The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 24, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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sr m
E Bouneu of Gordon wns in tho city
J II Brown was in tho city yesterday
from Pierco
Misa Austin vi3 n city visitor yester
day from Vnyue
Jas A Clino w as iu Norfolk yester
day from Miuden
L 0 Pogh of Battle Crcok wns in
tho city yesterday
P E Benscr of Wiusldo was a Noi
folk visitor yesterday
Miss Maudo Reynolds was in town
yesterday from Wayne
Daniel Trnpp was a city visitor from
tho county seat yesterday
Mrs 0 A Stnlcy of Pierco was shop
ping iu tho Sugar City today
Henry Slitt and 0 H Leo wero Nor
folk visitors yesterday from Silver
Miss Helen Pylo of Wayne who has
been visiting Miss B itchelor has re
turned to her home
Mrs D L Avery Fort Scott Kan
sas is viitmg at the humu of Mr and
Mrs G M ThotTpsDU
John Krnutz has added anew phaeton
and a new rubber tired trap to his livery
barn equipment both of whih aro very
handsome vehicles
The republican central committee of
tho Ninth judicial dlsttict is holding a
meeting in this city this afternoon ar
ranging to call tho convention
Tho party given at tho homo of Venus
Nenow last evening as a farewell to
Ed Walrers was very largely attended
and those present very thoroughly enter
tained until about 1 oclock this morning
The Norfolk High School Alumni
will hold a business meeting tomorrow
night at S oclock in tho High school
building Every member is requested
to be present as there is urgent business
to transact
John Douner aged G2 an old settler
and substantial Gorman farmer of this
part of the country died at Hoskius yes
terday and will be buried tomorrow
afternoon nt 2 oclock from the Lutheran
church at Hoskius
Stanton Register P P Miller D
G M of the A O U W came down
from Norfolk and is at work secuiing
members for a now lodge of that order
in this city There are enough members
of that order in and around Stanton to
make a lodge and will bo organized
here iu the first days of June
The High school commencement ex
ercises will be held in the Auditorium
on the evening of May 30 Admission
to the gallery will ba 10 cents to the
parquet ami dress circle lu cents Those
having the 15 cent tickets may take
them to Leonards drug store and have
them reserved by tho payment of an
additional 10 cents
Ahlman Bros have made an attach
ment with the aid of which a bicycle
may be ridden on a railroad track with
the consent of the railroad management
It serves to keep the bicycle balanced on
one of the rails and it is said that very
rapid time can be made While in Mis
souri they disposed of seven of tho at
tachments and one or two of the pur
chasers rode through to Wisconsin on
he Fair store today put up a novel and
catohy sign for a 6hoe firm which they
represent The sign is printed on mus
lin and is attached to tho string con
nected with a scientific kite which ele
vates it to a height of perhaps 100 feet
where it attracts attention from far and
near The lettering cannot be read
with the naked eye at any great distance
owing to the height and fluttering of the
The Culture class an organization of
the young folks of the Baptist church
held their regular meeting last evening
After adjournment Pastor Eaton and
wife wero detained at tho church while
tho members went to their homo and
took possession enjoying a very pleasant
social A literary program was ren
dered features of which wero recita
tions by Miss Maude Tannehill and
Miss Winnie Owen Tho members
took with them pound packages which
thev left with Mr and Mrs Eaton
The Norfolk lodge Tribe of Bon Hur
held a very successful regular meeting
last evening in G A 11 hall Pour
candidates wero initiated into tho mys
teries of the order After tho work tho
ladies announced that supper was await
ing in the adjoining room and tho mem
bership took tho opportunity of regal
themselves without the necessity of
a second invitation After supper the
ofllcers previously elected wero instal
led for the eusuing term Tho lodge is
in a prosperous condition and now has a
membership of 0
The Hnebner Settlo company pre
eentSapho last evening to a fairly
large audience Tho compauy did its
work well as usual Tho play was not
particularly objectionable but it con
tallied nothing to especially recommend
it aud tho opinion seems to prevail
nmong thoso who heard it that but for
