FRIDAY FACTS JMjITox was in tho city yesterday frotn Crelghton V E Qnlstnn of Grow wnen Norfolk yesterday A 1 dfunpbell ivnit n city visitor yes terday from Genoa Mrnnd Mrs T M Franse of West TRptot wQtaclty visitors yesterday O 11 Krnhn Iior returned form Iowa whore lm lins been visiting his parents Mm Hnhlow mid MIpb 3lnliloy of Pif rco were chopping hi tho city yesterday Tho Hnebner Settle company was In the city today on their wny to Wayne having played Fnnst nt Pierce las nlftlit Pniwr 1b being put up for tho Allm Uoywood performance which will take plnoo In tho Auditorium tho night of Juno Tho Fair storo has received and placul t vlargonew refrigerator in which to keen butter nnd other perishnblo rner nbAndlfio sSnperiutondent OConnor hasgonoto Petersburg to deliver tho nddirem to tho graduating clnss of tuo High nchool todny Mrs Goo Stapenhorst wont to Tlldon Inst night culled thoro by tho serious illness of hor Bister Mrs Hnttio Wnthin who formerly lived hero A gnng of workmen passed through tho city todny on thoir wny tollrnnford Wyoming whero they will work on tho rnilwny improvements boing carried on by tho Union Pnoillo John Docker recently n driver for tho Sugar City cerenl mills returned from tho oust yesterday and will visit hero a fow dnys boforo proceeding west where ho will make liis homo Tho Y M C L social which wub held in tho lenguo rooniR last evening was very liberally pntronlzod and thobo attending wero very wqll plensed with tho refreshmentB served About f0 or 00 delegates to tho South Dakota convention passed through tho city yesterduy on their way homo to the Black Hills country from Sioux Falls Tho convention waH ouo of tho most harmoniouB ever hold in tho state John Bridgett expects to remove his family to Sioux City next week and Mrs Bridgott will go to Wakefield to viBit friends until that time Mr Brid gott is n fireman on tno M O and Las been transferred to a run on tho wain line liny Hayes has returned from his visit to Chicago Minneapolis Cedar Rapids and other points Ho reports having had a very pleasant time Ho saw tho II O Whyinnn family it Aurora and states that thoy are getting along nicely The annual pilgrimage to tho Yellow Banks by Norfolk pleuBiiro seokers has commenced Messrs C D Jenkins Frank Davenport Al Deguer and Sol Mnyer formed tho vnngnard nnd went ont yesterday to catch some fish They hod a good time but tho flBh market has not been oppressed by tion David Whitla of Battle Creek chair man and Jns Nicholas of Madison secretary of tho republican couuty cen tral committee were in town yesterday to deoide on the matter of calling n meet ing of the committee and have called it to meet in Battle Creek Juno flth at 1 oclock p m for the purpose of trans acting necessary business Thoknightsof Damascus commandery Uo 20 K T with their families en joyed a very pleasant and profitable time last evening on tho occasion of the installation of officers of tho command ery After the installation n bnuquet waB served in the hall adjoining about 100 participating There was also some epeechmakingand dancing followed for those desiring that amusement the Italian orohestra furnishing the music The knights dont often start in for a good time but when they do they make it one of thorough enjoyment both to themselves and their guests Wayne Herald Last Friday even ing D O Wilcox who for some time has been despondent decided to quit earthly cares and attempted to commit suicide by taking lnudanum Ho sent one of his neighbors to procure tho deadly drugbut tho uoighborsuspecting that all was not right got a physician to put up a doso of harmless stuff re sembling laudanum Wilcox took it but instead of passing into eternity ho awoke iu the morning to find hinitelf in the presence of Sheriff Cherry who ushered the wouldbe before tho board of insanity who ordered him to Norfolk and he went J ITamlnosian a converted shaikh is here from Omaha arranging to deliver a lecture in one of the churches He is entirely undenominational and is editor of Love and Peace a religious periodical which he publishes in Omaha and is also founder of the Love nnd Peace mission in that city Mr Tamiu osian is a fine appearing and intelligent looking gentleman and should be en couraged in his work He was tho Mohammedan bishop of St Snpliia Mosciue nnd was the only evaugelin in the Trausmissisippi exposition ut Omaha in 1898 He has arrnnged to lecture in