The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 8

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MoKtnloy and Koowolt nro winnois
-have been and will be
Thoro wns but otiodoleKnte who fallod
to voto for Uooiovolt ami Hint was
MoKinloy has mado u roconl Hint tin
comnioii peoplo nm not ashamed of
and will ondorso this full
If you never before saw nil olllro hooU
n mnii you saw It thin woolt nt tint re
publican nntiounl coiiToutiou
Mnrk llnunn wasnt worth a cent ns a
boss nt Philadelphia Ho couldnt
stop tho Roosovolt flood a httlo bit
Wlio wild Now York wiw roIiir donio
cratlo Well 1 giiem not I Not with
Hough llidor Toddy on tho ropublloaii
Tho Dollivcr forcos frraoufully submit
ted to tho popular demand for lloosevolt
nud Lafo Youiik plaood him boforo tho
Sombrero lints nnd Houiih Kidor clubs
will bo exceedingly popular thin fall
No guns will bo necessary lit ooHtnming
except in Kentucky
Ufl democrats will take tho oftlcos
that nro worth having and you popu
list fellows can take tho ones more not
able for tholr honor than tholr salary
And Roosevelt was tho 0110 who ex
posod tho rottonoss of tho New York
doniocratio machiuo by getting after
Mayor Van Wyck as nn ice trust mag
Tho republican candidates aro about
nil in tho Held nud tho democrats will
have named their nion boforo another
mouth and then tho campaign will bo
on in earnest
lloosovelt is not only a hero but a
statesman He has boon In no seuso
Hobsonized but is always thoro whon it
comes to a matter concerning tho inter
ests of tho people
Tho donioernts dont much lovo tho
popullBt especially if ho has a boo in his
bonuot but ho has a profound rogard
for tho populist voto whon it helps
boost him into otllco
It is usuaUy tho populists that hnvo to
givo in to doniocrntio desires If tho
donioernts didnt get tho ollioos they
wouldnt piny in tho fusion combine
much more than n minute
Thnt horriblo bogie mau Murk
Hauua has again boon placed in posi
tion to frighten tho poor littlo domoorats
Look out for tho provnlouoo of tho
whoopiu cough iu Lincoln
Whilo our attention has boon nttraoted
to tho big convention at Philadelphia lot
ns not lose sight of the fact that a mag
nificent state ticket has been uamod iu
Nebraska nud ouo that is deserving of
The main proposition after all is that
Bryan wants the presidents chair and
his salary Thoro nro peoplowho would
Bncriflco their best iutorests to soe thnt
he attained his desire but thoy are not
likely to bo iu the majority
Tho railroads employed nearly 1 1 1000
more people iu 18 than iu 1815 and
paid f 774f85Jo more in wages Tho
people thus employed and those who
received that 77 million dollars will
certainly not be kicking vory hard for a
The democrats nro by no moans as
sured that Bryan will carry Nebraska
this fall If there are any voters who
havo turned from MeKiuloy to Bryan
thoy do not sny so whilo on Sho con
trary the number who supported Bryan
iu 18 nud now announce their iuten
tiou of voting for MoKinley nro con
stantly increasing
Bryan received but 10 per cent of tho
popular voto iu 1801 while Greeley
whoso defeat was thought to bo tho
most disastrous ever recorded iu Aniori
can history received I i per cent sAud
yet it is claimed by Bryau and his liou
tennuts that he will bo olected this yoar
Such absurd nud prepostorous claims
wero also made iu 00
A great ninny believed tho fusion
Etories iu 1890 that if MoKinloy was
olected the farmers would bo dealing iu
eight cent oats and ton cent com That
they missed it by several hundred per
cent should bo convincing orgumout
that tho republican party occasionally
carries out its promises and tho fusion
lets ore sometimes mistaken
The Chicago Record has boon inter
viewing German voters on thoir attitude
toward MoKinley and Bryau The re
sult of this investigation shows that as a
ralo the Germans are less afraid of
imperialism than they are of the
Brynn financial fallacies Tho indica
tions are therefore that tho German
te will be for sound money and good
rumeut as it was in the main in
-State Journal
niaha Dally News Bays of Son-
tolls speech boforo tho
aonni convention it was
lmlstio one that it is profit-
nblo reading for It- offoot upon the
renders tonipor If however n
runder desires noinothliig In tho possl
inlstle lino one of gloom and forebod
ing one that will mnko him hato him
self hli wife nud children nud nil man
kind ho Is admonished to awnlt tho
Kansas City convention which will
probably deal It out by J tho barrolful
1 Kdgnr Hownrds Papilllon Times
snys Mint tho uniform ndopted by tho
Douglas county domoorntio club will
consist of n black silk lint and a bndge
while attending tho Kansas City con
vention If tho Douglas county donio
ernts wish to show tholr sympathy for
Agulunldo nud his supporters they
could do it In no hotter way than by
adopting their style of dress and their
originality i to bo commended Thoy
may find tholr liberty much loss than
