circus who was interviewing tho uowspnpers of this city last evening has been with that popular attraction about 10 years He is a genial whole souled fellow aud is nlways able to make nn advantageous contract for his slow He is a nephew of General Coxey of Coxey army fame While playing with a number of other boys yesterday morning Herman the 8-year-old sou of Mr and Mrs Otto Tappert got the middle finger of his right hand badly crushed iu n clothes wringer bursting the skin aud making a severe and painful wound Dr Holdeu sowed up the injured member uud hopes to save the finger Whilo driving along Thirteenth street yesterday Roy Rights horso became frightened at Frank Becks cow nnd ran away Tho first lunge must have smashed the cart and thrown the driver out as Mr liight says the first thiug he knew he was lying on the ground with one foot on the wreck ol his vehicle The horse broke looso aud made for home Pratt Brown editor of tho Plainview Republican had his right hand bo badly shattered by the explosion of a cannon cracker ou tho eve of the Fourth that the first aud second fiugershadtobe am putated aud it is possible that the entire hand will have to come off Three physicians worked over tho injured man the greater part of the night A great hole was torn iu the lleeliy part of his hand so thnt tho bones protuded Terry Moolick of South Norfolk was the victim of a cruel joke yesterday He was enjoying to the utmost a refresh ing bath in the cooling waters of the Elkhoru but when became out to dross he was confronted with the fact that his clothes were gone Ho came home not in box pleating but in barrel staves The dimensions of his dress were not adequate nnd it Is said thnt ho is now suffering from n badly sunburned back He probably hopes tho practical jokers enjoyed his plight ho didnt Rlngling Brothers big shows will exhibit hero August a this being ono of tho threo towns of the state they will visit It now requires 01 cors to carry this aggregation and it is said that its features are bettor thnn over It is safe to predict that August and will bo a big day in Norfolk to which tho nverage Fourth of July celebration would be only a patchin W D Coxey press agont nnd Clay Lnmbort nnd W K Peck contrnctors wore in tho city yes terday nrrnnging for its nppenrauco nnd it may bo expected that tho bill boards with their gay lithographs will soon loom up Wayne Republican Bomo people nre very particular nbout their drinks Down in Madison tho people aro kicking because tho railroad companys water tank has beon used by tho boys of the town as a public bath It seems a great ninny pepplo of tho town hnvo been us ing water for drinking purposes nnd flnnlly ono of them found a disenrded too nail in his cup which cnused nn in vestigation with nbovo results At Nor folk such trilles cause no revulsion of tho Btomnch as ntllicts MadiBon people thoy claim such things aro deserved by people that becomo so degraded as to use wator for beverage E II Tracy and A J Durland have formed n partnership lor the transaction of n genernl real estntc business Mr Durland privately and in his capacity ns head or representative of Bevernl corpo rations has always handled more or less real estate coining under his control nnd supervision but has never had the timo or opportunity to take care of the differ- out matters coming under tho head of n general business and has not pretended to do so Mr Urncy has been associated with him for some mouths and has proven himself most thoroughly at home in tho work pertaining to a renl estate business Tho combination is therefore particularly strong nud vigorous nnd it may bo expected that the new firm will cause au awakening in nnd nround Nor folk nlong the real estate lino thnt has not been known for some timo The inn will be known as Tracy Durland and besides buying and selling lands will collect rentals pay taxes and attend to all other functions of a general renl estate business The News wishes the new linn success and is practically cer tain that it will get it The fire which destroyed tho immouso Swamp Root medicine plaut of Dr Kilmer Co July 1 was tho most disastrous which has ever occurred in Binghaniton However the Kilmers resumed business next morning though not at tho old stand which is a heap of smouldered ashes While tho firemen were yet pouring water on tho burning Chenango street establishment the Kilmers wero arranging to do business somewhere else That this great industry might not be crippled for n moment through the courtesy of other prominent firms and citizens tho large factory aud adjoining buildings on South street were vacated for the benefit of the Swamp Root people nud possession was taken imme diately and hero by Monday July this new temporary factory will be turning out Swamp Root the great kidney romedy in quantities of about 10000 bottles per day and in two or threo weeks time tho full capacity of more than four times that amount will be produced The immense demand for Swamp Root will thuB in no way be interfered with On the old site with adjoining prop erty which haB just been purchased will be erected immediately an absolutely fire proof six story structure plam f r which have been nearly completed Sprluj Schedule