The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 17, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs Ohns Green visited nt Madison
Knox Tipplo wns n city visitor again
Miss Baker of Wiusido wns in Nor
folk yesterday
Geo Diveuport made n business visit
to Winsidc todny
Mrs M 0 Wftlker lins ret timed from
her visit to Plaiuviow
Geo S Damon was in tho city this
morning from AVnyne
O S Hayes departed yesterday on a
business trip to Chicago
Mrs Dngnu and daughter of Wisnor
were city visitors yesterday
Editor R D Scott was in tho city
again yesterday from Battlo Creek
Miss Lizzie Schelly of Alliance is vis
iting her sister Miss Mary Schelly
Mrs S P Sharpless has returned
from her visit in Indiana and Illinois
Mrs O A Short wont to Albion this
morning to visit relatives and friends
Geo Manrer removed to Sionx City
yesterday with a car of household
diet Morey was in tho city this
morning from Pierco greeting old
C P W Moruuardt has gono to Chi
cago to take a course in the McCormick
Optical college
A boy baby was born yesterday morn
ing to Mrs Jos Younger at her home
on South Ninth street
Another of the Queen City houses is
now nearly arrived at its location in tho
city being moved by Geo Stalcop
Two cars of emmigraut goods passed
through the city yesterday one destined
for Calispel Montana and the other for
Eugene Oregon
Mrs Jos Thornton camo down from
Alliance yesterday aud will spend tho
summer with her parents Mr and Mrs
Jas Conley sr
The metal cornice for the new Audi
torium has arrived nnd will soon be
placed in position nnd the front of the
building will be completed
Dr H J Cole departed this morning
for Omaha where he will attend the
meeting of the state dental association
of which he is a leading member
The household effects of Dan Murphy
have been shipped to Omaha and Mrs
Murphy left this morning for that city
They will live nt 1917 Grace street
H M Hanaford representing the
Louise Brehany Ballad and Opera con
certs was in the city yesterday endeav
oring to make a date for his attraction
Chr Schavland clerk of the district
court came over from Madison this
morning and tonight will go to Long
Pine where he will remain nbout a
week fishing
The government geodetic survey corps
went to Winside this morning where
they will make their head quarters for a
few days the survey having been com
pleted to that village
L C Bargelt and his mother Mrs
C S A Bargelt are building a G rooin
cottage on South Ninth street near the
Episcopal church the foundation of
which is about completed
The senior class of the High school en
joyed a party last evening at the home
of Miss Alice Cole corner ofTenth and
Main streets A pleasant evening was
enjoyed and refreshments were served
Robt E French of Kearney grand
lecturer of Nebraska of the Royal Arch
Masons was in the city over night and
met with and gave instructions in the
local lodge He went to West Point
from hero
Bud Powers traveling auditor for the
Swift Packing company of Omaha camo
in last night from Fremont and will
leave tomorrow for a three months
trip through the west including Mexico
and California
A special train consisting of 22 cars of
stock passed through tho city last night
euroute from Idaho to Sioux City over
the C St P M O road The train
wns making quick time being on the
road little more than five hours between
Columbus and Sioux City
Invitations are out announcing the
marriage of Manager W H Baird of
the Norfolk sugar factory to Miss Lulu
Hitzel of Grand Island which will take
place May SJth at St Stevens Episcopal
church in that city nt l 30 a m A re
ception will bo held at the home of tho
brides parents at 10 oclock They will
mnke their homo in this city
In tho accouut of tho dedication ser
vices at the Church of tho Sacred Heart
in last eveuiugB paper mention should
have been mado in tho list of singers of
Miss Kingsbury of the Normal college
Wayue who was one of the altos and
that the musio was rendered by thollos
pital orchestra composed of Messrs T
Slattery violin j J ODounel cornet
F Glaudor clarionet I Grisdell trom
bone and Bohuerts orchestra assisted
by Miss Anna Walsh violinist of Mo
berly Missouri
Dr G P Keiper superintendent of
the Norfolk hospital for insane has no 1
titled Governor Poyuter that ho will not
be a candidate for reappointment nud
expects to sever his connection with
that institution at the expiration of tho
present term July 1st when he will
have served four years During their
residence here Dr and Mrs Keiper
havo made many friends who will bo
sorrv to learn of his decision His con
duct of affairs nt tho hospital has been re
mnrkablv free from crltiolsm and ho has
onjoycd tho practically unanimous good
will of thoso who have como in contact
