The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 05, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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A FourtD of July Slory by k
CorminiiT lsro nv
MAilTIU McCuu ocu Williams
88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88
YOU cant go to the bar
becue Thats the word
with the bark on It Mra
Minims said glowering at
her niece Marina That gooso plum
Jelly has got to bo mado todny Be
sides itll be no place for you
Cousin John is going Marina pro
tested Mrs Minims sniffed Men can
go anywhere Bhe said specially
when theyre In politics I wish to pa
tience John wnsnt Hes always put
ting up somebody to run for something
Vhy hell spend enough on tills very
congress election to build a church and
hide a multitude of faults
Marina smiled covertly She was used
to her aunts way of mixing Scripture
Mrs Mlmms thought herself very pi
ous Other people said she was only
very 111 tempered nnd domineering
passing on to her dependents what she
received from her son John He play
ed nt being a lawyer and spent most
of his time In the county town coming
homo to his mother about once or twice
a fortnight
I think you ought to let me go Ma
rina persisted Im 19 and have never
heard or read the Declaration of Inde
If thats your excuse you shant
have it any longer Mrs Mlmms said
unlocking a tall black desk and draw
ing from It something folded In yellow
ed paper She flung It at Marina say
ing Now read your fill My grand
father paid 30 to help print that back
in 1824 when Lafayette was here and
people turned fools same as they do
now Patience knows I wish I had the
money even without Interest
Inside the yellowed paper Marina
found a breadth of what had been
white silk The Declaration was print
ed on It under a golden caption within
a border of red white and blue The
type wns so bold the sheet had the di
mensions of u small flag Marina rend
the opening paragraph with sparkling
eyes Then she refolded the sheet
dropped It In the bottom of n clean
splint basket and ran away to the plum
f They grew upon the very edge of the
orchard where It bordered the big
road Their flittery dark green leaves
stirred In the lightest airs and let bro
ken sunbeams Alter on to the long
grass beneath Ripe plums deep red
iWlth rich amethystine bloom lay plen
tifully In the grass The ripest had
burst In falling Ravaging bees and
yellow Jackets hummed and buzzed
above them
Marina was glad of the hedgerow
shelter She did not mind picking
plums The orchard was Infinitely
pleasanter than the houso Still she did
not care to have everybody see her at
work upon a holiday She had set her
heart upon going to the barbecue Half
the county would be there partly
through pntrlotlc pride In the day but
more through Interest In a critical con
dition of local politics It was Just
three weeks to the convention which
would name a candidate for congress
So far It was a perfectly even thing
between the two aspirants for that
honor If one or the other got the
Wayne county delegates he would got
likewise the nomination which was
equivalent to an election
Partisans of both had got up the
Fourth of July barbecue bo there had
been heaps of fine work In the efforts
to set one ahead of the other At last
it hud been settled that young Dancy
Mr John Mlmms man who hud a line
tenor voice should lead the glee club
In singing Hull Columbia nnd that
his opponent Leslie Pago should read
to the assembled sovereigns the Decla
rutlon of Independence
Marina knew both of them and hat
ed young Dancy for a conceited flat
terer She had not seen Leslie Page
since she came orphaned to live with
her aunt But he had been often in
her fathers houso and though he was
years her elder had always shown her
the courtesy due a little princess It
pvas the hope of seeing him again
which had made her so far brave her
aunt She felt that it would be enough