tho notoriety which has been attaohed
to the piece by Olga Nethersolo and her
company there would bo little to sustain
it The company which is a good one
will undoubtedly nppear to much better
advantage this evening when they will
present au original comedy Too Much
Smith The Auditorium will undoubt
edly be croVded as everyone who have
seen them can testify to tho merits tf
tho company
W N Huso returned from Omaha at
noon where ho was called by tho chair
man of tho republican stato central com
mittee who ofTorod to placo in his
chargo tho press bureau that is to bo
operated in connection with tho work of
tho committee but ho was obliged to
decliuo for tho samo ronsou that ho did
not accept tho nomination for auditor
of state lack of time In all probabil
ity tho presB bureau will bo placed in
charge of a committee consisting of L
A Williams editor of tho Blair Pilot
Burt Mapes of this city aud S J Weeks
of ONeill Tho stato central com
mittee is now comfortably Installed at
tho Her Grand hotel nnd from this
timo until tho close of tho campaign tho
activo officers of tho connnitteo will bo
at headquarters ready to nttend to busi
ness Tho connnitteo is ofllcered as
follows Chairman II 0 Lindsay of
Pawnee City vico chairman Frank 11
Young of Broken Bow secretary Tohu
T Mallaliou of Kearney treasurer L
D Richards of Fremont
There has been somo discussion among
business men regarding tho advisability
of celebrating tho Fourth of July
Some nre in favor of observing tho na
tions birthday with appropriate exer
cises while others prefer to wait until
fall and then make two or three days of
it at a street fair or other sort of enter
tainment Tho peoplo in tho country
surrounding Norfolk have como to look
upon this city as their metropolis nnd
from it as such they expect occasioual
nmusoment features For several years
past this city hasdouo nothing to Biipply
this demand aud it certainly would not
lose materially by doing something nlong
that line Tho fall enteitainment sug
gestion is a good ouo but if it is carried
out preliminary stops should bo taken
at onco nnd an entertainment provided
that will bo satisfactory to thoso who
may nttend give them the worth of
their money nnd furnish an inducement
to como to future entertniumouts
Many of tho smnll towns surrounding
Norfolk are preparing to observe tho
Fourth and if Norfolk peoplo would
turn out and help them to do eo they
would feel the more inclined to partici
pate in a fall festival here Such an
entertainment should net cost a vast
amount of money aud three days might
profitably be observed Ono devoted
say to speaking another to sports nnd
one to music with band concerts or con
tests ns a feature with fireworks each
evening nnd the town decorated would
make attractions which people could not
afford to miss These aro merely sug
gestions and others may have better
ideas in regard to tho matter Usually
in tho fall there is a lull in farm work
when nearly everybody has some time
and money which they can spare for
enjoyment and it would bo quite the
proper thing for Norfolk to meet these
desires The News would bo pleased
to have the matter discussed and will
devote some space to short communica
tions pertinent to the question Norfolk
will probably be a great political center
this fall and with the aid of a three
days entertainment there should be no
reason why it could not have the crowds
that for years past have been going else
Congressman Snlzer one of New
Yorks democratic leaders predicts that
the republican majority in that state
this fall will be larger than any yet
given to that party In iSflO tho repub
licans carried New York by 208000
votes and any considerable gain will
make it practically unanimous
The News jod department is com
plete in every particular
The Mother of Consumption
low this Dread Disease May be Prevented end
Cured The Greatest of Specialists Writes
on the Subject
Catnrrb Is tho mother of consumption
lly this I do not mean that every cum of cntnrrli do-
ciiicn lint ciiiiruiuiiiiiiii uui a
do iucim that catarrh win n tin
checked and wlicn riven the
proper npportunltlew fur exton
plan from lt place of UKlniilm
which Is tlio nnral piFFai e
deeper and deeper bIoiik ho
lrtiithlnit tract invnrliitilj ends
In Consumption of the Luiich
Catarrh Kldom riihtrojH any
coiiPiderahlu part of Uioiuucouh
eurfaco of the upper air pan
ned It lutliiiiieA and contesta
tin nil cauelim ufuhII a
and oiftiiflve dis
charge but when It rendu s tho Intensely delicate
llnlnirnf ttiolnlr llkn lumi tulip and little lunucellu
thu iiillumiitlnn and cniRPftlon Hhlch It cause
chvoHtheM small air iofnikvs and ulloultiK trio
putrlddUcharcert matter to accumulate cmaciui rot
tlnif away of tho membrane rebulllru lu vihit wo
call n msumptlon of tho Lungs
Thutonduncyof catarrh when Ithasonceohtatned
a foothold In any portion of tho jhucouh uinulirnne
which lined overy cavity of tho bod Is to conttantly
extend In every direction
Catarrh In almost every Instance starts with what Is
commonly known in cold In tho heaj TIiIm cold Is
added to by another because of Kiiueextraeiposure
nr weakening of thu sstem und becomes chronic
Nasal cat irrh Is tho result Unless a radlcalcureof
thlHCOndltlonlsetrocted tho illstase pusses rapidly
to the throat to the bron cblal tuUs aud then to tho
Consumption nnnot bo cured New tunes cannot
be made for a man any more than new lingers or a
newnoabut catarrh can le cured In all Its blasts
except this llual and uluays fata one
In an expnrloncu of twenty juira durtnc which
time I lmv treated many thousands of cases of all
forms of catarrh I have never sit failed to effect u
radical anil permanent cure The uilhod I emplnv
H onu exclusively my own und the remedies which I
uu am prei ireif under my pertorul dlrtcllon In my
own laboratories
Man iioonlo liu ulno they have Consumi t on when
hi reality the illsumu lus not initio rt ached that
staue I urn treating and curlntr casisof this sort
every day So lonir as tho proci ss of dicas bus not
beeun In tho hmtttheiii selves I can make tho putient
perfectly well und Strom UKaln
Lei mo onco more urco all catarrhal sufferers to
begin treatment at once for a month of treatment
now la hotter than tho three months later on
Ishillmiko for tho next month a nnclallj low fee
for the treatment of catarrh not coiupllcaud by
other dUease matlmr no extra chartu for ull med
icines etc that ins y benqulrtd
Dr llutltuuuy A Co
Couimerclul ltlock bluux City Iotnk
Miss Mollio Frioko is sick at the san
Jndgo Harris of Madison Is a Norfolk
Ed Waltors departed this morning
for Humphrey
F J Halo of Battlo Creek was a city
visitor yesterday
Mr and Mrs Zahn of 1icrco wcio
Bhoppiug In this city today
F W Horstand A W Otoss were
over from Madlbon yesterday
M C Walker departed today on a
trip to Omaha and Plattsniouth
Mrs N A Rainbolt is cnteitulning
tho KntVeo Klatch this nftirnoou
lltcv F P Wigton of OmiuuhI was in
tho city yesterday gieeting friends
J F Uoyd and Henry Torpln of Oak
dale had business in Nortolk yesterday
O 13 Mauvillo nnd Misses Norn mid
llauna Nelson were city visitois yester
day from Tildeu
Mrs Kirkputrick of Pierco Ib visiting
with Mrs Q F Keiper at tho Norfolk
hospital for tho insane
Jndgo Barnes camo in from Clay
Center last evening and will depart to
day for Ogalala on legal business
Tho elegant thunderstorm this after
noon removed all apprehensions of a
possible drouth and laid tho dust in good
Tho front of tho Auditorium is now
about completed and tho outside appear
nuco of tho building has been much im
Tho nnuounceinout of tho commence
ment exercises iu last evenings paper
read May 0 when it should have n ad
the tlst
Tho class sermon to tho graduates of
tho Nortolk High tcliool will bo de
livered next Sunday evening at Trinity
I5piscopil church by ltev J C H
Herman Christoph camo up from
Lincoln yesterday to pay tt short visit to
his son George Ho will depart tomor
row for his home in New Hampton
Superintendent D C OConnor will
deliver tho nddress to tho graduating
class of tho Petersburg High school on
Friday and tho people of that city may
rest assured that it will be someihing
Workmen nio engaged in filling in
with dirt in front of tho Pacific block
preparatory to putting in a new ado
walk au improvement which will bo
commended by ten out of niuo of tho
citizens of Norfolk
One of tho leading events of tho
season in educational line3 will bo tho
musical commencement exercises at tho
new Auditorium next Monday evening
People from all the adjoining towns will
be in attendance as well as several who
take part in tho program
The lady friends of Mrs Christiun
Klontz gave her a surprise party last
evening nt her home on South Fourth
street tbo occasion being her 71st birth
day There wtre about 20 guests
present nnd a very enjoynblo evening
was passed refreshments being served
