The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 07, 1900, Image 1

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Botha Gets Safely Away With
Men and Guns
Lord llobarti In Hoitlnc rrapurfrtory to
Bending Fnrm tn Hunt llor From
the Mountain ltullcr nnd Jlirlttlan
l Astto on Ilrluf Armistice
Lonjion Juno 7 Military operations
in South Africa nru apparently at a
Btumlstill For a day or two the tired
troops are resting and Lord Roberts is
lining tho maiznzlncs and warehouses at
hie now headquarters Pretoria prepar
atory to a long chase after tho flying
Boers iu tho direction of Lydenburg
His cavalry aro probably seeking to
check Commandant Botha
Sonic dispatches wore sont whilo tho
fight was going on outsido of Pretoria
One says Toward tho end of tho day
when the British naval guns wero slioll
ing tho northern fortB a number of the
projectiles burst damaging tho sub
urbs General Botha waB fighting an
essentially rear guard action his object
being not to defend Pretoria but to
delay Lord Roberts until tho railway
switch had been cleared and tho main
part of tho Boer army had started to
withdraw The British advanco ap
pears to have left open to tho Boers tho
best lino of ro treat along tho railway
Possibly Lord Huberts may have been
obliged to cut tho railway boforo a full
retirement was effected That Pretoria
would bo defended was apparently
given out after tho council of war with
a view of minlcniling tho British Lyden
burg the district into which tho pro
visions originally destined for Pretoria
have been diverted and where a car
tridge factory has been erected and re
eerve supplies of all sorts aro stored is a
volcanic region of fertile valleys en
closed by great ramparts of rocks pene
trated by narrow winding passes
Thero aro herds of eattlo in tho valleys
and there is much nativo labor available
for tho fortifying Tho Boers used
both heavy and light artillery at Pre
toria What is supposed to havo been
the labt train out ot Pretoria arrived at
Loureuzo Marquess Sunday evening
The passengers includod a number of
foreign volunteers who wero leaving
the Boers and also tho wives and chil
dren of Hollanders They described
Pretoria as destitute of food and cloth
ing What tho Boer officials could not
take tho natives and townspeople did
Probably tho most important Boer
army is at Laings nek where both
f jdos ire passive Genera Huudlo wi
Brabant havo withdrawn a little south
General Baden Powell has extended
martial law to the Marico and North
Lichtenburg districts Shots were ex
changed between Boer and British
patrols 18 miles east of Mafeking May
28 Part of the forces lately at Pretoria
aro reported to have gono westward to
meet Baden Powell and to make n show
of holding tho country through which
ho and General Hunter are moving
Tho Loureuzo Marquez corrospoudont
of the Times telegraphing Juno 5 says
According to refugees from Pretoria
thousands of burghers under General
Botha have taken an oath to continue
the struggle to tho bitter end
Kouerts Surprliad at Keceptlon
London June 7 Lord Roberts tole
graphed to tho war ofllce as follows
Pretoria June C Tho occupation
of the town passed off most satisfactorily
and the British flag is now hoisted on
top of the government offices Tho
troops mot with a much more enthusi
astic reception than I anticipated The
Third battulion of tho Grenadier Guards
lined tho square when tho march past
took place Owing to their having
been on duty nt somo distance nround
the town very few cavalry and infantry
were able to take part in the ceremony
Several of our olnoera who had been
prisoners wero among tho onlookers
Agree to mi ArmUtlee
London Juno 7 A special dispatch
from Lourenzo Marquez dated Tues
duy says Generals Enller and Chris
tian both met at Lninga nek at Bailors
request when a thrco days armistico
was agreed upon
Demonstration In Ills Honor at Ilavunn
TliountniU In Lluo
Havana Joue 7 A mass meeting
end procession was held in honor of
