The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Drug Store of Geo B Christoph
Was Touched
Entrance Wan Gained Through the Tran
mini Ovpr the Hear Door nnd llenldefi
the Cnah a Number of Cigar WereTah
en No Cine to the ItohberK
VcomSnttirdRrs Dailr
The pharmacy of Geo B Christoph
was entered InBt night by burglars and
180 iu cash tnkon from tho safe Of
the nmouut 02 belonged to tup
Express company for which Mr
Christoph conductBnBiibugency Belling
nnd cashing money orders
The thieves evidently gained admls
Biou through the transom over tho bnck
door as it was raised out of its socket
nnd shoe irrks on tho panels of the
door were observed
Chas Madsen the pharmacist opened
tho store this morning at 7 oclock and
found the safe open while tho books
and papers it contained were littered
nbout the door Mr Christoph is cer
tain that he closed and locked tho Eafe
laet night before he went homo and
thinks that tho thieves worked the
A key was in the cash drawer and the
doors of tho apartment in which the
books were kept were pried open while
Heveral other drawers and apartments
were treate l in a similar manner
Immediately on liudiug ont what had
happened this morning Madsen notified
Mr Christoph and tho police who have
since been working for a clno to the
robbers but without success
An effort was made to call up Sheriff
LoEoy by telephone and Becure hiB
blood hounds but he could not be found
Some small change waB taken from
the cash register and a number of Nnnon
cigars were taken from the show case
Perry Fleming the night wntch says
that he noticed no one around after
midnight and has no clue to the perpe
Several suspicious characters have
been loitering around town for several
days and one or more of their number
are probably responsible althoughthere
soems to be no way of tracing the crime
to them
The thieves made their exit through
the back door which was secured by a
sliding bolt and easily unfastened from
the inside
Christian Science
According to the Omaha World
Herald of yesterday tho insanity com
mission of Douglas county has decided
that an individual can refuse the assist
ance of a physician in case of an acci
dent can be a Christain Scientist and
at the same time be perfectly sane
This decision was handed down by the
members of the insanity commission iu
the case wherein Dr Robert M Stone
filed a complaint against Mrs Josephine
Sedgwick a Christian Science woman
whom he charged with being insane and
a dangerous person to be at large Mrs
Josephine L Sedgwick is the wife of
Jerry Sedgwick Jerry Sedgwick is the
man who on June 7 was thrown from
n buggy and by reason of his head strik
ing a tree was seriously injured but has
since recovered and that without medi
cal aid or assistance
Dr Robert M Stone had his atten
tion called to the accident that befell
Sedgwick and hurried to his side
There he met Mrs Sedgwick She in
formed the docter that her husband was
a believer in the Christain Science faith
and did not need the services of a physi
cian requesting that the injured man
be left alone with his God
Dr Stone went away from the scene
and at once appeared before the insanity
commission of Douglas county where
he filed a complaint alleging that Mrs
Sedgwick was insane at ihe time and
was not a safe person to be circulating
nbout the cominunty
For a Summer Outing
The Rocky Mountain regions reached
via the Union Pacific provide lavishly
for the healthof the invalid and the
pleasure of the tourist Amid these
rugged steeps are to be found some of
the most charming and restful spots on
earth Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny
peakR nnd climate that cheers and ex
hilarates The summer excursion rates
put m effect by the Union Pacific enable
you to reach these favored localities
without unnecessary expenditure of
time or money
In effect June 21 July 7 to 10 iuc
July lb and August 2 One fare plus
1200 for the round trip from Missouri
river to Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City
Return limit Octobar 81st 1000
For time tables and full information
call on P W Juneman Agent
Angtiftt Flower
It is n surprising fact says Prof
Houton that in my travels in all parts
of the world for the last ten years I
have met more people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach and for constipation I
fiud for tourktB and salesmen or for
persons filling office positions where
