The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 17, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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h N
liy tho wny wIhto wiw Ooln llur
voy nnil his Klimncliil School whon
tho Unlit wont out of fivo Hllvonlom
Tho dmnocrnlH iro now luny tryliiK
to flnuro ont un ousy wny to not out of
tho wxnw l wliloh thoy hnvo boon
pineal by fusion populist h
Tho ropuhllcnns of tho Klnhth HOimtor
Inldlrttrlot niot it Lyons Withiomlny
aiitlnomliintprtTnilKoWil Hynu for
Htnto stiimtor Tho moolliiK wiih har
monious mill onthusinstto
Soimtor Allon iiIihimI IiIh iix nt tho
nock of tho Htrnliht liopullntH hut It
How oil tho luuidlo iwirt ivvo tho HtrnlKht
tlomoorntsn torriflo olip In tlio Kpltinl
column just nhovo tho HhoulrtorH
Urynn Isnt snylng nnythliiK nlKiut tho
notion of tho Sioux IThIIh oouvontlon
Ho has prolmhly committoil tluil old
injunction and Is HvIiik hy It at proHout
whon miKry count ton hoforo you
Do wo want a ohniiKO to freo noup
houses Coxoy nrinioH nnrt pnnios Thnt
Ih what wo got nndur tho last tlumo
orotic admlulHtrntiou and it may take
placo iiKiiln with domooratio huccohs
Few will caro to ririk it anyway
At tho Htnto encampment of tho
Grand Army of tho Republic just
olosud nt lloatrico llattfiinouth was
ohosen ns tho place for holding the
next ouoampmont whilu tho Htnto re
union wMl bo hold at HaHtiuK during
1101 110 and HKW
There la not much satisfaction ex
pressed over tho action of tho fusion
convention at Sioux Falls Uvon Ne
braskas reform stato house crowd is
disgruntled Tho saving of tho coun
try as Nebraska has boon saved
devolves entirely upon tho Kansas City
Tho democrats aro not nt nrosont
clniming thnt thoir success this fall will
mean improved business conditions
bottor wages hotter pricos for grain or
more prosperity It is surprising too
becauso they nro usually long on
promisos ovon though thoy do fall short
on nchiovoments
Calamity unrest and discontent is
tho bnckbouo of domocrioy aud no news
is nioro delightfully recolvod than thnt
indicating that thoso coiiditions exist in
nny part of tho country Thoy only
Hurt enough of it those days to whet
their appotito but thoy uiuko tho most
of what thoy find
Tho really funny couvoutiou of tho
year will bo hold at Kansas City on July
1 when an effort will bo made to oudorso
tho Sioux Falls mei ting and yet keop
tho straight domocrats iu lino It is
n wido chasm to straddlo and yet it may
bo accomplished Tho fusionists have
not lately been daunted by impossible
Tho fusionists four years ago com
plained that prices were too low Now
thoy aro too high Thoy dont know
what thoy want excopt otllcial position
nud a whack nt tho pie countor Thoy
nro as shifty na a Nebraska zephyr
What stand they will tako in 1501 no
one not ovon an astrologer can deter
Congressman Sulzor of Now York
declares that tho action of tho Sioux
Falls convention insures tho ro oloction
of Wra MoKiuley Didnt tho con
gressman know that tho ro olectiou of
Win McKinloy was practically assurod
regardless of what notion tho Sioux
Falls or nny other fusion convention
might tako
Tho follow whodrow up mi epitomized
platform in South Dakota recoutly did
not miss it far when tho platform re
cently adopted by he fusionists nt
Sioux Falls is rof erred to Wo
doiiounco wo domnnd and many
negative propositions aro very promi
nent It is a very nice nir castle with
out tho incumbrance of any very definito
plans aud specifications
Tho pointing out of somo definito
cnticisma of tho republican state plat
form on tho part of the fusionists is
still awaited The World Horald mado
ouo ludicrously funuy effort to do so
vrmen proved a decided failure m point
of argument The said platform comes
too near to presenting facts ns tho people
want thorn to be criticized and still
retain the sympathy aud support of tho
mid people
Tho fusionists evade the question of a
declining voto in this congressional dis
trict by avoiding tho voto on congress
man nnd presenting tho voto on a stato
officer who was exceedingly fortuuato
in tho majority attained Whon it
comes to referring to the possible vote
for congressman it is customary to com
