II h V y c 4 so X Y 7 i I Our Line of Summer I Footwear Is Complete See the Strap Slippers for Misses and Children Davenport Bros J THE WRONG I MEDICINE If you take medicine when you dont need it you do yourself au injury If you tuko headiiche medicine when the real cause is your eyes the hendsicho will nev er bo permanently relieved Ac tual figures prove thnt six houd aches out of ten are- caused by Eye Strain Examination and Advice Entire ly Free C F W NIARQUARDT DR OF OPHTHALMOLOGY NORFOLK - NEBRASKA O FOR THE - FINEST PHOTOS COME TO MICHAELS STUDIO We always have the latest styles and guarantee that our work will please you Our prices are right and we solicit a share of your pat ronage Finest lino of Mat Board in town Newest styles of Picture Mouldings New shipment just re ceived Yours for business C P MICHAEL At Thompsons 3 cans corn 20 cans tomatoes 25 Wheatling per package 10 Gold dust 4 lb 18 IS packages yeast 10 Bakers chocolate 18 2 lbs A B 0 crackers 15 1 gal pail syrup 35 Gloss starch per pkg 05 18 lbs granulated sugar 100 We Can Save You Money Tho Woiitlier Conditions of tho weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day v Maximum temperature SO Minimum temperature 48 Avorage 4 Preoipitatiou 00 Total preoipitatiou for month 117 Earometer 29 72 Forecast for Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight and Friday with thunderstorms west portion THURSDAY TIDINGS A now 9 pound girl was received at tho home of Dr ami Mrs II T Holden this morning H E Glissmau is painting his resi dence ou Madison avenue and making other improvements Tho Ladies guild of Trinity church will meet with Mrs Morrison on Friday aftoruoou at half past two oclock Ohas Oheime and Miss Evans am to bo united in marriage in Omaha today Tho bride is the daughter of the Evans piauo tuners who are quite well known in this vicinity Tho Leonard nine went to Pierce to day to play a game of ball with tho young lads of that city Clyde Hayes accompanied them to umpire tho giuie and see to it that tho boys return homo safely W A Conuoly of Grand Island has been appointed to the position of super iutendent of tho Norfolk sugar factory and will remove to this city Ho with his family will occupy one of tho Bishop houses on North Eleventh stroot It is understood that all tho Bishop houaos rccontly moved in from Queen City Placo are rented which shows to some oxtont tho demand in Norfolk for suitablo dwellings Tho Verges house will bo moved in shortly and will bo lo cated on South Tenth street J II Mussiuati who llvos four miles west of tho city has put In a new cream separator which will be run with tread power Mr Massuiau milks 512 cows nud last month ho received HK for tho cream they produced The milk goes far toward feeding his 75 hoad of hogs Enginoor W II Lowe is today estab lishing tho corners and grades of the Bishop lot at tho cornor of Main nnd Fourth streots and tho supposition is that work may soon begin on tho busi ness block which Mr Bishop has con templated erecting but that does not neccossarily follow tho work being done by Mr Lowe Tho littlo daughtor of Mr and Mrs George Uisor had tho misfortuno to fall ovor a wash boiler yostorday and In somo manner cut a groat gash in her throat Fortunately tho juglar vein was not severed and it is presumed that tho other organs of tho neck woro not injured A surgeon sowed up the wound and tho child is gotting along all right Under tho auspicos of Clarence Baiter a very pleasant boating party was on joyed on tho Northfork last evening by about 20 young people The start was made at o clock and a luuch was eaten at a ploasant spot two or three miles up tho river The party returned by moonlight and ou invitation of Mr Salter partook of strawberries and ice cream at tho Bon Ton restaurant Tho occasion was most enjoyable throughout ono of tho pleasant features being tho music furnished from instruments taken along by various members of tho party Mrs William Bridge and Mrs Robert Utter very pleasantly entertained a company of lady friends yesterday after noon from 3 to 0 Tho party first met at tho home of Mrs Bridge where a novel and most successful featuro was presented Cards were distributed ou which wero 153 questions the answer to each being tho name of somo citizen of Norfolk Much amusement was oc casioned in finding and making tho replies After the most correct guesser had been determined the ladies wero invited to another kind of entertainment and proceeded to the home of Mrs Uttor where tables were neatly spread on tho lawn under tho trees Dainty refresh ments were thoro served thus complet ing a very pleasant afternoon The weather for tho occasion was most pro