The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 10

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II llp that Mitlnit Saton plirap Mrh rlli
Th burial rTntinit tloda lrrl It la juat
ht conaecratra cafli snir within lla walla
And treatlica a In nlaon on the lrriliiK dint
illoda Arret Yr tlit Mewed tume Impart
Coiiilort to Hmc who In the crap bar m
The arcd that Hit bad itartirrril In tin Ir luaita
Their bread ol lite alaiin more tlirlr own I
Into Ita furrow aluill we all bo rati
I In tlir ante laltli that we rhnll tlfc aaln
At the ureal li ltrt whrn the arrhanirrla blaat
Khali winnow HVe a tan the rliafl ami grain
Then chall Urn irord atand In Immortal bloom
In the talr Bardena el tliat teetuid hltth
and each bricM tilnaMim tnlnitlc II perfume-
Willi that el flnirett which iieter bloomed on
I earth
Willi tliy rude plnwunarr ilratti torn up the sod
Ami pred the furrow tor the wed r wiwj
JThl la the field and acre if our IihI
Tills la tlir place where liuman tianrcti irrowl
o o o o o o o o o o
A Story of trc
Indian Plague
I 6 o o o o o o o o
Mr ami Mi h Wnltcr 1 Iiuvhou liml
coinu up to tlio Icitk liolOl for n month
nt ltnnt Tliij lintl n riillhtful wJilto
wquuru villa with u deep vuramla and a
iKtirdiii full of tropical Hlirulm anil
rwnvy linuiliooH down In Hongkong at
it lie foot of the lilll iiuicli nicer lu every
iwny than tlio lmru rooms at tlio IVak
Utotol and the lmro rocks btirrotuulliif
Mrs LnWHun nhudtlered iih nlu con
it rusted the iirIv wall liaper and regula
Hon clock with a stiff linage on each
tRlde that adorned her sitting mom al
rthe hotel with her own pretty drawing
room and h1k Hhlvercd In the low intu
ited corridors ho straight and gulltlesH
of anything like comfort Her hiiHlmud
waa a partner In a llrm of American
Rollcltors in Hongkong and getting on
jvery well It was not yet hot enough
to mlgrnto tt the real only the begin
uilng of April and the morning liilnt s
lay tlijck and heavy on the towering
icllffs till late in the day It was very
pild there too Still they had all bus
tied up Mr and Mrs the boy of 10
land the baby of 18 months
Tho plague was again claiming Its
Iveekly victims In steady numbers
Tho year before had been a very bad
kjiio for It Then during the winter It
died out only to recommence In March
Mrs Lawson had been getting very
liiervous Kvery day a kind friend told
pier of new cases In the bazaar In the
jllsh market lu all ttuiirtors of the city
but the climax had been reached the
ulay before when the bank managers
icook had died of It In his kitchen The
managers garden Joined the
Ibaulc bamboos
Iet us go to the Peak directly Wal
ter said Mrs Lawson excitedly til
jrectly her husband came In from the
1 If you really wish It of course my
jdcar said her husband crossly but
its no earthly good Hying away from
ttlie thing Ann Lung got the Infection
ifrom some of his own relatives no
doubt or down by the harbor lie Is
uot likely to have contracted It here
flu Jeffersous house
How do you know that said Mrs
Il awson nearly crying from fright
You people here In Hongkong dont
tficcni to care how near the plague Is to
you and yet think what a fuss they
make about it If It even comes to the
next country in Uurope
And much good their fright does
Slieni said Mr Lawson contomptuous
y Fright wont keep it off His
ireal reason for objecting to the IVak
Ibotel lay In leaving his cook a Clii
mese artist In stews and soups The
icooklng at the IVak was very doubt
rful However ho concluded he must
put up with it and resignedly packed
Ibis portmanteau
Last summer ho had been out in
Eongkong alone and for many years
fore that had managed a branch of
Jtlie firm at San Krauclsco Mrs Law
ibou thought Hongkong a poor ex
change for the tiolden Gate Still up
to now It had been healthy aud tho
crisp cold weather was even colder
than she was accustomed to Every
day during the winter they had had a
huge coal lire lighted at 4 oclock lu
the drawing room and dining room
then again In the early morning She
had her own tidy arrangements about
luiilk and butter and fresh rolls What
m pity to upset all this and go away to
la hotel I
I Still It could not bo helped She
miust get away from this dreadful
mlague that was creeping about all
around her So having wrung a very
ireluctant consent from her husband
rthe very next morning saw all their
household goods packed up the serv