pare it with past votes for tho samo
position which conclusively ehow thut
tho fusion majority in the Third district
is steadily declining
The fusionists nro eudeavoriug to
create tho impression that tho Sioux
Falls convention had a larger number of
delegates iu attendance than tho mid
road meetiug at Cincinnati They do
not deny the figures presented by D
Olom Denver boforo tho conventions
assembled however showing thnt tho
latter would have more delegates than
the former by about two to ono Thoy
hopotoblutr tho pooplo and aro pro
voklngly unsuccessful
In I still everybody wanted n ohango
aud the democrats dared not stand on
their record In 1000 tho republicans
are standing mi their record and tho
pooplo outsldo of n fow confirmed poll
tlolans and partisans aro not asking n
change It is the ditToronco between
an administration all promises and no
results ivh iu 18IJ nud an administration
carrying out Its promises and doing
ovon bottor than promised as with that
of President McKinloy
If domocratfl nro slnooro In their ob
jection to taxation without representa
tion thoy should at once adopt n
womans sullrngo plank Thoro nro
more women In this country who nro
compelled to pay their share of tho taxes
without oven nu opportunity to voto
than thoro nro men in nil tho Islands
recently acquired through tho lato war
and our women aro fur moro intelligent
than tho avorngo run of tho islanders
Hut tho domocrats wont favor their bo
lug represented not on your life
Wharton Ilnrkor of Pounsylvnnln has
been namod by tho mid road populist
convention at Oiuoiuuatl for prosldeut
yvhllo Ignatius Donnolly of Minnesota
wns placed in nomination for vlco pres
ident With those two staunch advo
cates of populism to lead thoro is not
much question but that tho mid road
ticket will recoivo tho liboral support of
populists who havo not yet relinquished
nil principles onunoiatod by that party
before it was ovorcomo by fusion Tho
convention realllrmed tho Omaha plat
form and declared thoir nllegiauco to it
Thoro it is ngaiu A fusion papor not
moro thnn a thousand miloa away says
thoro is not nu intelligent editor in the
district Third that believes ho Hays
will como within DfiOO votos of boating
Congressman Robinson Tho district
is certainly to bo pitied In that tho in
telligent editors havo become so senrco
thnt there is but ono or two loft Iu
fnco of tho fact that Robinson wns
olocted by but 1500 votos nud that tho
fusion majority in tho district has boon
steadily declining your nftor year it
requires a wholo lot of iutolligouco to
realize that ho will wiu this fall by
2500 and thoy aro indeed fow who
possess it
Senator Allen endeavored to prevent
Dr Rutlor from fixing up Ruch a naus
eating doso for tho Kansas City conven
tion but iu spite of his protest tho good
doctor thought it was tho only ouro and
wont ahead and prescribed it mixing
together Bryan and Towuo freo silver
11 to 1 greenbacks government owner
ship of railways and other nnusentiug
conomitants which tho eastern demo
crats aud many westerners so hate to
swallow Thoy will no doubt bo excus
ablo for making a wry faco whon they
gulp down tho concoction In the
interest of harmony most anything goes
however and there should bo no kicking
or Mapping tho nurso
John 11 Hays of Norfolk republican
nominee for cougiess wns in Fremont
today Ho camo to confer with republi
can leaders hero nud mndon preliminary
survey of the political field to nscortaiu
how many nud how horriblo nro tho
fusion tares growing iu tho republican
wheat Later ho will come again
loaded with fncts nud oloquonco nud
make n horoio ondoavor to convert tho
tares aforesaid into usoful products to
tho state aud nation Ho is of nu opti
mistic frnmo of mind but not to tho
point of rashness Ho belioves ho can
soo how tho Third district may bo re
deemed and trnusferrod to tho prosperity
column In duo time ho will do his full
share to apply tho proper remedy
Fremont Tribune
Tho suggestion of John D Long
secretary of tho navy for tho vico presi
dential nomination on tho republican
ticket will meet with tho hearty ap
proval of republicans overywhero Sec
retary Long directed tho aflnirs of tho
navy when it made records in battle
that will over be pointed to with prido
by tho peoplo of tho United States
Ti if tho splendid results obtaiuod by
the ii ivy iu tho late war with Spain aro
due iu a largo part to his careful direc
tion nud administration no ouo will
doubt nud that tho acts of tho navy
department during that timo wero ro
nmrkably freo from criticism by tho
rabid partizaus will give wonderful
prestige The republican national con
vention could make uo wiser oholco for
vico president
Sometimes a mau does not caro so
much about whother the constitution
follows tho flag or not so long as he
kiiowB ho has work nt living wages aud
kuows that he has his next meal coming
Iu 1602 tho democrats fought ou the
presumption that n freo trade policy
would benefit tho country tho workman
and tho peoplo Tho party won nud tho
people lost calamity and distress pre
vailing In 1390 the people promptly
reversed their decision nud inaugurated
nu era of good times unprecedented iu
the history of the country tho demo
crats losing on a proposition thoy now
acknowledge to be incorrect nud n
radical chauge from conditions then
existing This yoar thoy again havo
now nud radical Ideas to pronmlgato
without considering or oaring for tho
olTocts It may havo on tho peoplo of tho
land It would seoni that tho peoplo
who havo for tho past four years nud
during previous republican administra
tions onjoyod republican prosperity
would hosltnto boforo thoy again on
trusted afTalrs to tho democrats whoso
pollclos hnvo Invnrlnbly resultod iu tho
undoing of prosperity nud hnpplnoss
No nrgumout but tho momory of tho in
li virtual should bo noccssary to provout
It Is now assorted by somo of tho fu
sionists that Chnrloy Townu will with
draw from tho vlco presidential rnco
that iu fact ho was put ou tho ticket as a
straw mau simply to mollfy tho popu
lists who mot nt Sioux Falls with tho
Idea that thoy had not yot boon com
pletely Hwallowod by domocraoy While
it may bo truo that many of tho dele
gates had tho iniprossion that Mr Towuo
was n straw man it Is also truo that
mnny of tho delogutos responsible for
his nomination will insist that his tinmo
bo kopt whoro It wns placed nud Mr
Towuo may nlso havo nu idoa that his
ninno was put on tho ticket to stay
Tho wishes of himself nud friends will
probably bo worthy of consideration in
tho matter nuyway
Tho fnrmors who realizo on which
sido thoir broad is buttered aro pleased
to admit that their lines havo fnllon in
pleasant places and nro not demanding
a chnugo tho result of which no man
knows but which could scarcely im
prove existing conditions Tho domo
crats endeavor to show thorn thnt thoy
havo mado no gains owing to tho ad
vanco of steel lumbor nud other liko
materials but thoy realizo that thoy
nro farming nt a profit iu spito of thoso
assertions ns tho pricos of necessities
hnvo not rison to eounl tho rise in thoir
products Tho Sterling Suu says Ex
ports hnvo estimated that tho products
of agriculture last year wore worth a
billion and a half of dollars moro than
any year during tho Olovelaud Wilsou
depression from 1S2 to 1890 This is nu
avorngo iucrenso of ill per cent Livo
stock in general has gained iu valuo 8S
per cout and crops show an iuorenso of
25 por cout The produots of live stock
including meats dairy products etc
havo iucreased 40 per cent over tho low
est poiut during tho period mentioned
Horses havo increased one third cattlo
about 40 per cent and sheep havo about
doubled in value Iu values of farm
lauds thoro is a decidedly upward tend
ency aud sales are far moro numerous
as a result of bottor pricos for farm
products nud tho number nndamouut of
mortgages aro materially decreased
Somo of the most nbsurd aud silly ar
guments imagiunblo aro boginuiug to
appear in the fusion papers lately nud it
looks as though tho same sort of cam
paign ns was conduotedin 1S0 would bo
ou iu full blast as soou as tho nomina
tions woro mado If thoy imagine that
thoir readers will believe such rot they
must havo a very poor conception of
thoir intelligence Ouo of tho most
ridiculous arguments yot presented is in
regard to tho bugaboo imperialism
They wish to iuflueuce foreigners to be
lievo that this government will soon be
