The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Large Number of Sidewalks arc
Stroot Niinint Will lip lmteil mill llniiM
Numbered tx Mujur Mniptui
pointful iiit Wiitnr fJomiiilloiHr llnl uf
Hill arc Allnui il
From Prlilnjs Inih
Tho regular mooting of city council
was hold lust ovening Present Mayor
Robertson mid Councllniuu Brunmiuiid
Heck Dogner Grant Iicckninn Spoil
nmn Ulilo Absotit liullock
Minutes of mooting of May 17 wore
road and approved us road
Tho auditing committee- reported back
as correct the reports of water commis
sioner and city cleric for year ending
April 110 liWO
Tho committee on flro and polico re
ported on tho petition of O O Soiners
to build an iron covered building on
Main street together with a protest
signed by HomoMillor nml other prop
erty owners against granting tho penult
or any similar permit except it bo ac
cording to tho ordiuanco with tho rec
ommendation that tho request bo re
fused and tho ordinance enforced
Moved and seconded to adopt tho re
port of tho committee Curried
Tho committee on stroots and alloys
reported that thoy had iuspectod and
condemned sidewalks as follows
Along south sido of lot 8 block i
Koouigstoius Second addition
Along south sido of lots and 7 block
5 Koouigsteius Second addition
Along south sido of lots 1 and 2 block
5 llaase sub lots
Along south sido of lot 1 block r
llaase sub lots
Along west 50 feot of lot -1 block 1
Haaso sub lots
Along east 09 feot of lot i block o
lloaso sub lots
Along west 50 feet of lot 5 block 5
Haaso sub lots
Along south side of lot 0 block C
Haaso sub lots
Along south and east sides of lot 1
Wards sub -lots
Along east sido of lots 11 V2 1811
15 Hillside Terrace
Along north sido of lot 1 G S Hayes
Along north sido of westji of lot 7
block 7 Haaso sub lots
Along north sido of lot 2 block S
Haaso sub lots
Along north sido of lots 1 2 3 1 5
block 1 Koenigsteins Third addition
Along north side of lot o block 3
Koouigstoius Third addition
Along north and west sides of lot 5
hlock 2 Koeuigsteins Third addition
Along north sido of lots 12 3 1 block
2 Koenigsteius Third addition
Along north sido ot lots 15 15 17 IS
block 1 Koenigsteins Third addition
Along north side of lots 12 3 4
hlock 1 C B Burrows sub block 1
Koenigsteins Third addition
Along south side of lot Hi block
original town
Along north side of lot 1 block 1
Machmullers addition
Along south side of lot 7 block 2
Koenigsteins addition
Along south sido of lots 7 8 9 10
block 3 Koenigsteins addition
Along south sido of F E M V
right of way Koonigstoins addition
Along south sido of lots 8 and 0 block
1 Koouigstoius Third addition
Aloug cast of lot 10 block 3 Koe
nigsteins Third addition
Along wests of lot 10 block 3 Koe
nigsteins Third addition
Along south and cast sides of lots 15
and 10 block Koenigsteins addition
Along sonth and east sides of lot 8
block 5 Koenigsteins addition
Along weft sido of lots fi and fi block
8 Koouigsteius addition
Along U P right of way on north
sido of Philip avenue between Seventh
and Eighth streets
U P right of wny street crossing on
Philip avenue and Eighth street
South sido of lot i block 7 Koenig
steins Third addition
South sido of lot 3 block 0 Haaso
sub lots
West sido of lots i and 7 Davis sub
division of block 12 Haaso sub lots
Wost sido of lots 1 and 2 Davis sub
division of block 12 Haaso sub lots
North sido of lot 3 block 1 Pasowalk
East side of lots lrj and Mi block 1
Pasowalks Socoud addition
Sonth sido of lots 0 10 11 12 13 14
ir HI block 3 Mathowsous Second ad
South sido of east j of lot I block 8
Pasewalks addition
South sido of lot 1 block 2 subdivi
sion of lots and 10 block 2 Pasowulks
West side of lot 10 block 8 Pase
walks Third ndditiou
West sido of lot 0 block 8 Pasewalks
Third addition
West side of lot 3 block 2 subdivi
sion of lots 9 and 10 block 2 Pasewalks
Third addition
East sido of lots 10 and 11 block 1
Pasewalks Second addition
South sido of lot b sub lots of block 2
Pasowalk addition
West sido of lot i block 1 Pasewalk
West side of south of lot 7 block 4
Pasewalk addition
West side of lot fl II Uereokos subdi
vision of block 2 Pasowalk additiou
South sido of lot II block 3 Koenig
