1 m t h A FRIDAY FACTS O MX Jenkins returned yesterday from n visit to Ouinhn Mrs M 0 Wnlker wont to lMninviow todny for n visit to friends Mr nml Mrs C H Hayes wont to Omaha ycsteulay and will retnrn todny Tlio residence of Chns Hlon doif iB being improvid with n frcsli coat of ralnt Mrs 1 M lllo nnd daughter Helen came over from Wnyuo Inst evening to visit with Miss Drnner Tho Inst dance of tho Knrly Hour clnb for tho teason will behold next Thurs day OVeilillg Tho West Side Whist elub will bo entertained this evening by Mr and Mrs W N Huk A daughter was lorn yesterday morn Muk to Mr nnd MrH Gottlieb llcclcmnn nt their lumio near this oity Tho room next door west of Kicos finloon is beiiiK placed in Bhupo for a restaurant which will soon bo opened up Tho now pewB for tho Catholic churoh nro expected to arrive tomorrow morn ing and will at onco bo plncod in posi tion for tho dedicatory HorvlccH Bnnday Those wishing to obtain tickets for tho dedicatory services nttho now Cath olic churoh Sunday may obtain them by calling on C 1 Holahan at tho Amer ican express ofllco A number of Indies from town spout yehterday with Mrs G 1 Keiper nt tho hospital for tho insane In tho evening others joined tho party nnd all enjoyed tho regular weekly daneo D M Owon tho traveling roprosonta tivo of tho Dompstor Manufacturing company of Uontrlco who hnB mado this hiR homo for a number of years ex pectB to niovo his family to Oinnha about tho llrst of Juno 0 H McCluro of Ainsworth who was n delognto to tho fusion eouvoutiou at Sioux FallB was in tho city today on his way homo Ho reports having had a very good timo and states that there were about 10000 peoplo attending tho hcssion Miss E Lonn Spear editor of tho Contral City Domocrat nnd E A Sponr professor of music in tho Contral City college aro in tho city visiting their brother Landlord Geo II Spoar of tho Oxnard They favored this ofllco with a pleasant call this morning Tho quilting party given by Mrs Hurt Mapes last evening was a very pleasnut atlair to those participating most of whom were grandmothers and a few groat grandmothers After tho quilting thoso pnrtieipnting were reguled with dainty refreshments At its recent meeting tho board of county commisMoners laid on tho tnblo tho potitiou of Meadow Grovo citizens to have that villngo ro iucorporated Tho property represented by tho pieseut petitioners is about ono fourth of what it was in the old petition Tho seventh annual convention of tho womans general mibBionary Bocioty of tho United Presbyterian church of North America is in session at Pawneo City about 250 delegates being iu at tendance Mrs S P Sharpless of this city represents tho churches of thiB dibtrict at tho convention A thunder shower developed out of the blue sky this morning nlout 5 oclock and considerable water fell whilo tho thunder and lightning werequito llerco Tho storm cleared away early iu tho foreuoon nnd left all unturo smiling with a beautifully clear atmosphero and the lnwns nnd trees iu their brightest tints of emerald J E Crouk who has had the nctive management of tho Norfolk foundry since Mr Bullock commenced dividing his timo between this placo nnd Sioux City has resigned that position tho resignntion to tako effect soon Mr Crouk is ono of tho best all round me chanics in tho city and patrons of tho foundry will bo sorry to have him leave Burt Mapes left on tho noon train for Lincoln to attend a meeting of tho re publican stnto central committee of which ho is a member Tho candidates met there Mondny nnd recommended ollicers and an executive committee Tho central connnitteo will today either npprovo or reject tho recommendations Mr Mnpes has been recommended as one of tho soven members of tho execu tive committee When W E Spencer returned from Grand Island yesterday ho brought with him a carload of ono and two year old western horses which were un loaded aud placed iu tho yard adjoining tho Krautz livery bam They aro very fine looking nuimnls nnd appear to be very well mannered for westerners He hopes to dispose of tho eutiro bunch to one purchaser nnd several are now fig uring on them The street grader was again put to work this morning aud the roughness of the roads are fast disappearing whilo the streets aro being put in better shape than they have beeu for many years The enterprito of tho city in tins direc tion is certaiuly to bo commended Tax payers as a rule submit to the improvements of streets nnd walks with tho least protest of any expense that may be incurred A dispatch to tho World Herald of yebterday from Battle