govemod by o mouarch aud that citizt m
will bo compelled to servo iu tho army
as thoy aro in European countries
Such fakes aro as disgusting ns they are
absurd uuless the people of the couutry
should desiro such a condition The
pooplo aro the monarchs of this country
and until thoy give their couseuc it
will bo impossible to convert our
republic into an imperialistic king
dom which certainly cauuot bo ac
complished without au open and
avowed candidacy of tho inteution
Tho exaggerated cartoons of Mark
Hniiua aud articles coucorniug that
goutloman nro also appearing They
are vory funny but nre of no weight
whatevor ns a political argument Tho
soouor democrats ceaso tho practice of
deception exaggeration nnd misrepre
sentation the sooner they may hope to
influence the intelligent voters of which
this government is composed Thoy
cnu uovor wiu with suoh arguments
What tho peoplo want and demand is
Mr August Clino representing tho
True Populist of Omaha was iu town
last week aud mado this office a short
call Ho says tho middle-of-the-road
populists are more uumerous than is
geuerally supposed nud that ho had se
cured about 100 subscribers to his paper
iu this couuty Ho Bays they have
au orgauizatiou strong enough to de
feat tho f usiou aggregation iu this state
aud that while thoy could not hopo to
elect their ticket this fall they would
inako a vigorous fight nud have n 6trong
organization to carry on the true prin
ciples of populism after the fusion spoil
hunters had boeu cousigued to oblivion
It would seoni ns though these peoplo
wero m a position to hold their owu
although being decried aud douounced as
being assitant republicans by the fusion
spoil gang If thero nre any principles
in politics where is tho consistency of
tho fusiou forces They have banded
togother for what not to uphold the
cardiunl principles of any party but to
get the oillces Notwithstanding the
populists wero the mostnumerous in this
section of the United States tho domo
crats have out figured them nud tho
result will Iw nftor n fow moro farco
comedy nets In tho fusion lino tho mask
will bo dropped and thoro will bo loft
only a domocrntio party If tho mom
born of tho pooplos partyworo houost in
their contentions thnt thoy woro opposed
to both tho old parties and wo bellovo
many woro what do thoy think of
their prosont prodlcamont undor tho fu
sion deal that their leadors hnvo lod
thorn Into Thoy cannot but hoo thnt
thoy havo boon botrnyed in considera
tion of oillces for a fow of thoir leadors
A party honestly contending for prin
ciples however impractical orvisionarj
they may bo is outitled to a moasuro of
rospoct nnd consideration but a combi
nation solely nud primarily for obtain
ing tho spoils of olllco is ontitiod to no
respect from honest men Albion
Thoro has boon troublo nt Sioux Falls
since tho fusiou populist convention
opened and tho delegates roprosoutod
thoro aro divided into factious Son
ator Allon is making strenuous efforts to
grasp tho Btecr by its hlud legs nud toss
it over into tho domocrntio crowdwhlch
would certainly moan tho comploto ob
literation of nny fusion populist organ
ization Ho desires tho couvoutiou to
do its work through a couforouco com-
mitteo which shall wait for instructions
from tho domocrntio crowd Tho othor
faction is lod by Senator Batlor who
evidently camo to Sioux Falls with tho
beliof that tho couvontion was not to bo
entirely domocratio nud insists on main
taining tho party orgauizatiou without
regard to the wishes of thoso who will
moot in Kausns City Senator Allen
and his adherents aro so sincere in their
desiro for domocrntio wolfnro that yos
torday a threat was mado that if Towuo
wero nominated for vico president nt
least fivo stato delegations would bolt
tho convention Wuilo if Senator But
lers idea wins it will be somo benefit to
tho fusion populists it is just ttB cortain
that Senator Allens idea has tho
tiou of tho domocrats who realize that
if tho convention should tnko independ
ent action and nnmo both Brynu and a
candulato for vice presideut a like con
dition will confront it as in 1800 and the
democrats must either endorse populists
or tako mdopondont notion on their
