The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 21, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Ohns Blersdorf returned last o vening
from n weeks visit nt Plnlnviow
Miss Matilda HnnH of Bnttlo Creek
wiih nhopiiliaK l tl ity yesterday
Mr niul Mrs Prod Shult 7 wero top
ping in the city jcMordny from Stanton
A pnity of Norfolk people drove over
to tlio vicinity of HoskhiH todny to sen ft
rooster tight
Mra Put DulTy nml Miss Belle Duffy
of Hnttlo Crook wero visitors in this
metropolis yesterday
Tho brick for tho foundntion of tho
Verges house hits liion hauled to Its now
Blto on South Movent h street
Superintendent 0 C OConnor 1 11
Barnes jr nml Miss Oao Stanton ro
turned last evening from Madison
A number of town folks attended tho
regular weekly entertainment nt thn
hospital for tho insane liiHt evening
Mrs 1 II Oxuani very pleasantly on-
tcrtalm 1 In r Sunday Hcliool chins nt her
homo vi i Ho it h Tenth street yesterday
Cnrroil IMvers chaperoned the Loon
nrd nine to Fierce ycHtordny Norris
Huso nuil Clyde llnyoH wont up on
thoir biuyc
Tho vlluRO of Meadow Grovo has
again been iucorporntcd mid tho follow
ing tnistiC nppolutcd Win McDon
ald TW Wurriclt J G Alyen Guy
ijueliidT W Cologrovo
V yjy J 0 Sleglor of Nordino Minn
arrived luro last ovoniiiR to visit nt tho
homo of his wifes pnrentH Mr mid
1 Wrw Forduand Pnsowalk MrB SieRler
has boon visiting hero boiho weeks
A pnrty consiHtiuR of Messrs Stitt
Uuoholz Tyler Cniiipboll Mnpes and
Rish went to tho yellow Hunks this
morning on n llBhiuR excursion Geo
Colomnn wont along to do tho cooking
Mr nml Mrs A J Johnson linvo
issued inventions to tho nmrriiiRO of
thoir duuglitor Alice to Dr C S
ilnrlcor whieli will take plvco at thoir
homo on Koonlgstein nvonuo on tho
28th nt 10 oclook in tho moruiug
Tho general niorchnndiso storo of
Georgo hnniormnn at Battlo Crock
was Imrglnrizod Tuesday night and 160
worth of shoes taken Tho storo was
entered with tho nid of u skolotou key
As fnr ns known nothing was tukon
from tho hnrdwnro stock
Curds nro out nnnouueing tho ninr
ringo of Sigvnld Scliavland and Miss
3211a May Bickley which will tako place
at tho homo of tho brides mother in
Mndison on tho 20th Mr Schnvlautl
was formorly clerk in tho Johnson dry
Roods storo in this city but is now a
member of tho Ann of Schnvlaud A
Johnson nt Mndison
Peter Doll of this city wns chosen ns
president of tho Nebraska Stato Under
takers association at Lincoln yostordny
Mr Hell has for soverul terms served
tho association as its secretary and his
Norfolk friends will bo pleased to learn
thnt tho organization deems his Borvicos
in that capacity as ontitliug him to ad
Tho Omahn Beo is conducting a con
test among popular young women who
imko their own living A trip to sonio
popular resort with expenses paid is
offered Ouo will go to Omnhn another
to Council Bluffs ouo to Iown ouo to
North Nebraska aud ouo to South Ne
braska Iu the North Nobraska contest
today Clara Mohl of West Point leads
with 1100 votes Colia M Chaso of
Wayne is second with 7 11 votes Miss
Pannio Norton of this city has 7 1 votes
to her credit and Miss Lobuow 5
Wftbnsh lud Daily Plain Dealer
Mr and Mrs Charles Hibbou and
children of Norfolk Nob are in tho
city ou a visit to Mr Hibbens mother
Mrs Susau I Hibbon ou north Wabnsh
Htreot Some time this week a renniou
of the Hibbou family will bo hold Mr
aud Mrs Ed Hibben of Niles Mich
Air aud Mrs Jesse Hibbou of Fremont
Ueb aud Mr aud Mrs Lawrence Hal
dermau of Roauu will bo hero and par
ticipate Charles out Jesse Hibbou aro
employes of tho Fremont Elkhoru A
Missouri Valley railroad Charles was
formerly nu engineer ou the Big Four
W 0 Fry tho obliging clerk nt tho
Oxnard took n leave of nbsouco the
other day nud announced hie intention
of tnkiug n two weeks vacation He
