t x mi1 s i TUESDAY TOPICS Pastor Eaton will lecture iu Stanton tonight J E Kuney was a visitor yesterday from Stanton W 0 Oroig was in tho city yesterday from Madison II S Beck wns a city visitor irom Pierce yesterday John S Tuszkowich was in town from Winsido yesterday J P Gntchor was n passenger for Missouri Valley thiB noon Mrs G P Keiper was a passenger for Lincoln on tho noon train County Superintendent O W Crum was up from Madison yesterday P S Genung is on crutches as tho ro suit of a EQvero rheumatio attack Geo Krumm and A J Dunlcvy woro city visitors yesterday from Tildcu Rev and Mrs P P Wigton aro in from Osmond visiting Norfolk friendB The collector is busy today distribute iDg May day souvenirs in tho sbapo of bills M C Hazen went to ONeill last night on legal business returning this noon J S McOlary went to Lincoln on tho noon train to attend tho republican state convention M D Tyler went to Lincoln on the noon train to look in on tho republican state convention Judge and Mrs Powers went to Lin coln yesterday to visit a few days with their son Carroll Ed Madsen is up from Missouri Valley and is confined at the home of his mother with an attack of sickness Al Johnson has resigned his position as porter at tho Pacific hotel and Bert Gordon has been installed in his stead This is May Jday and the lads and lassies of the city are preparing to dis tribute May baskets galore this evening Rev C W Brinstad of Omaha secre tary of the Baptist state convention will preach at the Baptist church to night Col J E Simpson has received and accepted on invitation to deliver the Decoration day address at Neligh on the 30th The Young Mens Christian league has abandoned its efforts to promote a base ball organization provide grounds and arrange for games R 0 Osborn of Wayne visited at the home of A P Childs over night while on his way to Lincoln to attend the republican state convention The dancing party of the Degree of Honor this evening promises to be one if the most enjoyable of the popular May parties given by that organization The new hardware store of M B Fisher opened up this morning in tho Robertson block The stock and store present a new bright and attractive ap pearance T W Wheaton came up from South Omaha Sunday for a few days visit with his wife and son who are visiting at the home of Col and Mrs J E Simpson Messrs W H Bucholfe Burt Mapes J E Simpson W M Robertson and W N Huse departed on the noon train for Lincoln to attend the republican state convention Geo H Spear has returned from Eagle Grove Iowa where he went to see J H Kingman He reports Mr Kingman somewhat better but considers that it is only a matter of time when he must die Mrs M Kilmer is rapidly gaining strength since the operation performed at the sanitarium last week It was a very critical case and its success reflects great credit upon the skill of the Drs Salter Sarah XV Morrill The following obituary write up of Mrs Sarah W Morrill taken from the Davenport Iowa Democrat of the 28d will be of interest to several Norfolk people with whom she was acquainted The lady was the owner of the Mast block in this city the property being acquired by her husband beforo his death After an illness so brief that her friends did not know that she was ill Mrs Sarah W widow of tho late James Morrill passed way at half past 5 oclock this morning at her home 007 LeClaire street She had been in good health up to about Friday On that day sho was prostrated by an attack apparently of a form of paralysis and was soon beyond help Mrs Morrill was about 70 years of age She was a native of New Hamp shire and came to this state with her husband in 1801 For almost JO yenrs Mr Morrill was master mechanic of the Rock Island a this place His death occurred hero three years ago last No vember Since then she has lived hore in tho old homestead They had no children Her one sister Mrs T B Twombley wife of the old superintend ent of motivo power of tho Rock Island came down from her home in Chicago as soon as Mrs Morrills illness was announced together with her son Thomas engineer of the fast mail be tween Rock Island aud Chicago and they were both with her when sho died Mrs Morrill until her increasing