thnt of Aguinnldo howovor whon tho
Kansas City police force cut olios sight of
Homo of tho fusion papers apponr to bo
fearful that thoro won a lnok of onthusl
asm at tho republican national conven
tion Thu editors havo evidently boon
lead to believe that thoro would lie uo
outhusiasm nud have fail ml to post
thouisolvos as to tho truth by rending
tho roports Fifteen minutes of ohoor
ing at tho mention of tho loiidora nnuio
should bo Hiitlluiout for tho moat prociso
ospeolally should ho happen to bo tho
one whose throat Is used If thoro was
any lack of enthusiasm it could havo
omily boon accounted for in that tho
people had made tho clioico for the con
vention long boforo it had assembled
In 1890 farms woro seeking buyers at
nny price mortgnges woro being foro
otosed becauso of mens inability to
moot intorest ohargos crops woro boun
tiful but pricos whore woro thoy To
day it is somowhat ditlorout Buyers
are seeking farm laud as mi investment
pricos havo advanced 110 per cont or
more intorest ratos havo gono down
farm products havo gone up in price
Will you voto to ohango tho conditions
of today nud help to elect to olllco Wil
liam J Bryan ouo of tho niou respon
sible by voico nnd voto for tho obnoxious
Wilson bill tho grentost paralyser of
good times that over struck tho people of
tho United Stntos Wayuo Republican
Hero wo havo ovidouco of a political
trust in its worst form Tho Madison
Star fusiou nud Souator Altons homo
organ iu spoakiug of tho mid road pop
ulist couuty convouttou says thoy are
receiving absolutely no eucourageinont
from tho populist or democratic news
papers and from the peoplo claiming al
legiance to those parties in this couuty
and tho Star styles thorn rump popu
lists and soores thorn because they have
a call published iu a republican paper
If tho fusiouists think that they can
win by trying to freee out aud boycott
uiou with some priuciple left they are
likely to discover their mistake when
too lato aud suppose thoy do aid tho
republican party this yoar at tho same
time they are laying the foundation for
a party organization that will bo known
when tho fusiou combination iu which
they havo been assistautjs so long with
out any thanks is known no more
Tho Star gives thorn a further slap by
insinuating that thoy ore the ones who
have created trouble with tho fusiou
machiuo by working for principle and
iudopoudeuco from tho democratic
The NoitroLK Nkws declares that
labor has been benefited by the election
of MoKinloy Will tho Nkws kindly
explain why nearly overy daily for tho
past four years contained accounts of
great strikes in tho mnuufaoturiug
ceuters is a question asked by the
Madison Star Will tho Star kiudly
show why there aro strikes now when
they were uuknowu under Clevelands
rule Was it becauso tho laborers were
receiving higher wages or was it be
causo thero wero n dozen men ready aud
anxious to take a quitters place Will
tho Star kiudly exphuu where the Coxey
armios of unemployed are Will the
Star kiudly explain what has bocome of
tho freo soup houses Will the Star
kindly point out whoro there has been
any reduction affecting a vast number
of laborers Will the Star kiudly ex
plain wheroiu labor has not been bene
fited uuder the MoKinley administra
tion Will tho Star kiudly show some
of tluse huugry looking jobs where they
can find men Will the Star insist that
labor has not been benefited during the
past four years Will the Star kiudly
but whats the uso its powerful easy
to ask questions
A Democratic Idea
Tho Conservative was passing down
Wabash avenue Chicago on Friday
June 15 1000 and beheld over the door
of and empty aud dilapitated building
a newly finished sign It was loug and
loud iu colorings and painted upou
canvas it read Democratio Head
quarters sext aoor with an eye to
busiuess was u smaller 6ign and in
golden aud cheerful letters it said
Tape worm Expelled If the people
who practice under tho latter can eftiei
outly treat the people represented by
tho former sigu Bryan will not be
nominated at Kansas City Tho tape
worm grows fat by the diminution of
its victim the latter is constantly
emanciatlug while the tape worm
expands and beuevolently assimi
lates As Bryau has grown the
oeracy has illinlnMied Until tho
worm is expelled tho decline will
tiuuo Mortons C msorvntivo
III an Is Ijoslng Strength
Tho fustonlsts seek to reassure thorn
selves ami gain some courage by roltorat
lug that MoKinloy is losing In strength
and Bryan is gaining coniplotoly ignor
ing tho fact that tho opposite is true
If Bryan has gained any strength It Is
certainly not in the west nud all tho
nssurauce that he has gained in tho east
Is booniiBO a few groat loadors havo an
nounced their intention of supporting
him Where tho facts nro known thoy
are iu complete refutation of tho claims
of tho ftislnulsts
Tho Sioux Rills Argus Loador has
this to say of tho situation in South
Dakota Chairman 1 K Jones pro
dints that Mr Bryan will carry ovory