on the Nlckle lliile Komi Kllectlve Miiy II 1100 Ft Wayne Fiudlay Fostoria Belle vue Lorain Cleveland Ashtabula Couneaut Girarcl Erie Chautauqua Lake Dunkirk Buffalo as well as New York Boston and all intermediate points in Now England New York state and the anthracite coal regious are reached on fast time aud lowest rates of faro by trains of the Nicklo Plate road Leave Chicago 10 S5 a in i 30 p m 10i0 p m with up-to-date drawing room sleeping cars Unex celled dining cars on through Boston and New Yoik train at 10 5 a m and New York City fast express train leav ing Chicago at 1 30 p m All trains run daily Train leaving Chicago at 2 80 p in has observation car east of Buffalo over the Lackawanna road ar riving in New York City 735 p mM every day iu the year in good shape for evening eutertainmeuts Secure sleep ing car space in advance Write wire or phono a057 central to J Y Calnhan general agent Chicago 111 Wanted Several bright nud honest persons to represent us as managers in this aud close couuties Salary ftOO a year and expenses Straight bona flde no more no less salary Position per manent Our references any bank in any town It is mainly oilice work con ducted at home References Enclosed self- addressed stamped envelope The Dowinion Company Dept 8 Chicago MONDAY MENTION Mrs Win Jensen of Oniahn is visit ing with Mrs 11 E GliFsman MIsb Mary Donald of Omaha is visit ing with Miss Lizzio Semmler Mlko Moolick jr has accepted a pos ition In the Leonard drug Btore Miss Nellio Schwenk went to Stanton this morning to visit friendB for n week W E Spencer nnd Georgo WilliainB hnvo gone to St Paul on a business trip Miss Penrl Kethledgo arrived thiB morning from Coleridge to visit Norfolk friends H G Brnggomann is nblo to bo out ngaiu nfter a sovero siege with rheu matism Miss Kate McNeil left this morning for a visit with friendB in Iowa aud South Dakota Miss Jessie Bridge returned Saturday from a visit of three weeks with friendB at Traer Iowa Frank Reckard of Sioux City was tho guest of hiB sister Mrs Georgo Daven port over Sunday Miss Victoria Nielson enmo up from Fremont Saturdny evening for n visit to Norfolk friends G A Luiknrt returned Saturday noon from Kansas City whero ho attended tho democratic national convention Lovis nnd John Ray Al Holbrook aud W G Baker accompanied a ship ment of fiuo cattlo to Omaha this morn ing Mrs Anna E Musselmau of David City past grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star is visiting friends in the city A number of Norfolk ladies enjoyed a picnic nt Tafts grove Saturday The guest of honor wiib Mrs B T White of Omaha Rev Jetleries of tho Second Congre gational church exchauged pulpits with the Congregational pastor of Stanton yesterday Mr nud Mrs C P Buudick nud daughter Miss Ellio are expected here today to visit their sou and brother J N Buudick A boy from Bloom field was operated on at the sanitarium this morning the operation beiug for the reduction of a disocated finger W A Livingston of tho South Nor folk polico force has taken a vacation aud has gone to Long Piuo to enjoy a season of fishing Rev W H Eaton writes from Wau coudn 111 that ho arrived at his desti nation safely on tho Oth and that Mrs Eaton stood tho trip well Dr O S Parker and wife returned Saturday from Spirit Lake Iowa where thoy enjoyed a very pleasant outing They report tho weather there very cool Miss Mabel Collamer is expected here tomorrow from Sioux City for n visit of n week or two with the Misses Minnie and Fnunio Norton nud other Norfolk friends The bill boards forRingliug Bros shows are being erected nnd it may be expected that Advertising car No 1 will shortly appear aud put up gay pictures Miss Hildreth Sisson snug a very pleasing solo at Trinity church during tho services last evening and the special featuie was greatly eujoyed by those in attendance E A Bullock left this morning for Sioux City He was joined by Mrs Bullock this afternoon and together they will go to Lake Minuetoukn for a weeks outing after which Mrs Bullock will visit friends in St Paul A picnic was enjoyed yesterday at the old camp grounds near the mouth of Spring Branch by members of the Norfolk Relief association A very pleasant time was had with boating as one of the chief attractions Miss Gladys Turner and her friend Miss Rosa Gass who have been visiting the formers sister Mrs Howard Rowe departed Friday morning for Humphrey where they will spend a tew days before returning homo to Columbus Drs Bear and Salter operated ou a patient from Creightou this morning who had been kicked on the elbow by a horse and tho operation was for tho re moval of some pieces of bono to permit the healing of the iujured member Mr and Mrs W H Baird departed Saturday noon for Grand Island where they will visit a short time before goiug to their new home in Rocky Ford Col where Mr Baird will assume his duties as superintendent of the sugar factory A Madison dispatch to the Bee of this moruing says John W Clark by his attorney began proceedings in the dis trict court Saturday in au f 8000 damage case against George Krum Iu the petition it ia alleged that tho defendant wrecked the plaintiffs home by alienat ing the relations with his wife Dora E Clark While riding