part Tho first result will mean the
loss of a largo number ot democratic
votes and tho latter will mean no fusion
Since the abovo was written it has
been learned that Bryan ant Towno
have been named by the fusionists
This places tho Kansas City convention
which will meet in July in a most em
barrassing position and no matter which
horn of dilemma they grasp they lose
support The vine presidential candi
date was identified with tho free silver
republican movement in 1890 and will
hardly receivo tho endorsement of old-
line democrats whon tho Kansas City
convention assembles Tho kito will
either have two tails again tho ticket
will lose democratic support especially
from the east or there will be no fusion
The Kansas City convention is up
against it
Demooratic domagogues both editor
ial aud oratorical aro makiutr all thev
can out of tho fact that the Illinois re
publican convention refused to entertain
a resolution of sympathy for the Boers
Thoy make a vory nice point but it
will not mislead a thinkint man It
was not becauso tho delegates to that
couvoutiou did not sympathize with the
Boers that they refused to entertain the
resolution it was not because their
sympathies were not as keen or keener
than tho blatant loud mouthed partisans
who havo been endeavoring to place
this country in a ridiculous position for
political purposes ouly Such can in no
wise bo the correct interpretation A
resolution of sympathy with England
Had tho Boers been the masters of tho
field would have beeu as quickly tabled
ana n resolution or sympathy to the
starving peoplo of India would havo
been far more sensible and would have
done just as much good but the domo
crats realize neither would have had a
political effect with the ignorant The
resolution was introduced either by a
republican who had been misled by
these ranting demagogues or it was
introduced for the same purpose that
similar resolutions have been introduced
in oongress not that they mean any
good townrd tho Boers but thoy desiro
the embarrassment of the republican
administration and party Tho conclu
sion of these peoplo that tho sympathies
of the administration nnd republican
party are with tho British empire is as
groundless ns many other assertions and
their Btand is ns untenable as other
political professions made by them
Would they praise England had she
done tho same thing during tho wnr of
the rebellion Many of them would
becauso they were nt that time against
the republic and all its works but any
loyal man would have been justly in
ceusod at such a course Out upon
such campaign methods 1 If democracy
has any tenable grounds she should
speedily find them Never before has
she shown such interest in the welfare
of the down trodden people of foreign
countries and she would not now but
for the political effect
Call it Vandalism
Tho state encampment of G A R
veterans which was held this wook at
Beatrice adopted a resolution that is a
very severe denunciation of the
reform board of public lands aud
buildings and ouo of tho nppolnteos of
tho present stato administration Tho
langungo usod is vigorous nud its moan
ing can in no wiso bo mistaken or
ovadod Following nro tho resolutions
Whorons It Is with gtnteful hearts
that tho momborfl of this encampment
representing tho groat central eoldior
stato point with prido to tho liboral
provisions mado for tho caro nud com
fort of tho mnlmod and crippled and
dopoudnnt veteran soldiors of this com
monwealth by tho legislature of tho
pist sosslous nnd it has boon especially
gratifying to noto tho wiso solectiou of
tho homo sito nt Milford with its medec
inal springs and magnificent grovos of
native timbor making it a park un
equalled in tho west with its feathered
sougstors invited from overy section
making tho welkin ring from thoir bo
eluded homos formed iu tho bowers of
foilago hero abounding Tho naturalist
tho artist and tho philanthropist havo
boggod thnt no vandal hand bo allowed
to despoil its natural roposo so iu har
mony with tho purpose for which it is
now devoted
Whoreas Tho commandant of tho
Boldlore homo nt Milford with tho
advico aud cousout of tho board of
public lauds aud buildings has most
ruthlessly out down more than ouo -half
of tho trees in tho park including tho
finest specimens of oak black walnut
and a boautiful trailing vino that has
attracted tho admiration of all visitors
and so marred its origiual beauty that
years cannot recover or money replace
its nntivo splendor despoiling tho old
votorans homo for present economy
thoroforo be it
Resolved That wo in tho encamp
ment nssombled condemn in unmeasured
terms this wantou destruction of state
property and the vaudalism practiced
by tho authorities and their subordinates
in tho wild irrational destruction of the
beautiful surroundings of our soldiers
homo at Milford
Resolved that a copy of these reso
lutions bo presented the stato papers for
publication and to tho authorities to tho
end that the further destruction may
be stopped and that a committee of five
be appointed to carry this resolution
into effect
Olllcers Flro Into a Crowd of Strike Sym
pathizers Wounding Two Men
St Louis May 10 The distinguish
ing feature in tho street car strike situ
ation yesterday was a riot which broke
out ou tho opening of tho Grand Avo
nuo lino of tho St Louis transit aystom
during tho progress of which two men
woro shot
Tho troublo began in tho block just
south of Easton avonuo when a shower
of stones foil on tho cars aud tho offi
cers and crew drew their rovolvs Tho
first two cars passed over tho Easton
avonuo crc3sing and then obstructions
on the track wero encountered Tho
motormau waited for tho policemen to
get down and romovo tho stones and
lumber from tho track As the officers
began this work a Mrs Hogaii who
lives in tho neighborhood trottod out to
the traok and called tho officer a cur
and othor names for attempting to help
move tho cars A shot was fired in tho
air by a policeman as tho car started to
move on Shouts of scab camo from
tho crowd at tho samo timo and more
shots wero fired from tho procession of
cars It was claimed in tho crowd that
CO to 75 shots wero fired almost simul
taneously but only two persons were
woundod Thoy wero John Flatloy
North Vandevonter avonuo and Josoph
Treudall Both wero wounded in tho
left hip Flatleys wound is tho moro
serious Tho bullot entered near tho
spine which was shattered causing
paralysis of the left leg Trondalls wab
only a flesh wound Flatloy who is a
motormau on the Easton avenue divis
iou of tho St Louis Transit compauy is
a striker Trondall is 19 years of ago
and was not involved in tho strike
Houtli Dakota Odd Fellow
Mitchell S D May 10 Tho
twenty fifth annual session of tho Odd
Follows grand lodge mot in this city
yesterday in its first sossion Graud
Master Toall oallod tho lodge to order
Grand Secretary Rico made his nnnnal
report showing a good increaso iu tho
subordinate lodges Tho Rebokah state
assembly mot iu annual session in Odd
Fellows hall boing called to order by
tho proBidont Hannah Cripps Secre
tary Ella Abbott mado her report show
ing 79 lodges iu tho state aud a member
ship of 2057 Thoro is a largo nttond
anco of both lodges at least 450 dole
gates being present
Front Jury Heady to Report
Yoiuc Nob May 10 Tho coroners
jury iu the Frost poisoning case is in
session and tho report of tho chemical
export who analyzed the contents of
tho doad mans stomach has beon heard
While tho jurors have boon very re
ticent onough has beon said and done
to plaiuly indicato that tho deceased
camo to his death by poison tho only
question now under consideration be
ing whothor or not tho deadly drug was
administered by Marguerite Frost wife
of tho doceasod who is still in jail pond
ing tho decision of tho jury
forest rires liircaton Alpena
Alpeka Mich May 10 Forest fires
aro raging all over Alpena county nnd
the flames fanned by u high wind
havo reached tho railway yards in tho
outskirts of tho city and tho railway
servico is demoralized Tho shingle
mill nt Laroquo several houses aud
pilos of lumber belonging to J O Wil
boh have beeu destroyed Several
houses havo beon burned at Tomer and
pilos of lumber at Ouoway Presque
Isle county A firo ougino from this
city has been sont to Millersburg which
is in imminent danger
Illinois Central R R
Tho Illinois Conlrnl desires to cnll attention