deafness made such work impossible for her wob an earnest aud active worker in Trinity church and was generally known as one of tho superlatively good women of the city Sho has been quite closely retired for a number of years butsho has had her largo circle of warm friends notwithstanding hor seclusion and is sincerely grieved for Tho funeral will bo hold at tho home ot 4 K tomorrow afternoon Tho remains will bo taken east iu tho oven ing on routo to Dover N II tho old family homo for years whero they will bo buried Mi initio n by Pulillmtlon To Ada M Lnvty lion resident de fendant You aro horoby required to tako nr tico thit on tho S8th diy i f April 1000 Tamos II Diuey tiled his petition agnlnst you in tho district court of Madison county Nebraska setting forth that ho wasmarriolto yon tho 17th day of November lbOl That the ro aro aro two children the issuo of said marriage That on tho Sfith day of July 1800 at Norfolk Nebraska yon was guilty of adultery with one Theodora Iliotmnn That yon havo abandoned him tho said James H Davoy and havo lived in n stato of adultory with tho said Heitman That you havo beon euilty of extreme cruelty towards him tho said Davoy without any cause or provocation on his part Plaintiff prays for a decreo of divorce and tho custody of his said children You are required to answor said petition on Monday the 11th day of June 1000 Jamks H Davkt Plaintiff By Barnes Tyler His Attorneys BOY CLUBS HIS MOTHER Woman Will Did Itainlt of Insane Deed Mason City la May 2 James 8 Law aged 19 son of Thomas Lrw postmaster at Lincoln and n prominent citizen last night clubbed his mother over tho head with a gun barrel so se verely that she cannot livo Just after supper the insane idea took possession of him that ho must kill his mother for an imaginary wrong Ho wont to where he kept his gun separated tho barrelB from tho stock and seeing her in the yard rushod to where she was and although she tried to fight him off he struck her down Ho gave himself up and was landed in jail He was in terviewed later and 6ays ho is glad that he killed her It is thought that ho is insane Tho doctors say there is no chance for tho rocovory of tho victim Governor Shaw Slgni the New Law Des Moines May 2 Governor Shaw yesterday attached his signature to the new building and loan law which be comes effective in July Under its pro visions all building and loan associa tions doing business in Iowa must amend their articles by July 15 to agreo with tho provisions of tho new law or go out of business Many of tho build ing aud loan men say tho law will forco them to leave tho state Date of College Debute Cedar Rapids la May 2 Tho fourth annual intercollegiate debate be tween Iowa college of Grinnell and Cor nell college of Mount Vernon will be held at Mount Vernon on May 4 Cor nell lias won tho three previous debates but tho Iowa college boys are hoping for victory this year Tho subject to bo dis cussed is the emigration question Noble Whips Shrperd Muscatine la May 2 Kid Noble of Kansas City defeated Harry Sheperd of Washington la in the 10th round of a 15 rouud bout at Armory hall hero last night This is the second time Noble has defeated Shopcrd in this city The winner received gate receipts amounting to about 300 InRtructecl for Lacey Sigouhney la May 2 Keokuk county Republican convention yesterday instructed its delegates unanimously to tho Albia onvention in July to vote for Hon J F Lacey for congress WIFE ACCUSED OF MURDER Mn Froit Accused of Giving Iler Ilm bnnil Kat Client- York Neb May 2 Tho sensational sequel of the mysterious death of Charles Frost from strychnine poison ing last Friday was the arrest of Mrs Margaret Frost his wife yestorday on tho charge of murder Tho warrant was served at tho home of her friend Mrs Britton in South York with whom sho was stopping She ib charged with giving hor husband rat cheese Mrs Frost showod littlo feeling or dismay at tho reading of tho warrant aud said that sho had sufforcd injustico at tho hands of tho community and authorities Sho was lodged in tho county jail and will remain thoro pend ing the examination of tho dead mans 6tomach at Lincoln Tragedy at Ionoa Agency NioiiRAiu Neb May 2 Near the Ponca Indian agency during a row at a dance Poter Birdhead an Indian was shot and killed by a halfbreed named Laurier Tho murderer gave himself up Tho relatives of the murdered man decided to kill Laurier and it is roported that his body was horribly mutilated with an ax Birdhcads relatives have fled Stockmen May Win Out Omaha May 2 It begius to look very much as if feed-in-transit rates aro to bo restored iu Nebraska May 5 as they were iu Kansas April 1 This matter is being discussed at tho trans missouri freight meoting at Kansas City riTO iiruuieit Cliuiigu 01 tenue Fiiankfoht Ky May 2 After hearing tho testimony of about -10 wit nesses and brief arguments by couusel for both the prosecution and tho do fenso Judge Cautrill granted tho peti tion of fivo of tho defendants charged with complicity iu tho Goebel assassin ation for changes of venuo Thoso who joined tho petition were Caleb Powers Captain Davis Henry Youtsoy Har land Whittaker and Richard Combs The attorneys failed to agreo upon what county tho venue shall bo chanced to THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 1000 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES P IS Crips is in tho city from Pender E C BrookB wns iu from Randolph yesterday Chas lanch was a city visitor yester day from Creighton F 13 Martin was a city visitor yester day from Battle Crook l A Brooks was n Norfolk visitor yesterday from ONeill Robt M Peyton was in tho city this morning from Creighton II P Slmmway of Wakefield was in this metropolis yestorday E A Lundberg of Wayno was a Sugar City visitor yesterday County Superintendent C W Crum returned to Madison this morning J E GIobh is in tho city from Win- side visiting relatives nnd friends A W Hallam was in from Omaha yesterday greotlng Norfolk friends MIbb Maude Williams of Columbus visited Norfolk relatives yesterday KaroBros put on a neat now delivery wagon for their meat market thiB morn ing S II McOlary loft tlilB morning for Fremont and Omaha to visit friends a fow ilnys Mrs Warrick has returned from a mouths viBit with her pareutB tit Car roll Iowa The roof of tho building occupied by Chas Rico for saloon purposes is being rcshingled Tho PioneerUIook and Ladder com pany of tho Norfolk lira department will meet this evening to elect officers J C Stitt is today moving his office fixtures from tho city building to room 14 in the MaBt block recently vacated by Pension Examiner Green The LadieB Missionary society of tho Congregational church wil meot tomor row afternoon at 2 0 with Mrs A II Allinson A large attendance is desired The weather gives promise of a severe frost tonight which is most dis couraging to thoso who have garden truck up and flourishing and fruit trees in blossom Jos McDonald who has beon sick for several days with an attack of appendi citis is again nble to attend to his duties in connection with tho electric lighting plant Tho dog poisoner is at work recently in South Norfolk Animals belonging to Jake Hersheiser and Gay Hulverstein aro late victims of the poisoner It is said that strychnine was used E C Howe of Los Angeles Col general manager of the American beet sugar factories and Robert Oxuard of San Francisco thnt stato aro in tho city looking after the interests of the Norfolk sugar factory Mosaic lodge No 55 A F A M at its meeting held last night elected the following officers for tho ensuing term J B Maylard W M G T Sprechor S W Burt Mapes J W W H Bucholz Treas D J KoenigBtein secretary The first three officers are qualified to represent the lodge at the grand session to be held June Gth John Ohm a tailor who works for P J Fuesler and lives near the Btaudpipe states that he was severely bitten by a dog belonging to Dr O A McKim He was riding by the McKim home when the dog attacked him throwing him from his wheel and bruising his arm and shoulder until he is unabloto work Tho dog is quite fierce and several com plaints have been made concerning his actions The May day party given in Mar quardts hall last evening by Protection lodge No 101 Degree of Honor was largely attended and greatly enjoyed by those present The hall had been nicely decorated with banners and the music furnished by Bohnerts orchestra was an excellent accompaniment to the movements of tho merry revelers in the dance Refreshments of ice cream cako and lemonade were served during the evening The dancing wns con tinued until about 11 oclock this morn ing It is understood that tho receipts were little in excess of tho expenses Saratoga was again presented at the Auditorium last evening by local talent and the absence of a crowded houso was again uoticnble Tin News does not understand why tho people should not appreciate an entertainment on which so much timo bad been ex pended and which was as nicely rendered as thiB one but the fact remains that tho patronage was very limited and the trustees lacked considerablo of enongh money to meet tho expenses accrued Tho prices were reduced repeatedly with tho idea that tho peoplo demanded small rates It now 6eems however that a free show is what many of them want but the trustees evidently do not see their way clear to present this char acter of attractions as yet There are still 7000 head of sheep to shear at tho yards south of the Juuction Thero are 23 shearers at work an 1 it will require about a week to finish up The work would have been completed earlier but the recent rains hnvo made tho yards muddy and the mud works into the fleece of the animals making it impossible to handle the work as rapidly as it would otherwise havo been The recent weather is also responsible for tho loss of 6ome animals tho company losing about four u day on un average slnofi tho rains commenced Tho yards will be thoroughly cleaned as fast oh the animals aro rhlppcd men and teams now being in demand for that purpose It is hoped to havo the yards thoroughly cleaned boforti warm weather begins In spite of tho unpro pitlous weather of tho past fow weeks tho majority of tho nutmals aro iu line condition In fact It is said that the sheep fed at these yards aro in tho liest condition of any shipped in from other yards under control of tho company It is evident that the local manager knowH his business and is giving tho company good service ANOTHER CONTRACT Owen llrotlioffl Iliptiirn Another Iriiillnj riiitn on tlm Inlcin Im lllt Owen Brothers of Norfolk Neb are still at it Yesterday they closed a contract with tho Union Pacific to build all the station tracks and sidings from Omaha to Ogden Including new side tracks at Cheyenne Corlett Laramie Borrio and almost nil tho ini potuut points on tho main line as well us station tracks nt new points that tho new lino will create Tho work involves tho removal of 100000 cubic ynrds of dirt and rock and tho contract prico is f 1110000 Both II 13 and D M Owens who aro doing work for tho Burlington as well ub tho Borrio double track work for tho Union Pacific havo their head quarters horo for tho sido track work until tho work half way to Ogden Ib completed when they will remove their headquarters to Ogden They expect to sublet much of tho work and outfits will begin to arrivo in Choyonno at once Men and teams aro wanted badly aud no doubt tho prico now paid will bo incronsed Owen Brothers nro enterprising con tractors and they certainly aro got ting Borne of tho plums this year Its mora good news for Choyenno and already wo seo tho effects of the railroad work iu new arrivals and in creased business Choyenno Wyo Daily Sun Leader 28th AN INDIAN ROW Awful TniRody Near Niobrara Described by an lye Wltneim The following communication is from nu eye witness of a tragedy that has recently shocked tho peoplo of Niobrara and vicinity NloimAltA Nebr April KO About 5 oclock today an awful scene was en acted near this city on tho Ponca re servo and tho resnltB wero that two Indians wero killed A party of Indians mot nt tho homo of Poter Birdhead and after consuming two kegs of beer they went on the war path with tho results as stated nbovo A young Indian named Larvy shot Peter Birdhoadand killed him instantly and then the father of Poter caught young Larvy and held him while Mrs Birdhead fired four shots into him this not killing him they then took nu ax and chopped his face and head nearly oft It was a horrible sight and ono that will long remain in my memory ns I saw the fight from start to finish being at the timo on a visit near this place There should be something done to suppress the sale of liquor to these peo ple as they are not safe when drink ing AIRS fj J UMIIRKIC Tim Iate Mr Went The following account of the denth of Mrs James Grays brother is taken from a Grnuby Quebec paper It is with regret and sorrow that wo chronicle tho death of ono of our oldest and most respectable citizens tho late Mr John C West Deceased passed nwny on Monday April 10th nt tho Montreal general hospital where he had gone for treatment on tho previous Saturday It was tho consultation of doctors that ampntation of tho leg was the only chance of prolonging his life and ho bravoly submitted to tho ordeal knowing full well that tho chances for his recovery wero few but fnll of cour ago aud content to bow to tho decree of Divine will Tho operation was duly performed and ho rallied from its im mediate offects successfully and was thought to bo doing as well as could bo expected but on Monday morning ho gradually grew worso till denth super voned Mr West was a Hfo long resi dent of Granby P Q and for many years ono of onr representative business men Ho was widely known nnd much respected by all who know him gener ous to n fault aud n consistent member of tho Episcopalian church He leaves a widow and a son and daughter Mr Win R West of Brighton Mass and Mrs J O Barr of this place also an only bister Mrs James Gray of Nor folk Nebr Ho wns also the oldest member of Yninaska lodge A F A A and at his request tho members of thnt body took charge of the funeral services Tho Rev W B Longhurst preached un impressive funeral Kcrmon at St Georges church nnd 1U Wor Bra F B Farnsworth conducted tho solemn and beautiful Masomo burial bervico at the grave Tho fuucml cortego was one of the largest ever teen iu Granby Over bixty members of Yamnska lodgo united in paying their last tributo of respect to their dejMirted brother Curti Ami Treatment OfThe Sick Dr Humphreys Specific manual on tho treatment and euro of the sick mailed free ou requost Adress Humph royB Medicine Co New York i lefSZ 311 EI i m St i i in III B o III 1JJ GOOD judge must have both experience and learning A housekeeper should be a good judge for she too must have experience and learning or she may think that the soaps made to look like Ivory Soap are just as good With experience she will know that they lack the remarkable qualities of the genuine Ivory Soap 994oo per cent pure OOMaianT tltl M tM rnottl OAtafttl ro tlNClNNMI GOOD AMATIIKK PLAY Saratoga Successfully sentcd Last Night LIGHT ATTENDANCE DI800URAGEB The ViirlmiK Ieiiple In III Cant Inim TliemnelveH Kiiuitl to Any Tank iiiol lly the Ilnywrllit Tim Ierfiiriiiiinre Will be lUtprutcol TIiIm llvenlnc From Tiii rlnyit Daily The homo taleut production of Sara toga presented at tho Auditorium last ovening was a magnificent success as far as tho talent was concerned As much cannot bo said however of the patronage and receipts It was exceed ingly disappointing to those taking part as well as thoso interested in the welfare of tho Auditorium that thero was kSH than half a houseful of people and tho corn puny could not havo been blamed had they acted in a spiritless and care less manner but they sustained their parts as creditably as though every scat hold an appreciative listener and I lie fre quent applause of thoso present evi denced tho fact that their efinits were highly pleasing Tho play is ono of society life nt the famous watering place Saratoga and while the plot is not thrilling nor is thero n docided moral yet there is au excellent opportunity for humorous sit uations and good acting and these wero fully improvod V H Livingstone as Bob Sackett took an exceedingly clover part and was per fectly at home on the stage Ho was in love with many women und his troubles wero also many J N Bundick as Jack Benedict was strictly all right if not very regular Ho was regular enough however to cap ture tho widow Corl Jenkins as Remington Pero took a very good part and got much pleasure out of his travels A P Childs a9 Papa Vuudeipool took an ideal part his character fitting him to a T W O Eddio as Hon Win Carter was well acted and II A Wilmerding as Sir Mortimer Muttonleg was very clevor Guy Alexander as Cornelius Weather treo Julius Hulff as Luddington Whist Hugh Mullen as Frederick Augustus Carter and Jos Barnett as Frank Little field wero all taken exceptionally well for amateurs Tho negro waiter partB wero well acted by Clyde Hayes Max Asmus Ira Austin Carl Davenport and Hemau Walker Miss Georgia Harvey as Elllo Rem ington acted moht creditably and seemed perfectly at ease ou the stago Miss Winnie Owen acted splendidly and with scarcely a fault as Lucy Car ter Olivia Alston was a part very well acted by Miss Lora Kerkow Miss Maude Tnniiehill gavo a v ry ac curato interpretation of tho Virginia Vunderpool character Miss Wood as Mrs Vanderpool took a perfect part in every particular Mrs Benford as Mrs Gaylover was an ideal mother Sho acted her part to perfection Maurice Benford and Nellio Bundick as the children were both all right Miss Fannie Davenport as Mullins was very good and Miss Bender as Lilly Livingston and Miss Ititio Pohl man us Agnes Ogdeu acted their parts well Tho entire cast was well taken not a 6tick being noticed Tho receipts wero a keen disappoint ment and the decision to repeat tho play this ovening at the iopular prices of 15 and 25 cents should cull out a crowded house linen oflae Agree Willi Vnu If not drink Graiu O made from pure grains A lady wrltoB Tho first timo I made Grain O I did not like it but alter using it for one week noth ing would induce me to go back to entree It nourishes nnd feeds tho system Tho children can i drink it freely with great boneflt It Is tho strengthening substance of pure grains Get a packego today from your grocor follow the directions iu making it and you will have a delicious mid healthful table beverage for old and young lfio and iificts Prof A I Sayoor tho great mag netic healer using the Welt mer method will euro you or teach you to cure all chronic or long standing disoasoH at 101 corner First and Main street Will givo three treatments free Vantki llincrt man or woman to travel for largo houso salary 05 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-addressed stumped envelope Manaukk Cuxtoii bldg Chicago Mrs II II Hull is now ready to do muuicuring shampooing aud givo ladies baths over Hayes jewelry store Dr Hathaway Treats All Diseases His Method Invariably Cures All Catarrhal Bronchial Lung Stom ach Liver Kidney uud Other Com plaints as Well us All Diseases und Weaknesses of Women In Dr Hntliaways most uxluiishu practice env IrliiK a pciloil if moro than J i car- liu has but u called uiiiin to It oat all manner if ulhuasus of inuii and women and aloim tlio uIkiIo lino of Imiiiun ailments ho lia lie en uniformly sue- CCShflll Wf Halliawas mo tliml of treatment nets directly at tlio scat of Purifies roul IMirllles tlio Wood k ni j tones up tlio uliolo sjhteia and tnouiood trAns tliu Misoiis which produce tlio uIhcumm condition1 ft All fllen Yearly lio restores to perfect TIJM t tlionsand of siillurers Treated ratarrli linmcliltls As thma Hay l Ywr Iiiiik Complaints Stomach IUernnd Kidney Dlseajes Ille Tumors Can cers Ktvemi and all manner of sliln aliectlons DUoaBomof r atllwiy No treats with uisoascsoi ttl Kratt Mttss all tllOl0 women many dlstres lin weaknesses and diseases liy which so many women aroallllcted Electrical V wiysofllces aro fitted app nonces aiiillMico5 In tho usu of which as well as tho microscope mj has world wide famo as an expert All of tlio medlclnei used liy Dr Hathaway aro compounded In hli own laboratories under his personal direction am special remedies aro prepared for each In dlUdual caso according to Its requirements Examination f ttiaay tias prepared HianKG applilnKtotliodlirorcntdlseasos which ho yndsfreo on application Xo ifor Vcn No for Women No for Skin Diseases No 4 for Catarrhal DNeases NoS for Kidneys Consultation Frco lr Hathaway makesnocharRU for consultation at either hU olilctior by mall I I NEWTON HATHAWAY At D Dr Ilnlliouiijr V Co 9 i CouiiiMTclul Kltick Sioux City Iowa For the Best Photographs And Prompt nnd Satisfactory Finishing go to MICHAEL The Norfolk Photographer Frames made to order at low rates Photo Buttons all sorts and sizes finest assortment iu towu A Share of Your Patronage Solicited