went to Sioux City and last evening a
telegram was received by Landlord
Spear which presented a well defined
inotine for his action The telegram
was from Mr Fry and nunounced thnt
he was married at 6 oclock yesterdny
MissMamie Hayes who formerly held
a responsible position at the Oxnard is
the bride The action is a complete
surprise to Mr Spear aud other Oxnard
-folks as they had uo intimation of the
trend of affaire and farther particulars
have not beeu ascertained The Norfolk
friends of the contracting parties will
extend heaity congratulations
The young people are arranging to
have a dance at the Elkhoru Valley hull
three mileB south of town ou Saturday
evening next Oswald Reiche who is
giving the party promises good imuic
and a good time All respectable people
who enjoy this class of amusement are
invited to attend
Spring Sohed iilo on the NIckle IMate Hutu
itleitlve Muy I 10OO
Ft Wayne Findlay Fostoria Belle
Tue Loruiu Cleveland Ashtabula
Oonnciut Girnrd Erio Ohnntnnqun
Luke Dunkirk Buffalo as well as Now
York Boston and all interniedlato
points iu Now England Now York
state and tho anthracite coal regions
nro reached on fast timo aud lowest
rntea of fnro by trains of tho Nicklo Plato
road Lonvo Ohicngo 1015 a in II 10
p m 10IO p m with
drnwing room sleeping cars Unex
celled dining curs on through Boston
nud New Yoik train nt 10 I6 n m nml
Now York City fast express train leav
ing Chicago at I KI p in All trniiiB
run dally Train leaving Chicago nt
2 10 p in has observation car east of
Buffalo over tho Lackawanna road ar
riving in Now York City 725 p in
evory day in tho year iu good shapo for
evening entertalunioutH Seouro sleep
ing car spneo in ndvnnco Write wire
or phono 2057 centrnl to J Y Calahnn
general ngont Chicago 111
Thn Doctor Iuntlnln Hiul DriiiltH Do
Up tho InujrrH
Kront Tiicnlny Daily
Tho ball gnmo nt tho Olnoy park yes
terday afternoon was ouo of tho funniest
and most entertaining nniusoments in
tho sporting lino for soveral years Tho
gauio was called at l with quite a
largo crowd in attomlanco ami was not
completed until nearly U oclock aud
then but four and u half innings had
boon played but tho players wero
heartily tired and very ready to rest on
tho decision arrived at in tho half gamo
Tho battery for tho lawyers was
Judge J B Baruos Burt Mapes nud
Fred II Froo whilq tho doctors had
Charley Madson in the box and Captain
Alfrod Gorcoko behind tho bat
Sol G Mayor acted ns unipiro nud
from all accounts must have given some
very rank decisions ns tho curngod spec
tators nroso oumasso at ouo point nud
having secured a ropo wero about to
string him up to ouo of tho high llys
when better council provailod and ho
wns permitted to proeocd with tho ox
press understanding that no nioro rank
breaks on his part would bo tolerated
Dr Frank Salter seouiod to bo ono of
the stars in tho medic nino ns ho wns
presonted with a beautiful bouquet of
cubbago after ho had niiido an exceed
ingly brilliant piny which through
some misunderstanding tho scorer put
down ns nn error
It is presumed thnt sonio ono gnvo out
as n fact thnt ono of tho spectntors had
fractured his vertebra through excessive
mirth at ono interesting point in tho
gamo and as tho attention of every
doctor was attracted in that direction
Burt Mupos succcded in scoring u homo
Tho doctors dentists nud druggists
won out by a scoro of 2 to tho lawyers
2land tho winnors wore presented with
two boxes of cigars ono from Ohas
Rico and tho other from Georgo Holler
Tho gate receipts wero a little more
than 12 which wont to tho bouofit of
tho Norfolk ball team
The scoro by innings was as follows
Lawyers 2 0 2 7 721
Doctors 2 S -1 1 1 25
Tho lloiirri of Kilunition XceriM 020
for thu Schools the Next Yeur
A special meeting of tho bonrd of edu
cation was held on Juno IS 1000
as per adjournment from tho last
