K TheJSiottfolkjSiGuis Seimtor AUoiuuul 1nlttKrow should bo appointed ns n commit tto to iiioti KBto tho nnny eiwitooii and report ftH to Ita bml inlhuiico on tho nnny DciuocmtR nro roundly ctltleiiiiK Governor loyntnr and ovliluntly hop to soon illHplnro him by a uomineo or their own party They envy tho popu lists nil tho plnees they have tnor Ktvun them and appear to be sotiy that they woroso Bonerousi to their allien ly what right can Hryau and hln din oiplcs critloiRo tho le uiltH In tho Philip lues Did not tho PryaiiH Hailoyn Chump Ulark and other chumprt brag that thoy had forced thomlmlulhtratlon Aro Huoh statesmen estopped or not o topped fiom critlolwu Thu Oonsorva tlvo Tho state uoiud of transportation luis ngftlu boou unjoined from IntoiforiiiK with tho fioinlht rules of tho North western lino oV Us branoheH Tho lu junotlon room to lmvo boon unneces wiry as lor ns Vforfolk was conuorued as it hat m clveti no Intimation that tho board had ntovi 1 Dowoy coucetics that he cannot win at tho Kiuibmtt City convention and also concedes Ithat Uryuii will be whipped to a linlhh Tho old admiral has had ifiiiouih oxpononeo to know victory when ho sees It and Is not as itftif int of polltlcaljnattora na his omarA bollov It is asbortod that Uroou H Koono of Now York wauU to hot 25000 that Bryan will bo tho iioxt prosldout Mr Keeuos partnor took tho rumor with a grain of halt ovidoutly believing that tho gentleman lintl not yot lout his mind If tho rumor Is truo Mr Koono must lmvo moiioy to throw at tho birds Chairman Jonos of tho national dem ocratic committee sayH tho Pacitlo coast is strongor for Bryan than in 1MHI Tho pooplo especially tho democrats will bo glad of this assurauco Thoy homohow thought It othorwiso but they know thoy were mistaken because Jones says so and Jones ho is a demo crat and therefore cant provaricai Tho question of vice presidential can didate on tho ropublicau ticket will soon bo settled aud it is to bo hoped that it will bo to tho satisfaction of tho outire party Tho caudidato for piosidont has boon sottlod upon for souio years aud tho action of tho Philadelphia conven tion and tho vote in Novombor will bo more ratUlcatlous of tho pooplos will Dauiol Wobstor accurately described tho presout administration moro than HO years ago when ho said That is tho truobt American policy which shall most iibofully omploy American capital aud American labor and host sustain tho wholo American population Agricul ture commerce aud mauufaoturos will prosper togothor or languish together Tho pooplo of Omaha aud Fromout nre agitating tho quostiou of construct ing an oloctric car lino to couueot tho two citleB This would bo of groat value to Omaha and Fremont as well as towns along tho line aud in faot tho people of tho state who go to Omaha by way of Fromout Tho vouturo ought to pay nud be successfully consummated Tho Ohio democratic convention was an harmonious atTair It only roqulrod ft squad of 20 policoiuou to prosorvo order during tho closiughours and it was inoroly a joko of JOhairmauJ Bakor whou ho ordered themjto clear tho aisles knook down thoso who would uot sit clown nud compol the howlers to shut up Twas a veritable lovo foast Americans havo a way of attracting attention in Paris that marks them ns wiuuers ovory time A man from Now Mexico who hud boon repeatedly ig snored by tho cabbies of the gay capital finally pulled a six shootor and brought ft cab driver up short nud compelled him to haul his family Tho Now Mexican was fined 10 fraucs but lirnily established American iudopoudonco to the French Mr Cabby In Nebraska the value of sheop in 1895 was given at 3W781 In 1000 this value had increased to 1090907 Iu 1895 it did not pay to raise ahoep and J the stock raisers allowed their herds to declino but under the prices uow pre vailing they aro raised at a profit nud tho numbers are rapidly increasing This is tho dlftoreuco between tho free wool polioy endorsed by Bryau in aud the protection now accordod 189 J In 1895 tho value of live stock iu Ne braska was 15757890 January 1 of this year the value was given at 10V 145834 The farmers who wanted to double values by inaugurating tho freo aud unlimited coinage of silver at tho vatio of 10 to 1 have more than