4 if A FEW MORE Special Bargains in SHOES Left at DAVENPORT BROS I A GOOD i WATCH is ruined not by time but by bad handling Properly cured for it will last a life time To run well it should be wound regularly and cleaned nt least overy eighteen months ns in that time the oil will have lost its lubricating qual ities and the wheels begin to wear We do Good Watch nnd Fine Jewelry Repairing at Reasonable Prices C F W MARQUARDT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA FOR THE FINEST PHOTOS COME TO MICHAELS STUDIO v We always have the latest styles and guarantee that our work will please you Our prices are right and we solicit a share of your pat ronage Finest line of Mat Board in town Newest styles of Picture Mouldings Stamp Photos as fine as the finest Yours for business C P MICHAEL Thompsons JS cons corn 20 J cans tomatoes 25 Wheatling per package 10 Gold dust 4 lb 18 packages yeast 10 Bakers chocolate 18 2 lbs A B 0 crackers 15 1 gal pail syrup 35 Gloss starch per pkg 05 18 lbs granulated sugar 100 We Can Save You Money The Wenthur Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to day Maximum temperature 62 Minimum temperature 00 Average CO Precipitation 81 Total precipitatiou for mouth 1 05 Earometor 292 Forecast for Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight with warmer west portion Possibly showers Friday THURSDAYTIDINGS Norfolk lodge No 40 I O O F meets touight in regular session Dr Salters sanitarium has recently received a fresh trimming of paint Today was Asceusiou day and services Wire held in several of the churches A gang of telegraph lluomeu from Chicago is repairiug the line between here and Sioux City Services were held at Trinity church this morniug nt 7 J0 when holy com muuion was administered The Freshman cluss eujoyed a party last evening in G A R hall the time baiug very pleasautly spout Herbert Brown and Miss Minnie Dauiels both of Deer Creek preoiuct were united in marriage last evening Postofllce Inspector Albert O Swift is in the city and in company with Post master Sprecher is looking over the city with a view to ascertaining its ness for tho establishment of a freo do livery pystom Tho next ontortalnmont at tho Audi torium will bo that to bo givon by tho mnslc class of Mrs Bools uoxt Monday ovoniug Tho fourth of tho Bishop housos has beon inovod into town from Quoon City place and will soon bo locatod on a lot on North Eleventh streot A string trio consisting of two violins and a harp was fnruishlng some very uico muslo on tho streets today and also incidentally passing tho hat Landlord Spoar rocolvod a tolcgrnm late this afternoon from J N Himdiok directing that a room be rosorvod at tho Oxnard for W II Balrd and wife who will arrive on tho Union Pacific tonight Mayor W M Robertson was takou sick on tho streets this morning and is now confined to his bod with what seems to bo an attack of appendicitis Tho mayors many friends will hopo for his early and complete rocovory During the storm lost ovouing Wm Duohriug who lives west of tho city had five hoad of cattle killod by light ning which when tho prico of cattle is considered is quite a loss Mr Duohr iug sutVored a similar loss last year from the samo cause W II Hobiusou returned last oveuing from a four mouths visit in Cuba where ho has purchased some land in tho tract controlled by tho Paul Vandervort com pany Mr Robinson is very much pleased with tho country nnd reports that Mr Storm is gottiug nloug nicely nnd is busy putting in a fruit orchard He states that it is unlikely that Mr Storm will return to this country Owing to tho rain tho Auditorium was not largely filled last night when the Huebuer Settlo company presented the closing play of their engagement in this city but tho entertainment was very fair in fact many aver that it was tho best presented during tho threo nights tho company played hero The title of tho comedy was Confusion or Pug and tho Baby and it was quito comical and interesting Tlios Clemmons and Miss Catherine E Walker both recently employes of the steam laundry wore married last evoniug at tho Catholic parsonage by Father Vermellen John L Deckor acted as groomsman and Miss Mary E Walker as bridesmaid Mr and Mrs Clemmons departed on tho 1 oclock train for Minneapolis where they will visit a short time and will then go to Mt Vernon Washington the homo of tho brides parents where they will reside in the future Tho best wishes of their friends accompany them Superintendent Oram has sent out the result of the second Eighth grade ex amination of Madison county pupils In general average Miss Josephine Butter field heads the list with an