The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 07, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Vormoro tlinn tivrntyflvo yearn Ilr J New
tun llntlinwny has inniln n specialty of Icnmlo
JllMW es During lint I lino ho has liail milling
ihi U- -a
his mllciiln over leu tlimiv
niiil vwiiiiiiiMiiltrliigfrnni nil
tliost man illlloronl mm
tin miilitcl unit iicrinn
in nllj cured innro tlmti mi pel
III Of till I II h ON lio litis
Awi yx iriiiiMi
Jt JS IIJ his Ixilimho method
VJ1Q w hleli ho has poileried during
v - N mi turutyfUn jenrs of Ills
most extensive practice lio Is enabled In rum nil
of these illlliiriil diseases Including jialnliil
prolusoor suppressed mriislriiatloii piolipsti
nil iarnui trouble tuniors and uleiiriillou in
fnrt even form of those diseases which iniilir 1
burden of llfo to tint greit iiiajnrlty of women
Mo his m perfected tills system of Ills Dial lie
run lrcit tliivo eisos by mall without uiry per
Minil oMiinlniitlon to whloli every sensitive
worn in naturally objects mul without nny okt
utlnii Willi Its cunseiiuent jiIii mul necessary
lllstystcni or treatment Is tnlirn In Urn ptl
vacyof thu homo tho cum Is ialnluss nml It Is
osn low fhh
Wrlto lilm a letter MMIng briefly your condi
tion nml ho will send yon n Mink to lie illled out
Ho will give your case his personal attention and
wiro nml make Ills feo so umdeiiUti Itiiliidlng nil
medicines necessary that you will not feel the
tiurden of tlio pavmctit nml ho will gimnintoo
you n positive enio Aihlros
Dr Iliitliiivtuy v Co
kuimierclnl Itloili Nliiux lty Inn n
CANRAItrrN il nil clnlmeri for tliera
end nio atruljf woiiilurfnl nicillcliie lbavooflcn
vlBheil fur niiunlloliio iileannntto inktinml ntlirn
Iiato funiiil It In CiiBcaroU Hlnro tnkltitt lliom 1117
IiKkhI Ims biuii iiiiilllcil nml mj coniiloilcin linslin
IthvpiI KOiulorrnlli nml I feel inncli liotlrr In every
nar MH8Hailiis K Hellauh IuttrullTcuu
r L vMinAKiiu
ricaMint Palitiblr Potent Tnto Oood Do
Oooil Novur Mckcn Wenkcnor Orlin1 10c 2ic too
0trllK Ittmfdr ronipftny tltlcftro llontml Xrw ter 310
Mn TO tlflf HoMnnit gnnrnntreil lir nil ilnnr
nUlUUAu kMsiu iJujCKToljicco llnblu
rum Ulo
IMnGr fyK
mWlrl nv 0 S3sk
Jrj K S
uVll Sz
wi svt
Made a
Well Man
of Mo
protlncrn tlio nliovo rcnultn lii30 tin jr It artl
powerfully and illicitly Cures when all utlicm fall
VouDginonwIllrrxnln tliolr lost manhood and old
men will rccor their youthful vigor by uiilni
BEVITO It quickly and nuroly restores Nervoua
new Lot t Vitality Impotcncy NtRlitly Enilsslona
LoetlOTvor Fnlltnu Memory Voetlim Diseases one
kll eCcctn of polf abiuio or exrcumiul lnillscretlon
which uufltR ono f or ntudy burlncHH or tn irrlago II
ootonly cnrcH by 1 tartlnit at tho peat of disease but
U great tiiTctonlo nail blood builder tiring
log back tho plnlc Rlow to iialo chciksaudra
torln tbo flro of yontli It wards oil Insanltj
nd Conpumrtlon iDSlst 011 bvinK KUVIVO nt
other It can bo rArrled in vest pocket By mall
IOO per rackaRr or bIx for O5O0 with riot I
tire written iinrantoo to rare or refund
tiemsmoy Circular Iroe Addreat
Royal Aledicine CoaSCArii
For wile by Geo IB Ohristoph
KtVS OUKAM HATM l n iionltlv rure
Apidy Into the nostrila II In ulekly ahcorbrd jQ
teiiw at Drusclf l or by mall tauiplm ltc by mail
ELY IIHOTJIKItS 64 Warn u buNew Yorlr fit
ItrMU with you whethf r you rnntlnue tham
BrrTP kllllng loliaero batilt O-TO-U AjH
rmoio thudolrelor tobircalUi aflUllH
outorTouilltroi eipelintco jl 1 1 W7
tine purlOrt the blood rvilli liXTioo
torn luat manbooilTAl IftSouototri
inakcj 1 you ironcjfTT 111 AllioW 400000
InbMiUbnerTeaRaBljlVISiairieurril liuj
Kod rockct WVll 1170 TO UVCfroiD
jyjll own lruptrlit wliu
Vjfc Mi PlllTOuclioroiThc II with
bQp lEJJvrlptfntlyiHtlHnlly Onr
fAl UP boiai usually curtii 3 bonjftw
fwJIruAtAnterdtocur or we rf fund inomy
VVaV BwrUtUrfJl olMti Balrtil Irl
Dont Be Fooled
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madlton Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keep you well Our trade
mark cut on each packajc
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Acctnt no
