K 1 X 0 H FRIDAY FACTS Kralm is visiting friends In Town Knox Tlpplo wns iu tho city yesterday from Wayne llnrt Mapos 1 nttomllng to lcgnl busi ness in Hlnir T A Klsso of tho Fair store- went to Humphrey totlny 1 S Shurz hivs gono to Gletiolder Knnsno to visit his son Tho Fair store front is being improved with n fresh coat of pnint W K Hewitt win n Norfolk visitor yesterday from David City Rev G H Main has returned from his visit to Iowa nnd Illinois Tho houso of G H Suitor on North Tenth street Is being repainted Uharles Eblo of this city has been granted a pension of 12 a month M nnd F Hentz of Sownrd arc visit ing nt tho homo of Mrs Susan Blyo Mr nnd Mrs Geo Horry woro city visitors yesterday from Battle Crook Frod Bonjamin went to Piorco this morning on sewing maohiuo business I II Senberry was down from Plain view to attend tho Early Hour club dance Mrs V L Culver leaveB tomorrow for her old homo iu Ypsilnuti Michigan to Bpeml tho summer Mrs G F Koiper very plcnsautly on tortniued n compauy of friondslost even ing at a mustcalo Mrs M E Lobuow will go cast ns soon as hIio can disposo of her prof orty on North Ninth street Tho fruit stand at tho corner of Nor folk nvenno nnd Fifth street has been opened with J M Parker iu chargo Tho Soventh grado will hold its clos ing exercises for tho Bohool your at tho High school building this evening Two bicyclo tourists passed through tho citv yesterdny on their way to Alaska Thoy woro from Hamilton county Miss Mollio Fricko has resigned her position at tho Norfolk hospital for the iusano and returned to her homo in Madison Wm Skeeu formerly ono of tho Creighton depot employes is now agent nt Lnurottu whero his father nnd mother rcsido Win G Beols left this morning for Hot Springs Arkansns whero ho goos to tnko treatment for a fow weeks hop ing to benefit his health Charley nud Aunio Verges nrrived homo today evidently glad that their long jouruoy from tho fatherlaud is ended Miss Miuuio Verges wont to IFreniout to moet them Tho caso of Ohas II Johnson ngninst the F E M V railroad company wns tried beforo n jury in Tustico Daniels court yesterday nf teruoon and resulted in a disagreement Tho closing party of tho Early Hour club was held in Masts hall last even ing nnd was very thoroughly enjoyed by about HO couples who participated Bohuerts orchostra furnished n very Jino quality of music and tho dancing was most entertaining On Decoration day a soldiers monu jneut will bo uuvoiled at Lyons amid impressive ceremonies and tho day will bo appropriately observed in its entirety Dr F M Sisson of this city will do liver tho principal address nnd thoso who have heard the gentlomau speak realizo thnt the people of Lyons hnve mado no mistake in their choice of speaker NEW INVENTION 1 O Ilimch of ThU City Has 1Htented u Milk Cooler Aerator anil Separator P O Hirsch of this city is an invent ive genius and his ideas hnvo been em ployed in directions varied and uuiquo His latest effort hos been to porf ect n cream separator that would bo adaptiblo to the use of fanners generally and that ho has been more or less successful is evidenced by the fact that several farm ers now have his machine iu satisfactory operation The method does not requiro power tho separation beiug produced by natural processes Tho comploto ma chine has tho nppearanco of a largo milk can On tho iuterior near the top is a tauk to be filled with cold wnter and lower down is another tank or place through which cold water may be circu lated from a windmill The milk is poured in at tho top and runs over tho first tank iu a fine film and through the second tank thus cooling it gradu ally The milk does not come in con tact with tho water but is inilueuced by it and when it reaches the tauk at the bottom it appears separated tho milk at the bottom and the cream or butter fat on top While going through tho pro cess the inventor claims that tho milk is not only cooled nud separated but the quality which causes it to ferment or sour is removed thuB admitting of it re maining sweet for a much longer period than for the cream to be left to rise iu tho ordinary mauuer After the process the milk may be drawn off for feeding purposes through a faucet at the bottom of tho can nnd then the cream will flow out of rht same faucet the bottom of tho cm bo ing on nn incline that it may flow ieti 1 ily After the milk and cream have been drawn off a ping is removed fro the npper can and the water