i 8 v BEGINS ITS IRK Republican National Conven tion Holds First Session WOLCOTT WIELDS GAVEL Senator Hanna Introduces Coloradonn as Temporary Chairman DELIVEB8 A KEYNOTE BPEEOH Sell Forth the Itrpubllrnn Partyi Clnlrna for Support ItoonnTclt let Ovation on Entering Mnlutatni IIU Stivnd on the Vice Preililency Philadelphia Juno 20 Chairman Hanna with a rabbits foot suspended from a mlniaturo of McKinloy In tlio lapel of hia oont Hurvoyed an imposing ppectucle when ho called the 12th na tional Republican convention to order in the Export Exposition building in West Philadelphia at 1280 yesterday In tho ralloy below him were crowded tho 1800 delegates nnd alternates and stretching away to tho four coruors of the immense hall wcro endless vistas of peoplo rising in tei raced seats to the wall He looked into tho faces of fully 15000 men and women Opposite In a broad gallery were massod 100 mu fcicians their loader a niero pigmy iu the dibtanco Tho plutform on which ho stood jutted out like a huge rock into an ocean of humanity Below him and flanking tho htago was an embankment thronged with tho representatives of the press of the country Above was a riot of lags bunting eagles shields the whole scheme of tho elaborate dec orations culminating in a huge portrait of McKinloy uostltng iu tho graceful folds of tho Amorican flag About him wero tho working leaders of his party and behind among tho dignitaries and honored guests of the convention wore whito haired men who had been present at tho partys birth in this city almost half a century ago It was uot a riotous convention there were no wild outbursts of enthusiasm from tho frenzied partisans of rival candidates no entrauco of delegations with banners to set tho multitudes cheering no fieico skirmishing and p En atok siAnrus A nANA 7 clashing of candidate managers over rules of procedure and contesting dele gations The chieftain in the coming battle had already been selected by tho unanimous voice of tho Republicans of the ountry Tho man who had stood at the helm of tho ship of btate for four years was their unbroken choice The platform was the record of his adminis tration Tho only question that re mained for tho convention to decide was the vice presidency and it was not a rofflciont bono of contention to produce tho tumultuous scenes which usually attond the assembling of a national convention The convention was the digntflod gathering of the representa tives of tho Republican party to ratify formally the wishes of the millions whose authority they held Demonstration for Kungevelt It was very undemonstrative at first While the crowds and delegates wero funnelling into tho ball before tho hour for calling tho convention to order had arrived thero wero no wild greetings of party leaders A scattering applauso met Mr Hanna as ho mode his way to the stage General Grosvenor Senator Lodge Senator Foraker ex Senator Quay and a few others aroused a flutter ing of handkerchiefs and a round of hand clapping but men of national rep utation whose fame has spread away from our shores across both oceans en tered without producing a ripplo Per haps most of them were not recognized It scorned tame Thero was only that Indescribable buzz of myriads of voices which belongs to a national convention as the humming of bees belongs to a field of clover in summor and it looked as though nothing could galvanize the thousands into life But just before Chairman Hanna waB ready to drop his gavel Governor Roosevelt entered and the vast audience was electrified He stalked in at the main door His rough rider hat signalled him out to the craning multitude Seemingly the audience had been waiting for him and tho applause that announced his ap pearance swept over the vast amphi theater and swelled into a great roar as be mado his way toward tho teats of the New York delegation Senator Do pew and Chairman Odell of tho New YoikiAato committee wcro with him tut the crowds had only eyes for the dashing hero of San Juan No stago idol ever made an entrance more oppor tunely But he made no acknowledg ment of tho ovutiou his appearance elic ited His jaw was firmly bet and ho caiuo ou through the press like a boldier periormiug a duty He did not even remove his hat but pushed bu way through tho delegates who swarmed from their places to grasp his hand Fully two minutes it took for him to traverso tho length of tho hall to his plnco near tho stago All that tltuo tho roar followod himandthohaudkorchiefs rose and fell liko the wings of gulls over a summer sea But ho mado no sign that ho realized it was all for him When he took his feat with his slouch hat still on with