ft i TUESDAY TOPICS Miss Delia Ochner of MmHsoii is a city visitor O J Rumloll was ncify visitor yes terday from Wayuo Miss HowIr departed yesterday morn ing for Sac City Iowa Mrs Nairn of Buffalo Gap S D is a Kuost at the homo of O 1 Chapman John U Long of Iiorco had his leg brokou by a troo fulling on It tho other day Mrs Roland of Iowa Is visiting at tho home of her sou V C in South Nor folk II II Hull Is moviug his family into tho Mrs Goorgo houso on North Ninth street Mrs Thompson of South Norfolk is hoino from Iowa and was accompauicd by hor nioco Mrs N J Davis and daughter Mrs M P Suitor expect to loavo tomorrow for Decatur 111 whoro they will visit Boveral weeks Chas Pilger who worked in tho ex press oflice and tried mining at Dead wood S D returned Sunday and is again at work in tho Fair store He was glad to return to Norfolk Mrs Wm Butzke of Millard who has visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Julius Deguor and other relatives and friends has gone to Wisuer being ac companied to that placo by her mother Mr and Mrs Saunders and Mrs George Mitchell of Osmond are visiting at tho home of W B Hight while on their way to Oklahoma overland They expect to be absent about two months E M Norton has received n letter from Osmond asking that tho Norfolk ball team come up there on tho Fourth and play n game of ball for a purse of 00 Mr Norton referred the letter to the regularly organized ball team to answer Father Thomas Walsh of this city will leave in a day or two in company with Father Floriau Delaf osse of Omaha on a four or Ave mouths tour of Europe They expect to visit Ireland and France and make quite an extended stay in Rome For the orphans home annual festi val at West Point next Sunday an ex cursion train will leave Norfolk at S 30 in the morning Quite a number of Norfolk people have signified their in tention of going down and enjoying the day Frank Neligh of West Point died in tho hospital for the insane Sunday morning and the remains were shipped to West Point for interment The de ceased was 51 years of age and settled in West Point with his parents when 13 years of ago in 1863 A company of about a dozen young people will be entertained this evening at a 7 oclock dinner by Roy Carter who has been visiting at home several days He will leave tomorrow for St Paul Minn where he has secured a good position as a pharmacist The name of Miss May Durlaud of Norfolk has appeared in The Bees out ing contest with a credit of 170 votes Miss Celia M Chase of Wayne who was ahead a few days ago has droppod back to fourth place and Miss Fronia DeWitt of Grand Island leads with a vote of 5155 The members and friends of tho Y M 0 L will hold a picnic at Tafts grove on Friday afternoon of this week Bathing field sports and games will be the order with some music and short talks about supper time Bring your basket lunches and have a good tiino Ice cream and lemonade will be fur nished by the league O W Rish has his hydraulic pipe laying machine in successful operation on Tenth street He has recently made some improvements on it and it now works very rapidly and is a vast ad vanco over tho old way of laying water pipes by the augur method There is little question but that he has a valu able machine both for ordinary and ex tensive work The lawn social given at the homo of Otto Tappert last evening by tho Nor folk lodge Modern Woodmen of Amer ica waB very largely attended and pro ductive of muoh enjoyment Tho Bohuert orchestra discoursed sweet music during the evening the strains of which were not confiued to the Wood men but overflowed into all parts of the city to the enjoyment of all Tho re freshments of cake and ice cream were fine and with the other pleasures that usually go with a social the eveuiug passed very quickly It was an even ing that will long bo remembered by those participating The fire department has engaged an orchestra of six pieces to furnish the music next Thursday It will play at the Pasewalk park during the day aud in tho evening will furnish musio for the dauce at tho Marquardt hall The parade at 0 oclock iu the morning will be headed by the band which will es cort the firemen speakers etc to the park It is expeoted that there will be inauy people present from out of town aud as there will be no Fourth of July celebration hero the people of Norfolk might turn in aud help the fire laddies make their first annual picnic one long to bo remembered S Fuesler has sold out his grocery and bakery business to Chas Parish of Stanton Tho stock is bolng