I f 4 V 7 WORKOFXKW City Fathers Transacted Much Business Last Night CURRENT BILLS WERE ALLOWED W II AVIilutituii Kit Nutnitl im Chief f lo lien mill Mitrtlu Kium fur Night Watch Chluf Wlntor Appoint AhhIhIiiiiIm Citli trlliutu to Dcciiratlnii liny Iliml From Kritlnyn liillj Tho now city council met iu regular session lust night at tho council chnniher with Mayor Robertson nnd Couneilincn nrunnnund 13eck Downer Grant Ilecknian Spollnmn and Uhlo present Councilman Bullock was absent Miuntoa of tho meeting of Mny 1st wero roail ami approved Councilman Bullock ontorod at this timo and took bis seat with tho council Tho bond and application of Kd Grant for liquor licouso wero presoutod Qn motion tho bond - was approved and licouso was granted Geo II Spear appeared beforo tho council and askod iu tho niuno of Lizzio Vlazuoy that tho location of her saloon bo changed to tho west room of tho west room of tho Oxuard hotol building On motion tho request was granted and tho liceuso ordered issued accordingly II M Roberta of tho G A It post appoared and renewed his requost for help for Decoration day observance Moved that 20 be donated to the G A It post for the observance of Docora tion day Moved to amend that tho amount bo 2 Tho amendment was carried and tho original motion as amended prevailed The committee on public works ro ported that tho pump at tho water works was out of repair owing to steel bushing having been put iu where brass should have been The committee was instructed to look after tho matter The following bids for furnishing coal to Novembdr 1st wero read O W Braasch 400 per ton cash basis H E Hardy 400 por ton for Rock Springs slack disinterested scale weight cash basis Moved that the bids of O W Braasch and H E Hardy be accepted tho two bidders to divide the contract equally The motion prevailed Report of the chief of tho fire depart ment was read and on motion was referred to tho committee on Are and police Win Kern Btated that tho fire depart ment had elected H W Winter as chief for another year and on motion tho re election of Chief Winter was confirmed Chief Winter announced that he had appointed II C Truman as first assist ant chief O E Hartford as second assistant and Geo Staponhorst third assistant Ho requested that ho bo allowed until next meeting to name tho fire polico for each company On motion the following bills wero allowed C W Babcock Cocar stone erasing 11553 C St P M O Ry freight on car stone 63372 O W Braasch coal 110 Nebraska Telephone Co rent for three telephones for May 025 W H Law labor on streets 3000 E A Bullock salary 0 mouths 2500 J L Hershiser supplies 220 H W Winter salary as chief fire department 3 months 1200 Loriu Doughty lamp lighting 500 H H Patterson salary for April and postage 51 00 H H Hoyt salary for April 4000 W H Widamau salary for April and killing 0 dogs 0000 Martin Kane salary for April and killing 23 dogs 0150 W A King labor on streets 825 J A Light labor on streets 2000 Walter Foster rent polico ofllce six and oio half mouths 1050 Times Tribuuo publishing notices 3900 A N Eddy hauling 3 hose carts to fires 500 Thompson Cash grocery supplies 40 W H Livingston speoial police 000 W P Dixon special polico 000 Daily News publishing notices 45 10 Geo Stalcup moving 3rd ward hose house 25 00 Knowles steam pump works repairing for pumps 9000 O W Rish cleaning hose and hose carts 200 John Krautz hauling hose carts to Hall fire 150 John Friday salary city troasuror i mouths 3750 A G Heckmau salary 0 mouths 2500 O O Manweller salary for April 1500 H H Patterson lessee stroet lights April 10000 J E Simpson salary 3 aud ouo half mouths aud postage 2017 Julius Degner salary I months 2500 A II Viel salary 1 year 5000 W II Dexter salary 4 and one half uiontha nnd postage 27 OS Frank Urckotnian painting 3rd ward boso on so pre 1075 L Wetzel work and material on pnmpi 3845 Aug Brummund salary 3 mouths 1250 j J O Stitt salary for April 2300 Hurt Mapes salary for J months 5000 Anton Bucholz rent loom election 250 Oscar Uhlo salary 1 and ouo half months 27 OS Burt Eborhardt meals 1500 1 G Hellmau insurance premium 023 Geo Davenport livery 3 50 Milliard Green freight bill and d ray ago 370 Tho question of renewing tho con tract with the newspapers