to look up at him herself unseen and
to hear again his voice deep and soft
and kindly It had pained her beyond
words to find herself forced to sit bl
lent while her cousin John heaped his
choicest coarsest satire on the head of
this sometime friend
That had been hard but not quite so
hard as to stand there In that green
covert and hear all her world whirling
gayly by on the way to Bear Spring
and the barbecue Marina loved the
place The grove was a thick green
bhadc yet open to every wind that
blew The spring Itaelf danced out
from under a wooded hillside and ran
away over the clenn browu pebbles all
the length of a green valley
When the basket would not hold un
other plum Marina turned to go but
stopped at the sound of Blow wheels on
tho roadway
As she knelt In shadow she heard a
famlllnr voice say This Is my place
I let the old one run It Were off tho
same piece you seo Thered be rows
sure If we both staid here Tho old
one has got sense though She never
crosses nie no mntter what I do
Commonly youre up to n good
many things another voice said
John Mlmms laughed Marina could
Imagine his trlumphnut leer as he an
Well a few specially about this
bnrbecue The very hist of them Is tho
slickest too Sny do you know that
yeller nigger Joe up nt Graces sta
I do that Keenest sort of rnscnl
What about him tho other voice
questioned Again Mlmms laughed
Nothln much he said Only Joob
comln out today to show Mr Page the
way Page Is a stranger In these parts
you seo Hes got his own buggy Dev
ilish good span to It too I called on
him Inst night at tho hotel Guess what
he was doln
The other man muttered Inaudlbly
John Mlmms ran on Ho was llxln
what he called a handy copy of the
Declaration sheets ho had got some
fool to print for him in big type Said
a man couldnt carry big heavy books
when he had to travel In light mnrchln
order I told him he was right It was
a good Idea I had a good Idea too
Then you went and saw Joe tho
other man said significantly
Mlmms chuckled audibly I dont
tell all I do he said But I sorter
think theres trouble ahead for Mr
Leslie Page I dont believe hell read
the Declaration after nil
The other man echoed the chuckle
As Mlmms flicked his horses forward
Marina caught the words Wayne
county dont like to be fooled Its near
half for Dancy now If this paper
works right why heIl go through tho
convention with bells on
The procession began to form at
Etons store where the big road dipped
to the spring valley Flute and Addles
led it playing Lexington as for life
Then came folk on horseback solid
men small boys small girls and very
young women nfter them the buggies
each with Its prancing span next the
carringes and barouches and last of
all a dozen farm wagons full of tidy
colored people and good things for din
ner The grove at Bear Spring wns
alive with other colored folks laugh
ing chaffing happy in the thought of
seeing and henrlng everything and
mnklng many an houest penny by tak
ing care of horses and waiting on the
white people
The Mlmms carriage gay with bunt
ing and wreaths of summer flowers
was slightly crowded by the glee club
which sang five strong The back seat
wns given up to young Dancy and Miss
Cora Hill the soprano Her whlto
swIss muslin frock wns gay with red
white and blue ribbon Indeed she was
throughout a sort of symphony In nn
tlonnl colors hnvlng crisp red hnlr
bright blue eyes and a very white skin
She wns further light and airy and In
her own mind n coquette
Ill sing with you but Ill lectloneer
for Mr Page she said to Dancy I
rr THATS YOUR EXCUSE you shant have
do like him oh so much I was In his
neighborhood last winter and ho was
so nico to me I Just couldnt help fall
ing In love with him
Now Mlsa Cora Buck Darden
who sang alto protested Its a plumb
shame youre talkin that way You
know this is tho Dancy Glee club at
least Ifs goln to be as soon as hes
Dancy pretended to whisper Dont
mind me boys he said Twns