General Maximo Gomez last night and
was a great success Sovoral thousands
were in line which included four bands
of mubio and a large torchlight proces
sion General Gomez was received
with marked enthusiasm by the crowd
who seemed bent more on cheering
than listening to the general who
made a short address in which ho Eaid
that the people could rest assured that
their wishes for absolute independence
would soop bo satisfied
NoKroe Orifaulse farty
Philadelphia June 7 Tho first
itep looking to tho organization of a
national negro party have boen taken
iu this oity Prominent negroes bish
opB ministers editors and lawyers at
a meeting decided to place a presiden
tial ticket iu the field with negro candi
dates The plan is to organize tho
party iu every state of tho union and
nominate candidate for state and con
irresional ofliuea
iirugtfli at jsiuiucu
Bkairice Nob June 7 At the
session of tho State Pharmaceutical as
sociation yesterday Lincoln was selected
as the meetiug plaoo next year and tho
date fixed May 7 8 and 0
e Norfolk Weekly News
MlMourl Democrat Tut Up Fnlt Stale
Ticket anil Indomo II r ran
For Governor AirxANiirit M Dornrnv
Lluutrnnnt Governor JollM A LtK
Beorntarj of Stato B H Cook
Mate Auditor AiurnT O Alilc
Attorney General C Chow
HtatoTTrmurirKKiUKiNTATlvi WtliUMi
linllwny Com Jombpu Hkuuisotos
Kansas City Juno 7 The Demo
crats of Missouri in htato convention
yebterday adopted a platform for tho
coining campaign and named a full
state ticket They wero in session con
tinuously from 030 a m until 830 p
m declining to tnko a rocess till their
work had been completed Tho con
tests in tho St Louis and Kansas City
delegations which it had t niton tho
credentials committeo tho whole of
Tuesday to untangle were decided iu
fivo minutes time by tho prompt adop
tion of the committees report
Tho report was a victory for tho auti
machine elemont When the resolutions
committeo presented its report thoro
was a fight to strike out tho
inont of Governor Stophons It lasted
for but a niiuuto or two and tho report
was adopted amid much enthusiasm
The platform reaffirms allegiance to tho
Chicago platform of 1890 particularly
specifying 10 to 1 ontirely indorses
Bryan denounces trusts and declares
emphatically against imperialism
Hon William S Cowherd was mado
permanent chairman and later in a
ringing speech that sot tho convention
wild with delight named A M Dock
cry ex congressmun of tho Third dis
trict for governor Mr Doekery was
the only candidate for that oflleo and
ho was nominated by acclamation It
took three ballots to select a lieutenant
Indiana Democrats IteiUllrm Alleslnnco
to tho Chicago riutform
For Governor John W Kehn
Lieutenant Governor TomnCLawiUU
Secretary ot Statu Aiiam HrlMiinitiJKlt
Statu Auditor John W Minek
Statu Trunurer Tkhomi TlKltrT
Attorney General C P DiiUMMOMi
Indianapolis Juno 7 Tho Demo
cratic state convention was harmonious
from beginning to finish
With but two exceptions tho nomina
tions wero mado eithor on tho first bal
lot or by acclamation Tho platform
indorsed William Jennings Bryan for
tho presidency reaffirmed tho Chicago
platform and omitted mention of tho
ratio of 10 to 1 Its reading wns fol
lowed by a burst of tumultuous ap
proval and tho platform was unani
mously adopted
Tho following wero selected delegates
at Samuel Morss Hugh M
Daugherty James Murdock and Georgo
B Menzios
Electors-at-largo Allen Zollers Nich
olas Cornell
Prisoner IlaiiK HlnmIf
Kkavsnky Neb Juno 7 Andy An
derson a Swede about 50 years old and
who has lived in Kearney for tho last
20 years hanged himself in a coll in tho
city jail yesterday Anderson had been
put in jail for being intoxicated An
derson had torn a strip of clothing from
tho mattress forming tho cell bunk and
tied ono ond around his neck and the
other to a chain which held up ono end
of tho bed Anderson was a married
man and leaves a wife
Cleveland Dead
Beatrice Neb Juno 7 William E
Hoyt brother-in-law of ex President
