The Norfolk Heuis W N UUS15 PnWlHlior ory 15 wnk lbcouU DAILY Ilnlilli1inl 1HS71 oirnpl Hunilny llr twin inr nr pi rnrrlor UW WKKKIY KotnMlolin1 1 MI TliurnlnyJll mil nr your M M IlKnlnmil nt llm rontiiOlen nl Norfitlli Nn1 locoml cln nmMnr Tolpilioiin Nt 22 c por REPUBLICAN TICKET HUto For liunrnor rilMlllH H DlKTlilcil Ailrimn Tor Meittntintit Ini oritur i 1 Svwtu dilator Fur Sncritnry nf Htittn lio V Maumi Illoluuilmiii iNirTriiiMtror Wuuim Stixtitii Cinnlim Fur Ami It or Cm utiiCH Wkiton Slmililiiii For Attnrun IimhtiiI Fiivnk S Iliotr limn For Liuttl Ciiniitllimor Idoiiiii 1 Foimir Nnuliolln For Hiipnriiitontlniil of Ititilla liinlriintlnn Y K lontKU WjihIiIiikIoii lroaliletitlnl Klictoro rltniN I Nkhiiiit ii ii winiiom Kdwakii Koihi It I IIKiun H I I WIUHON 1 A con li Iacoiihon loiiN 1 1 Kknniii lOIIN 1 IjINIIKIl UoniritiKlnuitl ForCoiiKrOBMnnti Third Dlnlriol JOHN II HAYH Norfolk Tim Ittipulilloiiil luillnlul Ounvoiilloii Tim miiiilillcniinlnetnra of llm mtviiriil rottii tinitiif llm Ninth Jinlleliil district nf NnlmiMkii nrn liorrliy culliiil to mnol In cimvimtiou til Nor folk NnlinmUn Jiuio SI 100 nt 2 oclock i in for thn imiponit of nlnriwr In noniiiiiiUoii n ruiiilliliitn for llntrirt liuluit of hiiIiI ilIntrlrL nuil llm Mtlwtlim of n jiullcliil ountral roniiniUon xnil micli ntlinr liiiMiinH an uniy iioimly ho coMsMnrid Tlio lmnln of roirnnontiitioii latino ilolKiitn nt lnruii from oiicli niiinly mill onn iloicxiitn for tiiirli onn linmlrtnl votnit mill iiinlor fnicllim tlmnof Piml for lion M II IIiumo for jiulifi of ytiprmnn court ill lint tiloollon linlil in lMl Tlio hoviirnl routitluit will lin ontltloil to iloIiwitn iih follows Antnloio 10 Knox 12 Miullaon 17 Ilnrco 1 Wiijiiii 10 It in rorotniiinitiloil lint nt iirimwt ho ill IovmhI lint tlmt tlio tloliwiloa pnixtiiit nt thn conxontiim runt tlio full voloof tlio ilulivinliiiti II ordnrof thn cniitrnl coiiiiiilttiin of tlio Ninth Judicial ilirtrict of Nitliriiitkii 1 k KoiiNiiiHi iin John It II yh SiCinlary tliiilininn Whilo somo of thu oustorn ilouiocniiH nro upparontly lining up Holiilly for Bryan it 13 nwro nuil morn nppiuont tlmt nil is not harmony in thu wtist In Oklnhoum thoro wna 11 tlooilotl nplit in tho convention nuil that territory will bo represented nt tho Kansas City con vontion with contesting delegations Democrats insist that tho euro for tho trust question is somo mora monkey work with tho tnritl Tho pooplo tried a doso of that modicino undor Graver tho moat and found tho euro much worse than tho dusoaso It can readily bo coucoivod that thoy aro not yet roaly for anothor experiment with puiok doctors Tho houso and sonato of tho United Status on Tnosdiiygiivo ovidonco that members of that body aro but human nftoOill and get into qunrrolfl iw bittor as their commonest constituents It is Posuino 1 that only their high intellect and foar of sotting a hadloxauiplo to tho meaner born prevents thoni from com ing to fisticuf s Eastorn democrats insist 011 gold plat ing Bryan but ho coutiuuos to assort that his free silver spots onuiiot bo covered up Tho follows in tho oast oxprcss thoir willingness to swallow Bryan tho man providing ho drops tho only strong prinoiplo ho over had and Bryan is willing to swallow tho tho eastern support providing thoy lot him think ho is still a froo silverito oven though ho is not permitted to discuss tho question about which ho mado such a noise in 1SIHJ Funny situation Edward uosewator of the Omaha Beo and tho fusion judges of tho supremo court hnvo boou having an interesting iutorviow It appears that Mr Koso water will yet couviuoo thoir honors that ho has 110 coutompt for them but that ho has somo doubts about tho pro priety of having thorn decide thou- own casos It at prosout appears that tho cousorship of Otis is not to bo compared to tho Nebraska supremo court when it cornea to suppressing opinions Uovemor uoosovoit 01 jsow lone is something of a trust smashor or bloated stock holder smashor himself Tho governor is about to impoaoh tho demo crat io mayor Vau Wyck of Now York City becauso ho accoptod stock to tho amount of flOOOOO in tho ico trust for which ho paid not a cout Talk about frauds iu Cuba I Domooratio statesman in our own country soom to bo about as corrupt as they mako thorn And Van Wyck has just boon chosen as ouo of the delegates to help nominate