with him as employes and otherwise
Call nt the Cash llardwiro Storo for
household novelties Big line at low
To our patrons nnd friends wo wish to
stnto that wo will not make any Btamp
photos after Saturday luue 2 Until
then wo will guaranteo yon as flue work
as you can got anywhere Until Satur
day June 2 only at Michaels stndio
Man nnd team to sell Somiuolo Indian
modiciuo in Madison Stanton nud
Wayno counties Nob No irrespons
ible parties need apply
Seminole Ixd Med Co
Boone Iown
Inrge Auillrnrtt Attended the KornlRsteln
Ulmm Hecltnl
From Wodnwlnys Daily
Tho Koonigsteiu recital given at the
Congregntional church last evening
drew forth n large appreciative and
enthusinstic audience it being necessary
to provide morothan one hundred chairs
in addition to tho regular seating capac
The rendition of the childrens solos
was most remarkable particularly
when it is considered that many of them
havo been under instruction but one
term whereas tho advanced pupils
awoke to heights of passiounte intensity
giving interpretations based upon their
individual originality and disclosing a
most wonderful conception of tho works
of tho great masters they wero follow
The fiunl number on tho program was
played in such a manner as to appeal to
all present Let mankind search tho
wide field of musical literature nud
nothing can be found grander thnn tho
Beothoveus slow movement One can
not soar beyond it Here wo havo a
work of art was there not something
deep and good in that melody
It is very plainly seen that these re
citals are purely educational nud musi
cians are fully convinced that many who
think they have no taEte for music
would learn to appreciate it and par
take of its blessings if they could more
often listen to such a feast as was given
last evening
There was none of the usual piano
pounding in the entire program each
pupil seemingly imbued with the faculty
of bringing forth rich nud soul stirring
melody rather than noise this feature
being most surprisingly demonstrated
Considerable favorable comment has
been heard today regarding the two
superb Chickering pianos used at the
recital last evening Both instruments
possess most charming tonal qualities
sonorous clear velvety and even
never harsh but always melodious in
quality even in fortissimo passages
and bewitching in effect in pianissimo
passages the upper notes limpid and of
pearly brilliancy the middle register
characterized by richness and firmness
while the bass has a depth and grandeur
all their own and peculiar to no other
make They are much superior to any
instruments ever placed before a Nor
folk audience the larger one is known
as their style N nnd is the finest up
right piano that money will buy in any
land or clime Both instruments have
been sold and were delivered to the
happy purchasers this afternoon
To Cure I a Grippe In Two DayH
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature on
every box 2ic
For more than twentyfivo years Dr J New
ton Hathaway lias mado a specialty of ruinate
Diseases DurltiR tliat tlmo lio has had nniniii
ins patients over ten thous
and women suncrliii from all
thoso many dllfercnt com
plaints peculiar to tho suv and
has completely and perma
nently cured moro than so pur
ceut of tho casus ho has
Hy his exclusive method
which hn has perfected durliiR
tho twenty lire years of his
most extensive practice ho Is enabled to euro all
of theso different dUeases Including painful
profuse or suppressed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors nud ulceration in
fact overv form of those diseases wliUjh make a
bunion of llfo to tho jreat majority of women
Ho has so iterfcctod this system of his that ho
can treat these eases by mall without airy per
bonal examination to which every sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oper
ation with Its consecment pain aud necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In tho pri
vacy of tho homo tho euro Is painless and It Is
Wrlto him a letter statlnc brlely your condi
tion and ho will send you a blank to bo niled out
Ho will gho your caso his personal attention and
earn and make his fo ko moderato Including all
medicines necessary that you will not feel tho
burden of tho payment and ho will guarantee
you a positive cure Address
Dr llutliuuujr Co
Commercial lllock Sioux City Iowa
Church of the Sacred Heart
Duly Dedicated Yesterday
ltlxtiop Srniinrll un rrncnt lit the Ktnn
In KxcicIkcb unci Wn Alilr AmlMcil liy
Noted tliiirolnnrn From Ninr unit Inr
Church Wim lleautlftilly Dccoritted
Krotn Monitors Dully
Yesterday was a day long to bo re
membered by tho pnrishonors of tho
Catholic church and tho many friends
of that church orgnnlzntion in the city