regulnr meeting to mnko estimntos of
the fuuds needed for tho support of tho
schools for tho next ensuing fiscal year
to pay interest on bonds and to provide a
sinking fund as required by law
Present Luikart Dean Brueggomau
Aid Salter and Matrau
Tho meeting was called to order by
Presideut Luikart at 8 H0 p m
Tho following estimate of fuuds
needed for the eusuiug year was
Superintendent and teachers
salaries 12000 00
Jauitors and officers salaries I7i0 00
Books -100 00
Supplies 800 X
Repairs COO 00
Fuel lfiuO 00
Funiituro 200 00
Miscellaneous 1100 00
1SS5 issuo of 1000 at 0 per
cent 210 00
18S0 issuo of 25000 at tl per
cent loOO 00
lbiis issuo of 1 1 000 at 5 per
cent 550 00
1SS5 issue of 1000 100 00
18b9 issue of 25000 2600 00
Total 22920 00
Ou motion tho bonrd adjourned
H O Maticau
Letter List
List of letters remniniug uucnlled for
at tho postofllco Juue 11 1000
A T Chapman Mrs D Chapin
Edward Eppler Aug Greudahl Ohas
Hereslogue Margaret JoIiufoii Geo
Johnson How Lee Lottie McDonald
Joseph Messery 2 Mrs A 13 New
Nonse Laura Peterson 2 Harry Stew
art J W Armstrong
If not called for in 50 days will be
sent to the dead letter ollico
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
Buy your tinware at tho Cabh Hard
ware Store aud tAve money
Ohas Brink was a city visitor yester
day from Battle Creek
Mrs J R Anderson is siok at her
homo ou South Tenth street
Miss Kato Ryan arrivod lost ovoniiig
from Niobrara to visit Mrs Ed Murphy
Tho Kiosau nine of small boys went
to Picrco todny to piny baso ball with
tho boyB of that city
Mrs McBrido returned last oveniug
from Plninviow whoro sho hnn boon vis
iting friends several days
Dr A Boar is having a foundation
laid for nn addition to his rosidcuco on
Norfolk nvonuo and Ninth street
Tho ball team 1b now completely uni
formed in neat red and black HuttB
Tho capB wero received last night from
tho sporting goods houso of A G
W G Arnold of Hastings deputy
grand master workimui of tho A O U
V is iu tho city on his wny west with
F F Miller who holds n similar posi
tion iu tho ordor
Yestordny nftornoon tho Leonard
nine crossed bats with the Queon nino
and won out by a score of ill to nine
Tho winners have arranged for another
game this afternoon
Tho young ladies guild of Trinity
Episcopal church had arranged for a
sociable last evening ou tho rectory
lawn but tho rain intervened and tho
Bocial was indefinitely postponed
Miss Dollio Tappert entertained n
number of littlo friends yesterday after
noon from it to I tho occasion being iu
celebration of her birthday- Tho
children enjoyed tho nfternoon very
Miss Robiuetto Boar very pleasantly
entertained a party of littlo frionds at
hor homo ou Main aud Niuth street
yesterday afternoon from It to Tho
little folks had their picture taken iu n
group on tho lawn
Tho storm of Inst ovoning was a reg
ular delugo at Madison with an accom
paniment of hail that proved somowhat
disastrous to growing crops In Nor
folk and vicinity there was cousiderable
wind and quito a number of apples
wore blown fromtho trees while some
limbs of cherry and shndo trees wero
Tho program for tho fifth annual ses
sion of tho Elkhorn Valley Medical so
ciety has been issued Tho meeting
will bo held at tho Oxnard hotel in this
city Monday afternoon and evouiug of
July 2 A instructive program of papers
nud talks has been provided for in which
sevoral Omaha and Lincoln physicians
will tako part
Tho Gorman Lutheran school of Christ
church is nirangiug for its annual picnic
which will bo hold tomorrow nftornoon
iu Pjsowalks grove There will bo
foot rncing games nud sports also music
and spenking ond tho eatables with
which it has been tho custom to obsorvo
theso occasions A good time is ex
pected by those interested
Tho lodge of the Modern Brotherhood
of America located at Wariiervillo is ar