involcod today and Mr Parish expects to take possession as soon ns tho invoice is com pleted Mr Fuoslor will remain horo for awhile and will tlun go wtSt pos sibly to Colorado Mr Fuesler has been in business iu Norfolk inauy yoars and has built up an onviablo trade Ills success as n builnoss man was ovidoucod when a fow years ago ho built thospleu dtd brick block which ho now ocouplos Ills wifo has boon of much assistance iu conducting tho business Mr Parish comes highly recommended as a busi ness man and will undoubtedly retain much of tho patronage which has been accordod Mr Fuesler Mr Parish was in businoss horo at an early day and has many friends among tho old timers who wish him success Tho increasing use of brick aud othor pormauout material for sldowalks in Norfolk Is gratifying to thoso who ad niiro good substantial walks and it is to be hopod that thoir uso will bo rapidly Increased until all tho walks of the city are built substantially aud woll Tho original cost of a brick sidowalk is very littlo moro that that for wood aud when it is laid it is good for a very much lougor period It Is especially to bo de sired where a walk is shadod as tho boards rot quicker while the shade and damp has littlo offoct on tho brick Col S S Cotton is laying a walk of vitrified brick iu front of his residouco on Nor folk avenue Hurt Mapes is also laying a brick walk in front of his property on Eighth street Brick walks aro also being laid in front of the properties of A J W II and O J Johnson on Koouigstein avenue Free of Charge Any adult suffering from a cold sottlod on the breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonardswill be presented with a sample bottle of Boscheos German Syrup free of charge Only one bottle given to one person aud none to children without order from parents No throat or lung remedy over had such a sale as Boscheos German Syrnp in all parts of tho civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles wero given away aud your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really tho only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by doalers in all civilized countries Wanted Honest man or woman to travel for large house salary 65 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-addressed stamped envelope Manager 30 Caxton bldg Chicago AiiRint Flower It is a surprising fact says Prof Houton that in my travels in all parts of tho world for the last ten years I have met moro people having used Greens August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver and stomach and for constipation I find for tourists and salesmen or for persons filling office positions where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not injure the system by frequent use and is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion Sample bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by dealersjin all civilized countries For u Summer Outing The Rooky Mountain regions reached via the Union Pacific provide lavishly for the healthjof the invalid and tho pleasure of tho tourist Amid these rugged steeps aro to be found Borne of the most charming and restful spots on earth Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny peaks and climate that cheers and ex hilarates Tho summer excursion rates put in effect by the Union Pacific enable you to reaoh these favored localities without unnecessary expenditure of time or money In effect June 21 July 7 to 10 inc July IS aud August 2 Ono faro plus 200 for tho round trip from Missouri river to Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Ogdon and Salt Lake City Return limit Octobor 31st 1900 For time tables and full information call on P W Juneman Agent Late reports aro to the effect that Governor Roosevelt of Now York may yet be uamed by tho Philadelphia con vention as candidate for vice president He has been the preferred coudidate of a large majority of republicans for a long time aud if he is uamed will bo part of a team that willlbe hard to beat Thero are mauy good men available and it is to bo hopod that the strongest and best will bo chosen Found A pocket book containing a number of keys Call at The Nrws ofilco Order of Hearing Statu of Nebraska MikIUoii Couuty 5 Iu the comity court nf Madison county No hraskii to Julia L Audrus Kliza Audrus Sarali Locke and Mury Taljnr and all persons Inter ested iu the obUM of M K Audrus docoasod On roailiiiK and illiiur petition of Hurt Mupos showiiiK that Borneo Mcllriilo formor admiuii tratorof this estate died leaviuu said estate unsettled