and surrounding country for it wob tho
occasion of tho dedication of tho splendid
new edifico recently erected at tho cor
nor of Fifth Btreot and Madison nvouuo
for church purposes
Tho day was replete with imposing
and impreBsivo ceremonials magnifi
cent addresses entrancing musio nnd
tho nttendauco of largo nud intelligent
It wns tho crowning day of months of
work by tho estoomod pastor Father
Walsh his assistants nnd tho congrega
tion whoso e Tort s to erect n snitnblo
edifice and ono in which tho citizens at
large may tnko prido has been atten
tively noted and warmly commeudod by
Tho nttondanco of many priests from
surrounding parishes and tho presouco
of a uumbor of church dignitaries as
well as tho music furnished by local
people nnd a number from other towns
lout an interest to tho exorches seldom
if over equalled on a similar occasion in
Norfolk church circles and tho success
of every endeavor is cnuso for warm
congratulation tho occasion being ro
markably free of anything unpleasant
Tho exorcises proper began nt 1010
when Rev Win Chokn V G of
Montery conducted the ritualistio dedi
catory services
Following this was solemn high mnss
by Fnther S Carroll colobraut of
Omnhn assisted by Fathers John
McXauinra deacon of Jackson Rev
Jas A Keating sub deacon of Caspor
Wyo Rev Jas W Stetson master of
ceremonies of St Philomenas cathedral
The morning music by the choir wns
St Theresa Mass composed by Theo
dore De Lu Hacheo
The sermon by Rev C Henry O S
S It of Kansas City Mo was a strong
feature of the morning exercises
Father Henry is a very pleasing and able
speaker and held tho close attention of
the large audience in attendance from
start to finish of his address His re
marks were warmly commended by all
who had the pleasure of hearing him
The church wns well filled and a deop
interest was taken in the exercises by
all in attendance
The evening services commenced at
7 80 with solemn vespers sung by Rev
J B Fitzgerald celebrant of Wayne
assisted by Rev J A Keating deacon
of Casper Wyo and Rev Father
Bartholomew O S F sub deacon
The lecture by Rev M F Dowling
S J rector of Creighton university of
Omaha was one of the finest addresses
ever delivered in the city Tho reverend
gentleman took as his subject The
Catholic Laymen in the American
Republic and spoko for something
more than an hour defining the posi
tion of the Catholic laymen regarding
the church and the country His words
were of an ennobling character and all
who heard him should have and undoubt
edly did derive great benefit from it in
mode of life nnd feelings ono toward the
other Tho rector is a fine pulpit
orator His words aud sentences were
clear cut and decisive and his ideas
original and vigorous Ho held the
closest nttention of his auditors and
many w r scrry that tho addres4 was
not longer and that they have not the
privilege of hearing Father Dowling
oftener His address received most nat
tering criticism from all who heard it
Following this was tho solemn bene
diction nnd sacrament by tho Right
Rev Bishop Scnunell of Omaha as
sisted by Rev S F Carroll and Rev J
W Stetson muster of ceremonies
Before pronouncing tho benediction
tho bishop gave a short address to tho
congregation and expressed his regret at
not being nble to bo present at the
morning exercises Ho paid a high
tributo to thejpastor Father Walsh nnd
to the generosity of Norfolk people
Catkolio and others who had contributed
to tho erection and furnishing of the
new building which will bo known as
the church of tho Sacred Heart
This completed tho services of tho day
and tiio audience wns dismissed
A write up of tho exercises would be
indeed incomplete without special atten
tion to the musical program which was
under tho able direction of F A Fisso
The musical program iu tho evening
was as follows
Vespers composed by J Wiegend
OSalatnris by Winters
Tnntum Ergo by Goebb
March orchestra
The choir wns composed as follows
Misses Kato Fckols of Humphroy
Edith Batcholor Lucy Bruner Mar
garet Horiskey Lilly Chesnutwood and
Mrs F Ueckermauu of Norfolk so
Mrs E Tanner of Battlo Creek
Misses Stewart and Kingsbury of
Wayne Josephine Conley and Mary
HorlsUey of Norfolk
Mr II Fisso of Norfolk nnd Frank
Holder of Humphroy tenors
Wm Kimors of Humphrey Frank
Uoolterniann nnd J 11 Conley of Nor
folk tenors
Tho musio wns furnished by T Slat
tery violin J ODonnell cornet F
Glnnders clarionet nnd J Grindnhl of
the Hospitnl orchestra and Messrs
Hohuort Mnniunrdt Ahlmivtiu nud
Heller of Bohuerts orchestra assisted
by Miss Anna Walsh violin from Mo
berly Mo with iMlss Lucy Shafer
presiding at the organ
The church was decorated very beau
tifully for both services
Tho altars wero decorated with out
