The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 8

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It niipcni Mint tho woMorn
nlio tho oiitiiiys rountiy
coast is
KuslouNts wmihl bo dollglUod to
thnt prospojtty hns koiio wroiiK
hno tbo pooplo bollovo tliom
with whioh tlu hao so lotiK boon
lliotod by the mild mil ton wilting
lohu H Muy loptihlioan nomtiico
for Ioiinross in tho Third dUttiot H
KilniiiK in luiiunlntiinoo ami HttoiiKth
Orison bus hron Ilruwd in a doubtful
Rtnto by doinooriitio HtiitlstlHuim It is
doubtful if tboy will bao tbo pioHiimp
lion to sopuvm it again
It is a pity domonatio oilltorsdont
Kio their iondir Hint nows fioin Oio
iron It would toliowi that tiiod fooliiiK
The in nnith Star louiual mtyH
Gov loyntors piudon of llio Mrown
county iiiuiilouir luly Ith of litHt your
an inhuman Howl who should havo boon
huiiR instoad has not boon forKotton It
wiih woifio limn Ids cat tin tlilof puuloiiH
Hryan lately pleaded with tho people
of OroKon to do tho limhtthinn andthoy
did it by BhowiiiK tho Ini kh ropub
henn Kidn for yoais Mr llrynnrt fatal
ity of having places whoro ho spealcH
show laiKoiopublieau gains will pi oh
ably puisuo him to his political grave
People of Home cities decline to bo
iuteiviowed bj the census enumoiitor
They are likely however to bo inter
viewed by other of Undo Hams otllcors
and mado to dhulgo what they know
The man with- impertinent questions
has tho law behind him and it is not
wise to say him nuv
Editor Hosowator has decided not to
apologize to the Nebraska supiomo court
Ho dont belioo in haying hoas wiong
in his contempt deductions when tho
pioceedmgsor that couit mippoit his
mow It would appear lather ridicu
lous for a fact but not inoie ho than
for tho couit to enforce its Hue of ri00
against the Heo Tho court and its at
torney gonouil hooni to bo heartily soiry
that tboy cited a hu saw foieontonipt
At last tho state houso gang havo suc
ceeded m HidotrackingKlCdgar Howard
in his ambition to bo the fusion Ccandi
dato for auditor of state and have
thrown him the poor consolation of tho
nomination for congressman Horn the
First distnct Uowaul is a hliong
manly tollow even if lie Is a ponoctit
and it does beoni a bin to put him up for
slaughter against Davo Mei cor who is
as bine to bo elected as the sun is to nso
tomoirow morning
Chaplain Mailoy who wont to tho
Philinnines with tho Fust Nebiaska
regiment and on his return incurred tho
enmity of the fusiouists because ho
darod sunport his country on tho Httinip
is again causing them doop distress by
nppoaring with a pro Ainoricati locturo
illustrated with steroopticon views
Tho chaplain is not easily squelched and
bollovos in speaking out his convictions
ovou though tboy bo not to tho satisfac
tion of fusiouists who arguo from a lis
Tho tirst stops looking to tho organiza
tion of a national negro party havo boon
taken in Philadelphia and it is probablo
that another national ticket will be
ulacoil in the field There aro now four
or five national tickets ou tho list and
perhaps four or live yet to Iw naniod
It would seom that tho desiro of 1
Stoillng Moitoit for enough parties fioin
which to oliooso will this year bo realized
ami tho timo may come whou thoro will
boa party toieproent each mans indiv
idual opinion even though ho may bo
tho only member
By tho way what has becomo of Chin
Harvey This old and aluablo demo
ocratic sign post of lstlO should not bo
thurst into inocuous dCMietudo so far
that it cannot bo seen For tho s iko of old
tunes and tho renewing of old nioinoiies
Mr Harvey should bo allowed to peep
out jiiht a little It is unfair to tho
people who staked thoir all on Com
in lhihl to hao htm so completely oblit
erated from tho face of tho political
map He was deemed of groat value
then but his stock has declined govoral
thousand per cent since
Tho farmers in luuisas aie oflering 1
n dny for hands to help them harvest
their giain and somo of tho latlroads
havo opened employment bureaus in au
eftoit tosecuio tho men needed another
trick of Mark Hannns Ho mado tho