ocoifiiMtiDiMi tute Atk your drULElst
KdoratoToar IIowcli With Cut carets
Candy Cathartic cure constipation forever
40c3c If CC C fail druggists refund money
Glorioua Hevr
Comes from Dr D B Cartdle of
Washita I T He writes Klectric
Bitters hns cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula
which bad caused her great sniroriuR
for years Terrible eores would break
out on her head and face and the best
doctors could give no help but uow her
health is excellent Electric Bitters is
the best blood purifier kuown Its the
Bapreme remedy for eczema tetter
6iH rheum ulcers boils and ruuuiug
eores It stimulates liver kidneys and
bowels expels poisons helps digestion
builds up the strength Only COo Sold
by Kiesau Drug Co Guaranteed
Inp IVrUlim 41ir Iliilinnnlrr TnlU
llim tli Ciiiimi of lllulirr IMiioii
Miiii Wim Knoobiil Out In Dm He
lmir nt t lie Jrrlclm ronloinrr
Copyright 1P0O by C II LcvvIb J
LIrIi ltllllngn Aimer Joneo anil
Monos Plumber hov bin liohlln Jericho
Imck fur tin lnnt two yearn from hovln
n now hcIiooIIiouso Tho matter lina
como tip nltnoHt every ovonln nt tlio
poRtolUco mul lilt hotly argued lint
tlicy couldnt ho budged Tlio otlior
night n mighty Hinart lookln Ht ranger
wiih ntopplii In town nml It wns ar
ranged that lio drop In on tlio crowd
and take tlio kcIiooIIkmiho side ntid jwit
tlio tliroo obstructors on tliolr backs
Tlio Htrangcr wiih on hand at tho hour
ntuuoil and when tho proper inlnlt ar
rived Kqunr loslyn upeultH up and
Stranger If you was a resident of
thin town would you ho fur school
houscH or ngin out r
Id ho fur cm of course replies
tho man Id vote fur tho cause of
education If 1 had to llvo on one meal
n day It lu otlucatlou that makes a
nation Tho loss education tho more
vice and wIckoduosH
Thats Joht tho way 1 look at It
PiiyH the sutir I sny education be
fore everything else but wove got
men lu this town who differ with mo
You wouldnt think that loadln men of
a town would bo agln sclioolhoiiFos
would you
They must ho queer sort of men
Dont they wnnt their children to know
who discovered America
Thats a mighty strong pint mighty
strong says Deacon Spooner as ho
tunks his cane on the lloor and looks at
Abner Jones
1 reckon youre hlttln at me re
plies Abner after whlttlln away for a
moment and 1vo got a few words
to say Id like to ask this stranger
hero if he knows who discovered
Why certainly sir said tho man
lias It over done you any good lias
It over made any difference to you
whether It was Smith Green or
Hut it Is knowledge
Yes Its knowledge and thats a
strong pint whispers tho deacon
Yes Its sehoolhouso knowledge
says Abner but let mo ask you sun
thin What month In the year dyou
plant pumpkin seeds
rumpkin seeds Why what have
pumpkin seeds got to do with educa
Quite a little bit I reckon This
county Bhips null pumpkins every
year to mnko 3000000 10 cent pies 1
dont believe ten farmers kin tell you
when America was discovered but
they know when to plant pumpkins
Which is the best fur em I reckon
you kin tell what year George Wash
ington died lu which I cant but dyou
know wluir to fasten a rope when you
want to drive a hog to market
By Jingo but thats a strong pint
and Abners got him shouts the dea
con us he Jumps up and down
Tho stranger appeared to bo sort of
confused and taken down but tried to
git out of it by snyln they were
trillln with tho subject
Im ono ns Isnt opposed to schools
and education bays Moses number
but I dont want too many of em
Im sayln that everybody orter know
how to read write and cipher but
nowadays they want to stuff children
with a heup thats no good to any
But what man kin know too much
asks tho stranger But fur higher
knowledge how would we know that
the earth revolved on its nxis
But spose we didnt know Spose
we Jiggered that the earth stood still
Wouldnt we have licked tho British
at Yorktowu Jest the same nml
wouldnt the price of wheat be the
same as today I was talklu with
young Jim Benson tother day lie
could tell tho distance to tho sun with
lu a mile but he couldnt tell how
many rulls to u rod of fence He could
