Thcottfolkfieuas W N 11U8E Puullnlior DAILY KMnlillnliel Ivs7 Kvorr dity oxrcpt Sunday llr fimlnr for eV 15 cent Ily mntl per yoir JrtiM WKKHIiV KMnlilioliml tW1 Kvory Tliurnlny lily mnil lf yonf llMl Kntorod nt tlm PoMolllcn nt Norfolk Noli in ipcuiuI clnf niitlter Telephone Nil 22 MEPUBUCAN TICKET Mtuto Fur ImiTimr CiMiti ii II DiKintm Vlnm For llmiiiMwint lm oritur K P U n CnMor Knp Siciitiir it Statu lui W Miiiiii HlpluiriiHiin For Treiinirer Sua iter Ctmiliut For uillliir ClIMIICM Willi ON Hlinrlilmi For Ut irnev loni rnl Kiusk N Pitour Kor tind Cninmliidoiicr Icoiini 1 KoiMiiit MicfcolU For Superintendent of Iultlii linlriiiHiiu V K Kowiku Wimliltmlon lrcMiltiitiul Klertnrs i John I Niwiurr Kiiwuiu Hiumu It I IIaiiiih H I 1UVIIHON I lAtllll li lACOIHON I John Ii Kknnkdy I John J Ianukii lOIIKrimnlllllltl Kor Cnmiroi iiimin Tlilnl District -JOHN It HANS Norfolk Tho lti piilillnin luclliliil Convniitiiiii The ropulillriinnlm torH of the Hiivnriil coihi llnmif llm Ninth JmllpliililUtrlol of NoImiihWii fir Itnfrliv rfillml in imnt hi riiiiviiiilliio ill Nor folk NnliniHkii JuiidSI IlKX nt 2 oclopk p in Tor llm puitiiiHii hi pnirniK in iinuiiiiiivinii n Iliiiillilntn for ilUtrli l liuhtn of Hit ill illnlriil Mini llm mlcptloti of a jniliuiiil Pimtnil ooninilltnn nml hiuIi ntlinr liUBlnnoH n tnny piopnrly li roiiBlilPrml Tim IiiihIh of riiiiroinmlntloii In onn illnnln nt Inrijo from imili ronnty nml onn ilnlpftiiln for imili onn Immlrnil voliw unit niiijor rrnrtlon tlinrnof oinl for Hon M II Iliiiimi for jililKiinf Hiiprimiiimirt nt tlm nlnnlion Inili in lviy Tlin Hiivnriil cniHitliM will Im imlitlml In iliilnmiiiw an follows v Antoliipiiil lno i Mwuon u iiorcn Sj Wnyno 10 It in rivoinninniliil tlnil no proxloi Im ill lowoil Inil llinl llm ilnliwitns tinwoiil ill tlm convonllim ciis1 llm full votoof llm ilnliwilinii llv orilnrof llm oimtrnl ciiiiiniltliin of llm Ninth Jnilliinl illhlrlft or Nnhrimkn h KuKMiiMiriN John It 11 ws SoiMiitnry tlmirmiin Tho iron mills in tho vicinity of Olovoland Ohio huvo oiioukIi ordiin on hand now tolctop thorn busy all of noxt year without tho addition of any now ones DurhiK Clrovors tonu many of thoso factorioH woro closed for want of work nnd tho inon woro out of omploy niont Tho pessimists dorivo littlo com fort from thoso prosperity facts but tho liooplo do and aro thankful If tho dem ocrats can win this full in tho face of this grout prosperity it will bo ono of tho nine wonders of tho world Charles 11 Dietrich is a typo of tho Gorinan Ainorienns to whom this west ern country owes much for its present state of development and progress They are tho kind of people who camo to stay and while many worooppressed with poverty upon their arrival hoio they liavo by liard work ami shrewd business managoniont acquired wealth in tho goods of this world until they are now a great factor in the llnancial and business interests of tho west Their kind of nianagemont of affairs of state would lift it to tho elevation now enjoyed by them as individuals strong in business strong in finance and strong in diplomacy Tho Sterling Sun says that the dem ocrats of tho First congressional district havo olectod tho wealthiest man in Ne braska as a dolegato for Bryan at the Kansas City convention Ho is Too Milos of Falls City worth two million dollars or more This is but another exhibition of democratic inconsistency Thoy howl down wealth and plutocracy to tho public but in thoir conventions fall over themselves to honor one of tho decried class They peso as tho friends of tho great common people and yet when thoy havo emolument or honor to disponsonso it is given to a man with a competouco Thoy say one thing aud do nnothor How thoy etui hope to in lluouco votes aud voters by tlm method is beyond comprehension Demoernts assert that wages havo been increased only about 10 per cent uuder tho MoKinloy administra tion This