ranging for a picnic aud celebration on
tho Fourth Tho place for holding tho
celobration has not yet been decided
upon but will bo at a mooting to bo held
this evening They nro preparing n
good program aud tho occasion promises
to bo one of great enjoyment
The rain last night was a good one
and of great value to growing crops
especially potatoes which are just now
blossoming and forming potatoes The
rain was not especially needed at this
but time kit helps out tho nssurance of
ubundnntjerops Small grain is nearly
outof the way of a dry spell but corn
will need several rainB before it matures
Pierce Call The piano recital given
by the pupils of Mrs Cora A Beels last
Saturday evouiug at tho opera house
wos a pleasaut surprise to mauy of tho
audience and indeed was a revelation to
all The skill advancement and pro
gress of all the performers was remark
able nud speaks well for the qualities of
Mrs Beels as a teacher The program
was iuterspersed with pleasing recitn
tious by tho littlo folks of our schools
Merchants aro beginning to receive
their stocks of fireworks which the
glorious Fourth would bo incomplete
without aud tho boys are saving thoir
pennies to relievo the merchants of their
supplies While Norfolk will not cele
brate iu a regular way there will be as
heretofore considerable money expended
iu noise niakiug devices and fireworks
The nations birthday will be two weeks
from next Wednesday and the kids
are already uumbering the days inter
The takiug of the census in Norfolk is
about completed All possible efforts
have beeu and will be made to get
everybody but if through any over
sight auyone should be missed such
persons will confer a favor on tho city
aud tho enumerators by notifying them
of tho fact Norfolk like any other
town is interested iu getting credit jfor
all its population and everyoue should
be counted The report made will place
the citys population beyond a question
aud all should bo interested iu having
it placed at as high a figure as it kou
estly cau
The Knolliu people have n sheep
ranch at Schuyler and the peoplo of
that town not only appreciate its ad
vantages bnt the efforts made by the
manager to keep the yards in good con
dition as has been dono hero Tho
Schuyler Quill recently said When
arrested by tho maddening roar of a
deep toned sullen odor stalking through
streets penetrating Btono walls and
lacerating your senso of smell you may
know it does not como from tho Knolliu
sheep ranoh Tho Quill editor drovo
out that way tho other day and found
that Manager Nyo has cleaned the
yards thoroughly Tho ground is
plowed and plnnted nud 1b as freo from
odor ns a garden spot It cost tho com
pany just 1000 but it is worth ton
times that amount to tho community
Tho work waB dono nt tho holiest of Mr
Nyo whoso efforts tho citizons of
Schuyler duly appreciate
they7mc L WORK
Stntoniont oMVhrtt hit linen Done In Nor
folk With thn FltiHiiclnl Condition
Noufolk Nob Juno 1 1000 To tho
Membors of the Young Mens Christian
Leaguo and Public in General Inas
much as this organization is just com
pleting its first six months of active
work wo doom it proper aud duo to Its
friends and supporters thatarepoit bo
given nt thiB timo of tho work that has
been dono
Tho leaguo was organized Nov 10
1800 aud after holding sovoral meetings
ou Sunday afternoons at tho various
churches began gospel meetings iu tho
G A It hall Feeling the need of a
regular homo and headquarters for tho
work a committee selected tho comfort
able and commodious room iu tho Mast
block that wo hovo siuco occupied
Wo wero exceedingly fortunate iu so
curing at a small salary tho services as
genoral socretary of W W Hughes a
genial young Christian goiitlemnu whose
work has been very satisfactory and who
is well liked by tho young men wo aro
