The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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O H Burrows wns n visitor to Omnhn
Frank Louser wns up from Mndisou
over Snmlny
Dan ford Tnylor of Battle Creek wns n
city visitor today
II 13 nml D M Owen wero Omnhn
visitors yesterday
V 13 Spencer hnft gouo to Grnnd
Island on business
Miss Olelnnd wns n Suiitlny visitor in
Norfolk from Piorco
Win Parkinson whb a Norfolk visitor
from Mndisou todny
D Shnnnon of Hoskins had business
in Norfolk yestcrdny
Miss Ednn Britton of Way no visited in
Norfolk over Sunday
Lloyd Cinininghnm of Wnyuo wns n
city visitor yesterday
C P Mlchnol returned tins morning
from a business trip to Pierce
Dr 0 A McKlm hnd vetcrinnry busi
ness in Meadow Grove today
H H Tnnies nnd A L llowser wero
city visitors yesterday from Wayne
13 G Heilinau and M D Tyler wero
passengers for Madisou tbis morning
P W Melcber was n visitor m tbo
Sugar City yesterday from West Point
W H Wigton of tbo Des Moines
insurnnco company is in tbo city from
Miss Kerhow went to Fremont Sun
day to visit ber parents returning yes
F P WilliamB tbe insurnnco man
is homo from Aurora and is coniined to
his home with sickness
Bert Eberhart nnd Miss Jessie Town
send wero married nt West Point yes
terday by Rev F W Leavitt
Dr A Bear went to Omaha on the
1 1 oclock train to attend tho meeting
of the State Medical association
0 W LeMont has gone on an ex
tended visit to relatives and friends
and expects to go as far as Wisconsin
before returning
G A Luikart and O D Jenkins
were Norfolk representatives at the
dollar banquet of the Peter Cooper club
at Omaha last night
Dr H T Holdeu expects his mother
Mrs M E Holden and sister Miss
Holden to nrrive tonight from Omaha
and make him n visit
Mr and Mrs D S Bullock who have
bsen visiting at the home of their eou
E A Bullock returned today to their
home in Harlan Iowa
Miss Nora Conway one of the clerl 8
in the Johnson Dry Goods companys
store bns been very sick nnd her
father wns called down from Niobrara
Sunday to seo her
W E Alexauder enmo in from Utah
today for the purposo of riding the goat
at Damascus commandery tonight and
incidentally to visit his family
Myron A Miller of Kirksville Mo
arrived last evening to accept the posi
tion of jeweler at tho Hayes jewelry
and musio house Mrs Miller is located
at Schuyler where Bhe practices osteo
Chief of Police W H Widaman ex
pects to leave tomorrow morning for
Beatrice to attend the state G A R
encampment M H Roberts will
probably attend nlso
Mr and Mrs H L Snyder left on
the noon train for Piqua Ohio tho
home of Mrs Snyders parents Mr
Snyder will visit two weeks while Mrs
Snyder will remain about three montliB
Commissioner J J Hughes came
down from Battle Creek yesterday and
thiB morning in company with Com
missioner H W Winter went over to
Mndison where they will hold a meeting
of the board
Madison Star The band met at the
armory Wednesday night for rehearsal
and from the quality of musio produced
at that time we venture tho assertion
that MadiEon will soon possess one of the
best bands in the state
Tbe carpenters expect to complete
their work on the new Catholic church
today and the building will bo rendy
for the dedicntory services Sunday with
the exception of putting in tho furni
ture and adding a few finishing touches
Miss Edith Morrow loft on tho noon
tr nin for Fremont From there sho
will go to Woodburn Iowa to make a
short visit to relatives aud friends and
-will then return to Fremont and attend
the summer normal school returning
homo about September
J W Edwards has nearly completed
a very convenient and substantial barn
at the rear of bis blacksmith shop He
never learned the enrpeuter trade nor
laid claim to much merit in tbnt line in
fact this is the first building ever erected
by him He now thinks however that
ho is about qualified to join tho union
and work at tho trade
Bnttlo Creek Republican John
Sanders of tho firm of Sanders Bros
who bought the Battle Creek mill prop
erty was in town over night Wednes
day He informed us that tbo machin
ery for the Battle Creek mill had been
purchnsed cf tho Edward P Allis Co
of Milwaukee nnd that it would soon be