is untrno in tho iiirurroKtito for whore thero were thousands of mechanics and laborers out of employ ment during Jrovors term thoy aro now practically all employed and this increase calls for a largo addition to the amount of wages paid A caroful esti inuto by a bureau interested iu manu factures and labor shows that in ISiKt therefore a291 010000 in wages paid while in ISO this amount was increased to JOdOOJlV OO an increase of 715010 S00 or about M per cent While many who held positions during both years did not secure an increase of more than 10 per cent many who woro making no wages increased 100 per cent and the averago increase was thoroforo about one third The Two Johns Fusion newspapers havo boon at great pains to represent John S Hobinsou bo fore their readers iu terms of ntlulitiou almost hit kening aud iu tho tamo issuo to cry down John H Hiys his repub lican opponent for congress iu this dis trict The truth is that both men are without a doubt able lawyers scholars ami gentlomen There is a real contest on iu this district aud the fusiouists will find it out baforo thoy get through It will be tlotermiued uot no much on tho persoaal qualities of the two men as by tho public opinion of tho merits of their respective political platforms If the fusion party in Nebraska or nuywhonv represents ho Kroat mnl on iltiriiiK priiulplos why lias it not at trartod morn tium of strilciiiK alilllty to Uh ranks In Nobnwku you can almost count thnii on tho uiiKr of out hand Why in tt that tho llttlo town of MatU mm Is callud upon to furnish both u 11 H sonator ami a congressman and both from tho huiiii law olllco Is Allen Robinson i do all there Is of tho fusion party In tho north half of tho stilt o Both aro democrats and without populist support would bo lost in tho jtuiKlo of political vagaries My ami by tho pop prop will Klvo out and thou whoro will Allou and Itobinson bo Htill nookiiiK hoiiio paying olllco Wakollold Knpublioiui IOWA PROH1DS NAME TICKET Mill Convention CiHHllliliK lln MiimIihi ft Hi- Milium Iliit fin ill Henielary of Hlnti H O PlM MMttllT Auditor ir slnto O II Kim kin Huir iiin Jtidi U A HAIiVKY Attorney Kiiiiirnl Jiwicimi lfrlitlllHiin Hallway ooiiiinlniiiiinir Hnnawnon Dixon DilrunliM nt lrtM 111 K Ii I11TON 0 I UtlKTr Malcolm Bmitii J It CUmviitil I H UONlRVY Mil A B MtiMit LA N Ooatij mriAY Diw Moinks Inno 11 Tho Prohi bition statu convention concluded Un iiussioh yesterday after naming thfl nbovo candidates Tho platform advocatos tho prohi bition of tho nianufacturo and sale ol InttnioatingliquorH commends congress for passing tho caul ecu law and Socio tary Long for its enforcement In tho navy but condemns tho attomoy gen erals construction of it aud tho presi dents acquiescence therein It favora equal suffrage for women ICiitplnynft Aliml lo Contribute Washington luno 14 Tho Post publishes an article stating that tho Ho publican congressional campaign com mittee has been endeavoring to colled as a campaign contribution a part of tho extra months salary voted to tho em ployes of congress just before adjourn ment Tho employes were Informed that any contribution would bo volun tarily made and many of them paid no heed to tho communications so rho amount will not excood Ilo00 instead of 10000 or more YmteiilnjH llnnrihall Uomilts Omnlin 17 luoblo 13 DiH SIoIiuh I Dimvi r 0 Ht Joseph ID Hlimi City 4 Now Yorlt S Chlmio 0 Hostiin 1 Pittsburg llrooldyn 11 Clnoitiiuitl 1 til liiiuls 7 rhil iileliilila 11 Oiiiiipa Tmlny Witirn liPimuo ruolilo nt Omaha Dourer at Des Molmis Sioux City nt Ht loHiiph Nntlonnl IoiiKim Clnolnniitl nt Drooklyn St Louis nt riilliiiU lphla Oluentjo nt Now Yorlc IMttHliurit nt HHton Aiiinrlenii liimisui Cloveliinil nt oIIm HulTnlo nt Mtlwniiknu Iiulluimpolli ul Cliicnito Detroit nt Knnsiw City StloillVi III Nenntoii lit IMIiintiapolla MiNNKAPOtis Juno 11 The Inter state Sheriffs association began its ninth annual session here yesterday with lf0 sheriffs present The day was spent in hearing speeches ami papers on mothods of identifying and caring for criminals Several states aro aftor tho next convention but Missouri soems likely to win In the absence of Presi dent J W McPherson of Marshall town la Vice President W S Scavoy of Denver presided llutte Miner Drantei KlKhl Huur Day Bum Mont June 14 Miners iniou day was celebrated yesterday and Mis tho most memorablo in tho history it the camp During tho exorcises in the opora house following tho lion letters were read from Senator W A Olark and P August Heinz the latter tho head of tho Montana Oro Purchasing company granting tho minors in their employ thoir request for an eight hour working day lloiiht Ilnwirdn Deutli Sioux Falus S D Juuo 11 Sioux Falls rolatives nnd friends of O K Howard president of tho Western South Dakota Cattlemens association havo received no continuation of the rumor telegraphed from Pierre that Howard had died last Saturday at his ranch on tho Cheyenne river ltomt luou akiiIh rut on Lincoln June 11 On account of bad roads tho road race was again post poned this time uutil Juuo ISO Washington Juno 14 Admiral Dewey rud party returned to Washing ton last night Mrs Dewoy has prac tically recovered from a slight attack of toiisihtis nho b u tie red while iu the west oti ith letup anniversary 111 too city that saw its birth the United Norwe gian Lutheran church the youngest in 1 largest Scandinavian uhuroh iu Ainiica mot in Minneapolis in annual session The body now numbers 1100 churches aud SoOOOO commuuicauU Don Juan Ouestns tho first minister to bo sent to this country by Uruguay was formally presented to tho president Wednesday Governor Mount of Indiana Wednes day refused to honor the requisition of Governor lleekhain of Kentucky for tho return of V Tyly l iwipiircotiiu il Another thing said the street rail way advocate iu a tone of protest a slight thing perhaps but It all goes to show how wo are discriminated against and how little our philanthropy Is ap preciated Your philanthropy echoed the critical citizen as he gasped and clutched n railing Yes sir You hire dog catchers and secure high salaried people to control their movements and see that stray canines are properly slain It costs a lot of inonev Now our cars have hit and slaughtered countless stray dogs for which service we have never col looted a single penny And yet we have never hatj so much as a vote of lhatiks from a citizens assoglatlon Wash ington Star Till NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY nNrt II J 000 MLEAN MEN GET r NOTHING llliln lleiiint tnU Nninn Stain Tlnkrt UMKS KIIIIOIMIMR DolegnUat Inri nml limtrurt ItnlnRiitliiii for llrynn HeeroUry of Htnte It It MrKAtiliM luiltfiiof Huprciini court Amkv W HmamJIY Dairy nml food roinr lUllAlin l Yawa Hrliool romml nloiier D HlMIKtNS Mi tulier Imanl puhllo workHlrTKii Y HitowK f I AllltAIIAM U 1ATIIIO 0 I William 8 Thomas llOIIACIS Ii CHAPMAN Couimiius O Juuo II Aftor a con tinuous session of over nine hours tho Democratic convention adjourned last night It win a slato sniashlug and a record breaking convention Tho Mo Lean people said thoy wcro asking for nothing and they certainly got nothing They helped thoso who havo boon op posing them to the places of party dis tinction nnd responsibility There was a notablo absunco of tho Mclioau hmdors here and very fow of thoso who woro in tho city outside of tho delegations wont to tho convention hall It it Haiti that Mr McIiOiin did not caro to take any aggrosslvo part on account of tho Dewey candidacy During tho last hour of tho conven tion thero was much confusion and dis order Charles M Baker who was temporarily presiding sent for u squad of police ordering them to clear tho aisles knock down thoso who would not sit down nnd compol tho disturber to bo silent Tho police filed down tho alslos and maintained ordor during tha remainder of tho convention Tho platform realllrniH tho Chicago platform denounces tnporlallsin trusts and nionoKllos ami tho gold standard bill and instructs tho delegates to tho national convention for Hrynu llrlck Il n Our endurance would be tested to tho breaking point were our only re source the brick tea of Tibet made and flavored after the true Tartar recipe This tea for the convenience of porterage on camels Is made up In the form of hard solid brlcklike lumps which are supposed to consist of the stems and leaves of our ordinary tea plant Hut In tho majority of cases brick tea Is merely the offscourings of the tea plantation together with dust nnd adulteration of endless other plants There is little of the crisp curly tea leaves to be found In thoso lumps When tea Is to be made pieces aro chipped off the bricks and Immersed In boiling water The result Is a dark strong tlavored liquid with harsh un pleasant taste One merit alone It pos sessesIt Is undoubtedly stimulating The llavor of the tea Is not Improved either to our taste by the additions to it which the Tartar favors Instead of cream and sugar mutton fat and salt are usually considered the correct things to add and It can readily bo Imagined that the beverage thus pro duced does not present any particular attraction to Englishmen Good Words New check many salary He Cin1ion Iny Checks York pays Its employees by and each pay day sees a great men with their whole months in their hand but no money Various bankers whose places of busi ness are near the city hall aro w llllng to cash the citys checks but they charge a commission usually 10 cents on each 100 Tho proprietor of a saloon near tho city hall is willing to cash the checks without chnrglng a commission and on pay days his establishment Is Jammed with otllclals lie makes his prollt ou the Increased sale of liquids at his bar for no man after having bis check cash ed leaves the place without buying a drink The proprietor of the estab lishment provides against the city imy day by drawing 2r000 from tho bank and hiring a man to take entire charge of the check cashing business Fre quently the entire Jio000 Is exchnnged for checks When this happens the proprietor sends for more money No city employee asks to have his pay check cashed ami Is not accommodat ed nud the extra pay day sales nt tho bar are a considerable feature of tho years trade New York Sun A Cli ver Duv There Is more Iu a dog than mans philosophy accounts for No theory of instinct sometimes denned as a faculty prior to experience and Inde pendent reason w lll explain some ac tions of a clever dog whose case Is report oil by a correspondent of tho London Spectator I knew a tlog in Ireland 11 retriever who had been taught always to bring his own tin dish In his mouth to be 111 led at the late dinner For some reason his master wished to make a change and to feed him twice a day At Instead of once The tlog resented this and when told to bring the dish refused nnd it could nowhere lie found on which his master upoke angrily to him and ordered him to bring the dish at once With drooping tall and sheepish ex pression he went down tho length of the garden and began scratching up the soil where he hail burled tho bowl deep down to nvold having to bring it at an hour of which he did not ap prove Guild Inr For Tlint Mimic Theres a man who has a good ear for music remarked the dyspeptic man who was bothered by the piano playing of the young woman next door Who Duinley Why hes deaf as a post replied his friend 1 know he Is said the dyspeptic man Philadelphia Press Slltlllll llt ltl Ml Pannie lf you are so positlvo that Harry loves you why for goodness sake dont you nccept him and gel married V Jane He wont ask 1110 Detroit Free Press Statistics of accidents show that an American can travel by rail 72000000 miles