for another year was brought up P F Sprechor of tho Journal ap peared before tho council and asked that tho contract bo made with tho two nowspapors having tho largest subscrip tion list or with all four of tho papers Tho chiof of the tiro department askod that tho council soo that tho in surance companies pay thoir flro tax aud tho council asked that tho chiof furnish a list of tho companies by tho uoxt regular meeting On motion tho council wont into ex ecutive session Mayor Robertson nominated W II Widauian as chiof of polico and tho nomination was confirmed by unani mous vote Martin Kano was nominated for night watch aud on motion tho nomination was unanimously confirmed Tho council then adjourned Kilil Kmnti Triumior The following transfers of roal ostato aro reported by E G Hoilman man agor of tho Madison county abstract otllco at Norfolk N A Rainboltpros aud W II Bucholz cash to Sarah F Beels oh of sub lot 10 of lot 10 block 1 Pasewalks add to Norfolk grantee to pay mtgs of 5C000 3000 and taxes for 07 OS and 10 wd 1000 00 Marion M Collins aud wifo to C S Smith lot 5 block 17 F W Barnes add to Madison wd 75 00 Geo W Losey sheriff to Edwin F Prince s4 of swj 12-21-1 Bd 1500 00 Geo W Losey sheriff to Geo H Bishop blk 18 20 30 38 30 49 52 59 53 except lots 13 and 14 00 except lot 7 all that part of 65 as is in nw of swJ4 14 nnd noJ of se4 15-24-1 and all tho laud o of North Fork river marked Reserve all in Queen City place add to Norfolk sd 1500 00 William E Kimball and wife to E F Prince wd lots 5 aud 8 block 43 Clarks addition to Madison wd 1200 00 Daisy J Lyons aud husband to Harry T Craig lots 5 and G block 23 north addition to Madison wd 550 00 Nannie Ames to Edwin F Prince qcd sJj of sw4 12-21-1 1 00 Charles W Casselmau and wifo to August Raasch s2 to nejj of tho swjf of tho swJ4 27-21-2 wd 40 00 Fred Klug to Henry King a part of tho nwif of swJ 4 23-24-1 described by metes aud bounds wd 40 00 Carolina Osterliug aud hus band to Henry Klug w1 of lot 2 block 1 Machmullers add to Norfolk wd 850 00 Robert F Fox to Fred M Zes zin wK of nw 30-21-4 grauto to pat a mtg of S00 to Olareuco K Hesso wd 1500 00 George Stuart aud wifo to Tliomas A Carraher swi of nwJ4 25-22-1 wd 920 00 Mary E Thompson and Jano Mawher to Regiua Cannon lot 10 block 11 Dorsoy Place add to Norfolk Junction wd 500 00 Arthur O Hazeu and wife to William Leavitt lot 13 block 1 fS firltim Xr RfinVi a cnli urban lots to Norfolk qcd 17 OOf P H Ingoldsby aud wife and Philip Breohoisen to Win Hohneko a part of lot 2 block 17 Battle Creek described by metes and bounds wd 1000 00 Howard Weaver and wifo to Robert Upton q of sw2j 30-22-4 wd 1800 00 Citizons State bank Newman Grove tp First National bank Newman Grove lot 0 block 3 R It add to Newman Grove wd 3000 00 Omaha Loan Trust Co to Luther B Baker ej of seij 12-24-3 subject to taxes wd 300 00 William Weaver aud wife to Robert Upton w of se 30- 32 4 wd 2000 00 Doe Collee Agree With You If noti drink Graiu O made from pure grains A lady writes Tho first time 1 mado Groin 0 I did not like it but after using it for ouo week noth ing would induce mo to go back to coffee It nourishes and feeds tho system Tho children can drink it freely with great benefit It is tho strengthening substance of pure grains I Get a paekego today from your grocer I follow tho directions in makiug it nnd you will lmvo a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young 15o I aud 25cts Call at tho Cash Hardware Storo for household uovelties Big lino at low rrice THK NOKFOLK NEW TIITUSDAY MAY 10 1500 W IIJili1 iW iiuiiii MW Fourth Meeting of United Com mercial Travelers NEW GRAND 0ITI0ER8 ELECTED Tim Knight oftlm tlilp Ituwi TiiIicii tlw City mill urn Wll lluiil Willi It A Vtiry Knoiililo Hum lug PiitlV limt Kcullig Itntu SnturilnvB Italic Tho oity is in tho hands of tho travel ing men who are hero holding tho fourth annual session of ho Grand Council of Nebraska United Commer cial Travelers Tho members of tho local council aro trying to show their visitors a good timo and that t hoy aro succeeding may be judged from tho many remarks that lmvo been made by tho delegates complimentary to the manner in which they aro being treated Tho order of United Commercial Travelers was