pitious F K Fulton has been promoted to assistant postmaster of Norfolk at a salary of 1000 per year The office is also allowed one more clerk at 8400 per year and Miss Minuio Norton who has been working there but has iiot been on the pay roll will take that position Tho Norfolk office is fast assuming a metropolitan aspect and when the free delivery systom is inaugurated its ar rangement will be about perfect In ad dition to tho above there was another in crease of 100 in clerk hire aiid Mrs Sprecher will help Rio Tatman and Miss Norton as clerk After tho first of July Postmaster Sprecher will extend the boxes or partition separating the private from the public office to tho front win dow and will put in windows for the carriers to bo used after the city has placed it elf in shape for a free deliver system Websters definition of charivari is that it is a mock serenade designed to annoy and insult but as used in tho present day it is mainly intended to influence tho parties to a wedding con tract to set em up Whatever tho use or intention of the practico it cer tainly has never risen above Websters first definition that of annoyance and it is sometimes converted into law lessness and disorderly conduct Tho practice has beon so frequent that every couple getting married or oven contem plating marriage aro visited by a noisy crowd of young men and boys who persist in their unwelcomo attentions tiutil patience is beyond question ami tho gang must bo either bought off or driven away by force Tho practico is to bo deplored and should be discouraged by all who respect poaco and harmony A charivari by friends of tho couplo is not so bad but when overyJTom Dick and Harry esteems it his duty or privi lege to annoy or destroy tho proporty of tho people concerned it is high time that the law took a hand and suppressed the practico Tho custom of treating holds out certain inducements to this class of people and should bo discontin ued and tho charivari parties bo givon to understand that tho assistance of the peace ollleers will be invoked to disperse them Fun is all right iu its place and when not carried to extremes but there is no question that the charivari practice is out of tho bounds of fun excopt per haps to tho noisy element most inter eated It is to bo hoped that tho young men and boys will desist iu tho practice and not make it necessary for tho law to take a hau 1 Lost A bunch of keys Finder 1 please return to Nkws office THE NORFOLK NEWS TIHKSDAY JlNK II MOO GREGORY PHEASANT Hpiiniiii i IrcRor ir Lincoln mill Mlm ljilu Iliriiuit Miirrlid This morning at 10 oclock iu tho presence of a company of relatives and intimate friends MissLyda B Pheasant was united in marriagorto Herman E Gregory of Lincoln at tho homo of tho brides mother Mrs Belle O Pheasant on Philip avenue Rov G H Main of tho M E church officiating Tho wedding inarch was played by Miss Ruth Matrau and Miss Birdie Whipps niece of tho bride carried tho wedding ring in the heart of u largo American boauty rose Tho house was very tastily decorated in pink and white roses and carnations being abundantly used Tho bride was attired in a dress of white silk mull with chiffon and laco trimmings Her travoling dross was a neat brown tailor made suit After tho ceremony and congratula tions a dainty wedding breakfast was served Tho presents woro numerous and handsome Mr and Mrs Grogory departed on the noon train for Lincoln whoro they will make their future homo thoir dwelling being all in readiness for housekeeping Mr Grogory holds tho position of mail clerk In tho Uultod States service with n run betweon Omaha and Lin coln Tho brido is ono of Norfolks lovliost daughters nnd has miulo this her homo since early childhood She was a grad uate of tho Norfolk high school class of III and has been n teacher in the schools hero for several years past Tho sincere wishes of a largo circle of Norfolk friends will accompany Mr and Mrs Gregory to thoir future home Frosh pickerel at Glissmans Mannings masks for amatuer print ing and Gilsans albums Call and hoe them at Michaels studio Spring chicken black babs smoked white fish catfish and spring lamb at tho Palaco Meat Market Dressed catfish at Glissmans Kent KninU TriitiHtorx The following transfers of roal estate aro reported by E O Hoilmau man ager of tho Madison county abstract ofiice at Norfolk Evaugeleano Dodge and hus band to Dena Carter lot 9 block 7 Edgowater Park add to Norfolk wd 75 00 Frederic Bruasch and wife et al to Minna Nienow lots 1 2 and I block 41 Queen City placo add to Norfolk wd 100 00 Miiiotroe Halo and wife to Friedrich G Volk ne 1 1-22-2 possession to bo given a-1-1901 Farm land and city