doubled them under the gold standard and the crime of 73 and yet thore are those who will still cling to tho free silver fallaoy among them Farmer Bryan It is like looking for a needle in a hay stack to search for a populist paper with the populist national ticket named at Sioux Falls at Its head aud supporting it with vigor Tho presumption is that thoso popi are waiting for tho signal from their masters at lCuisisOitybotoro theyd ire opon their hoads It does seem rather queer for a fact to have populism so completely ubsoi bed lit tlmii oornoy that It bus no convictions and no head of Its own and yot protend to bo a separato and Indopondont organiza tion Senator Allen hnstonud to get out fiom undor tho advorso sontlmont In tho stato caused by tho supronio court In citing Editor Hosowator and tho Bee to appear before it and answer to the charge of contempt Tho Bonator throws out a hint to his co laboiors in tho populist vinyard that thoy should dismiss tho proceedings In the caso and that thus tho dignity of tho law will bo maintained and tho onds of justico will be served In ouloglzlng tho wonderful war roo ord of Col Bryan tho Omaha World Herald says Ho possesses In iv ro inarkable dogreo tho essential qnalities of a soldier vis a strong physique courago bravery and strategy Tho truthfulnossof this statement can bo verlllod by nearly any member of tho Thlid Nebraska roglmont Strong of physique courageous lu enlistment bravo In drawing his pay and strategic in dosortiuu his reiriuiont at tho front aud roturulng home Ord Quia Tho fusion pross Is to bo commended for Its recent action in expunging from its columns articles which appoared so frequently in tho campaign of 131W and until recently that had anarchistic or traitorous leanings If the pross of that paity will continue to ignore attacks on the govorninont and its institutions it will Btand a much greator chanco of carrying weight with sonsiblo and patri otic people Just criticism of mothods and nion and party Is at all times per missible but when it comes to indiscrim inate aud unwarranted attacks upon tho government and its institutions patri otic pooplo of nil partios aro perfectly justified in calling a halt by administer ing a sovore robulco at tho pollsor other wise Bryan cannot got away from his dem agogy Ho says I would bo doing an injustice to tho pooplo of America to admit that tho republicans will carry a single state Iu fact tho slimmoi his chances becomo for an election tho ureator claims ho makos Iu 18i his ability to prognosticate olectiou results was proved to bo nil arid tho poopla will thoroforo tako his anuouuceuiouts this yoar with a barrel or two of salt As n mat tor of faot Bryan is doing an in jus tico to tho iutelligouco of tho American pooplo to liuilco any such statomout as tho ono above Ho knows that tho re publicans will not only carry ouo btato but many lustu o would dictate a concession from him that the republicans will carry ouough statos aud enough electoral votes to make his ohancos ex ceedingly precarious Tho supronio lodge of tho Aucieut Ordor of United Workmen in session at Sioux Falls South Dakota discloses some startling figures This order was tho first boueficial organization formed aud has been in operation about a third of a century The report of Us supreme recorder M W Snckett shows that it uow hastt membership of lOJGOO n net iuoroaso tho past fiscal year of iii8 membors It is paying out at tho rato of about 8000000 a year to beneficiar ies of deceased members Daring the fiscal year of 1S99 it thus paid 9S15 17 Tho total amount paid on death losses to Jauuary 1 1900 was 9tGil bOtliil When it is considered that tho Workmen is only ouo of many organiza tions paying out largo sums of rnouoy or f ratorual insurance it can bo real ised what n factor theso lodges pro in tho financial aud business world That it has boen organized and paying for moro than iiO years indicates thnt the A O U W is not an ephemeral atlair Under the bold fnco head line Must Pay for Their Jobs tho World Horald Bays that tho Bopublican employes of congress are compelled to disgorge for tho campaign But tho body of tho article contaius no suoh intimation the funds collected being merely voluutnry contributions Many