The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The iovt oik fleuus
It iippiM tluxt tlio wMtoiii
also tlio inoniiouitty
coxst is
VuilonWswimUUHMliiliKlitod to cay
thnt prrwtvttty Ims roiio wrmiK anil
hixw tlio pooplo boliovo tlioni
lolin H lluys lopublicnii iioiiiineo
for ootiitrosi in tlio Tliirtl ilUtriot is
gixlllllli til iUUllllllltiltllO lUlll HtlOIIKtll
pncli iluy
iriKOii luis broil Ilixssod ns u iloulil Tnl
Htntoby iloinocriUic HtntlstirliuiH It is
doubtful if tboy will luxxo tlu piosnnip
tion tOBorlivs it iikiUii
It is iv pity iloiuociiitic odttorsdoirt
irho thoir louilorstluit iiosvs fiom Oio
iron It would iolleo tlmt tiiod fooling
with whioh tho limo so lonir boon
lliotod bv tlio suul etlitorV wittliiKi
Tito Mnswoith Stur loiminl wiyH
Gov Poj liters puulon of tlio Hrown
county iiiiiulotorluly Ith or hint your
mi inhuman loud who should huvo boon
huiiK iiistoml bus not boon forirotton It
was woiso thuit bis nittlo thiof pixidoiiH
Nryiui lately pleaded with tlio people
of Oregon to do the light thing and they
did it by showing the laigont repub
lican gain for yeais Mr HryituH fitul
ity of having placet where ho HpeakH
show huge lepublicaii gains will piob
nbly puisne bun to his political grave
People of homo cities decline to be
interviewed bj the census enunieivtor
They are likely however to bo uitoi
viowcd by other of Undo Suns otllcorH
and made todnulge what they know
The man with- impertinent iiuestious
has the law behind him and it is not
ivim to My him nay
IMitor Kto iter has decided nol to
apologize to tlio Nebraska Hiiptoiiio court
llo dont believe in saying hojwiw wiong
in his coiitompt doiluctions when tlio
pioceedingsor tliat court mippoit bis
view It would appear lather ridicu
lous for a fact but not nioi e ho than
for the oouit to enfoice its lino of WOO
against the Bee The court and itn at
torney geneial seem to bo lioxrtily soiry
that they cited a hu saw foijcontenipt
At last the state houso gang have suc
ceeded in sidotraekingJlMgar Howard
in hiH ninbition to bo the fusion Candi
date for auditor of state and have
thrown bun the poor consolation of the
nomination for congressman from the
First dish ict Howaid is a strong
manly follow oven if bo is a poooeiit
nud it does seem a sin to put bun up for
slaughter against Dave Meicer who is
as sine to bo elected as tlio sun is to nso
tomorrow morning
Chaplain IMailey who wont to the
Philippines with tlio Flint Nebiaska
regiment and on Ins return incurred the
enmity of the fusiouists because ho
darod sunport his country on the stump
is again causing them loop distress by
nppoaring with a pro Aiuoricau lecture
illustrated with stereopticou views
Tlio chaplain is not easily squelched and
bolloves in speaking out his couictions
ovon though they be not to the satisfac
tion of fusiouists who argue from a dis
Tho tirst steps looking to tlio organia
tiou of a national negro party have been
taken in Philadelphia and it is probable
that another national ticket will be
placod in the Held Thoro aro now four
arilvo national tickets on the list and
porhaps lour or live yet to bo named
It would seom that the desire of 1
Stoiling Morton for enough parties from
which to ohooso will this year bo realized
and tho tiino may como wiion there will
boa party to represent oieh mans indiv
idual opinion oven though ho may bo
the only member
Hy the way what has becoino of Clin
Harvey This old and valuable domo
ocxatio sign post of isim should not bo
t hurst into inocuous desuetude so far
that it cannot bo seen For the s 1U0 of old
tunes and the renew nig of old mommies
Mr Harvey should bo allowed to peep
out just a little It is unfair to tho
people who staked thoir all on Coin
in lsilii to hav o him so completely oblit
erated fiom tho face of the political
map Ho was deemed of groat value
then but his stock has declined soveril
thousand per cent since
Tho farmers in Kansas are ollering 1
n day for hands to help them harvest
their giam and somo of the railroads
havo opened employment bureaus in an
elYoit tosecuio the men needed another