average of 89 and Miss Bessie McFarland comes second with a rating of 83 The third place on the list is also held by Norfolk pupils Ethel Long Ella Hauptll nnd Wm Stewart having a grade of So each Bessie McFarland ranks highest in spelling with a grade of 92 Kato Hales of Tilden Clara Brueggeman and Anna Hageman of Norfolk rank highest in writing with a grade of 95 In arith metic Paul Rudat is highest with a marking of 99 dividing honors with Chas Wake of Newman Grove also 99 In geography John A Morton of district No 47 and Wm Stewart of Norfo k each have a grade of 90 In grammar Mae Wilson of Madison heads the list with 95 Josephine Butterfleld leads in physiology In history there are four of equal rank with a grading of 94 Albert Fricke and Ceua Ryuearson of Madison and Josephine Battorfield and Eugene Hose of Norfolk J D Sturgeon the Norfolk piano mau delivered a fine large cabinet grand New England piano yesterday to the happy purchaser who lives in Stanton county For first class tailoring see Fuesler who has tho largest and best selection in trouseriugs A perfect fit quarauteed with the most reasonable prices DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children Dr O V Crooks tho noted specialist of Fremont Nob will bo in Norfolk at tho Pacific hotel on Thursday evening May 31 until Sunday evening June 8 for three days only Dr Crooks success fully treats all diseases of the nerves diseases of women and chronic ailments Piles positively cured without the use of knife Consultation free Dr Seymour eye specialist is coming Dont forgot the ice cream and straw berry social to be given by tho Y M C L at the league rooms next Thursday evening 15 cents for either delicacy with cake or both for 25 cents Tho Northeast Nebraska G A It reunion will be held at Pierce July 10 11 12 and 13 Indications point to the largest attendance in tho history of the association Speakers of national repu tation will bo secured Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs Youuger on tho Heights Fuir Ground For Sule The undersigned committeo will oller for sale at public auction in Norfolk on Friday May 2 1900 the property knowu as the old fair grounds compris ing about 00 acres of laud east of the city reserving all tho pumps buildings THE NOltFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY M 1900 windmill nnd fencing with tho excep tion of tho posts on tho outsldo foiicea Sale to bo hold at Pasowalks implement house at 3 oclock p in Terms of salo Olio third cash balanco in ono aud two years on approved Boonrltywlthintorcst at 7 per cout I G Wkstkuvkit L M Gayioiu II A Paskwaik Committeo Notion I want to soil my outlro stock of socond hand goals at my storo on Main street I am going to quit tho business 1 0 Wambks Dr Soymour will bo hero about Juno 1st Wfttoh this pnpor for exact date Vail for Crrtlllrite of IiiilrltlneM Certificates of indebtedness issued against the general fund of the city of Norfolk up to and Including No 801 will on presentation bo takou aud cash warrants issnod In tliolr stead S R McKahlani City Clerk Now is tho timo to buy your straw berries 3 boxes for a quarter at Sohor roggos Romombor tho ice cream nud straw borry soolal Thursday ovouing nt tho Y M 0 L rooms PERSONAL Rev F P Wigtou returned to Osmond yesterday A A Welch of Wayuo was a city visitor yestorday Jas Hamilton was in from Sioux City on ono of his trips yostorday Richard Rcqun wont to Wakefield yosterduy on telephono businoss George McCombs of Omaha formorly of this city is greeting Norfolk friends County Superintendent Crum and James Nichols aro in tho city from Mad ison J D Sturgeon tho Norfolkpiano man left this morning on trip to Albion and vicinity Dr McKapes of Idaho Springs Col visited at tho Mclviui homo on North Tenth strcot last evening Al Bigelow who has beon staying with his brother in South Dakota dur ing the winter has returned to Norfolk Mrs L Bowser of Omaha who con ducted tho sod shanty restaurant at the exposition is In tho city visiting friends Mrs A J Walters and four childrou of Elberton Washington arrived in tho city last evening to visit relatives Mrs Walters is tho daughter of Mrs Belle Phoasaut Mrs C T Loomis and daughter who have been visiting with Mrs W II Bucholz departed this morning for Coancil Bluffs whore they will visit a short time and will then go east before returning to their home in Santa Rosa Cal During her stay hero Mrs Loomis made many friends Strawberries 3 boxes for a qunrtor nt Schorregges Dr Crooks tho noted specialist who will be at tho Pacific hotel on June 1 2 and 3 is considered one of tho best specialists of tho west Ha is