contait oj therein is nllowcd to flow throughclean lug tho Apparatus for tho tifo of tho next milking Tho Invention is called n milk cooler aprntor nud Ropnrator nnd Mr Hirsch was on tho 16th granted letter patent under tho nnmbor 1111001 If It will nccomplish nil tho inventor claims for it tho npparntus will bo of much vnlno to farmers nnd dnlrymon nnd ho should find a ready salo for it His facilities for manufacturing nro limited but ho hopes to elthor lncrenso thorn or sell county nnd stnto rights for tho mnking nnd Rolllug of tho inven tion County limtltutii Superintendent O W Crum hns pro pared for tho nineteenth nnuunl session of tho Mndison County Tenchors insti tute which Ih to bo hold in tho High school building in Madison Juno 8 to HI Tho normnl instituto will conveno nt 8 n m on Juno 11 No tencher of tho county will bo excused from attending tho institute except under tho most urgontcircmiiBtnnccp not oven to nttond summer normals Prof S Y Gillan of Milwnukeo Wis ono of tho best instructors iu tho country will bo with tho tenchers six days and will instruct in pedagogy geography reading nud nrithmotic Hon Honry Snbin of Dos Moines Iowa conductor of tho Intcr Stato School of Corrospondonco for Teachers nud stnto suporiutondont of instruction in Iowa for oight years will also bo present six days and will givo two lec tures each day to tho teachers nnd ono in tho evening Miss Lucy Willlnms of this city will presont work in primary English draw ing nntnro study nnd numbers H B Grant of Madison will direct tho music of tho instituto and givo in structions in music During tho session Robert Uttor of this city will hnvo chargo of an art ex hibit Tito collection will consist of cirbons photographs platino prints photo prints platinottesv black-and-whites nud a largo number of tho Perry Pictures ranging in prico from n cent to soveral dollars Eighth and Ninth grado pupils ex pecting to teach iu futuro will find great benefit in attending this institute Tho now Cash Hnrdwaro Storo has a nice lino of screen doors wiro cloth lawn niowors and gnsoliuo stoves nt tho lowest prices Cnll nnd oxamiuo them rv Cure Anil Treatment Of The Sick Dr Humphreys Specific mnuunl on tho trentmont and euro of tho Bick mailed free on request Adress Humph reys Medioiuo Co Now York Wanted Honest mnn or womnn to trnvel for largo houso snlnry 805 monthly nnd expenses with increase position permanent oucIoeo self-addressed stnmped envelopo Maxaukk I0 Caxtou bldg Chicago SuiiimoiiH liy Publication To Ada M Davey nou resident de fendant You aro hereby required to take no tice that on tho 28th dny of April 1100 Jnmes II Dnvoy filed his petition ngninst you in tho district court of Mndison county Nebrnskn setting forth that ho was married to you tho 17th day of November 1891 That there aro nre two children tho issue of said marriage That on the 25th day of July 1651 nt Norfolk Nebraska you was guilty of adultery with ono Theodoro Hietmnn That you hnvo abandoned him tho said James II Dnvey nnd have lived in n state of adultery -with tho said Heitman That you have been guilty of extreme cruelty towards him tho said Davoy without any causo or provocation on his part Plaintiff prays for a decree of divorce and the custody of his said children You nre required to answer said petition on Monday tho 11th dny of June 1000 James H Da vet Plaintiff By Barues Tyler His Attorneys TRY IT Wv Women suffer ing from female troubles and weakness and from irregular or painful men ses ought not to lose hope if doctors cannot help them Phy sicians are so busy with other diseases that they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to BRADFIELDS Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers wives and daughters It is made of soothing healing strengthening herbs and vegetables which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses Leu corrhcea Falling of the Womb Nerv ousness Headache and Backache In fairness to herself and to Brad fields Female Regulator every suffering woman ought to give it a trial A large i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good Sold by druggists Send fci a nicely Uluilitted Oct took en ht ul Jul The BradfUld regrulctor Co Atlanta Ga HIE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 2 1 1900 SATURDAY SIFTINGS Honrv Welbelo of Winsido was n city visitor totlny 0 II Folsomo wns hero yesterdny from Plninviow Miss Emma Konnblo of Wiufcido is n Norfolk visitor