Creek dated the Oth is as follows Ben Pierces livery barn and contents consisting of thrco horses two buggies four sets of harness and two saddles valued at 600 were totally destroyed by lire Inst night nliont 10 -HO Tho building was ownod by RK Warrick Had tho terrific wind which prcvnilod during the dny been blowing tho entire town would hnve been razed to tho ground Mrs 1 M Houdurnut writes from Mt Moriah Missouri describing n hail storm which fell in that neighborhood on the 5th She encloses a paper indi cating tho sio of tho stones from which it is judged that they wero nenrly ns lnrgo as a bano bnll the slip of paper enclosed measures if inches iu dinmater nnd nearly B inches in cirenmforonec Tho storm lasted nbout 20 minntoB and did cotiBidornblo dnmngo tothoorchnrds She reporta that Btnall grain looks fine as do also tho moadows Tho Wnyno Hopublicnn Bays Nor folk boastB of her tiro record tho yonr ending Mny 1 having but 11 tiros during tho period covered and tho Iobbob were small Tho record if a good ono but cannot compare with onra Waynos record for tho samo period is juBt four alarum two of whioh resulted iu de struction of buildings iu which they originated and iu tho othor two caBos tho dnmngo was but Blight Tho Ho publicnn Bhould not loso sight of tho fact in itB comparison that Wayno is scarcoly half iib lnrgo as Norfolk in number of buildings and inhabitants During tho electric storm thiB morn ing about 5I0 lightning struck threo tolophono polos near tho homo of Boy Hight in tho south part of tho city spliuterlug thorn bndly nnd nlmost de molishing ono of thorn Mr Hight nnd hiB family worejworking in tho gardon aud wero nil moro or less shocked by tho bolt Horses in n paBturo nearby reared up and ono nearly fell over backwards whilo tho horsoB in Mr HightB barn wero so frightened or shocked that thoy leaped and tore around verysavngely and seemed to bo using thoir host endeavors to get into tho mangerB Mr Hight stntes thnt tho cloud from which tho storm nated was apparently not much larger than 1ub hat That it developed plenty of vigor for a small thing is proved by tho nplintered poleB Noxt Sunday is tho tonth anniversary of tho organization of the Epworth leaguo aud will bo obsorvod by tho local chapter of tho M E church with special services Tho regular league mooting at 7 oclock will bo led by Miss Oriolo Adams nnd specinl music 1ms been arranged for Tho membership roll will bo called and each mombor ex pected to respond to bis name with a verso of scripturo A cordial invitation is extended to all Rev J E Powler of Madison district president of tho Epworth leaguo has been invited to preach nt tho regulnr evening church sorvico at 8 oclock Whilo J N Bundick aud his friend II A Wilmordiug wore exercising the formers three-year-old colt last evening tho auimal becamo frightened at a crowd of boys and ran away dumping the two gentlemen from tho cart Tho colt took its exercise alone after that for a considerable time using tho streets in itB own Bweet way It ilually ran up against an electric light polo and ex tinguished tho light Bomo going so far as to assort that tho nervy brnto climbed thn polo and blow the light out The horso was captured soon afterward Fortunately no damage resulted to drivers horso or vehicle Wanted Honest man or woman to travel for largo houso salary 05 monthly aud expenses with incroaso position permanent enclose dressed stamped euvolopo Manaciek 10 Caxton bldg Chicago I Every woman in the country I B ought to know about I Mers Friend I Thoe who do know about it wonder how they ever got alontj without it It has robbul child birth of its terrors for many a you mr wife It hut preserved her girlish ilgtiio and Mivcd her much buffeting It is nil external lini ment and canies with it therefore absolutely no danger of upsetting tho sybteni as drugs taken intern ally aie apt to do It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen the muscles whah aro to bear the strain This means much less pain It also prevents morning sickness and nil of tho other discomforts of pieguaucy A druggist of Macon Oi says I have sold n large quantity of Mothers Friend and hive never known an instance where- it has failed to produce the good results churned for it A prominent lady of Lam berton Ark writes With my fiit six children 1 was m labor from 2 J to 30 hours After using Mothers Fiiend my seventh wus born in 4 hours Ort Mntlii i n r lrnd nt llm ilriiir hlortt trl00 1 it litilllf THE BRADriElt KLGLUTOR CO AIUNU CA Will or oar fix lllutr IH l k BEFORE BAET 18 liUKSI