upon tho ground Mr Sanders made
inquiries about carpenters nud intimated
that a forco would bo employed in the
course of two or tbree weeks to work
npou tho mill building Ho expects ti
movo with his family from Ewing to
this plnco before tbo work is begun
Dr P II Salter wont to Ewing last
night to look after Guy Hall a young
man from Scribner who was found on
I tho railroad track u short distanco from
I tbo station in an uncoiiFclous condition
Tho young mail is suffering from con-
cussion of tbo bralu cnusod by a fall
Ho evidently remained nil of Sundny
night in tho condition in which ho waB
Tho exonrsionists who passed through
tho city last evening on their way to
Hot Springs were members of tho A O
IT W instead of Odd Fellows as stated
in tbis paper They were on their way
to attend grand lodge Quito a number
of people wout to tho depot to seo them
pass through but tho excursionists were
pretty generally in bed and not much
was to bo seen of tho party
It has beon suggested ns possible that
tho floating body recovered from tho
Platte river near Louisvillo might bo
that of Joo Younger tho tailor who re
cently disappeared from hero But tho
description does not nccord very well
with whnt Mr Younger was when ho
wns last seen here Tho body fouud is
described ns that of n man about f0
years of age live feet and six inches
high hair a little gray aud a light
moustache Tho police at Omahn wero
inclined to believe it was tho body of
Henry J Newman a ladys tailor who
recently disappeared from that city
but they could not identify it as Newninn
Thieves took a team from tho bam of
Claus Asuius who lives flvo miles south
of Winside Thursday night They nlso
took n harness and then wont to a farm
occupied by Henry Bay a mile or two
further north and stole a two seat spring
wagon from his shed The trackB wero
followed north nearly to Winsido Fri
dny in spite of tho fact that it rained
Thursday night Tho sheriff was com
municated with aud has ottered a re
ward for tho capture of tho thieves
Tho description of the stolen property
is as follows One brown Iiojbo weigh
ing between 1100 and 1200 about fifteen
years old slightly string halted in both
hind legs One sorrel mare weight
slightly less than the horse nnd nbout
tho same age A double harness rather
old without breeching and not very
heavy Spring wngon Flint make half
platform spring in front double reach
front seat taken had new pole dasher
in poor condition
Meeting Held Last Night and Otllcerg
Wero Elected
Regular meeting of the board of educa
tion was held on May Tth at 8 p m
Tho following members were present
H G Brueggeman J C Aid S G
Dean nnd II C Mntran nnd the follow
ing were nbfcent G A Luiknrt and P
H Salter
Temporary organization wns effected
with H G Brueggeman as temporary
ohnirman and H 0 Matran as tempo
rary secretary
On motion the following oflicers wero
elected by ballot for tho ensuing year
President G A Luikart
Vice President S G Dean
Secretary H C Matrau
Vice President Dean took the chair
The following bills were read nnd or
dered paid
Giun Co books j88
Silver Burdett Co books 17G0
John Fridny snlnry and postage
C W Braa8ch coal 4040
JohuBon Dry Goods Co supplies
Nebraska Telephone Co April nnd
May rental 800
Hayes Jewelry Musio house re
pairs to clocks 3 00
Mapes Hazen premium on treas
surers bond 8000
M R Green hauling seatB 75 cents
H C Matrau secy express paid on
books 100
Monthly pay roll 3101315
Bills of G W Reckard and W H
Rish wero referred to committee on
Treasurers report for mouth of April
showed balance on band in general fund
of 40002 with unpaid outstanding
warrants amounting to 17402 14
Mr OConnor reported that ho had
secured Frank McOluro Chafleo to do
liver an address on commencement
Mr OConnor was instructed to have
tho diplomas for tho graduating class
lettered also to procure certificates for
tho graduates from tho Eighth grade
Mr OConnor reported that he had
held nn examination of tho senior gradu
ating class as required by resolution of
tho board of education aud presonted a
statement of standings which was not
altogether satisfactory and it was or
dered that another examination bo held
on tho third Friday in May