todny Miss Lyda Pheasant went to Maditon yesterday to visit over Sunday Col J E Simpson departed this morn ing for Sioux City ou a business trip Mrs Fred Keller who waB recently injured during n runaway is said to bo getting along nicely Mrs II L Whitnoy nud Miss Hnko havo returned to Oninlin nf ter n pleasant visit with Norfolk frlcndB Miss Francis Shnrplcss returned last evening from Sioux City whero she hns boon for tho past month or two W Cody of Missouri Vnlloy Iown who hns been visiting his sister Mrs Ed Murphy returned homo today Mrs O II Reynolds entertnlned n number of Indies yesterdny nt luncheon for Mrs Loomis and Mrs Whitney Rov G H Main having roturned from nis eastern trip will occupy tho pulpit at tho M E church tomorrow us usual Drs II J Colo and 0 S Parker hnvo roturued from Omaha where thoy at tended tho meeting of tho Btato dentnl association Miss Lizzlo Tntmnn hnB gono to Chey enne Wyoming whero sho will begin tenchiug bcIiooI Moudny at a salary of 50 per month Miss Miunio Verges gave n party last evening to a number of friends in honor of her brother nnd 6ister who just ar rived from Germnny Miss Anna Walsh who hns been tho guest of her undo Father Walsh for somo time past left today for her home in Moborly Missouri Mr and Mrs A G Witmer havo re turned home Mr Witmer from n trip through tho west nnd Mrs Witmor from a visit to her old homo in Knusns Tho Norfolk Building nnd Lonu nsso cintion hns sold tho old Loescher prop erty ou Mndison nvenuo and Eighth streot to John Witfoth who has been living in it for a consideration of 700 Mrs Willis MoBrido and children camo over from Madison yesterday and were tho guests of Mrs 0 H Reynolds over night They left for Ponca today whero they will visit while Mr McBride is absent on a trip to Now York Miss Margnret Davis of Madison nnd Carl R Ickes of Denver were married nt tho homo of Mr and Mrs W E Reed nt Mndison Wednesdny evening by Rev 0 W Lowrio They will make thoir futuro homo iu Denver Rev W H Entou gnvo nu address Inst evening nt tho schoolhouse eight miles east of tho city It was tho clos ing event of Mits Lundquists school and tho houso wns filled to suffocation Tho Bega school iu that neighborhood nlso closed yesterday Miss Iryl King tho little dnughter of Mr nud Mrs W Z King who reside ou Eleventh street and NobraEka avenue entertained a number of littlo girls nt a birthdny party yesterday nftert noon from 1 to 7 A very pleasant and enjoyable time was had by those participnting It is said that farmers and gardeners will hnve a fight to grow potatoes this year as bugs are appearing in unusual quantities Tho bugs havo been scarce for a number of years past and their promised return is not anticipated with pleosure by growers of this stable vege table Miss Josio Kline had the misfortune to fall down the stairs in tho Richards block yesterday and was quite badly bruised but no bones wero broken She was tnking n baby carriage up or down the stairs wbeu it got the start of her and she held on until it threw her from her balauco Rev S R Brockbnnk O P of Den vor Col is the guest of Father Walsh Ho goes to Battle Creek to preach n mission next week and on a week from Sunday will open a mission in the Sacred Heart church hero to continue for eight days of which full particulars will bo given next week Miss Batchelor who has been very popular nmoug tho children whom she taught in ono of tho lower grades in tho Grant chool has rosigned her posi tion to nccoptjone nt Fullertou to which she has been elected at a salary of i55 a mouth Miss Batchelor has given gonernl satisfaction nud tho school board the tenchers the children nnd patrons of the schools will be sorry to have her lenve Norfolk Tho Long Pino Chautauqua will open August 8rd an interesting nnd profitable program being promised Secretary Lenrn ns au inducement says Bring your hammacks swiugs canoes bath ing suits fishing tackle ni d children for its tho best place on earth for them to enjoy a splash iu the wnter with perfect safety Tho beautiful Long Pino Creek affords the finest trout fish iug in the state of Nebraska Tho closing exercisee of tho Soventh grado which wero held laEt evening in the High school room drew out n largo number of people the houso beiug filled to its utmost capacity The exercises wero most satisfactory to those attend ing those taking part acquitting them selves very creditably An admission fco of 5 cents was charged and tho class cleared nbout 20 which will bo used for purchasing n picture for their room Tho lady members of tho Senior class of tho High school wero entertained nt n 5 oclock dinner Inst evening nt tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs John Koenigstuin by tho Misses Mettn Koenigstein Nellie Schwenk Hnttio McKlni nnd Jennio Dolen who wero formerly members of tho clnss Tho occasion was a very do llghtfnl one nud tho rofrcshmonts ex cellent In tho evening tho Bnmo Indies acted tho part of entertainers for the entire class at tho homo of Miss McKim on North Tenth street nil present en joying n very plesant time An Iileal Climate Tho first white man to set foot on Utah soil Father Sllvestro Velcz tie Kscalnnto who reached tho Great Salt Lnko on tho 21rd day of September 1770 wroto in his diary Hero the cllmato is so delicious tho air so balmy that it is n pleasure to brentho by dny nud by night Tho climate of Utah is one of tho richest endowments of nature On tho shores of tho Great Salt Lake especially and for fifty miles therefrom in every direction tho climato of cli mates is fonnd To ennblo persons to participate in theso sconic nud climntic attractions and to roach tho famous health bathing nnd plensuro resorts of Utah tho Union Pacific has mndo a rate to Ogdcu nnd Salt Lako city of ono fare for tho rouutl trip plus 200 from Mis souri river to be in effect Juno 21st July 7th to 10th inclusive July 18th and August 2d Return limit October 31 1900 For full information call ou or address F W Junomnn ngeut Duo Codee Agree With You If not drink Grnin O mndo from puro grnins A lndy writes Tho first timo 1 mndo Grniu O I did not like it but nfter using it for ono week noth ing would induce mo to go back to coffee It nourishes and feeds the system The children can drink it freely with great benefit It is the strengthening substanco of puro grnins Get a packego today from your grocer follow tlio directions in making it nnd you will havo n delicious and healthful tnblo beverage forold nud young 15c nud 25cts Letter 11st List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postoWco May 14 1900 John Bruker Chns Bridgeford Jessio Bridgeford Geo Buudy ClnrnDowling Clara Frickie Sadio Jones Peter Isack S nnd D Kelly Bertha Keal Jennie Milluer Mario Boyle Mary McFnrland Julin Novae If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office Parties calling for nny of the nbovo please say ndvertised P F SritECHER P M Buy your tinware nt the Cash Hard ware Storo and save money Wanted Honest mnn or woman to travel for largo house salary 65 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent encloso self-addressed stamped envelope Manager 330 Caxton bldg Chicago Wanted Mnn and team to sell Seminole Indian medicine in Madison Stanton and Woyno counties Neb No irrespons ible parties need apply Seminole Ind Med Co Boone Iowa To Cure La Grippe In Two Days Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on overy box 25c JUST WHAT I WANT R f A Genuine Wnlo Silver Steel Strlne for Violin Mandolin Guitar or llanjo will be sent abso lutely FRliC to nny Ulress on receipt o 2 cent stomp for return postDge Write to day for one A complete set will bo sent for lie BARGAINS ACCORDIONS For This Woek Only Our 200 Walo Accordion reduce J from 5300 is a slncle row Accordion has 10 keys 2 bases 2 stops 2 sets of roods cbonlzed wood linitli open keyboard double and strong beKows our best seller Our 550 Walo Double Row Acocrdion reduced from JSW tics 4 sets of reflsi9 toys 4 bastes open keyboard swet uu is very durable nns metal corners on strong double bellows and is all nickel trimmed Our 725 Walo Double Row Accordion reduced from J1200bas 21 keys2 stops sets of reeds black molding all nickel trimmed open keyboard nickel corners and clcips and very long bellows This Accordion is only for pro fessional use it can be used with bands will tune to the Clarionet Cornet or any other musi cal instrument Kemember These Prices Arc Only lor One Week Send for Walos Catalogue ol All Musical In struments and Furnishings Latest Hand Or chestru and Ilano riuslc Catalogues on appli cation Repairing ol All Kinds Done Neat and Prompt Watch our next ad for Uargalni A T WALO MUSIC HOUSE Nd 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo MONDAY MENTION O S Hayes camo home today from his trip to Chicago Judgo J B Barnes went to Clay Center at noon today Geo Williams went to Columbus this morning on business J E