The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 28, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Work of Precinct Assessors is
Th CntiiiiuloiiflritFiil lliiittlm Amhmuni
1lnceil Too High ft it iiin it nil it Niiih
Imr ofllrron oflr rt mill Kt iluotliniN
nrn Mmlo Allnnl
Madison Nek Juno 11 1 oclock
p in Hoard of county commissioners
of MudiHou county state of Nebraska
met pursuant to adjournment Present
II W Winter J J Hughes aud Chris
Minutes of last meeting wore road aud
Mrs Mary Woods being in destituto
ciroumstances aud too sick to movo to
poor farm on motion A W Tillottsou
was engaged to nurse aud board her at
350 per week
On motion the bond of Win Wolf
gram road ovorseer district No 20 was
On motion the resignation of James
Clark overseer district No 1 1 was ac
cepted aud Frank Jenkins was appointed
to fill vacancy
The petition for the incorporation of
the village of Meadow Grove was taken
up W M Robertson appeared for P
V Lewis aud Fred H Free for petition
ers After hearing arguments on both
sides and examining iuto the couditiou
of affairs tho be ird took the matter
under advisement
On motion the board adjourned to 7 10
p m
Board met at 7 30 p m
Ou motion the following bills were
A W Tillottsou boarding aud nurs
ing Mrs Woods TiiO
Madison Star printing 502
H W Winter freight ou scrapers
Christ Schmitt freight on scrapers
C W Braosch coal for sick pauper
O F Lierman grader pole 230 ap
plied ou peraoual tax
W N Huse printing for county at
torney 3
T O Mayhew seven wolf scalps 1 1
Harry Best one wolf scalp 2
P Kampmau five wolf scalps 10
applied on personal tax 5 balance 3
O T Richardsou one wolf scalp 2
J W Risk nine wolf scalps 18
WMHayes five wolf scalps 10
applied ou personal tax 383 -balance
Mike Richardsou 30 wolf scalps 00
Harvey Vail nine wolf scalps 18
A K Robinson five wolf scalps 10
J E Valentine four wolf scalps 8
A M Jones six wolf scalps 12
Frank Buettner three wolf scalps 0
applied on personal tax
Nebraska Telephone company rent
for court house to July 1 5
Johanna Wahl boarding jurors
F A Long medical attendance
Spaulding 8
M W Abts steel bar 1 applied on
personal tax
A Fisher rubber bands 293
L W Lyon work with grader 100
O W Crum salary for May 100
M O Wager salary for quarter end
ing My 20 1900 100
H E Becker furniture 920
On motion board adjourned to June
12 at 8 a m
Board met June 12 at 8 a in
On motion Frank Flood was appointed
constable for Battle Greek precinct
On motion the petition of Will
McDonald aud 29 others asking for the
incorporation of tho village of Meadow
Grove was granted as prayed for
On motion the petition of E E Hunt
and 13 others asking that Wm McDon
ald J W Warrick I G Alyea Guy
Deuel und J H Colegrove be appointed
trustees for tho village of Meadow
Grove was granted and tho above
named gentlemen were so appointed
Ou motion the following bills were
Gust Kaul janitor 30
J H Dufhey livery hife 10 ap
plied on personal tax
J H Secor Co merchandise for
Mrs Gary 1721
J J Adams carpenter work 14 43
applied on personal tax 2 03 balance
On motion T J Kennedy was ap
pointed road overseer for district No 17
Union precinct
On motion the petition of J W
Chapman and others asking for the
opening of a publio highway ou the east
and south lines of section 30 town 22
range 1 west was rejected on the
grouuds that a private road Is open for
publio use and that the expense of open
ing said road would be too great for the
benefit derived
On motion the clerk wa instructed to
pay the expense incurred out of the
deposit made by J O Trine
On motion board adjourned to meet at
1 oclock as a board of equalization
Phil Baucii
County Clerk
Hoard of Equalization
Tuksday June 13 1900 1 p in
Board of county commissioners met as a
board of equalization Present H W
Winter J J Hughes and Christ
Board proceeded to oxantluo ossssors
Complaints having boon ontored ou
motion tbo following reductions wero
Lot 1 block 0 Koouigstoius Third ad
dition 110
Northeast quarter 12 23 2 o0
Part northwest quarter northwest
quarter 22 21 1 flOO
Part northwest quartor uorthwoat
quarter 22 24 120
Lots 1 aud 7 block 5 CJueou City
Place 14
Lots 1 aud 2 block 0 IJnoen City
Place 11
Lot 13 block 72 Queen City Placo
On motion board adjouruod for dinner
and met at 1 p ui
Complaints having been ontored ou
motion the following roductious were
Lots 1 aud 2 block 83 Queen City
Placo 150
Lots 12 aud 13 block 83 Quoou City
Placo 100
Lots 1 aud 2 block 00 Queen City
Place 150
Lots 12 and 13 block 90 Quoou City
Place 150
Lots 12 aud 13 block 107 Quoou City
Place 120
Lot 5 block fi Haasos sub lots 20
Lot 5 block 14 Battle Creek 50
Lot 10 block 2 Hillside Terrace 75
Lot 1 block 3 Koeuigstoins First
addition 200
Lots 0 aud 10 block 3 Koonigsteius
First addition 50
On motion board adjouruod to Juno
13 8 a m
Board mot at 8 a m
Complaints having boeu entered ou
motion tho following reductions wero
Lot 2 and part 3 block 10 H lasos
sub lots 30
Southeast quarter 29 23 I 20
Lots 15 aud 10 block 2 Mathewsous
First addition 10
Out lot 0 Park addition 70
Lot 5 block 27 Park addition 10
Ou motion board adjourned fordiuuor
and met at 1 p m
A complaint having been filed by E
G Heilman that the abstract books of
the Madison abstracters were not
assessed whereas his books at Norfolk
were assessed at 100 the board of
equalization issued summons for R A
Malouy and Geo E Richardson to ap
pear before said board aud show cause
if any there be why their abstract
books should not be assessed Tho de
fendants appeared at tho proper time
aud after considerable discussion aud
the hearing of testimony agreed that
their books bo assessed at 100 for each
office On motion the clerk was in
structed to so assess the same
Complaints having been made on mo
tion the following reductions were
Tilden State bank 500
Lots 1 and 2 block 7 Kimball
Blairs addition to Tildau 200
Meadow Grove State bank 220
Lots 11 and 12 block 1 Mathewsous
First addition 30
Part of lots 2 and 3 block 2 Koenig
steins First addition 140
Lots 1 and 2 block 2 Bears addition
On motion board adjourned to June
14 8 a m
Board met at 8 a m
Complaints having been entered on
motion the following reductions were
Lots 1 to 15 block 10 Park addition
Lots 1 to 15 block 17 Park addition
Lots 9 to 18 block 14 Park addition
Lots 7 to 18 block 15 Park addition
Lots 1 to 12 blook 18- Park addition
Lots 1 to 12 block 19 Park addition
Outlots A B D and E Park addition
Lots 22 aud 23 block 4 Verges addi
tion 15
Lots 13 and 14 block 5 Verges addi
tion 20
Lots 1 2 8 and v block 9 Verges ad
dition 40
Lot 19 blook 12 Heilmaus addition
Lots 1 to 9 block 7 QueeuCity Place
Lots 10 to 12 block 7 and lots 1 to 5
block 8 Queen City Place 40
Lots i to 10 block 8 Queen City Place
Lots 1 to 3 block 9 Queen City Place
Lots 4 and 5 block 9 Queen City
Place 10
Lots 0 to 12 block 9 Queen City
Place 25
Lots 13 to 21 block 9 Queen City
Place 90
Lots 1 to 10 block 10 Queen City
Place 100
Lots 1 to 8 block 12 Queen City
Place 80
Lots ll to 21 block 12 Queen City
Placd 160
Lots 11 to 18 block 13 Queen City
Placo 80
Lots 19 to 21 block 13 Queen City
Place 30
Lots 11 to 21 block 18 Quean City
Place 55
Lots 1 to 10 block 27 Queen City
Place 50
Lots 1 to 10 block 28 Quoeu City
Placo 10
Lots 1 to
18 block 31 Queen City
Placo 51
Lots I to IS blook 3
Placo 51
Lots 1 to
Place 35
Lots 8 to
7 block 33
12 block ir
17 1 block
Placo 25
Lot 1 to 37
Placo 14
Lots 1 to
17 block 10
Place 31
Lots 1 to 13 block
Placo 25
Lots 1 to
Placo 25
Lots 1 to
Placo 22
Lots 1 to
Place 22
Lots 3 to II
Placo 9
Ou motion board
13 block 18
11 block 72
II block 82
block 83
Quoou City
Queen City
Quoeu City
Quoou City
Queen City
Queen City
Quoou City
Quoou City
Quoou City
Quoou City
adjourned for din-
nor and mot at 1 p in
Ou motion tho following roductious
wero made
Port southwest quartor
quartor 23 21 1 23003
East half block 2 Robertsons
tlou 20
South half blook 0 Wyckofls subdi
vision 10
Center third lot 5 block 11 Barnes
First addition 35 2
Lots 11 12 aud 13 block I Bears ad
dition 50
Lots 4 aud 5 Boars school lot sub
division 150
Southoast quartor 15 21 1 50
C Schmitt school laud Kalamazoo
Johanna Fricko school land Kala
mazoo 75
Southwest quartern 21 3 50
Lot 0 block I Mathowflous First ad
dition 50
Lots 8 to 19 Wards additional sub
lots 21
Lots 2 aud 3 block 2 Norfolk Junc
tion 10
Lot 10 block 3 Dorsey Placo 10
Blocks 1 aud 5 Dittmars addition
having escaped taxation for 1899 it was
moved that the clerk be instructed to
assess same at 20 each for that year
M O Garret appeared before tho
board did requested that tho assess
ment of the First National bank be
raised 1037 aud T F Momingor
that the assessment of tho Madison
State bank be raised 9S0 On motion
the clerk was Instructed to raise the
assessment in accordance with the re
quest of banks
Ou motion board adjourned to Juno
15 8 a ui
Board met at 8 a m
On motion the following reductions
wore made
Southwest quarter 5 21 3 100
Northwest quarter 24 21 3 50
Lot 7 block 14 BarnesFirst addition
Part southwest quarter northwest
quarter 22 241 100
Ou motion board adjourned for din
ner and met at 1 p in June 15
On motion the request of the Norfolk
National bank that their assessment be
raised 500 and of the Citizens National
bank Norfolk that their assessment bo
raised 250 was granted aud olerk or
dered to make the changes
On motion the following reductions
were made
Northeast quarter 21 21 3 300
Part lots 7 aud 8 block 1 Mathewsous
First addition 55
At 2 30 oclock p m the board of
equalization having been in session three
days and on hour aud there being no
complaints before the board the books
were on motion declared closed and the
equalization between the townships was
taken up aud continued until 0 oclock
Ou motion board adjourned for supper
aud met at 7 p m
Equalization between townships was
continued and tho following result was
arrived at towit
Norfolk precinct lauds reduced 5 per
Valley preciuct lauds reduced 10 per
Deer Creek precinct lauds raised 20
per cent
Burnett precinct lauds raised 24 per
Grove preciuct lands raised 32 per
Highland preciuct lauds unchanged
Battle Creek preciuct lauds reduced 5
per cent
Warnervilleprecjuct lands unchanged
Union preciuct lauds unchanged
Fairvlew preciuct lauds raised 18 per
School Craft preciuct lauds raised 23
Etuerick preciuct lauds raised 3 per
Shell Creek preciuct lauds raised 2 per
Kalamazoo precinct lands reduced 27
per cent
Greeu Garden precinct lauds reduced
2 per cent
Madlsou preciuct lands reduced 7 per
Lots and personal property uuchanged
Ou motion the following levies were
imposed towit
County general fund 9 mills
County road fund 2k mills
County bridge fund ii mills
Court house bonds aud interest agaiust
Madison aud Union townships 3 mills
Battle Creek village jail bond 3 mills
Battle Creek village as per certificate
of village clerk 10 mills
The majority of persons upon tonchiug inldillf age and putt
inn men mood lice
couit H weak nml thin und iUhoahcs thai were
cotittollcil in i iulirr life beimi l nltect the rotiiUltitinti
M ll I Ifl - t I 1
Those miMiiHimscu to Scrofula Cniircr Khcuiiiiitim tout ixnd oilier licredltn
troubles miy renpo
nil men mil ns nicy nut me mood so lotiir laintrii nml wrakrui a liv neciitiiiiliitecl wiiln timih m in mi
longer able to properly nourlili the body and it boi onion nit easy mark fur dlv uto At thU critical p
of life the blood mint be before it can perform its Wltitimte function und rid the ivitei
uiese poisons mm uomitig so surely ntul rlleotiiiilly does tills ni tt H S
llt of
S S S streiiutheus nud enriches the blood improve the iinnetltc nml builds tin the irpiirrnl i rniatitu
tion It is not only the best blood purifier but the best tonic for old people It warm the blood lone tip
the nerves remove nil taint from the blood nud ptevcut the development of dlenc
S S S i the only purely vegetable blood medicine known Not one pitticle of mercury potash or
other mineral poison rati be found in it nud it may be tnkeit for imv leiiLth of time without harm
M S S i the only remedy that tenches deep sentcd blood troubles like Scrofula Cancer Uhrtintrw
tlim ltcrctun Tetter etc It purifies mid restores the blood to a healthy tiottunl condition utnl make it impossible for
any poisonous waste materials to accumulate
If you have nn old t uniting ote or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heal or are troubled with bolls and carbuncles trv S S S
ii never ran to inane a quicit ami permanent cure ot mese pests u your system I run down nud you led
the need of a tonic S S S will strengthen and help you a It has many other to a happy healthy old age
9 8 S rmet Mr II norilen of jUiniMvlllr Va of n rmc of J VrVf rmc7l
Itcirm of thirty live yenrV Vatiillnii after tlie licit pliynlciitn
in Hie stirrounilliirt country I111I fnlleil ThU wm seven yean
Ago nml thete hits been no tetiirn of the ilUeiiHe
Village of Burnett as per certificate
of village clerk 7 mills
Ou motion the clerk was instructed to
make tho required levies for tho pay
ment of school district bonds and inter
est for all districts having outstanding
bonds and who shall fail to mako the
necessary lovios
At 1 2 15 a 111 Juno III tho lxmrd ad
journed for breakfast ami mot at 8 a m
Tho minutes of tho board of equaliza
tion wero read nud corrected and ou
motion the same wero approved
Ou motion tho board of equalization
adjourned sine dio Pun Baucii
County Clerk
Cull lily Com in Inn lotiiiiri
Muiinov Juno 18 1900 1 p 111
Board of county commissioners mot in
regular session Present 11 W Winter
and J J Ilughos
On motion the following bills wero
Edvon Dahlstodt work ou bridges t
Peter Nelson work on bridges 5 ap
plied on personal tax 2 75 balance 2 25
L M Johnson work on bridges 25
Albert Moses work on bridgo 1 50
Frank Horda work on bridgo 150
Frank Lewis 5 wolf scalps 10
J N Haslor I wolf scalp 2
J W Davis 1 wolf scalp 2 applied
ou personal tax
applied on personal tax
B K Meland work on bridgo 3
applied on porsonal tax
A P Johnson road work 1 1 25 ap
plied ou personal tax
James Clark bridge work 13
John II HultT printing 7 applied
on personal tax 050 balance 1 1 cents
Wm Brummond bridgo work etc
100 05
Edwards Bradford Lumber com
pany lumber 00130
Madison Chronicle printing 3 50
O D Hamstreet hardware 3945
applied on personal tax 31 7d balance
7 75
On motion Claus Young was granted a
warraut for 110 on soldiers relief
On motion board adjouruod to July 9
at 1 p m Pmr Baucii
County Clerk
Wanted Houest man or woman to
travel for large houso salary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope Manaukr
30 Caxtou bldg Chicago
To Cure Ia Grippe In Two Diivh
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure L w Grove s signature ou
every box 25c
For more than twenty flvo years Dr J New
ton Hathaway lias maile a specialty of lumalo
liso isoii DurlnK that time ho has had anions
Tun it oi ti 1 ij i i nn ihiiimmiii uiiii nnti tncii rvriy I lliril Y
known nml ircomttiemtril in n run- wllluitit trrrlvhiK ntty
limrlil S S S litoinpllv rritclinl tlir ocitt of lie illicitae ami
mnilr n complete ntul ictmiinrnt cute
If you nrc in doubt about your disease and will send tt a statement of your case our physician will
give you any information or advice wanted fot which we nmke no charge
Book ou Wood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it Address Swill Sccllie Co Atlanta C
his patlenti over ten tlimn
ana women siilIerlriK from all
thoso many dlllerent com
plaints pooullar to the mix ami
has completely and perma
nently cured more than 80 isi
cent of tho cases lie lias