established several years ago at Columbus Ohio and it now lias a membership of practically 15000 HcatS torod throughout ovury state In tho union of which Nebraska lias in tho neighborhood of 000 It is a fraternal bonoflciary order its object being to provide for tho widows and orphans of deceased traveling men toprotnoto tem perance nnd chanty and to inoulcato tho principles of an honest upright and moral lifo Tho member carries a bene ficiary certificate which ontitles his wifo aud children to draw 0300 in cuso or death and affords him 25 weekly bono fit in caso of accident Nobraslca now has sovon councils located at Boatrico Lincoln Norfolk Fremont Hastings Omaha and Grand Island Tho grand council of tho state was organized in February 1808 Tho Norfolk council which is known as No 120 was instituted early last year now has a membership of 51 and is ofllcered as follows Souior councilor Fred J Cashin junior councilor O L Hydo past councilor Otto F Tapport secre tary and treasuror Ed Soymour con ductor C I Benford pago Ralph Henry Day soutiuel Geo Moohlor Tho present is tho fourth annual session of tho grand council of tbo state Tho tint session was held iu Odd Fel lows hall yesterday aftoruoon at 2 30 and was in tho naturo of a rocoption to tho delegates to tho grand council Tho meeting was presided over by D P Owen past senior of Norfolk council After an invocation by Rev W R McKim Mayor Robertson on tho part of the city gavo an address of welcomo which tended to mako tho visitors feel very much at home Iu tho absence of D K Clink C J Miles responded in a few well timed and witty remarks At tho close of tho reception during which tho delegates wero given to feel that not only tho Norfolk council but tho city of Norfolk was glad to number them as guests tho grand council went into executive session with C E Green grand councilor of Nebraska in tho chair Much of tho afternoon was spent in adopting grand council constitution aud by laws Under the head of election of officers tho following named were chosen for tho ensuing year Grand councilor T F Bartlett Junior councilor Bert Walton Past councilor O E Groeuo Graud secretary O J Miles Grand treasurer W C Brooks Conductor J A Harschburger Page W H Holland Sentinel C A Sigafoos Executive committee E Drew J A Traphagen D P Owen C M Crul leton Representatives to tho supremo coun cil which is to bo held at Columbus Ohio in June C E Greene J A Traphagen Omaha was chosen as tho place for tho next meeting of tho grand council The hall where tho meetings are being held is handsomely decorated with ban ners and the colors of tho order yellow aud blue Another session was hold early in tho evening when initiation of candidates to tho grand council was conducted Tho feature of tho evening was tho danciug party nt the Mast hall which was attended by many of tho dancors of tho city as well as tho visiting commer cial men It was one of tho prettiest parties that has been given in this city for a long timo tho ladies looking es pecially beautiful in their handsomo gowns The hall was tastefully deco rated tho music by Bohnerts orchestra was fine aud tho refreshments wero un usually good and served at long tables in one of the rooms on tho second floor of tho Mast block Sixteen uumbeis comprised tho program aud tho dauo mg was continued until 2 oclock this morning It was a thoroughly enjoy able affair throughout aud tho details wero superintended by tho following named committees Arrangements Fred J Cashin Geo Moehlor Iuvitation Ralph Henry Day Fred J Cashin Ed Soyniour Rocoption C I Benford O R EHer Mrs W N Huso Mrs W E Alexan der Dr Chas S Parker Mrs O Tap pert L E Walirstedt Miss Edith McClary Floor D P Owen Leo Pasowalk Fred Fulton This morning tho grand couuoil held TLtn ii tnii Pntiittr itiia iviiiciilntitil na IliiMirjil li no Imfftui 3 iniittttittti vv - v i iMifcii iniia mill fiwmli ciinlil little tlllcf in MiriiimuTtlliiit to m iBWfjr n CURABLE otic afflicted with this tertilile tlkwiM liven mw ihirlftis know of no tenictlv for tint feiitftil untidily while tiiliiiltUnj it to Ire n hlood disease they still insist that their it tin lintx outside of a mitgicul opetatinii and advise von to Iiuvt the Cancer cut out but at the same time cannot