before In iho law of avsrages it U ills turn to be killed WHEAT OPENS WEAK Ilncllnn iMnikrt Hlintvt SttttihnrtinoM nml It illUt strmiKlr ClIlfAtlo Jtuiii 13 Whrat opunail woaK otj tho nortliwrit rnliii but rnoovnrnd on damnifi roporU front that unction of the country July nloiltiR a Mhadi ovnr yniterilay Corn clmeil a shailn lower anil oats unchanKod Tin prnvlnliiui market at tha olons was Viiio to 3i ilnpreieil CIiwIiik prions WllKAT JulT73lVH5liO Au TtO Oons Jtily IWio AutKdiio OAT Jiily V3 Aui tia 1oiiK July IllM Hipt 111 av Ulnl tuly Irt 65 Hept liAHP Jtily IOMHopt Cah nuotatlniH No 2 rd whnat 7S7lo No irlnifwhiat 7Hrt7UWo No 2 caU corn BUJio No i cnxll oatH iSiitilo llilrnRi Ilvn Stock CnttAiio Juno ill Heeelpti 11608 opoiieit ati wly t strong pIimi iI lowor Rotxl to prime iteers VlVJiiHJ poor to mpilltim llMKtfMU oelected fcodorn UttVt4l0 mlxst toekers 13 I0it4l0jcowii fil0Otfl7X lirlferi iZWWXt ranners H KWaW Imlls jaOftjl 460 t nlviH IJ0Ofl700 Texan fed utneM 403 H5JH Tuxiiilhlllli it8il4f0 Iloitu Iteoulptrt today 117000 tomorrow IWOOO pstlmntnd lofl over 11000 fttl lower cloltiK wenlc top 1576 mixed nml laitilu ra ttUVfil2Jhi rooi to cIioIpii heavy 461011615 rough Itpavy J4M5ia4 IlKht ISOVt612i4 hulk of salon Sliiiep Itei ilpts ltlUOO sltnpp nud lambs giintl to eholeii tlrttt othuri slow Kood to clioloo welliPi H J 475TiJ5i5 fair t uIioIph mixed CliVjtlUO western sheep 1400 0bM yiMirllnifH t6 3Xt0 0i nnltro lambs 1500 itnHl western Iniubs 400031580 nprlng laiulM 1100760 Kunini City Mva Htook Kansas Citv June 13 Cattlo Ilocelnt 0- TWi ciulco klllltiR grades Shado htKhnr nil otliers nctlvM sternly hunry steers 4000560 I I- hI rlu tl tPjA llt ititnUn a cows nnd lirlfem JII2Vo485 emitters tfiOri I U25 fed westorns 141035115 Toxnni 374 Hoki lteoelpts 1H0O0 llliorul supply cutlsed 6c dt cltno heavy HAWSiiM mixed JIhyjj5U0 llglit iiMlWQUWVW f4U5QS4UU Kniolpts 1S0O HlinthterltiR Rradni nctlve linn kooi feeders Hteutly plain kill ItiK lots lnwer sprlnc himbs 7WV72J year liniM J5lift560 ml ied 475A500 feeders IW ullIU 27f325 South Oimibii llvn Stock Sooth Omaha Juno 13 Cattle Kecnlpts 3400 iietlve and HtrottK to 6l0o higher titan yesterdny native beef steers 4450J5535 cows mnl holtorx J3754i47o cauncrs t M 3 00 Btoekers nnd feedefis 350A5O0 calves 3lX7Ul bulls atns etc H11HX425 Hosts Heeelpts 11701 filiplOJ lower heavy f483 41H mixed 1 1 So lltflit 44UO4Si l I45U AlSJ bulk of sales 4 85 Sheep Receipts 11HJ0 slow hti udy yearling J4fiO5fiO weth ers 4 jJjU0 stock sheep 400vg475 lniubd I52J A7O0 There is more catarrh in this seciton of tho country than all other diseases put together and uutil tho lti3t few years was supposed to bo incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local tlisoaso and pro scribed local remodies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional tlisoaso and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional euro on tho market It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful It nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Thoy offer ono hundred dollars for nny case it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address F J Chunky Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 7i5c Halls family pills aro tho best Ladies desiring a transparent com plexion freo from blotches blemishes and blackheads should uso Kooky Mountain Tea Ask your druggist Tho Northeast Nebraska G A K reunion will bo held nt Pierce July 10 11 12 aud 13 Indications point to the largest attendance in the history of the association Speakers of national repu tation will bo secured For llaiobiug Steam Filling Horses Bought and Commission Braasch Avenue ano Tnlrd St Pumps Tanks 11111 11 ins Ami till work In this lino call ou W H RISH Satisfaction Gtinrantoeil First door South of Tin Daily News Olllco T WILLE City - Scavenger Water Closets and Cess Pools Cleaucd All work tmatly nml iinmiptly ilono nccoriliuu to Ity Orilliiniiro No 217 Leave onlers nt llrmifcchti coal ollicu M C WALKER DEALKIt IK FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over laves Jewelry Store GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Sold PHONE 44 I 4------ hi -- 1 t V C AIILHAN I AHLMAN BROS ----- C V AIIIMAN The Norfolk Hicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Mntiufiicturorti Jobbers nud Dixilnrj In Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs ARoncy for Wnttlinni Mnniifnrttirln Vs Orient Hlcyelo tho Flnr st Stronaoat nml Iltstost Hlryclo In tho World Wo nlno liKtiillo tlm Acmo World Trtbuuo Hoobo Hycitmoro Intteo nml our own mnko oithor cliuln or chatnloss whleli will bo known us Hit Aklrtmn Spuciitls ii You Tried Them Wo do Repairinp Promptly and Reasonable BABIES CRY FOR O A liUlKAHT President HAS 8 niilDUE Vicu Pumident Norfolk National 18 J WHEATLING AND BREAD AlADE FROM Have BON TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS W II JOHNSON CAsntaB W H BKAA3C11 Asst CAsatKU The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 v Buy and soil oxchnruro on this country and all parts of Europe Farm Loans Olrector CAiu Armus W H Johnson has S Hbipoe C W Hbaasch BWANK A LUIKABT T F SlKMMINOEB L SESSIONS N A 0 M FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary ALEXANDER BEAK Vice Prosidanl W II UUtltULz Luiliter E W ZDTZ ABsiatant Cashier Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exohange Interest Paid on Time Deposits v Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIHBCTORS A BEAU F P HANLON F J HALE W H BVCUOhZ WM ZCTA NA HAINBOLT JOHN U HAYS F VERGES PHCOTTON ae 55 S Hrl CU f Hi I C 1 1 I as J LU ljj f 55 CO a U- T3 S u 3 o LL WEBSTERS I IYUIINVJIONA1 1 DICTI0NllVi C W BRAASCH DEALER IN CO EAST Oiimliu PaasPURor Chicago Express ist Chicago Express Oimilin IaubeuKor WEST A T W Exclusive agent ior the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE Ol R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley DEPART 8 S a in AttlllVU 73J p m 1210pm 1 El ART Blnck Hillfl rxiin PB 7 10 pm Vonllro PiiHnuowr 1210 p m VonliKro Accommodation 900am WEST AltBIVE Black Hills Express 1220p in Voriliirn laflsouKor thOSnm Venllgro Accommodation 720pm Tlm Ciiicaito ami Ulack Hills Express arrives anil departs from Junction depot The Omaha aud Verdigro trains arrive and depart from cit depot H C Matuac Aont Union Pacific SOCT1I DEPART ColumbiiH Accommodation 830 p ra Omaha Denver ami Iacitlc Coust 1100 a in NORTH AI1BIVE Columbus Ace minodntiou 10Mpm Omaha konvor aud 1acillc coast 9 00 pm Connects at Norfok with F K JI V koIhr west nnd north and with tho C Ht P M ic O for poluU north aud east F W Junkman Agent- Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DEPART Sioux City and Omaha Passenger il3Uam Sioux ltPaisouKer 100pm WST AURIVK Sionx City Passenger 1031am Bincx City and Omalirt Passenser 730in rraiiind hI Nnrfnlk with 1 R t M coins west and north anil with the U P for points Bonth F V Intel1 Daly tixcopt Sunday JUNEMAN Agent C S tbe Railroad and Business Directory HAYES Fine Watch Repairing Spanoep Ouelmon Boots and oeS Repairing Neatly Done J B HERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street INSKEEPS lYIIblilNERY Cheapest and BeHt Norfolk Avenue d WEDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoe Aiii Work Ocaranteed Cor Jlh St- a cil Prontrh A A Dictionary of ENGLISH Biography Geography Fictionetc - What better investment could bo inado tlian in a copyof tho International This royal quarto voluino is a vast btorehouso of valuable information arranged in a convenient form for hand cyo and mind It is more widely used as standard authority than any other dictionary in tho world It should bo in every household V Also Websters Collegiate Dictionary with a Scottieu fckrr Glossary etc First cluss iu quality second class In size I