seeking to holp
Tho work apparently touched a re
sponsive cord in tho hearts of our towns
people in general and has beou ably
seconded by them in tho gonerous help
of supplying tho room with furniture
books magazines pnpers and games
aud uow presents an attractive home
like appearance
Tho purpose of tho leaguo has been to
baud together aud unify tho Christian
men and boys of tho community to
stimulato defiuito spiritual work for
them aud provide a suitable room for
refined entertainment and tho use of
select and pure literature
Sinco Jan 1 1000 the room has been
open each week day and evening with
gospel meetings on Sunday afternoons
at p m From -1 to 0 p m on week
days tho boys under 10 years of age
havo had tho privileges of tho rooms
after that tho older ones
Tho averago ntteudauco for both
afternoons nud ovouiugs has been about
20 and wo havo reason to believo that
tho room has proven to be a successful
counter attraction to tho saloons and
pool rooms of our city
There has been 22 gospel meetings
holit siuco January 1 and we havo at
tho present time n membership of 70
41 of whom are charter members
The following is the fiunncial report to
Received cash on membership 181 75
Received from individuals 2 00
Received from entertainments 87 15
Received Sunday collections 1 1 85
288 75
Paid secretarys salary Mr
Hughes 200 00
Paid rent to Juno 15 1900 03 00
Paid for lights 14 70
Paid for incidentals 20 73
Cashonhand 32
28S 75
In addition to this there have been
subscriptions to papers and magazines
kindly donated by the Omaha and Nor
folk dailies and by Mr J McWhinnie
of Omaha
In managing the business interests of
our league we have tried to be guided
by the experiences of other associations
and find wo must expect a largo falling
off in daily attendauce during tho sum
mer months due no doubt to keener
enjoymeut of out of door life and shall
reduce our expenses during this period
Our general secretary expects to be
away from town most of the summer
devoting the time to Btudy of Bible
interests and Y M C A work
Our gospel meetings aud bible classes
will coutinuo as usual aud tho reading
room will bo kept open as muoh of the
timo as attendauce will worraut
L Sessions
Chairman Board of Trustees
O P MiciiAFL Secretary
Wanted Soveral bright and honest
persons to represent us as managers in
this and close counties Salary 900 a
year aud expenses Straight boua fide
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bauk in
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted at hpme References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped eiivelopo Tub
Dominion Company Dept 3 Chicago
Agents Wunteil
We want nn active ageut in Norfolk
and vioinity to represent the largest
evergreen nurseries in the U S A full
Hue of hardy fruits thade aud orna
mental trees shrubs etc Three plans
pay weekly Address at once The
Elgin Nurseries Elgin Illinois
Wanted Houest man or womau to
travel for largo houee salary 05
monthly aud expenses with increase
position permaueut euclose
stamped envelope Manaoek
330 Caxton bldg Chicago
Henry Newark of Battlo Creek
in tho city Saturdoy ou business
O H Wunner wont to Stanton
torday to visit hiB brother Georgo
J H Logoman nnd sou nro in the city
from Inmnu visiting old timo friends
Arnold Hellman deputy county clerk
visited his parents in this city ovor Sun
W E Spencer and family Bpont Sun
day with Mr and Mrs A F Enos at
Miss Eliznbcth Davenport returned
last evening from her trip to Washing
ton and California
A daughter was born this morning to
Mr and Mrs S F Adams at their
homo on South Fourth Btreet
Miss Ruth Matrau will entertain a
few frionds this evening at tea at her
homo on South Fourth Btreet
Officer Kano shot a dog yesterday at
the homo of James Nichols which
showed BymptoniB of hydrophobia