the Congregational church on Sunday evening June 17th and may lecture at the BaptiBt church Friday night although he hat not yet oomplolod tho latter arrangements He calls hlfaY self tho Bible land evangelist nnd ori ent al lecturer Itnlrtt llrtroli Tho peoplo of Norfolk will join with Tint NnwB in welcoming Mr and Mrs W II Baird as residents of this city and will unite with it in extending sincere and hearty congratulations Since Mr Bnirds connection with tho Bugar fac tory nt this place ho has won a largo cirolo of friondB and his promotion from chemist to manager of the institution has been rapid and deserved Ho is progresfllvo trustworthy nnd an earnest worker in tho Interest of tho company Tho following account of tho ceremony is taken from tho Graud Island Daily Independent published at tho former homo of the bride and is very compli mentary to her Promptly and this means precisely at thoappointed hour thin morning il 10 oclock tho bridal party of the Hctzol Baird nuptials marched to tho altar of the St StephenB Kplscopal chnrch where tho Nov Arthur otlloiatiug Miss Lulu Hotzel was united in bonds of wed lock to Mr W H Baird An informal reception followed at the homo of tho bride Tho young couple loft at twelvo oclock for Norfolk where they will mako their homo Tho church was quite well filled with tho frieudB of the contracting parties long before tho hour arrived They found tho samo very tastily decorated iu green and white Mr Ohas McElroy and Mr I It Alter jr acted as ushers Tho waiting friends were in the mean tlmo listening to some choico selection by Mrs It J Barr organ and Miss Pinder violin At tho approach of tho appointed miuuto tho strains of Lohon grin announced the arrival of tho bridal party Miss Hotxel lovely in a whito silk mulle trimmed with plaitings of tho same material with an exquisite point laco collar and wearing a tulle veil fastened with marguerites and carrying a boquot of marquerites came up ono ot tho aisles upon tho arm of her father Mr Geo D Hetzel Thoy were preceded by lit tlo Miss Dorcas Hogue accompanied by Geo llotzel jr MisB Hoguo carried a whito satin pillow laid with brides roses upon which was the ring Mr Baird approached tho chan col rail at tho samo momont from an other aisle Hero tho father gnvo away tho bride Tho couplo proceeded to tho altar where they took tho solemn vows in as beautiful and impressive ceremony as has over been witnessed by tho then greatly moved audience During tho entiro services subdued music greeted tho ear When tho ceremony was com pleted nud tho bridal party and audi ence marched from tho churoh a mosc stirring march pealed forth An luformnl reception was tendered to a number of invited guests at the homo of tho brides parents just across tho street Hero tho decorations of green and white as thoso arranged at the church by tho Daughters of tho King were elaborate ond very tasty Maidenhair ferns and pinks wero feat ures of the artistic arrangement A very dainty repast was sorved Among tho large array of beautiful and costly presents particular montion might bo made of that from tho American Beet Sugar company with which company tho groom is connected in a responsible official capacity at the Norfolk plant At noon Mr and Mrs Baird left over tho Union Pacific for Norfolk tho bride attired in a handsome blue cheviot tailor made gown At the depot shower upon shower of rico was good naturedly and gracefully received by tho joyous bride and groom Out of town gucBts were Mrs Good rich of Mauiton Mrs Clark of Denver Mrs Jay Whito of Lincoln Mrs Elliot of St Louis Mrs Pennebaker of Omaha Mr Bnudick of Norfolk Mr Wilmurding of Norfolk and several others Mr Baird was formerly a resident of this city first connected as instructor with tho High school and then as chemist in the plant of tho American Beet Sugar company in thiB city Since then he has enjoyed several promotions During his rehideuce here he inado a host of friends and wou the confidence of the business community as he did of the officers of tho company which he served Miss Hetzel tho daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo D Hetzel is one of Grand Islands most favorably known young ladies one who has the best wishes and the hearty congratulations of all who know her The new Cash Hardware Store has a nice lino of screen doors wire cloth lawn mowers and givsollue stoves at the lowest prices Coll and examine them