employes had expressed a desire to contribute to tho fund and for that purpose headquarters opened to receive them and the em yes notified where thoy might pay if they so desired Tho fako factory coutradictiug its headlines says that but about 1500 will be contributed whereas it was supposed that the amount would be about 10000 show mg conclusively that they wero volun tary By methods such ns tho World Herald employs is where it will finally lose There is no must or compel in tho body of tho World Horalds arti cle and either the ono statement or the other must bo a Ho Smco the paper was uuablo to support its assertions made iu tho headlines it would not be presumptuous to consider them untrue The paper insinuates that tho practice is a bad one and if so it should also deplore not necessarily with the same amount of buuconib thej practice of tho fusion state machine in Nebrasua of collecting fiom tho employes of state institutions but farrness is an unknown quality iu the World Herald unless it can thus better serve its political ends and no one ueed watch Us columns for a criticism of tho fusion stata politicans because it is not likoly to appear THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 21 1900 I or WiiUT Hiinoyn A Washington corrispondont glvos the Omaha Commercial club credit fot scouring an increased appropriation looking towaid the advancement of ir rigation which means much to tho farmors of Nebraska especially thoso iu tho wostorn part of tho Btato Thero Is no question but that irrigation would bo of inestimable vnluo to thoso farmers and thoro Ib vory littlo land iu Nebraska but that could bo cultivated profitably with sufllclont molsturo Tho lutorost of congress iu futhoring Irrigation Bhould bo most wolcomo to tho farmors concoriiod Tho following is from tho Washington correspondent Tho lucroasod appropriation of 100 000 secured for tho United States geolog ical survey for irrigation survoys an advance of fjOWX ovor last years allow ance for this work was largely duo to tho otlorts of tho Omaha Commercial club Its secretary Mr Utt aud tho merchants and business mon of Omaha Tho Cotnmorcial club undertook In tho early spring a vigorous campaign of education iu tho dlroctlou of showing tho lmportauco and necosslty for a liberal appropriation for irrigation survoys looking ultimately to tho building of storago reservoirs by tho national gov orninont Lotters woro sent by Its secretary to every manufacturing nud business organization iu the country urg ing them to lutluouo their congressmen and to overy senator aud representative Tho result is now apparont Tho etuto of Nebraska aud Omaha iu particular is dooply mtorostod from aovoral points of view in the consummation of ft system of national irrigation Iu tho first place unless groat storage Ksorvoirs aro built by tho government in tho mountains of Colorado nud Wyoming nud tho waters equitably dis tributed nnioug the states ovory foot of Nebraska laud now irrigated from tho witors of tho Platto must eventually ns Colorado appropriates moro aud more witer bo deprived of its supply of water for Irrigation With tho construction of storage reservoirs enough water could bi cousorved for both statos but unless this is done Colorado will gradually ab sorb it all Vgain tho development of the west through the carrying out of tho national irrigation policy as advocated by tho National Irrigation association would opon to Nebraska merchants a vast market not only iu Nebraska but iu adjacont states which would become thickly settled Aud lastly the building of such n system of storage reservoirs at tho head of tho Missouri ns is recommended by tho government engineer corps would insure Nebraska against damage from Hoods of this river which now annually do immonse injury to public and privato interests It Is thus seen that Nebraska is trebly interested iu this proposition and tho Commercial club is to bo congratulated upon its effective efforts in getting such a largely increased appropiatiou to carry forwftrd the preliminary work incident to a future system of national irrigation Independent Populists D W Darliugton as committeeman of the middle-of-the-road populists has issued a call for a mass convention of populist