Bryan If nil is true that tho democrats say about tho prices of nails wiro feuco and lumber tho farmers havo a grand ad vantage It is well known that tho prices ot larin products aro almost double on tho average what thoy were four or five years ago Pooplo are com pelled to buy tho farmers products iu order to livo whilo tho farmers aro iu no vrio compelled to purchase uails wire gat pipe and lumber iu order to xit There h been little complaint an the port of the farmer and it has not ben announced that thoy have delegated to democratic politicians and orators the authority to ipeak for them When thoy aunonnco that thoy are suffering for steel products and lumber be time to make a kick While the war in South Africa seems o be practically ended ono of much greater pretensions scorns to bo develop ing in Ihinn whore the powers aro oporat lug t ogothor Thorn is no quest Ion but that tho uiovoiuout to suppress tho Hoxors is a just one Tho murder of dofensoloss foreigners by tho Ohinoso is a heathenish not not compatihlo with tho onward march of civilization which lias marked tho last quarter century of tho worlds history Whilo lomagoguos of all countries tuny minor nt civilization enforced with tho rlllo and sword ox porlonoo has shown its nocosslty and Justification in many instances A per sou of whatever natlonalaty or religion should bo safe in any country In tho world and tho time is approaching when ho will bo If tho Chinese government supports these outrages it will do ho t3 Uh dotriinont as Iho powers are deter mined that Hitch methods shall bo sup pressed THE BISHOP AND DIPLOMAT Illtinlrnlloii of n IHptomntln AKIttiiln To mini Hrlluloii 111 tho Ilfo of ArcliblHhop nciiHnti by his roiis occurs tho entertaining anil extremely HtiggoHtlvo passage I shall Mvur forgot 11 conversation botween theoiiihiiHRatiorof a foreign power and my father Tho forrhcr wiih dining at Lambeth a gonial Intelli gent man very solicitous to bo thor oinjtly in touch with tho Hoclal life of tho count 17 to which ho lind hon ac credited After dinner tho embassa dor In full diplomatic uniform with a ribbon and Htnrs sitting next to my father said politely Does your grace reside much In the country V My father mild tlmt as archbishop he was provided wltl a country house and Unit he wiih there ns much as possible iih ho preferred tho country to the town Now does your grnco to to church In the country with an air of genial Inquiry turning round In his ehalr Yes Indeedl Haiti my father We have 11 beautiful church almost In tho park which tho village people all go to Yes said the embassador medita tively yos 1 always go to church my self In the country It Ih 11 good thing to Hhow sympathy with religious feel ing It Ih tho one thing which combats socialistic Ideas I think you nro very wise your grace to go My father said that he felt as If he t and tho embassador were tho two au gurs as represented In Punch 1 did my best said my father to persuade htm that I was a Christian but he listened to all that I said with a charming expression Implying We aro men of the world and understand each other I am sure tlmt ho thought that I was speaking diplomatically and In purely conventional language and that if wo had known each other better I should have thrown off the mask and avowed myself as free a thinker as he In BATTLE COURAGE Action I lip Anlmnl Nntnm Token Ill 11 1oMneitHlon of Mini At home in 11 progressive communi ty a man may bo a coal heaver or a bank clerk but whatever his station the environment of civilizing Influence Is strong upon him and most of his chances for tho display of courage come to the moral side of his nature But out In the open with most of the trammels cast off and the enemy In front with the ripple of the colors about him and more than all tho feel ing that comes from companionship In 11 common danger with many of his fellows It is the animal that gains su premacy And man being by nature a brave and fearless anlmnl tho most fearless of all tho animal species film ply remains true to his birthright and goes through tho ordeal In the natural way What can bo tho deduction Thoro Is only one It Is that battle gallantry and battle brutality springing as they both do from the same source must necessarily be allied You cannot slip tho leash of n bloodhound and stop him half way to his scent If any proof were needed to make tho fact of In herent bravery mid the other thing certain It Is to be found In the marvel ous change In face manner ami even speech that conies over nearly every man when ho Is engaged In battle It may be urged that tho excitement of being under lire would be sulllelent reason for this callousness but such an explanation will not account for the entire subversion of a mans whole life training The real reason Is that nt such times It Is the animal nature that takes full and complete possession of tho human body Chicago Ilia Flrat KnrnliiKa A few years ago a largo party head ed by the Duke of Norfolk wont on a tour through tho continent The duke busied himself very much on tho Jour ney Iu a kind hearted way about tho welfare of every one In tho party At every station ho used to got out and go round to see If he could do anything for any one One old woman who did not know him when sho arrived at last In Rome tired and hot found groat dlfllculty In getting a porter So she seized on the duke Now my good mnn she said Ive noticed you nt all these stations loatlug about Just make yourself useful for once In your life Take my bag and And mo a cab The duko mildly did ns ho was bid nnd was rewarded with a sixpence Thnnk you madam he said I shall prize this Indeed It Is the first coin I have ever earned in my life Knew Ike Iloune Cltlzeu Offsher can you hlc tell mo where I hlc live Im hlc Sen ator Blgboddy you know Officer Whats yer cooks name Citizen Mary Ann hlc OBrady OUlcer Four blocks down aud two doors to yer right Judge TIIK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 7 1000 NOT YETJJODRNED Dying Hours of Congress Pre sent Stormy Scenes H0U8E LOOKS HORNS WITH SENATE HrJroM OfinTftrntirn Itupnrt on NrTitl Ap propriation Hill Sflinntlnnnl Fight I ml hy Cannon Now onfnroo Appolntml liny of Strlfn nml Turmoil In Hnnatft Wahiiinotov Juno 7 Whon tho houso last night nt took a roceni until 10 oclock this morning tho two chambers with heads down and horns looked wore in a dosporato strugglo over tho Ham iu tho naval appropria tion bill relating to ocoan surveys Tho dual adjournment of oongrca is post poned until it is avor Tho proceedings In tho houso during tho day were tamo and without dra matic incidont This was partly duo to tho fact that tho firm position taken by tho houso on tho armor plato question transferred tho light to tho floor of tho senate and to tho obstiunut rofusal of Mr Lontz toponnit legislation until tho Republican loaders agreed to allow tho testimony in the Oouor dAlouo investi gation to bo printed Ho had tho houso by tho ooat all day nnd excopt for tho privileged matters things logislativo wore practically at a standhtill But at night thoro was enough excitement to compensate for tho dulluoss of tho day session Tho houso got its dan der up over tho falluro of its conferees to abido by thoir instructions 011 tho ocean survoy item and after an exceedingly sensational debate iu which Cannon made somo startling disclosures as to tho manner in which Commander Todd tho hydro graphor of tho navy had wagod his campaign against tho stand taken by tho houso in favor of tho coast aud goodetlo survoy doing ocean survoy work tho houso rejected tho conference roport by an overwhelming majority and tho Rpeakor took tho almost unpre cedented courso of appointing now con feroos on tho part of tho houso who aro not monibors of tho naval committoo Tho debate was ono of tho bitterest and heated of tho session Cannon in tho oxcitomont of tho moment took on his collar and necktio and with slooves rollod up nroused tho houso to a tro moudous pitch of enthusiasm as ho dealt tho conferoos slodgo hammer blows Tho conferoos defended thoir conrso ns best they could aud Foss acting chairman of tho committoo resontod with bittor language tho chargo that ho had botrayed tlio houso Hot words were baudiod back and forth but tho houso was in an ugly mood and was ro solved to light tho senato to a finish Tho appointment as conferoos of Gan non Moody and Shafroth all of whom aro in sympathy with tho houses posi tion assures no surrondor on their part until tho houso itself shall direct them to yiold TURMOIL IN SENATE Armor 1lsta Aiiiniiilinrnt la Adopted by n Voto of at to UI Washington Juno 7 Inability to renoh an agreement upon tho naval ap propriation bill forcod tho sonato to abandon tho adoption of tho houso reso lution for final adjournment yostorday Tho armor plate questiou which for five years has boen a thorn in tho sido of congress upsot tho calculations of tho sonato leadors nud thoir well laid plans wont awry It was a day of strife and turmoil In tho sonato Early tho conferees on tho naval bill reported a disagreement and tho senato was told plainly that tho houso would not con sont to tho amendment providing for an armor plato factory to bo operated by tho government A compromise propo sition was presented by Pouroso Pa aud after hours of dobato was finally adopted by a voto of 39 to 35 Tho dis cushion of tho proposition dovolopod an unusual bitterness of fooling nnd chargos of robbery aud political corrup tion were hurled about tho chauibor with an abandon which if thoy had not fallen from tho lips of gravo sena tors would havo boon regarded as rook loss Littlo worso was over heard iu tho heat of a political campaign Three oclock tho hour agreed on for final ad journment passed aud still tho sonato wrestled with tho armor plato question Tho Penrose resolution was finally agrood to and it was supposed tho way was cloar but later another disagree uiont was reported on tho naval bill Tho night sossiou presented a brilliant scone tho gallories being thronged with a gay andfashionablo assomblnge All wore immensely outortaiuod as Sena tors Carter Mason Tumor and Money kept tho sonato on odgo with rattling political speeches NoiuluatluUf lijr the rretldout Washington Juno 7 Tho president sent to tho senato yesterday tho follow ing nominations ior tuo now judicial ofilcos in Alaska undor the now law Judgos Melville O Brown Alaska James Wickersham NWashingtouj Ar thur II Noyes Minnesota Marshals James M Shoup Alaska Coruolius L Vawlor Alaska O Q Perry Iowa Attorney Bobort A Fridrich Alaska Joseph K Wood Montana A M Post Nebraska ISlK Cut in the Price of Steal New Yoiik June 7- It was declared by a director of tho American Steel aud Wiro company that at a secret meeting representatives of various iron aud steel interests decided to make o reduction in tho prico of steel billots from 30 to 23 por tou aud of No 1 foundry iron from 33 to 20 per tou Mutout Convent In Omalin Omaha Juuo 7 Six hundred Masons from all over Nebraska convened in 43d annual session yesterday The Masonic Veterans association held its seuiiau nual meeting olocting 10 new members An hlnnt nt a ClrriM GittrAMD Juno 7 Tho roscrvod scat Hcction of seats collapsed hut night at n performance of tho 13 V Davis show and iiietiageriu in Houth Chicago Tho crowd was transformed into a howling struggling mob During tho oxcitouiont tho animals of tho show bocamo un manageable and for a timo it was fearod that many of them would broak from tho cages Into tho crowd Sovoral persons wore badly injured Manager Samuel MoFlynn says tho accldont was duo to tho not of somo malicious porsou who had removed ouo of tho roar props from the stand ntxtiiienUuiK M Out Lkwiston Ida Juno 7 Tho forooi of Oovornor Stounenborg triumphed yesterday In tho state Domocrntio con vention by seating tho contesting dele gation from Shoshono county friendly to the governor tho vote baiug 152 to 77 Tho result is n practical indorse ment of Governor Stounonborgs ad ministration iu tho Couer dAlouo trouble as tho light in the convention was made almost entirely on that Hue The Itilillc nml Oprrn There Is a general opinion that the stockholders support tho opera nnd that tho general public mny consider Itself highly privileged to be admitted nt all to the sacred precincts As a mnttor of fnct If the opera depended for Its exlstenco upon tho support of tho stockholders the doors of the Metropolitan Opera House would never bo open Tho bottom would drop out of the whole enterprise Tho parquet and tho gallories are the mnuagcra chief reliance Opora Is not a social function It Is n public Institution nud without the publics support would col lapse like n house of cards Alnslees Magazine Metals get tired ns well as living bo lngs Tolor nph wires are better con ductors on Monday than on Saturday on account of thoir Sunday rest and a rest of three weeks adds 10 per cent to the conductivity of n wire Want of nro does us more damngc than wnnt of knowledge Thoro is mora catarrh iu this secitou of tho country than all other diseases put together aud until tho last fow years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease aud pro scribed local remedies and by constantly failing to euro vith local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to 1 e a constitutional diseao and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional euro on tho market It is taken inter nally iu doses from 10 drops to a tea spoouful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Thoy otter ouo hundred dollars for any case it falls to euro Send for circulars aud testimonials Address F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 70c Hallsjamily pills are tho best B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits mnilo to onlcr anil In tlio latost stylo Ro pairiUR noatly ilono Shop on South Fourth St south of Ihiuni llrod BOOKBINDING Books and Magazines Neatly Bound II BRUMMUND KoxttoDiMus Paint Storo 3th Stroot WHEJf YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH -GO TO- W 0 Hallsparkr Hop MAIN BT THIKD DOOH EAST OF FOOBTH MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over Hayes Jewelry Store M C WALKER DEALKK IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 KARO BROS Heats Sailsage Fish Game Ever body wants the best of meats Wo make a special effort to please the trade Our Shop is the Neatest in the City it W C AIILHAN ICC AHLMAN BROS -- W AIILMAN Tho Norfolk Ulcyclo Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Mniiufacturors Johhors nnd Doalors fn Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Money for Wnlthnm Mnntirnptiirlti Co Orient Ulcyclo tlio KIiimI StroiiRost nml iMiHtont Ulcyclo In Um Wnrhl Wo Mho Imnillo tho Acmo World Trlhuno Hooho Sycnnifirn Intton nml our onn mnko olthor chain or elinitiloss whioh will ho known as tho Ahlmnti Specials Wo do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable BABIES CRY FOR Norfolk National A BEAU F P HANLON NA BAINBOLT JOHN B IB AM largest To DEALER IN aey m wdkm wSbam ibBqbjhebS iisGI EI2sr -a WHEATLING AND BREAD AlADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS O A LUIKAIiT President CIIAS S IHUDUK Vice Poksioent W H JOHNSON OAaniKB W H BBAA801I AasT Oasuibii The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Boy anil boII oxchanKO ou this country nml all parts of Hnropo Farm Loana Olrectora UARL Asmcs W H Johnhok Chah S Bridge C W BnAABcn Swank O A Luikart T F Meuminoer L Sessions O SI FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE- The Norfolk Building and Lean Assn C B DURLAND Secretary C W BRAASCH CO i Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61 N ALEXANDER BEAU Vice President A j 1 W U E W FJHALE W H HAYS F VEBGEtf DtiwonrT o k Bank uuuuuLii uaauier ZUTZ Aeslstant Cashier OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IH NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exohange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europa A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRBOTOBS BCCHOLZ WM ZOISS 9 SCOTTON The Man of the Hour A Magnificent Portrait of President McKinley Reproduced In Ten Colors from a Late Photograph for which the President specially sat at the re quest of the Publishers Size 14x21 Inches will be published by us shortly It is now being printed for us on heavy plate paper in a form suita ble for framing bv one of the art lithograph houses in America in the famous French style of color plate work Every American family will want one of these handsome pictures of the President It must be remembered that this picture will be in no sense a cheap chromo but will be an example of tho very highest stylo of illuminated printing It will be an ornament to any library or drawing room Our readers can have the McKin ley portrait AT WHAT IT COSTS US namely 10 cents per copy by merely filling out the coupon below and sending it to this office AT ONCE There will be such a demand for the portrait when it is published that we advise sending or ders in advance As many copies as may bo desired can be had on one coupon providing 10 cents is sent fok each copy Write name and address plainly and remit in coin or postage stamps THE NORFOLK DAILY NEWS NORFOLK NEBRASKA For the enclosed remittance of cents send me copies of President McKinleys Por trait in colors as described in to days paper Date Name Address t