out having glanced to either side tho people gave it np and tho cheering gradually subsided But it broko out afresh a moment afterward as tho band started up tho Star Spangled Banner Roosevelt of till tho thousands was first upon his feet standing erect liko a Norway pine with unoovorod head to tho music of the anthem Instantly tho whole convention arose on masse as if apologizing for their turdlncs This entrance of Koosovolt into tho conven tion wns distinctly tho dramatic feature of tho session Thou tho wheels began to move but the convention under tho spell of his presence could uot take its eyes off him In him tho iuterest seemed centered During every pau60 in tho proceedings ho was surrounded by dolegates and newspaper nion anx ious for a word To nil ho gave tho same answer Ho was not a candidate He did not want tho nomination Those who wanted him nominated left him saying he would not acoopt and they would nominate him whether ho liked it or not Those who did not want him hastened to spread tho report that ho could nut bo moved Chairman Hannas reception when ho called the convention to order was flut tering in tho extreme and the smilo on his face expressed tho ploasuro it gave him But tho joy he experienced over his own reception scorned nothing com pared with tho delight ho manifested when for the fij it timo he mentioned tho presidents linino Die convention wont off liko a rocket Tho applause was deafening Mr Hannas face was a picture It was wicathed iu smiles Ho showed tho ccbtacy of joy ho felt over the storm of approval ho had raised Many iu that moment remembered how tho presidents Warwiok had an nounced a year ago that his ambition would be satisfied and his cup of joy would bo full when ho called together tho convention that would renominate McKinley Perhaps it was significant that iu his speech Mr Hanna mado no mention of Cuba or anything which would furnish a peg on which a Roose velt demonstration could be hung Ho addressed tho convention as follows bpeech of Chiilruiiin llauna Gentlemen of the Convention Iu bidding you welcome I also desiro to extend congratulations upon this mug mficent gathering of representatives of tho great Republican party Tho na tional committee mado no mistake when they brought tho convention to the city of Philadelphia This city tho cradle of liberty applause tho biithplueo of tho Republican party applauso this magnificent industrial center a veritable beo hivo ol industry what fitter object lesson could bo presented to thoso oi us who have gathered hero to witness tho success of that principle of our party which has been its foundation the pro tection of Ameiican industries ap plause Thib city that has been long and always known tho country over for its unbounded hospitality and tho superb management of all great func tions which have come within its limits Oil tho part of tho national commit teo I desire to extend their sincere thanks to tho people of Philadelphia and especially to your honorable mayor applause and tho loyal citizens with out regard to party who have labored with him to make this convention a success Never iu tho history of con ventions of either political party has a success been greater Delegates I greet you on tho anniversary in Philadelphia of the birthday of our party I need not remind you that your duty here is oue of deliberate judgment ouo that you aro held responsible for not only by your party but by tho country Wo aro called together once moro upon the eve of another great struggle Wo aro now beginning to form our battalions under leadership of our great statesman General William McKinloy coutiuued applause I was about to give tho ordor for thoso battalions to move but you interrupted me laugh ter It needs no order to Republicans wheu they scent from afar the bmoko of battloj it neodH no incentivo for the men that sit in front of mo to toll them what their duty is Upon the foundation of our party rests the belief and strength of every member of it Before I lay aside my gavel and re tire from tho position which I have held as chairman of tho national committee for four years I desire iu this pres ence in the most public manner to re turn my sincere thanks to overy mem ber of this splendid committee who stood by mo in tho struggle of 1890 and especially to that coterie who gathered at tho headquarters in New York and Chicago and worked from early morn ing to lato at night for tho principles of the Republican party and for tho wol fare of tho country I leave it in the bauds of others to tell what that meant but in passing to others those duties I want to make one suggestion always trust the people upplaube