headaches and general bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greeus
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injnre the system by frequent
use and is excellent for sour stomachs
in 1 indigestion Sample bottles frto
at A K Leonards Sold by dealersjin
all civilized countries
The new Cash Unrdwnro Storo has a
nice lino of screen doors wlro cloth
lawn mowers nnd gasoline stoves at tho
lowest prices Call nnd examine them
Mimic Teachers Hold 1 heir Annual Sen
nlon In He MolneH
Mrs Geo N Beels has prepared tho
following of tho meeting of tho Na
tional association of music teachers
Tho National association of ninslo
teachers which held its annual session
nt Des Moines Iowa during tho pnst
week wns in many repccts a notable
gathering The high grade of intelli
gence and cnltnro manifested by tho
members of tho association wns very
marked and a matter of gonernl com
ment The meetings were noticeable
for tho spirit of cordial good fellowship
that existed among tho musicians pres
ent and their hearty appreciation of
those nppenring on tho program The
concerts were n scries of ovatiouB to tho
participants which increased iu enthus
iasm with each meeting culminating
with the closing concert iu a furore of
Tho keynote of nil the addresses nnd
discussions was the necessity tor a
broad general education upon tho part
of teachers in addition to special mus
ical knowledge much emphasis beiug
laid upon the fact that execution alone
does not constitute a musician Tho
need of a better education upon the
part of the pupils wab brought out with
great clearness and emphasiB many
prominent teachers testilyiug to the
superiority of those who had completed
a good high school course and to the
added superiority of those who have had
college training
The most notable address of the oc
casion waB given by tho brilliant and
versatile blind critic of Cincinnati
Ohio J S Vanclevo
Nebraska was well represented at the
association Mr Thomas Kelley of
Omaha gave the sacred pipe organ
recital to a large and appreciative audi
ence Miss Zoe Parke 6ang two num
bers in an acceptable manner and was
well received Mr Henry Purinont
Eames of Lincoln a Hungarian Fantasie
by Liszt with the orchestra with a fire
aud dash that was electrical in its effect
and he was repeatedly recalled by the
delighted audience
The well known Willard Kimball of
Lincoln whs accorded a prominent part
in the discussions
A noticeable feature of tho concerts
wns the youth of nearly all the perform
ers And their work speaks well for tho
The interest in the piano department
culminated in the coucertbfor pinuoaud
orchestra played by the composer Mr
Richard Burmeister of New York City
with the assistance of the Cincinnati
orchestra Mr Burmeister achieved an
instantaneous success aud was recalled
again and again
The most important work of tho asso
ciation was the formulating ot n course
of home study for teachers for which
the association will issue certificates
upon the completion of the course
This work ib in the hands of the fore
most music educators of tho day and
will prove of great benefit to those who
pursue the work
Gov KooHHielt TalkH to Knthutlaitlc
Ciotvd Iu Kaiiaa
Emporia July 3 Governor Rooso
veltb speech in Emporia was the long
est delivered during the trip through
Kansas The governor said It was
not my intention to suyaword about
politics on this trip but I dont know
that I can very well help itbecauso
this year the issues that ore at stake in
politics arc those in which I believo
with my whole heart and soul Now
why are you here today Because you
expanded over Kansas In 1803 this
territory was acquired under the Louis
iana purchase aud many good people
of the northeast 6aid it was perfect folly
to buy this country wo never could
expand into it we ought not to tako
it away from tho Indians who had it
Well you went ahead you did expand
and you aro here now and the senti
ment against acquiring this territory is
dead exactly the sumo as tho question
whother wo aro to abandon the work
that wo did last year and tho year be
fore is a dead question You sent your
sons to tho Philippines your sons blood
waters tho soil of thoso islands Tho
flag is thero and it wont come down
Newton July 3 Governor Roose
velt addressed an enthusiastic audienco
of 2000 auditors It wus tho first timo
tho governor had left the train sinco
leaving Chicago all his provious
speeches having been mado from tho