ami praying for the appolutmont of said Hurt Mapus as administrator do bonis non of said estate It is hereby ordered that you aud all poraons iu forested in said matter niaj aud do appear at the couuty court to bo held in aud for said coun ty on tho 30th day of J uuo 1900 at one oclock p m to show cause if any there be why the pray or of the petitiouor should dot bo granted aud that notice of tho pendoncy of said putitiou and the hearlug thereof ho gics to all porsous In terested iu said matter by publishing a copy of this order iu the Norfolk Weekly Nmit a newspaper priutod in said couuty for three Buccussite weotd prior to said day of ueuriui Dated May 3Ut 1900 Wm Bites Couuty Jud o THR NORFOLK NEW THURSDAY JUNK 21 1001 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Miss Mattio MoNlsh was a passenger this noon for Omaha Horman Gorecko was a business vis itor to Madison today Miss Huboudahl of Madison visltod over night with Miss Hartley Mrs A P Pilgor of Alllanco arrived In tho city today to visit friends Wm Ahlinau and Goorgo Uollor wero iu Madison yostorday on businoss Miss Clara Hooch Is up from Lincoln visiting hor sister Mrs John Kratitz Tho harvest is ripe but tho laborers sooin to bo fow Tito woods aro referred to Miss Alotta Gillotto of Sioux City is visiting at tho homo of Iter uncle 11 A Stowart Martin Oostorllng has roturnod front Illinois whoro ho has been for somo time past D Rees steward of tho Norfolk hos pital for tho lusauo was In Lincoln yostorday E A Crum of Crolghton aroso oarly this morning and came to Norfolk on the oarly train Mr aud Mrs V II Johnson wont to Madison today to attend tho Schavlaud Blokley weddlug Miss Abble Doughty of Bollo Plaino Iowa Is visiting at tho homo of hor uncle C E Doughty Tho ground Is said to bo getting quito dry but tho crops do not appoar to bo aufforlng as yet for lack of moiBturo Plalnviow has arranged to colobrato tho Fourth of July aud Is issuing largo aud elaborate bills announcing tho ovout Mr aud Mrs M V Mizcr of Macon Mo aro visiting at tho homo of J W Humphrey Mrs Mizer is a sister of Mr Humphrey Miss Mabol Rodon roturnod to hor homo iu Missouri Valley Iowa yostor day after a few woeks visit with hor sister Mrs E O Adams of South Nor folk Mrs J G Troutmau who has beou iu a hospital in Chioago during tho past six weeks is reported to bo improving nicely aud hopes to return homo uoxt week Tho ladies society of tho Congrega tional church will meet in tho parlors tomorrow aftoruoou at 2 30 A full attendance is desired as there is work to be done Editor W E Powers of tho Pierce Leader was iu tho city yesterday and was accompanied homo last evening by his sister-in-law Mrs E P Manchester of Butte Mont Dr P H Salter aud daughter Dor otby expect to leavo tomorrow for St Paul Minn to meet the doctors cousin Miss Powers of Winnipeg Can who is coming here to visit relatives Mrs D J Koenigstein has received the welcomo intelligence that her mother Mrs Waldron of Lincoln is gaining in health rapidly and her early and complete recovery is now hoped for Tilden is preparing a flue Fourth of July celebration and has collected a good liberal amount toward doing it properly Meadow Grove aud Nowman Grove are also arranging for grand cele brations Mrs Layha and Mrs Hoyt who have been visiting their parents Mr and Mrs John Cliesnutwood will leave Sat urday for their homes in Marceliue Mo Miss Lillie Ohesnutwood will ac company them Adelbert Remy who has been attend ing school at Franklin Ind is expected hero this evening and will visit Norfolk friends until Friday when in company with his sister Miss Luella of the Journal he will go to his home in Aiusworth for a visit during vacation The Boone County Agricultural society is making complete arrangements for a good fair aud has arranged a very at tractive speed program with purses ag gregating 1 000 Tho dates of tho fair are September 19 20 and 21 Tho sec retary advertises a fine half mile track good stalls and good water Mr E B Keuyon has returned from a two weeks visit with her parents who live in Griunell Iowa While thero sho attouded the commencement of Iowa college Her brother P II Stoveus carried off high honors in tho class of 1900 which was tho largest one for severnl years numbering sixty seven Tho time has come to collect the mouey subscribed for the purpose of purchasing tho library buildiug and tho committee is out for that purpose and meetiug with very ready responses from thoso who signed For the convenience of subscribers a duplicate list has been left the Citizens