and leave as an inheritance to them the motto of tho committee of 1800 There is no such word as fail And now gentlemen it becomeB my duty and very great pleasure to present as your temporary chairman Senator Wolcottof Colorado Wolcott Made Temporary Chairman Senator Fairbanks from the first row of delegates arose and moved that tho selection of Senator Wolcott as tempo rary chairman bo approved and with unanimous voice tho delegates so voted Senator Wolcott who was ou tho plat form arose and came forward With a pleasant nod of acknowledgment to the chairman he turned and addressed tho convention as follows The first and pleasant duty of this THE N011F0LK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 21 WOO 1 prat convention as well an Its instinc tive impulse is to send a message of I fectionato greeting to our leader and our countrys president William Mo- Kinloy In all that pertains to our faro in times of peace his genius has directed us Ho has shown an unerr ing mastery of tho econonilo problems which confront us and has guided us out of tho slough of financial disaster impaired credit and commercial Magna Hon up to tho high and safo ground of national prosperity and financial stabil ity Through tho delicate and trying events of tho late war ho stood firm courageous and conservative and under his leadership wo have emerged tri umphaut our national honor f i 2 if Photo by 1111 SKKAIOR nilWAHD O WOllOTT ishod our credit unawiilod and tho equal devotion of overy section of our common country to tho welfare of tho republic cemented forever Never m tho memory of this generation hasthcio stood at tho head of tho government a truer patriot a wiser or more courag eous leader or a better oxamplo of tho highest typo of American manhood Tho victories of peace and tho victories of war are alike inscribed upon his ban ner Thoho of us whoso pleasuro and whoho duty have called us from time to timo into his presence know how freely ho has spoil t and been spent in his countrys service but the same vigorous manhood and clear and patriotic vision animnto him as of old and give us con fidence and trust for tho futuro of our republic because his hand will guido us and his genius direct- Four years ago tho Republican party at St Louis named a ticket which com manded the confidence and support of tho American people Had Garret Augui tus Hobart been spared to us un til today tho work of this convention would huvo been limited to a cordial unanimous indorsement of tho leadois of 1891 Dns alitor visum and when a few mouths ago our dear vico presi dent loft this sphere of usefulness for another ho was accompanied with tho tears and sorrow of overy lover of his country Tho campaign lour years ago was fought on tho currency question The Populibtiu Democracy insisted that tho United States alouo should embark on tho free coinage of silver at the ratio oi 10 to 1 without waiting tho concurrence of any other nation Tho Republican party insisted that tho question of bi metallism was international and that until it should bo settled uuder agree ment with tho leading commercial na tions of the world gold should continue to be the standard of value in theso United States Upon that issue we triumphed Tho logic of recent events together with the attempt of tho De mocracy to drag down tho question from its international character to associato it with overy vagary of Populism and Socialism and to drive this country to an allianco with Mexico and China as an exclusively silver using country has impelled our peoplo to this settlement of this problem and the rocent action of congress has eliminated the danger which its further agitation menaced Our debt is funded at 2 per cent per an num und millions of our interest charge savod annually Tho world has never witnessed so triumphant a financial suc cess as has followed the passago of tho curreucy law and our 2 per cent bonds hold tho world over already command a substantial promium Through tho policy of tho Republican party and tho wisdom of a Republican administration wo have not only mado stablo and per maneut our financial credit at homo and abroad are utilizing moro silver as money than ever before in our history but wo have left tho Populistio Democracy a dead issue thoy can nover again gal vanize into lifo and compelled them to seek to create now issues growing out of a war which they wero most eager to precipitate May I a western man add another word Tho passago of this bill which received tho vote of every western Re publican in congress marked the term ination forever final of any sort of dif ference between Republicans of tho east and of the