tloworsconsistingof La Franco and Mar
chauiel roses nnd sinllnx and mado n
very handsome nppenrnnco especially
during tho benediction by tho bishop
when they wero illnminntod by tho
lights produced by myriads of candles
During the recessional march of tho
right roverond biBhop ho npponrod wear
ing his mitre and carrying his crazier
He was accompanied by tho clergy and
tho neolytcs bearing lighted torches
The following clergy in addition to
those mentioned nH taking part wero
present Rov E S Munich of Atkin
son Rev Gentil Vermnolen Rov Ladis
lao Cech O S F and Rov J M
Dolbovo of Humphrey
Bishop Scnnnell nccompnnied by
Fnthor Chokn V G went to Verdigro
today to administor tho rites of confirm
ation to a clnss and will visit Creighton
tomorrow for tho snnio pnriioso
The church dedicated is a building of
brick with a beautiful architectural
effect with stono trimmings The in
terior is handsomely finished nnd fur
nished aud will supply tho neods of tho
congregation for many years It is so
arranged that at some futuro dnte it can
be readily added to at tint renr and
makes a splendid monument to tho en
terprise of Fat hor Walsh and his co
workers A moro extended write up of
the edilico has hitherto been given
WaxttI Several bright nnd honest
persons toJepreeut ns as managers in
this and close counties Salary fKX a
year and expenses Straight bona flde
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bnnk in
any town It is mainly oillcowork con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stnmped envolope Tim
Dominion Company Dept i Chicngo
Ileal IMnln 1riiiiHtcrx
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by E G Heilman
ager of the Madison county abstract
olllco at Norfolk
M C Ilazen adm of tho estate
of James LaFargo deceased
to Lester O Bargelt lot 14
block 7 KoenigsteiuB ird add
to Norfolk nd 8120 15
Edwin M Norton to Romo
Miller lot 0 block 1 Dorsey
plnco add to Norfolk Junc
tion qcd 1 00
Cyrus Spicher nnd wife to
John H Ott se4 wd 4000 00
August Mnthiesen and wifo to
Gnstav Sellin e4 of oj
wd 2400 00
Flora E Cox and husband to
Lnther L Suell a pnrt of
BwJ i of swji 31-24-2 decribed
by metes and bounds wd 300 00
Ferdinand Posewalk and wife
to Herman Raasch sj of lot
I block 3 Pasewalk3 add to
Norfolk given in place of lost
deedqed 1 00
Herman Raasch and wifo to
Albert Miller of lot 1
block 3 Pasewnlks add to
Norfolk wd 375 00
Abel A Saxton and wifo to Geo
Sou viguier lots 1 and 2 block
I I Days add to Battle Creek
wd 45 00
Decree of district court In
caso entitled Spitz Landauer
Co et al tho following
described land wns awarded
to Spitz Laudnuer Co and
the deed recorded iu book 20
page 315 is declared null nnd
void to wit njy of lots 1
and 2 block 1 1 HaossuburlMui
lots to Norfolk except w 50
feet and a strip 10 feet wido
on routh side
S B Cain and wife to A E
Lind a parcel of land 10 rods
wido by 17 rods 4JJ ft in
length in village of Nowninn
Grove described by metes and
bounds wd 125 00
Elkhorn Valley bank to Ella
Thorton nw -4 3-24-1 wd 2000 00
Try flniln OI Try Oruln O
Ask your grocer to show you a pack
age of Grain O tho new food drink that
takes tho placo of coffee Tho children
may drink it without injury ns well na
the ndult All who try it liko it
Gniin 0 has that rich seal brown of
Mocha or Javn but it Ib made from
pure grains aud the most delicuto
stomach receives it without distress JJ
tho prico of roffeo 16o and 25o per
package Sold by oil grocora
Wanted Honest mnu or woman to
travel for largo house salary 05
monthly and espouses with increase
position pormnueut oncloso self-addressed
stamped envolope Manaokk
330 Caxton bldg Chicngo
Cleinti al Uftutifte tbo tlr
Ituuurfk ft lirsuriAbi rrtnrth
Never TfclU to Beatoro Or7
Cuiv totlp dutatcf ft naif Uliff
0ciidilAltt Ii
I n II IFfi II if HI
VriRV SOAP ic a clrin conn On nn cmifii
f inch of your hand there are 2800 pores On
the whole body you have 2 38 1 284 of these
little cavities to look after Every one of these
openings must be kept clear or the impurities of the
body can not pass out Now to cleanse the pores
you need a fine pure soap Scientists who speak not
from opinion but from scientific analyses urge the use
of Ivory Soap DDrhs per cent pure
CortdiftHl t M Ini raociin awti O ckcti
5 A Horry of Wnyno was a city vis
itor yesterday
Watts Anderson was in the city today
from Ilonltins
Judge Cones was a city visitor yester
day from Pierce
Mrs L llitehingH of Madison was n
Norfolk visitor today
I G Westcrvelt iH enjoying n visit
from his sister Mrs Tolle
J D Packard of Creighton camo
down on the morning train
Mrs George from Neligh is visiting
her parents Mr and Mrs I G Wester
Bishop Scnnnell came in from Creigh
ton nnd returned to his home iu Omalm
this morning