state ho carried iu 1810 nud will ndd
certain other stntos to his string Wo
do not know how it ais olsowhoro but
Brynn will not carry South Dakota this
time not by ton thousand majority
It is almost impossible iu this state to
find a man who votod for MoKlnley in
181X1 who lutonds to vote for Brynu this
timo On tho contrnry wo know of
fifty men iu Sioux Falls alouo who
voted for Bryan in ISMJ who now say
they will voto for MoKiuloy this all
Thoro probably nro over a hundred
Wo happen to have n little list of fifty
If ohauges like this nro gen oral over
South Dakota and wo aro informed
that this is the case Mr Bryan would
Im tremendously beaten If only those
voters who took part In tho election
four years ago wero to voto nt this
But thoro uro several thousand of new
voters and they nro republican by four
to ouo No this is ouo state which
Bryan carried in lSJil which he will not
arry iu 1IK10 And there are others
Klectrlo liight Question
For a long timo the question of the
city owning its own electric lighting
plant has been agitated nud it has
finally cotno boforo the council for ac
tion As to whether it is a good plan
f r a city to own aud operate an electric
1 ght plant Is a question that has ns
many sides to It ns there are cities which
havo gone into tho business Some
havo made it a successful venture others
havo succeeded to a greater or less de
gree while sonio towns which own
such onterprisos aro paying more for the
lighting of their streots than if they
woro patronizing a privnte compnuy ns
Norfolk has been doing One thing is
self ovidout Norfolk needs more lights
on tho streets than sho has ever had
and the opinion of tho special committee
appointed from the council to investi
gate this mutter soanis to be that it
would be profitable for tho city to go
into tho electric lighting busiuoss
Arguing from this standpoint then
the proposition of the Norfolk Electric
Light aud Power company is certainly
ouo that should be given earnest con
sideration Tho company proposes to
sell its plant to the city at a valuation to
be fixed by two disinterested appraisers
aud if they cannot agree upon the price
then they are to call iu a third aud the
decision of the three as to what the city
shall pay is to lie final Nothing can be
fairer than this The company un
doubtedly realizes that if the city erects
a now plant the competition will serf
ously affect its business and curtail its
rovouues But while this is truo of the
company it is also true of the city If
tho city puts in a second plaut it must
not bo thought for a moment that the
old company will abandon Its business
bore because it has so much invested
that its stockholders cannot afford to do
so A fight between the city and the
corporation would undoubtedly result
in the consumer getting light nt a very
low rate aud yot it would uot be busi
uess for tho city to furnish a commodity
nt less than cost auy moro than it would
be for an iudiuidual to do so because iu
the one case the stockholders would
havo to suffer tho loss and in the other
the tax payers would foot the bills
There is anothor reason why the
proposition of tho company should be
considered in a spirit of fairness nud
that is that originally 1 eutorprisiug
citizens put their mouey into an elec
tric light plant so that Norfolk should
be up with the times While there aro
only about 14 stockholders iu the com
pany at this time they are all citizens
of Norfolk aud it would be an act of
injustice to arbitrarily deprive them of a
egitimate business whioh they have
nrned through investiug their time aud
money at least not until it has been
proven that they will not do what is
right and fair by the city
Thk News has for a long time been a
believer in city ownership of public
utilities aud still thinks that if they
can be operated economically that In
most cases the public would be better
served but it can see no reason for erect
ing a new electric light plnut iu Norfolk
iu face of the proposition of the eleotrio
light company If we are going into
the lightiug business let us not do it at
the expense of a portion of our citizens
as woll as ourselves but let us go iuto it
iu a busiuess like manner By getting
the old plant out of the way the city
would have a free field to draw from
aud that without competition If it is
the iuteutiou of the council to have city
owuership certainly no fair minded
man would sanction ignoring the propo
sition of the Nyfolk Eleotrio Light aud
Power company
Conventions Meet to Name
Congressional Candidate
Untnnrmlit Mnot In Mnrinnnlt Hull mul
riiulltn In thn Auditorium Attnuil
linen nt Hither I nut nro
InulniUtli mul 1 1 ry u ii In Inuilml
Tho two fusion congressloual conven
tions assembled this afternoon iu Nor
folk tho populists mootlug in tho Audi
torium aud tho democrats iu Mar-
quunits nan xno conventions woro
called to meet nt 2 but it was nbout
it oclock boforo tho dolegntos had as