ants dismissed with the exception of
rthe ayah and Mr Lawsons boy aud
rthe whole family setting forth to tho
etatlou of tho electric railway x the
HVak People In the streets looked
calm nnd unconcerned as ever
How can they look so interested In
sill about them said Mrs Lawson Im
patiently when so far as they know
they may be dead of the plague by to
morrow or If not they themselves
their nearest relatives may
In some cases my dear said Mr
Lawson philosophically a Chinaman
would not count that a loss especially
If he got some money by the departure
of his relatives One go another come
on he thinks the survival is to the tit
test should tho survivor bo hlinsolf
Mr Lawson really felt deeply Injured
as he got himself and his family out of
the train nt the top of the hill at the
slanting station The heavy mist was
wet and penetrating and there was not
a gleam of sun to be seen at 9 oclock
Lets go into the hotel at least he
ald grumpily nnd stalked ou In nil
malice of his family up the stairs cut In
the rocks and under the glass awning
to the hotel A few wretched gera
niums shivered lu ornamental pots
along the side of lie passnge and In the
jlass covered veranda outside the hall
tloor He had wired up for rooms the
night before so they went up to them
at once a stirf sitting room on the tlrst
Door with cane furniture and a big
bedroom down stairs one sldo of It
close to the rock lu fact ouo of tho
windows was entirely blocked tip by
rock not a foot off Hut It was well
furnished and even had electric light
which their sitting room had not
Tho childrens rooms were far off
ilovvu a long corridor ou the first tloor
nnd fronting the sea toward Kowlonu
with a wretched bathroom cold crack
ed whitewashed walls that looked as
If a very small earthquake would bring
them down Instantly The ayah was
sulky nnd made the worst of every
thing Not till Mr and Mrs Lawson
nnd Pnt were seated at a little round
table In the dining room and having
breakfast did the familys spirits begin
to revive Pat thought It very good
ftlu to come to a hotel aud attacked the
many dishes on the menu steadily one
by one ending up with oranges ami ba
The head waller was a Chinaman of
course All the waiters were China
men but the head man was a very dlg
nlllcd person with an India rubber
kind of face ami a peculiar way of tak
ing stock of each guest as he entered
Only to n favored few did he attend
himself The captain of an English
ship lu harbor and a Judge of the high
court were among the recipients of his
attentions Ordinary casual customers
he relegated to his satellites who slip
ped about actively In black shoes and
very white socks short blue trousers
tight llttlng round the ankle and loose
blue collar A little round black cap
surmounting their pigtails completed
this costume the usual one for house
servants lu China I or late dinner
they all changed to spotless white
The large dining room was crowded
with little round aud square tables
the sun came out from the fog alto
gether It looked very cheerful and
bright Mr Lawson recovered his tem
per aldetl thereto by some excellent
prawn curry
Perhaps after all my dear you
were right to come up here he said
You see more of your fellow creatures
nt any rate and cant sit moping by
yourself all day long and imagining
you have every disease under the sun
I do nothing of the sort Walter
cried his wife indignantly If It wore
only a question of myself 1 would stay
down below
Mr Lawson grinned unbelievingly
but said no more about it
I must hurry up to catch the 10
oclock train he said looking at his
watch lly Jove 1 had no Idea It was
so late Many other men hurried olT
at he same time to their work In the
town and the dining room was left
principally to women and some few
globe trotters who had no fear of an
olllce below to hurry them over break
fast Captain Lowry of II M S Dis
patch came up and sat at Mrs Law
sons table to have a little conversation
Have you heard of my wretched
luck he said laughingly Seriously
though It Is no laughing matter for
No What is it said Mrs Lawson
Well when I was dining on shore
last Friday said Captain Lowry my
ship somehow cut a junk In half just
outside the harbor aud the Chinese au
thorities are making no end of a ro
about It The owner of the junk says
his favorite wife was on board and
was drowned and he values her at
Hear me said Mrs Lawson what
a bore for you Was she really drown