wost growing out of currency problems Evon if tho stern logio of events hod not convinced us our deep and abiding loyalty to tho principles of tho party our beliof that the judgment of its majority should govern would lead us to abandon fur ther contention And tho thousands of Republicans in tho west who left us four years ago ore leturning homo The men of the far wost aro bono of your bone and flesh of your flesh The sun that shines on you blesses thorn bIbo and the bhadow before your door dark ens their homes as well Thoy are naturally expansionists in the western plains and mountains and wheu they see a great political party attacking the integrity of tho nation and lending eu coursgemcut to insurrectionists who aro shooting down our soldiers and re listing the authority of tho government of the United States all other questions fade and ore forgotten and thoy find themselves otaiiding shoulder to shoulder in tho tanks of the Republican pmtv keeping stop always to tho inusio of tho union During a portion of he last four year wo wen Involved in u war that for a timo patulved business and com lucres nnd v ould have taxed heavily tho resources and credit of any other country than ours and for the past year or more we have been employing an army of some nOOOO men In sup pressing an insurrection against our authority 8000 miles away Ko in dustry has felt the strain of these ox traordinnry expenses nor have they af fected the general sum of our piospor ity Moro than that tho conditions ro suiting from the legislation of the past four years havo obliterated every issue that was raised during the last earn paign Tho Democracy having thero fore to find some rallying cry seeks it in tho results of our Into war with Spain and upon that question aw upon all others wo stand ready to meet thorn in tho open Senator Wolcott discussed at some length tho conditions arising out of tho war showing tho necessity for assum ing authonty over tho Philippines Cuba and Porto Rico aud giving in detail tho result of tho presence of American gov eminent agents in theso islands He defended tho Porto Rlwui tariff law anil the work being done iu Cuba and con tiuued Wo aro actually owners of tho Phil ippines by an undisputed and indubit nble title Wo aro there as tho neces sary anil logical outcome of our victory over Spam Thero are upwards of 1000 islands sprinkled upon that southern sea peopled by more than 80 tribes oi different race and latigungo and having absolutely nothing iu common with each other Most of theso tribes welcome our aiming nnd aro grateful for our protection Tho Tngal tribe hostile not only to u but to most ol tho nativi tribes aro in an instil rootion agauiM oil authonty Thoy havo neither i government nor the capacity to coudiii t one and aro waging a predatory guei nlla warfare which would bo turned against tho other native tribes if wo let them alone What would tho Ieuinr racy hao us do Give thorn up to lapinn and bloodshed aud leave tho islands uh flotsam and jetsam on the face oi tho waters There aro parallels in our ow n history Wo purchased Floiida fioiu Spam in 1821 when it had 1000 white settlers for f5000000 and other vitlii able considerations Tho Semmolis natives of tho soil bravo lesolnto hav ing tar greater intelligence and char utter than tho Tagals disputed our possession Wo sent Andrew Jackson down to tight them and it took us 21 yours to subdue them and send what was left of them west of tho Mississippi If the Mnt i cveiythingH had lived tin n they would 1 suppose havo urged us to turn ovei Florida to Osceola tho Agul ualdo ol tho Semiuolesl Would you after tho war with Mexico and tho Gadsden purchase havo given tho great an a south mid west of tho Arkansas to tho red Apache Not so did our fathers const mu thoir duty and as thty built so shall wo their sous Tho insurrection against our legiti mate authority which for tho time impedes our Httorts to establish a gov ernment for tho Filipinos involves us in u sacrifice of lives and of treasuio Tho difficulties wo encounter in tho isl and of Luzon aro many but the chief inspiration aud encouragement of the Tagal insurrection eoino from tho Dem ocratic headquarters in tho Uiuttd States Partisanship has provtd stronger than patriotism oven while our soldiers are boing murdered by ma rauding bandits and if it wore not for tho hope held out to Aguiualdo by American sympathizers the insurrec tion iu tho Philippines would long ago have ended Never since 1804 when tho voters of the country wero called upon to deter mine whether tho efforts of Abraham Lincoln to preserve the union should bo continued or whether they should