assttie you that it will not tetutii You uutv cut 01 dtuw out Hie sine but another will conic in its place for the disease it iu the blood it dccp riulril 11111I ileMiurtivc and beyond the tenth of the Htiigponn knife or caustic llesh dostioyiug plasters The blood must be put tiled and sliiiijjlhoiied the system iclleved of all poisonous circle imII lfi ll Iiiic cnlll ill 1llnl llllllll IIIIHIV llll VIIIIVI v v SSi it the only uieilii tue but can overcome lltit poweiful and cniitiiiiiiiiutiiig ruiuiii 11111 forre it onl of uie blood liutlils 1111 anil invigorates the olil nun supplies new inn uie mvtii iiiood 1 1 1 1 and beibt flout which it it made 1 ca til hi S itiiputciy vcgeiaoic lemeilv It no niiiicrnl iu lie found in il the toots mutant poweiful ptirihitiK piopetlics that net ditectty uioti le blood system and make a safe mid peiinaiteiit euie of Cancel i bat ctiied thousands why not yiu Cnticcr Is not always inheiited yoiit family may be dee fioni in taiiil yet youi blood may become w polluted that a severe ami siiiniiotu mini 01 tin- intense tuny impui issoms mmm sjazsie or lose 11111 eor no v I you - - j at once il will litnttuM youi 1i1iii1 mill puveiil lite foiiuatioti Mis K Hltiter ln 1lntii Mn wlllcs A smnll tilmtilr ciiiur mi my Jnw nliniil mir 1m II tirlmv llir cnt Oil llir Icll Milr nl mv incr ni him n iivr mi nn nun develop fiom a soie ot ulcei on youi tongue orothei put of your bod a slli hi briuso 01 111111 11 lit I It pinion tin tin- eelid lip a small lump on the jnw or bieasl a harmless looking wail 01 ttiole and olbei 1 nitses so insignificant as to attract attention If liae an oiistitiaie muc dont teiy upon salves 01 ointments lo cute it Degiu Willi S of emiretf mu cells M2mtf iri n 1 65c im taitj il iirt finrt Trnifti mtilp nt IAriOUY lIU9 loss than uiio tlilnt t iimi i lit rnml liv nt 1 1 itra nnil Ut OJARtHTEt T3 FIT YOU PERFECTLt H y 1J11 ii 1 mi li M r IIS rnl Trua nr nil 1 v to en ID r I111I KtrrtllilA Llutiir irut iiiusirniiu niut i l tiun ml nut tlil fdlll tlililtllll ll hlMUli rlltrt miniJ Utn your HcIkIiI HtlM Afr turn IwiK on lime I Ill ruutiireit whether ruinure in lurpooi miinll uNontoti iiuintwr inclici arnunil the liod on llni uh tin rupture y whvtlur nituro In on rlrflit or It It lilt Biilp lll kciiiI either iniM to jou ulth the nniler maniltlK If It It nut ifrfl lit in l Ul lo lnit t ttm rt ili 31 lliren tlrit t our price ou can return It utnl iv vHI rotum your money VKI7E mil FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE J ifr i 11 lui liilinu tho Aw lllOl la IniM 6n TC lliiitrum luiit Hn v ratt unit ttlilrL fur Otilu iiJr SEARS ROEBUCK Co CHICAGO Save the Middlemans Profits by Buying Direct from tho Manufacturer GREAT REDUCTION IN GUITARS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY HAVE decided that in fu ture 1 shall sell my manu factures direct to the con sumer saving them the jobbers also the retailers pro fit I guarantee them in the following particulars viz Ab solutely true scale perfect workmanship and correct adjustment of strings OUR 269 WAL0 GUITAR reduced from SI is genuine blrchwood beautiful rosewood finish rosewood finger board position dots American patent head standard size We include l RUG with every lultar anextraset of strings and a valuable self instructor OUR 348 WALO GUITAR reduced from Sl 00 is same as above with extra celluloid bound edges best French finish neatly inlaid suundhole a magnifi cent guitar Free Free Free A ienultie Walo Silver Steel String for your Violin Mandolin Guitar or linnjouill In bent absolutely free to any address on receipt of a S cent stamp for return postage Send for Walos Catalogue of All fltislcal Instruments and Purnislilngs Latest up todate Hand Orcliest a and Piano Music Catalogues on appli cation A T WALO MUSIC KOUSI No 0 S Broadway SI Louis Mo Pine Wt palrlni u Specialty Wutcli lor Our Nex Uoraliu mimic mm i uiu uwi i iiiiik ii wun nuyi lllllH M I mill until the jnw lirnn In mw II nnil licriimr much inllimiil A I sumr I line I lie sine ln finn In MM mil uuil cut liiln the tleili nnil Kiivr mr inlrime piln I ttlril eviMllilii I rnulil lieu uf hill tintlilnu illil mc liny KiKiil I thru liritnu lliciisr of S H H nnil nllrt tnUliiK suviMiil Ixltli i llir Cnnrri