For the Best Photographs And Prompt and Satisfactory Finishing go to MICHAEL The Norfolk Photographer Frames mado to order at low rates Photo Buttons all sorts nud sizes finest assortment in town A Share of Your Patronage Solicited THE NORFOLK NEWS THUKSDAY MAY 31 1900 6ATUR tAY SIFTINGS il i toll KViltlsw l i Sydney Ilobertaon is homo from the Btnto university Mrs W II Brown of Brtttlo Crock was n cityvisltor yeBtcrdny A J Durland returned todny from a business Visit to Knox county John McBurney of Bassett ifl hero to tnko n degTco in Damascus comnmndery E P Weatherby Iiob returned from Niobrara whero ho has been attending district court M C Walker has returned from PJattsmouth whero ho has been looking after his fatheris estate Mr and Mrs Fred Wnchtcr of Fre mont arc visiting at the homo of Mr and Mrs Jos Schwartz Al Hallem representing an Omaha drug Ann came in from tho west last night nnd is greetiug Norfolk friends Will Powers who for Bovcral months past has been employed in Washington British Columbia and other western states has returned to Norfolk Grand Island Independent Mrs E Mittlestadt and Miss Alma Zaohert of Norfolk are in tho city visiting with the formers daughter Mrs Henry Schrnodo Tho nnnnnl festival for tho benefit of tho Gormau Lutheran orphnns home will beheld at West Point on June 21th A largo number of Lutherans from this city will probably nttond Tho Norfolk fire department held an adjourned meetiug last evening to make additional qrrangemcuts for their first annual picnic which will probably bo held in Pasownlks grovo The G A H and tho Womans Relief corps will attend divino worship in a body at tho Methodist church to morrow morning Tho usual public servico will bo held in the oveuiug Charles Clark who resides south of tho city was beforo Justico Hayes this morning on tho charge of disturbing tho peace Ho was assessed n fine and costs amounting to about 10 which he refused to pay and was sent to the countj jail to board it out Details of old soldierB from Mathow sou post No 109 G A R visited the different rooms of tho public schools yeBtorday afternoou and gave tho pu pils short talks of a patriotic unture Charles Cohen was arrested thiB morn ing for violating the provisions of the bicycle ordinance while riding on tho sidewalks of Norfolk nvenuo Ho was assessed a flue of 1 and costs which wero paid Tho contract for erecting the new schoolhouBO at Madison and wrecking tho old one was let to Moore Co of Des Moines Iowa for 11400 the building to bo completed in 100 days J B Herman ond Alex Morrison of this city wore bidders on the contract Mrs D J KoenigBtein has gone to Lincoln cnlled there by tho announce ment that her mother Mrs E S Wal dron iB dangerously ill The many Norfolk friends of Mrs Waldron will hope that her condition may not be as bad as feared and that she will soon be on the road to recovery Marshal Widaman complains that a large number of cows owned by residents of the city nro allowed to run at large and Btates that they are responsible for much of tho breakage in the sidewalks besides tho destruction of gardens and the mutilation of lawns Ho threatens to impound the animals if they are not kept up J I Taminosian the Bibleland evangelist has consented to occupy the pulpit nt the Baptist church tomorrow morning while Rev W H Eaton is absent in Battle Creek where he will deliver the sermon to tho graduates of the High Bchool Mr Taminosian will appear in his npostolical costume He will speak in the Congregational chnrch on Sunday June 17th W W Hughes general secretary of theY M C Lwill leave about the first of June for Sioux City where he will visit his parents for about a week and will then go to Chicago to bo ab sent three mouths during which time he will take a course of study in tho Y MIO A work The Y M C L work hero will be placed in chnrgo of a com mittee during his absence Mrs George Reckard very pleasantly entertained a company of lady friends yesterday afternoon nt her home on West Norfolk avenue Mrs S F Shnrpless Miss Fannie Norton and Miss Edith McClary assisted the hostess in details of the entertainment and the afternoon passed most satisfactorily to thoso concerned The refreshments served were dainty and delicious The case in which the Krug Brewing company of Omaha is plaintiff and Bert Eberhart defendant was tried this morn ing before Judge Hayes The company nsks for the restitution of its property