Senator Wm V Allen came over
from Madison today to witness the ball
gamo between tho doctors and lawyers
Arthur Pilger deputy county treas
urer was over from Madison yesterday
visiting his mother und other Norfolk
Wm Leggett went to Sioux City yes
terday to accept a position aB traveilng
representative of tho Cudahy Packing
Adolph Altschuler of Philadelphia is
in the city visiting his brother Julius
and BiBters Mrs David Bauni and Mrs
Jacob Baum
Warren Sission and his Bister Miss
Hildrath returned Saturday oveuing
from Delaware Ohio where they have
beeu attending school
Mrs C S Hayes with Clyde and
Beulah will go to Leed City S D
this evening to visSt her brother C S
Bargelt for a few weeks
Mr and Mrs I G Westervelt wero
passengers for Meadow Grovo today
and will visit with their sous in that
neighborhood n few weeks
J W McClary went to Sibley Iowa
on the nooii train to act ns timekeeper
for It H Reynolds who has tho hand
ling of a large building contract
V Crue of Madison is iu Philadelphia
attending the republican national con
vention It is presumed that he is the
only citizen of Mndison county attend
ing tho big meeting
Mrs Corn A Beels accompanied by
Misses Ella Mason nud Eva Morhinan of
Pierce departed on tho U P train for
Des Moines Iown to attend the annual
National Music Teachers association
during this week
Scott Holbrook who formerly ran as
conductor on tho C St P M O
road has purchased the Turf Exchange
which has been ran by Wm Blatt for a
year or two nud it is understood thnt an
invoice is being taken this nfternoon
preparatory to tho transfer
A company of Indians and u number
of white men were brought down from
Niobrara this morning aud taken on to
Omaha where they will appear before
tho federal court Ono of the prisoners
is charged with selling liquor to the
Indians and ouo or two are chnrged
with murder
The Sturgeon Music houso recently
offered a prize of a pair of shoes to the
person guessing neaiest to the number
of the last organ to bo taken out of a car
of a recent shipment Miss Florence
Estabrook and Miss Lillie Donahue of
Chadron who is visiting at tho home of
Mr and Mrs Fly tied on the nearest
number and each was presented a pair
of slippers
At a special meeting of Mosaio lodge
No 55 A F A M held Saturday
evening the following named were in
stalled as ofScers for the ensuing Ma
sonic year E H Tracy acting as
installing oilicor and S G Deau as
grand marshal J B Maylard W M
G T Sprecher S W B Mapes J W
W II Bucholz treasurer D J Koenig
stein secretary W H Rish S D D
Rees J D H Gorecke S S E M
Norton J S F A Bryant tyler
Tho annual picnio of the Christ Lu
theran church at Pasewalks grove yes
terday was attended by a largo crowd
and the occasion was vory enjoyable to
all Tho exercises consisted of musio by
tho orchestra aud choir and speaking
Ice cream lomouado popfruit und other
refreshments and luxuries wero there in
abundance Sports of foot racingclimb
iug a greased pole and other popular
amusements were indulged in and the
day passed very profitably nud pleasantly
Good receipts for inFsions were an
Tho census enumerators have practi
cally finished their work in Norfolk
They have made an honest effort to
count everyone entitled to be classed as
a resident of the city Yet it is quite
possible that some may have been
missed If there are any who have not
been counted or if anyone knows of a
person who has not been listed they
will confer a favor upon the enumerators
as well as help moke the population
list correct by notifying either J S
McClary enumerator for the First aud
Second wards or Norris Huse enumer
ator for the Third and Fourth wards
This muBt be attended to at once as the
books will be closed aud sent in within
the next few days
Carl Schmode of Battle Creek
Cuts His Throat
II Ih Ilrothor Killed llliimelfa Year nml n