sembled and boon callod to order
tho nominee
The democratio convention was called
to order by Dr J H Mackay and- tho
call read by Douglas Cones secretary
Tho populist convention was opened
by O A Williams chairman aud tho
cull road by Louis Dowald secretary
Thomas Rawlins of Dixon county
was made temporary chair mau -and J
W Tanner of Nanco aud W T Bartlettj
of Dakota secretaries of the democratic
convention on recommendation of tho
committee Chairman Rawlins uiado a
brief speech iu taking the chair Sev
eral speeches woro made iu organizing
Thoy wero of a pessimistic order aud nil
condemned tho republican administra
tion aud lauded Bryau
While perhaps all tho counties are
represented tho attendance is uot largo
aud it is doubtful if thero aro as many
at both conventions as there were at the
republican convention that uomiuated
John H Hays
A conference committee of five was
appointed to coufor with the populists
as follows T M France Geo G
Bayha H J Pholps M W Murray
aud H Ley
A committee on resolutions consisting
of W 1j Henderson of Knox W Win
tersteeu of Dodge W E Powers of
Pierce Johu Payuo of Booue aud T F
Mouimiuger of Madison was appointed
niter wincn tho convention took a
recess of 0 minutes
The populsst couvention elected John
C Sprecher as tomporary chairman and
E O Garrett as tempoary secretary
A committee of five on conference
was appointed aud a committee of three
on resolutions was named
Senator Allen was callod for and ho
gave a short dissertation on populism
Thou the senator walked over to the
other convention andmado a democratic
The couference committees met and
agreed that the two conventions should
ballot separately and continue voting
until the same party receives a majority
of each convention
On this proposition the democratio
convention proceeded to take a ballot
which resulted unanimously for John S
The resolutions adopted by the popu
list convention endorse the administra
tion of W A Poyuter endorse Senator
Allen and Congressman Robinson and
condemn trusts and monopolies endorse
the Sioux Falls platform and the nom
ination of Bryan and Towne aud con
demn the administration for not stop
ping the oppression of the smallest and
youngest republic on earth
The populists thou named a central
committee lest the matter should be
neglected after the big show was over
The first informal ballot in the popu
list convention gave Robinson 148 W
F Porter lIJR A Tawuey 33 John C
Sprecher 0
Secretary of State Porter iu a hot
speech explained why he had been a
candidate He said that Robinson had
turned down Congressman Maxwell and
ought to take his -own medicine if he
had to if he didnt have to that was
different He thought he was among
populists who had enough pride to
at least support populists on au
informal ballot He was not sore and
wanted it so understood He had au
ambition aud still has oue He hopes
some day to ropreseut tho populist party
in congress
After the secretary of state had in
jected his hot declaration into the situa
tion a motion was made that the informal
ballot be considered formal
Before the roll was called this motion
was wlthdrnwu aud the conventiou
proceeded to take a formal ballot which
resulted in Robinson receiving the un
animous voto of the convention
A committee consisting of Messrs
Porter Tawney and MoKeen was ap
pointed to uotify tho democrats and iu
vife them to come over to the Audito
rium aud indulge iu a fusion love feast
Conns Nominated
After The News report of the fusiou
judicial conventions closed yesterday
there was no change iu the situation
until after supper the democratic con
vention casting its S3 votes solidly for
Judge Cones and the populist couvention
giviug Berrymau 80 Cones 21 and Ful
ler 10
After a recess for oupper the conven
tions again met but the ballots showed
the same results uutil about 8 30 wheu
Berrymau withdrew his name from the
convention aud the next ballot gave
Coues 68 und Fuller 2
The populist committee notified the
democratic convention of their action
and invited it to meet with them The
delegates went over and Judge Conos in
a few words thanked nil for their sup
port and tho conventions ndjourued
Tho result of the conventions notion
was decisively forotold by ouo of tho
doniocrntio delegates during the supper
recess Whon ho was nsked who would
give way first ho replied It wont bo
Tho nomluoo has been Horvlng this
district sinco Judgo Allens appoiutmont
to tho senate by Governor Poyuter
Heal Knintn 1 muster
The following transfers of real estate
aro roportod by E G Hellman man
ager of tho Madison couuty abstract
olllco at Norfolk
Right Rev Richard Scnnnell
Bishop of Omaha to Church
of Sanrod Heart lots I 2 11
4 and 5 blockrjKoouigsteins
addition to Norfolk wd 1 00
John W Warrick aud wife to
Frauk McCallum beginning
at tho uo corner of lot 3 block
0 Meadow Grove thoucow44
ft thence si 00 ft thence o44 ft
theuco nlOO ft wd 250 00
Mathias Heudricksou to Levi
Gutru lot Bblock 1IR R ad