Cooper of Oaktlalo was a Sun day visitor in this metropolis W E Spencer disposed of tho colts ho had loft Saturday to Peter Fitch A E Lawrenco was in tho city from Madison greeting acquaintances Satur day Editor O H Swallow of tho Hum phrey Democrat is a visitor in tho city today Mrs C A Saunders and Mrs Wm Euiick of Bazilo Mills were in tho city this morning Alb rt Wildo is popering nnd painting his homo and other homes owned by him in The Heights Miss Mattio Davenport returned Sat urday ovening from a visit with her brothers iu Sioux City Peter OShea Miss Matilda Fricko and Mrs H Fricko of Madison wero Sunday visitors in Norfolk A F Enos editor of the Stanton Picket with his father nnd family wero visitors in Norfolk yesterday S K Dexter proprietor of the cold storage arrived yesterday from Lowell MassTrto lobknfter his business inter ests Mrs J O Siegler arrived Saturday from Nodine Minn to visit her par ents Mr and Mrs Ferdiuaud Pasewalk for about a month Burt Mapes nnd M D Tyler wero passengers for Niobrara today whero they willattend district court which will open there tomorrow Miss Nellio Williams whoso school in tho Bickley district near Madison closed with a picnic Friday left this morning for n visit with friends in Humphrey S H McClary departed this morning for Grand Junction Col whero ho will take up his duties in tho sugar factory at that placo He leaves with the best wishes of his Norfolk friends Mrs J C Spencer of Ainsworth vis ited htr nephow W E Spencer Satur day In the evening she wns ncconi pauiedhome by Miss Gladys Mahaffey of Indiana who has been visiting here for somo weeks Chr Schavland clerk of tho district court returned today from Long Pine where he had been enjoying a few days of trout fishing The fine specimens of rainbow trout left with The News places it in position to vouch for any flbh story he may tell Clyde Bullock entertained a company of his young friends at a party Satur dny eveuiug The guests were re quested to appear in fancy costumes aud many unique conceptions resulted The occasion was very enjoynble Re freshments were served Stanton Register Dr Harvey L Scoggiu one of Norfolks dentists ha leased rooms in the brick building occu pied by Englands Studio He will be here personally Monday May 21st and arrange hisJrooms to practice dental surgery in all its branches Ed Walters resigned his position as clerk in Davenports shoe storo Satur day and will leave tomorrow for Hum phrey to take a clerkship in the Eimers general merchandise store This even ing a farewell party in his honor will be given byVenus Nenow at his homo on South Sixth street Wm Hemleben returned Saturday from a trip to San Francisco where ho went with a carload of poultry During his trip ho took a run over into the Sandwich islands aud visited Honolulu for the purpose of getting acquainted with some of UncleSams new citizens so he eaid At thejmeeting of tho Knights of Maccobees Friday night two new members weroinitinted and after tho lodge business had been finished tho Lady Maccabees called on them with the constituents of a lunch which was served to those present Tho meeting was very enjoyable Pierce Leader Dr Sisson of Norfolk presiding elder of tho Norfolk district M E church has been secured by Prof W G Hirons to deliver tho class ad dress at tho public school commence ment in Juno Dr Sisson is a fluent and brilliant speaker Miss Gertie Henzler has been chosen for 6alutatoriau and MissIda Prouuecko for valedictor ian of the graduating class Tho promised eclipse of tho sun next Mondny will be but partial hero at Omaha 70 per cent of tho suns diameter being obscured at tho maximum Tho eolipso will take place between 0 and 8 oclock in tho morning of that day and people who desire to see it should pro pare their smoked glass either Saturday or Sunday Window glaES can bo given a nice coating of soot by holding it over the fiamo of a candlo or lamp a fow moments Mauager Geo H Spear of tho Audi torium received a letter from Fred G Boreer mauacer of Sol Smith Russels A Poor Relation in which ho wishes the company booked for au engagement hero for Wednesday February 0 1001 That Manager Berger was much pleased with the success of the company in this city may bo gleaned from tho following quotation from his letter I want to thank yon very much for your able managomont nnd kindness to ionr com pany upon their recent engagement in your city It is safe to say that Tho Poor Relation will fill tho Auditorium ngnin as no play yet presented hero has given moro universal satisfaction nnd received more favorable comment Prospect Hill cemetery is being placed iu fiuo order for Decoration dny Tho lawns havo been clipped a row of trees has been planted on tho south side of tho grounds aud other changes mado that will result iu tho grounds being prettier than ever this spring A num ber of linndBomo now monuments havo recently been placed Tho fence on tho south side will bo taken down nud replaced by a moro suitable ono whilo it will bo moved further back from tho road straightening tho south lino Tho cemetery association is accomplishing much each year toward tho beautifying of tho grounds and they aro being as sisted materially by people owning lots who aro showing moro intorcst each year in planting flowers and shrubbery Tho grounds nro very handsome aud in timo will bo a veritable garden of beauty Eclfpo May 28th The people of this country will soon witness an nstronomical eveut thnt Is very rare being n total eclipse of tho sun and astronomers as well as tho people nt large are anticipating the eveut ns a rare treat Au exchange gives tho following concerning tho eclipse On May 28 tho circular shadow of tho moon cast by tho suu npon the earth nud about eighty miles in diameter will como sweeping across tho American continent from Now Orleans to Capo Henry Along tho center of the path traveled by this swiftly moving shadow tho sun will bo completely hidden for a period of about two minufes Moro than forty miles away on either side of tho track tho eclipse will bo partial not total Tho period of totality of tho eclipse varies nt different points along tho track At the Rocky mountains tho spectacle will last but nbout thirty seconds nnd nt New Orleans the period will havo been lengthened thirty seven seconds At Union Point Green county Georgia tho center of tho patli for the United Stnte3 tho time of totality will be ninety two seconds whilo those who are nt tho Atlantic coast just south of tho city of Norfolk will be able to continue their observations for 205 seconds Subscribe for Tun Norfolk Weekly News THE OMAHA DAILY NEWS AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER 312 ISSUES BY MAIL ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Special Offer to Ma Subscribers THE OMAHA DAILY NEWS Is the greatest newspaper success of recent years Six months ago It wns started today it has 18000 circulation In Omaha and suburbs and leads all Omaha papers morning or evening in local circu lation Wo want 10000 out-of-town subscribers In the next 30 days and make this Unprecedented Offer to Mail Subscribers We believe that agriculturalists merchants professional and work ing men in small towns appreciate a dally paper nnd no ono who de sires to keep In touch with what is going on In tho world at larga need deny himself any longer hla dally newspaper on account of cost Send ono dollar for ono years sub scription 75 cents for six months DO cents for three months 25 cents for ono month cash in ndvancc This special offer is bona lido and will bo carried out on our pnrt ab solutely Do not fail to subscribe at once THE OMAHA DAILY NEWS Is nn independent afternoon news paper We print all tho news thats lit to print and print It fearlessly Wo admit no fako or obnoxious ad vertising to our columns Tho paper Is clean and In every way Our market reports aro re ceived by telegraph every day and aro conceded tho best nnd most re liable In the state Wo havo per fected our mail arrangements and all subscribers will get the paper same day as published The Great National Election Excitement Is nbout to begin and every Intelli gent man after subscribing for hla local weekly should have a llrst class dally newspaper containing tho latest market state gen eral and foreign news Ho wants to keen posted on tho Boer war tho Philippine Insurrec tion tho eastern nutation and tho other stirring events that are mak ing tho year 1000 ono to bo memor able In history Tho Omaha Dally News prints nil tho news and this special offer gives It to you at less than one third tho prico of any other dally newspaper In tho field Send 100 Today and you will recelvo Tho Omaha Daily News every day for a wholo year postago prepaid Do not hesi tate to accent this remarkablo offer nt once This advertisement may not appear again Address THE DAILY NEWS ClrcuUtlon Dept OMAHA NEBRASKA 114 South Uth Street