voters to be held in Battle Creek on July 10th to elect delegates to the state aud district oonvoutious aud to place iu nomination candidates for county officers to bo voted for this fall It is expected that the democratic press will roundly criticise these mid roadors who desire to assert their independence of fasiou rule but their efforts to whip them into line wrll prove unavailing as thoy have seen enough of fusion politics to learn that it is strictly democratic and for democratio caudidatos Tho attacks will be induced mainly by the fear of hurt to tho democratic cause It u not presumed that tho mid roaders hope to win this fall but thoy will bo laying a fouudatiou that will cut a figuro iu state aud national politics iu tho future as thoy would bo doiug now had they not beon betrayed to tho democrats by leaders they trusted They will undoubtedly make an etlort to show as largo a party strength as possible because tho larger their vote the sooner they will bo back to the place where thoy can again demaud the re spect of all parties The republicans will bo glad of this move for geveral reasous aud tho main one is that they will bo opposed by a party with a definite and settled policy aud while tho votes they draw from the fusion crowd will help out tho chances of republican success now that ovent was sure to come in a few years at tho most as the republicans have been con tinually galuiug in strength that the fusiomsts Have been losiug It is to be expected that inauy of the populists who have lately been voting withjthe republi can party will return to their own thus decreasing the votes of the republicans somewhat but at tho same time the republicans will uot bo weakened nuy more than the democrats by the reor ganized party Built carefully nud with a profound disregard of unpnucipled leaders the populist party will not be loug in regain ing its oldstreugth lost by fusion with the huugry ollice seekers of the demo cratic party It is significant that this movement should be made iu the home county of Senator Allen who while preteudiug to be a populist did all in his power to deliver that party body ami soul to tho democratic convention at Kansas City Tho domocrats will bo hurt Bomowhat aud it may bo expected that their criti cisms will bo as sovoro ns tho hurt iIoIm HiintliiK Mon Suroly labor has littlo causo for com plaint as compared with n fow years ago when Ooxoy armies nnd froo floup housos woto Injvoguo and It would not loom thnt ono laboring man iu n hun dred should dosiro iv chaugo to nu uncer tainty Tho Deadwood Piouoer Timos published tho following letter recoived by Mayor Fish of that city from a San Krauclsco omployuiotit agency This yoar tho labor market of Cali fornia Is complotoly p truly od aud at so early a dnto ns May 2rth Tho hay crops aro burning up in tho fields for waut of help tho fruit will rot on troos and vinos for want of labor to pick them Tho groat wheat barloy and corn crops will bo hard to harvest Teams nre tied up on grent railroad1 arid other contracts for waut of help to dnvo them Yot in many instances thoy aro offering 00 per month includ ing board nud lodging for laboring mou without any exporience Tho Bawmills can uso thousands of mou but can got very fow All industries employing skilled aud unskilled help aro liko tho above industries hunting help but against hopo that cannot bo realized This is tho commencement of a great season where millions of dollars will be lost owing to loss of crops and contractors of all kinds are afraid to fig uro on work not knowing whoro they are going to get help from You may ask why tho causo of such a scarcity of help The answers are Great crops of overy kind Every eld industry tryiug to run twice tho number of men of former years Hundreds of now industries starting up Great crowds going to Cape Nome nud other Alaskan points If thoro aro any skilled or unskilled help iu your vicinity willing to como to California they can find permanent work at good wages Wages this year will advanco S5 per con If you will kiudly call tho attention of the public in your vicinity you will confer a great favor on all employers of help in California Clerical hlp is not wanted Tho market is overstocked with that class of help The St Iinuis Strike The governor of Missouri claims that there was no call for state interference in tho St Louis riots as there appeared to bo little disorder It would seem however that thore had been some fracture of the peace Tho Omaha Daily News gives the following results of tho strike which has cost 750000 per day directly aud indirectly Strike has lasted 3G days Persons killed 14 Men women nud children shot 00 Men women and children injured 173 Loss to St Louis per day 750000 Citys loss iu 30 days 20250000 Police on duty 1000 Special policemnu 500 Oars wrecked 82 Women passengers beaten 9 Women stripped in the street 3 Children shot 8 Mens loss iu wages 250000 Companys loss ru fares 600000 Cost to city of extra police 40000 Posse comitatus 2500 strong Estimated cost of posse 300000 Mon on strike 4000 The republican party is not the only ono guilty of ther horrible practice of issuing weekly press letters Through some chance or mischance Tin News has received a press letter furnished by the state oommitteo of the peoples party The letter starts out by mak ing an nppeal to the populists to support Bryau aud Town nud urging them to plead with the democratic delegates to uame him at Kansas City as To refuse to name Mr Towue wo fear will cause much feeling among the members of tho peoples party nud silver republicans Tho letter also shows wherein tho Ore gon election was a disappointment to republicans and satisfactory to the fu siouists which must be very cheerful intelligence It scores Governor Poyn ter for repealing the blauket ballot law aud closes by urging care in tho selec tion of candidates for stato seuators aud representatives Iu lbOO President MoKiuley sard I believe it is better to throw open the factories to American labor than to open the mluts to the silver of tho world Eveuts have since demonstrated that MoKiuley was right and that labor aud maukiud in general have been beueflted by his polioy It is such records that deserve aud will receive the endorse ment of the people Had tho adminis tration made a record of broken prom ises aud blasted hopes iguored the wishes of the party and of the people aud brought want and distress rather than prosperity aud happiuess tho people would be justified iu turnuig it down As it is many who opposed MoKiuley in lbOO will support him dur ing this campaign Fusiouists aro watching the prosper ity of the couutry as is shown by the avidity witn wmcii tuey grasp any statement that looks like it might be failiug It would not be surprising if it declines somewhat duriug the coming few mouths as they ore threatening bUbUiess with srmilar material as was usod iu 1390 nnd it is well known that prosperity failed to show itsolf until tho policy of tho government was firmly established by tho selection of Wm McKlnley as president aud ft congress In sympathy with him aud thou busi ness began to boom nud has uot decreased materially since Tho Albion Nows is rather up against some fusion logic Its editor has so often road that tho tariff and tho republican party aro responsible for tho trusts that ho had almost a notion to believe the assertion But recently thore has boon a great and growing roar In some of tho fusion papers about tho ice trust nud ho has boon figuring day fcud night sluco thoso exposures begau as to how tho tariff aud tho ro publicau party aro responsible for those Ico trusts It is unnecessary to presume that ho has not yet reached a satisfac tory conclusion The populists of Douglas county have declared in favor of John O Yoiser for governor but the domocrats of tho samo county look upou his candidacy as some thing of a joko If memory serves aright democrats havo beon accustomed to look upon tho candidacy of populists as a jokiug matter quite frequently Tho only poople iu the f uslou movement thoroughly qualified to hold oflico are democrats or fusiouists with such a strong democratio leauing that one can not be told front tho other Fusion papers object to tho continual criticism of Bryau by tho republican press As it seern3 that Bryan is about nil thero is left of tho fusion parties be sides their talk it would bo unjust to usk the republicans to desist iu their criticism or else present a new theme It would bo unfair to