National bank where those who wish to do so may call and pay without awaiting a call from a member of the committee It is de sired to get the monoy in as soou as pos sible and close up the deal Rev F O Gieso manager has ranged for a rate of 100 for tho round trip between Norfolk and West Point next Sunday on account of the Orphans Homo fostival Theexoursiou traiu will leave Norfolk at 8 30 in the moruiug aud the Junction at 35 ar riving at West Point at 10 oclock Re turning the train will leave West Point at fl 30 p m This will bo an excellent opportunity to visit West Point and those who desire a pleasant outing for Blood Troubles As the blood contains nil the elements ticccswry to niiilnin life It is inior tntit that It be kept ftce of nil impurities or it becomes n soutce of discaic rtoisoniug instead of nourishing the body and loss of health Is stttc to follow home poisons cuter the blood from without through the skin by absorption or Inoculation others from within ns when waste products ncruiiitiliitv in the system nnd ferment allowing disease germs to develop and be taken into tile circulation While all blood troubles iiae one common origin each has some peculiarity to tlistlnguiilt It from lite other Contagious Hlooil Poison Scrofula Cancer Rheumatism Kczcmii and other blood diseases can lie distinguished by a certain sore ulcer eruption or inllainuintlon nppcnrini on the skin ljvci v blood sss a day at a moderate price should avail themselves of tho opportunity Mrs Kannio Rowo Htopmothnr of Mrs D A Omtnornian and a nistor of Row J W and Moses L Kidder tliod quito suddenly nt Oakdalo about II oclock last ovoning of cancer aged 71 years Tho deceased has boon sick about two years but it was not sup posed that t10 end was so near Mrs Rowo lived horo at 1111 early day nnd is very well known to tho old nottlors Hor remains wero brought iu on tho noon train aud taken direct to tho Kidder contotory whoro Jthoy wero in torod Rev G II Miiinconductiug tho servicci at tho grave Tho firemen oxpectto thoroughly entertain nil thoir guests at thoir first annual picnic tomorrow at Posowalks grovo and look fora largo turnout especially of out of town people Their arrangotnonts aro practicallycomploted for a big time during tho outiro day and thoy hope that nlljcitizous who possibly can will attend aud enjoy the uxorcises sports and other features onJtho pro gram This will probably botho only opportunity of a public demonstration and holiday before fall ns thero will be no culobration of tho Fourth and thore should bo a liboral rosponso to the offorts of tho firomon Tho Singor ollico yesterday sold to W A Wagnor living two miles east of town two of thoir famous7 drawor drop head machines W L Bush secretary and mannger of tho celebrated Bush Gorts Piano Co stopped over night to visit with Mr Hayes their agent aud had tho pleasure of closing the salo of Jthoir finest upright piano Nosl to Miss Nettie Allbery of this city This rnakcB the eighth No 15 ho has sold on this trip bo far Thisjpiauo is hold on its merits aud has won such a reputation that tho factory is unable to supply tho demand Over thirtyjthousand sold in the last 12 years See them at tho Hayes jewelry and musio houso 319 Norfolk avo Norfolk Nobr Call at tho Cash Hardware Storo for household novelties Big lino at low price Subscribe for Tub Norfolk Wekkly News TnCuro lu Orlppn In Two Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho monoy if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on every box 25c A genuine Walo Silver Steel Siring for your Violin Mandolin Guitar or Banjo will be sent absolutely free to any address on receipt of a 2 ccnt postage stamp for return postage GREAT REDUCTION IN MANDOLINS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY OurrUndollm nre guaranteed to be absolutely true la the Scales perfect workmanship and correct adjustment of strings Our 195 Walo Mandolin reduced from 3 00 Is Walnut and MopleU ribs neatly finished inlaid soundhole rosewood position dots American potent heal FKKE with every Mandollnan extra tct of Strings and a valuable Self Instructor Our 345 Walo Mandolin reduced from J500 Is Oak aud Maplo 13 ribs fancy Inlaid soundhole celluloid bound edse ebony trltntnmgposltlon dots American pat ent head and tine finish Our 495 Walo Mandolin reduced from 1700 Is solid Rosewood 18 ribs highly InUhcd edges Inlaid with fancy colored wood purftlu bound Ith celluloid ebontzed fingerboard pearl position dots mahogany neck best American patent head Send for Walos Catalogue ol All