rear platform of hiB private cor His
address was along the same lines as
those delivered at Topeka aud Emporia
One Filipino Leader Surrenders nnd Aa
other One Caught by Police
Washington July 8 Tho following
cablo dated Manila was roceived at the
war deportment
General Aquino prominent leader
of insurgent forces surrendered uncon
ditionally to First Lieutenant John J
OOouuell with Macabebe scouts on
Jane 29 with 64 rifles and ammunition
General Ricarte leader of the threat
euod uprising in Manila daring this
year recently very active captured
July 1 by native police between Paco
aud Stauia Event important in rela
tion to conditions in Manila
Mac Arthur
J G Trout man went to Oreighton
this morning
Miss Luella Romy returned yesterday
from her visit to her homo in AitiBworth
MIsb Opal Madden who haa been very
ill Ib able to bo ont bnt has not yt t fully
recovered her Btrength
Tho choir boys of Trinity Episcopal
church will camp out nt the Yellow
Banks nbout July Kth
Miss Mny Dnrland left at noon for
her homo iu Plainvicw whero she will
spend n two weeks vacation
Attorney W W Young W 11
Barnes and W S Barcher were city
visitors yesterday from Stanton
Miss Jeanette Dolan left this morning
for Nowmun Grove where she will cele
brate the Fourth and visit friends
A picnic on the Northfork will bo en
joyed tomorrow by tho families of
StewartsDnrlandBTyltrB and Maylards
Tho rogulnr meeting of the Blue lodge
A F nnd A M will bo held thin men
Ing All members nro requested to at
Tho members of tho republican con
gressional central committee met heie
laRt evening and planned for tho cam
A now porch is being built iu fiont of
the Marqnardt house occupied by the
family of E G Heilmau on West Nor
folk nveuuo
Ono of tho Fair btoro delivery teams
indulged in n runaway nt tho Junction
yesterday which proved quite disastrous
to the wagon attached
MisB Nettie Allbery will leao Thurs
day on her summer vacation of two
weeks Sho will visit at Milwaukee
Wis aud Brooklyn N Y
Master Willard Mills who bus been
visiting during the pnst two weeks with
his aunt Mrs J R Hays retuined to
his home in Lincoln at noon
A missionfest will be held by tho Ger
man Lutheran pwple of Stanton at that
placo a week from Sunday and many
will probably attend from here
Miss Lillian Ohesnutwood leaves to
morrow for a two weeks vncatiou in
Marceliue Mo whero sho will visit her
Bisters Mrs Hoyt nnd Mtb Layha
The picnic of tho Trinity Sunday
Bchool has been postponed until Wednes
day of net week the 11th on account
of so many entertainments this week
The family of Dr II J Cole and half
a doeu friends enjoyed tho music of
their new piano lust evening under the
skillful touch of Ludwig Koenigstein
Miss Gladys Jenkins entertnined a
few friendb yesterday afternoon in honor
of her friends Miss Florenco Irwin and
Mibs Ethel Allen of Madison who have
been visiting hero
Mr nnd Mrs Geo D Bntterfield an
ccmpanied by Spencer and tho baby
passed through the city thiH morning
Mrs Butterfield and the baby will go to
Davenport Iowa to visit her parents
while Mr Bntterfield and Spencer will
go to Chicago
Chief of Police Widaman and a com
mittee from the council were about this
morning notifying business men and
citizens generally to clean up waste
paper and other inflammable material as
a precautionary measure against fire to
morrow and in the future
Twelve of the leading bachelors of
Beatrice have rented a fine residence
and propose to go to housekeeping with u
woman to cook and another to keep
things tidy It is quite a novel way to
board The bachelor girls of the city
threaten to open similar quarters
Ralph Piatt n former Grand Island
boy and son of Mayor Piatt of that city
is on bis way from Tocoma to Washing
ton bearing credentials as representative
of the deposed empercr of China He
went to the Philippines with a Portland
regiment and has evidently taken a part
iu the politics of the Imperial kingdom
A local telephone service is soon to be
installed in Neligh and thiB season it ib
expected that the long distance service
will be completed as far webt as Long
Pine connecting all intervening towns of
any importance The Nebraskn Tele
phone compauy at the present rate of
progress will soon have the state covered
with a net work of wires nnd there ser
vice will be as complete as any method
of communication
Wanted nonest unn or woman to
travel for large house salary t5