iu which Mr Eberhart runs arestnurant The case was decided against the de fendant nud ho nt once gave notice of nppenl to the district court thuB insur ing him of possession of tho building until that court convenes Mr and Mrs I M Mncy returned last eveuiug from Liucoln whero they attended the annual meeting of the stnte photographers association Dar ing the convention thero was a contest among the ladies in attendance involv ing their capacity to drive a nail swiftly and properly Mrs Macy drove the noil in four secoudBaud won the prize amnhdoln Othet cpnta were nearly as many minutes in accomplish ing the feat as it took tho winnor sec onds Tho result of tho visit of Postofflco Inspector Swift to tho Norfolk offlco is thus given in tho Journal Tho first part of his investigation ascertaining whether the ofllco was entitled to tho service was BotiBfnctory tho gross receipts for tho Inst fiscnl year being 1010109 and for tho first ton mouths of tho present fiscal year 724011 bo that if tho receipts for May and June are to tho average tho free delivery require ment will bo excelled bynpwnrdof 100 Tho remniuder of tho investigation was not so satisfactory No street nnmes were posted nt intersections bnly n portion of tho houses were numbered and tho sidewalks wore in bnd condi tion in mnny plnces When theBo defl cieucies nro supplied nnd the postmaster certifies to tho fact Mr Swift will return and establish the service For a Summer Outing Tho Rocky Mountain regions reached via tho Union Pacific provido laviBhly for tho health of tho invalid nnd tho plensuro of tho tourist Amid these rngged steeps nro to bo found some of tho most charming and restful spots on earth Fairy lnkes nestled amid sunny peaks and climate that cheers and ex hilrates The summer excursion rates put in effect by the Union Pacific ennble you to reach the60 favored localities without unnecessary expenditure of time or money Iu effect June 21 July 7 to 10 inc July ltf and August 2 One fare for the round trip from Missouri river to Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lnko City Return limit October llst 1900 For time tables and full information call on F W Jnneman agent Buy your tinware at tho Cash Hard ware Storo and save money Wasted Several bright nnd honest persons torepresent us as managers in this and close counties Salary 900 a year and expenses Straight boua fide no more no less salary Position per manent Our references any bank in any town It iB mainly office work con ducted at home References Enclosed self- addressed stamped envelope The Dominion Company Dept 3 Chicago Ken I t ninKi lrmiHtern The following transfers of real estate aro reported by E G Heilman mau ager of the Madison county abstract offico at Norfolk Fred Warrant and wife to W H Wigton s G4ft of n 1M ft lots 7 nnd 8 block 4 Norfolk qcd 300 00 Willis E Reed and wife and S O Campbell and wife to E D Wells and N M Wells lot 51 block 35 Clarks 2 Madi son Mill Cos add to Madi son wd 850 00 Cure Ami Treatment Of The Sick Dr Humphreys Specific manual on the treatment and cure of the sick mailed free on request Adress Humph reys Medicine Co New York Subscribe for The Norfolk Weekly News Wanted Honest man or woman to travel for large honEe salary G5 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-addressed stamped envelope Manager 830 Caxton bldg Chicago To Cure I a Grippe In Two Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on every box 2rc To the Musical Public FREE FREE FREE lrlicL ifiv Wrlfe to day and receive genuine Walo Silver Steel String forelther Oultar Mando lin Violin or Banjo absolute ly FKrE on re ceipt of a S cent stamp for r e t u r n postage AVe do this to Introduce the Walo Silver Steel String whlcU Is a com bination of tho lftt inn jrrm duclnff metal J itrong durable and absolutely true As an Inducement I nuoletuese strings In complete sets for u bbort time only at 12c a act Our 535 Walo Guitar reduced from f7 60 Stondard sl e Solid fla hogany highly polihco Fancy Colored Wood Iurlling Inlaid edges and tounflbolo bound with celluloid fancy strpc down back Concert aire same as above 5S85 Auditorium size same as above 720 Our 800 Walo Guitar standard tle reduced from 51200 Solid Koiewood otherwUa same as aboe Concert size J900 Auditorium size 1 1000 A Fine 200 Canvas Leather Hound Flan nel Lined Case with any of the above guitars for Fc Watch our next bargains Send for Walo