lot the democratic press do all the criticizing merely be cause the republican party has a record of something done and mou who did it Mark Hauna is a boss of whom any body or any party might bo proud A fusion editor recently stated that he had decreed that McKiuley is to be re nominated The fact that the great majority of the American people endorse the decree shows an influence to be en vied by auy boss There is no dis puting that Hanua is tho boss re sponsible for the decree and the opinion of the people the fusion sheet has sard so The question that confronts the ro publicau national convention is simply to agree on a candidate for vice presi dent The problem that the Kansas uity convention will be up against is how to get rid of one candidate nnd name another It is much easier to name a candidate than it is to get rid of ono already named The matter will probably all be fixed however before tho convention meets It will be noticed that tho Bryanites have not yet suggested that the olectiou of Bryan will mean an improvement of business condrtious in this country Their sympathies are not for the people at home but for tho Tagals the Forto Ricans and the Boers They have given up trying to decry McKinley prosperity and are directing the atten tion of the people benefited to remote questions The World Herald has slacked up somewhat ou its attacks on the ice trust since it has been discovered that it was striking at the vitals of its own party as constituted in New York and that some of the delegates to the Kansas Oity convention are leading stock holders in the horrible monopoly Mr Towue should become a city of the first class before daring to aspire to a place with Mr Bryau He is too small potatoes to be considered THE SICK ARE WADE WELL And tho Weak nrn Kestoreil to Full Vijjor aiulStronctlint tho Hands or the Great est Iltulor of Modern Tlintn nave you nny pain or ache or weuknessl AT6 TOU Don our blood ebon thatttcontalnsim ci purttlost Are ou nervous DooiiUck lw Enuii nml ncllTHu nf Tiilml nnd LvlH y w w - - n n j nU Tho Loadlnn mur imv6ou tm ambition Is there any unnatural drain uim ttii system Is evt ry organ per formlug Us prort r tunc tlon In Other Word Are ou it IVrr ulj Strong Aitlve ItVnlth Happy 91 an or Woman II uot you tlioull not de lay one day before j ou con suit a epeclallt one to whom the human lody Is an open book uud who under etandsever phase of weak ness and disease anj to whom the proper treatment for u cure Is as slmni m the uddiui ot a column of figures oroorzuearsDll JNEwTON MATH av a v has lieen the leading 3nnnlallat ppeclallctof thUcountr ears All Diseases Cured YOU AKE r UlsDrac larger thin that of nil other etwclabitscomblned Ilia currant nil rts of du easHd conditions have been the marvel ot the medical profession aud the people generally U Is fame ha spread Into overy town and every hamlet ThoseatUlcted n Ith all manner of diseases have sought Lis services In order thut theymlifht tm made w hold by the aitinlnlfrterlDK of his wonderful system of treat ment Wrecks of humanity have come to him for consultation and medicines who a few month later ha e returned to him In uiot vigorous health to give uuu uifir luuus Dr llatbawa treats all disease those peculiar to men and thoMj peculiar to women bh upII am Catarrh Rheumatism Kidney Complaint Eczema and all forms ot lingering and chronic disorders v Dr Hathawajs eucce w In the VarlOOCBle ana treatment of jVarlcocele and Strloturn Stricture ulthout the aid of knife or cuuteri Is Phenomena The patient Is treated by this method at bis own home without pain or loaaot time from business 7 his Is positively the only treatment which cures with out an nnurattnn Dr llathawav rails tho uurllcular atten I nn 01 mrtirers from Varicocele and Stricture to paeesJ7J0und 31 of blsnew liookwhlch will be C rvaiw Ricn wnnree on application i 1 r i rerj case taken by Dr Hathaway Specially Is specially treated according to Its i Ttft natureall under his ceneral personal ircoiuu supervision and an remedies used by him are prepared from the purest and best druts In bis own laboratories under his personal oversight t and all from special prescriptions of bis own Dr llathanav mitrea nnrhartrn fnr ntiil LOW tatlnn or advice either