ed do you think
1 dont believe she was on board at
all said Captain Lowry contemptu
ously these men are such liars My
sailors saw no signs of a woman when
tho Junk was run down Still It wns
getting dark and the truth of what he
states Is Just possible In any case
true or not 1 am afraid the naval au
thorities will make me pay up
Hut you were not on board cried
Mrs Lawson What a shame I dare
say the Chinaman wanted to get rid of
his wife too or he would not have sent
her out In a Junk so late
Oh she was going over to some rel
atives at Kowloou he says replied
Captain Lowry carelessly How long
are you going to stay up here by the
way Mrs Lawson Isnt It rather ear
ly to come up
It Is bet uise of the plague said
Mrs Lawson coloring rather guiltily
There seems so much of It about and
I am so afraid of It
I believe there is a good deal lu the
town said Captain Lowry but Euro
peans do not as a rule take any notice
of It
No I know said Mrs Lawson
So my husband says
Captain Lowry laughed 1 expect
he doesnt like leaving his comfortable
house Im sure 1 shouldnt lu his
place Well goodby Mrs Lawson I
must be olT too
Mrs Lawson felt on the whole re
lieved at her fears being laughed at
There cant really be so much dan
ger she said to herself or thev
would think more of It So she went
up to the public drawing room on the
tloor above which was Just then ten
anted only by a lady In a red blouse
She and Mrs Lawton spent quite two
hours in animated conversation though
they had never seen each other before
About 1 oclock Pat enmo In nnd
went up to see his uiothei
Ive been looking for you every
where he said I want you to come
and see the ayah She looks awfully
hot and odd
Mrs Lawson hurried oft with him at
once The baby was comfortably
asleep but tlio ayah looked half inn 1
and had a dull crimson tlush ou her
brown face
Me velly 111 she said wildly as
soou nB she saw her mistress got
tlrefful pains
Whats the matter with her moth
er said PaL Do you know
Only Just an ordinary attack of fe
ver 1 expect said Mrs Lawson nerv
ously but Wo will have a doctor nt
No no cried the ayah still moro
wildly doctor put inu In plague lies
pltall 1 die directly quick
Nonsense said Mrs Lnwson
Why should they put you there You
have not got the plague
The ayah returned no answer but
only sank groaning on the tloor Mrs
Lnwson was moro than miserable If
slio told the manager tho ayah was
111 he would probably Insist ou the
whole family leaving nt once on tho
chance of their having brought Infec
tion to the hotel Yet how was she
to get a doctor Hastily picking up the
baby and telling Pat to follow her she
hurried away to Her own room down
Do yon think the really haB the
plague mother said Pat If she
has babys pretty certain to get It
Oh Pat how can you say mich
things said his mother in an agoniz
ed voice No of course It Isnt It
cant be the plague
I dont know said Pat wisely
She looks very odd and 1 know It be
gins with fever She said she had
pains too
Oh do be quiet cried his mother
unless you want lo drive mo out of
my mind I must send n note to your
father at once telling him to come up
She wrote It hurriedly and then
rang for the boy to take It He enme
peaceful as ever without a shadow of
expression on bis yellow Hat face
though as Pat Informed his mother
he had been with him aud the ayah all
the morning
Hun quick John said his mis
tress and bring an answer back
John bowed
And now what next mother said
Pat with gusto We ought to go and
attend to the ayah now
Good henvensi no said Mrs Law
son Pat you must not go near her
on any account Do you hear
Well the poor thing wants looking
after mother said Pat disappointed
ly especially If she has got the
plague 1 want to see what happens
However he consented to wait In the
sitting room till his father came Mr
Lawson arrived in about half an hour
very hot and cross nnd burst Into tho
sitting room
What rot Is this Alicia ho said
angrily I low am 1 to get through my
work if 1 am to be continually Inter
rupted by senseless messages Ayah
got the plague Indeed Much more like
ly overeaten herself
Come and see her yourself Wal
ter said Mrs Lawson rising I do
not say she has the plague but she evi
dently fancies she has it herself 1
think she should see a doctor
Come along then said her hus
band Then as Pat prepared to fol
low ho pushed him bade No no
young man he said kindly we dont