Ed Hnrter formerly of this city was
married this afternoon at i oclock nt
Naperville 111 to Miss Pheobe Alspugh
a popular young lady of that city Thoy
leave this evening for a trip through
Colorado California nnd other western
states and may stop here on their re
The mail pouches for Battle Creek
Meadow Grove Tilden and Oakdale
which have heretofore been mado up at
tho Norfolk postoifico in the morning
are now made up at oclock in the
evening and people having mall business
with either of these towns will govern
themselves accordingly p
Mannger W H Baird of the Norfolk
sugar fnctory nnd Miss Lulu Hitel of
Grand Island will bo united in marriage
in that city tomorrow morning at 0
oclock Those who have gono down to
attend the ceremony from this city aro
Mr and Mrs 1 N Buudick II A
Wllmnrdiug E II Gerecke and J B
Barnes jr
The Huebuer Settlo company was
greeted by a falr sied audienco nt tho
Auditorium last evening when they
rendered Two Much Smith a very
laughnblo comedy Thoso present en
joyed tho performance very thoroughly
and many spoko in high terms of the
attraction This evening another com
edy is on tho boards Confusion or
Pug and tho Baby which attained a
fine reputation in tho east through Nat
Goodwin Tho audlonco tonight should
bo a large one
Arrangements for base ball this
season under tho management of A J
Koenigstein aro progressing nicely aud
lovers of thatsport aro promised some
interesting games this summer The
sale of season tickets has been quite
Entisfactory nnd steps are being taken
to arraugo the Olnoy grounds iuto a
sultablo park Tho old fair ground
fonce hns been purchnsed with which
to encloso tho grounds and a portion of
tho grand stand will bo moved in Tho
management hopes to be ready for n
game soon perhnps on Decoration Day
A dispatch to tho World Herald from
Sioux City says Dispatches hero to
day announce tho federal supremo
courts refusal to grant a rehearing in
tne cieo ngniust rTPjik Doreey charged
with wrecking the Fitt National bntilt
of Ponca Nob tovoral ytar ago
Dorsoy wni cashier of tho institution
Ho was convicted in Omaha and sen
tenced to six years imprisonment but
has been lighting for n reversal ovci
since Ho wns in business hero for sev
eral yeais after tho bank failed and is
now opeiatlng a brokerago establihli
mint at Colorado Springs
Tho Ancient Order of United Work
men in Nebraska sets aside a day known
as Floral day each year when tho niein
brrflilp pay their respects to the mem
ory of d censed members Tho day set
aside for that purpose this year is Sun
day June K and at Its meeting last
night Norfolk lodgo No i mado ar
rangements to obseivo it On Imita
tion of Hev W H Eaton of tho Baptist
chinch they will attend services in a
bodyit that church iu tho loienoon mid
in tho afternoon will proceed to the
cemetery wheio they will decorate the
grave of the late Frank Wise w ho was
u member of tho order Protection
lodge No 101 Degree of Honor will be
Invited to participate in the observance
of tho day
Itoeilwil lint Infiti ineil tho
Slntiiiient of Hrorctnrj liny Wits Klmil
Wahihnuton May Messrs
Fischer WosmiIh and Woolninrans tho
threo Boer onvoyH visited tho white
house yesterday according to previous
urrangenient to pay heir respects to
the president No oillcinl status was
given tho visitors and they presented
no credentials
Tho envoys wero received in tho blue
parlor no ono being present but them
telves tho president and Secrotary Cor
tulyuu At ilrht tho conversation
touched upon n variety of subject Tho
Boers talked about Washington told
how thoy admired tho city and tho
president escorted them to tho porch at
the rear of tho executive mansion wheio
u splendid view is obtainable of tho
Washington monument and tho Po
tomac liver President Krugers niuiiu
dually was mentioned and tho visitors
then btntcd their purpose in coming to
this country Thoy said thoy under
stood that what Secretary Hay told
them Monday was Until and that tho
position of tho United States was that
this country could not interfero in tho
proscut struggle hi South Afiica Tho
purulent continued this viow Ho said
that tho action ho took somo time ago
when ut tho request of tho government
of tho Transvaal that this government
should intervene ho offered his good
oIUcch to England to bung about peaco
ho did it with great plcasuioiu tho hope
that it might possibly bring tho conflict