The board adjourned to meet on
Wednesday oveniug May 9th nt 8
oclock II O Matkal
Waxthu Several bright nud holiest
persons to represeut us as managers in
this and closo counties Salary 00 a
year and expenses Straight boua fldo
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly ofllco work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped euvelope Tun
Dominion Company Dept a Chicago
Dr F A Long was over from Madi
son yesterday
11 G Correll is in tbo city today
from Platin lew
13d Rrynolds was n city visitor vrs
torday from Wayno
Miss Bess Darnoll of Croighton wns n
city visitor this morning
13 D Ourrln of Albion had business
in tho Sugar City yesterday
John Scbiudlor of Stanton was a
Sugar City visitor yesterday
Geo T Bonnet of Harvard transacted
business yesterday in Norfolk
A J Durland returned yesterday
from his trip to Knox county
II Halderson of Nownian Grovo was
a visitor to Norfolk yesterday
13 M Huntington has gono on a busi
ness trip to Fort Dodge lown
John Quick returned yesterday from
n trip to Council Bluffs lown
Aug Pieponstock wns a visitor in this
metropolis yesterday from Wayno
Miss Anna Roikofski of Battlo Creek
is visiting ber sister Mrs Geo Stapou
Mrs Jas Gildoa Sh confined to her
homo with quite n sovero attack of sick
W 13 Alexander departs for tho woBt
tonight Ho will remove his fnniily to
Choyouno Wyo
Mr nud Mrs W W Young nnd Mrs
H E Mason woro city visitors yester
day from Stanton
John Zwight is in tho city from
Mnnknto Miun visiting old friends
and acquaintances
Tho now Catholio church is being
wired for electric ligblB nud tho bellB
aro being put in position in tho belfry
Representatives of tho Do Voo paint
company aro putting somo lnrgo and
attractive signs on a number of tho
business blocks
Louis Dudley has purchased of Mrs
McBrido the houso on Third stroot now
occupied by A Hitchcock and will tnko
possession tomorrow
Al Bigelow of this city now stnying
with his brother in South Dakota waB
among a number of Nebraska old
soldiers recently granted pensions
There wero several persons hunting
men todny to perform labor but the do
mnud is greater than the supply and n
number of good jobs went begging
Miss Minnie Verges has received
word that her brother and sister started
from Germany on the 5th nnd expects
them to nrrivo hero on Friday or Satur
Tho city is endeavoring to put in somo
now stone crosswalks but it is a hard
matter to find men to do tho work
Nearly overyono who wants omploymeut
has it at good wages
Tho I O O F hall is now equipped
with an electric light dimmer a new
attachment by which the power of tho
lights to which it is nttnehed mny be
reduced as would bo done by turning
down a lamp It is tho only thing of
the kind in Norfolk
In tho absenco of Rev Main of the
M E church Rev JJ Parker will
conduct services in that church Sunday
morning at 11 oclock and thore will be
no morning services in the First Con
gregational church Tho Congrogationnl
Sunday school will bo held as usual at
12 15 in the Congregational church
Tho congressional central committees
of the populist nnd democratic pnrties
met in the city this afternoon tho
former at tho Pacific hotel and tho latter
at the Oxnard Two congressional con
ventions wero called to meet in this city
on Tuesday June 20 nt 2 80 p m Tho
populists will meet at the opera house
and the democrats at Marqnardts hall
R D Scott editor of tho Battlo Cr k
Enterprise was in Norfolk yesterday
for tho first time in many weeks and
was warmly congratulated by his friends
on his recovery from his rocont sickness
Mr Scott is rather thin and weak but
states that he feels better than he has
for two years past His friends hopo
that his strength and vigor may Bpeedily
JGildea has singed eyebrows and mus
tache but is thankful that his bead still
remains on his shoulders Tho burned
hair was tho result of coal oil being poured
on coals that woro hot Tho explosion
that followed sent cooking utensils and
stovo lids flying Mr Gildea was quito
fortunate in being somo distanco from
the stove at tho moment of tho explo
Tho fifteenth nnnual meetiug of tho
Nebraska Funeral Directors and Em
balmers association will bo hold in tho