dition to Nowinau Grovo wd 00 00
Johu A Huseuotter and Lottio
M to Bessio II Miller u2 of
sei and so of so 1 3-22-4
except ouo acre in no cornor
subject to a mortgago aud
contract of sale to Anton
Gauser wd 0o0
Mr Bryan may be expected to vote
the republican ticket this fall if his logic
is worth a sou When recently In Chi
cago this wonderful statesman said in
speaking of the republican party It
will talk prosperity of course but well
bo willing to take all tho peoplo who
have uot had their share of prosperity
and leavo them the votes of tho people
who have had thoir shire The State
Journal has statistics to show that Mr
Bryau must be one of the latter unless
ho wants to play the ice trust act The
assessment returns made by the assessor
of the Fifth ward in Lincoln in which
Mr Bryan has resided for some eight
years show that iu 1890 when he was
trying to save the country from the
goia uugs ins personal property wns
a seised at 270 Iu 1900 the samo re
turns show that this property had in
creased under four years of McKinley
prosperity to 1550 or in other words
the value of his personal property in four
years has increased to nearly 17 times as
much as in 1890 This rate of increase
would be quite satisfactory to oue of
plutocratic mold let alone one of the
great common people It looks sus
piciously like Mr Bryan had been tink
ering with some kind of ttust to
make that rate of increase from the
common people who have not received
their share A rate of 1700 per cent in
four years would astonish the most rapa
cious trust
In his write up of the First Battle
Col Bryan said that he preferred two
tails to his kite in 189G aud it is possible
that he would be favorable to two vice
presidential candidates this year one
represent ng the democrats and one the
populists It seems that it is impossible
to secure a man for second place whose
mind is broad enough to contain all
the principles of both parties with the
free silver republican party tossed in on
top for good measure Bryan has the
only mind in the country capable of
taking all the principles theories and
vagaries of three political parties and at
the same time keep it at the proper bal
ance to loan toward the right party at
the propitious moment His is a won
derful miud and no mistake
Several of the old etandbys and land
marks of the campaign of 1896 are now
either totally forgotten or completely
ignored For instance Coin Harvey
and his Financial school Altgeld of
Illinois the parity between wheat aud
silver gold bugs etn In fact al
most everything that the populists
brought into the campaign has been aud
is being completely ignored iu order to
placate the gold democrats
Now dont all you democrats who
have said nice things about Governor
Roosovelt insist on voting for him The
republicans do not waut the thing en
tirely unanimous There is more fun
with a little opposition
It would probably be uufair to assume
that the wind in evidence in Norfolk
this morning was that which escaped
from the fusion congressional conven
tions yesterdny
Roosevelt will visit Nebraska during
this campaign and it would be most
gratifying to Norfolk republicans if
this city should be included in his
Order of Hearing
State of Koliriitka SJ
MailUou Couuiy i
In the county court of Madison county Ne
braska to Julia L Anilrtia Klza Audrus Sarah
LnrLa nnd Marv Tabor and
- --
osted Iu the estate or 31 r
all persons inter
Auilrus deceased
On reading aud tiling petition of Hurt Manns
showing that Horace Mcllride former adminis
trator of this estate died leaving said estate
unsettled ami praying for the appointment of
said Hurt Mapes as adinluirtrator de bonis
lion of said estate
It is hereby ordered that ou and all persons in
terested iu said matter ma aud do appear at
the couuty court to be held iu and fnrsaid couu
ty ou the 30th day of June IWOutoneuclockp
iu to show cause If any there be wh thapri
or of the petitioner should Not Im gratitel and
that notice of tho pendeuc of said pot it ion and
the hearing thereof ho giteu to all persons in
terested iu said matter by 1 nblishing a copy of
this order In tho Nokfoik Wkkkiv Nkws a
newspaper printed u said count for three
successive weeks prior to said day of heariug
Dated May 3111600
Wm Hates Qonuty Judge
A Ocnulno Vlo5llver Stet String for Violin
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one A complete set will bo sent for 12c
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Our 200 Walo Accordion
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Double daily serv
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steeping car to Jack
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well as the Day Express loiviiuz St Louis iu
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points in Florida
Dally from 1hicaso to Memphis and Now Or
points in the South on tho linos of tho Illinois
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