want any more complications
They went down the passage In si
lence and waited a minute outside the
door of the room In which the oynh
had been left A faint moaning could
be heard Mr Lawrence opened tlio
door and walked In
The ayah was crouched on the tloor
In nearly the same attitude as when
his wife had left her only she seemed
more stupefied or Insensible She did
not seem to understand tho questions
Mr Lawson asked her but staggered
up when he attempted to lift her and
remained leaning against the wall
Then they could see an Immense blu
ish swelling below her arm Mr Law
sou spoke to her kindly and putting a
pillow for her on the tloor made signs
to her to lie down then he Wt the
room with his wife
Its the plague no doubt he said
In n low tone as he closed and locked
the door The question now is What
are we to do with her
Oh Walter the children gasped
his wife
We must hoiio for tho best sold
her husband kindly You must re
member Europeans very rarely get It
Hut they have been close to her nil
day said Mrs Lawson miserably re
membering her long conversation with
her friend in the drawing room I
ought to have seen after her before
Pat fetched me but she seemed so
disagreeable I thought it better to leave
her alone
What has already happened cannot
be helped said iter husband You
must keep both children with you now
of course Luckily your other rooms
are a long way off this one and I nniFt
go to Dr Drown at once nnd report the
What will be done with the poor
thing asked Mrs Lawson She has
such a horror of going to a hospital
It is the only place she can possibly
go to said Mr Lawson We shall be
lucky If we have not all to get out of
here as well However I will try and
arrange things with tho manager
Mrs Lawson and the children re
mained In their room and heard noth
ing of the doctors visit or other ar
rangements Pat was only told that the
ayah had fever and had gone to her
own home and Mrs Lawsnn had a
hospital nurse In to assist her with
the baby and also In case of further
Illness The poor ayah went down to
the plague hospital aud died the next
Strange to say none of tho Law
sous had the plague For days they
watched nervously for every danger
ous symptom but time passed ou aud
nothing happened So It is with th
curlous disease you may be close to
It and have every possible chance of
taking it yet you do not and ngnlr
you may not have been near It to your
kuowledgeand yet It descends on you
from the al- lu the bites of Insects
lu Infected food how or from where
no one can tellHoston Traveler
Men can bo enred privately and posi
tively nt homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for now free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 CommerclnlJHlock
Sioux City In
How Am Ycinr Ktilnrj a f
Dr IIottaSpiiraKnl Illlaenrr nil klilner Ilia Pn
pie free Add Sterling tlcmcdrCoCttcaobr N V
Huciianan Mich May 22 GenesBce
Puro Food Co Lo Hoy N Y Ccntlo
inon My innuunn hna been n great
coffee drinker and hna found it very in
jurious Having used sovernl packages
of your Grain O tho drink that tnltcs
the place of coffee sho duds it much
hotter for herself nnd tjs children to
drink Sho has given up coffee drink
ing entirely Wo use- a packngo every
week I am ten years old
Yours respectfully
Fasnii Williams
Frt of Cliargn
Any adult suffering from n cold
settled on tho hrenst bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who
will call at Kiesnu Drug Co will be
presented with a snmplo bottlo of
Doscheos Gorman Syrup free of
charge Only ono bottlo given to one
person nnd none to children without
order from parents
No thront or lung remedy ever hnd
such a sale ns Boscheos German Syrup
in all parts of tho olvilized world
Twenty yenrs ago millions of bottles
woro given away and your druggists
will tell you its succubs wns marvelous
It is really tho only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by
Ono 7E cent bottlo will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in nil
civilized countries
tlloiihiimlH lint Trying It
In ordir to prove tho great morit of
EIjh Criin liulm the itn t ctkclno cure
for iitur a nnd ll 1 in Houl wo hnvo tiro
ytrcd u g nuotts trial for 10 crnti
Get it of j iur druglnt i r u id 10 c e its to
LLY I IOS 5 iren St IT Y eity
I stitlotcd from catarrh of tn wort kind
ever stiico it iHHiml t mwr hoptd fur
uro but 12lyNCeiiii Jnlu icoind to do
even that II my n qtiitr s hae use I