city of Lincoln Tuesday Wednesday
and Thursday Juno 12 13 and 11 1000
Meetings and school will bo held in the
Fuuke theatre a very comfortable and
commodious room and convenient to
headquarters Secretary P F Boll of
this city is issuing and distributing cir
culars in regard to tho meeting
Tho Womans club held its last meet
ing of the year with Mrs O II Rey
nolds on Monday nnd choo tho follow
ing otllcors for tho ensuing year Mrs
A J Durland was re elected president
Mrs J O Aid was nlso ro electedns vice
president Mrs W G Baker wns an
other officer who will servo another
year she being re elected corresponding
secretary Mrs t1 H Reynolds wan
elected recording ttecrctnry and Mrn U
0 Gow treasurer
J 13 Simpson returned homo last
night Ho met his sou during tho state
convention at Lincoln and nccompauied
him to his homo nt OrlentiH Ho took
u trip across to Ox ford and reportH tho
country between Norfolk nnd that placo
as in a most nourishing condition Ho
saw somo especially largo nnd beautiful
fields of alfalfa which will bo ready to
out for their first crop within a few
days The towns in that part of tho
state aro limiting substantial improve
ments and tbe farmers aro prosperous
aud happy
Bishop Williams of tho Protestant
Episcopal church conducted very im
pressive services at Trinity church last
evening when a class of three consist
ing of Miss Georgia Harvey Hoy Lui
kart and Kugono Huso was given tho
rito of confirmation After tho cere
mony tho bishop gnvo a very pleading
discourse much of which was directed
to tho niombors of tbo cnss Tho
services woro well attended ns was also
tho reception held for tho bishop at tbo
rootory afterwards Tho reception win
very informal allowing parishoners and
friends of tho church to greet tho bishop
Bishop Williams was a guest at tho
rectory during his stay and departed
this noon
Pierce Gall A man by tho nntuo of
W M Jackmnn accompanied by his
wife and threo children wont through
this placo Thursday on foot They said
they had walked all tho way from
Wichita Kansas making tho distanco
in sovou weeks and wero on their way
to Turtle mountains North Dakotn
which thoy expected to reach in flvo
more weoks The oldest boy was sovon
years tho second flvo and tho third but
threo A baby buggy was all tbo m cans
of locomotion in Bight thoy carrying
their font cooking utensils and tho
youngost loy in snnio Tho othor two
lads had walked all tho wny Tho man
hnd n harnesB with wbioh ho pulled tbo
baby carriage while tho wifo pushed
and kept it balanced
A corps of United States coast and
geological surveyors commenced yesstor
day on their work of running a lino of
iovols between Norfolk nnd Sioux City
Tho gang is in charge of Ben j 15 Tilton
of Washington and ho is assisted by
James Babcock nnd W S Babcock of
Washington Chas F Ilozwarth of Ah
ileno Kansas and LoBtor Crowoll of
Oshkosh Wisconsin A start waB mado
from threo bonoh marks which wore
located last fall and thoy aro proceeding
quito rapidly with tho work Thoy nro
stopping at tho Pacific hotel and will
mnko Norfolk their headquarters for
about a wook Tho object of tho snrvoy
is to get tho elovations of tho country
traversed for uso in map work and in
conjunction with all European coun
tries great geodetic surveys aro boing
undertaken to furnish data for calculat
ing tbo exact figure of tho earth The
country iB to bo covered with a network
of triangles One of tho chief snrvoyore
of tho party takes tho observations while
another doos the figuring
Justice J L Daniels beard an inter
esting law suit yestcrdny afternoon
which grew out of n neighborhood quar
rel Tho enso wns tried to a jury and
several witnesses wero sworn Thocaso
was entitled Tho Stnto vb Prod
Schwede Amelia Schwodo and Hod
wick Salino and tho complnining wit
ness was Mrs Margaret Wobor It
seems according to tho testimony that
tho defendants accused Mrs Wobor
of talking nbout ono or both of them nud
tho two women of the defense wont
over into Mrs Webers plnco und at
tempted to gain redress by pulling hriir
nud scratching Schwede also went
over and took a hand but the testimony
wont to show that ho was there moroly
in tho capacity of n pencemnker endeav