By his exclusive method
which ho has perfected during
the twenty five years of his
most extensive practice ho h enabled to euro all
of the different dUoises Including painful
pmfuvior bupprostod menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration In
fact evorv form of tltoio dUeases which make u
burden of life to tho ureat majority of women
Ho has mi perfected this system of Ills that ho
can tre it tlieu cases by null without arry per
aotul examination to which every sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oper
ation with Its consequent pain and necessary
His system of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of the home the cure Is painless and It Is
Write him a lottor statlne lrle9y your condi
tion and he w ill send you a blank to he tilled out
He will ilvo your caso his personal attention and
care and raaku his feu so moderate Including all
medicines uecussary that ou will not feel the
burden of the paineut and ho will KUarantoo
you a posltho euro Address
Dr Uutliuuujr Co
Commercial ltlouk Mluuz City Iowa
Drop ua t crd and fM fr taatnlaa tod badroeh vhoUatl
prlCM on our ceUbrtxl klArnOND W Pull
uouonivm imni pAetilatn mi chnikB iwtna Uirthi
irwvv nuilinw I mm OTHW 1 HP
lBOO 1JOn IOUM i ixpt I
a fffiBii m
ywU i tar 08 im
A blindness comes to me now and th mi I have it
now It is queer I can see your eyes but njt your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Rioans Tabulc
A ciwo of bad health that will not bonr flt Thrj linnlih pidn an rt prolong llta
WANTED n llef N0U1 the wont It I 1A N 8 on tlm pckit nml Kwpt no nibntltaU Wl
10 lor 5 cent or Iwulvo packet fur ID rent may lx lml Hi any Uriia itura T n mimplri nod one tMa
aand tMtlmimluU will lie mailed to any adilrvM tor 3 canu forward to Ua Hlpaua Jhamleai Uo mm
M flpruoa bt New York
I rlDa
In iimii i I I sssasass iriiii i
4J jS -
s it
The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World
Owned and Occupied Exclusive By Us
Wholesale Prices
to Users
Qiir General Catalogue quotes
them Send 15c to partly pay
postage or expressage and well
send you one It has 1100 pacs
17000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70000 things
that you eat and use and wear
We constantly carry in stock all
articles quoted
Hlrbltfun AvL MutlUnn Mt ChUujfu
Edisons Phonograph
Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for It sings and talks as well as plaj i and
dont cont us much It reproduces tlieniusicof anyinstrunient band ororcheutra tella
stories tuidbliiss the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs it is always ready
See that Mr Kdons signaturo is on every machine Cata
logues or all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOORACH CO 135 Filth Ave New York
Michaels Studio
We shall be pleased to see yon oveu if
you do not need any work m our line
Come in aud get acquainted and see our
lovely line of photos where you will
find tho very latest in styles of mounts
aud finish All work guaranteed satis
factory We have a fine line of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel aud
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur
supplies ulways ou hand and your work
done prompt and reasonable Your
trade is wanted at tho finest gallery iu
this country
Yours for Husiuoss
of Best Vrietle at HM Timet Price Small
fruit in larne upil Millions of titrawberrj
plautd rery thrifty anil well routed Hot the
BESTuoar home ami nave freight or exre
Semi for price Hot to
North Bend Nurseries
North BenJ EJg County Neh
Is that traveraed by the
drrat Centrrl Southern Trunk Lln
in Kentucky Teuuessee Alabama Mis
sissippi Florida where there are splen
did chances for everybody to make
Come aud see for yourselves
Half Pak Excursions First axu
Third Tuesdays or Every Month
Printed matter maps and all informa
tion free Address
General Immigration and Iulnrriu
Agent Lodisvillk Ky