ever thus from childhoods hour If
Miss Cora Is In love with this fellow
Page Ill get out of his way at once
What do I care for nominations If I
ennt have her
I You are the beat of all Miss Hill
ejaculated pretending to sit fnrther
from Dancy The other tluee laughed
aloud The procession hud turned Into
the grove and hero was the grand mar
shal saying You nil stay still utitul
the crowd has settled then inarch up
to tho stand light behind the Addles
Git your pipes tuned an when you hear
the nnvll why Jest cut looso in sing
fer nil youre worth
The anvil posted high on the hill
side was crammed with powder and
In chnrge of Its owner big Bill Mur
ray As the Hag blossomed out ubovo
the stand Bill lighted the fuse and
sprang two yards away Next inlnuto
flume and smoke and a roar as of thun
der tilled the valley The echoes had
not died before the gleo club began
Miss Hill stood In front the men mak
ing n background for her whlto splen
dors If her voice wns untrained it
wns clear and true Tho tenor had n
clarion ring In his upper notes though
the lower ones wore slurred But an
audience patriotically uncritical ap
plauded wildly and Joined In the chorus
with might and main From Hull
Columbia the singers swept Into Thu
Stnr Spangled Banner which got
more cheers and the snine strong
chorusing Then an old fellow sprang
upon a bench waved a slouch hat anil
shouted Give us Dixie do Its got
the Foth er July feelln ef It aint na
came from the crowd A one armed
man set up a cry keen vital tumultu
ous lnstnntly echoed by every mascu
line throat It was tho Confederate
yell and swept tho singers out of all
self consciousness as they broke Into
Dixie Instantly the crowd was on
Its feet singing too not loudly but
with a sort of murmurous ululntlon
thnt undervolced the glee clubs chant
BJncks that makes me feel 40
years younger a stout innn snld to his
crippled neighbor who smiled and
nodded toward the stars and stripes
saying We never dreamed o such as
this back wjen we fought an bled an
died for Cousin Snlly Ann Maybe It
all happened for the best Uncle Sam
seems to treat us pretty mlddlln fair
The stout man nodded emphatically
Our man gits his chanco now he
said Dancys slngln sorter took this
crowd off Its feet but Page Is a thor
oughbred Ill back him to come In on
the home stretch
With Thomns Jefferson to help
him the other snld smiling hnlf wist
fully Pago was walking to the plat
form alone nnd In dead silence John
Mlmms sat there so did the perspiring
grand marshal and old Judge Greer a
sort of Nestor In state politics He
was Pages good friend and meant to
be wholly kind in saying It Is with
pride and pleasure thnt I Introduce Mr
Leslie Pago a Tennesseean who knows
what Thomas Jefferson wrote by
Page bowed thanks for tho applause
which greeted him thrust his hand In
to his breast pocket and drew out a
slim pneket As he unfolded It he al
most let it drop It was all blank pa
per At once ho understood that he
had been tricked that defeat stared
him in the face After nil he was n
thoroughbred Dropping his hands ci
ther side of him ho began not loudly
but with penetrating power to repeat
tho Declarations first paragraph
He did know by heart tho substance
of It Could he dared he undertake to
recall tho form He kept on nnd on
his tense voice reaching nnd thrilling
the outermost of the throng Suddenly
mentnl darkness enwrapped him He
faltered hesltnted but nobody wonder
ed AH were looking nt a slim girl In a
blue gingham frock and sun lint flush
ed and dusty with hnlr blown out of
curl But her eyes were tienr and rais
ed confidently to Page as she walked
up tho aisle holding townrd him what
seemed to be a banner At the foot of
the stand sho halted saying clearly
I hope I am In time Mr Page Please
read from this today My great-grandfather
who was Andrew Jacksons
friend had It printed In honor of the
great Lafayette
Pago raised the yellowed silk rever