hrnlnl nnil thcic U now tin nlu of llipillicnse This mhh tun years iih iitnl I 11111 still riijnviiut irt frit hrnllh Send for our special book 011 Cancel it contains much information thai will iutetesl tut it in fri Write our physicians about youi eiwcaiid for any advice or information wanted they Inn uiiile 11 life uluilv of diticet nnd nil blood illsemiS We mnke mi elmtni tvlml SI IF was HLINM H S sss ever for this Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA another session at Odd Fellows hall ami nt J oclock this afternoon there was a meeting of subordinate councils At l oclock a reception will bo tendered visiting ladies iu tho parlors of the Pa cific hotel by tho ladies of tho Norfolk council The following mimed committees have the details of the session in charge Reception D P OwonU E Greene J A Wingard 0 1 Benford l rod Coryell It II Day Ii E Wallersledt Ed Seymour Geo Moohlor Harry Jenkins Dance Fred Gastrin Goo Moehlor Music l I Estubrook 1j E Will lerstedt Refreshments O E Tapport 1 Thompson Ladies rocoption committee Mrs R U Day Mis O 1 Groono Theatre R II Day C I Benford M To PATENT Good Ideas limy ho Accural liy our aid AihlrenH THE PATENT RECORD Bnltlmofo Md Bubcrlitluu8 tu The Ittcnl Record 1100 per anuuiu For the Best Photographs And Prompt and Satisfactory Finishing go to MICHAEL The Norfolk Photographer Frames mado to order at low rates Photo Buttons all sorts and sizes finest assortment iu town A Share of Your Patronage Solicited TRUSSES 65c L25 AND UP A blindness c ncj to mc now svul th i I have It now It Li jncur I can sec your eyes but irt your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know rl about it its DYSFFFSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it s A Ripans Tabule j r AMI Il - A cii ic of I111I ln nllli Hint lell A N fi 111 not lc ncfll Tliry Imnliili pnln nil prnlnnR llfn V Onn j lvi h n llt r Nine Hit- wtinl IIIIMNH mi the niitl mi iilinlltut Ifl 10 fiirltt iitH tir Hi 1 It f I kilt rr Hft nU unit lin hml ut mi ilriiK Blunt T n mtmiili iininl inii tlion finl ti iitlimiiiliiU III li iiiuCi il tumi Liltlnmlor 1 iuiit rorvtunleil Vu tlie Klpuua CUmloul Co No IV SuruioHt Novorlt 4 il giiiiiii 1 pi iijKliip lUK ism- J -1 C t Ju J The Tallest Mercantile Building In the World Owned and Occupied Exclusively Q Us 5 OUR BEST FRIENDS r VIR wit D WiiolesaSfi Prises to Users Our General Cat iiuji j quut them Send 15c ti jiaii j postage or cxpressaye ant w seiul yen one Itliai 1 100 pai 17000 illustrations aitl jii tcs prices on nearly 7c 000 thint5 that you cat and use and wear We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted MONTGOMERY WARD CO MltlilKun A A iliillMii St Clilruci are the long time users of Smith Premiers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair bills reduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity for good work all tne time is onrqualed Catalogue Prcs Ask for it The Smith Premier Typewriter Co S ft Edisons Phonograph Hotter than n Piano Organ or Musis Uox for it sings and talks as well as plays nnd dont cost as much It reproluces tho tniisie of any instrument lianil or orchestra tells btoriesimil tings tho old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs it is always ready Prices 7 M to 10000 Reo that Mr Kdisons bignaturo is on every machine Cata logues of all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York ML A wejzzIa iiiiininirnmixTiiriiiniiiimiriiixiiiiiiijiiiiiir Hon John 0 Yeiser a member of the Nclir Legislature anil author of I Labor as Money wuo recetvea a larso vote aim a came very near Lelns nominated for Governor of B Neb writes Ub I am using g Dr Kays Renovatori ami Dr Kay s Lung Halm In my family Several 3 remarkable cures right here In Umabu caused me Jt tocratu them n trial 1 reganl them as tho best q rciiRillostMr urouflit tu no uoticx Plain substitutes llctnedles - mst as cooil as Dr Kaya ltenovator ami vr Kay s Lung Halm aro not mado or sold nnywhqro ifnotaturug glst uo will sotul ibcin ikMiKiUlou receipt of nrico Or Kavs Luni Halm lOamlificts lr Kavslteuo vatir ifro ami il tlx for J5 Kreo Medical Ailvlce bampio ana hook tor tuo aautng uuiress Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y i anmimnmnmiiniiiiiniiniinniiinitimn