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent encloro self-addressed
stamped envelope Masaobii
310 Caxtoii bldg Chicago
Hah Ugh
To put it mildly Agent Fink was
highly incensed a few days ago when he
learned that a crowd of young fellows
had been enjoying the pastime of Bwim
ming in the company water tank
The tank water ia used by tho depot
people trainmen and people in general
for drinking purposes nnd it was not
pleasant to learn that they had been
drinking water after bathers The
matter was reported to the division su
perintendant and he instructed Mr
Fink to be on the lookout and prosecute
Lnny one who might be caught to the full
extent of the law
It is said that these nightly swim
ming parties have been going on for
some time Madison Chronicle
Buy your tinware at the Cash Hard
ware Store and sure money
Two Hundred Persons Die in
Flames or Drown
learner Panle llrenien ami Main Are
llpitrored and 1roperty on Khore Bnf
era Many Vanght Helon Derlta Total
In Intlnialeil at Ten Millions
J Nmv Yohk July 2 Tho losses sus
tained in tho Urn nt tho docks of the
North German Lloyd Steamship com
pany in lloboken Saturday are runner
atUely placed at nearly f 10000000
tho loss of life whilo merely guesswork
nt even this Into hour will reach prob
ably as high as 200 and there aro over
HuOmen in tlio hospitals iu this city
lloboken nnd Jersey City badly burned
Eighteen bodies have been recover d
Eleven of those wore placed iu a row nt
the morgue in this city nnd numbered
this being the only tneniiH tho author
ities havo of maintaining any sort of
identity over tho corpses ns they are mi
badly chaired and dismembered that
identification will bo mado only by
trinkets and pieces of clothing that
were found nbout tho bodies
Tho only way tho steamship officials
have of approximating tho loss of life
is by comparing tho list of thoso re
ported safe with tho list of employes on
tho steamships
Gustiiv Schwab tho general agent of
the North German Lloyd lino gave out
a list showing what men on each vessel
nre missing
On the Saalo 228 men were employed
aud only 127 of those had been ac
counted for leaving 128 men nctually
employed aH officers sailors stewards
cnginicrs coal passers oilers and trim
mora to bo accounted for
The Bremen hnd 204 men on duty
but only 127 of those havo been found
Tho Maiu had 137 employes on bonrd at
tho time and of these only 70 havo been
reported safe
Appalling Man of Ilehrl
A spectacular but horriblo sight was
presented today Whero two days ngo
piers reached hundreds of feet out into
the river and rose liko great hills alive
with outgoing and incoming commerce
lay a gieat waste of burning and smol
dering beams with hero and thero a
remnant of a high brick wnll Tho
threo innuendo piers of tho North Ger
man Lloyd lino weio binned to the
waters ripple Four largo storehouses
are wrecked and thoy with tho piers
went to makij up tho appalling mass of
debris smoking siling and steaming
It covers over four city blocks and
reaches out into tho liver over 1000
feet Streams of water aro being
poured on the ruins and workmen aru
poking about for bodies
This was tlio scene of tho greatest at
trnction today and thotiMindH upon
thousands ot people went thuro The
streets woro jammed Every trolley
car was packed with struggling hu
manity every ferry boat was ciowded
to the rails uud every tug that could be
brought into pinatu use had its quota
oi people huirjlng to tho scenu
Far off up tho North river a groat
cloud of bmoko roso and tumbled at
one moment on tho water and tho next
rising just enough to show tho skeletons
ot two of tho great ocean liners fno
Bremen and tho Main that roso liko
giants in the smooth surfaco of tho
water Thoy had boon beached thero
Around those a fleot of small boats car
rying sightseers was circled
Far down tho river off Ellis Island
lay the smoking aud steaming hulk ol
the Saale almost a total wreck
The loss of hfo probably will prove
greatest when tho wreck of tho Saale
bus been searched Already a number
of bodies have been takon off and as
soon as the fire has subsided there is
every probability that many more will
be found as several of tho tug boat
captains claim to havo seen thirty or
forty persons in ono compartment just
before the Saulo went down
Of the 420 persons reported missing
it is believed some will be found in
sailors boarding houses in this city
Jersey City and Hoboken