Cleveland died at his homo iu this city
yesterday of inflammation of the blad
der Ho was 71 years of age Ho wa
born in Now York city and has beon a
resident of Nebraska for 10 years His
wife Mary Oloveland Hoyt and two
sons United Suites District Clerk R O
Hoyt of Omaha and O G Hoyt Indian
agent North Yakima Wash survivo
Tho Panama companys representa
tives have received orders from Paris to
resume work on a largo scale
Wednesday was tho most uneventful
since tho strike on the St Louis Transit
sybtem was inaugurated a month ago
Naval Constructor Hobson tho hero
of tho Merriniac now at Manila has
beon found unfit for duty bocnuso of his
physical condition
Georgo J Browne a wealthy New
York drygoods man committed suicide
Wednesday in his bedroom by shooting
himself through tho head
The steamer Tampican has arrived at
Kingston from Colon with nows that
tho robel forces aro operating just out
side of tho town successfully
Under orders from tho navy depart
ment tho battleships Massachusetts and
Indiana at tho League Island navy
yard aro being prepared for sea
Tho polico stopped tho 25 rounil bout
betweon Billy Whistler and Harry
Lyons in Fords opera house Baltimore
Wednesday at the closo of tho 18th
Tho annual meeting of the stockhold
ers pf the Chicago Rock Island and
Pacific Railroad company was held in
Chicago Wednesday To old board of
directors was re elected
Through an arrangement entered into
by tho postal dopartmentH of the United
States and Canada it will bo possible
to bond mail to all plaoes in the Daw
son and Alaska gold districts
The North German Gazotto semiofil
cially announces that Dr Stoubol tho
German minister at Chilo succeeds Dr
von Bnohka as director of the colonial
dopartmont of tho foreigu office who
has resigned
Tho Duko of Norfolk who is liouten
ant colonel of tho Second battaliou of
the Royal Subsex yeomuury uow in
South Africa haw mot with a somewhat
berious accident by falling from his
horse His hip was dislocated aud he
received other injuries
Many Reported to Have Been
Killed on Both Sides
Humor That dapanric IMeet llr Ilccn
Ordered Molilllrel at Lnrllrtt Pottltite
Moment London Prrn DtmiMiiU That
Ilrltlth IntureaU llo Protected
Siianoiiai June 7 The soldiers dis
patched to attack the Hoxors havo
fought an engagement quite close to
Pekin Many were killed on both sides
Alarming reports are current hero of
tho hurried completion of the mobiliza
tion of tho Japanese fleet In conse
quence of tho representations of Japan
tho landing of a largo Russian force at
Tnlrti in nlWixl to luivo boon stonned
It is believed hero that should Russia
persist iu sending a prcpondcriug mili
tary force to tho front a collision with
Timm will innvitublv result-
Tho Russian minister at Pekin M
do Giers has made another attempt to
induce tho Chinese foreign oflleo to
formally request Russian assistance to
restore order but tho oiler has not yot
been accepted
Pukin Juno C Tho situntiou is
growing steadily worse Events move
with such rapidity and nllnirs owing
to tho excitement of tho natives aro so
critical that tho foreign ministers hold
frequent meetings They feel the need
of a free hand for energetic action
without a reference to tho homo gov
Sir Claude McDonald the British
minister is wiring for 7f more murines
Nativo employes who have retired from
Fenghi say they left tho Boxers openly
drilling in tfc i adjacent village
HiiKlxild Called to Action
London Juno 7 Affairs in China
aro gradually working up a crisis of the
first magnitude Tho morning papers
think that tho British squadron is rec
ognized as inferior in strength to tho
Russian as well as to tho Japanese
Tho Daily Telegraph says Wo regret
that Great Britain is too much occu
pied in South Africa to settlo tho Chi
nese business with a strong hand
It is generally considered that inter
vention in somo form is necossary
Tho Pekin correspondent of the
Times says No traiu either left or
arrived at Pekin yesterday Further
damage to railways is reported The
Boxer movement is spreading unchecked
throughout tho province Not ono
Boxer has yet been nrrested or pun
ished Anxiety is increasing in regard
to tho fato of missionaries at the various
Tien Ttdn Tliouglit Seenrr
Tikn Tsiv June 7 The Clnnoso ser
vant of a Belgian engineer who left Pao
Ting Fu two days after the Belgians
saw five foreign and two Chiuese dead
bodies in tho grand canal one being tho
body of a foreign woman
A Boxer placard threatens tho ex
termination of tho foreigners hero on
Juno 10 It is rumored that the Boxers
and Catholic Christians fought at Tung
IIu Tuesday threo Christians being
Ono hundred and thirty one British
31 Gorman fiO French and -15 Italian
marines havo arrived hero These re
inforcements render Tien Tuin secure
People of St LonU Still Forcod to Walk
After Dark
St Louis June 7 There is no
chango in tho street railway situation
negotiations between tho strikers aud
the Transit company aro at a standstill
Tho posso coraitatus is constantly grow
ing in numbers Sheriff Pohlmann
now has nearly 1500 special deputies
under arms
Bills are pending in both branches of
tho municipal assembly to rovoko the
Transit companys charter for failure to
run cars according to schedule One
line in addition to those in operation
yesterday is running cars under polico
protection but not a car has been run
ovor tho Transit companys sybtem at
night since tho strike began
A delegation of St Louis business
men which went to Jefferson City to
urgo Governor Stophens to call out tho
stato militia to preserve order in St
Louis roturnod last night They said
that tho governor told them ho would
not tako any action in tho matter until
ho camo to St Louis and informed himself-
upon tho situation and seo if con
ditions warranted tho step
Fivo hundred motormen and con
ductors formerly omployes of tho rail
ways of Baltimore and Philadelphia
mil arrive horo within tho next 21 hours
to tako tho places of strikers Recruits
from Chicago Milwankeo and Cleve
land will Bwell tho number in w
Imjuviit Over Allen McKean
Omaha Juno 7 An inquest wai
held yesterday afternoon in tho room of
Undertaker Tnggort upon tho body of
Alice McKenn of Kearney who died
Tuesday under nnn6ual circumstances
at 001 North Eighteenth street The
verdict was to tho effect that tho de
ceased had come to her death from
blood poisoning As to tho moro re
mote cause uo mention was mado nor
was there roferenco to any criminal
liability on the part of any ono con
nected with tho affair
Holt Named for Icavrnnr
Pakkkusuuhg V7 Vu Juno 7
After u tumultuous icssion tho Demo
cratic state convention last night nomi
nated Judge John 11 Holt of Hunting
ton for goveruor and udjourned until
today when tho ticked will be com
Vliarlet Itelnlinrt lFnil a Kniiilly ynnrrel
With a Ilutnl
Siovx Cnv Juno 7 Olmilos Rein
hart formerly of this city shot and
killed his bride of two months at Ode
bolt la yesterday then shot himself
twice He will not survivo Reinhitrt
and his wife quarreled iu tho morning
over some family affair Mrs Rein
hart expressed her determination to
leave hei husbands house and go to
relatives living in tho vicinity of Wall
Lake Reinhart voluntoeiotl to drive
her there and she accepted the offer
Reinhart himself admit n that ho
planned his awful deed with doliboia
tiou After the quarrel he purchased a
revolver in Odebolt Shortly after
noon ho and his wife started on their
way to Wall Lake by buggy When
they had got about half way toward
their destination ho pulled his revolver
and turned it upon his wife Fearful
that one bullet would not do the work
he had planned ho pulled the trigger
twice moro and the woman was help
less to save herself Satisfied that ho
had accomplished that much of his pur
pose ho sent two bullets into hiH own
loua Mainiift ICIeetlou
CrDAK Rai ius la Juno 7 At yes
terdays session of tho grand lodge of
Iowa Masons it was deeidetl to hold tho
next annual communication at Daven
port Ollleers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows Grand master
