The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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O S Hnyes went to Tildeu hut ulght
OH busiues
Q T Sprechor has gone to Heldou on
tolophoue business
Miss Temple has gone to Wayuo to
visit friends i few days
Benj McKeen of the Winsldo Tribune
wan n city visitor today
Editor H D Scott was in tho city
yesterday from Battle Creek
Mr and Mrs II N Way and daughter
of Stanton were in tho city today
Meedames Ilntton nnd Sargeant of
Pierce wero city visitors yesterday
Dr 11 L Scoggin is removing his
dental otlico from the Cotton block
M D Tylor Aug Karo and Dr A 1
Johnson drove to Stanton this morning
Miss Delia Howard is sick with ty
phoid fever at her home on Madison
Q A Lniknrt has purchased W H
Johubons fine black horso and rubber
tired road wagon
Miss V Mason departed today over
the Union Pacific to spend her vacation
in Youngstown Ohio
Mrs A Johnson of South Norfolk
leaves the first of the week for Chicago
to be absent two weeks
Manager W II Baird of tho sugar
factory waB a passenger for Omaha
thiB morning on business
George Heller and Charles Rico have
gone to West Point to attend a conven
tion of retail liqaor dealers
Clyde Hayes will entertain the mem
bers of the Senior class at his homo on
North Tenth street this evening
A number of base ball enthusiasts
from Creightou were here this morning
endeavoring to arrange for a game
The house sf T B Kail on West
Norfolk avenue occupied by the family
of J T Thompson is being newly
Dr H L Scoggiu and daughter
Hazel were Battle Creek visitors yester
day and tho doctor made a trip into
Pierce county today
Mr and Mrs Peter Lyman of Eagle
Grove Iowa are visiting H Kyel and
family of South Norfolk while on their
way to the Black Hills
W C Davenport and family came
over from Sioux City thiB morning
called by the distressing news of his
f ithers sudden death
The exterior of the First Cougrega
iioual church is being treated to a fresh
coat of paint an improvement which it
has needed for some time
Mr and Mrs Bniliugtou who have
been visiting at the home of II P Free
land lefttoday for Jackson Mr Buf
fington and Mrs Freeland are brother
and sister
Now that commencement is over the
Norfolk youth is anxiously anticipating
the first circus and hopes it will not be
more insignificant tliau Barnums Sells
or Forepaughs
The first ball gamo of the season in
Norfolk will be played at the grounds
on South Second street next Thursday
The teams to line up will be those of
this city andPierce
Dr Sadie Hart Miller and son who
have been visiting husband and father
here a few days departed last evening
for Hot Springs S D where the lady
will practice osteopathy
Walter Martin formerly lightning
manipulator and F II McNames both
of Kansas City are in Norfolk today on
their way to Ohadron where they will
be employed by the F E M V com
Mrs Noyesmother of Mrs A H Viele
ofSoath Norfolk died yesterdaymoming
at the home of the latter Funeral
services were held this afternoon at 8
oclock at the house Rev JelTeries offi
ciating The remains will be taken to
Blair tomorrow morning for interment
Robbers and sneak thieves are getting
in their woik to a considerable extent in
Norfolk Last Saturday one of the
stores was relieved of two pairs of pants
and a residence was robbed of some
cash Another residence was entered
some nightB ago and a sum of money
Winside Tribune There was a child
born to Mr and Mrs Louis Nelson yes
terday moruiug The ohild being born
was not Btmnge but the fact that its
liver and intestines are on the outside of
its abdomen in a thin membrane is
rather strange It may be the only ca6e
on recordOf the same occurrence The
child is still alive and apparently as
healthy as any ohild Dr Muirhead the
attending physician is talking about
having them placed in the proper cavity
by a surgical operation
The Alba Heywood company was
greeted by a good house last eveniug at
the Auditorium and the entertainment
was one that greatly pleased all present
Alba Heywood is the same delightful
entertainer that he was when here be
fore while the other members of his
company did well what they undertook
One number which was not down on the
program was a song by Miss Jessie Mon
roe sister of the violinist of tho com
pany who lias just closed tho season
with a large opera compauy and who
stopped to visit her sister on her way to
Chicago Miss Monroe sings beauti
fully and her audience was so captiv
ated that 6he was twice obliged to re
spond to on encore
George Davenport Dcs With
Slight Warning
War Apparently Quite Well VeMenlny
With Hut Two Light AttncUn ln tlio
KveiiltiR Hit Wim no More- HUUiry of
Ilto nuil lninlly tit the DecriiM il
Irom TticMlnr Drills
People of Norfolk were greatly startled
last evening to learn of tho sudden death
of Georgo Davonport sr which oc
curred at his homo on North Ninth
street about 8 oclock of neuralgia of
tho heart Tho snrpriso and shock wore
keener because of thojfact that ho had
been about town during tho day and
nono realized that he was so closo to
deaths door The blow to his family
by whom ho was deeply loved must
havo been keen indeed
Whilo Mr Davenport was around
town nearly all day and suffered two
mild attacks of heart trouble one in tho
morning and another after dinner
nothing serious was apprehended until
about 5 oclock when whilo in the fur
nituro store of W R llolluian ho was
stricken with a sovero pain in the heart
and it was found necessary to take him
homo in a hack
Dr Bear was summoned at onco and
administered the most effective medicine
he had with him got him to bed and
made him as comfortable as possible
and thou went down town to nicnre a
more potent remedy but whilo ho waB
absent Mr Davenport passed away but
a few members of his immediato family
boiug present owing to tho suddencss of
the attack He retained consciousness
to tho last and up to within a few mo
ments of tho end no ono present appre
hended that ho was on his death bed
Mr Davenport was highly respected
as a citizen during his long residence in
Norfolk having mado few if any
enemies while his friends and admirers
wore numbered by the score including
the young as well as tho old
To these old friends and neighbors
his death is received with scarcely less
sorrow than that of tho immediate
family to whom he was a kind and
loving father and husband with their
welfare ever in view and their interests
always at heart
George Davenport was born in Monroe
county Ohio June JO 1 8i and grow
up to manhood in that state whero he
resided until coming west 18 years ago
On September 1 1S58 Mr Davenport
and Miss Mary E Reckard were joined
in tho bonds of holy wedlock Tho wife
still survives being now 01 years of ago
Her mother now well along in years
also survives making her home at the
family residence
As the result of this union 12 children
were born 10 of whom still live the
other two being buried at Marietta O
when yet infants
When the war broke out George
Davenport patriotically responded to
his countrys call entering the service
as lieutenant of Company H First Ohio
light artillery He was afterwards
advanced to the captaincy of his com
pany and served during three years of
tho civil conflict
After tho war was finished Mr Dav
enport located at Salem Ohio where he
engaged in business During his resi
dence at Salem he was elected Bheriif of
Washington county which office he
held four years
At the conclusion of his term of office
he engaged in a retail business at New
Matimoras Ohio Whilo residing at
this town he was employed as traveling
salesman by tho grocery firm of C
Shangbnrg of Sioux City Iowa and
with his family removed to that city in
1882 In the spring of 188 he moved
his family to Norfolk going on a farm
nine miles north of tho city where they
lived for five years and then removed to
tho city where they havo sinco made
their home He continued to travel for
his wholesale house for a number of
years after moving to Norfolk and only
quit when ho found hiB strength inade
quate to tho duties imposed by his posi
He engaged in the livery business
here a number of years ago and con
tinued in that work until this spring
when he sold out to John Krantz
Since his residence in Norfolk he
served one term as councilman from the
Third ward This spring ho was ap
pointed water commissioner by Mayor
Robertson but his appointment to the
position had not been confirmed by the
council at the time of his death
Whilo not an active churchman the
deceased has for years been a trustee of
the M E church He was also a mem
ber of the Masonic fraternity having
been initiated in Ohio lodge No 1 A F
and A M He transferred his member
ship to the Norfolk lp lge some time
after his removal to this city He was
likewise a member of the Grand Army
of the Republic
Of his children William O is the old
est his home being in Sioux City Iowa
where he has served for Bix years as
sheriff of Woodbury couuty
Frauk E is a resident of this city be
iug engaged in tho boot and shoe bust
Mrs George A Latimer lives at
Spokane Wash where Mr Latimer is
engaged in the practice of his profession
Mrs ThoB E Odiorne is a resident of
this city her husbnnd being engaged in
the real estate business and it Mi retnry
of tho Elkhorn Building and Ixiau
John A Ik at present employed as
portnit clerk in tho military governors
iii at Wallaco Idaho
Georgo also a resident of Norfolk
and is ongaged Willi Frank in the boot
and shoe business
Elizabeth is at present visiting in
Stockton Cal but is expected hoinethi
Martho Carl and Frances live in
Norfolk making tlmir home at the
family residence on North Ninth street
All tho children but Frances were
born in Ohio she being born in Sioux
Eleven grandchildren live to mourn
the death of Mr Davciiort
Funeral services will bo held from the
house at 2 K1 oclock Thursday after
noon and interment will take place in
Prospect Hill cemetery Rev 1 11
Main pastor of tho M E church
officiating Tho Masons and A R
post will probably attend and partici
pate in tho ceremonies
IroreMllnH o the llimril nf lMiuidlon
Iiiit Itcnlne
Regular meeting of tho board of edu
cation held on Juno -I HKH
Presont Luikart Dean Brnepgeninn
Salter Aid and Matrau
Meeting was called to order by Presi
dent Luikart Minutes of last regular
and special meeting wiih read and ap
Change in tho assignment of teachers
was made changing Miss Watson from
tho 1th to tho fith grade and Miss Mul
lin from tho fith to tho th grado in tho
Grant school and Miss RcBsio Kidder
from tho Lincoln school to tho First
Preliminary in tho Grant school mndo
vacant by tho resignation of MiBs
Treasurers report showing balanco
on hand in the general fund of r501
with unpaid outstanding warrants
amounting to 1JJGS55 waB read and
ordered filed
Superintendent OConnor reported
non resident tuition collected 87 with
if 12 CO still due
Letter from State Superintendent
Jackson was read requesting the uso of
tho High school room for state examina
tion of teachers on Juno llth and loth
and request was granted
Tho following bills wero orders
Otto Buckel supplies -10 cents
J C Stitt lettering diplomas iA0
Norfolk Printing company bupplies
W N Huse printing and supplies
L L Rembc plumbing repairs 170
Albert Degner supplies 110
W II Rish plumbing repairs fin
G W Reckard sharpening lawn
mower 50 cents
Monthly pay roll 1510 -15
Mr OConnor reported receipts from
sale of tickets to commencement exer
cises on May iilst amounting to 57 and
expenses paid for lecturer 80 and for
opera house 25
The committee on buildings grounds
and supplies was instructed to have all
necessary repairs made to tho heating
plants at the Grant and Washington
Under suspension of the rules Miss E
Ville Mason was elected supply teacher
and her salnry fixed at 250 per day
whilo actually employed while relieving
other teachers
The board adjourned to meet on June
18 H C Matiiau Secretary
Not This Year
It is being reported around among the
pops that Senator Allen by astute strat
egy got the Norfolk government build
ing appropriation put on as an amend
ment to the general appropriation bill
the other day
But that is an easy trick The
courtesy of the senate iB such that
any little old appropriation no matter of
whatever nature is always stuck on to
tho house bill at the request of any sen
That is the reason why all appropria
tion bills are doubled in the aggregate
ti the senato when they are sent up
om tho house The coutesy enables
every spnutor to make a record for him
self to read to his constituents The
senato doeBnt consider itself at all re
sponsible in money matters oud would
apparently spend twice our iucomo
every session if the houhe would only let
it But the house doesnt It just says
uon concur and that ends the heart
The house long ago gave it out
straight from the shoulder that in view
of the extraordinary expenses of the
government this year no appropria
tions should be made either for the im
provement of rivers aud harborB or for
public buildings except where it is nec
essary to finish a job to avoid loss And
Norfolk will have to wait with the
others until Uncle Sam has loose change
to spare for luxuries State Journal
Tho kicking democratB of Douglas
county who do not want Walter Moise
to pose as the whole executive cheese
havo issued a call for an independent
county convention With democrats
split populists split and free silver re
publicans not large enough to be
counted it looks as though fuBiou had
Been its best days
Mis Go Dudley jr is on tho Melt
M H Singer went to Lincoln yester
E Heath was a city visitor jesterday
from Foster
A Davis was a city visitor yesterday
from Klldeer
Mim Lena Storey is a city visitor
from Madison
Mrs 1 L Daniel went to Winner to
day to visit friends
Geo 1 ButteiMeld canio in this morn
ing from Creightou
PD Corrcll was a city visitor yester
day from Plaiuviow
Ftatik Limb of Canistota S D was
in the city yesterday
Father Verniuelon returned laM
evening from Wisnur
Frank Fuller was a Norfoht Msltor
ycsteiday from Wayne
W M Pohlinan wasin Norfolk yester
day from Meadow trove
Leonard Shipley of Randolph was a
visitor in Norfolk yesterday
Mrs E F Coder was a city isitor
yesterday lioni Meadow Grove
Mrs Bowser arrived from Omaha
last evening to visit Norfolk friends
Jus Henderson arrived fiimi Clear
water last night and went to Omaha
this morning
E Burnhani eamo down from
Tilden yesterday and wont to Omaha
this morning
Mrs O 15 Walker of South Norfolk
will go to Sioux City Friday for a visit
of several days
J Chauncey Childs returned from the
state university last evening for his
summer vacation
Richard Requa returned last evening
from West Point whero he haB been on
telephone business
The Dexter cold storago is doing a
ruBhing business in eggs This morning
they received 100 cases of tho fruit
Mrs Fred Hollingswortli will leave
tomorrow for a two weeks visit with
friends in Fremont and Missouri Valley
Editor Albert McFarhvnd of the Lynch
Journal was in the city today visiting
his brother and other Norfolk acquaint
Mrs J J Williams of Wayne and
her mother Mrs Geo Pickering of
Iowa City Iowa aro visiting Norfolk
Rev C Jahn of Bazilo Mills came
down this morning and in company
with Rev J P Mueller went down to
The grading of Ninth street by the
city has been completed and tho ma
chine was set to work today on Eighth
The time is rapidly approaching when
tho man with tho scythe will bo en
titled to tho praise of all progressive
One of tho coal heavers at tho Junc
tion fell into tho turn table pit last
week and was laid up a few days by tho
injuries received
Paul Stanton got his fingers in between
some of tho rollers at tho steam laundry
this morning aud had tho end of one of
them mite severely pinched
Father S It Brockbank O P who
has been conducting a mission for the
past week in the church of tho Sacred
Heart has gone to Denver Col
Mrs 06born left on tho noon train for
Lincoln to attend the commencement
exercises of the graduating class of the
state university of which her son is a
Washington dispatches today an
nounce that the appropriation for the
public building at Norfolk recently
offered by Senator Allen has been de
feated in conference
Ex Governor Jockfion of Iowa pres
ident of the Royal Mutual Life insurance
company of Des Moines and A L Wig
ton of Omaha vice president of the
same company are in tho city on busi
ness connected with tho Auditorium
Mrs Anna B Crawford of Lincoln
president of tho I O O F Rebekah
Assembly of Nebraska is tho guest of
the Relekah Odd Fellows of Norfolk
and will meet with tho lodge this even
The heat this afternoon has been very
oppressive the mercury approaching
near the 100 degree mark The barom
eter is also low nnd a storm is antici
psted by many in spito of the forecast
Owing to tho funeral of tho late
George Davenport tho meeting of tho
ladies society of the First Congregational
church has been postponed until Friduy
afternoon at 2 oclock and will bo held
at the home of the Durland sibters
J W Gibson received a telegram to
day from NaBhua N H stating tha
his father was just alive He replied
and if there is nuy hope of seeing hiB
father alive he will depart on the first
traiu He hopes to hear from his home
again this evening
The first gamo of tho season on the
Norfolk base ball grounds will be called
tomorrow afternoon at 4 U0 and will be
between the Norfolk and Pierco teams
Mayor Robertson will open the gamo by
pitching the first boll that is tho game
will open if he dont kill tho batter
Admission to tho gronndB will be 15
cento Grand stand privileges 25 cents
K fl
siOOK yourself squarely in the face and sec
if you arc not hall ashamed to be without
Ivory Soap in your house Worse than this
your wife is without it It is bad enough
for a man though a man often doesnt care how
his comfort is mis spcllcd But a woman misses all
these little helps to housekeeping And Ivory Soap
is one its great potency makes it actually cheaper
than yellow soap for general work It floats
lirMIH1 1 HI I MOM IN UMil 111 Mtthltt
A gamo between Creightou and Not folk
has been arranged for the 21st on tho
occasion of tho liioimmH list annual
Next Sunday is Floral day for the A
O U W and all Workmen and mem
bers of the Degree of Honor aie urged
to participate in the ceremonies In tho
forenoon tho lodges will attend divine
service at tho Baptist church and in
the afternoon the regular Floral day
service will bo held at tho cemetery
Bills aro out announcing tho North
east Nebraska A It reunion to be
held at Pierce July K 1112 and ii
Among tho speakers announced are
Governor Poynter General Barry Con
gressman Robinson Senator Allen
Hon W F Gailey Col Simpson and
Col Wesley Tucker There will be
ball games and other amusements daily
and camp fires every night The com
mittee announces good music and
plenty of shade Tents fuel hay and
straw will bo furnished free No
gambling schemes will he allowed but
persons desiring to operate merry-go-rounds
dance hall eating hall refiesli
incut stands cano racks etc are le
quested to send bids to Secretary W I
Powers bids to bo opened June 2nh
the committee reserving tho right to
reject any or all bids
Will ii I III-
Mr and Mrs Melvin Horner are tl o
happy parents of a daughter
Mrs Mary Keneison went to Elgin
Monday to nurt e a sick woman
Mr Workmaster went to South
Omaha Monday with a carload of fat
Mr and Mrs Pete Barnes of Madison
visited theii daughter Mrs Fred Udell
Al Cropper and John Lariver will
give a dance in the hall Friday evening
June 8th
Mr and MrB J J Clements of Nor
folk were the guests of Fred Odell and
fumily last Sunday
Frank Pettitt shipped in a carload of
tiling last week and hauled it out to his
farm north of town
Prof Funk of Battle Creek shipped
his household goods to Fullerton Tues
day where he will make his future
Mr and Mrs J L Pittinnn gave a
party Thursday for their daughter
Clara on her 1 lth birthday Miss Clara
was the recipient of several presents
Krai Kmiilit 1 miititr
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by E G Heilman man
ager of the Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
Cora E Harvey und husband to
Alex Saudberg lot 11 block 21
It It additiou to Newman
Grove wd 05 00
August Moldenhauer and wife
to Carl F Winter that part
ofthosw of nwJ 4 10-2-1-1
lying o of center of North
Fork of the Elkhorn river wd 100 00
Carl F Winter and wife to W
A Moldenhauer that part of
seJ 4 of nwJ 4 10-21-1 lying w
of center of North Fork of
the Elkhorn river wd 05 00
Paul A Karo and wife to E N
Locke lot 20 block 4 Norfolk
Junction wd -100 00
AugnEt Litkeaud wife to Geo
H Litke and Norah B
Litke nw 4 20-22-1 wd LOCK 00
Evangieleaue Dodge to Deua
Carter lot 0 block 7 Edge
water park addition to Nor
fnlk vi 76 K
I Pioneer Town Site Co to Cora
E Harvey 8 int in part of
out lot 0 of subdivision en-
llllril blot Its it In1 1 iiiehiNivii
It II add to Newman itovo
lesciibed by metesand hounds
wd I2 fit
Carl J Erieksou to Sophia Er
iclcsoii hj of se1 1 III 22 I ex
cept a paicl in hw corner
deeded to the cliim h of God
Hiibj to a mtg orii vd lf00 00
John A ISlomqiiist and wife to
John Hloiiiquist lots and 10
blk 17 It R add to New
man Grove wd 00 00
Josio S Tyrrel and husband to
MrH Alice Mite R od bhuk
20 F W Raines 2 add to
Mudison iiIki beginning at
the ne corner ol mill Itlcx k
thence south Ml rods thenco
e Mi rds thence n Mi ids
thence w Hi rds v d 2 KM 00
lio itiltst SlM flillh of lii Time ilert
Km 11 In IVrhiinul Athiiliiiii
p WitH ilorinrt liiv it ri rlaln nuiiili r
Doctor- if tin It ri iiii Iii h wliu li On um mi
lEnthaways U ik m wlm li mat ml i imilir
- lliiH in iimI lir llilli imih iiuIIimJ
mclllOtl j riMiuitli limiiMiiiiiKiiifullv
jfe B
I llllil 111 l I
HIHltllll lliiill ilwtilci in
lllnii I iiiiinniil Unix
ciiTyrii i Mlrtiie i
iiiiy mii in mi ini taru ju
m inlMtiri il nlii li urn
Hilly pnimriiJ iuhIit
lir lliuliiiu iih iktiiiiuI
MlliTltniill fiirrnrll
NllLlMlplHII M tllilllll tltl
liipirti il irilli fiiHjtiiilm
mini iniiiini r niiviiiiiut
ly no tw pniiii hlmiilil Lii
Iriiilil In tho Hum wiiy
dvi ii for hiiiii i i milium l
lr lliitliuuiiy ihii
l t HI till ll Ht Ml lfHIlf tint
mini Ini ticiitH fucnil
in u limmifr of
llllllHOWIl 11 MHtl lll t tlKll1l nut UirH fllfll WllllO III
w rnEn rolliKii mill lioiltul practiiMj mill Im
Every uaso riniiiliitiiliiiliinicluiioiicoii tdmiy
Sucolallv ilurlnic tint twunty ji nrn unci
twimty jiiirn of tint iiiiiKt
TroatCa riictlcn wiojimI liy imy Hifliill l In
tlilHroiintry Ur Ilntliuvriin un it nrnl uniform mc
i Im In iliin u tliiH liiiltvliliiul Kyttciii of triiitmvnt
Ewnlialun a Pli liiiiiilrtMlit of riiiintn
juiuiitu yiiirlyfromiliK tiirnliiull inrtHof tint
Treatment wnrlif hhIiiiiu for Urn tirlriliitit of
itwlMlT tOHllOW IIOIlll IxiHllllI lllirHIlf till kllOHlt llKU
if IiIh roliifillH iih hit ihUkihiiII iimirn of tliiimlti
cliltif nlilcli muy Ixi Iiinii liy tint unskillful uw of any
Blood and bKln Dr lttliiwiiy4triitiiiititfor
nlulKIII IIiMkI lllhtUIMri In wliutut it cUiux
uisoumua curcHiill foriiinof ulcer Kort H
hlotclKH iinrl rtciiml not only rurtoriH tint ekln
unit wiiIp to tlmlr iiHturnl coinlltloii Imtmj purine
UiivMimhI lljlilUiit iIImxikii In iiuriiuuiiiitly utiil rum
if ly ilrlvnn nun tint nntiu muliill tins nlUiout
niliuliilfUirlim iiolhonoiiK or iIiiiikitihh ilnu n
ii j IIIb tn iitmiiit nf Varlcocclo
Varicocele and ariiliitrlcturnHami tlioil iclu
Strioture fiwlyliw nnrnnml UiMpercnt
tif nil mmi recultt in a perfisrt
imd ptirninnDnt cant Jto oiraiiiiil niulriil ami
no imIii or Inconvenlnncn urn pxixrlunccil liy tne
tiatliiiit I lie nipiiiMi of Huh treatment In much It
iliunUiat of any opt ration or Iio hUI or instltutu
treatment mill l IhiUi wife anil mre re tnrlriL lliu
ortrmiH to u condition of jmrfect normal IiimIIIi
iiju 1riluthuwitjrliuH jiiKt now
Kidney Ututtloii lilanlc for tho Mi wlmuavH
DUoamot ffSTS1 FA Kiiw trouMn ami
tulHhlank In Hill Klaillyn n frt o ti
everyone wuo Minds lilm IiIh nnimi iiml mlilrnm
Mom Rnnls Tlie dmiianil for Or IUUihu iih new
NOW HOOK book MutillniiKH Vicor lie iltli liii
FREE MXhltiutUl i Mrt edition tit
1UUMM hut for u llmltitii limit a cony of
UiIh Imok will be writ free to unyoniiHlio neniln Ills
Itailnn ltlllllil addreHM to IJr Illtlliway
onsultatlon pr llaUmnay make no ctiarBB
FREE ffircofinulutlnn ami adrlcout either
bin nlHco or by mall
Dr Hutliuvfiiy Co
ttConuiierrlul Ulork Sioux City low
Is that trarrtcJ t the
On at Centrrl Southern Trunk Line
in Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mis
sissippi Florida where there are splen
did chances for every Lody to mako
Come aud fceo for yourselves
Half Fakk Excihmons Fihst and
Printed mutter maps and all informa
tion freo Address
General Immigration and Industrie
Agent LiOUiSYlLLE t