to an end This oiler had been declined
by Gicat Britain and ho said there
was nothing further that tho United
States could do in tho premises
Tho envoys intimated that they wero
glad to loci that they had fnonds in
this country and then biulo tlto presi
dent good byo
Mnhos n llra In tlui Scnntn Tor Ititrntlcm
oT till IIiI1IiiIiiph
Washington May 23 In tho senate
yesterday Spooner Wis mado n no
table speech in favor of his bill provid
ing that upon tho suppression of tho
insurrection in tho Philippines tho gov
ernment of tho islands shall dovolvo
upon tho president until such time as
congress might direct otherwise
Spooner was almost too ill to stand but
ho defended with characteristic vigor
and eloquenco the policy of tho admin
istration in tho Philippines maintain
ing that no other policy in tho circum
stances was possible and that nouo
other could havo been adopted without
dishonor to tho country Later in tho
afternoon Senator Carter of Montana
presented the credentials of Senator
Clark of that stato Thoy will lio on
tho table for tho present
Wellington presented tho resolution
adopted by tho meeting held in this
city Sunday evening Inst to welcome
the envoys from tho South African J e
publics Ho gavo uotico that on Mon
day ho would speak on tho subject
Alaskan Code 1111 In House
Washington Mny 23 Tho houso
devoted tho entire day to tho Alaskan
civil government bill Slow progress
was made only 21 pagos being tlisposed
oJ A sennto hill was passed to rcservo
certain lands iu Hawaii for cometery
purposes Knox Mass in explaining
tho bill said In this cemetery tho
kings and royal families of tho islandH
ho sleeping unconscious that they havo
been nnnexed to tho United States I
trust there will bo no objection on this
side to the passage of tho bill inter
rupted Wheeler Ivy A few kings
dead or alivo is nil that is necessary to
completo tho policy of tho present ad
oiilet Day at Ht Ioiils
St Louis May 23 Yesterday was
tho most quet day of tho striko there
being no disturbance worth mention
lug Thero wero ono or two small
fights between union and nonunion
men but nobody was hurt nnd there
was nothing throughout tho day that
approached tho dignity of a riot The
transit company is making steady pro
gress iu opening its lines Twcuty four
wero in operation nnd on niuo of them
tho full complement of cars was run
Corn for Suflrrers lu India
Topeua May 23 A special train
will leavo hero tomorrow composed of a
cargo of Kansas corn consigned to tho
sufferers in India Tho train will bo
mado up of 20 or moro cars loaded with
Kansas corn to their fullest capacity
aud containing over 20000 bushols of
Sato llloucra In Depot
Ulysses Nob May 23 Tho safo in
tbo B und M depot at this placo was
felowu open last night Tho robbers se
cured 47 1 cent revenue stamps and no
tt rr vsFTFr iur ii 11 bj vrvrmr -
i i
aTJN every cake of Ivory Soap there arc
complete suits of rich lather
J 00
creamy Before
dressing put on a suit of Ivory Soap Cover
the entire bodv from head to foot with
lather Take the suit off with tepid water and you
will remove with it all the impurities of the body
which have been carried to the surface through the
pores Use a pure soap for this
I OMdlOHl lit IV 1H Mod I ft A QMII fn tlfcCINUM
Hnn No Opposition In llepiilillean Stnto
n r nt Ion ut Hlnitx KiiIIh
Sioux Falls Mny 23 Tho Kcpnb
lican stato convention will bo held lieio
today Fully M0 delegates nio in tho
city Chuiles N lien led of Euickn
will be nominated for governor liy ac
clamation and tliero is no opposition to
the nomination of Chailes II liurko
and 13 M Martin for
Some opposition has developed
to tho indornoinotit of tho candidacy of
Congressman IlobcttJ Gamble for tho
United States senate on tho ground
that it should bo left to tho legmlatuie
An attempt will bo mado to indosso
Bartlett Tupp of Yankton for tho Re
publican Humiliation for vico pi evident
An audience ol 1000 ponplu last night
listened to addresses by John L Web
ster of Oinnhn Judge Baitlett Tripp
ex Congressman John A Pickler and
Iltlrlcit Hlinppliit Cimo IUiiiIhIiL
Chicago May 23 The McLaiu case
in which fivo prominent board ol trado
brokers wero charged with using tho
mails to carry on a bucket shopping
schemo to defraud their customers was
taken from tho jury by Judge Kohlaut
in tho United States district court yes
terday and a verdict of not guilty
entered for tho defendants Judgo
Kohlsaat allowed tho defendants to go