curing hundreds of people who had given up all hopes of ever being benefited ICstlinuto of Kx jicimeH City of Norfolk Nebraska for the fiscal year 1900 1901 QENEIIAI FUND Salaries Lighting Election expenses Streets aud sidewalks Printing Supplies Fire department WATEK FUND Salaries Coal oil aud supplies Repairs and extensions Indebtedness INTEKEST FUND On bonds issued 18S7 On bonds issued 1891 On refunding water bonds is 3000 00 1200 00 200 00 1500 00 250 00 100 00 700 00 1200 00 1500 00 500 00 700 00 900 00 900 00 sued 1S99 1010 00 Sinking fund 1500 00 Receipts for fiscal year ending May 1 1900 Iusuranco companies 129 80 Miscellaneous licenses 113 X Dog tax 24 75 Sidewalk repairs 21 28 County treasurer road taxes 050 00 County treasurer general taxes 4350 00 Water rentals 2333 01 I hereby certify that tho abovo is a true copy of tho estimate of espouses of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for tho fiscal year 1900 aud 1901 together with tho receipts for tho year ending Mnv 1st 1900 as made by the oity council at a regular meetiug held on the 17th day of May 1900 W M Rohertsov Attest Mayor S R McFauland City Clerk Wall paper nt Ohristophs Mimical Commencement The Inter State Associato University of Music embracing twenty six states will hold its fourth annual commence ment exercises for tho local branch at Norfolk under tho direction of Mrs Cora A Bools local teacher at the new Auditorium on the eveuiug of May 2s A musical program of special iuterest is in preparation A professional con cert siuger will assist besides some recitations Miss Maudo Tnnuehill has consented to givo the recitation entitled Susie Smith which won for her first prize in tho humorous class at Kearney Prof E H Scott of Chicagopresident of tho university will be preseut to de liver the nddress to the graduates Admlssiou 10 aud 15 cents Proceeds for thebeuefit of the Audito rium Houses for sale T E Odiobse MW EXERCISES The Norfolk School Year Will End Next Week B0ME INTERESTING PROGRAMS CIiik Hfirmon itt Mm KiUropil Church ly th Klglilli Irnilo Ktorrlnpn ontlioIIOth iriuluntliijc K nrclitp itt tho Auditorium nil thn 3 1st The Norfolk public schools will clow with noxt week amid Interesting oxer clsos Many of tho gradoa of tho com mon school course are holding their closing oxorcisos this week but com mencement propor will not bo until noxt wook Tho baccalauroato sermon will bo do llvorod by Hov J 11 S Wollls at Trin ity Episcopal church on Sunday oven lug lLNIOIl DAY Noxt Tuosday ovoniug tho oxot oisos of tho Junior class of tho High school will bo hold In tho High school room the following being tho program I MIT I Orchestra Ctiiss HMory Lulu KIiik MmiilollhXolo CmicorlWiilU Minn McNuoly Ilonlliitt Tim Wootllmwm lout Stollu lulkiut Vocal Solo Aliitwm lHhul Dniiulily 1anoi WrithiftOtir Itncnnl Wiimlfieil Utclillulil Itucltiitioii IaiowoH Aila Otfilon Duel Din Mm lattol Ktliol Humility Kill Hull Iarouull Mmiili THiinnliill Hospoiiso ICwi Mllla rutr M Class Souk Junior CIiwh Ituulimt Olil Aco Kliziiholli HluirplBsa Orcliisslru HoitlitiK lltiylm a Hiiilroail Tieluf John llrnUo Nino Mupih Clai 8 May Dancu Junior dills Orchn ttii Tim lntos luitM of tho C milium Sibyl n mctiks Silijl Mary Omorl liulerof Niiiotuoii ono lilisubotli SharpliiBH Hamlof Nintuoii ouo Junior Clasu Orcliustru inoinit iiiadi Tho Eighth grade will hold its exer cises on tho evening of the 30th at tho Auditorium when tho following inter esting program will be rendered Inwicutiou Hov ShnrphwB IMaim Dtiut KntlinrlnoShiiw llnznl Kolly Address of Wolcomo Cora hutkurt Irosliniin Itl SPOIISI KlIKnilO II USD Class looiii Kthul Ioiib Is thu IMitor In WUlinm Stuwart Ollvor Uttor Harry Thomp son Wnhlon Anilorsoii Mao llarrott Vitttiio Ailiuna Vocal Solo II1170I Kolly Class Prophecy Kroil Asiime Kccltutiou LoiiIimj Whipps Oration Hay Hartford A Natural Spoil Hy Eislit Qirlfi Hocitation Iaul Hiiilnt Instrumental Solo Katlioriuo Shaw Aililress to tho Claso Irono Jiitiomiin Ittteuntatiuii of Class Miss H C Wooil Hoaponso Supt 1 C OConnor Presentation of Diplomas Class Son OltADLATlVO EXEIlCISUri The twelfth annual commencement exorcises of the Norfolk High school will bo held at tho Auditorium Thurs day evening May 31 Tho members of tho Senior class aro as follows Otolia Hortha Pilger George Heman Walker Maud Elaiuo Diugman Nellio Theresa Morrow Lota Clementine Blakely Clyde Byruio Hayes Irene Dolora Alexander Myrtle Fidelia Templiu Alice Winifred Colo Gae Mogdoleue Stanton Charlotto Louise Kuhl Corn Winifred Owen Maude Estolle Tannohill Clyde Gwin uup Patterson and Norris Albert Huso Tho following is tho program for the