tii tin unexcelled pyrvlcy Unit Is ollorod liy its
linos to tlio south fur tho scison of lsyi 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Personally conduct
ed ltniiB through to
Ios Aiutolos nnd San
Vrnucisco via Now
EVERY with tho Southern ln
modmimp on tho Controls fnst
MORNING Npw orlonns
cinli connection nlso lnnrio by this train with
dally trains out of Now Orlcntis for tho 1iicillc
Coast Tho Limited from Chicnao every ovon
itui connocts on Mondays nnd Thursdays nl
Now Orlonns aftor Docomtior 18 1WJ with tho
of tho Southern Pnclflc bIvIiis special tliroUKb
eorrico to ban rrnncleco
THROUGH Dnublo daily
SERVICE co Is maintained out
itcx vr bt Louis via tho
FROM Illinois Control nnd
connectitiK linos to
Hi ami Atlanta thro
sleetiini cur to
sotivillo Florida being cnrricil ou tlio
leaving St Louis overy ovenlnc This train as
woll as tho Day Express lonwui St Louis in
tho morning are both solid trains to Nashville
having through coaches and sleeping cars run
ning through Martin Tcnn ami tho N C St
L lly Connection via this lino for all princi
pal points in the Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington Aikiu and Savannah ami for all
points iu Florida
Dally from Chicago to Memphis nnd Now Or
points iu the South on tho lines of tho Illinois
Central and Y A M V railroads will bo run on
tho first and third Tuesday of each mouth dur
ing tho wintor season
Full particulars concerning all of tho nboto
can be had of agents of the Illinois Central or
by addressing A II Hanson G F A Chicago
Cut this ail out and cml to ui and
we will tend jou this Minn IIUADE
f relxlit C 0 1 subject to oxoml
nation i you can examine It at your
ireiitm uepoi ami ir loumi penecuy
Bdllsfactory exactly m represented
and equal to scales that retail at
123 00 pr thp rftllmad tsf ut our ftprclftl
prltf S773 l ll MOtl or
fi75 and n ellit clmrnes The
Hti1ppln welulit Is 115 Hi and tho
freight uill a erim 75c for each OU
mlleianl we guarantee safe dllrr InH CO
iiiK ai ik ror
farm atnre or
warrhnu Uthe
guaranteed 101
years and will
lata lifetime
Will weigh OiW lln by uelnc all weights furnished
llras beam HelshiSO lbs has Hlerni Bran SIMIng Poke
Platform is 16x33 inches resting on adjustable chill
bearing has Denton steel pivots most sensitive
accurate and durable scale made mounted on four
largo wheels they are nicely painted and ornamented
and heaitlfully nnlhed throughout Every farmer
will ae twice the cost In one season by weighing the
grain ho ells and lmy lltnER AT 0CK before the
firlceis advanced Catilogiie of scales free for the ask
ug Address Sears Roebuck Co Inc ChicagollL
ISran Koebnck Co are lliurousulj reliable Editor
To PATENT Good Ideas
may bo secured by
our aid Address
Baltimore Md
Subscriptions to The Patent Record 8100 per annum
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without Cciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
1 Fctcrs Congestions Inflammations 25
2 Worms Worm Fever Worm Colic 23
3 Teething Colic Cry Ing Wakefulness 85
4 Diarrhea ot Children or Adults 25
7 Coughs Colds Bronchitis 25
8 eurnlgla Toothache Faccacho 23
9 Headache Sick Hcadacho Vertigo 25
10 DvapepnlaIndlgcstlonWcakStomach25
11 Suppressed or Painful Period 25
12 Whites Too Prof uso Periods 25
13 Croup Lnrvnaltii Hoarseness 25
14 Salt Rheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25
IS Rheumatism Rheumatic Fains 25
16 Malaria Chills Fever and Aguo 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25
20 Whooplne Cough 23
27 Kldney Dlnensei 25
28 eroui Debility 100
30 Vrlnary Weakness Wotting Bed 25
77 Grip Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Manual ot all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free
Sold by druggists or sent on receipt of price
Humnhreya lied Co Cor William John St
Now York
in ecllnlng Chair Gars on all Train
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and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Unexcelled timo and accommodations
to the
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For morn complete information doecriptlve
pamphlets etc address
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Southeast Cor 11th and Douglas Sts