Catalogue of Musical Instruments and Furnish ings band Orchestra and Ilsno Music I T WALO MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo Fine Repairing Done Neat and Prompt MONDAY MENTION E A Bullock came homo from Bionx City Saturday Geo L lies returned from South Dakota Saturday Guy H Wilbur of Wayne waB a city visitor yesterday Iloubcn Lipp of Pawnbo City waB in Norfolk yesterday 1 S Malcolm was in tho cily from Madison Saturday John Shannon of Hosklns vras a Sun day visitor in Norfolk E G Macy of llattlo Creek -was a Sunday visitor in Norfolk Mr and Mrs H G Corroll of Plain view spent Sunday with Norfolk friends Olllcinl Abstractor Heilman made one of his customary visits to Madison today W H Wigton is in tho city from Omaha looking after Auditorium mat ters E M Huntington is building n nico porch in front of his homo on The Heights A daughter was born Saturday morn ing to Mr and Mrs Hartley Worley who live east of the city Editor A F Enos nnd family of Stanton spent Sunday nt the homo of Mr and Mrs W E Spencer John L Olark of the Platte Center Signal was a Norfolk visitor today and made this oillce a fraternal call Mrs Williamson and two children of Boone lown aro gnestB at the home of II P Dingman in South Norfolk Mnyor Robertson has so far recovered from his recent illness that ho is able to appear on the stfeets ngain today The Misses Psota and Ackerman of Stanton will visit with Miss Nellie Schwenk until after commencement Bom this morning to Mr and Mrs O M Thornton at their home on Braasch avenue a daughter nnd a son Tho regular meeting of the L M L A will be held this evening nt their regular meeting place in G A 11 hall Mrs D P Sidler returned today from Shelby and Council BIuITb lown where she has been viBiting about two weeks Miss Clara Holden arrived in the city yesterdny from Omaha and will visit her brother Dr H T Holden about a month Judge M P Kinkaid of ONeill re publican candidate for congress in the Sixth district was a Norfolk visitor Saturday Mrs Geo Stapenhorst returned home from Tilden yesterday She reports her sister Mrs Jas Wathiu ranch improved in health Dr A J Johnson returned from hi trip to California Saturday noon look ing very much improved by his trip through the west Col J E Simpson will leave tomor row night for Neligh and will deliver the Decoration Day address at that city the day following Mrs A H Alexander nnd daughter Lulu who have been visiting with Mrs W P Williams returned today to their home in Hastings Miss Lulu Miller ol Mt Vernon lown who has been visiting her sister Mrs Judge Kelly for a week returned to Mt Vernon on the noon train Miss Anna Zuelow celebrated her birthday with a party at her home on Philip avenue la6t evening Those participating had a very enjoyable time Mrs Mae Wheaton and son James who have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J E Simpson for the post two months departed Saturday noon for their home in South Omaha Albert Wittenburg a farmer who lives east of the hospital for the insane is to be united in marriage with Miss Annie Fheil at Hoskins on the llst Both are residents of Stanton county The News is in receipt of the an nouncement of the marriage of Edward Ellsworth Harter and Miss Phobe Alspnugh which took place at Naper ville 111 on the 2ird Mr and Mrs Harter will bo at home on Douglas ave nue Naperville after July 1st S R MtFarland has received a let ter announcing that his father Rev A M McFarland who is well known in this vicinity is very sick nt his home near Craig with nervous prostration and is threatened with pnralysis He is anxiously awaiting further news of his condition The eclipse of the sun was watched this morning with considerable interest by the people of Norfolk many of whom had supplied themselves with smoked glass About half of the suns surface waB obscured when the eclipse was at its best The shadow commenced cov ering the sun about 7 oclock and left it about 9 At the time of the republican congres sional convention of tho Third district which placed iu nomination John R Hays of this city as candidate for con gress the choice of a chairman aud sec retary of the ceutrnl committee was left with him Mr Hays has recently selscted Bart Mupes of this city as chairman His choice of secretary haB not yet been announced The amount of precipitation this spring during April was about double that of a year ago nut thus far during May the record