graduating exercises March Orchostrn Invocation Hov W H Knion Quartot Suwanoo Hivor Mrs Ilucholz Miss Francos Johnson Mrs KIur Mrs Uttor Salutatory Otolin Pilijor Solo Tho Waiting Hoarl Mrs Suitor Icctiiro Loan Folks Frank McCluro Challoo Cornot Solo Palmna Orchestra Vnloilictory Norris Hum Duot I Heanl n Voice Mrs Hucliolz Mrs Salter Homnrks Supt I C 0Conuor Presentation of Diplomas Pros 3 A Lnikart Music Little Ilojuty Orchestra Bam for rent J L Daniel Farm laud and city property for sale by G R Seiler Horses clipped at Sellers barn Farm and city loans Tub Duklasd Trust Co If Your Watch Stops Go to Fritz Hoehne in Koenigsteins drug store He Is the best and cheapest watchmaker aud jewler in town All work warranted Gikl Wanted Call at The Nis office We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiokve Sec Spring Scliiilulu on thn Xirklit Plate Ittmil Kllectlvo May II 11110 Ft Wayne Fiudlny Fostoria Belle vue Lorain Cleveland Ashtabula Conueaut Girard Erie Cbautauqua Luke Dunkirk Buffalo as well as Now York Boston aud nil intermediate points in Now England New York stato and tho anthracite coal regions are reached on fast time and lowest rates of fare by trains of the Nickle Plate txtxt ihimi t iSw road Leave Chicago lO oVi n in II p m I0i p in with up-to-date drawing room sleeping cars lTiu celled dining cars on through Boston and Now Yoik train at 10 Jii a in and Now York Oity fust exprosH train leav ing Chicago at 11 W p in All trains run daily Train leaving Chicago at J 0 p m has observation car past of Miillalo over tho Lackawanna road ar riving in Now York Oity 7 ii p in every day in tho year in good shape for evening entertainments Soiuro sleep ing car space in advance Write wire or phono vlOo central to J Y Caliihaii general agent Chicago 111 Notlco of Suit tnilttr Cliuttol MortuK Notice is Iioroby given that by virtno of a chattol mortgage tlatod on tho illst day ofJanuarylK0and duly filed in tho olllco of the county clerk of Madihoncoun tyNebrasknon tho th day of Fobru aryll00oxioutod by Richard ICilmurry jr to UuoH Spear of NorfolkNobraskii to secure tho payment cf tho sum of four hundred and forty four and OH KM dol lars and upon which there is now duo the sum of ono hundred and fifty four and 11 100 dollars default having boon mado in tho payment of said sum nnd no suit or other proceeding at law hav ing beon instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof said iiiortgngo hav ing boforo its maturity boon sold nnd duly assigned by tho said Goo II Spoar to tho Norfolk National bank of Nor folk Nebraska theroforo tho under signed Norfolk National bank prosont owner of said mortgage debt will sell tho property horeiu described viz Threo full barrels of Old Honistead whiskey tho throo barrels containing not less than 120 gallons of whiskey at public auction at tho storo rooin of tho Oxnard hotel in Norfolk Modisou county Nebraska on tho th day of Juno 1900 at ono oclock p in of Baid day Dated Norfolk May 18 100 Nokfolk National Bank Assignee of Mortgage BOOKBINDING Books and Magazines Neatly Bound II BRUMMUND NoxttoDoaus Paint Store th Street WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH J0 TO W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN t5T THIHI DOOtt EAST OK FOOHTH For IImdIhds Stearo Filling Iumps Tanks Wind Mills Ami all work in thla lino call on W H RISH Satisfaction Guaranteed First door South of The DvuvNiwh Oillce M C WALKER UEALEI IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 s - WE BOUGHT TOO MANY STREET HATS They arc murkodllo soil from 113 to 259 and j at a small profit Wo want to closo Uicm out and 1 iiiilfo n niicn nf ft 49c each Soo Uiom in our oasl window Miis week Ito- monibor only4c for your choice of ihoni Inskeeps Millinery MH GR SEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission iSRSAVr PHONE 44 MRS H H MULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Over I laves Jewelry Store J S MORROW lois Well Driving and Sharpens Lawn Mowers IS07 Philip Avo Phono 131 PURE GROCERIES Arc essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration aud sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you nay for at Chles Pure Fresh Groceries are essential to good health and cost no more than the cheap stuff handled by some dealers Fuesler Sells the Best Sole Agent for Chase Sanborns Coffee arpenfers TAtiy J i pois vSn east th yl v I I SEflSOllABIiE GOODS Lawn Mowers Screen Doors Poultry Netting Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves and Steel Ranges Harden Hose Lisks Anti Rust Tinware every piece guaranteed not to rust Stransky Steel Ware at Degners Hardware