steins Third addition
Councilman Bullock ontered at this
time and took his seat with tho council
Tho commltteo on stroots and alloys
also roconimendedthat tho city purchase
a car of stono for streot crossings
Moved that report of commltteo refer
ring to sidowalks bo adopted and that
part referring to car stono bo laid over
until next meeting Carried
Tho committeo further reported thoy
had thought best to stop tho work with
tho grader
Moved that Councilman Dogner be
allowed 1000 for committeo work on
streot mid alley committeo Carried
Tho coininitteo on public works re
ported that thoy had Mr Wotel work
on tho pumps at pumping station and
now tho pumps wore in good condition
On motion tho report was accepted
and tiled
A communication from E O Adell
in roferouco to drawing tho pipe out of
the doop well was road and tho clork
was instructed to communicate with
Mr Adell and got his lowest prico for
drawing pipe am guaranteo to got all
of it
A communication from T E May
asking for cost of liconso to run a bowl
ing alloy was read and tho clerk in
structed to inform him that a liconso
for 3 months would cost 2500 for li
months T00
Councilman lleckmau rotirod at this
On motion bills wore read and allowed
as follows
Edwards Bradford Lumber Co
coal J9052
H E Hardy coal 33 OS
O W Braasch coal IKUOj
O O Manwellor salary 1500
II II Patterson salary and postage
Crauo Churchill Co supplies
L L Kembe labor and supplies 3 S5
Crane Churchill Co supplies
U S Supply Co supplies 1S
Fred Kleutz freight and drayago 70
W H Law labor on streets and
sidewalks 3750
J A Light labor on streets and sido
walks vl2
John Friday treasurer interest on
bonds 15055
John Friday treasurer interest on
water bonds S53S5
W II Widaman salary and postage
Murtiu Kane salary and killing 7
dogs 5350
H H Hoyt special police 30
O A Richey unloading car stono 7
J W Ransom insurance premium
J J Clements insurance premium
W H Bucholz insurauco premium
O B Durland insurance premium
Loriu Doughty lamp lightingS5
Frank Salter janitor firemens hall
W A King work with grader
Olios Dudloy work with grader
Albert Degnor hardware 570
Chicago lumber company lumber
Nonrori Daily News printing and
supplies 1154
Norfolk Printing Co 375
H H Patterson lessee street light
ing 100
Fred Kleutz streot sprinkling 20
II Petor repairing grader 975
A H Kiesau supplies 3 5 cents
O F Lierman cleaning and repairing
hoso cart 075
Ordiuanco No 252 providing for ap
pointment of water commissioner and
an engineer and fireman for tho city
waterworks proscribing their duties and
fixing their compensation and amount
of their bonds was presented and road
On motion ordinance No 252 passed
its firnt reading
Moved that the rules bo suspended
and ordinauco No 252 bo placed on sec
ond reading
Councilman Bullock raised tho point
of order that as Mr lleckmau had re
tired and a unanimous votoof tho outiro
council could not bo had tho ordinauco
could not bo passed to socoud reading
Tho mayor overruled tho point of
order and tho motion provailed
On motion the ordiuanco passed its
second reading
On motion tho rules wero susponded
and ordiuanco 252 was placed on third
On motion the ordiuanco passed tho
third and last reading
The followiug resolution was pre
seated and read
Resolved That a special commit
teo of threo bo appointed by tho Mayor
whoso duty it shall bo to investigate the
probable cost of establishing and oper
ating u system ot olectrio lights in con
nection with the city water works by
the city of Norfolk and tho ndvisability
of tho city voting bonds for tho purposo
of establishing a city electric light sys
On motion tho resolution wos adopted
as read
Tho mayor appointed couucilmen
Bruinniuud Beck and Spellinan as suoh
The roport of City Treasurer Friday
for month of May showing balances as
follows lOiioral fund 113 33 inter
est fund tll25 water fund 33311
road fund iUl 37 sinking fund 1575 77
tiro department fund 09S0 was pro
sented and referred to auditing com
Official bonds of W II Widamun
chief of polico and Martin Kano as
policeman wore on motion approved
and accepted
On motion tho bond of Percy Fleming
as special policeman Was laid over until
next meeting
On motion tho committee on fire and