proporty for sale by G R Soiler Wall paper nt Christophs Two good sized loaves of bread for five cents at Sohorreggos PERSONAL Mr and Mrs G A Luikart drove to Madison yesterday Miss Jessie Bridge loaves today for Iowa to visit with friends Miss Lizzie Brecheison of Battle Creek was a city visitor yesterday Miss Lizzie ONeill of Battle Creek was shopping in tho city yesterday Mr and Mrs Dow of Meadow Grove were in tho city yesterday doing somo trading J A Wiloy of Chadrou formerly of this city was visiting Norfolk friends yesterday Mr and Mrs Leo Hale and two daughtors were city visitors yesterday from Battle Creek Conductor and Mrs Ed Murphy of Missouri Valley arrived in tho city last night to visit friends Mrs ChaH Tubb is expected here this evening to visit with her sister Mrs Geo Christoph Mrs Darius Mathewsou of Wakefield is speiiding a few days in the city a guest at the home of Col Cotton Mrs Lizzie Bruce with her two children from Des Moines Iowa is vis iting at tho homo of her uncle R F Bruce W P Williams mother has returned to her home in Eau Claire Wis Mr Williams accompanied her as far as Emerson yesterday Mn W G Baker and Miss Florence Johuson went to Wayne today whoro they will spend a week visiting Miss Bachelor and Mrs J M Pile Mrs O II Reynolds Mrs H McBride Mrs Burt Mapes Mrs C B Durlaud Mrs E O Mount Mrs A J Durlaud and Mrs W N Huso went to Pluinviow to spend tho afternoon with Mrs II G Uorroll Spring chicken black bass smoked white fifch catfir h and spring lamb at tho Palaco Meat Market Fob Sali Tho frame house on north oast corner of Fifth streot and Philip avenue H E Adams Choice veal at Glij smaus I i A II V 11 It IciiibIoii To Hot Springs S D Juno 19 To Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D Casper Wyo Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo and Glen- wood Colorado Salt Lake City and Ogdon Utah on June 21st July 7 8 It 10 and IS and Aug IS To Philadelphia Pa account republi can national convention ou Juno II 15 and It To Chicago 111 account prohibition national convention on Juno 25 2iJ and 27 To Lincoln Neb account republican league ou luro 20 and 2S To Beatrice Neb on Juno 20 to July I account Chautauqua assembly To Kansas City account national democratic convention on July 2 It and I To Lincoln Neb account state pro hibition convention ou July 9 and 10 To Pierce Neb account district G A R reunion on July 9 to lit To Cincinnati account B Y P V convention on July 10 II and 12 To Humor account Y P C U Pres byterian church ou July 21 and 21 To Lincoln Neb account Epworth League on July HO to Aug 9 To Long Pine Nob account Chau tauqua ussembley ou Aug 2 to 111 To Chicago account national U A U encampment on Aug 21 to 27 Will be glad to furnish particulars of above cheap excursions to all interested H C Matkut Agent Black bass at Glissmans Have you seen the elegant new dis play of photos at Michaels Latest stylos and fine work guaranteed Spring chicken black buss smoked white fish cattish and spring lamb at tho Palace Meat Market Fresh market catfish at tho Palace meat Houses for sale T E Odioiink FIRE DEPARTMENT AriiiliKCMUMitH fill Mm riiiilriiu III Iht Moiui tiiiiuplntiiil The regular meeting of tho flro de partment was hold nt firemens hall last evening President Kern presiding Tho bill of L Bnckendorf for four floral wreaths 550 was allowed also the bill of John Kraut of l5 for team to take decorating committee to tho cemetery on Decoration day On motion tho chair was empowered to appoint committees to act at the dance on the evening of tho 2lst and tho following wero named On floor Junoman Salter Grant Pasowalk Rono and Trulock On decorations Hollifield Krunt Worrel On reception Hayes Barr Sanford On selling and taking tickets at tho door Decker Kern W King Sidler Water committee Truemnu Zuolow The following wero named to assist tho committee on arrangements in tho preparation of the grounds for picnic day Grant Chno Davenport Kuhl Hartford and T Willi Committee on waiters Hayes Tru lock Davenport Koll and Saltor On selling and taking up tickets for ball game at Pasowalks on picnic day H A Pasowalk For tho game botwoen Norfolk and Creighton J Conloy Chief Winter was empowered to act in tho matter of guarding tho ball grounds against parties stealing thoir way into tho grounds in the ball game between Norfolk and Creighton Furnished rooms to rout by Mrs Younger on tho Heights Summer CornetH unci Summer WiilntN 150 different kinds all tho best stylos that aro manufactured Prices 50c 75c 1 00 1 25 150 200 and 250 Wo havo them with cork pads to keep the steels from rusting and breaking Also tho colebrated rust proof corset If you dont liko a corset and cant find a waist to please try tho equiposo waist Wo will guarantee you will bo pleased Wo aro selling ladies and childrens fancy hosiery at about half regular price Prices 15c up to -125 This is tho lost week of tho demon stration ofjtho Hosezalia cream and soap Tho manufacturers guarantee to cure any skin disease Mks J BrNsos South 10th St Omaha Nob Found A pocket book containing n number of koys Call at The Niws olfico The News oo aopartment is com plete iu every partioular An Iilrul Cllmitte The first whito man to set foot on Utah soil Father Silvestre Volez do Escalanto who reached tho Great Salt Lake on the 2trd day of September 1770 wroto in his diary Hero tho climate is so delicious tho air so balmy that it is a pleasure to breathe by day and by night Tho climato of Utah is ono of the richest endowments of nature On the shores of tho Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction tho climato of cli mates is found To eunblo persons to participate in theso scenic and climatic attractions and to reach tho famous health bathing nnd pleasuro resorts of Utah tho Union Pacific has mado a rato to Ugdeii and Salt Lnko city of one fare for the round trip plus 200 from Mis souri river to be in eilect Juno 2lst lulv 7th to loth iuclusive July Ibth and August 2d Return limit October 111 1900 For lull information call on or address F W Juuemau agent DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children Our Stock is very Full and Complete Late buy ers will Unci a Good As sortment from which to select 1NSKEEPS MILLINERY mh - tMnt t if- k ICitllniiilii of Kiiiikm City of Norfolk Nebraska for year 1900 1 IK I iiniuai kusd Salaries Lighting Election expenses Streets and sidewalks Printing Supplies Fire department waiick riND Salaries Coal oil and supplies Repairs and extensions Indebtedness IMTIlLsT nM On bonds issued 1SS7 On bonds issued 1 Hi 1 On refunding water bonds is sued 1S99 Sinking fund I SPECIAL SALE Beginning j WEDNESDAY V JUNE 6th I r n the fiscal inon do 1200 00 200 00 1500 10 250 00 101 00 700 01 1200 00 1500 00 500 00 700 00 900 00 900 00 11110 00 1500 00 Receipts for fiscal year ending May I 1900 Insurance companies 129 HO Miscellaneous licenses I lit K Dog tu 21 75 Sidowalk repairs 21 28 County treasurer road taxes 050 00 County treasurer general taxes 11150 00 Water rentals 2sst 51 1 hereby certify that tho above is a true copy of the estimate of expenses of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for the fiscal year 1900 and 1901 together with the receipts for the year ending Muv 1st 1900 as made by tho city council at a regular meeting held on tho 17th day of May 1900 W M ItoiucinsoN Attest Mayor S II McKaulaxd City Clerk Sturgeon is tho piano man We make loans on real estato at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Omonvi Sec Farm and city loans The Dukland Tkubt Go i and Continuing the j Rest of the Season I will sell my entire lino of Trimmed Hats at a Discount of 20 PerCent I will also make a Special Sale on Sailors MISS E J BENDER One -Block Hast of P O Sharpless Sisters Old Stand B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Smtb iiiailii to nrilor nut in tie liU bt etylo Ho imiriiiK noitls ilium Slmji on Simtli Fourth St biiutli of II unn llro HOOKBIXDINU Books and Magazines Neatly Bound II BHIMMLND Noxt toDuiu b 1iiint Storo ilh Stroot WIIKN VOL WANT A C001 3 2 t b EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices on Groceries with those of his competi tors and then use your judgment as to the best placo to buy Best Stanton Klour per sack 80c Tomatoes per can 8 Peas per can 5c Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2vc Simp 10 bars 25c I1 pound can linking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3vC Starch per lb 32c Oi ackers per lb 7vC Clothes Lines 9c Lye per ran 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7yC Pearhne per package 4c Bice per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4c Wo havo a big lino of Tinware Grun itnwnro and Crockery which we are selling very cheap We also havo a big lino of fruit which wo are selling cheap All gooiN new and fresh B MEYERS Pure Fresh Groceries ive osscnUsil to good health anil cost no more Uisin the cheap stuff handled hy some dealers Fuesler Sells the Best Sole Agent for Chase Sanborns Coffee PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhles KARO BROS Meats Sailsage Pisli Game lerbod wants the best of i n u oi i w i rtinllllliUa U Illuvu u ajJiiwii Tp j PU bli A V C Or DA I I eirort to please the trade iO TO W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN ST TUWD DOOIi EAST OF FOUBTH I Our Shop is the Neatest in the City