be abandoned and other moasures attempt ed have questions so vital been pre sented to tho American peoplo for set tlement Their decision must deter mine tho maintenance or tho degrada tion of both our national crodit and our national honor A Democratic presi dent could paralyze tho operation of tho now currency law as effectively as if it wero wiped from our statu to books A Democratic victory wonld infuso new lifo into the Tagal insurrection cost us tho lives of thousands of our gallant army in tho Philippines impair or de stroy our prestige if not our power in tho islands mako us a byword among tho other great nations of tho world aud obliterate our influence iu the set tlement of tho vital questions certain to arise when China shall bo opened to for eign commerce Thero is liitle room for fear Tho farmer and tho artisan in their day of prosperity still romomber tho impov erishment aud blight of Domocracy and tho Chicago platform has no allure ments for them Our national honor is equully so cure Tho American people are neither poltroons nor pessimists and thoy will not sigualizo the dawn of tho now cen tury by the surrender of either convic tions or territory Every soldier back from tho islands and they aro in almost every hamlet in tho land returns an advocate of their retention Our dead are buried along the sands of Luion and on its soil no foreign flag shall ever saluto tho dawn Whatever may be in store for us in tho new and unbeaten track upon which we are entering we shall not bo found with tho unlit lump aud the uugirt loin Our way ii new but it is not dark In tho readjustment of world conditions where wo must take our place with tho other great nations of tho earth we shall movo with caution but not with fear We seek only to lift up men to better things to bless aud not to destroy The f athon of the republic ac- ii WMTi m TUB TRUTHS DROP of ink will color a whole frlass of water It is an inch of yeast which makes a pan oi bread rise and a single cake of soap containing unabsprbed alkali can ruin a hundred times its cost in laces and fine embroidery After all is it wise tq take such risks with common soap Of courseVpu can get along without Ivory Soap So c Va wagon wnnoui axie grease dui 11 goes nara comni mf r imi ntocn itmit 10 emrtwiMi ptol with uiiingo Mich icspoiisibil ities as devolved upon them The suno heavens bend over us ami the samn power that shielded them will guaul and piotect us for what we seik ih to build still iikiio II i ml- always upon foundations ol piolnty and ol iitue tho gloiious edifice ol tho lepublic We stand at the dawn ol a new tvn tiny lieloie it shall havo i ached its mi ndian the youngest heio will have passed beyond this life or beyond tint spheio ol usefulness New leciuits will step into tho tanks as wo tall out This eiy yeai thousands ol young men will loi tho first tiuicieicis the light ol citizenship and cast thiir ballots til tho national election Tho safety of this lepubho must ever lest in the coinage ol young hearts ami the vigor ol a noble manhood Youth iu buoyant and hope ful No sum ling criticism oi go pel ol u little America or piopheiy ot doipiu will find response fiom Ik aits that beat lull and strong with coinage and with iitith and whoso creed it is that IhcIh In Ills Ilium ii All t ililit with Dm world Whatever else in tho past has suf fered chaugu or decay this Republican parly which for 10 years has been idon Ihd with everything ennobling and up lifting in oui history was never as vital us virile and as vlgoious as to day Aud tho heritage wo shall tims mil to tho new centiuy to tho coming generation and to thoir children and to their chlldi ens children shall bo a rec ord clean aud untarnished an un quenchable liith in free institutions an unalterable belief m tho patriotism of tho people and an undying lovo of lib erty and of country Ovntlitii to Uuvitriior Taylor A noteworthy incident of the session was the remarkable demonstration to Governor Taylor of Kentucky That his party associates look ou him as a martyr of political hatred their great ovation made evident Although they succeeded in bringing him to the plat form they could not induce him to make a speech Tho appointment of the committees ou permanent organiza tion platform etc concluded tho pro gram for the day and with tho benedic tion of the Rev Edward M Levy who delivered tho invocation at tho conven tion held on Locust street in 1861 tho convention after having boon in session two and a half hours adjourned until noon today when President MoKinlny will bo renominated by acclamation and tho platform will bo adopted Tho nomination of the candidate for