trick of Mark Hauuas Ho mado the
men so scarce that farmeis could not
harvest all tho grain and may loso a
portion of it thus raising the price
This is sayiug nothing about his moan
ness in squeeziug fl per day out of tho
poor farmer to pay a man for his laboi
Tho machinations of thatuiauare awful
they are positively sickeuing
Ibero aro shrewd and daring
swindlers in New York but the Itahau
bun o man who sold a fellow country
man just arrived tho New Yoik end of
tho Btooklyn biidgo for flou is entitled
to tho bakery He told his new found
taojwiiiitauce that Mayor Vim Wyck
owned tho other end aud between them
toy would harvest a fortune Another
ige of similar character was where an
ltaliano1d a third interest in tlio o
ologieii gardens for K This nnine
fellow sold a countryman mino of tlio
fin niluie in the court house telling him
it was a hotel and appointing him chief
for a consideration
An Agiilnaldoito or Homo other for
eignrr or foreign sympathizer got in
front of a Memorial Day piocosslon at
Hulix Iowa and shouted To boll with
America1 The limn with a traitorous
tongue who is a station agent for tlio
Mloux City and lacillo railway was
caught later led to a public milium
made to apologio and kiss tlio stars and
stripes a course of tioatnient that was
heartily in accordance with tlio wishes
of those taking put in the exoiclsrs
Tlio fellow has to learn that like senti
ment as impressed In congress may be
endured but the people will not submit
to it at home especially on an occasion
like Memotlal Day
The Omaha Daily News says The
spectacle of Dick Ot nicer Davo Hill and
Hill Hiyiui reciting in concert I am a
democrat is wotth tlio pi ice of admis
sion And if anything more bo needed
to mako the situation ludicrous Ohiirlio
Tow no tlio only genuine Abraham
Lincoln t publican miht bo added
Tlio supreme ellort of doniocrney this
year seems to be to represent all fac
tions parlies and pooplo and the conso
liionco will bo it will repiesont none
If people want a nondescript conglonior
tion of nothing to tio to tboy can tlnd
It in the democrat io party as it is now
orgauiing Those who can deny that
olllco greed is tlio one and only control
ling feature are deserving of a leather
medal for their reokloss ignoring of
Under laming headlines tlio fusion
pipeis announce that such and such a
state is for Hiyun with as much dis
play of onthusiani as though it woio a
complete surpiisowhon it has boon con
cedul tor months that ho would bo the
nominee of the Kansas Oity convention
Hut after all the statements in tlio bead
hues should bo iiialillod When the
dispitohes announced that u certain
state is for Hivan they menu that
tlio democratic convention of that pa
ticular state has declned for bin and it
Is in no wiso speaking for the pooplo of
hat state who will say in November
how they stand reguding tlio fico
silver apostle who has been compelled
to hide his troo silver principle in order
to sucuie tlio aciuiesconoo of cistern
gold democrats
Tlio rituto Jourinl turns ituoatly on
the fusion press when it statos that
Neoley Kathhouo and Thomas probably
felt it incumbent upon them to feather
their nests out ot tho Oubau postal
funds inasmuch as such papors had re
peatedly asserted that the pio couticul
system of tho tnno of Homo was to pre
vail in this nations conduct toward its
dependencies and thoy may havo bo
lieved that they would bo considered
little less than fools if thoy didnt im
prove their opportunities as from read
ing those shoots the pooplo evidently
expected thoy should Thoy havo dis
covered in spite of fusion assertions
that Cuba is not to bo conducted in tho
pro couucul system by tho party in
power and may feol justly aggnovod by
tho assertions mado that this was thoir
glttenug opportunity
The fusiouists claim that Hryau is a
man of pronounced convictions which
ho expresses foarlossly Kither tho one
statement or tho other must bo untruo
The Sioux Falls convention recently
took action that vitally concorned Mr
Bryans political welfare but either he
bad uo convictions regarding the action
taken or ho was afraid to express him
self Few will behovo that ho formed
uo opinion but many will behove that
ho feared to state them because ho
might lose somo support and he desired
tno assurance ot tne Kansas City nomi
nation before committing himself in re
gard to the action of the populists at
hioux Falls If Mr Hryau ts outiroly
feat less ho should have stated his opin
ion on this question as readily as ho has
on others even though it lostj liini a
nomination and election
Mr Hiyan isceitainly up against it
for a campaign issue The east wants
Imk to ring oft on his free silver issuo
thy v est and south want nono of his
nuti tMiansion arguments tho laboiois
havent tune to listen to any cros ot
gold ciovvn of thorns argunioiit
tanners placo no faith in the parity of
wheat and silverit makes capitalists
veiy tired of being called usurers aud
extortioners whou their rates of interest
havo declined 3 or 0 per cent and tho
people at large are not ready to pass up
what they know to bo a good thing for
a premise mat stands iti cnauces to one
of proving a chimera Peihaps Mr
Hryau might pick up an appreciative
audience among Aguinaldos followers
if he can find them but the experiment
mlghtbe owing to the fact
that they have lunny mid savage ene
mies among their own countrymen who
do not hesitate to kill
It 19 admitted that repubheaus made
something of a mistake in churning a
few years ago that undor populist rule
tho people of Nebraska could enjoy no
prosperity It is eujoyingpropenty
and has enjoyed prosperity and it is con
clusively established that alltthe pops
couldnt help tho McKlnley prospeilty
wove whinh has swept over thojcotuitiy
from slopping over Into this state Ne
braska has been prosperous under re
form niaiiagoinout will tho lofonnors
admit that tho country has onjoyod
prosperity under McKinley Surely
thoy wont claim that the prosporlty in
other states is due to tho populist admin
istration In Nebraska How much
greater the prosperity of this common
wealth would havo boon with tho state
administration in hearty political sym
pathy with tho balance of tho country
cannot Iki computed but It would prob
ably havo been fully as good as undor
Tho populists and domocrats of Pieico
county appoar to bo dosorting tho re
form ship of state in alarming num
bors Hccontly O C Wilson of that
county who has been identified with
the populist party since its inoipiency
raino out with a long lotter renouncing
iislou and announcing his intention of
ntllliatlng with the old and tried repub
lican paity and supporting Wm McKin
ley tho groat ost man of the nation to
day Albert Mass a prosperous Gor
man farmorof tho samo county io
contlyfiftid Well I roasted an ox
when Cleveland was elected but 1
dont think I will do It ngaln McKin
loy is good enough for mo and I guess
Ill vote for htm Tho Geiman farmers
have gono through tho haul times of
lstiMl ntitl dont want any more of
them Tho bugaboo of imperialism and
trusts wont turn them either Theso
aro but two public expressions of tho
change that is going on and tho more
bunconib and domagogy tho fusiouists
endeavor to inject into tho campaign
the more changes thoro will bo not
only in Pierco but every other county
in tho state
Tho fusiouists want tho people of this
country to mako an especial study of
overy question but that which vitally
concerns thoni If an American says
he is employed at good wages they say
look at tlio Hoor Dngland situation If
a fanner says Ho has good crops and is
getting satisfactoiy prices thoy direct
his atteution to tho Potto Kican tarliV
and tho Cuban frauds If a man says
ho is happy they question his sanity and
tell him of tho Aguinaldoites who are
prevented by the Anioricau soldior boys
from stealing and murdering in thoir
own sweet way Tho gieat hoirors of
tho McKinley administration are always
just over tho linojwhore a voter cannot
personally investigate and must dopond
on the stories of tho antis for inspira
tion They mako no fight against tho
things that tho v oter can realio from
personal contact Thoy ignore his con
dition and mako thoir capital from dis
tant subjocts It is sifo to predict that
if a campaign wore to bo waged in Cuba
Porto Hico or tho Philippines theso
smooth dissemblers would direct atten
tion to tho hornblo condition of tho
pooplo of this country Their appeal is
to prejudice not to seuso
Tho democrats aro savago iu their
denunciation of McKinley aud his ad
ministration but thoy do not point out
wherein Uryauisni would bo better
Thoy indicate supposed evils but aro all
fired slow in suggesting a remedy
MoKmleyism has a four years record on
Inch to stand and it would be surpris
ig indeed if there are no faults to be
found or flaws to be picked Almost
any citizen can discovor something
which would havo better pleased
him had it beou different But what is
there to Hryanisin Nothing but the
man aud his mouth and criticism of
these could woll bo termed personal
Look for tho Hiyan of IS with his
fieo trade issue aud iu lSSMi you find
him absorbed by tho f roe silver Bryan
denouncing tho criino of 73 and talk
ing night and day for tho freo and un
limited coinago of silver at tho ratio of
Hi to 1 without tho aid or consent of any
nation on earth Look for Bryan in
10O0 and you will find neither of those
but a man who will bo singing a gloomy
song about trusts militarism expansion
and other topics with which ho hopes to
frighten the people If Mr Bryan is a
man of prouounced convictions aud
deep seated pimciples as his adherents
claim how do they account for this
kaleidoscope of changes Where is his
record that tho peoplo may havo
tlniiK beside assurances aud promises to
guide them All tho faults of tho
McKinley administration are overshad
owed by acts that havo resultod in tho
bettei incut of tho people fiuauciuly
moiully and socially It is a record of
promises fulfilled of pro penty of hap
piness and of advancement Who
would trade a certainty for a chimera
Who wants tosacuficoa well defined
piosponty for a chauco
Tho Madison Chionicle published
last week says that T H Simpson the
stato exauiiuor of couuty treasurers
books who has recently completed an
examination of the records ot tho Madi
son county treasurers ollice finds somo
irregularities on the books of
Wildo for the years IMib and 1VH
It is claimed by tho Chronicle that Mr
Wildo took a semi annual commission
whereas ho is allowed an annual per
centage on the first 3000 of 10 per cent
and lour per cent on tho next iiOOO
collected and two per cent on the re
mainder It is also claimed that tho
emi iunuil method resulted m
iug the fees of his otlice some 500 more
demo pops aud pop pops in Christeudoni than the law contemplates
The nreg
ularity charged is not a matter for tho
stato to adjudicate and will bo referred
to tho county coninitssionets Tho
stato moneys wore all correctly accounted
for Tho insinuation that Mr Wtldo
did this knowingly to mako sure of
aX salary anil loavo n balanco for
clerk hire is not liollovod by his friends
and thoy will await tho action of tho
commissioners before denouncing him
In auothor column of this issuo Mr
Wildo prosonts facts gloanod fiom his
feo book which whllo acknowledging a
technical irregularity states that tho
county was not tho losor of a cout by
tho transaction and his many Norfolk
friends will believe that his statements
aro tine until proven otherwise Mr
Wlldo is ontitled to a fair treatment as a
man and cition A mans character
whether ho be democrat or republican
is his choicest heritage and The Nrvvs
docs not believe in assailing it unless
supported by indisputable evidence
Justice in court means that a man must
bogivon all the benefit of overy doubt
and justice in overy day life should
mean fully as much
Tho fako advertising schemer is
having a good doal of troublo in tho
west theso days Tho time was in the
west when tho snap advertising fakir
had oveiythiug his own way La9t
week tho pooplo of Marysvillo Mo in
mass mooting docidod to dlscourago tho
fako advertising man iu evory possible
way Tho merchants no longer patron
io the bill board fiond tho cross road
poster nor tho man who paints signs on
farmers fences Thoy will confine their
ollorts wholly to tho newspapers This
is a movo in tho right direction and will
result in a big saving of money to tho
merchants of that part of the state
Other merchants throughout tho country
might piofit by this vory thing An
Omaha man manager for n big depart
ment store boasts that ho saved his
employer JSOOO last year by cutting oil
tho fako advertisers w ho had boon get
ting the firms money without any re
turn other than a littlo bold scheming
The meichant who sponds a part of his
receipts annually for advertising pui
poses will niiiko no inistako if the
money is spent with legitimate news
paper publishers If tho retailer waiits
to reach his customers let him advertiso
in his homo daily or weekly Common
senso ought to teach tho retailer this
much Those institutions aro reliable
they reach the reading public of tho
section where thoy are printed and
somo attention is paid to what tho
p ipor contains Tho reverse is true of
hotel registor louco post bills aud that
soit of foolishness If tho jobber wants
to reach tho retailer ho should advertise
iu thoso journals that go to tho retailer
If the manufacturer wants to reach tho
jobber he must seek tho channel that is
patronized by tho jobber Iu the
language of tho street you must know a
mans runway boforo you can locate
him That is tho thing Omaha
Trado Exhibit
The Wool Country Hostile
Mr Bryan was iu tho land of his
enemies when ho boarded tho Santa Ire
train at Wiuslow said M W Hunt
a Douver Republican reporter Tho
5ople on the train were mostly repub
licans aud tho country he was travel
ing through was because of recent
prospority inclined to bo hostile But
ho had somo f i tends who were anxious
to hoar him speak for when he drew in
to tho littlo station of Gallup N M
thoro was quite a crowd collected to
wolcomo tho silver champion
In responso to Jtheir urgent invita
tion ho stopped out upon the back plat
form aud delivored one of his typical
spoeches Tho peoplo applauded and
when tho noiso subsided tho mayor of
tho town climbed up to the speaker and
presented him with a largo Navajo
blanket neatly dono up in a parcel say
ing that it was the work of an Indian
squaw of tho city who ndmired Mr
The train drew out and Mr Bryan
doposited his gift upon a seat going in
to tho smoking room On returning ho
spread out his present for a better viow
and as ho did so a piece of paper pinned
on the msido came iu viow This was
what ho read
My Dear Mr Bryau Under tho re
publican administration tho wool in
this blanket soils for 3 cents a pound
Under tho democratic administration it
sold tor 0 cents Please toll that to
your constituents
For u Smimnii Outing
Tho Rocky Mouutaiu regions reached
via the Union Pacific provide lavishly
for the healthjof tho invalid and the
pleasure of the tourist Amid these
rugged steeps aro to bo found somo of
tho most charming and restful spots on
earth Fairy lakes nestled amid sunuy
poaks and climate that cheers ami ex
hilarates Tho slimmer exoursiou rates
put in effect by tho Union Pacitio enable
you to reach theso favored localities
without unnecessary expenditure of
time or money
Iu effect Juno 21 July 7 to 10 inc
July IS and August Ouo faro plus
VOO for tho round trip from Missomi
river to Denver Colorado Spiings
Pueblo Ogdon and Salt Lake City
Return limit Octobor Jilst IDOO
For time tables and full information
call on F W Juuoinan Agent
Forsn A pocket book containing n
number of keys Cull nt Tiik Niws
The News jod aepartmeut is com
plete in every particular
YokiMH Love for Hi van
Tho Tammany forces are smooth
peoplo and if tho Bryan forces think
that by thoir endorsement they havo
mado a valuable acquisition thoy aro
vory apt to discover their folly Tam
many ovidontly desires tho good will of
westoru domocrats for their use in tho
next campaign nnd in ordor to secure it
havo apparently droppod iu to tho sup
port of Bryan hoart and soul Tho
Omaha Daily Novvs which whllo pro
fosslng independence in politics has a
pronouucodly doinocratlo leaning re
vlows tho situation as follows
I am for W J Bryan hoart nud
soul says Richard Crokcr ruler of
Tammany It Is significant that this
declaration which is apparently frank
enough should havo come from tho
famous or infamous chiof so long
after Dewoy announcod himself as a
caudidato of tho democratic porsuasion
It lnalcos nothing seom ho likely as that
Ciokorwas waiting and watching to
soo what ho might seo Whon Dewoy
launched himsolf in so singular a
fashion politicians were at sea Not
oven Croker himself know what to
think Ho know this much howevor
that he was unwilling to indorso Bryau
whilo there was another possibility in
tho Hold so ho waited aud watched
But Dowoy tho candidate did not
last very long aud Croker was thrown
back upon Bryan It is inconcoivablo
that Bryan and all that ho stands for is
wholly acceptable to Croker or that
sincerely desires Bryans
mccoss Crokers manisfestatioii of
ood will toward tho other half of tho
party is undoubtedly dictated by self
interest No matter how tho election
goes it will servo Tammany best If
Bryau should bo elected Tammany can
claim a share of tho credit for having
produced that result Whou Bryan is
dofeated as Crokor expects Crokor
can say This is what wo expected
but wo gavo in then nud did what wo
could to help you In tho future you
aud your western constituency will
please pay more atteution to tho only
real boss
Croker doubtless looks upon the ides
of November as heralding the dawn of a
brighter day for the democracy of the
State Militia
Governor Poyuter if he bo true to the
toachiugs of populism will soon order
out tho state militia to expel banks
bankers and money in corporato form
everywhere froui tho stato of Nebraska
Couutiy banks here in Otoe county with
only ton thousand dollars capital have
deposits of over a hundred thousand
dollars And iu Nebraska City are
more than a million of dollars constantly
on deposit in four banks
There is danger from this mcupy
power aud Governor Poynter knows it
which is a menace to humanity That
is there is peril to the plain people in
this plutocratic trend or tho doctrines
of populism are false Call out the mil
itia I Issue a proclamation agaiust cor
porate capital in Nebraska and banish it
from tho commonwealth or admit that
tho teachings of Bryanarchy aro dema
gogic and false in each aud every partic
ular Praise poverty I Damn thrift I
Laud advorsity I Denounce prosperity
in Nebiaska I The Conservative
Oall at the Cash Hardware Store for
household novelties Big line at low
Subscribe for Tin Nokkolk W khkly
Ur Hathaway
3 Treats All Diseases
His Method Iinarlably Cures All
Catarrhal Jlroncliial Lung Stom
ach Li er Kidney and Other Com
nlaints as Well as All Dlseusc1
and Weaknesses of Women
In Dr IIathavas most
ituislvo practice cov
crlng x period of more
than 20 jem ho his been
cilluil upon to treat all
manner of dlseisei of
iiilii and women and
along the whole llnu of
lmmui allmuits hu has
b mill uniformly sue
1 r Ilatlmvajs me
thod of troitmeiit gets
directly at the seat of
tho trouble purines tho blood
rl tonei up tlio whole sjtom and
i j
tnc Ulood neutralizes tho poisons which
produce tho diseased conditions Q
mi nitM Yrarly ho restores to perfect
All Diseases
llilUM tioiuindi of sullcrors
Treated from Catarrh ltronchltK As
thma Hay Iovur luni Compldiits Ktomicli
I Ivor and Kidney Diseases Piles I iimors Can
cers Kczema and nil m inner of skin alfectlous
Dr Hathaway alo trrits with
diseases 01 t10 greatest success all thoso
Women in tnj distressing weaknesses and
diseases by which so many women are aflllctcd
eiiii Dr I lathavvajsofllces aro fitted
fcieciricai ltll a th UUM f0 rlc anJ
Appliances r appliances In tho uo of
which as well as tho microscope ho Ins world
wide fame as an expi rt All of tho medicines
used by Dr Hathaway aro compounded In his
ovMiltboratorles under Ids person il direction
and special remedies aro prepared for each In
dividual c aso according to Its requirement
- ih Dr Malliavvay ins prepiroaa
Examination feresofsiif eainlnatIonlilitiks
Blanks appllngtothidlireritdleisos
which ho sends freo on application No ifor
Men o Jtur Womi ii No3forSkln Diseases
Nu 4for Catarihal Diseases Nofi for Kldnovs
Dr Miithnxvui makes noduri o
Consultation fr consultation at either Ills
Free ollUoorbj mall
Dr Ilalliivi Io
22 CoiiuiM r i l Sioux Jit Iowa
of West Varieties t Hard Times Price Small
fruit in larsn nPil Millions of Htruwbern
plants wr thrifty unit woll rooted dottlii
utaTnear homo and bavo freight or ospret
Send for price lUt to
llorlh Bend Nurseries
North lleod V dge Couuty Neh
Michaels Studio
Wo shall bo pleased to seo yon oven if
you do not nood any work in our lino
Come iu and got acquainted and seo our
lovoly lino of photos where you will
find tho vory latest in styles of mounts
and finish All woik guaranteed satis
factory Wo havo a lino lino of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel nnd
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur
supplies always on hand and your work
douo prompt and reasonablo Your
trado is wanted at tho finest gallery iu
this country
Yours for Business
Illinois Gentral R R
Tlio Illinois Central ilciina to cill nitration
to tlio uiiiixcullril Hcrvico that ia olTnrrit l ita
linoa to tho south for tlio toasun of lsJJ 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Penoiiixllx conduct
ed Ituus turouidi to
Ios AtiKoka ami San
Francisco via Now
Orlo ins in connection
with tins boiithorn Pa
cific loavini Cliiciiko
on tho Contrals fast
Now Orloam
ciah connnctioii alM niailo bv this train with
itail trains out of Now Orloms for tho Pacific
Coast Tin Ijiniitoil fiom hicauooor ovon
inn connects on MondijM and Thursday at
Now Orleans after December IS isyi with tho
of tho Southern Pacific ivini 8pucial through
service to San Praiicisc
Douhlo dailj serv
ice is niaiutaiueil out
of St Louis via tho
Illinois Central and
counectlni lines to
and Vtlanta thro
bltM iiiiu cai to Jack
sonville riurlilu hoiiis earned on tho
loaiiiKSt Louis omi oeniin This train is
woll as tho Da Kxprcs luivim fet Louis in
tho morium aro both solid trim to Nashville
havini through coaches and sloopnn cars run
mm through Martin Tumi and tho N C A bt
L Hj Connection via this lino for all princi
pal noints in tho Southeast Mich as Charleston
Wilmington Mkmniiil Savannah and for all
points in Florida
Dailj from C lucago to Miniphis and Now Or
le uis
HOMiSiiKiitS iCUHSIONS to rortnin
points in tho bouth on tho Iiiils of tlio Illinois
Central and Y A M V railroads will bo run on
tho Hist and third Tuosd i of each mouth dur
mi tlio vvlutui season
Pull particulars concerning all or tlio nbovo
can be had of agents of tlio Illinois entrnl or
bj addressing 11 Hanson G P A Chicago
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief
It euros Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter
nal Illind or Weeding Itching or Uurnlng Fissure
and Fistulas Relief Immediate euro certain
It cures llurns Scalds and Ulcerations and Con
tractions from llurns Tlio lUslIef Instant hoallng
It cures Tom Cut or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Bolls Carbuncles Felons nunrounds
Ulcers Old Sores Itching Eruptions facurfy or
bcald Head
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Soro
Nipples Inaluablc
It cures Salt IUieum Tetters Scurfy Eruptions
Chapped HandB Feer misters Soro Lips or
Nostrils Corns Dunlons Soro and Chafed Feet
Stings of Insects Mosquito Bites and Sunburns
Threo Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Sold by Druggists or sent pre paid on receipt of price
Cor A llllum A John SU aEW YORK
Clean and biauiiHea the tuir
Promote I a luxuriant prowth
Mover Fails to Itostoro Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color
Gun rfalp dif iasci J hair tailing
irCB1 H -fl -- iiiuvw
M I I - I
Free ecllning Chair Cars on all Tral
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With diiect connection to all South
ern ami Kd tern points
Iuoxctllod time and nccomuiodiitiona
to tho
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For moro complcto information descriptive
pamphlets etc mldreso
AG F and P A T IA
Southeast Cor lith and Douglas Ste