polico wero Instructed to di contlnuo
tho lighting of tho gasoline stieot lamps
for throe months
Moved that a special policeman be
appointed by the commltteo on nui
sances to collect dog tax and that all
monoy so collected shall bo turned
over to tho city clerk and receipted for
by him and that tho said special police
man receive as compensation therefor 15
per cent of collection on tho llrstjnx
dogs but receive no compensation until
ho hos collected tho tax on 100 dogs and
paid the money to tho cleik as before
specified On all collections overjlOO
dogs tho city will pay him 50 per cent of
amount received by the city Carried
by unanimous vote
On motion a comniittoo was appointed
to Investigate tho matter of tho treas
urers bond and report to tho mayor as
soon as possible
Tho mayor appointod Councilnion
Bruinniuud Uhlo and Grant as such
On motion tho comniittoo on streets
and alloys was instructed to procure and
place in position suitable streot signs
and procuro house number and request
tho proporty owners to purchase and
put thorn on the houses
Tho mayor appointed lames E Simp
son as water commissioner and tho ap
pointment was confirmed by unanimous
On motion tho couunil adjourned
S H MoFaiuanm
City Clerk
Irii of Chun
Any adult suffering from a cold
sottled on tho breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any naturo who will
call at A lv Lcouardswill boprosonted
with a sainplo bottlo of Boschoos
German Syrup frco of charge Only
one bottlo givon to ono porsou and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy over had
such a sale as Boscheos German Syrup
in all parts of the oivilizod world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
wero givon away and your druggist
will toll you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians Ono 75 cont bottlo will cure or
prove its valuo Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
ItiMil JmMo lrmiHlurrt
Tho followiug transfers of real ostato
are reported by E G Hoilmau man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
Pioneer Town Sito Co to Lula
E Wilson lot 2 block 13 R R
add to Nowmaii Grovo wd 8500
F W Barnes and wife to Jo
soph A Adolmau part of tho
sof 32-22-1 described by CD
metes and bonds wd 500 00
E B Husted and wife to F W
Barnes part of tho se of
soli 32-22-1 and part of no4
of no 5-21-1 described by
metes and bonds qcd 800 00
Geo W Losoy sheriff to E B
Husted part of sojf of soJcf
32-22-1 and part of ne of
uejrj 5-21-1 described by motos
and bounds sd 929 00
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for largo house salary 05
monthly and expenses with iucroaso
position permanent encloso
stamped onvolopo Maxaqkii
330 Caxton bldg Chicago
Humphrey SiigcIIIch in Kuropn
If you are going abroad write to us
for tho addresses of our houses in
Europe Also for Dr Humphreys
Manual Humphreys Medicine Co
AugiiHt 1louor
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houtou that in my travels in all parts
of the world for tho last ton years I
havo met moro peoplo having used
Greens August Flower than any other
roinedy for dyspopsia doranged liver
and stomaoh and for constipation I
find for tourif ts and salesmen or for
persons filling offico positions whoro
headaches and general bad feolings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower Is a grand roinedy It
does not injuro tho system by frequont
use and is excellout for sour stomachs
nnd indigestiou Sainplo bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealersin
all civilized couutries
Order of lleurliiK
Slato of NolirueltH
M11 f ea
In the count court of Jladieon county No
I1rn6l11 to Jiillu U Amlriib Kliz t AnitriiH Sarah
Locke hiiiI Mary Tabor ami all ponon iiitor
oBloil in tho eetato of II K Ainlriis ilocfiuod
On reailhiK awl UliiiK piititiou of Hurt Mapo
eliownitf that lloraco Mcllrulo forinor iiilmiiiU
tratorof tine urlatu iliml leininir Fiiii oetnto
uneottloil ami praj inn fortius appointuiont of
btiil Hurt Jlapno ab admiuibtrnlor ilu IxmU
nou of sa ill estate
It ihlioruh orduroil that younml all person in
torertoil in bit ill imiltur ina and do apiiuar at
tho county court to ho hold in and fin bald coun