men so scarce that farmois could not
harvest all tho grain nud niny lose a
portion of it thus raising tho price
This is saying nothing about his moau
nes3iu squeezing per day out of tho
poor farmer to pay a man for his laboi
Tho machinations of thatjuiau are awful
thoy are positively sickening
Tbcxo nro shrowd aud daring
swindlers in New York but the Italian
buuo man who sold a fellow country
man just ariived tho New York md of
tho Hiooklyn bridge for 100 is entitled
to tho bakery He told his iiow fouud
jficqwiiutvUiee that Mayor Van Wyck
owned tho other end aud between them
toy would harvest a fortuuo Another
bo ot similar character was where hu
Italiannoldn third interest in tho rn
ological gardens for JIW This flame j
fellow sold a count rynian Minn of tho
fm tilt tiro in tho court houso telling him
it was a hotel and appointing him chief
for a consideration
An Agulnaldolto or Homo othor for
elgneror foreign sympathizer got in
front of a Memorial Day piocosslon at
Hilix Iowa and shouted To boll with
A morion I The man with u traitorous
tongue who Is n station agent for tho
Sioux Oily and lacillo railway was
oaught later led to a public siiunro
made to apologlo and kiss the stars and
stripes a course of tieatnient that was
heartily in accordanco with tho wishes
of those taking put in tho exoiclses
The fellow has to loam that like nentl
moot as expressed in congress may bo
endured but tho people will not submit
to it at home especially on an ocension
like Memoiial Day
Tho Omaha Daily Nows says- Tho
spectacle of Dick Oioker Davo Hill and
Hill Hiyau reciting in concert I am a
democrat is woith the pi ice of admis
sion And if anything more bo needed
to make the situation ludicrous Charlie
Tow no tho only genuine Abrabntn
Lincoln icpuhlicnu mipht be added
Tho supremo effort of democracy this
year Hoonis to Ik to roprosont all fac
tions parties and pooplo and the conse
Mionce will bo it will ropiesent none
If pooplo want a nondescript eonglonior
t ion of nothing to tio to they can find
It in the democratic party as it is now
orgiiniing Those who can deny that
oillco grood is the one and only control
ling feature aro deserving of a leather
medal for their reckloss ignoring of
Under llatning humilities tho fusion
pipers announce that such and such a
state is for Mryan with as much dis
play of enthusiasm as though It woro a
coinpluto Hiirpiisowhon it has boon con
ceded tor mouths that ho would be the
nominee of tho Kansas Oity convention
Hutaftor all tho statements in tho head
lines should bo tiualillod When tho
dispatches announced that a certain
state is for Hiynn tboy moan that
tho doinocratio convention 01 time pa
ticular state has declaied for bin and it
is m no wise speaking fot the pooplo of
hat state who will say in Novoinbor
how tboy stand reganllng tho froo
silver apoitlo who has been compelled
to ludu his treo silver principle in ordor
to secure tho acquiescence of eastern
gold democrats
Tho State Tourn il turns ttuently on
the fusion press when it statos that
Nooloy Rntliboito and Thomas probnbly
folt it incumbent upon thoni to feather
their nests out of the Ouban postal
funds inasmuch as such papors had re
peatedly asserted that the procouncul
system of the timo of Homo was to pro
vail in this nations conduct toward its
dependencies and thoy may havo bo
lioved that they would bo considered
little less than fools if thoy didnt
piove their opportunities as from read
ing those shoots tho pooplo evidently
expected thoy should Thoy havo dis
covered in spito of fusion assertions
that Cuba is not to bo conducted iu tho
pro couuoul system by the party in
power and may feel justly aggnovod by
tho assertions made that this was their
glttoriug opportunity
Tho fusiouists claim that Hryan is a
niau of pronounced convictions which
ho expresses fearlessly Either tho ono
statement or tho othor must bo untruo
Tho Sioux Falls convention recoutly
took action that vitally concerned Mr
Bryans political welfare but either ho
had no convictions regarding tho notion