fluslcal In struments and furnishings Latest up-to-date Hand Orchestra and Ilano Music Catalogues on application Pine Repairing a Specialty Watch for Our Neit llargalns A T WALO MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo Cancer Scrofula Old Sores Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison Chronic Ulcers disease shows sootier or later on the outside and on the weakest patt of the body or where it finds the least resistance Mauy mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease and attempt a cure by the use of salves liiilmciils and other external applications Valuable time t9 lost and no permanent benefit derived front such treatment BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES the poison must l completely mid pcrnm ncntly ctadicatcd -the blood reinforced purified and cleansed or the disease goes deeper and nap9 the vety life Mrtctiry potash and arsenic the treatment usually prescribed iu this class of diseases nre violent poisons even when taken in smalt doses never cure but do much harm by adding another poison to the already overburdened diseased blood h h b Natures own remedy tiutilc of roots anil herbs attacks the disease m the blood antidotes And forces out all impurities makes feuk thin blood rich strong aud hcnlthy and at the same time builds up the general health S S S is tin only purely vegetable blood purifier known nnd the only one that can reach deep seated mood troubles A record of 50 years of successful cures proves It to be a reliable unfailing specific for all blood and skin tumbles Froo Modloal Tromtmont Our Medical Department is iu charge of killed physicians who have made blood and skin diseases a life study so If you have Contagious Ilhxxl Poison Cancer Scrofula Rheumatism Kcicma an Old Sore or Ulcer or any similar blood trouble write them fully for advice about your esse All correspondence is conducted iu strictest confi dence We make no charge for this service Book on blood and skin diseases free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta G BEFORE YOU BUY TWINE Drop u a car J and ti frea aamnUf anA b1rgok wtw muim 00 our MiijrauHi tn AHUHii w run 1 Uoodh swtua bM Dont apoouUu M ehtaa twin Qnf Up aVOiiraaa Tmi WMMTBIIM baKoAMTII lftdO lDUtl IXu laa Ha DpV U OMAHA N TNat MOUM THAT AVawJ VOW MONIY UlT it j tim jjLt fit I w mmmsk I f I fir i ml IlWwIwA lft Z SHE WAS BLIND A blindness rcmes to me now and thn I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but ivA your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabule A onao of bad health that RMAX II will not benefit Tli7 baalah pain and nrntno IM WANTKD relU f Nolo Umi word llllA N B on Uij pack ad cept no ulmut It I WJJ tor S croU b hart ut any drutf Uira Tn 2 10 tor 1 wiVt or twl w e pack mar iand tiatlmonlftin will bi mallei to any ftddrwn for 5 cauU forward4 Uia Blpaua Cbamtoal Co Mb 10 Sprue bt Now York iiiilii i Tv Ihe Tallest Mercantile Building in the World Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Ui Wholesale Prices to Users Our General Catalogue quotes them Send 15c to partly pay postage or expresage and well send you one It has 1100 pages 17000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70000 things that you eat and use and wear We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted MONTGOMERY WARD CO 31 If h Iff mi At A MktiJItmii M fblctafu IIIIIIIWW Edisons Phonograph TlDttcr than a Tinno Orfan or Musio Box for U sings nnd talks as well as plays and dont cost as much It reproduces the music of any instrument band ororchwtra tella Ktorifs vnd hiiijs the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs it is always ready fieo that Mr IMisnns slunaturo is on every machine Cata logues oi all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAPII CO 13s Fifth Ave New York HHHHHHJlHHHH 1 n -a f 77A Beecher Higby w City clerk of Omaha Nobr favorably and widely known as a man of integrity and ability writes I believe that Dr Kays Renovator and Dr Kays Lunp Balm aro worthy of the pnbllcs confidence having known of some truly romarkablo cures of Omaha people elfected by their use Shun substitutes Renledtes Just as Good as Dr Kays Renovator and Dr Kuys Imws Halm are not modoor sold anywhpro H not at druuslsta wo will bend them poj t paiil on receipt of price Dr Kays Itenovaior S cts and II Six or ib Vt Kayx Uune Halm lOand A cts Free Medical Advice Sauiplo aud Uojk or ttie asking Address Or B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y TRY THE Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING