The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 07, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Miss Key will leavo next week for
MUs Ritclulor left for Wnyno on tlio
noon train
Miss Hodgeson was a city vIMtor yes
Umluy from Winside
Mrs 1 P Kncsel of Battle Crick was
in Norfolk yesterday
M t H Prances Jnnda wan a pommger
for 1lattMiiouth today
Mim Grace Spear has jjoiip to Colnni
hns to visit over Sunday
Miss Ret so will go to Illpiicoo Iowa
mut wefk for lur vacation
Mr and Mrs V 11 Eden or Verdigro
wore in tlui city yt Met day
Mrs Roi o Hughes was a city visitor
yrstcrdny from Bnttlo Creek
Miss Charlotte Abbott of Pilfer 1h
visiting Miss Clara Uruoggemnii
Miss Lucy WillianiH left on the noon
train for Oiiiiihn to visit relatives nud
Miss Wood will go to Valrmraisolnd
nit Wednesday and attend summer
1 Mrs J II Oxnnm attended tho grad
uating exereiees at Columbus returning
last evening
Mrs 0 Hibben and eliildren liave
gone on a visit to relatives and friends
in Ohio ami Indiana
Mrs Alvln Pratt and Mrs Burr Tuft
will go to Boston on tho Christian
Scientists excursion
W P Williams is enjoying a visit
from his mother who arrived last even
ing from Euchiire Wis
Miss Ora Cmm and Mr Inng of tho
hospital have rouu to Madison to attend
tho RraduatiiiR exorcises
Mr and Mrs 13 A Bullock drovo to
to Rattle Creek mid back yesterday and
report tho cropH very tine enroute
W 13 Alexander and family left on
tho noon train for Cheyenne Wyo
where they will make their homo in
f ut uro
Mrs Geo Mason of Ohadron pnssed
throuRh tho city yesterday on her way
to Boston to attend tho OhriBtinn foi
onco meetiiiR
Mrs R W Whito and Mrs W H
Lnyhn aro here from Missouri visiting
lit the home of Mr ami Mrs John
Mrs Jos Burton hns returned to her
homo In Waukon Iowa after a two
weeks visit with her daughter Mrs
Geo Chri toph
SigSchavhind of tho
Dry Goods company of Madison is
in tho city RreetiuR friends and attend
inR to business
Tho schools closed this noon for tho
Ioiir summer vacation the pupils at
tending this morning to receive their
promotion cards
Tho Misses Aekermnn of Stanton who
havo been visiting with Miss Nellie
Sohweuk during tho week returned to
their home this noon
At n special election held in Plamviow
Tuesday to vote 000 bonds to build a
new school housothe proportion was
dofeated by a voto of 07 to ft1
Cards havo been received by Norfolk
friends announcing that Miss Alta
Olnwson who formerly taught in the
Junction 6chool is to bo married on the
Rev P AV Leavitt of West Point a
member of the class of Si attended the
RTadnatiug exercises last evening and
will be present tonight at tho alumni
C I Benford the traveling ninu who
has been making his headquarters Hero
will leave for Clinton Iowa where he
will enter tho oiliee of tho company
for which ho has been working
The opening bnso ball gamo of the
season will take place at tho base ball
park Olueys pasture Juno 7th The
RrouudB are not yet completed but it is
hoped to havo them in readineES by that
Jno E Crouk is today getting ma
chinery in plnco in ouo of the buildings
opposite Pasewalks implement house on
Main street where he will next week
open up tho Novelty Iron and Brass
E H Requa coutemplatee leaving
nest Thursday for California where he
will join his family and make his home
in future He will quit his position ns
clerk in the Star clothing store Satur
day and will be succeeded by E Yobo
of Lincoln
Hev and Mrs S P Sbnrpless have
issued invitations to the inarringe of
their daughter Frances Lillinu to Mr
Wnlter Cather of Oxuard Cal the
happy event to take place on tho 11th
nt 0 oclock p rn
Tho oriental lecture by I Tauiino
Bion will take place this evening at the
Baptist church The speaker is thor
oughly acquainted with the subject he
will handle and his talk will undoubt
edly be well worth tho price Jof admis
Cards are are out announcing tho
marriage of Miss Lyda Pheasant to Mr
Herman E Gregory of Lincoln which
will take place iu this city on June 14th
Mr and Mrs Gregory will be at home
851 North Twenty Third street Lincoln
Nebr after July 1st
Norfolk lodge No 40 1 O O P at
its meeting lott night elected the fol
owing officers W
grand H L MeCormick vice grand
S 11 McFarlnnd truflteo to fill vacancy
11 L Spanlding and G P W Mar
quardt representatives to tho Rrand
Tho mall pouches for Hattlo Creek
Mendow Grove Tildon and Oakdale
which have heretofore lteen sent out on
freight No 2l have been discontinued
by order of Chief Clerk Shearer They
wero of little service as tho train now
runs only a few letters IkIhr sent out
in that manner
Tho closing entertainment of com
mencement week will take place this
eveniiiR at the Pacific hotel at l oclock
when the Alumni association will re
ceive and banquet tho members of tho
class of 1100 An excellent program
has been prepared and tho event is
anticipated with pleasure by those con
A number of tho public school tcnehers
rested from their labors laid aside their
cares and enjoyed a picnio yesterday
afternoon in Edgewater Park where
they partook of an elegant spread of
Rood things The picnio might bo con
sidered as a sort of farewell reception
to ono another as several departod today
for their homes or ou their summer
Tho anticipated case of libel has been
started before tho district court at Mad
ison Mrs Priodrick Schmedo is suing
Margaret and Joseph Weber for if 10000
for slander In tho petition it is set
forth that the defendants maliciously
and with intent to injuro tho character
of tho plaintiff made statements reflect
ing on tho plalutiffs character
Enumerators commenced taking the
twelfth United States census this morn
ing and all over the country persons aro
now engaged iu asking questions con
cerning the place of birth occupation
and other things whioh tho govornniont
wants to know about tho people who
live in this country Tho enumerators
for Norfolk aro J S McClary First
and Second wards Norris Uubo Third
and Fourth wards S L Gardner out
sido precinct T M Hull special enum
erator for the hospital for iiiBano
Tho proposed Yankton Norfolk and
Southwestern railway 5b up ngaiu with
all its pristine vigor A committee
from Yankton consisting of Judge Bart
lett Tripp and Harry Eller met with tho
Omaha Commercial club Tuesday to
discuss the building of connections be
tween Yankton nnd Omaha Talks
wero mado by tho Yankton representa
tive and also by members of tho club
A motion prevailed that n committee
on wnvs and means for building the
lino bo appointed Tho chair was to
name tho committeo later nnd tho secre
tary was instructed to correspond with
Mr Graham of Ohio who now owns
the right of way nnd nscertaiu when
ho niny bo expected in Omaha
Wastkd Several bright nud honest
persons to represent ns usnanngers in
this and closo counties Salary 500 a
year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly oflico work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope Tun
Dominion Company Dept t Chicago
To our patrons and friends wo wish to
state that wo will not niako any stamp
photos after Saturday Tnue 2 Until
then wo will guarantee yon as lino work
as you can get anywhere Until Satur
day Juno 2 only at Michaels studio
Wanted Honest innn or woman to
travel for large house salary 05
monthly nud expenses with increase
position permanent eucloso self-addressed
stumped envelope Manager
itIO Caxtou bldg Chicago
RockaBye Baby
These are sweet words but how much
pain and suffering they used to mean Its
different now Since Mothers Friend has
become known expectant mothers have
leen spared much of the anguish of child
fa rth Mothers Friend is a bnment to be
apped externally It Is ribbed thoroughly
into tne muscles of the abdomen It gives
elastc tv and strength and when the final
great stran comes tney respond quickly and
eas ly without pa n Mother s Friend is
never taken interna v Internal remedies
at ths time do more harii than good If a
woman Is supplied with this splendid lini
ment she need never fear rising or swelling
breasts morning sickness or any of the
dscomfcrts which usually accompany preg
The proprietor of a large hotel In Tampa
Fla writes My wife had an awful time
with her first chld During her second
pregnancy Motners Friend was used and
the baby was born easly before the doctor
arrived Its certainly great
act Mother Friend at the
drug store il per buttle
Atlanta Ga
mUlXti book Bor h8b
or our
B Hight noble u
Mrs John Sloan is in the city today
from Pierce
Miss Mygatt will leavo this evening
for Long Pine
L G Mittelstadt has gone to Grand
Island to visit his sister
Tho Trocntlero is receiving n fresh
dress of paper on its interior
Richnrd Rcqtm is repairing telephone
lines between hero and Sioux City
G A Luikart is building n now barn
at his homo in the weRt part of tho city
Guy nnd Kimball Barnes nre expected
home this evening from the state uni
Miss Iryl King left today for Grand
Island where sho will visit her grand
The tip town coalolllceof II E Hardy
is being re painted and otherwise fixed
up inside
Edith and Harry Mendenhall of Pierce
came downjto attend thealuinni banquet
last evening
Anton Huchol and Miss Minnie
Verges returned last evening from a
trip to Lincoln
Charles Slothower who hns been at
tending school here Iiiib gone to his
homo in Niclterson
Miss Amanda Willo has departed for
a six weeks vacation in St Louis Mo
and Springfield 111
G R WillianiB and wifo left this
morning for Columbus after a visit with
Mr and Mrs G G Dolen
Mrs Ida Batto Whitehead of the
class of 8l came up from Beatrice to
attend the alumni banquet
Mrs O B Holahau left today for St
Paul called their by the announcement
that her father is seriously ill
Fred Roberts departed today for
Rocky Ford Col where he has a posi
tion in tho now beet sugar factory
Mrs Ralph II Day iH opening a music
studio upstairs in tho Marquardt block
where sho will teach her music class
The Senior class had their pictures
taken in a group which will bo a fine
souvenir of their Norfolk school days
Mrs Agnes Leo resigns her position
iu Baum Bros storo this evening nnd
will leavo for Colorado noxt Thursday
The scholars of the Eighth grade of
tho public schools will enjoy a picnic
Monday at tho month of tho Northfork
U H Tatninn returned last evening
from a visit with relatives and friends
in various towns iu tho South Platte
J W McClary will leave tho first of
next week for Deadwood where ho will
enter tho oilico of the American Express
Tho brick yards aro progressing finely
aud it is expected that the first output
of brick will bo ready for market with
in a few days
Miss Winnie Hartley is homo from
Madison for her summer vacation She
was accompanied by Miss Hunt who
will visit here
E B Ovelman who has been on a
three months trip for Beals Torrey
Co through Colorado and Utah has
roturned to Norfolk
Captain Alfred N Gerecke aud Mis
Anna Gayhart aro to lie married by
Father Walsh at tho Catholic parsonnge
this evening at 0 oclock
Entertainment loving peoplo will
havo a breathing spell until Moudny
night when Alba Heywood will occupy
the stage at the Auditorium
Rome Miller of Omaha came in from
the west last night and is greeting Nor
folk friends He hns been making a
tour of his railroad eating houses
Secretary W W Hughes will go to
Sioux City Monday for a weeks visit
with friends and from there will go to
Chicago to Btndy Y M C A methods
No complaints were heard about tho
heat last night and this morning In
fact the tempernturo was quite decidedly
chilly and tho warmth of a fire or heavy
clothes was not uncomfortable
This division of tho P E A M V
road last night received the lnrgest
engine now owned by tho company It
was purchased from tho S C ifc P
road and will be in tho charge of Engi
neer Gay Halversteiu
A farmer living north of Hoskins had
his leg very severely cut yesterday
while riding a bronco the animal run
ning up against a barbed wire fence
The injured man was brought to towu
last night and after tho Doctors Salter
had sewn up the gaping wonud ho re
turned to his home The cut was quite
a nasty one and clenr through to tho
Several admirers of the singing by
the school ohildreu at the Auditorium
on Decoration day find fault with The
News for not giving proper credit to
Miss Gayhart who had the training of
the children iu haud and directed them
during tho exercises It was not the
intention of this paper to slight anyone
in auyway responsible for tho very
benutiful and well executed exercises
and is glad to accord Miss Gayhart the
honors of having successfully conducted
the portiou of the program iu which the
school shared
Word reaches the city that Mies
Prances Holmes daughter D A Holmes
formerly of this city but now living in
Chicago is seriously ill with pneumonia
and thnt but very littlo hope Ib held out
for her recovery Mjfs Frances has
been threatened with lung trouble for
homo time and last fall her father took
her to Washington and later to tho
south whero the winter wbb spent
giving her tho benefit of a milder cli
mate but on her return homo a ftw
weeks ago Hho was stricken with pneu
monia nnd has since been failing rapidly
The sympathies of ninny Norfolk frionclB
go ont to Mr and Mrs Holmea iu tho
aflliction which threatens tho family
nnd it is sincerely hoped that it may bo
JI TaminoBian waR most unfortnato
iu his choico of time to entertain tho
people of Norfolk with his lecturo on
Oriental modes and customs Tho
people who iihnally patronize such
features have for tho past week or more
been on tho go almost every night some
entertainment or amusement requiring
their attendance until last night they
were thoroughly tired while the alumni
banquet was a competing feature
Therefore tho attondnuco at tho Baptist
church was not as lnrgo ns tho speaker
deserved Those who did attend how
ever wero very much interested Al
though the speaker wns at some dis
advantage iu selecting English language
to express his ideaB he mado a very
nice talk nud those present gained now
ideas regarding lifo iu the far east He
devoted a largo part of his time to a
review of his personnl experience which
was very interesting indeed He illus
trated customs of tho peoplo in regard
to dress worship education and iu
many other particulars makiug thom
very comprehensive to his auditors
His earnings go to tho support of tho
Lovo and Peaco mission in Omaha of
which he is tho founder and thnt insti
tution iu turn supports him Rev W
II Eaton pnstor of tho Baptist church
says tho talks of Mr Taminosian wero
received with great delight of the
hearers Ho has a pleasing mannor
and is a forceful impressive speaker
He recommends him ns a preacher and
lecturer worthy of confidence and pat
ronage Mr Tamiuosiau will be in
Norfolk again on the 17th wheu he will
preach iu the Congregational church
also at tho Norfolk hospital for the
Spring Sclielul on the Nlckle Pluto ltoutl
Kllertlve Mny 0 1000
Ft Wayne Findlay Fostoria Belle
vuo Lorain Cleveland ABhtabula
Conueant Girard Erie Chautauqua
Lake Duukirk Buffalo as well as New
York Boston and nil intermediate
points in New England New York
state aud tho authracite coal regions
are reached ou fast time aud lowest
rates of faro by trains of thoNickle Plate
road Lenve Chicago 1035 a ni 30
p m 10i0 p m with up-to-date
drawing room sleeping cars Unex
celled dining cars on through Boston
and Now Yoik train at 10 5 n in nud
Now York City fast express train leav
ing Chicngo nt I 0 p in All trains
rnu daily Train leaving Chicago nt
2 10 p in has observation car east of
Buffalo over tho Lackawanna road ar
riving in New York City 725 p in
ovory day in the year in good shape for
eveuiug entertainments Secure sleep
iug car space iu advance Write wire
or phono 2057 central to J Y Calahau
general ngent Chicago 111
Buy your tiuwaro at tho Cash Hard
ware Store and save money
Cure And Treatment Of The Skit
Dr Humphreys Specific manual on
the treatment and cure of the sick
mailed free on request Adress Humph
reys Medicine Co New York
A genuine WALO Silventiel String for
will be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE to any
address on receipt of a 2 cent postage
tamp for return postage Wedo this
to introduce the WALO Sllvaritiel String
which is a combination of the best tone
producing metal and much superior to
any string on the market at the present
LUTELY TRUE As an inducement I quote
these strings in complete sets for a
hort time onlv at 12c a set
OUR 500 WALO VIOLIN Stradiyarius
model cut to 333 reddish brown color
fine polishvery SWEET and CLEAR TONE
Our 750 WALO VIOLIN Stradiyarius
model cut to 498 light reddish shad
ed highly polished best finish good
seasoned SPRUCE TOP and ebony trim
inings Complete with each Violin fine
black polished CASE good BOW extra set
of strings rosin and self Instruction book
Send fur WALOS Catalogue of all Musical
Instruments and furnishings We also
carry latest up-to-date BAND ORCHES
TRA and PIANO music Catalogues on
application Pine repairing a specially
In writing mention this paper WATCH
Miss Batchelor went to Wnyuo
W H Johnson was a pofsenger this
morning for Omaha
Jules Jennl was in tho city this morn
ing from Hnrtington
II G Howell was a Sunday visitor in
the city from Randolph
J P Huntley tho Stanton liveryman
was in tho city this moruiug
Myron Colhuner made a business trip
to Sioux City this morning
C S Bridgo is confined to his homo
by nn attack of rhouinntiBui
Al Bigolow nnd his nieco returned
this noon to Vermillion S D
George WillinmB loft yesterday noou
ou a business trip to St Paul Miun
Mrs J E Simpson has gone to Or
leaiiB to visit nt tho home of her bou
Messrs Texloy and Mittolstndt wero
city visitors yesterday from Stnnton
Mrs ThomaB Chilvers and daughter
Ethel of Pierco aro visitors iu tho city
Mrs Judge Powers returned from
Omnhn and Carroll from Lincoln Satur
day evening
Miss Mnthewsou has gone to her home
on tho Winnebago agency to spend her
summer vacation
Mrs W R Hoffmnii nnd Mrs Fox
wero passengers this moruiug for Albion
for a weeks visit
Miss Josio Hagey wont to Lincoln
this morning to attend tfto university
graduating exercises
Mr and Mrs Sam Irwin drove in
from Oreighton yesterday ou their way
to Columbus overlaud
Miss Watson will go to Denver this
week to spend her vacation with her
brother and his family
Sessions Bell are mounting nu otter
for Joseph Spires of Plainview
Spires was here Saturday
Oilicer Kane killed a dog in tho west
part of the city this morning that
showed symptoms of hydrophobin
Miss Mason will leave tomorrow for
Youugstou Ohio where sho will spend
the summer with her sister Mrs G V
The nlmauac states that there will be
a partial eclipse of the moon on the 12th
visible to North aud South America
Spain aud Africa
D P Oweu aud family aro preparing
for their removal to Omaha where they
will make their future homo They will
leave in a day or two
Mrs D J Chesuntwood enme up from
Columbus Saturday evening to visit at
the home of Mr aud Mrs John Ches
nutwood a few days
Yesterday was Whitsunday and was
observed with special services by a num
ber of the churches Today is a holiday
among tho German Luthernus
The ofHce room in the city building
recently vacated by the city clerk is to
day being cleaued out preparatory to its
use by the police officers as headquarters
Clyde Patterson has assumed the posi
tion of fireman nt the electric light sta
tion aud Pred Sidler who worked there
temporarily has resumed chnrge of his
dray line
The pupils of the Third grade Grant
building enjoyed a picnic Saturday af
ternoon at Tafts grove Eouth of the
city The little folks were chaperoued
by Miss Lyda Pheasant and Miss Louise
Wm Steuffer candidate for state
treasurer on the republcon ticket was
in the city this morning from West
Point getting acquainted with Norfolk
people The News acknowledges a
pleasant call from the gentleman
Miss Lily Chesnutwood is the proud
possessor of a new box bed buggy which
was preseuted to her by her brother
Will who iB employed in one of the
Michigan sugar factories He also pre
sented her with a fine horse last winter
and she is now fnlly equipped for drives
and trnvel through her brothers gener
Rev W H Entou who has been pas
tor of the Baptist church here for some
thing more than two years tendered his
resignation to that congregation yester
dny and it -is understood that it has
beeu accepted Mr Eatou stoted as his
reason for resigning that liis wifes
health wns poorly and his idea is probab
ly to change climate iu tho hope that she
may be benefited Mr nud Mrs Eaton
have many friends here who will be
sorry to have them leave
Mr aud Mrs Rome Miller and two
friends had a lively runaway in Omaha
yesterday afternoon They were riding
in au open trap to which was attached
a spirited team of colts One of the
horses fell broke the neckyokeand let
the tongue drop Both horses then
started to ran and Mrs Miller was
thrown from the rear of the vehicle
striking upon the back of her head
Sho wu8 carried into a nearby drug
store where it was learned that Bhe was
uot seriously injured In the meantime
Mr Miller guided the animals iu front
of nu approaching motor car wheu both
came to a standstill
The union meeting at the M E
church last night for the purpose of
raising funds for the starving people of
I Iudia was very successful and called ont
a large congregation The meeting was
addressed by Mayor Robertson Rev J
J Parker aud Rev W II Eaton A
collection wns takou which amounted to
2740 while 1 170 waB subscribed by
those not having the cash making a
total of 1110 A committee of three
consisting of G A Luikart W R
Hoffman nnd II C Matrnu waB op
pointed to solicit funds from citizens
who did uot attend the meeting
Alfred N Gerecke nud Miss Anna
Gnyhart wero united in marriage Satur
day evening nt tho Cnthollc parsouago
by Fnther Walsh as announced It is
understood that they will mnko their
homo in tho cottngo vacated by W E
Alexander After tho couplo had re
paired to their temporary homo the
members of Company L of which the
groom ib enptain surrounded tho houBO
and at a signal fired several volleys of
musketry thus producing n novel sere
nade and keeping everybody iu town
apprised of tho fact that their captain
had become n Benedict Tho parties to
tho union aro both well and favorably
known here tho bride haviug taught iu
the city schools while tho groom was
born and raised here at present holding
tho positiou of clerk in Leonards drug
store They have mnny friends who
will nuito in exteudiug hearty congratu
Tho officers rounded up 10 tramps to
day nnd yesterday nud this morning es
corted them out of tho city with in
structions uot to return Several of
them wore taken before Judge Hayes
and a sceno with ono young fellow
while there gives iudication of tramp
character nnd shows that their one am
bition is to live without work This
young fellow said ho was huuting work
iu tho beet fields J P Wright was in
the room at tho time and said he could
give him work all summer long nt
building feuco for the railroads but tho
fellow wanted to work in tho beet fields
and nothing else uuless perchauce
someone should want him to work in
the beets then ho would probably want
to husk pumpkins anyway he turned
Wrights offer of work and wages down
with fine scorn His action made
Judge Hayes mad and he was warned
to leave town within four hours or
serve out a iO days Eenteucc on the
stone pile with bread and water for
diet It is understood a gang of the
fellows has beeu hnving a merry time
and plenty of beer in one of the groves
near town
Norfolk people or those well known
here were again honored in the Sunday
illustrated editions of tho Omaha papers
In tho Bee a quartet of happy children
is represented in a washtub They are
the children of B T White formerly of
this city now general solicitor of tho
P E o M V road In the same pa
per is a fishing party with their
struug up on a line above them One
of the group is Mrs Dwight Williams
Iu the World Herald is a very good pic
ture of Miss Maude Tanuehill of this
city with the following sketch ndjoin
ing The gold medal in the humorous
class at the high s chool oratorical con
test which took place at Kearney May
11 was won by Miss Tannehill a mem
ber of the class of 1900 of the Norfolk
high school Miss Tinuebill is a native
of Indiana but for the past 10 years she
has lived with her parents on a farm
near Norfolk and has attended the pub
lic Echools nt that district While visit
ing the Trans Mississippi exposition
Miss Tanuehill gathered material for a
humorous recitation which she chris
tened Susie Smith Her rendition of
this composition of her own facile pen
won for her the gold medal in the re
cent contest and also won many flatter
ing compliments both for the composi
tion itself and upon her rendition of it
Miss Tanuehill is a petite blonde with
soulful gray eyes aud her graceful stage
preseuco went far to influence the senti
ment of the judges ns well ns the audi
ence in her favor
The uew Cash Hardware Store has a
nice ine of screen doors wire clothf
lnwn ufowers and gasoline stoves at the
lowest prices Call and examine them
Letter Lint
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoftice June 4 1100
W E Bratchley A P W Broascb
Oscar Hopson Ohas McConn Earl
Shock Gussy Rich L P Sullivan B J
Wells Geo Wiedeufeldt Lew Went
worth Juo B Williams
If not called for in JO days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P P Spueoher P M
Wanted Hone6t man or woman to
travel for large house Balary 05
monthly nnd expenses with increase
position permanent enclose
stamped envelope Manager
DO Caxtou bldg Chicago
Dont Stop
taking Scotts Emulsion be
cause its warm weather
Keep taking it until you arc
It will heal your lungs and
give you rich blood in sum
mer as in winter Its cod
liver oil made easy
50c and 1 All druggists