oring to separato tho belligerents nnd
ho was discharged Mrs Schwcdo and
Miss Salino wero fined 1 each aud costs
taxed at 2210 tho jnry finding thorn
guilty of assault It is understood that
tho defendants as well ns tho complnin
ing witness contemplnto starting suitB
in tho district court against ono another
for libel
View of Onntliii Jobber
The following from tho Omnhn Trado
Exhibit probnbly indicates the senti
ment of Omahn jobbers in rognrd to tho
Norfolk freight rnte caso nnd shows
that tho rates will not bo reduced with
their cousent Tho iuterstato com
niorco commission wns this week en
gaged in hearing tho complaints of Nor
folk merchants against the railroads for
nlleged discriminntion in freight rates
A decision cannot bo expected for threo
months nt nny rnto Again tho com
mission has no authority to enforce legis
lation nor has it nny power to onforco
its decisions So after all tho railroad
managors will do ns thoy plenso Great
jobbiug centers havo always had tho
advantago over Binall places in point of
rates nud nlwnys will It is merely tho
ditferenco between wholesalo and retail
projKisitions Any ineroliant knows
whnt that menus For instnnco if a
railroad transports to n glvon point n
million tons of freight nyear that point
would bo entitled ton bettor rnto hnn
another point similnrly situated where
but a thousand pounds of freight wero
shipped each year That is tho wholo
thing in n nutshell Norfolk is a
thriving city but it cannot hopo to rank
with a city tbo eiw of Omaha What
VERY old maxim declares that it isnt econ
omy to pick up pins the time is worth more
than the pins Similarly it is not true econ
omy to do without Ivory Soap your health
requires the daily removal of the bodily excretions
which arc discharged through the pores of the skin
These tiny mouths must he kept open and they
should be opened only with a pure soap
0AP1IAMT It kV H Mnrllft A AMII HO f IMfm
appears to be discriminations against
Norfolk are merely tho enforcement of
natural laws of trade Nothing more
Railroad managers caro nothing for
geographical locations it is business
thoy aro after
Fred Brown of Watson Mo is a
guest of his brother Tom
J Funk is building a new house on
his farm southwest of town
Toddy Cropper had a homo warming
Monday evening which was well at
tended by his friends and neighbors
Gramp Powell has gono down to
tho Elkhorn river for a few days fishing
There aro prospects of a good crop of
fruit in this vicinity Nearly all fruit
trees aro loadod with blossoms
Members of the M B A and M W
A lodges turned out last Saturday and
built an ante room on to their lodge
room and new members will hereafter
bo initiated acocording to Hoylo
To Cure I u irlppx In Tun Dij m
Tako Laxative Broiuoljiiiiiiiio Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure 13 W Groves signature on
ovory box 25c
Buy your tinware nt tho Cash Hard
ware Store and save money
Opening of Nrbrnxha Annual Knrnmp
meiit nt lli ntrlce
Bkathick Nob May 0 Tho aununl
encampment of tho Grand Army of tho
Ropnblic dopartniont of Nebraska nnd
its auxiliary tbo Womens Roliof corps
wi formally convene in this city today
At o saino time tho annual convention
jf tho Indies of the Grand Army of tho
Republic an independent organization
will also meet hore
Every preparation has boon mado to
insure tho success of tho gathering of
tho veterans and their womon allies by
tho pooplu of Beatrico and from presont
indications tho onenmpmonts will bo
among tho most largely attended ever
bold in tho stnto
Knock nim Out Id the Second Itonnil
With Left Hook to the Jaw
OinoAOo May OTora Sharkey at
Tattcrsalls last night knocked out Joe
Oboyuski of California in two rounds
Tho fighting was of tho hurricano or
der both men landing repeatedly but
Bharkoy had tbo fight well in hand
Tho knockout blow was a left jolt to
tho jaw just before tbo boll sounded
for tho end of tho second round
Choynski tried to respond when tho
third round was called but when ho at
tempted to ariso ho fell over on his back
on tho floor and Rcfereo Mnlachi Hogan
awardod tho fight to Sharkoy
Iowa Crop Outlook
Dks Moines May 0 The Iowa crop
Borvico bullotin says Tho averago tem