William L Eaton Osage senior grand
warden Sumner Millor Guttenberg
junior grand warden lames E Ilruce
Anita grand seeietary T S Parvin
Cellar Hupitls grand treasurer M P
Miller Washington
Kx CnnKieflHiiiaii Holme limine
Din MniNTs Juno 7 A 1 Holmes
ox congressman a well known Iowa
politician living at Boone was declared
insane by a committee yesterday llo
served two terms in congress and was
elected sergeant-at-arms of the house
following his letiremeut from his seat
Financial troubles aro said to bo tho
Convention at trenton
CisrsroN la Juno 7 Next Tuesday
and Wednesday the Ancient Order of
Hibernians will hold their stato conven
tion in this city About 105 delegates
are expected and also U00 visitors Tho
meetings will bo held at Patts opera
Narrow Ineapo of Trainman
Room la Juno 7 Cook Paxtou a
switchman was struck by an engine
nud thrown under a passing fi eight
tram Ho caught a stay rod and was
drugged over the ties nearly a quarter
of a mile Ho will recover
Stato Convention Inilorio Tou iio and
Senator IVtljrow
CiiAMiiKULAiN June 7 Tho Demo
cratic stato convention for tho selection
of eight delegates to tho Kansas City
convention concluded its labors last
night The delegates wero instructed
for Bryan Tho resolutions contain
paragraphs eulogistic of Charles A
Towne Populist nominee for vice presi
dent commending tho courso of Sena
tor Pettigrew aud recommending that
tho Democratic convention to bo held
at Yankton Jully 11 indorso Mr Pet
tigrew for re election thus binding
evory Democratic member of tho legis
lature to his support After a pro
longed debate tho resolutions wero
adopted Sympathy is extended to the
Boers and imperialism nnd trusts aro
denounced Maris Taylor of Huron
was elected member of tho Democratic
national committee
The following delegates to Kansas
City wero then elected G W Mat
thews of Douglas county Stephen Don
ohue of Minnehaha S J Kcnna of
Clark T W Taubman of Aurora T
W Childs of Spink John J Conway of
Faulk Charles S Eastman of Fall
River and J R Wilson of Lawrence
Eight alternates were also elected
Un Lowe for Irotldmit ami Mn Denlion
for View President
Milwaukke Juno tl Reorganiza
tion the issue of tho day iu tho Leneral
Federation of Womens clubs will come
to a vote today Those who spoko in
favor of reorganization wero Mrs
Frances Ford of Nebraska Mrs Conifer
of Utah und Mrs O P Barnes of Ken
tucky Thoso opposed to reorganiza
tion which means tho continued recog
nition of the Individual elub Instead of
a nationnl federation mndo up of statu
federations wote Mrs Baker of Colo
rado Mrs Rteketts of Nebraska Mrs
Gieeu of Ohio nud Mrs Wiles of Illinois
The rhnncen are the color question
Will not be pushed to a public conlio
vorsy unlets Mrs Josephine ltulllutho
colored delegate chooses to do so indi
Tho announcement t lint tho ticket
would be mado up with Mm Ixiwo as
ptosliletit and Mrs Charles Dcnison of
New Yoik as vice president was some
what of a surprise al let Mrs 1owou
lepeated refusals but it uovorthlosH
seems to please tho greater part of tho
delegates ami thetu in little doubt that
at least the head of the ticket will gc
through with little opposition
tlranlr Cnteiitij Woddlnff
DitADWoou H D Juno 7 The eld
est daughter of OltoOrantz of IiIh city
tho owner of tho 1000000 mine north
of Lead was uuuried here yesterday tn
Henry J Coventry of Ijond An hour
before the cei oniony the groom was ar
rested for practicing medicine without
a license His bonds were placed at
f SMI which was furnished by tho fnther
ot tho bride and tho wedding wont on
Tho couple started for n years trip
tluough Scotland The groom claims
connection with tho duke of Coventry
of Scotland
Opena Dp Now Teirliory
Omaha Juno 7 Next Monday Ihn
Burlington will begin tho operation of
regular train service Into tho now town
of Guernsey t ho ostensible teriuiuut
of its branch lino extending from Alli
ance In Hritlgopoit and tinmen noifh
westerly along tho north bank of the
Platte liver to Guernsey apptoximately
liiO miles from Alliance
Wvoinlni SeleetM Deleuaten
Lakamus Wy June 7 Tho Demo
cratic btuto convention elected the fol
lowing delegates to the national con
vention at Kansas City A K Miller
P C Alger C E Blidonburg Walter
L Marsh R A Keenan William
Tmkoy has not yet replied to thn
Rtibsian and American notoH on the
subject of Armoiiin
lvddie Connolly got tho decision over
Matty Matthews in tho Until round at
New York Tuesday
Catcher Parke Wilson quit tho Kan
sas City bnseball team Wednesday
owing to a difference over salary
The Soeiulihl Labor party in conven
tion in New Yoik Wednesday nomin
ated Joseph F Maloney of Lynn Mass
lor piesideiit of tho United States
A dispatch from Cucuta Venezuela
says that alter ll days of lighting the
Colombian lovolutionifits havo muted
the government forces near Bucaraman
The tioublo which has long been
brewing between tho American men li
mits ot Bluclicldh and the government
ot Nicaragua is rapidly coming to a
The post exchange and canteen build
ings at Fort Wiugatu N M were to
tally destroyed by firo Wednesday
night Some of tho commissary stoics
were saved
Twelve persons at the homo of George
1 3 MeUarr at Summit Ga were pois
oned by eating leo cream Mr McGiur
is dead and tho doctors fear that nine
others will die
The jury on paintings of the Paris
exposition have conferred medals of
lienor upon James McNeil Whibtlerand
John Singer Sargent tho two famous
American painters
Heavy thunder storms in tho central
un I of Franco havo done considerable
damage to crops Thero have been
several deaths from lightning and large
tracts around Thiers aro inundated
Lead producers of Utah have taken
the first steps toward forming a state
and later a national organization to
put np the price of lead by increasing
exports They will work in co-operation
with tho hineltcr trust
Three men were killed by a passenger
train on the Long Island railroad Wed
nesday near Laurel Hill L 1 They
were Matthew Clark Daniel Halpin
and Patrick Ryan The men wero
walking on the tiack when struck
Japan is seeking American cattle to
introduce among nativo herds aud im
prove the general stock on tho islands
Four Japanese officials especially com
missioned to select and purchase fine
btock have arrived at San Francisco
Robert Fitzbimmons tho pugilist was
examined at Bollevno hospital Wednes
day by Dr John H Sullivan who an
nounced thut FitzMmmons is suffering
from un abtcess on his left knuckle and
could not box with Runliu on June 1C
Imparts that peculiar lightness sweetness
and flavor noticed in the finest cake short
cake biscuit rolls crusts etc which ex
pert pastiy cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent
Made from pure grape cream of tartar
MiiHltllldfk - - Norfolk Nci
lloiiifopntlilc Physician mi it Surgeon
Olllie CitiriniH National llnnk llullilliitf
TllllllOIII lilt
Hiiiilliiiuini and lletldniieii MiiIii mid lltli til
TiiliHilimin li
Norfolk - Nebraska
Ml Kmilli Vlhhtiiiil NoifollNulir X
Will li in MudiHiii TuiMliiy anil Irldny of
imeli week
Olllronim MtliinV Nntloiiiil llnnl Ilenlilnnc
mn lilnik nmtli of CmiKieKitlloiinl chlitcli
rnsliloualile IMossuiuhor
rpHnm in iiltiui Murk nwr IIiiiiiiih Mnr
I iihl eliifh work Ktimiiliteoil
Attorneys at Iiuv
llo h III II nml 1
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
lluilerlnkers nud liiiiliiilnierF
KimoliH fill NoifolklAvo
Attorney ill Lrw
IUjoiiih 1 arid 2 Robertson JWIglon
Block Norfolk
Practice Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wtnk
First door West of Post Olllce
North -Western
F E IB V R R is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Summer Excursions
Tho Union Paciflio will plaeo in eflect
on Jnne 21 July 7 to 10 inc July 18
nnd August 2ml Summer Excursion
rates of
plus 200 from Kansas and Nebraskn
Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City
Tickets Good for Return
Until October 31st
For Time Tables and full information