ently and held It above his head so all
might see the tarnished gold of tho let
tering It seems to rne almost sacri
lege he said for me for any man to
read anything to a people who own
such memories nnd keep them green
It wns ten minutes before he could
eay more Even then the marshal had
to order the fiddles to strike up Tho
Eighth of January by way of quieting
the crowd Under cover of It Miss Hill
snld to Buck Darden with her airiest
toss The Foth o July must be catch
in Marina Key has declared her lndo
pendeuce of the Mlmms tribe an Mr
John looks mad enough to have a fit
Congressman Pago Is serving his sec
ond term and likely to serve others
His wife Is young and beautiful and
her name Is Marina Pf oplo who know
say that tho pair are easily the hand
somest and the happiest couple In
iwvli i
Tho froo silver republican party
has fndod from view in this congres
sional district Thoro was no conven
tion of this party hold at Norfolk
nt the time tho populists and
democrats mot This is partly duo no
doubt to the fnct that Jako Maxwell Iiiih
loft tho stnto It is primarily duo how
over to tho fnct that freo silver is u lost
cause gioatly discredited by tho Inexor
able login of ovonts Silvorlto prophooios
hnvo nil utterly failed Tho very things
tho said would como to
pass have not happened nnd tho pros
perity promised if freo silver triumphed
has como in greater ntmvsu re under a
gold standard made more Hocuro by action
of a republican congress Ftisionists
will find thoro nro many In this district
who nuvor called themselves any kind
of republicans who can seo how com
pletely silverito prognostications have
been diheroditod who will como over to
tho G P which menus Good Old
Prosperity Fromont Tribune
Tliero aro to bo a uuinbor of state
elections prior to tho national election
in Novombor Tho election in North
Carolina takes placo August J in Ala
bama August i in Arkansas Soptom
bor f in Vermont Soptombor I in
Maino September 10 and in Georgia
October II What those elections will
show is not yot known but if they
point tho way to republican buccoss as
convincingly ns that of Oregon thoy
will be quite satisfactory to tho repub
lican party
Wanted Honost man or woman to
travel for largo houso salary 05
monthly nnd expenses with incrooso
position permnnont oncloso
stamped envelope Manaoku
ISO Caxton bldg Chicago
To Cnrn ln Grippe In Two Djiyn
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to euro E W Groves signature on
every box 27c
The Mother of Consumption
How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and
Cured The Greatest of Specialists Writes
on the Subject
Catarrh In tho motlinr of connumptton
this I do not mean Hint urery cumnf cntnrrh rliv
do mean tlmt catarrh uhun un
chnckoil nml nhon clvi n tho
lrriT opiMirtiuiUUH for nxhin
Hon from Iih placo of Ik kIiiiiIiik
WlllCll H tllO IKIMll pilpHllk
Iwpflr nnd iloeiwr oioiik tho
liroutliinK tract fnvnrlnlily oihIh
In CniiHiimiitlon of thu Luin
Catarrh relilom dcxtroH an
cnnnlilnralilu nurt of tho inucoim
nurfaco of tho upper nlr iih
HKea It lnllaiuiH anil coiiim kIh
them cauHlni ueunlly n nupt r
uliundant and nlfviiHlro
elrirco but whon It riuicliim Urn IntciiM ly rli llcuto
llrilnir nf thnhnlrllko limit tubim and llttlolunir cWI
tho inflamiitlnn and ionKftlin nhlch It ciiiima
cIooih thOMi Hiuall air ihic hhim und uIIohIhk thu
putrid dlHcharrfod matter to nccuinulntn ciiumhh rut
iimr iiwuy of tho iniunli rano resulting lu whatHB
call iimumptlnn of tho Iudkh
Tho tondnncy of catarrh when It has onco obtained
n foothold In uny portion of thu mucouH lucuihrinii
which lino ovorr cavity of tho body In to constantly
xtond In mury direction
Catarrh In almost overy Inetnnco ptarts with what I
commonly known n rold In tlio bond Thin cold Is
oddod to by anothor bocaiina of omoetrnixioiuro
or HiMknnlmr of tho njHtom nnd becomes chronic
Nh i1 catarrh In thu nmiilt Union a radical euro of