Tho North German Lloyd officials
declare that no passengers were lost
declare that few if any visitors per
ished und that the loss of life wuh al
most entiroly among employes of the
Many Driven to Insanity
Tho fireboat Van Wyck which ar
rived on tho scene first among tho river
fire fighters piesentedupicturoof horror
uud ghastliuess as sho lay at the docks
Tho docks woro covered with cotton
saturated with thu blood of tho viutiuib
rescued by tho bravo men aboard The
liruiion were at work cleaning tho boat
and picking up tho stained rumuuiitn ol
clothing which wero torn from the
burning bodies as thoy woro pulled
uboaid tho firo boat from tho pit ot tiro
Lieutenant McUiuuis said I should
pay thero wero passengers aboard the
Saalo They looked like passengers und
fcurely wero not members of the crow
They were locked down in tho hold of
the vessel as securely an ever a convict
was imprisoned in a cell There was
no escape for them after the vessel
began to take water We got about 80
out of thore whilo wo were allowed to
work tiom the decks It wiu then we
witnessed the awful sight of human
agony A hundred arm with flotdi off
them protruded from thu small port
holes which were a foot or less in di
ameter If chose portholes had been
larger sufficient to admit the passage
of a human body the rescues could
have lttu many rimes uorv iu number
than they wore of tbono res
cued were raying manluoa when we got
them aboard They could realiie they
bad escaped the horrible death that
threatened them but u few minutes be
iore In their delirium they fought
J mu other after they rere rescued
OiU IO i oA
in 11
OU remember the old lady who rode for the first
time on a railway train There was a frightful
collision but when the rescuers reached her
she was quite calm She said she supposed
they always stopped that way The story well illus
trates why so many women arc satisfied to live without
Ivory Soap They have never tried itl Naturally
enough they think that annoying odors sharp chemi
cals and wasteful grcasiness are common to all soaps
Cf fTRlbMl ITtKt MCU AAkttl Ml OtWHMt
They were ns black ns coal and their
burnt and ehnrrul Hush peeled off with
their clothing
It is found that some oi tho Chris
tian EndcavoriTH who weio to havo
saUwI from Boston Tuesday for South
ampton on tho Saalo may havo lost
their lives It was said that some of
these people hnd coino to thiH city to
inspect tho ship which had bosn char
tered to take 500 of them to England
and that they woro on board of her
when tho lames broko out on tho pier
As many people to avoid being roasted
to death on tho threo steamships and
docks jumped overboard and woro
drowned catching parties kept a close
watch along the shores of tho North
river Brooklyn and Staton island
Ono oi tho officers of tho steamship
Bremen said thnt thero wero fully 200
visitors on bonrd tlio vessel when tho
firo touched thoio tho majority ol thorn
being women A boat was loaded
shoitly after the alarm had boon given
but tho era It capsized as it touched tho
water and ml hands wero precipitated
into tho water and none of them weio
saved by thoso remaining on tho vessel
Thicu docks of tho North Gcniuin Lloyd
lino aro total losses with all their con
tents Tho pier of tho Thingvalla lino
is totally wiped away and an extension
which had just been built on tho
pier was burned down
to the pile tops
Tho warehouses of Palmer Campbell
which wero across tho street from tho
German Lloyd docks suffered greatly
aud a number of houses along tho street
woro scorched badly
The loss on tho steamship properties
and to other companies is mado ap
proximately as follows Tho steamship
Main of the North German Lloyd lino
cost 1500000 outbide of tho cargo fit
ting und stores Tho loss is placed at
fl200000 for the vessel and about
for thu fitting and stores and tho
cargo that was aboard nor
The steamship Bremen of tho North
Gorman Lloyd lino cost f 1250000 and
her fitting nnd cargo wero valued at
1800000 Tho cargo and stores were
entirely consumed aud the loss to the
vessel proper will amount to at least
1700000 She iB beached off Wcohaw
ken aud still smouldering
The Saale tho steamship which will
have such a horriblo story to unfold
when the divers go down in her cost
the North Gorman Lloyd company
11250000 aud tho fittings and cargo
1800000 The Saalo is beached at Ellis
Island and still burning The damage
to the vessel proper is placed at about