ty on thoSOth day of Juno liOat onuoclocl p
in to allow raiirP if any therein h thopra
tirof tho potnionor bhould Not ho Krautod and
that notice of tho pouiloncj of eiid petition and
tho thereof hutiitcu to all portou in
taretwl in biul matter h puhlibhini a cop of
this order in tho Niiiihhk Wiimi Niai a
newspaper primed iu raid count for throo
bUccoii woulli prior to said da of lioariiiK
Dated May Met UO0
im U vtes Conuty Judso
These tinwclcoinr visitors usually nppctr in the spting or mitiitner when the blood is tnnkfiig mt extra effort to fter
ii on mmy impurities mat luvo m oiitntilnleil luting the wuitn tuiitlis
Carbuncles which nte inoie painful ami ilangetoiis conn most ficiticiith on the back of tin neck-
eating gteat holes iu the llcsh exhaust the stteiigtli nml often move fatal Hull ate lepanleil by sonu
people as blessings and the tmHently itud uuciiuiptiiiiiitigty ciulmc the piiu ami in ouvenieiiee under
the mistaken idea that then health is being benefitted that their blood is loo HihU ainwat atil thi i is
iNiuiiiesniaiioi iiiiiiiiing it I lie niomi is not too Hell ot too thick but is iliseasel is full of poison and
mmiiics won u me iimy wiiiini lorn lavoiante oppot limit V toiliVelnp
nlllltr 1 with I IN nnd tnitmmlr
rnuscd l Impiuc Ulnol It Is llupon
ullilc tutiv iilriii MiuViliii pint of
Ihcttini liriiiKiiiiiililctiuotWiit slrrp
Srxriflldiitntsiiritcdnir nnd 1 tiled
nit the vwnlltd hlood irillnlU s hut
liollilUK irriiird to do 111c any Hood
1111 1 III t hi- Miitimrt of ISIS I was pel
Mtnilrii to lr S S S niiilafttt InkiliK
nevctnl ImiIiIphw us nil iiely nit rd nml
Imvc hid int ttlmti of tlirr painful
icstslip lotlie pirsrnt lime
even cancel is me tesnll ol a nelctted boil
Keep the blood pine nml it will keep tin
skin ileal of all the imlating iitiptnilies that
cause these painfaJ lisfigiiinii diseases
S M S chics boils and rtiliuui les eamh
and lieiuiaiielltlv bv ieinfoiciin liiinftiiii ami
unless relieved the entile system will miller The boil oi railninele gives uatnlng of nerimm lnletnit
Many an old son- itiiiuiiur ukcr
Mi K M Imtl Chip S i wtllrs i building tip the blood ami lidding the s slciu of all an liuililaleil w aste matter
Ioi t Ai 1 was soich I Ji S M is niilr I I 111 1111I 1I11 1 1 i
lunv ilefp sealeil ate soon oveicoiue and ill iven out bv thlsprnvtiftil puiely vegetable medicine
r n o im inn 11 new iiinneii letueiiy Mil tot
tift v cats has been cuiing nil kiudsof blood and wkiii
diseases It has ettted thousands and will cine ou
It is a pleasant tome as well as blood pinillet tut
tldcs the anttellle ami iliorslloii loiitils no vnnr 1
general healtli ami keeps ottr blond in otdei
Oin physiiiaus lme made blood ami akin dis
eases n life study thciti fully about 0111 1 n
nnd any information or advice wanted will bo cheei fully id veil V make no 1 Inn 11
whatever for this henricc Kcntl for uui book on Illood and Skin Iliscnses free Aildiess Tho Swift Sncclflo Co Atlanta
Itinoial ot or Itninnliis ol OnoiK llinme
purl liiirutdy Atteiuled
Irom Ill In j a Daily
The last sad rites over the remains of
tho late Geo Davenport yesterday after
noon called out a larKO attendance of
sympathizing and sorrowitiK friends
and boreaved relatives The funeral
services wero held at the family homo
on North Ninth street and the laro
house wits not itiuplo enough to nccoiu
modato those who desired to bo present
The services wore in charge of Hov
G II Main of tho M K ohurch and
Presiding Hlder Oorst of the Nellgh
district formerly of this city was also
present Tho latter gontloman spoko in
eulogy of tho docoasod and his remarks
touched and wero re echoed by tho hearts
of thoso who hoard him A quartet
rondorod solemn and appropriate music
and prayers wero ollorod
Tho floral offerings woro numerous
and beautiful and tho casket was
draped iu tho national colors by
Matliowson post
After tho exorcises at tho house tho
procession was formod and besides a
long string of carriages tho mombors of
tho G A It and Masons with tho
band formed a longthy cortogo which
weudod its way slowly to Prospect Hill
At tho grave tho Masons took chargo
of tho services 1 H Maylard acting as