thu condition Hollo clod tho illwawi piikhoh rupldl
to tho throat to tho brou chlal tube uud then to thu
Consumption cannot bo curod Now luntw cannot
bomadofora man any innro than now lingimora
now non hut catarrh cm bo curi dln II Its bUki i
oxcopt thin Until and alwa h fatal ono
in an oxporlonco of twenly yoam riurlnc which
IIiiihI luvo troatod many tlinurunds of cafes of all
furini of catarrh I liawi novoryct failed to olfcctu
ridlcil and ponnanent euro Tho method loin ploy
NonooxcliHlvoly my nun mid tho n medics Hhlcli I
iHnani lire ii a rod undor my ioronal direction In my
own laboratories
Jlanynooplolmajrlno thoy havo Consumption when
In roillty tho i1Imio Iih not quite reached that
M urn I am troatlnB and ciirlnu cuses of this Mirt
ovoryday So lonir us Iho procims of decay has not
boKnnlntholuiiKsthomsolTes lean wakoUiu patient
porfoctly wull uud stroiii airatn
Iot me once morn unto all catarrhal nufforers to
boisln treatment at onr for a month of treatment
now Is bettor than tho llireo months later on
I pli ill mtko for tho next month a specially tow fee
for Iho trwitmont of catarrh not complicated by
other dUea e maklnir no intra cbaruo forutlined
lclnootc lUJtujjy Im required
w Dr llutlmvuiy A Co
kiinniiirriiil lllixh hlouz City Iowa
Order of Henrlng
Statoof NuhrnelH
Madison County J
In tho county court nf Madison county No
lirunlii to Julia 1 Anilrus l zn Auilriis Surah
Iocke and Mary ThIkit mid nil person iutur
esteil in tliu entato nf M K Auitrus ilecoiuoil
On ruadiiiK Hint filing petition of Hurt Mapoi
slinwiruf thnt linrncu Mcilrldo former luliniiiie
tratornf this eetnte ilioil leaving said cutiitn
iiufnttlod nnd praying for tho npiKiiutmuut nf
paid Hurt Mapen as iidmiuUtrntor do IxuiU
ncm of eaiil oatuto
It is hereby ordoreil that nil nml nil porsnua in
terontoil lu snld matter may ami do appear nt
tho county court to ho hold lu nml fortaid coun
ty un tho30tli day of Iiino IWOat onooclock p
in to bhow cautiu If uny thoro he vtli thepra
or of tho petitioner should not be nritad and
that notice of tlo pendency of said petition and
tho hearluK thereof ho ideq to all porous In
terested in said matter by i ublitliii n copy of
this order in tho Nouvoihf Wkkkia Nih a
tievsepaiior printed iu slid county for threo
successlrn ueolcs prior to said day of hearing
Dated May 31tt900
Wu IliTtid Coouty Juilgo
aa5V5 y
VS I tt iimTrr
tisasa iiiiiititniit
The Tallest Mercantile Building in tho World
Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Ui
Cannot be Cut Out or
Removed with Piasters
Surgical operation nnd flesh destroying plasters arc useless pilnful and ilnngetoiis nnd besides never cum Cnncer
No matter how often n cancerous sote Is removed nuotliei eoiues fit or near the huiic point mill always lu n worse
Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer Is n blood dlsensc nnd that it Is folly to attempt to cure this deep seated daitgcn
dood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore which nfter all i only nil outward sign of the disease a ulncc of exit
the poison
Cnuccr run lu families through many generations mid those whoso niuestois huve been ulllkted with It nre liable nl any
time to be stricken with the deadly mnlndy
Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another
further proof thnt Cancer Is n disease of the blood
To cure a blood dlsensc like this you must cute the entire blood system remove every trace of the poison Nothing
Cancer effectually nnd permanently but S S S
m iy
Our medical depatttucut Is in chmge of physicians of long
8S S enters the ciiculntion semclies out and lettioves nil tnint nnd stops the formation of cancerous cells No mere tonic
or ordinnty blood medicine can do this S S S goes down to the vcty roots of the disease and forces out the deadly poison
allowing the sore to heal natutally and permanently S S S nt the same time pntlfies the blood mid builds up the general health
A little pimple n liaiinless looking wart or nunc u lump lu the breast n cut or bruise that refuses to
heal under ordiuaiy treatment should till be looked upon with suspicion as this la often the beginning of
a bad form of cancer
Mis Siitnh M KrrstiilK it WlwWnr Ave llilslnl Trim wtltrs I
nm 41 yen M nnd for llttee yrni Imil siillrtnl wllli n nevrie mm of
Cnncer on my Jaw which llic iloctoii in Dili city nM Incurnlilc nnd
tint 1 could mil live tntitetlinii l month I ncirtilrtl llirlt Ktntritirtit n
tine nnd Itnil given ui nil liopc of rvei lieliiK well unlii when my
fiii iiuvtuik i iiiy i iinuiiwi i ciiiiiiiiiniiicu n rt n Aiirr nucule n irw
Kittle the note lirenn In hent much In the urprlr of the thylclitn nnd
n n dhoti lime ninilc n ronititclr cure I huve t nlnnl In tlrsli my nipelile
nlciidiil sleep I icfrehiiK In fncl nm enjoy hit perfect health
nvrilfrt rt UI11 111I 1 I tl f 1 it- 1 1 1 It I 1
jjy vjvfiiiv v tijrv iij nimu in nulling iiiilci ii miicr iiiiHNi uwrases w me lor miy ailvlCO
or information wanted we make no chmge whatever for this scivlcc THE 8VVIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA 6A
Drop us a oard and gat free smnlo and btrook whoieJ
prloM on nur celabratod BIAtflOflD w Pull Inform
Uon on tln Dont spoeuUto w cheap twin Out thai
lBOfl taoS DouIm it Daut O OMAHA rtlB
u A Pfiil 11
1 i I r iimBk
A blindness ctics to mc now ind thn I have it
now It is queer I can see your eyes but n t your nose
I cant read because some of the letters arc blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it ifs DYSPEPSI A Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabulo
-A uum of bad health that ItTPSN fl will not Ix nnflt They hanlsh pain and Pf U
0r7iVXf Notullio worn K I A N 8 on tl pwkiip and accept no utltuu 1 ill
for cSnts twvo packets fur 4rt emits may be lind at bii drun sKirs Tn amples and one thoyv
to J or
iarfd JmonliilH win hi mailed to any addr for 5 luU forwards U Ui IUpau Chamleal Oo
10 BBrucaUt New Vork
I ft i
ui iutiiiiiiiijMi riiiiiu
Wholesale Prices
to Users
Our General Catalogue quotes
them Send 15c to partly pay
postage or cxpressage and well
send you one It has 1100 pages
17000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70000 things
that you eat and use and wear
We constantly carry in stock all
articles quoted
MlrMgun Avi MudUuii Htu Chicago
Edisons Phonograph
Uetter than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays andf
dont coat 11s much It reproduces tho music of any instrument band or orchestra tell
stories und iiiis theold familiar hymns ns well os tho popular songs it is nl way 3 ready
Rco that Mr Edisons signaturo is on every machine Cata
logues oi nil dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAIM CO 135 Filth Ave New York
Michaels Studio
Wo Bhall ho plcaxetl to seo you oven if
you do not uoed any worK iu our uno
Como in nnd got acquainted and see our
lovely line of photos whoro you will
And the very latest in styles of mounts
and finish All work guaranteed satis
faotory Wo have a lino lino of Oil
Iftintiucs Water Colors Pastel ami
Crayon Work A larue stook of Ilo
ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur
supplies alwaj B on hand and your work
done prompt and reasonable Your
trndo is wanted at the finest gallery in
this country
Yours for Business
nf llcst Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in large lujiply Millions of Btrawborrj
plants vory thrifty anil veil rootoil Outtlif
best near noma anil savo freight or expre
Bond for pricu list to
North Bend Nurseries
Nortu UflDd Cidgt County Ner
Is that traversed ty the
Oreat Centrrl Southern Trunk Line
in Kentucky Tenuessee Alabama Mis
sissippi Florida where there aro splen
did chances for everybody to maks
Come ami see for yourselves
Half Pahk Excursions Fiitsr ahd
Printed matter maps and all informa
tion free Address
General Immigration nt d Iudusnh
Agent Louisyillk y