J800000 Tho damage done to the
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse is estimated
at 125000 Threo docks of tho German
Lloyd lino which were burned to tho
waters edge aro estimated to havo
co t 100000 Tho docks wero well
filled with merchandise jii t received
lrcm abroad and valued at f150000
Much Iroperty hti ojeel hut fortu
nately No IIwh Wero Lout
GUAM ItAiins Mich July 3 Tho
reservoir of tho city waterworks system
burst yesterday letting looso a delugo
of more than 100000000 gallons of
wattr upon a thickly populated district
on tho hillside beneath it Tho damngo
is estimated at hundreds of thousands
of dollars Houses and barns wero
swept away others wero bwlly dam
aged uud a district threo blocks sqaaro
was partly wrecked
Mrs William Cooper aged 80 was
swept away by the flood and buried in
a mass of sand und wreckage Her n
jurics may prove fatal Her husband
was also badly injured A number of
others sustaiuod minor injuries Tho
district swept by tho flood is occupied
by tho houses of workingrncn and mo
losses aro consequently the moro deeply
Italu Kelleven the Drought
Omaha July 3 Reports from Shel
ton North Loup Ord and Crete indi
cate that tho rainfall was general in
that seotion Small groin was suffer
ing from the heat and water came iu
time to save the cropu
Missing In Water Front Fire
Is Placed at Three Hundred
River HtRlnnliiK to live Up IU Dead
Humeri Hhlpn Mini He Italneil Iluforo
tho ICiai I Nuinher nf Vlitlnm Can Ha
Learned Loan May Nol II 11 Total
Nrw Yohk July II Biity sovou
bodicHof victmiHof thollohoken firo havo
been rocovned Each hour that passes
wit iichhos additional recoveries of bodies
sealed maimed and burned beyond all
semblance of humanity And tho half
has yet been told as all the bodies
brought to tho sin face wero caught on
grappling hooks About thu first of
next week tho pooplo will rualixi tho
appalling loss of life as it will thou bo
tiino for tho bodies that aro now lyiu
at tho bottom of tho river to come to
the sui face of thu water of tUoir own
accord Tho list of missing is still
placed at but few below tho 1100 mark
and when tho bodies begin floating to
tho sin face tho gruosomoiioss of tho
situation will bo reahod
Tho bodies recovered lnchulo -11 now
in OUoiiuoIIh undertaking rooms iu
lloboken IO111 Hoffmanns in tho same
city 12 in tho moiguo in Now York
and -I dock hands ot tho Saalo which
wore brought to this city This 37 havo
havo been either positively or partly
idcutificd most of them so far as bus
been discovered boiug victims from the
Those who will undoubtedly swell
tho list aro tho two hundred aud forty
odd men from the steamships includ
ing otllcors aud seamen tho greater
loss of course being among tho men
who woro below decks and could not
got to tho open before the flames choked
them back aud the heavy fulling debris
beat thorn down to their death Of
these tho greater part aro foreigners
and tlip lists of their names aro being
chocked off by tho steamship companies
officers as soon as any identification can
bo mude Then too there are some 35
people who wero on cauul boatB light
ers and about tho docks in various ca
pacities The burned North German
Lloyd piers with thoso of the Thing
valla line reach out iuto the river like
long charred arms of some great body
which still steams and smokes in its
last hours of life
Superintendent Mooller of tho North
German Lloyd lino returned from bis
trip to tho various vessels that lay in
tho river Concerning tho general sit
uation he said The steamship Bre
men can bo icpaircd without u great
outlay She burned until 0 oclock
last night when tho last flamo was
stifled The steamship Muiu is still on
firo ami is burning I believo tho ship
will bo a total loss Tho Saalo lies deep
in tho water Tho wrecking boats
started at work on her right away and
the will probably bo floating in soveral
days Wo cannot toll just how far she
is bum til but ull above is practically
Second Officer Sander of tho Saalo
said that several of the officers of the
steamships would issue a stutomeut in
several days signed and sworn to that
the captains of the tug boats did not do
all iu their power to holp tho ships that
wero lying in their docks
thin blood weak lungs and
paleness You have them in I
hot weather as well as in cold t
them In summer as in winter
It is creamy looking and pleas-
ant tasting
joe and f 1 co all drureut T