froo because it was not mado sufficiently
clear iu tho evidence that it was tho in
tention of tho defendants to convert to
their own uso tho money sent them by
their customers for proper investment
Kiiiihiih Dciniiuratii Meet
Wichita Kan May 23 Tho town
is filled with delegates to tho Demo
cratic stato convention which meets
hero today for tho pnrposo of electing
20 delegates to tho national convention
No fight is expected in tho convention
as all tho district dissensions havo been
settled in caucus Senator Hugh Far
relly will bo temporary chairman and
W II L Popperell temporary secre
tary This organization will bo mado
permanent The will
be J II Atwood Davo Overmoyer J
II Johnson Dr Brandenburg James
Fiko and Harry Stewart
Leavenworth IlrldRO 811I1L
Lkavlnwoktii May 23 Tho Mis
fiouri and Kansas bridge which spans
tho Missouri river two miles north of
Leavenworth was yesterday sold at
auction by a master commissioner ap
pointed by tho United States district
court It wns knocked down to Simon
Stern for Emanuel L Riser of New
York for 510000 tho upset prico Thero
was but ono bid Tho bridgo was built
in 1870 at a cost of 000000 February
last a suit to forecloso a mortgago for
583000 given in 18S0 wns filed by J
II Shaukliu trustco for tho bond
Mciiirtlunil Juts tlit Dcrlalnn
Nnw Yoiik May 23 Kid McPart
land had an easy timo with Billy Ernst
at tho Scasulo Sporting club Coney Isl
and last night Young Starr of Phila
delphia who was to havo met McPart
land failed to appear and Ernst who
was billed to go on in tho preliminary
was substituted They wero to havo
gono 25 rounds at catch weights but
tho referee stopped them in tho sixth
and awarded McPartlaud tho decision
Ernst had no chnnco at any tuna
Maiili slit it Fii ui nl at Lint
Omaia May 23 Maggie Shea tho
demented young woman who for eight
days was wandering iu the woods near
Florence was found and taken to her
homo Tuesday night This closes n enso
remarkablo iu many ways for tho
young woman has been searched for
almost constantly has never been out
bido of tho northeastern corner of Doug
las county and yet as far as known
was seen but twico during her abseuco
Wiirne r llle
Miss Myrtio Rico is listed with the
Frank Pettitt is tile draining his farm
south of town
H P Bird and family moved to Em
erson last week
Our assessor B 11 Mediums is sit
ing up tlio piccliict this week
Ceo Ktavely of Council MIiiIIh la
wits transacting business hero Monday
Miss Intss Kynnr of Norfolk wns tho
guest of Mis O A Sleeper Saturday
nnd Sunday
Mot of our farmers are tliiough
planting corn und a few have com
menced cultivating
Tlio nieniljois of tho M II A lodgo
will give an ice cream lestiviil in their
lodgo room Saturday ovouiug May 21
tho proceeds of which will bo used in
fitting up tlio lodgo room
Harry Cuningham and Miss Myrtio
McDonald well known young peoplo oJ
thi Mcmity were united in tho holy
bonds of it atrimony Wednesday May
11 Itov O W Lowno of Madison per
formed the ceremony
Kitl LMitlt 1 riinnlorrt
Tho following transfers of real estnto
aro reported by E CiHeilmnn man-
acer of tho Madison county abstract
ofllco at Norfolk
Andre O Johnson nnd wife
EngerM to Lilian Palmer
s of hj of sec 10-23-1 wddf0 00
Geo L lies and wife to Geo
H Bishop part of lot 11
block 5 Norfolk described by
metes nnd bounds wd 1K000
Herman Hogrefo and wife aud
S K Warrick to Fred Scheer
ger ne i 30 subject to a mtg
offcOO 00 and sef
wd 4000 00
WilhelmiualWeltz Daniel A
Reiter and wife Henry
Ilcin nnd wife Fred W
Sachtjen and wife Charles
Weltz nnd wife Carl
Poleusko and wife Louis M
Weltz and wife Lorenco
Weltz and Iwife to Emil
Winter ne4 and eU ofjnwj
of block 0 Maudnmus add to
Madison wd 725 00
W V Gambill to Adel J Stern
er a part of 6e of suki of sec
32-22-1 wd 7G00
William Dtipsou and wife to N
Dopson sS of lot 3 block IS
F W Barnes 1st ndd to
MadisonNebr also a paicel
of said lot described by metes
nnd bouuds wd 100 00
Willis E Reed and wifoto S
O Campbell lot 3 block 35
Clark and MadiEon Mill Cos
add to Madison ejed 50 00
Is that traversed ty the
Great Centrrl Southern Trunk Lino
in Keutucky Tennessee Alabama
sisIIIi Ploridll ivllprn tliora nro ctilnn
did chances for everybody to make
Come and eeo for yourselves
Half Faiik Excursions Fiiistaxd
Tiihd Tuesdays or Every Month
Printed matter mnpsand nil informa
tion free Address
General Immigration fand Indnstria
C Agent Louisvillb Cy