a bicycle this morning in his bare feet tho youngest sou of Chas H JohuBOU got his great too caught between the chain and the sprocket wheel aud it was some timo beforo he was released us u wrench had to be se cured and the chain remover The toe was quite badly crushed and the wound was a very painful one Ernest Bridge started this morning on a trip to the eastern part of the state as the traveling representative for Wheatling nnd other products of tho Sugar City Cereal mills He will con tinue to travel in the interest of tho popular breakfast food Ernest is n young man of sterling qualities well liked by all his acquaintances nnd it is confidently believed that ho will make a successful representative of the Norfolk mills Tho Stanton Pickets Fourth of July notes says Norfolk was well repre sented nnd their representation was a credit to any town Ono convyanco that attracted especial nttention wns a three seated carryall occupied by threo young couples and drawii by a hand some span of blacks Team and car riage wero handsomely decornted Tho weather bureau for several days past has been predicting rain aud thnn dorstonns but no rnin came This morning with the wind in tho east and all indications favoring rain it predicts fair weather If tho fair weather ling gets a soaking therefore it will not bo surprising The bureau has its luck in streaks For many days it will forecast the weather very accurately and then will miss it for a few days very regu larly It now BeemB to bo having one of its unlucky streaks Pierco Call Ed Norton of Norfolk Tuesday completed tho work of putting in an acetylene plant in tho residence of D L Upton Piping has also been run into the lumber office of Upton Bros two jets being placed conveniently over the office desks Tho plant has been placed in Mr Uptons residence on trial nnd runs thirty lights nicely If tho light works satisfactory it will become a permanent fixture in Mr Uptons homo and office and mny bo used in several other buildings rented by Mr Upton Tho two-year-old race between tho horses belonging to J W Edwards and Dr J II Muckay nt Madison will take place during tho aununl fair instead of this week There is a promise of sev eral other entries iu tho oveut and it is claimed that some of the nuimnls nro developing n speed that will spoil tho 8-year-old records on that track It is probable that the racing program this year will be one of the best yet put on Speedy horses are becoming more num erous iu the county each succeeding year and the surrounding country is also developing many speedy auimnls The Omaha World Herald of yester day published a very excellent likeness of Miss Nellie M Gerecke of this city together with the following very worthy comment Miss Nellie M Gerecke re cently won the gold medal at the Chi cago College of Music in a class of about seventy for her singing aud ouly missed by a fraction of n percent of winning the diamond medal She had been a studeut of the college but two years whilo inauy of tho contestants had taken a threo years course At the very last moment her music was changed and she wns given an entirely now selection or the result might have been different Mis3 Gerecke is a native of Norfolk Neb where she was born Jnnuary 30 J8S1 tho daughter of Mr and Mrs Herman Gerecke two of the pioneer residents In person she is of rather slight build n brunette in complexion with very ex pressive hazel eyes and what is known among musical people as a singers throat From early youth she possessed a clear soprano voice of almost birdlike qunlity of great ranpe and power and now that she is having the benefit of fiuo training is sure to make a reputation that will place her among the lending singers in the country Humphrey Sjpeclllc in Kumpe If you are going abroad write to us for the addresses of onr houses in Europe Also for Dr Humphreys Manual Humphreys Medicine Co WOMAN IS LIKE A a CUP A TE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT In good condition the is sweet and lovable and sings lfes sonK on a joyful harmonious string Out of order cr unstrung there is discordance and unhappiness Just as there is one key note to all music so there is one key note to health A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look well while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased She must be healthy inside or she cant be healthy outside There are thousands of women suffering silently all over the country Mistaken modesty urges their silence While there is nothing more admirable than a modest woman health is of the first importance Every other con sideration should give way before it Brad fields Female Regulator is a medicine foi women sills His thesafestandquick est way to cure leu corrhea falling of he womb nervous ness headache backache and gen eral weakness You will be astonished at the result es pecially if you have been experiment ing with other so called remedies We are not asking you totry an uncer tainty Bradfields Regulatorhasmade happy thousands of women What it has done for others it can do for you Sold in drug stores for 1 a bottle A frre Illustrated tHxiK u in r triit to all who write to THE BHADriELD CfGUUTORCO AUmUC IIIIIJI I dp yn lllUlul Vf AW III lr j PQ