THE NORFOLK NEWS TIIUKSIUY MAY 17 1903 SATURDAY SIFTINGS Mr nnd Mrs U 15 Austin wero vis itors yesterdny to HoskitiB Mm 15 Tauner aud Mlsg Halo wore city visitors yesterday from Battle Creek Misses Anna and Augusta Lundquist of HoskiiiB aro visiting friends in Nor folk today John Williams of South Norfolk hnB accepted a position in Columbus nnd is now in thnt city 1 Ktihn who was hurt whilo work ing on tho section sonto timo ago is able to bo up and around Company L N N G drilled out of doors last evening nnd thoroughly enjoyed tho change from a stuiry hall to tho opon nir Tho Battle Crock Republican says that quito a number of peoplo from that town will nttond tho dedication of tho now Catholic church in this city to morrow Tho Stanton Picket says that Al Johnson of this city wantB to go to tho Philadelphia convention as porter of tho special cor that will carry tho Nebraska delegation Al has been n republican over bIuco ho was born and knows how to Borvo tho wants of people Ho should hnvo the job Stanton Picket Tho Nokfolk Nrws has addod to its facilities for doing all classes of work a now wiro stitching machine a now perforating and stab bing machine and 50 fonts of now job and display typo Tho enterprise of Editor Huso supported by a liberal patronngo from peoplo of his town nnd county is rapidly putting tho Nkws to tho front as a newspaper and tho N ivs ofllco as a thoroughly equipped job plant Tho weather prediction is for cooler which probably means that tho wind will change to tho northwest which probably meaus that tbo people of llav anna will bo favored with the sheep aroma which probably moaus Norfolk pooplo will bo permitted to draw thoir breath tomorrow which probably moans Norfolk peoplo will bo thankful which probably menus that tho Sunday air will not be disturbed by loud sounding words from Norfolk peoplo Battle Creek republican A man by namo of Squires representing himself to bo a collector for W II Butterfield Co drove in from Norfolk Monday with a toam which ho hired from a Nor folk liverymnn After loafing around awhile ho engaged a boy to drivo tho team back to Norfolk and announced his intention of leaving by train Iu tho meantimo Marshal Flood received notice from Norfolk over the telephone to dotniu the man and mako him pay ify50 for the use of tho livery team Acting upon thiB notice Mr Flood watched his opportunity and collared the gent nnd mado him divvy up tho right amount then allowed him to depart in peace He was an easy mark Wayno Republican Four days of drouth in Wayne I Every irrigation plant closed and main ditches nnd laterals empty Parched lips and tongues cracked and swollen bocause of a lack of moisture that was being with hold on account of an error in the license ordinance ns drafted by the city attorney read before and passed by tho wise men of the city council It required an extra Bession of tho city fathers in order to open the gates of prohibition that had been closed but it was done on Thursday evening and on Friday tho revised ordiuanco waB pub lished by tho Democrat tho city nnd school treasury enriched by i200 hard dollars and Friday night beer flowed free and drooping spirits of tho thirsty wero revived iu a wonderful manner To have tho balooiiB nil closed and be tho proprietor of a drug store in Wayne would bo a snap that would put in the shado any Klondike dream or cause the story of Mouto Cristo to become a back numbor in less than a year MISS TANNEHILLWON Norfolk ContcHtiint Ak1i Captures Jlrtt Irlo nt St nt c Content Tho following dispatch was received in Norfolk this morning Kearney Nobr Mny 12 J B Barnes jr We lmvo met tho enemy and they aro onrs OConnor Tho telegram was from Superintend ent OConnor of tho Norfolk schools who accompanied Miss Maude Tannehill to that city where last evening she represented tho North Nebraska dis trict in tho eighth annual contest of the Nobraska High schools declamatory union Miss Tauuehill entered tho humorous class aud won out on Susie Smith whioh won first placo in tho North Nebratka contest Tho recitation sides being very humorous is ontitled to further consideration because of tho fact that Miss Tannehill is its author Thus has tho Norfolk High school class of 1K0 again sustained its reputa tion for prize winning iu tho humorous class and the members now possess two state medals Tho class is jubilant over Miss TannehiUs success and tho citizens aro scarcely less enthusiastic thau tho winners clumutos Tho North Nebraska district was for tuuato in securiug the prizes in all threo of tho classes tho