give the names of all tho stars but he
didnt know that cuttln a hogs tall off
would make him root the harder prob
ably hoplu to llud a new one He could
tell when every state come Into the
Union but he didnt know that a cow
kicked sideways instead of straight
By Jlugo Moses but thats oratory
unil a strong pint besides exclaims
the deacon In the face of them facts
I cant see how we are to git another
You have been 111 at some time or
other In your life queries the Btran
ger of Moses
I hev Three years ago I was down
with fever and everybody thought Id
But you were saved and how If
1 the doctor who was called In had elm-
tjhe Norfolk news Thursday june 7 inoo
ply known about fence rails hogs
talis and tho wny cows kick where
would you ho today lie had gone
beyond rendln wrltln and llgurln
It was his higher education that saved
your llfo
Thats a strong pint ngln you
Mosofl says tho deacon
Yen but I didnt cnll n doctor grins
Moses My old womnn pulled me
through with herb teas nnd good nurs
In nnd you nil know she cant Agger
tho vnluo of two dozen eggs
Then the pint Is on tho stranger
nnd Id like to see him dodge IL
The strnuger was Htubbln his toe
ngin stones In the road and didnt look
happy but ho braced up and sulci In
Let us tnko a case right hero nt
home Here Is a store it had to lie
designed by nn architect beforo the
carpenter could build it Mr number
kin read write and flgger but kin he
draw the plans fur a bulldln But
fur higher education no man could do
Yes It was a Hinnrt bit of work
acknowledged Moses but 1 had con
siderable to say to that architect lie
had never hoard that thunder would
turn sweet milk sour ho didnt know
cows had only tooth on ono Jaw he
didnt know how to stop a hen from
sottln a hog from rootln or a dog from
klllln sheep He even poked his linger
Into n wasps nest to see If tho critters
wns nt home Im not ngin schoos
but If they Is to tell our children that
tho earth revolves on Its axis wv
dont they also tell em that scrntchn
n hogs back with a corncob will help
to fatten him
Thats n pint Moses Its n pint
shouts tho deacon ns ho raps on a
barl Abner and Moses hov made
their pints ami now wed like to hear
from Llsh Billings
Ive got mighty little to say re
plies Llsh as he sits with his hack
humped up like a camel
But It cant be that an Intelligent
man like you Is opposed to education
protests the stranger
Thats iiccordln to what sort of edu
cation It Is
I refer to gonornl education You
look like n man of peace but perhaps
you have had trouble with a neighbor
some time
Yes I had trouble with Sum Wheel
er once
And you wont to law
To go to law you had a lawyer If
that man had only known enough to
read write and figure ho wouldnt
have bin a lawyer IIo hud to hov a
higher education to bo a lawyer Dont
you sec
I skiissly do says Llsh
But you had a lawyer and so did
Mr Wheeler There was u suit and
you got jesiico
Thats si pint fur tho stranger
Llsh shouts the deacon
Yes mol bo tis but lemmc toll him
how it turned out Sam shot up one of
my hogs with his and 1 proved it
but my lawyer lost the case nnd charg
ed mo 10 to boot The hog wasnt
wuth over a but Sam had to pay his
lawyer i12 and ho went home from
tho lawsuit to llud tho critter dead
Thats gineinl education Sam and me
lost ilill nnl a hog between us and
wits mad at each other fur ten years
and Im say In Ive had miff of It and
am agln nio e schoolhousos till death
Tho deacon jumped off tho lloor and
said it was a pint and a strong one
and the blranger got down off tho coun
ter and said he wasnt feelin extra well
nnd guessed hed git to bed early
M Quad
To Curo CoiiHtlpiitlon Iornver
TiUo Cisenrots Cindv Cathartic 10c or25o
If C C C full to curo tlriiKKists refund money
A MoiiHter Ileil IIhIi
Destroying its victim is a typo of
constipation Tho power of this mal
ady is felt on organs nerves muscles
and brain But Dr Kings New Life
Pills are a safe and certain cure Best
iu tho world for stomach liver kidneys
aud bowels Only 25c at Kiesau Drug
Cos drug store
Goshuk 111 Geuesso Pare Food Co
Lo Hoy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
sinco a package of your Graiu 0 prepar
ation was left at my olllce I took it
homo and gave it a trial and I have to
sny I was very much pleased with it aB a
suhstituto for coffee We have always
used tho best a and Mooha in our
family hut I am tree to say I like tho
Grain 0 well as tho best coffeo I ever
drank Kespectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
Tor u Summer Outing
The Rocky Mountain regions reached
via the Union Pacific provide lavishly
for the hoalthjof the invalid and the
pleasure of the tourist Amid these
rugged steeps are to be found some of
the most charming and restful spots on
earth Fairy Inkes nestled nmid sunuy
peaks aud olimnte thnt cheers aud ex
hilarates Tho summer excursion rates
put in effect by the Union Paciilo enable
you to reach theso favored localities
without unnecessary expenditure of
time or money
In effect June 21 July 7 to 10 inc
July 18 and August 2 Ono faro plus
2 00 for the round trip from Missouri
river to Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogdeu and Salt Lnko City
Return limit October 31st 1W0
For time tables and full information
call on F VY Jnueman Agent
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
Atk your druggiet
Dont Tobacco Spit and SiucLc 1 cur life Ana
To Quit tobacco easily and foreTer bo mag
ettc lull of life nerve aud vigor talte Ko To
ac tie wonder worker tuiinialies wcaltmei
trocg All druggists tOc or II Cureguarac
ecu Booklet and sample free Addrest
Sterling Itemed Co Chlcaco r New York
North iretmi lironylit Stilt Claiming AU
trillion -Corn n Simile lnnrer
tliir Afio limn 1 Win nt wm actlvo today
and otioiiK bccnitMi of anxiety ott tho north
weM crop fdtuntion nntl n reduction In tht
Ohio crop IIkuu 9 July rinsing KtfUfc ovtt
ytftrrdny Corn cloned Jtu lower nnd oatH n
hndo lilulicr Provisions thrived under a
good outHldu demand nnd clixod strong a
iliaiiii to 12HlIc Improved Cloning prlcon
Wheat lulv onatrifeiio
Conn July IteHo
OATB July cltCt21f
Point July IIU7 Brpt tUMittllMH
Kius Jnly taWMVili Sept tO70
LAItli July I a77 cJcpt
Cftuhtjuotfltlorwi No 2 red wheat 70S71Xc
No 2 Kprlng wheat C0JlW7o No i cash
corn tWJiltOc No 2 rnh out Itto
Ciilrngo Live Stock
CrtlOAUO June 0 200C
leers tftdUo lower Rtondy active prime
tK IHVitX fJI 1 n is
selected feeders 440iOu mixed stochcrs
U7626 cows 18 UU4 Whelfer 13 2547i
cannen 2 2tBU bulls U80442S cnlvs
t5XXJ0b5 lIogH Heceipta IMOUO tomorrow
D20U0 estimated left over 4600 generally
2K to Ac lower top J02U mixed and butch
ors l4l5iJ5H good to choice heavy 1511X4
o 20 rough heavy 4 Ki5 05 light 14 55c515
bulk of Kale 51lr16 Bheep ltecelptB
15000 Hheep nnd lambs steady to weak ex
ccpt for best choice wethers J5UO5M fair
to mixed I42oft510 western shoep1475fi
540 j natlvu lambs 15i0fWC yearlings 1600
000 western lambs shorn 1000060
Knnsni City Ilvn Htsok
Kansas City June n
600 slow to 10a lower liberal supply native
Bteers I70C44 atockuni nnd feoders 1378
05 00 butch era cows nnd heifers 1112554 85
ranners 12 7WA3 25 fed westerns 14 Bi4e5
Tcxans 14 054 65 Hogi UooeipU 21400
2yJ lower heavy 4e5fltt02 mixed 1487
1PJ light 48504O24 pigs U 804 83
Sheep Kucelpti 450 moderate supply firm
spring lamlw 13 757U5 olipptd yearlings
15556 0S clipped muttons 14 050500 feed
era 1851XB460 culls 18 00360
South Umnhn Llvi Stock
South Omaha Juno 0 Cattle Ileootpts
9800 slow steady to 610o lower than yes
terday native beof steers 144036116 cows
and Imlforn 1U7UO470 ennners 12i58f0
stockers and feeders I3 00510 calves 18 00
64700 bulls stags etc 1 00O4 110 Hogs
Ileculpts 10000 uliade higher heavy J402a
605 mixed 14 Ktf4U3 light 14 5J4 05 pigs
11504I0 bulk of sales 14O0ffl4D5 Sheep
-Receipts 1200 slow steady yearlings
0iAWr3wi weinors 4 6U5I0 stock slieup
14 25400 lambs 1525O710
Yesterdnji Hunelmll Iteaults
Omnhit 6 Dos Molnas 11
Sioux City 1 Pueblo a
Denver Bt Joseph
Ilostun 0 St Louis 12
Chicago 3 Brooklyn 8 iulV
New York 6 Cincinnati 11 J
Minneapolis OIndianapolis 5 -
Milwaukee 3 Detroit 0
Kansas City 8 Buffalo 0
Pittsburg t Philadelphia a
Gainos Today
Western League Dunvornt Omaha Puoblo
nt Des Moines St Joseph at Sioux City
Natlonnl League Pittsburg at Brooklyn
Chicago at Boston Cincinnntl nt Philadelphia
St Louis nt Now York
American Lengun Cleveland nt Chicago
Buffalo nt Kansas City Indinnnpolis nt Min
neapolis Detroit at Milwaukoo
Mon can bo cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness nnd dis
Base Write for now free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion freo from blotches blemishes
nnd blackheads should uso Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
The News oo aepartmeut is com
plete in overy particular
lluiiisiiuiis iiro liylu It
In orler to jirovo tio grt nt mort or
Ely s Ci n Bihn tho mo t illectio cure
for Ciliuiii am LoM m Hold wo ha o 10
yarod n gurois tral na fir 10 cr s
Get it of vjur diirj tcrnoidlOie ts to
ELY HlOr Niureii hi i C uy
I snTcrcil fiom cttvih of i o t Ln
ever smto n liny u id i noLr h ipid fi i
iiiro but Elyn renin Bnlut seeniG to d
ten thnt Muty rciiutiintincts hevo uso i
it with excel out result bcr Ostruui
it SVurren Ao Chicnyd 111
Llys Cream I5al n is tho ncknowlodgod
cure for citanh and contnius no eoeiiin
uicroury nor nnv injurions drug Price
CO cents At drue Ms or bv mniL
Biliousness is caused by a lazy liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
inakeB you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes yon well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Millions OHen Attny
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to kuow of one concern which is not
afraid to le generous Tho proprietors
of Dr Kings New Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds have given
away over ten million trial bottles nnd
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma bronohitis la grippe and all
throat chest and lung diseases are
surely cured by it Call on Kiesau
Drug company and get n free trinl
bottle Regular size 50c and 100
Every bottlo guaranteed
How Arc Your Kidneys f
in uuuus apiragus run cure an money Ills nam
ilefroe Add btcrlluu UuwidyCoCtVcairoor N Y
A Ilfound Death Fight
Mr W A Hines of Manchester la
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from death says Exposure after
measles induced serious lung trouble
which ended in consumption I had
frequent hemorrhages and coughed
uight and dny All my doctors said I
must soon die Then I began to uso
Dr Kings New Discovery which wholly
cured mo Hundreds havo used it on
my advice and all say it never falls to
curo throat chest and lung troubles
Regular size 50c and 100 Trinl
bottles free nt the Kiesau Drug Cob
drug store
Agents wanted for the best typewriter
on tho market the Pittsburg Visible
writing in sight at all times exclusive
territory given Address Bindley Hard
ware company Pittsburg Pa
A Wealth or Ileauty
Is often hidden by unsightly pimples
czema tetter erysipelas salt rheum
ito Bucklens Arnica Salve will glorify
rhe face by curing all skin eruptions
ilko cuts bruises barns boils felons
alcers aud worst forms of piles Only
Sets a box Cure guaranteed Sold
by Kiesau Drug Co
That 19 about the ipildctt form of outcry n mnn makes
when rheumntism suddenly twealc him In its worst
forms rheumatism is n living dentil The victim in
capable of moving linnd or foot hns uopart in the great
procession oflife on which he tmzeswith boneless eve
It is terrible for the man who lins been the brend win
ner strong active energetic to suddenly find himself
helpless ns n bnbe and dependent on the kindness of
others for nlmost every necessary of life
There is no need to urge the rheumatic to seek n cure
He linn probably grown discouraged in lue search hav
ing tried many medicines without relief Yet there is
hope and help for every rheumatic who will use the
medicine which has cured so many who were iu a like
case Thnt medicine Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis
covery lias cured a great ninny
sufferers who were without hope
and for whom physicians had said
there wan no help A medicine
which will cleanse the blood from
uric acid and other poisons will
cure rheumatism Golden Med
ical Discovery has no equnl in
its power tocfinnse the blood nnd
to enrich it It absolutely elimi
nates from the blood the ixiisons
which cause the disease and by increasing the activity
of the blood making glands it increases the supply of
pure blood upon which physical hiilth and strength
Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol nor
opium cocaine or any other narcotic
If your dealer says he hns something just ns good
ns Golden Medical Discovery why not tell him that
the remedy which cures rheumatism is good enough
for you
I had been troubled with rheumntism for twelve yenrs writes
Mr R I McKnlght of Cadis Williamsburg Co S C o bad at
times 1 could not lease my bed I wns badly cripplid Tried
many doctors nntl two of them tave mc up to die None of Hum
did me much cood The pnlns in my buck hit s and legs and nt
times lu my fiend would nearly kill me Mv appetite wn very
bad Kxerybody who saw mc said 1 must die 1 took fue Kittles of
Golden Medical Dlscoverv and four vials cf Pellets mid to day
my health is good after tuuiriiiK twelve yiats with rhriimntisin
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels and
so preserve the balance of health They do not become
a necessity to the user as they cure disordered conditions
of the bowels and are not thereafter required
trastus A Benson x
President of tho Omaha Real Estate Ex- S
nlinH a ntlAmAAl 1 Si t
vuunju iniu ono ui mo leauers in real es
tate circles in Nebraska writes I tried
Dr Kays Lung Balm
for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr
W L Solby and the result was remark
able The effect was so quick I would not
have trusted my senses had not Mr Selbys
experience been the same
Shun substitutes Rcmcdios Just As Good as Dr
Kays Lung Balm nro not madoor sold any
where If notnt dnwlsts we will send it post
paid on receipt of price Dr Kays Lunp Balm 10
2Jcts Free Medical Advice Sample nnd Book for
tVirt nalrlnrr
6Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Yrt
Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative
organs of either sex such ns Nervous Prostration Failing or Lost Mnnhood
Impotency Nightly Emissions Youthful 1 rrors Mental Worry excesslvo uso
of Touacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With every
H5 order wo Ruarnntuc to euro or refund tho money Sold nt 100 per bos
C boxes for 500 I JUOTTS caiKTIICAI CO Cleveland Okie
A Dictionary of ENGLISH
Biography Geography Fiction etc
What better investment could be made than in n copy of tho
International V This royal quarto volume is a vast storehouse of
valuable information arranged in a convenient form for hand eye
and mind If is nioro widely used as standard authority than any
other dictionary in tho world It should bo in every household
Also Websters Collegiate Dictionary with a Scottish
t Glossary etc First class m quality eccond class in size
Daily News Job Department
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Chicago Express 1240pm
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Verdicro Accommodation S00nm
webt Aiinivu
Black Hills Express 12 20 pm
Verditfre Passcnser oG5nm
Vertiigro Accommodation 720pm
Tho Chicago and Black Hills ExpreeB arrives
and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha
Hnd Verdigre trams arrive and depart from city
depot U U Matbac Agent
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation B30pm
Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 11 00 a m
Columbus Ace lumodation 1030 pm
Omaha enver and Iacitlc coast SKXlpm
Connects at Norfolk with F E A M V oing
west und north ami with the C Bt P M A O
for points north aud east
F W Jcnsman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Pntfentter 6 30 am
Sioux UtyPaseeuger lKtipm
Slonx City Passenger lOAIam
Biocx City and Omahrt Passonser 730 pin
Connects at Norfolk with F EA1I going
west and north and with the U P for points
sooth K W Jinevan Agent
Dal except Sunday
Spenoett fit Ovelmon
Boots and roes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
All Wobk Guaranteed
Cor 4th Bt and Ilraascb A