taken or ho was afraid to express him
self Few will beliovo that ho formed
no opinion but many will beliovo that
ho feared to state them because ho
might lose some support and ho desired
tho assiiranco ot tho Kansas City nomi
nation befote committing himself in re
gard to tho action of the populists nt
Sioux Falls If Mr Hryan is eutirely
fearless ho should havo stated his opin
ion on this question as readily as ho has
on others eett though it lost luni a
nomination and election
Mr Hryan is ceitainly up against it
for a campaign issue Tho oast wants
ri i to ring oft on his free silver issuo
the est and south want none of his
anti i xpausiou arguments tho laborers
havent tuno to listen to any cross ot
gold ciown of thorns arguiuout
farmers placo no faith in tho parity of
wheat aud silver it makes capitalists
veiy tired of being called Usurers ami
extortiouors when their rates of uiterest
havo decliued 25 or W per cent nud tho
pooplo at largo aie not ready to pass up
what they knpw to bo a good thing for
a promise that stauds i9 chances to one
of piouug a chimera Peihaps Mr
Brynti might pick up au appreciative
audienco among Aguiualdos followers
if he can find them but tho experiment
tnightbe dangerous owing to tho fact
that they havo inatiy and savage ene
mies among their own couutrymeu who
do uot hesitate to kill
It 13 admitted that republicans mado
something of n mistake in claiming n
few yeais ago that uudor populist rulo
tho pooplo of Nebraska could enjoy no
prosperity It is euoyirigprospenty
and has enjoyed prosperity nud it is con
clusively established thnt nllthe pops
demo pops and pop pops in Christendom
couldnt help tho MoKlnley prosperity
wavo whloh has swept over thejcoiintty
from slopping 01 or Into this Htnto Ne
braska has boon prosperous under re
form innnngoinont will tho reformers
admit that the country has onjoyod
prosperity under McKinloy Surely
thoy wont claim that tho prosporlty in
other states Is due to tho populist admin
istration In Nebraska How much
greater tho prosporlty of this common
wealth would havo boon with tho state
administration in hearty political sym
pathy with tho balance of tho country
cannot bo computed but It would prob
ably havo boon fully as good as under
Tho populists and domocrats of Pieico
county appoar to bo dosorting tho ro
form ship of stato In aim tiling lium
bors Recently 0 0 Wilson of that
county who Inn boon Identified with
tho populist patty slnco its itioiplouoy
came out with a long lotter renouncing
nslon and announcing his intention of
ritllliating with the old and tried repub
lican patty and support lug Win MoKln
ley tho greatest mini of tho nation to
day Albert Mass a prosperous Gor
man farmor of tho saino county to
contly said Well I roasted an ox
when Oloveland was elected hut I
dont think I will do It ngaln McKin
loy is good enough for mo nud I guoss
Ill vote for him Tho German fanners
have gono through tho haul times of
HKJ tW and dont want any inoio of
them Tho bugaboo of Imperialism nnd
trusts wont turn thotn oithor Theso
aro but two public expressions of tho
change that is going on and tho moro
bunconib and domagogy tho fusiouists
endeavor to inject into tho campaign
tho moro changes thoro will bo not
only in Pierce but ovory othor county
in tho stato
Tho fusiouists want tho people of this
country to make an especial study of
ovory quostion but that which vitally
concerns thorn If au American says
ho is oniployed at good wages thoy say
look at tho Boor liiigland situation If
a farmor says lio has good crops and is
getting satisfactoiy pricos thoy direct
his attention to tho Potto Ricau tariff
and tho Ouban frauds If a man says
ho is happy they question his sanity and
tell him of tho Aguinaldoites who aro
piovonted by tho American soldier boys
from stealing and murdering in thoir
own sweot way Tho great horrors of
tho McKinloy administration aro always
just over tho linowhore a voter cannot
personally investigate aud must dopoud
on tho stories of tho antis for inspira
tion Thoy make no fight ngainst tho
things that tho voter can renlio trom
personal contact Thoy iguoio bis con
dition nnd make their capital from dis
tant subjects It is safe to predict that
if a campaign woro to bo wngodin Cuba
Porto Rico or tho Philippines theso
smooth dissomblors would direct atten
tion to tho hornblo condition of tho
pooplo of this country Their appeal is
to prejudice not to souso
Tho democrats aro savago iu thoir
deuuuciatiou of Molviuloy aud his ad
ministration but thoy do not poiut out
wherein Bryauism would bo better
Thoy indicate supposed evilsbut aro nil
fired slow in suggesting a remedy
McKinloyism hns a four years record ou
Inch to stuud and it would be surpris
ig indeed if thoro aro no faults to bo
found or laws to be picked Almost
any citizen can discover something
which would havo hotter pleased
him had it been different But what is
there to Bryauism Nothing but the
niau and his mouth aud criticism of
theso could well be termed personal
Look for tho Hiyau of 1892 with his
fieo trade issue and iu IbMl you find
him absorbed by tho freo silver Bryan
denouncing the crime of 7i and talk
ing night and day for tho freo aud un
limited coinago of silver at tho ratio of
10 to 1 without tho aid or consent of aiiy
nation ou earth Look for Bryan in
1100 and you will find noithor of those
but a man who will bo singing a gloomy
song about trusts militarism expansion
and other topics with which ho hopes to
frighten the people If Mr Bryan is n
niau of pronounced convictions and
deep seated pnuciples as his adhoronts
claim how do thoy account for this
kaleidoscope of changes Wheio is his
lecoid that tho pooplo may havo some
thing besido assurances aud promises to
guide them All tho faults of tho
McKinloy administration nro overshad
owed by acts that havo resulted iu the
betteiinent of the people financially
morally and socially It is n record of
promises fulfilled of prosperity of hap
piness and of advancement Who
would trado a certainty for a ohiinora11
Who wnnts to saenfleo a well defined
piospenty for a chauco
Tho Madison Chionicle published
last week says that J B Simpson tho
state exaunnor of couuty treasurers
books who has recently completed an
exaunuution of tho records of tho Mndi
sou couuty treasurers otlice finds somo
irregularities on tho books of
Wildo for the years lbib and lbOD
It is churned bv tho Chionicle that Mr
Wilde took n seiui nniiual commission
wheieas ho is allowed an nunuil per
centage ou the tirst i l000 of 10 per cent
and four per ceut on tho next ij000
collected and two per cent ou tho re
mainder It is also claimed that tho
seini auuual method resulted in mcieis
lug tho fees of his ollico somo 300 moro
thau tho law contemplates Tho
ularity charged is not a innttor for tho
stato to adjudicate and will bo rofornd
to tho county coinnitssionots Tho
state moneys woro all correctly nccounted
for Tho insinuation that Mr Wildo
did this knowingly to ninko suro of
iJMV salary and loavo a balanco for
clerk hlro is not iwliovod by his frionds
and thoy will await tho notion of the
commissioners boforo denouncing him
In another column of this issuo Mr
Wildo prcsonts facts gloatted ftoitt his
fco book which whilo acknowledging n
technical irregularity states that tho
county was not tho losor of n cent by
tho transaction and his many Norfolk
friends will beliovo that his statements
aro ti no until proven othorwiso Mr
Wilde is entitled to n fair treatment as a
man nud cition A titans character
whether ho bo democrat or republican
is his choicest heritage and Tub Nrws
does not beliovo in assailing it unless
supported by indisputablo evldonco
Justice in court means that a tnan must
bo given all tho benellt of every doubt
and justico in every day life should
mean fully as much
Tho fako advertising schomor is
having a good donl of troublo in tho
west those days Tho timo wns in tho
west when tho snap ndvortisiug fakir
had overything his own way Last
week tho pooplo of Marysvillo Mo in
mass mooting docidod to discourage tho
fako advertising man iu every possible
way Tho merchants no longer patron