wiuners having par ticipated nnd won nt Wnyno Tho winuers in the different classes of the contest wero Orntoricnl Belle Price of Neligbfirit Ralph Adams of Mindeti second Dramatic Homer Pay ton of South Omaha first Maud Barnett Geneva second Humorous Mnud Tnnnehill Norfolk first Emma Hnulon Harvard second Superintendent OConnor and MIsb Tannehill aro expected to return thiB evening nnd it is probnblo thnt tho elites will moot nnd congratulate tho winner at her home ItonulutliiiM of Condolence At itB meeting last evening Momiug lodge No 20 K of P of which tho lato Tub II Kingmnn of Englo Grove Iowa was n member adopted the following resolutions WherooB Our brother J II King mnn has boon called to his final reward and WhereaB Onr hearts go out in sym pathy to his borenvod wito and family Resolved Thnt this lodgo does hereby oxprcsB its deepest sympathy to thoso who wero loft behind to mourn his loss with tho hopo that thoir grief may be assuagod by pleasing recollections of his loving kindness Resolved Thnt ob a token of respect to n brother dearly loved by tho mem bers of this lodge tho charter bo draped in mourning for a period of 10 days Resolved Thnt theBO resolutions bo spread upon tho minntes that thoy bo presented for publication and that copieB bo forwarded to tho sorrowing family L M Bkelbk Geo B CimiSTorii John Friday Committee To fendant Summon by Iuhllcutlnn Ada JJavey non resident tie- Yon aro hereby required to tako no tice that on tho 28th day of April 1000 James H Davoy filed his petition against yoa in the district court of Madison county Nobraska setting forth that ho was married to you tho 17th day of November 1891 That there are are two children tho issue of said marriage Thnt on tho 25th day of July 18 at Norfolk Nobraska you was guilty of adultery with ono Theodore Hietman That you have abandoned him tho said James II Davey and have lived in a state of adultery with tho Baid Heitman That you hnvo beon guilty of extreme cruelty towards him tho said Davey without any cause or provocation on his part Plaintiff prays for a decree of divorce and tho custody of his said children You are required to answer said petition on Monday the 11th day of June 100 James II Davey Plaintiff By Barnes Tyler His Attorneys G A It IleHolutlons Resolutions of condolence adopted by Mathewson post G A R at a regular meeting held on Mny 8 1900 on the death of Comrade D A Amerine Whereas It has pleased God in His inscrutable wisdom to remove from our midst our comrade to the paradise above therefore be it resolved That we will cherish the memory of our departed comrade and remember the example he has lei t us in the patience and christian fortitude which he prac ticed during a lingering and painful illness To his neighbors and friends ever kind and gracious and in his family a devoted husband and father he has left an example worthy of emulation by all Resolved that we extend to the be reaved fnmily our deeply felt and sincere sympathy in this hour of affliction Resolved that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the post and a copy presented to the family of our departed comrade By order of the post H M Roberts W H Widamas Commander Adjutant The new Cash Hardware Store has a nice lino of 6creen doors wiro cloth lawn mowers and gasoline stoves at the lowest price Call and examine them Sheet Music Free A benutiful new waltz song and our latest sheet music catalogue on receipt of two cent stamp Address W S Stratton Son 4th St Sioux City Iowa DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everybody vho reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful JP e u 1 cures made by Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney liver Li and bladder remedy x It is the great medl S cal triumph of the nine teenth century dis covered after years of Sskfl Dr Kilmer the emi nent Kianey ana Diaa der specialist and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou bles and Brights Disease which Is the worst form of kidney trouble Dr Kilmers Swamp Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you havekid ntff liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need It has been tested In so many ways In hospital work in private practice among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper vho have not already tried it may have a sample bottle sent free by mail also a book telling more about Swamp Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to rrtTjirftHj Dr Kilmer CoBing KlL4ilrriHfed hamton N Y The iiiiaitel regular fifty cent and Homecf Barop rtoot dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists n MONDAY MENTION W E Reed of Mndison was in Nor folk yesterday E G Macy of Battle Creek wns a city visitor Sunday Petor OShea of Madison was in tho city over Sunday P II Kohl of Wayno woe a Sunday visitor iu Norfolk Mrs Geo Stnponhorst visited at Bat tlo Creek over Sunday County Jndge Bates was in tho city from Madison yesterday A Woodward was n city visitor yester day from tho county sent Miss Nellio Williams was in tho city from Madison over Sunday John Malouo nnd O S Nicholson wero Sunday visitors from Madison Offilcal Abstractor E G Hoilmanwas a passenger this morning for Madison 0 E Burnham A J Dnnlovy and Pat Stanton of Tilden were Sunday visitors in Norfolk Mr and Mrs Charles Stitt were up from Fremont yesterday visiting their parents and friends Tho Volunteer Army held services on the Btreot last Saturday afternoon that attracted quite a crowd of hearers Owen Nellie nnd Maggie ONeill wero in tho city yesterday from Battle Creek attending the Catholic services MiBS Norn Conwny who has been Bick for some time resumed her position as clerk at tho Johnson dry goods store this morning O A H Brnco nnd D G Jasmor of Creightou departed last Wednesday for Alaska where they will delve in the Capo Nome gold fields H G Howell who has beon conduct ing an optical and jewelers repair de partment in Utters book store departed for Randolph this morning to engage in tho jowelry nnd optical business Jas A McDonald departed yesterday for Pender where ho will visit for n week and will then leave for Wads- worth lunno to begin ms unties ns engineer of the government Indian school The replevin suit of Chas H Johnson ngainst the O St P M O R R Co which was set for trial today was again continued nt the request of the defend ants and with tho consent of the plaint iff and is now set for trial on the 17th The Senior class held a very eujoynble reception Saturday evening for Miss Tannehill at tho homo of Miss Wood where she was warmly congratulated on the honors she had won at tho state contest A good social time was en joyed and resreshments were served during the evening A couple of Italians with a couple of unkempt bears hnd n large following of kids on the streets Saturday The one great ambition of the men seemed to be to obtain beer nnd more beer as they made nearly every saloon in town with their growlers Two cars of representatives of the A O U W of South Dakota passed through the city yesterday on their re turn from Hot Springs where the grand lodge was held Four carB pasBed through today over the M O from the 6ome place to be transferred at Sioux City The university battalion held a com petitive drill on the campus at Lincoln Saturday Company D of which nil the Norfolk boys nro members won the Omaha cup as the best drilled company For competitive individual drill Ser geant Klinge of Grand Island won first prize For individual cavalry saber drill Kimball Barnes of this city won the first prize and the gold medal The Norfolk correspondent of the Omaha Bee under date of the 12th says What came near being a serious fire started at 5 oclock this afternoon in the north end of the American Beet Sugar plant For a time it was thought that tho whole north end would be destroyed but by the prompt work of a well drilled gang of workiugmen under the direction of Chief Master Mechanic Lockwood aud tho aid of tho magnificent water works system tho blaze was extinguished before much damage was done Tho nre was startea oy tinners nt work on tho roof Mr Venus Huobner and Miss Mario Miller daughter of Mr and Mrs II II Miller of this city wero united in mar rioge yesterday noon at the Christ Lutheran church Rev J P Mueller of ficiating and will begin housekeeping nt once in Pierce where Mr Huebner holds n position ns clerk in the Mohrman Btoro After tho ceremony a dinner was served at the homo of tho bridos parents to tho immediate relatives and tho happy couple were the recipients of a number of nice presents For nearly n year tho bride conducted dressmaking parlors in Pierce the young peoplo have been acquainted however for nbout four years The Norfolk friends of the couple extend congratulations J H Kingman who has been sick for such n long time nt his home in Eagle Grovo Iown died yesterday momiug at 1 oclock of Brights deseaso of tho kid neys Tho funeral will be held tomor row afteruoou at 1 oclock and inter ment will ttko placo at Jefferson Iown Mr Kiuginan was for mnny yenrs a telegrapher on tho dispatchers force at the Juuctiou and made this his homo until about