it with OKaelent result- Ohcu Ostriuu
- Warren Ave Chicrjp 111
Llys Crenm liulm is tho acknowledged
ctuv fur citiirth and contains no coeaiae
mercury nor nnv injurious drug Price
CC cents At drueoisU or bv unuL
MIllloiiH Glvyii Awny
It is certainly gratifying to tho public
to know of ono concern which is not
afraid to be generous The proprietors
of Dr Kings Now Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds have given
away over ton million trial bottles nnd
have tho satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma bronchitis In grippe nud nil
throat chest and luug diseases are
surely cured by it Call on Kiesnu
Drug company and got a freo trial
bottle Regular size 50c and 100
Every bottle guaranteed
GlnrloiiH Nevm
Comes from Dr D 13 Cargile of
Washitn L T lie writes Electric
Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula
which had caused her great sufteriug
for years Terrible sores would break
out ou her head and face and tho best
doctors could givo no help but now her
health is excellent Electric Bitters is
the best blood purifier known Its the
supremo remedy for eczema tetter
salt rheum ulcers boils nnd running
sores It stimulates livor kidneys nnd
bowels expels poisons helps digestion
builds up the strength OnlyoOc Sold
by Kiesnu Drug Co Guaranteed
Edacato Tour Unwell With Cascnrcta
Cnndy Cathartic cure constipation forever
4c 25c If C C C fall druggists refund money
To Cure Conatlpntlon Forever
Talte Cisnirets Candv Cathartic 10c or25o
If C C C fall to cure drutatists refund money
Dont Tobacco Suit and mlo Your Life An a jr
To quit tobacco easily and forever bo maf
netlc full of life nerve and vigor take No To
nae lie wonder vvorlier that makes weal men
strong All druggists 10c or I Curcguaran
teed Dooklct nnd sample free Address
Psrling itemedy Co Clilenuo gr New Yorlt
A Life nnd Death Fight
Mr W A Hines of Manchester la
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death says Exposure after
measles induced serious luug trouble
which ended in consumption I had
frequent hemorrhages nnd coughed
night and day All my doctors said I
must soon dio Then I began to use
Dr Kings New Discovery which wholly
cured mo Hundreds have used it on
my ndvico aud all say it never fails to
euro throat chest and lnngtroubles
Regular size fiOo and 1 00 Trial
bottles free nt tho Kiesau Drug Cos
drug Btore
A WVultli of lleuuty
Is often hidtleu by unsightly pimples
eczema tetter erysipelas salt rhoum
etc Bucklens Arnica Salvo will glorify
tho face by curing all skin eruptions
also cuts brvtises bums boils felons
ulcers nud worft forms of piles Inly
2icts a box Cure guaranteed Sold
by Kiesau Drug Co
Biliousness is cnui ed by a lazy liver
permits food to Four in your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheeiful Ask
your druggist
AllKIInt riiivvii
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Ilouton ilwt in my travels in all parts
of tho world for tho last ten years I
htvo met moro people having used
Greens August Flower thtin any othpr
remedy for di pepii deranged liver
and stomach ami coiutipitiou I llnd
i fur tourists aud salesmen or for persons
filling office positions where headaches
and general bnd feelings from irregular
I habits exist that Greens August
Fainting spells
Are peculiar to women Men rarely faint
Many women arc liable to what they term
fainting spells and this liability is always
most marked at the monthly period This alone
is sufficient to connect the fainting spell with
a deranged or diseased condition of the wonnnly
organs The use of Dr Pierces Rivoritc Pre
scription cures irregularity heals inflammation
and ulceration and stops the drains which
weaken the body It builds up the nervous sys
tem increases the vital powers and so removes
the common causes of fnintness in women
There is no alcohol in Favorite Prescription
neither does it contain opium cocaine nor
any other narcotic
Let no dealer for the sake of making an
excessive profit out of your trade delude you
into buying a substitute for Dr Pierces Favorite
Prescription Thousands of women who had
been treated in vain by doctors and had
fec m
squandered large sums
uselessly in other
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madliion Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accent no substi
ctMooimHJ me ask your druggist
line lunik tho uloo
lore jui iimuuuuu
toftKci you urong
in jieunnerT
cines will testify that there is nothing
just as good as Favorite Prescrip
tion because there is nothing else which
helps so promptly aud heals so perma
Every woman should send
for a FREE copy of Doctor
Pierces Medical Adviser
Send 21 one cent stamps to
pay expense of mailing ONLY
for tho hook In paper covers
or 31 stamps for cloth to Dr
R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
Erastus A Benson
President of tho Omaha Real Estate Ex
change and one of the leaders in real es
tate circles in Nebraska writes I tried
Dr Kays Lung Balm
for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr
vv u auiuy uiui uie result was
able The effect was so quick I would not X
have trusted my senses had not Mr Selbys 4
experience been the same Y
Shun substitutes Remedies Just As Good as Dr
Kays Lunt Halm aro not madoor sold any- y
whoro I notnt druggists wo will send it post-
paid on receipt of price Dr Hays Lung Halm 10 y
lcts Free Medical Advice Samplo and Hook for V
tho asking Address y
Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Yr T
IJm5 JJJ5 5 JJ5J5JJJ j
of menstruation They
womanhood aiding development
They overcome Weak
ness irregularity and
omissions increase vig
or and banish pains
arc LIFE SAVERS to girls at
of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do
becomes a pleasure 100 IMSU BOX BY MA
harm life
ML Sold
by druggists DIt MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
Flower is a grand remedy It does not
iuinre the systen by frequent usp aud
is ixcelleut for sour stomachs and
indigestion Sample bottles free tit
Kiesau Drug Co
Stld by dealers iu all civilized coun
A Drvll 1ihh
Destroying its victim is a type of
constipation The power of this mnl
tidy is felt on organs nerves muscles
and brnin But Dr Kings New Life
Pills are a safe aid certain cure Best
in the world for stomach liver kidneys
aud bowels Only 25c at Kiesau Drug
Cos drug store
For more than twenty flvo years Dr J New
ton Hathaway lias made a specialty of Female
Jllsoases Durlni tliat time lie lias had nmoiiK
Ills patients over tea tlnm
and women suiferiDK from all
those many Ullferent com
plaints peculiar to tlio sevanU
lias completely and perma
nently cured moro than co per
cent of tho eases lu lias
treated t
lly his exclusive method
which he lias peifeoted during
tlio twenty live yenrs of his
most extensivo practice ho Is enabled to euro nil
of thesu different diseases includinc painful
profuse or Mtpprosid menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration In
fact everv form of those diseases which malto a
bunion of life to tlio ureat majority of women
Ho lias fo infected tills system of his that ho
can treat these eases by mall without airy per
sonal examination ito which every sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oper
nt tun with Its consequent pain and necessary
Histystem of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of tho home tuo euro is painless nud His
onh low rnn
Write hint a letter statlnc briply your cowll
tlou and he vv ill wid you a Mink to In- tilled oit
lie will give your easo his personal attention and
care and make his fee so moderate iuiludltii all
meilliluesiHciissaiv that Suit will nut feel the
burdi n of the pawnent and ho will guarantee
oiiaposltlvo cure Address
Dr Uiitliiivwty i Co
loiniiiirclnl Itlml Mnux City Iowa
I liavo kouo 1 i doya at a tlmo without a
movement ur tho Ixitvela not bulim isllu to
raovo tliem etrcpt by uMhk liot vnUr Inloclloiia
Cliriiiiictuiibtlulioii for ueveii ycaii iintt il me In
this terrible cuiiciltlun iliirliiK that lime I did ev
orytliliiKl liunrd of but nuTur found nn n llef Mich
was my cuao until I bi irnn ualni CAr CAltKiS 1
now liave from one tutlireo liutn ucs 11 do nnd If I
was rich I would give SlwjKJfor eacli niovtiuent It
Is such a roller A vMCti I Ul nt
W llucscll Ht Detroit Mich
Pleatant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do
Good Meyer Sicken Weaken or Urlpe 10c 20c Wc
lUrllat Baaaar Coapur Cklcaf a aoatrtal Saw lark Mi
mm uia
Made a
Well Man
A of Me
produce tho ahovo rcaultn liY30 dnys It act
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others talk
jTounu men will regain tbclr lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervouw
ne6B Loot Vitality Impotency NIebtly Emlsslona
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