has not approached that made last year duriug the same month Dniing May 16D9 the precipitation was more than eight inches a phenomenal record while thus fnr during May this year the rainfall has been but littlo moro than two inches The nvetfnge of tho two months is perhaps about the 6ame as last year Col 11 II Rood president nnd O W Kepler secretary of Mt Vernon lown have issued n notice of tho tenth biennial reunion of tho Society of Crockers Iowa Brigade which will bo hold at Kcoknk lown September ti and 21 next All soldiers who have at any time served in the Iowa Brigade composed of tho 11th 10th 15th and Kith lown Infantry volunteers aro en titled to membership and aro invited to attend the reunion The corresponding secretary D W Bnshneli of Council Bluffs Iowa says that many of our comrades residb in your vicinity nnd desires The News to give publicity to thoir announcement Col J E Simpson received word laBt night of the death of his old marching comrade dnring the war Jacob H Warneldorf for many years a resident of Neligh bnt during tho past year making his home with his son-in-law at Kearney where he died His funeral will be held at Neligh Wednesday Tho deceased waB nn attendant nt the hos pital for the insane for two years and is quite well known here he having been regular in attendance nt tho Methodist church dnring that time He was one of the few religious men who went into the army and preserved hU religion nutil the end of the war often getting down on his knees with tho scenes of battle around and praying for his family nt home The funeral will be on Decorarion Day when Mr Simpson delivers the address at Neligh The team of Dan B Lee ran away yesterday afternoon with his light road wagon in which was Mrs Lee nnd son Floyd They had been up to visit Mr Lees folks in the west part of town and were returning homo when the team become frightened nud ran away Mrs Lee was thrown out first and the tall cnt agash about three inches long iu her left temple The boy was thrown out shortly afterward and had quite a gash cut in the back of his head Both were severely bruised and frightened The boy recently had his leg broken while playing base ball and very fortunately his recent accident did not agnin hurt that injured member which has been healing nicely Mr Leo nud his daughter rode their bicycles but were unable to catch up with tho runaway horses in time to prevent the accident The team ran down through Main street and fiually were captured without do ing much damage to themselves or the wagon To our patrousxiLd ineuds we wish to state that we will not mako any stamp photos after Saturday June 2 Until then we will guarantee you as fine work as you can get anywhere Until Satur day June 2 only nt Michaels studio mm HAIR BALSAM nrd jiIJcj 1L lromofci a Itixur nt croth JHever Psns to licatoro Orey xi uii hu iih j uuli luiit Cure twin dfun K Lair Ullmft I f A 1 - H IJ D uw - wi u - To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD Rirtlmnm 114 Subscriptions to The Patent Record 1100 per annum TREES AND PLANTS fMe of Best Varieties nt Hard Times Prices Small fruit in large eupply Millions of Ht raw berry plants very thrifty and well rooted Get the debt near home and buvo freight or express 6end for price list to Norlh Bend Nurseries North Bend Cidje County Neh Friiy Ohm is ren We have three children Before the birth of the last one my vrife used four bot ties of MOTHERS FRIEND If you had the pictures of our children you could see a a giance mat the last one Is healthiest prettiest and finest looking of them all My wife thinks Mothers Friend Is the greatest and grandest remedy In the world for expect ant mothers Written by a Ken lucky Attorney at Law low Fffii KW fWmntt prevents nine tenths of the suffering incident to hlrth Thiinmlnirmnihrr disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal because this relax ing penetratiug liniment relieves the usual distress A good natured mother is pretty sure to have a good natured child The patient Is kept In a strong healthy condition which the child also inherits Mothers Prlend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly it assists in her rapid recovery and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery Sold by drujcl ts for 1 a bottle THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA OA Send for our free illustrated book written expressly for eapectant motbtrs r 1 V