HnlrAgo nml that Act Ih Stiiiucl to
Have Welf hcd on Ills Mlnd llo Will
1rolmhly Die
Battli Cheek Juue 11 Special to
The News Carl Schmode a promi
nent German farmer living Bix miles
southwest of this place last night mado
what will probably bo a successful effort
to commit Buicido
Ho wont to his born alono and cut
his throat using a common bread knifo
Tho wind pipe wns severed and ho will
die not being ablo to tako either food or
He took his wifo and children to Nor
folk yesterday Mrs Schomdo being a
sister of L C Mittelstadt
Tho hired man August Hundt found
Schmode in tho barn some timo after he
had committed tho deed
Hundt came to town nnd summoned
Dr Tanner and this morning Dr Salter
came up from Norfolk aud went out
with Dr Tanner but it is not thought
that they will be able to save tho mans
About ono and a half years ago
Schmodos brother who lived with him
committed suicido by cutting his throat
in a similar manner and Carl had nl
lowed thiB mntter to weigh on his
mind until it must have become over
balanced nud in a moment of insanity
hod committed the rash act
Schmode is not well fixed financially
but wns mnking n respectable living nud
was not hard pressed
Ho is n member of tho German Lu
theran church of this town nnd is well
known here
Humphrey Specllicn In lhiropi
If you are going abroad write to us
for the addresses of our houses in
Europe Also for Dr Humphieys
Manual Humphreys Mediciue Co
Heal Ksinie LntiiiterH
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by E G Heilmnu man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
E T McGehee and wife to O
S Christian ne wd3500 00
O S Christian to E T Mc
Gehee sK 20-21-1 wd 10000 00
John F Erskiue and wife to
W S Cunningham and Mary
part of seM of sw4 1S 21 4
wd described by metes find
bounds 300 00
Gertrude S Bell and husband
et ill to Homer W Sumption
part of noki of sw4 32-22-1
qcd 1 00
Frederic Braasch and wife
Johauu Raasch and wife
Ferdinand Haase and wife
Edward W Braasch and
wife Obed Raasch nnd wife
to Richard Peter lot 1 block 2
Norfolk wd goo 00
Geo W Losey sheriff to T F
Memmiuger lot 3 block 1 lots
15 and 10 block 2 Mathew
sons 1st add to Norfolk sd 2750 00
T O Cannon to T F Mem
minger description same as
above qcd 4 17 04
Norfolk Real Estate it Improve
ment Co to Ida B Culver lot
7 block 8 Riverside Park add
to Norfolk qcd 1 00
The new Cash Hardware Storo has a
nice lino of screen doors wire cloth
lawn mowers and gasoline stoves at the
lowest prices Call and examine them
I lwBilv ivil
Women are Like
Ff nVtfrC Healthy andstrong
I IUVYCI lhey blossom
and bloom Sickly they wither and
die Every woman ought to look well
and feel well Itsherrlfht and rfnlv
but she might as well try to put out a
ii wuu uii as to oc neaiiny ana at
tractive with dsease corroding the
organs inEirrsaicener a womap upon
their halth rpnwli Vir lioVi l
there is Inflammation or weakening
drains or suffering at the monthly
neriod attend to It t rnr rinnt
delay Youre one step nearer the
grave every day you put it off
Vcmen can stand a great deal but
they cannot live forever with disease
dragging at the most delicate and
i wiHuo in wiii wuu jr i uu may
nave ccen deceived in so cauea cures
no aoni see now you could hulp it
there is so much worthless stuff on
the market Hut you wont bo dis
appointed in Hrnlfields Female Reg
ulator Wo believe It is the one merit
rlnHnnniTlffriiinnnt n i J
nuiiinuijr ujs i nero
iiium umcience oeiween It and
unci Boiniieu remedies aiithere is
between right nnd wrong Uradfields
lrml Winnlrr I it1
stops tho drains promotes regularity U1B pain
fl purifies and cleanses It
does all tuts quitkiy and easily find
i us lor women alone to de-
v WiYher hy rM b0 withy or
fields Ketjulator lies at
hand 1 per bottle utdruj store
Bf cd for cur tie UoUet
i in Ojl rirLij