mastor mason and 12 II Tracy as master
of ceremonies
Tho ceremonies wero very improssivo
and wore concluded by laying tho de
parted brothers Masonic apron upon his
coflin while each member deposited a
sprig of overgroon in tho gravo
After tho Masons had concluded thoir
ceremony thoy marched to ono sido and
tho mombors of tho G A 11 post ap
proached tho gravo and also deposited
sprigs of evergreen omblomatical of
eternal life therein
Whon this was completed taps were
sounded by ono of tho cornetists of the
band and all that remained of the
genial generous George Davenport was
consigned to tho mother earth
Tho esteem in which tho deceased
was hold was fully attested by tho at
tendance and sadness of thoso present
and his loss to tho community can
scarcely bo compared to tho loss tho
family has sustained
Tho words ho was a good man
amply describes Georgo Davonport nnd
tho fact that there nro so few good
men good to their families and their
friends good in thoir business transac
tionsgood socially and good citizens
makes his loss to tho community ono not
easily filled Tho sympathy of Norfolk
pooplo regardless of class goes out to
tho family Thoy realizo from their
acquaintance with tho doceased how
serious tho loss to tho family May his
ashes rest in peace
Card or lliankn
Our heartfelt appreciation is due to
the neighbors and friends who so kindly
assisted during tho htst sad rites over tho
remains of our beloved husband and
father Thoir thoughtfiiliiess and sym
pathy will over bo remembered with
Mits Gio DavkxiOkt and Family
To Ill i it 1 14 irlpptt In Two Hii
Take Laxative Rromu ljuiiriuu Tablets
All druggists refuno tho money if it fails
to cure E V Groves signature ou
overy box Zoo
w S v
Drop lit citril anil got fren unaiplei anil bi tlrooU wholrmln
prior on our colelirM d DI AtrtONIl W Koll Informix
Won on twin IVmt inonillnln ki cliritp twlnn liar tli
1300 Doug I m HI DOI OMAHA Null
v r -v
f t t
y i
tv i us- tii mi i n
W i lM Ui
rii - oc8 ti fi
ta in titf
JSfJT V- -V ti if lsAl7 f jvvSv V
- M 7 - llii tff
A blindness comes to me now and ihjn I have it
now Il is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPLASIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabule
-A cam nf had hralth that M M A K H will notbrnrfU They lianlih pMn and rrolnnltf
WANTrI rillif Nolii tliu wonl It I I A N Hon Ihr acknn nml no uliitllula 7t I 1 AN1
m rurSounla or twilv imi krti fur Mmnla muj Imi liml nt imy dniK tr T n niimplrt anit nn tlioia
aaiKl tmllmiiulnlii will tu iimlloa toauj adUm for 3 tiiU forward to Ui UlpuiaUbatuloal Co Ha
10 Spruce St Now York
II i
il j
i l i M
nillll II III I Hi 3 lnoar
3 iiiiteJ3s v tt
- ii 5
The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World
Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us
Wholesale Prices
to Users
Our General Catai ue quotes
them Send 15c t partly p ly
postage or cxpre isigo and ll
send yon one Itlii j iico p ti i
17000 illustrations and juntcs
jirires on nearly 70000 things
that y hi 1 at and use and wear
lonstanlly tairy in stock all
artick jipdcd
MlrlilL llll AvA 1Iull in hi I
iMtnr than a Piano Oran or Music Uox for it sinKsand talks as well as plays and
dont cost as mtith It rrprodnces tho music of any instrument hand or orcht atra tells
btorifsundsluss tlif old familiar hymns as will as the popular soifH it is alu ays ready
fieo that Mr IMison s hiuattiro is on every machine Cata
logues o all dealers or NATIONAL IllONOaitAIM CO 13s Fifth Ave New York
Erastus A Benson t
i IroBidentof tho Omaha Roal Estate Ex-
change and one of tho leaders in real
tate oiriles iuNcbmbku writes I tried
Dr Kays Lung Balm j
for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr
W L Selby and the result was remark- X
ablo Tho etfect was so quick I would not j
have trusted my senses had not Mr Selby s
experience been the same
Shun Ruhstltutes Itemeillos Just As Good as Dr f
Kays iudk Halm aro not mnriopr sold any- Y
Whoro H notnt tlruKtflbts wo will semi it post- y
pulilou receipt of price Dr Kays luni Halm 10 A V
cts rcc Mtincai aico suuijuu uuu huuk ior y
tlio asking Aililriss T
Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N YTJ
Daily News Job Department