Al Johnson has finished his vacation
aud has resumed his position of porter
at tho Pacific hotel
Rev J S C Weills and A P Ohilds
loft for Omaha this morning to attend
tho Episcopal convention
Geo Davenport jr and A A Toll if
of the Star are out on an advertising
trip for their respective houses
The firo department has received
some now hose which was tested last
evening under the supervision of Chief
Tho Lndies society of tho First Con
gregational church will meet tomorrow
afternoon at 2 oclock in tho church
Tho Singer sowing machine office of
which Dan B Lee is manager is now
located in tho grocery store of G M
Mrs Jos Burton is expected hero this
evening from Waukon Iown to visit a
couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs
Geo B Christoph
Workmen today are placing the new
cornice on tho Auditorium and the
building will soon be completed as far as
its exterior is concerned
II H MUlerhns again engaged in the
dray business nud he is once more oc
cupying tho Bphero iu which he lias
leeu such a familiar figure
W II Baird has rented tho homo of
Mrs Desmond on North Tenth street
where ho will make his homo after his
marriage Mrs Desmond contemplates
making an extended visit iu tho enst
again this summer
Mrs Ferdinand 1asewulk had the
misfortune to full off tho porch at her
homo on South Fifth street last evening
and fracture ono of the bonc3 of her
knee Tho injury is very painful but is
not considered t erious
M J Gnrcelon who was manager of
tho Chicago Lumber companys busi
ness hero about nine years ago but now
resides iu Chicago came iu from Omaha
last evening nud is visiting old time
friends From hero he will go to Long
Pino to visit his nieces
Tho uuion depot lias received a letter
from Ed Brooks formerly baggageman
at that dejiot Mr Brooks is now lo
cated at Roswell a small town near
Colorado Springs where ho has a good
position nnd fair wages His wifes
health is much improved by tho change
and ho speaks very highly of the cli
Albion News W H Briggs was
down from Norfolk Friday visiting h s
old frioud A B Bender Messrs
Briggs mid Bonder wero old neighbors
in Madison county in tho Alliance days
and claim tho distinction of being the
instigators of the movement in that
comity Mr Briggs holds the position
of nurse in tho asylum at Norfolk at the
present time
While Mrs Fred Keller was driving
out to Iho Kiigar fiutory this nieriiiiig to
assume her duties as bookkeeper thu
horse she was driving ran away throw
ing her out into a wire fencn She was
taken care of and a physician munitioned
who examined her injuries finding her
badly bruised and cut up Fortunately
no bones wero broken and tho lady is
now resting as com fort ably as could bo
expected nt her homo in this city
Tho following from tho Uushvillo
Standard concerns tho former principal
of the Norlolk High school Tho board
of education of the Kushville schools
held a meeting on Monday evening and
by a unanimous vote they decided to
lender the principalship to Piof Sarah
j Garrett for another year This is
something that lias never occurred in
Uushvillo before though wo havo had
some good educators at tho head of tho
school but Miss Garrett is ono iu a
thousand Her whole energy seems to
havo been turned over to tho advance
ment of not only tho schools but to
each individual pupil At the close of
tho meeting the hoard adjourned until
next Monday evening nt which time
the assistant teachers will be elocted
Oitkdalo Sentinel The Great Syndi
cate show was hero Tuesday There
was n good sized crowd out to seo it nnd
nearly all wero pleased with tho per
formance in tho circus tent which wns
about the only featuro of the show that
amounted to anything Although tho
crowd did not reach very great pro
portions thore seemed to bo plenty of
suckerB on hand ready to bo taken in by
the gambling devices and shell games
which wero put in operation m soon as
the show was ready for business Iu a
short time tho operators of these games
gathered in n lot of sporty suckers iu
sums ranging from a few dollars to o0
Ono man who lost i0 secured the serv
ices of an attorney to recover his money
and tho attorney wns successful in mak
ing tho show people restore it
For the Best
And Prompt and Satisfactory
Finishing go to
The Norfolk
Frames mad j to order at low
rates Photo Buttons all sorts
and sizes finest assortment in
A Share of Your Patronage Solicited
BiALin lx-
Books Stationery
Fancy Chin aware
Wall Paper
Window Shades
Instruments Etc
of Hct Varlctlc nt Hard Times Prices Small
fruit iu lurtni uily Milllem of Strawberry
plaute very thrifty outl wull rooted lot tho
uESTiicar home and save freight or esnrej
Send for urice lint to
Norlh Bend Nurseries
North Bind Tjdg County Nt