io the bill board lend tho cross road
poster nor tho tiinn who paints signs on
farmers fences Thoy will conflno their
ollorts wholly to tho newspapers This
is a move in tho right direction aud will
result in a big saving of money to tho
merchants of that part of tho Htnto
Other met chants throughout tho country
might piofit by this very thing An
Omaha man manager for n big depart
ment storo boasts that ho saved his
employer 000 last year by cutting oil
the fako advertisers who had boon get
ting tho firms nionoy without any re
turn other than a little bold scheming
Tho meichant who spouds a part of his
receipts annually tor nilverttsiug pin
poses will ninko no mistako if the
money is spent with legitimate news
paper publishers If tho retailer wants
to reach his customers lot him ndvortise
in his homo daily or weekly Common
sonso ought to teach tho rotniler this
much Tlioso institutions aro reliable
they reach the reading public of tho
section where they aro printed aud
somo attention is pnid to what the
p ipor contains Tho revorso is true of
hotel registor louco post bills nud that
soit of foolishness If tbo jobbor wants
to reach tho retailer ho bhould ndvertiso
iu thoso journals that go to tho retailer
If tho manufacturer wants to roach tho
jobbor ho must seek tho channel that is
patronized by tho jobber Iu tho
language of tho street you must know a
tnnns rnuway before you can locate
luni Thnt is tho thing Omaha
Trado Exhibit
The Wool Country Hostile
Mr Bryan was in the land of his
enemies when ho boarded tho Sauta Fe
train at Winslow said M W Huut
n Denver Republican reporter The
ople on tho train were mostly repub
licans aud tho country ho was travel
ing through was because of recent
prosperity incliuod to be hostile But
he had somo friends who wero anxious
to hoar him speak for when ho drew in
to tho little station of Gallup N M
thoro was quite a crowd collected to
wolcomo tho silver champion
Iu response tojtheir urgent invita
tion ho stopped out upou tho back plat
form and delivered one of his typicnl
spooches Tho people applauded and
when tho noiso subsided tho mayor of
tho town climbed up to the speaker aud
presented him with a largo Navajo
blaukot neatly douo up iu a parcel say
ing thnt it vas tho work of nu Indian
squaw of tho city who nduiired Mr
The train drow out nud Mr Brynu
doposited his gift upon n seat going in
to tho snioking rooni On returning ho
spread out his present for n better viow
aud as ho did so n pieco of paper piuued
on the itisido came in viow This was
what ho read
My Dear Mr Brynu Uuder tho re
publican administration tho wool in
this blauket sells for 22 cents a pound
Under tho democratic administration it
sold for ft cents Please toll that to
your constituents
Kuril siimuuii Outing
Tho Rooky Mountain regions reached
via tho Uuion Pacific provide lavishly
for the healthjof the iuvalid and the
pleasure of tho tourist Amid these
rugged steops aro to bo fouud somo of
the most charming nnd restful spots on
earth Fairy lakos nestled timid sunny
poaks nud oliinnto that cheers and ex
hilarates The summer exoursiou rates
put in effect by the Utuou Pacifio enable
you to reach these favored localities
without unnecessary oxpendituro of
tuno or money
Iu effect Juno 21 July 7 to 10 inc
July lb and August 2 One faro plus
00 for tho lound trip fioin Missouii
rivor to uenvor uoiorauo spungs
Puoblo Ogden and Salt Lako City
Return limit Octobor Hist 1000
For time tables and full information
call ou F W Junemau A gout
FoiXD A pocket hook contiunuiB a
uvuiiher of keys Cull nt Tin Niws
The News jod department is com
plete in every particular
Crokpps loic for Hi jnn
Tho Tammany forces aro smooth
pooplo and if tho Bryan forcos think
that by thoir endorsement they havo
mado a valuablo ncqnisition thoy nro
vory npt to discover their folly Tnm
tunny ovidontly desires tho good will of
western domocrats for thoir tiso in tho
next campaign nud in ordor to sccuro it
havo npparontly droppod in to tho sup
port of Bryan heart and soul Tho
Omaha Daily Nows which whilo pro
fosslng indopendenco in politics has n
pronouncedly doinocratio lennlng re
viows tho situation as follows
I nm for W J Bryan hoart nud
soul says Richard Oroker ruler of
Tammany It is significant that this
declaration which is npparontly frank
onough should havo como from tho
famous or infamous chlof so long
nfter Dowoy nnnouucod himself as a
caudidato of tho democratic porsuasion
It makes nothing seom so hkoly as that
Crokor was waiting and wntchlug to
soo what ho mlght seo Whon Dowoy
launched himself iu so singular a
fashion politicians wero nt sea Not
ovou Croker himself know what to
think Ho know this much however
that ho was unwilling to iudorso Bryan
whilo thoro was nuother possibility in
tho flold so ho waited nud watched
But Dowoy tho caudidate did not
last very long nnd Croker was thrown
back upon Bryan It is inconceivable
thnt Brynn nnd all that ho stands for is
wholly ncceptablo to Croker or that
rniumnuy sincerely desires Bryans
uccoss Orokers ninuisfestation of
ood will toward tho othor half of tho
party is undoubtedly dictated by solf
iuterest No matter how tho election
goes it will sorvo Tammany best If
Bryan should bo elected Tammany cau
claim a sharo of the credit for having
produced that result Whou Bryan is
dofeated as Crokor expects Croker
can say This is what wo expected
but wo gave in thou nud did what wo
could to help you In the future you
nud your western constituency will
please pay moro attention to tho only
real boss
Croker doubtless looks upou the ides
of November as heralding the dawn of a
brighter day for the democracy of the
Stato Militia
Governor Poyuter if ho bo true to tho
teachings of populism will soou order
out tho stato militia to expel banks
bankers aud money in corporate form
everywhere fioin tho stato of Nebraska
Country banks hero in Otoe couuty with
only ton thousand dollars capital have
deposits of over a hundred thousand
dollars And in Nebraska City are
more thau n million of dollars constantly
on deposit iu four bauks
There is dauger from this money
power and Governor Poynter knows it
which is n monnco to humanity That
is there is peril to the plain people in
this plutocratic troud or tho doctnues
of populism nro false Call out tho mil
itia 1 Issue n proclamation agaiust cor
porate capital iu Nebraska aud banish it
from the commonwealth or admit that
tho teachings of Bryanarchy aro dema
gogic and false in each aud every partic
ular Praise poverty Damn thrift
Laud advorsity I Denounce prosperity
in Nebraska Tho Conservative
Call nt the Cash Hardware Storo for
household novelties Big line nt low
Subscribe for The Notirouc Weekly
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9 Treats All Diseases
JMs Method Invariably Cures All
Catarrhal Ilronchiul Lung1 Stom
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In Dr Ilatlnwajs most
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erliig 1 poiiod of iiioru
th 1U2Q tMrslm has been
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manner of diseases of
men and women and
along tho wholo lluo of
human ailments lie has
be ii a unlforinl suc
1r llatlnwas me
thod of tro anient gits
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I n j
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Treated from Catarrh Ilronchitls As
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Diseases ol tll0 Kratist Mii iess all those
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frinrtMnni Hltliawaj nfllccs aro fitted
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Appliances olr appliances In tho uso ot
which as well as tho microscope ho has world
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used by Dr Hathaway nro compounded In Ills
own laboratories nniUr bis person il direction
and special remi dies are prepared for each In-
uiwuu u ease according to Its requirements
jBPnauon H rlesof si if examlti itlonblanks
Blanks jippljlngtothodllfen nt diseases
which ho sends free on application No I for
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No 1 forCatarihil Diseases Noo for KldnoS
Dr Hathnwii makes no charge
Consultation fr consultation at either till
Free olllioor l null
Ir llnlliiuu A Co C
ii Coiiiineri I il Him Miiux Cltj Joiww
of Best Varieties nt Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in laro nipll Millions of Htraviberrj
ldauts er thrifty and well routed dottlii
utsT near homo and bavo fieluht or exire
Send for price list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Ueod T Jdgt County Nel
Michaels Studio
Wo shall bo pleased to soo you ovou if
you do not nood any work in our lino
Como in and got acquainted and seo our
lovoly lino of photos whoro you will
find tho very latest in styles of mounts
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factory Wo havo a flno lino of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel nnd
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames nnd Mouldings Amateur
supplios always on hand and your work
douo prompt and reasonable Your
trndo is wanted at tho finest gnllery iu
this country
Yours for Business
is Gentral R R
Tho Illinois Vntrnl ilcirns to c ill nttPtitinn
to lliu tinuxrolltvt scnico tlmt U otTnrcil Its
lino to tho south for tho s onson of tsCJ 11KM
Pullman Tourist Steeping Cars
rorionnllj cnmlnct
oil Huiih thioimh to
los AiikoIos mill Sun
Iriincisco in Now
Orlouns in connection
uithlhoSotithorn Pa
clilc Icniiim fliicnuo
on tho Centrals fust
Nnu Orlnuua Son
oiiil connection nlt o nimlo by tins train with
ilail trains out of Now Orleans for tho Pacillc
Const Th Limitoil from Clucniro oior overl
ing ronnects on Monti oh tint 1 Thursdays at
Now Orleans after December is lsJD with tbo
of tho Southern Pacific Kivini special through
service to bun Francisco
Double diilj for
ico is iiiuniUinetl out
of St Louis ui tho
Illinois Central anil
ronnectiiiK lines to
Nu IimIIo Cliuttnnoii
Ka ami Ulnntu thro
sltiiuni car to Jack-
ton illo Iloriila beniK c in leil on tho
liMiiltiK St Linus nvuij oioiiinu This tram as
wollasthoDii Express Iuimiik bt Linus in
tho morning nro both solid ti iin to Naslnille
Iiiimiik through coaches mnl sleeping cars run
nin through M irtin Turn anil tho N C A ht
Litj Connection Ma this lino for all
nal points in tno souinoasl sucn as i nariesioii
Wilmington aikiii nnu siauuiu aim 101
points in Florida
Diilj from Chicago to Mjmpliis and New Or
HOMiSiiKKHS iCUHSIOXS to rortniu
points in tbo south on tho lints uf tho Illinois
Ci ntial anil Y A M V i iilionds will bo run on
tho Hist anil third Tuesil i of each month dur
ing tho winter season
Cull particulars concerning all of tho nbovo
can bo li id of ngentH of the Illinois entril or
bj addressing A 11 Hanson G I A Chicago
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief
It euros Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter
nal Illlnil or Iileedlng Itching or Burning FIssurei
and Fistulas Relief Immediate cure certain
It cures Hums Scalds and Ulcerations and Con
tractions from Ilurns Tho Ilellef Instant boating
It cures Torn Cut or Lacerated Wounils and
It cures noils Carbunclei Felons nunrounda
Ulcers Old Sores Itching Eruptions Scurfy or
Scald Head
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Soro
Nipples Invaluable
It cures Salt Rlieum Tetters Scurfy Eruptions
Chapped Hands Fever misters Soro Lips or
Nostrils Corns Bunions Soro and Chafed Feet
Stings of Insects Mosquito lilies aud Sunburns
Throo Sizes 25c 60c and 100
Sold by Druggists or sent pre paid on receipt of price
Cor M llliain iV John bis M3W YOIIK
CIcuiki anil biautlllcs the hut
Irotnulel luxuriant prowth
Never Falls to llestoro Gray
irnir tn Hu Youthful Color
Cunri rlp UiMutiji htirtollug
Irtc anufm iuirf
Free eclinlng Chair Gars on all Tral
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With diiect coniipctioiis to all South
era and Kdstern points
ruexctllod time nnd accommodations
to tho
Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
For moro complete information descrlpthe
pamphlets etc mldreso
AG F end P A TlA
Southeast Cor litu and Douglas Sts