vico president will go over until tomorrow unless there is a stampede and tho plans of tho leaders aro npnot mNiMimNM Summer colds ft w r r cr F f ii - n rn 5 uiw uuit u iui Hanging un p They weaken your throat and lungs and lead to 5 serious trouble j Dont trifle with them 5 Take Scotts Emulsion at once It soothes heals and cures Oe and 41 All druffoUfc wmwwmmm Ordinance No An ordinance providing for the ap pointment of a water commissioner an engineer nnd n fireman for tho city water works of Norfolk Nebraska pro scribing their duties fixing their com pensation and the amount of their bond aud repealing ordinance number two hundred and nineteen He it ordniued by the mayor aud city council of the city of Norfolk Ne braska Section 1 On tho first day of May of each year tho mayor shall nominate and by aud with the advice of the city council shall apnoiut a resident free holder who shall be kuowu as the water commissioner of tho city of Norfolk Madison county Nebraska whoso term of office shall be for tho fiscal year iu which lie was appointed or until his sue ctssor shall be appointed and qualified Said water commissioner may nt auy time lo removed lor a sufficient causo by a two thirds yoto of the city council I Si t ion Any n nuj ueuinng in ad ollli o ol wntoi oiiimiHsioner by death ii sigiiatiou iiemoval fiom tho etvo othiiu iio may bo filled in tho ma uier piovdcd f - in SoHioii I oi thiH oi din nice Section 1 The film water commissioner nl il mi provided foi in set ion lo een him lied of tho ompilul Statutes ol N I niskn and such tillioi ilutio1 ii i ay fitiu tiiui In time ho imposed by the ily council I In sh ill gio a bond in 11 aim ot live thou mil doiiiti i oud i I fori faith lul Ii h nge of dull i and foi an cmk t at i oiiiiliig ol all funds coming into h h hands to bo apj i vcd by tho uiiyui nnd t ily 0 tic 1 f ouipeiiMt Hon shall bo hik h sum uh inaj bo agreed upon at the Inriof n ap ointment not t i ding i Iio mm T iwciity fivo doll IIS lie liOlltll Scuion I On the frld y ol May of i 1 yiMi iIimoiiIi Ii i ii plocd by tho Hy imiiii il a uipal l jm imiii who si all he know u us the eu 1 i mid lire in in of tho i ily wut t woi i illho city ol Noifolk Ni bicl i Ils term of ollice shall bo foi Ie il ear m wIik h liu was appiiid unlil his hik i or f hull be iippo did o 1 quali Ih d Sa d cniiiei i i I i m in may at any me Iui a hiilfi ml umi bo u imniil by a uuijui n t f l ho city chum il SLlion r An vii mi ii iini gm said ollli e of ngipeui iud in man by bath lesignition oi in o 1 Onm tho city or otliei w se may iiiUid iu tho manner provided in fi on fnirof thin oiilliiuiice Sioni The ejigiii l ml III email shall have full d sjpo of tin pumping station and shall pel f all tho lalxir oiiiicttd wilii siiid pumping Mutton 1icl jibing tho Iu in anil mio of tho boilers lie shall iiIvj make icpairs at tho it itiou nod on the sy iiii but may lo J mushed Hiieh help in muling such ropin s as the iiuiKil ib m mlvisablo 1 fo shall msiku nil t aps in I ho w ider mains or d tribnting pijci and insert all stop codes or fen ills tueioin and poiform such otlx rd lilies s may be from time to time impoicil by thocify ouncil Sc ion 7 Ho shall give u bond in the sum of two thousand dollars con ditioned for tho faithful disjhaige of his dn Mes as engineer aud lieinnu to be approvtd by the mayor and city council and he shall be liable upon his bond for all dauiiges sustaiied by the city or any jierson by reason of his negligence or incompetency as an engineer and fire man Section 8 The compensation of the said engineer and liieiuaii shall be such it iini ns may bo ugifed ujion at the lime of In employment not to oxceed the sum of fifty five Vi dollais per month Section Oidimico number two hundred and nineteen and all other or dinances or parts of ordinances in con flict herewith in e hereby cpiessly re pealed Section Id This ordinance shall take elleet and bo enfoiced from nnd after is passive appioval aud publica tion ui cording to law PitBPjd and ammned this 7th day of June lK W M Roiikktsov S R M Fait vm Mayor City Clerk THE HOST ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY TO TUB FARHER STOCKRAISER MANUFACTURER INVESTOR Is that traversed by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad The dreat Centrrl Southern Trunk Line in Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mis sissippi Florida where there aro splen did ohauces for everybody to make money Oome and see for yon selves Half Faiik Exclusions First and Third TihsuAYb ok Every Month Piinted mutter maps and all informa tion freo Address R J WEMYSS General Immigration and Industrin Agent Louisville Kx n