at hla ntflrA tr hr Fees mall aDd when a case la taken the one low fee covers all cost of medicines and lonal services J NEWTON HATHAWAY M O Dr Hathaway Si Co v t Commercial uiuik bioux City Iowa COIIDIALLY TO VISIT ALI FOR VIA NEW ORLEANS INVITED Michaels Studio Wo shall bo pleased to seo you oven if you do not need any work lu our liuo Come in aud got acquainted and seo our lovely Aino of photos vhrc you will find tho very latest iu styles of mounts and finish All work guaranteed satis factory Wo havo a Hue lino of Oil Paintings Water Color Pastel nud Crayon Work A largo 6tock of Pic turo Frames and Mouldings Amateur supplies always on hand nnd your work douo prompt and reasonable Your trndo is wautod nt tho finest gnllory in this country Yours for Business C P MICHAEL is Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WINTER TOURISTS Tho Illinois Contril dusiros to call iittotitiou to tho unexcelled sorvlco that id olToruil by lt linos to tho south for tho souson of lWJ 1WK 4 n Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Porsotnillj comluct pil Rinirt through to Liu AiiKcloa mid Han Francisco ia Now Uric ma in connection with tlio Southern Pa cific lo mn Chicago on tho Contrala fmt Nou Orlnnn Srm ci il connection also niuio lij this tram with dally trains out of Now Orlo ma for tho Pacific Co lit Tho LunltiMl from tliicauo ovorj ovon im connects on Momlajs anil Thursdays at Now Orleans after Decombor is 1WJ with tho SUNSET LIMITED of the Southern Pacific kiviiut special through sorvico to Siu Francisco JLORID1 I NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS Double diilj serv ice is maintained out of 9t Louis via tho Illinois iMitral and connecting lines to Nasln ille I battalion pa nud Atlanta thro t leenine c ir to Jack- sons ille Florid i beiue curried on tho DIXIE FLYER leaMtiu St Louis everj ocnim This tram as ell as the Du Kxpres leiwin bt Louis in tho morning are botli solid trains to Nislmlle h i win tlitotiKh coaches and sleeping cars run ning through Martin Tcmi and tho X C St L lt Connection i i tin lino for all princi ii il points iu the bouthe iJt such ns Ch irledtim Wilmington Aikm aud Savannah and for all points in Florid i TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Dnilj from Chicago to Memphis nnd Now leans Or HOMESECKEHS E UltSIONS to certain points iu the South ou the lines of tho Illinois Central and A M V railroids will be run ou the first nud third Tuedu of each month dur ing tho w inter season Full pirticularo concerning all of tho nbovo can bo had of agents of tho Illinois Central or bj addressing A H Hntisou LS P A Chicago HUMPHREYS Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT One Application Gives Relief It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter nal Blind or Bleeding Itching or Burning Fissures and Fistulas Relief Immediate cure certain It cures Burns Scalds and Ulcerations and Con tractions from Burns The Relief Instant healing wonderful It cures Torn Cut or Lacerated Wounds and Bruises It cures Bolls Carbuncles Felons Runrounds Ulcers Old Sores Itching Eruptions Scurfy or Scald Head It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Soro Nipples Invaluable It cures Salt Rheum Tetters Scurfy Eruptions Chapped Hands Fever Blisters Soro Lips or Nostrils Corns Bunions Sore and Chafed Feet Stings of Insects Mosquito Bites and Sunburns Throo Sizes 26c 60c and 100 Sold by Druggists or sent pre paid on receipt of price HUMPHREYS MED CO Cor William John Ms IKV I IKK TREES AND PLANTS fcfflWS of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small fruit in larn nupplj Millions of Strawberry plants verj tbrifty ami well rooted iottbe iiest near home and save freight or express Bend for price list to North Bend Nurseries North Bend ridge County Nth Free ecllning Chair Gars on all Tral qiICK SERVICE CLOSE 10XECT10S 1WO DAILY KAVT THAJKa HElU KKN AND KACH WAY OMAHA Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South em and Eastern points Unexcelled time ami accommodations to tbo Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LIKE For more complete information descriptive pamphlets etc address J 0 llULLUlI W C BARNES A G F audPA T PA Southeast Cor UtU and Douglas Ste OMAHA NEBBASKA 4