perature of tho last week was about
normal though considerably cooler
than tho preceding week Though too
early to note all tho injurious effects of
freezing temperature tbo general opin
ion sooms to indicate that apples plums
and cherries suffered but llttlo damage
Tho tender vegetation aud 6mall fruit
on low ground woro somewhat injured
but tho nggregato of damago by frost
will bo quito small Tho week was
very favorablo for plowing and other
farm work and nearly all corn ground
is now in readiness for planting
Frofrmur illbert Imlor tho Hod
Chicago May 0 Tho rod of correc
tion has fallen on the back of Professor
George Holly Gilbert of tho Chicago
Congregational Theological seminary
A yonrs leave of absence with pay and
with tho understanding that ho will
write another book which shall excul
Kite him from tho cbirgo of teaching
injurious doctrine is tho penalty laid
upon tho ultra liberal instructor by tho
oard of directors at tho bominary yes
Anil tlm Weak aro ItHtorml In Pull Vljor
nnd SI relief b I tbo Manila l tbo
out lliuler of MiMlcrii TIiiiim
v- IIi J u nny pain or nclm or weakness
w M iM n Mi in on ruinv llllll U IOllllimH Iffl
inn Mi Ant ion nenoii Dotoulnck
Hriaii nml nclmtyof nit ml rind boil Ant
ion emmy ureur imwi ton
IoltmjllltllHl7 iNtlllTIMiny
miimlurnl ilruln upon tin
HjetiinV In every oriiiin per
tormina Hh pioper mic
tion In Oilier Woi iIk
Aro You H 1oiliitly
Mronif Arllto Vigor
ous lliinllli lliiiiiiy
Mini or Woliiiin t
If lint ton t hoiild notilif
tilllt 11 HliClMll t Hill to
vtlioili tbu limniui boily ihuii
ohM bonk iitil ulio
UlldriftlmilldlHMlf wrulc
IHWH mill lIlMMM lltlll to
for a rum h hh kIohiIi u
tliu uddlim of ii colmiiii of lltiiruH
rorovHr9ljnirIll JNHWTON
Tho Landing iiaIiiawa vimhIhm h tiniiuuiini
SnoclnllBt ciciiillttofllilncoutitr lINprnc
opgciuiiBi Mi Iiuk Ik ii liirtiiH liiruurtlimi
Unit of nil otlivr p rliillMtH oiiililno IIImcuk nof nil
MirtK Of HhlMlHHl rOllllltlOllH llllt II IlKIll tliu luiirvul of
tlm mwllcfil prof pHlon nnilUm booplo ccnrnilly Ilia
bum bun Hinninl Into oiurytoHii nml otiry liiimlct
Thorn iiflllrUKl Willi nil mnnniT of fllWunKHbuvdfioukM
blHMirvlciifl In order Unit tlmy tultdit hiwnuduuliule
by tho mlmlnli terlNi of hlr wonderful p hUiii of trent
liicnt WruckH of humanity hato comii to liltnfor
ronrulbiUoiiunil niiiliclnrr ulioa few month later
liuvo returned to lilm In niorttlKOrnuu health to kItd
blin tlinlr tlinnkM
All UISOBSO Dr linthiiniiy tronU ull illrpnuer
Curod tlioMi iM cullnr to men and thowj
livcullnr to k onion im well hi
Ciibirrli nheimintlriu Kidney Complaint Kcnina
nml iillforuiHot hnirerliitf nnd chronic illwiriluni
uii j Ir IbitliimiijH Rticcei In Out
VarlOOOGIe ana treatment of Varicocele anil
Sirlciurfl btrlcturii without tlm aid of knlfo
or cantcry 1 phenomenal Tho
patient In treaUnl bythla method at IiIh oh u home
without pain or losaof tlmo from burlmwn Ihluln
positively Ui only treatment which cureH Willi out an
oixiratloii Ir Hathaway call tho pnrllculur muni
tion of rullnrerH from Vnrlcocol und Stricture to
paKH212iHininl 31 of lilHtiew Iwiok which Hill m
Fwnnw Run Ht free on application
fcVCry faaso Kviry raro taken byDr Hntlianay
Specially lr upeclnlly treated accordion toll
TVeotort tiBtnroall nnderhUKeiiiirnlpurmnal
rcniuu rgpervlnton nnd HllremedleH lined by
lilmarx prepared from tlm piirnetnml beiitdruKH In
hlrowii MlxiratoriPH nnder Ida perronal overnight
and nil from rrieclal preKcrlpttoiw of bin own
Mr llatlum ay makes no clairti for consul
UOW Oitlrin or advice olthor at bin olllc or by
Fees ana wien u care la takpn tho ono low
eocovers ull cost of medlcluosund profes
sional rerrlnw
w Ir Iliitluiwuy A Co
SSCotuiuerclul Iilock Sioux City Iotvm
mAiEit ix
Books Stationery
Fancy Chin aware
Wall Paper
Window Shades
Instruments Etc
of test Varletlo at Kurd Times Prices Small
fruit iu Iutko tuwily Milllnub of Strawberry
IiIhiiIh very thrifty nml well rooted iottlio
HthT near borne ami bate freight or oiire
Sena tor price ntsi to
Norih Bend Nurseries
North iiend TjJge County Neb
CI j ft f Ol
u r it kijchm
ClMUbti uii Ua tfo tbe tuUr
i - - i
Never Falls to llcitwe Qrsy
I Cunt rcjlp itiwot Lslr trlLuj
aej mcaiiuM Jf fyiu