a year ago when ho removed to Euglo Grove and accepted n similar position Mr Kingman was very popu lar here with all who knew him and all will bo sorry to learn of his decease Ho leaves a wife and ono or two childron who havo tho sympathy of many friends Howasamomber of tho Knights of Pythias nnd Woodmen of tho World lodges of this city which orders will un doubtedly bo represented nt tho funeral Buy 3 our tinwnro nt tho Cash Hard ware Store and Bave money Letter Lint List of letters romninlug uncalled for at tho postofflco May 14 1900 Miss Bachman Dan Blnckwoll Nolla Copeland 15 D Daniel Jncob Gropp Kasper Kanfmann Lulu Koiss G E Lemmon Nowton Mullondoro Will McVay S Aizlor Bros Jabbor Allab H Bardoy Hannah Retzlaff Margaret Rea Floronco Sandors Roland Smith Walter Strack W F Winestock If not called for in 10 days will bo sent to tho dead letter office Partios calling for nny of tho abovo ploaso say advertised P P Sprechkr P M UNVEIL SHAFTTO FARRAGUT Admiral Downy Dedicates a Memorial t IIU Old Commander Knoxville Tenn May 10 Tho final day of Admiral and Mrs Dowoys tour was Bpcnt at Lows Ferry 13 miles west of Knoxvillo tho birthplace of Admiral Farragut under whom Dewey served in tho civil war The admiral and party accompanied by various re ception committees and members of the Daughters of tho Revolution and mnny citizens left tho city by boat for the birthplace and arrived thoro at noon Tho site of the old Farragut homestead was visited and Admiral Dewey for mally unveiled tho marblo shaft erected to mark tho birthplace of tho first ad miral Following the unveiling Admiral Dowoy mado an address in which ho paid a high tributo to Farragut and re counted his associations with him Admiral Dowey and party left at 6 oclock for Washington CONTEST OVER CHAIRMAN Real Ine In the Republican State Con vention nt Topekn Topeka May 10 Tho real issue in tho Republican convention which will assemble hero today will bo tho selec tion of a chairman of tho state commit tee to succeed Morton Albaugh who is a candidate for ro election Albaugh is identified with the Leland clement of tho party and is being vigorously op posed by the so called anti boss faction Nearly all tho delegates hnvo arrived and tho convention promises to bo ono of tho largest in tho history of tho stato Governor Stanley and other state offi cers will bo renominated by acclama tion There is a contest for only ono placo on tho ticket that of Charles F Scott of loin and D W Elaine of Pratt aro tho can didates with tho chances in favor of tho former OHETnxrE Wy May 10 Dolegatei from nearly every county in tho stato are hero to attend the Republican state convention today Six delegates and tho samo number of alternates will bo elected aud ono congressman to suc ceed F W Moudell will be nominated Mondcll is a candidate for ro olection and as far as known ho has no one in the field against him for the nomina tion Forty Persons Drowned Rome May 16 A terrible ocoident resulting in tho death of from 80 to 40 persons took placo at Ronciglione on the Lake of Vico during a celebration of the fete of St Lucie whose ohapel is on the shore of the lake Two boats filled with peoplo capsized whilo re turning from the chapel within 800 yards of tho landing stago Only 18 persons wero saved ma E VB Jn 1 Dan AgenuineWHo Silver Steel String foryour Violin Mandolin Guitar or Banjo wilt be sent absolutely free to any address on receipt of a i cent postage stamp for return postage GREAT REDUCTION IH MANDOLINS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Ourriandolns nro guaranteed to be absolutely truelntlie Scales ported workmanship and correct adjustment of btrlnsrs Our 195 Walo Mandolin reiluccd from 3 00 Jh Wnlnut nnd MapleU ribs neatly tlnlslieil Inlaid sounrtliole rosewood flBBcr board position dots American patent head TRGR Itli every Mandolin an extra set of String and n alunble Self Instructor Our 345 Walo Mandolin reduced from IS00 Is Oak and Maple 13 ribs fancy Inlaid soundliolc celluloid bound edge ebony trlnnnniKsposltlon dots American pat ent bead and lino tlnlMi Our 495 Walo Mandolin reduced from J700 is solid Rosewood 13 ribs highly llnlsbcdedKca Inlold with fanoy colored wood purlllHt bound ulth celluloid ubonlzed llngerboard peml losltton dots mahogany ueck best American patent head Send for Wnlus Catalogue of All fluslcat In struments and furnishings Latest Hand Orchestra and Piano Aluslc Catalogues on appliratlon Ilne Repairing u Specialty Wutch for Our Next llurgains A T WALO MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo K