I 7 t r I k A TRAMPJND HIS PAL THE TRAIL THAT ONE MADE TO GUIDE THE OTHER K Until led Ariprlltr 11111 After 111 Term In lull Vim llone to Uihti 1 limly 1oIIimv II In Inrlncr From Cincinnati to IloiiHtoit Wo hnvc a uootl tunny trumps up In our part of the country wild a sujmr plnnkr nml Ive made something of a study of tliilr peculiarities The old Idea that tlicy carve marks and signs on fences that can be read by all other members of the fraternity Is pure non sense of course but I have known sev eral Instances In which one tramp would leave a- trail so to speak for the guidance of a partner who might not put In an appearance for months The llrst case of that kind 1 ever encountered was rather amusing 1 twas riding one spring day down a road that passes through my place when I noticed a typical hobo Indus triously carving a sort of hieroglyphic on a big post standing near the fence Tho mark consisted of a square and triangle Bide by side and he was Just putting on the llnishlug touches as I arrived My curiosity was at once aroused and I determined to hid out If possible exactly what the thing meant so I pro ceeded to collar the fellow and after a little vigorous blulllng he told me he was putting up directions for his part ner who would be along some time In the fall lie assuied me that the marks meant nothing In particular except that he had passed and was going In the direction of the point of the trian gle u Ills partner according to the story which 1 dragged out of him piecemeal was doing a six months jail sentence for slugging a policeman In Cincinnati and when he got out on Sept 1 would strike south following a trail of carv ings on water tanks depots barns and fencoposts When the llrst tramp struck a good place to loaf lip proposed ito stop and wait for the other to catch up JLVhats your partners name I asked i Its by rights William Sparks said ithe hobo but everybody calls him Appetite Bill on account of his nl ways belnghungry He carries a sack to pack grub in and has red whiskers and a funny looking wart on one side of his nose I was satisfied from my prisoners manner that he was telling me the itruth so I took him up to the house gave him a good dinner and sent him on his way rejoicing Now for the sequel continued the planter One afternoon in the fall I was driving home from the station when I passed a very dilapidated hobo with red stubble on his chin and a gun ny sack under his arm and some In stinct told mo that Mr Sparks alias Appotito Kill had at last arrived lie seemed to be looking for land marks and when he reached the big post I saw him stop scrutinize the carving and then start off with a new and confident step That settled it and I drove ahead and intercepted him at the house half a mile farther on Hello Bill I said Hows your appetite this evening Appetite he stammered and gave such a violent start that ho dropped his gunny sack Why yes said I Terhaps they didnt feed you very well at Cincin nati At the word Cincinnati ho turned livid and glared around with such evi dent Intention of bolting that I made haste to explain Dont be alarmed I said I met your side partner a few months ago and he told me to look out for you It took me some time to dissipate Bills suspicions but when I Anally succeed ed in convincing him that It was all right he told me a most Interesting story of his journey across the coun try A professional hobo will follow the track of another hobo with an accura cy that Is curiously suggestive of wood craft All the way down from Cincin nati Bill had never once lost the trail and before ho left I gave him an ad dressed postal card and got him to promise mo ho would put It lu the mall at whatever point he caught up with his partner Less than n month later 1 received the card bearing a Houston Tex date uark so 1 presume it was there they met Both of these tramps could read aud write and I asked Sparks particularly why his friend didnt use some brief message lu place of the hieroglyph He replied that It would attract too much attention nnd other hoboes would bo likely to add misleading words while the little square and tri angle passed unnoticed Since thee I have encountered two other nearly similar cases In each of which a tramp was leaving a cipher trail for a crony to follow when he got out of Jail and I Infer that the prac tice Is tolerably common At any rate It Is a curious feature of tramp life which I have never seen mentioned In any of the numerous papers and maga zine articles that have appeared on tho subject during recent years Now Or leans Times Democrat Knuily Fixed Awful affair at our hotel this after noon Cook got angry and cut the end of a wnlters noso off with a carving knife But one of the guests fixed It up all right How Ho gave the waiter another tip Every man 1b his own ancestor and every man Is his own heir He de vises his owu future and he inherits bis own past II P Hedge I The eyes of snakca are never closed Alive or dead sleeping or waking they arc always wide open A CONFIDENTIAL CASE It IlrntiRht Ont nn Hottest Contention About n Stolen How It hns long been a matter of argu ment said the old lawyer who was In a reminiscent mood whether a lawyer should defend a innn that ho knows to be guilty There Is an argu ment on both sides ami I do not sup pose It will evnr bo settled to the satis faction of nil A good many years ago I had a case that set me to thinking and I havent yet determined what my duty was In the matter At that tlmo I had a Binnll practice lu a little town In the western part of tho state Upon my return to the town one day after hav ing been away a few days on a matter of business I was called upon to de fend a worthless character who had been arrested for hog stealing At that tlmo every ono kept at least ono hog to bo killed In the fall aud saltetl down for use In the winter Ono of my neighbors had butchered a hog a few days before and the party that I was called upon to defend hnd been chnrged with theft of It Tho case wns about to bo called when I arrived and I nsked for a lit tle tlmo In which to consult with my client This was giantcd and taking him to one side I said Now see here the best thing that you can do Is to make a clean breast of tho affair to me and then I will know Just where 1 stand Whatever you may confess to me I will treat as sacredly conlldentlal and I will do my best to clear you 1 didnt stenl his hog protested tho prisoner Then where did you got the car cass that was found In your posses sion I demanded Prom your back porch boss he answered with a griu Then I remembered that just before going away I had left orders to have my hog killed nnd 1 could only gasp However 1 went to work and elenred my client of the charge ho was under and took the carcass of my own hog as payment for services rendered but I had hard work treating what he told me as sacred and conlldentlal De troit Free Press ELASTIC APPOINTMENTS Original Way In Which an M C Plenaea Ilia ConRtltncnts A noted M C familiarly known as Joe Is one of the thriftiest men in con gress and the patronage at his disposal is made to do effective work In his home district Not long ago he re quested of a certain chief in tho inte rior department an appointment as la borer for one of his constituents The request was promptly complied with but much to the surprise of the chief as promptly declined Tho member was scut for What does this mean demanded tho official The man you were bo urgent to have named as a laborer de clines the position Yes I know replied the M C I advised him to You advised him to echoed tho chief W at was the matter I gave you exactly what you asked for didnt I Yes reonded Joe I have no fault to find with the appointment Tho case is like this My constituents follow me down to Washington hoping to get soft berths In the government service There are a dozen hero now and places enough to go around I secure the appointment for one ho asks my advice and I tell him to decline his Job at home Is better so he goes back satisfied I appoint another He declines at my advice but he has been paid he Is flattered and content and so on through the list You see a man learns a thing or two after 2 years In Washington and I have learned to make one appoint ment do for a dozen supporters Sat- urday Evening Post Holding the Ladder A workman In Cooper Institute hav ing occasion to ascend a ladder to do some repairing In one of the public rooms called to an old man whom ho happened to see standing by watching him Here old fellow hold the ladder for me wont you Tho old fellow started forward and held the ladder for tho workman while he climbed up and did his work That unpretentious and willing old man says The Independent was Pe ter Cooper It was Just like him Pe ter Coopers aim In life and lu the be neficent Institution founded by him might well bo characterized by tho words holding tho ladder Thou sands of rightly ambitious men nnd women owe tho possibility of their ad vancement to Peter Cooper He has held and still holds the ladder and hundreds upon hundreds of successful and grateful climbers as they rise bless his memory Wo cannot all build such piles as Cooper Union but we can hold tho ladder somewhere somehow for somebody Oar Flmt Emperor At the time when the war with Spain had been brought to a successful close a number of statesmen were discussing the future of the country over their cigars In Washington At lest one enthusiast exclaimed ad dressing himself to tho most promi nent member of the group In my opinion we nro drifting directly townr Imperialism aud you sir should bo the first emperor Not If I know It drawled the great man I am uot fool enough to want to be the flrt emperor of a nation of such good shots Harpers Magazine Evidently Dasherly It cost him 1000000 to put his on his feet Plasherly Dear me but those Chi cago people have large feet Kansas City Independent THE NORFOLK NEWS TIIUHSIUY MAY 1100 riioiiwnl urn TrrlriR It In order to proio Im grcfit merit of Elys run Hda tho mo t uilcoito cure or Cat null vu ill i i U il wo hmo yirod a g ti ro it ir il s fur 10 tent Git it Of J ufdiUM lrr Ktltl 10 fCtl to KLY U K S Id W i run M l City I uulorcil from piIvti of fin v rl kltnl pvpx miico u boy Hil I never h ipid fnf lire lmt Elys Won n Unlm teoitiB to do even that Muiy m nltiinl iiit hut o uol il villi excellent li Mill iir antrum ti SVurruu Ao Ch ng lil ryi Cream Uilm in 11m nrsnowliilgeil cur fr aitnrih ninl oontiiitii no ctirniito nn n Hy Jior nnv injurious ting Pncg DO cunts At tlruciiMj or 1 v mud Pnnt Toturco Spit nml imlp lour Ifo Annr To quit tobacco enilly nitil forever tie tuns nrtlc lull of llfo nerve nml vigor tiilio fio vtnmkr worlsiT Unit uitiic venlc men strong All OriiRnlsts too or tl Curoimnrnn teed Xooktct nml simplo frco Aililrims PsrlliiB jicinoily Po Clilrnuo Now York Sprcmlh llltii Wlltlllro When things aro tho host t hoy be como tho best spiling Abraham Hare a leading druggist of llcllovilli O writes Electric Hitters aro the best selling bitters I have handled in - years You know why Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach liver kidneys bowels blood and net von Elertric Bitters tones up tho stomach regulates liver kidneys and bowels purifies tho blood strengthens tho nerves hence cures multitudes of mal adies It builds up the entire system Puts new life and vigor into any weak sickly rundown man or woman Prico f0 conts Sold by Kiesiiu Diug Co Unit- Are 1otir Kidney t Dr HobbH Spa rnKiisIMIls cure nil klilnuy Ills Sm plofreo Ailil Slerlliin lloiueilyCoCl Vinroor N V Tho privato and porsonal bksbing ono enjoys while taking Rocky Mountain Tea is wonderful A great maker of human happiness Ahk your druggist Works wonders while you sleep brings bright eyes red lips lovely color Rocky Mountain Tea makes peoplo happy rcentsAKk your drnggist To Curo Count lnt Ion Iro rover Talto dbctirets UuiitlvCiitliiiillc 10c or25o If C C fall to cure druKKlhls refund money ItoHt for the Itoucln No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your bowels aro put right Cascarets help nature curo you without a gripo or pain produce eapy natural movements costs you just 10 cents to start getting your health back Cascarets Candy Cathaitic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet has C 0 O stampod on it Bcwnro of imitations Kitncate Tour lloiveU With Cimcnretfi Cnndy Cathartic cure constipation forovcr 0c25c If CCC fail drugRlsts refund money Agents wanted for tho best typewriter on tho market tho Pittsburg Visible writing in sight nt all times exclusive territory given Address Bindley Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa Icntlier lielflnsr The average life of lirst class leather belting running Indoors aud under or dinary conditions is ten years Belts subjected to acid fumes would last a much shorter tlmo than that and on the other hand in especially favoring circumstances a belt might last much longer There was taken down In New York not long ago a leather belt that had been running 24 years This how ever was something unusual As Is the case with pretty much cv erythlng that Is made and sold leather belting may be bought secondhand the secondhand belts coming Into the mar ket naturally enough through the re fitting of factories through the substi tution of belts of one width for those of another and so on Secondhand belts that have not been much used sell for not very much less than new belts Their price decreases of course according to the wear to which they have been subjected When n leather belt ceases to be useful ns a belt it is likely to be sold Jp be cut up into boot heels what there is left of It after that going to tho scrap heap Now York Sua WOMEN CURED AT HOME THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES For more than twenty nvo years Dr J Now ton Hathaway lias mado a specialty of Female Diseases DurlDR that tlmo lio has liad ninoiiK ms patients over ten thous and women Eiurcrlng from all thoso many different com plaints peculiar to tho sex and has completely and perma nently cured more than -0 per cent of tho cates lie has treated Py his exclusive method which ho has erfoctPd during tho tventy llvo sears of his most extensive- practice ho Is enabled to curo all ot Iheso dlirerent diseases Including painful prof uw or supprossed menstruation prolapsus all ovarian troulilo tumors and ulceration lu fact every form of those diseases vlilcli make a tiurden of llfo to tho great majority of women Ho has ho iierfoctod this system of Ills that ho can treat theso cases by mall without any per sonal examination to which overy sensitlvo woman naturally objects and without any oper ation with Its consequent pain and necessary danger Ills ystom of treatment is taken In tho pri vacy of tho homo tho euro Is painless and It Is IMJSitlVC ONH LOW FOB Writo him a letter stating briefly your condi tion and ho will send you a blank to bo nilcd out Ho will glo your case his jH rsonal attention aud euro and make- Ins fee to moderato Including all medicines necessary that sou will not feel the burden of tho payment aud ho will guarantee you a positive euro Address J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Jr lluthuwur it Co Comntercittl Illuck bloux City Iowa tiXTivx TUia irnii ivutv wiuxixg A LUNATICS IMITATION It lniUvtl KIiiIhIi iiiuI tint llliuarlf unit n Tlili f Into Trouble A Paris coriespoudiMit tells an Inter cstltig story of how a shop thief wna captured recently at the Hon Mnrolm In circumstances that lu all probability are unique One of the privato detect ives In the pay of the establlnhnient noticed a man who with the most barefaced effrontery was appropriat ing articles of overy description The Individual Indeed M cmcd to make lit tie or no attempt to keep hU operations focrot lie simply walked from coun ter to counter and tilled his pocket h with whatever attracted his fancy In spite of the strangeness of the mans proceedings there was nothing to be done but to have htm arrested and he was given Into custody Ills In dignation was extreme lie protested that It wiih most unjust that he should be Intel fered with In this way when other people who were behaving In ex actly the same manner wee left un molested and he pointed to a stout gentleman of most respectable appear ance who he asserted had been lay ing his hands on all sorts of goods without resorting to the formality of paying Tor theiih The policeman to whom he hud been given lu charge had been accustomed to listening to unconvincing explana tions and took IiIh prisoner to the sta tion A few- minutes later the slout gentlenpiu also In the care of a police man arrived at the same destination The detective whose curiosity had been aroused had watched the per sonage and had found It to be true that he was perpetrating theft after theft with the utmost dexterity After a short Investigation he was recognized to he an expert and notori ous shoplifter whereas the prisoner llrst arrested proved to be a lunatic but recently discharged from an nsy liim whose mania took the form of Imitating any person who might hap pen to strike him The professional thief was beside himself with rage at what he described as the bad luck of getting Into trouble through tho vaga ries of a madmnn GLASS BULB BOMBS Scared the Mini Who Died Them but VniKiulMhvd the llnrKlnr Of all the outlandish sveaponH over employed In a tight said a business man of the south side I think I brought the most fantastic on record Into play one night last week My family is away on a visit at present aud I am keeping bachelor hall out at the house On tho night to which I re fer I was aroused at about a in by a noise somewhere in the region of tho dining room and thinking I had shut ui the dog there I Jumped up very foolishly and came down stairs In my ntghtclothes without so much as a pocketknlfe When I opened the dining room door I wns start led to see a big rough looking man bending over the side board nt the far end of the room and after we had stood there en tableau for a moment the fellow made a rush at me I leaped back into the hall and glared around for a weapon On a ta ble near by were a dozen Incandescent light bulbs which I had brought home to replace some that had burned out and purely by Instinct I grabbed one of them and throw It at the burglar It hit the door casing close to his head and to my amazement exploded with a noise like a young lyddite shell I suppose it was n still greater sur prise to the other fellow for he lot out u yell and broke for the rear followed by a rapid lire bombardment of 10 can dle power Incandcscents which I con tinued to chuck at him ns long as ho remnlned In range They smashed against the furniture with a series of crashes that alarmed the whole neigh borhood and I have been gathering up fragments of broken ghtBS ever since The burglar must have thought I was chasing him with hand grenades It was the first time I ever knew in candcscents made such a row when they broke An electrician tells me It Is caused by the air rushing Into tho vacuum Now Orleans Times-Demo crat VJit Ilia UNelet il Unit Dime It Isnt safe to start out without a pocketful of pennies any more re marked a member of the house the other day Yet I can remember that when I came down into this section of the country In army blue In 1803 a 5 cent piece was very small potatoes Wo were ramped awhile out there In Virginia anil my headquarters were In the big plantation home A son of the house nnd myself became good friends although he wns 5 and I uenrly X One day In lieu of the candy which I had forgotten to bring him from tho near by town I gnvo him a sliver half dime I had forgotten all about the Incident when some two weeks later he came Into my room and opening his hand held out to me on his little pink palm the silver piece I had given him Ileah Mr Captain you can have It back ho said plaintively It wont buy nulllu Washington Star Ilnaklus Gcneronlty The late John Kusklu gave nway a great deal of money during his life Many years his annual Income froin his pen alone was 10000 but he lived on less than a tenth of that amount Indeed he used to say Hint n gentle man ought to be able to live on 5 a dny If he could not he deserved speedily to die A Wny Out at It A pretty lot of children you are for n minister to have exclaimed n West Side pastor whose children were mis behaving at the dinner table Then why dont you change your business papa asked 4-year-old Nel lieChicago New mi mm ikkiiii to feel liettet nml is hiiiltlt Ktitihiiilly linpioMil evety iliy ill y VJ is 1 1 1 1 1 i o v 1 1 1 K ViwfVSA vSAAAA Curo constlitniiost and Its coeitrtloffa consa quoncca by Sis use of Dr Ptorcos PclFots A small pill a small tloso and a sura euro i i yfiiJSrW msr p - C W BRAASCH DKALER IN ffiimse Worit Secini ritv ton tiiu but their h it great deal of lifting nnd teaching to tin a gtrnt iimiiv liipn up nnd down staiti to in lltt in the courfe of iluyn Iioiim work Its liuitl whete n woman K well For n woman Riiireiitu with mime foi tu of female trouble It in daily torment I te me thiiuiauils tif such women tlrugghn along 1 1 I ti i nlttit illuft Till Iviiil flf11ltl till Vw i ijWL hcml it lies the tin vi ate unstrung Hut the work tnuit go on tlllMin sv replug Mtuiiiuiig imisi or mini iv gntdless of pain And et we wonder why it woman is turd iiiil ill liable when she has nothing to do hill lake i iitr 1 the house 1 vetv tlav swells the long liit of the thousntiilii of women who have ftuiiiil a complete cure of their disease in thr use til lr Iictcrs lltvoiite Prescription It trrlllatrs thr petit ids ilties rllfrrblillg tllilttis hciiln in flntiitiiit ton ami ult tuition and elites female weakness It tpurts I In tinvf by feeding them It given ilalily and igor to the womanly otgmiism It makes weak woiiuii silting sick Milium well Thru is no alcohol in Fitvotilc Prescription and it contains nn opium cocaine ot other narcotic Accept no substitute foi Fiiwitite PtcsetipUoii If yon want to exiieiience thr cure wlilcli oilier women have found in Pmoiite Piesniptioii tlo not be deceived into accepting some Mi calletl just as good leiuctls tnwovtitTi Circny Day For a number of months 1 mtllrttd with fnttili tumble wtites Miss Agnes Mi iowtu of it Hunk Slieel Washington 1 C 1 tiled at Inns timnlii but nolle Hietnrd lo tlo me I I 11 1 il 111 until It II IU till Itlfllut liny U 1 llllllll III Kllll Il li r I win i tk mSn ease ot iiiiciuai irouoie tin v rvi i iiit i i mi nun m - iVll Wtite to yoil foi help 1 term til n wiy rtli tinniKiim ajijy TaWViJ rrplv mid eommeucetl tiialnuiil at oner 1 hitl tint 5W iYSu tiseil yottt Favoiile Piisctiitittti a wrtk lit foi t 1 MirfiftV v r CO-A-IL -- To I xL fa Vial m V IUI ax co CZ3 Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho best In the market Hcranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61 AFTER USIN6 HFALTH AND VITALITY t riT3in r3nixxivia xiXiXjS The ureat remedy for nervous prostratltili nml all diseases of Hid Kctierallvo ornausof either sex such as Nervous Prostration FalUiHC or Lost Manhood Imiiotuticy Nhthtly 1mlnslons Youthful Krrors Mental Worry uxitnmIvh use of Touicco or Opium which lead lo tonsiimpllon and itiHiimty With ovory 5 order wu miartiiteo toeuru or refund tlm money Sold nt 1100 pur box O boxes for Sft 00 lilt MOTTS CJIIIiiriKAlj CO Cluvolutnl Ohio KorSalnat KKONIOSTKINS IllAKMACY waumamam Erastus A Benson rresidenlof tho Omaha Ileal Estate change and one of the lenders in real tutu circles in Nebraska writes I tried i Dr Kays Lung Balm for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr V L Selby and thu result was remark- J able Tho cITccl was 10 quick I would not X have trusted my senses had not Mr Selby s j experlenco been thusamO T Shun MiliHtllutCR ItcmetlleH JiiHt As Onod as Dr Knys Iunr Halm nro not motfoor sold any- T Whoro If no tut drmKlsts we will sentl It post- y paid on receipt of price Dr Knys funt Halm ill It jf ctn Free Medical Advice Sample and lloolt for T tho tiHltlnt Address J Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga bprings N r T SOLD BY KOKNIGSTKINS PHARMACY AND KIKSAU DRUG CO The Man of the Hour A Magnificent Portrait of President McKinley Reproduced in Ten Colors from a I ate Photograph for which the President specially sat at the re quest of the Publishers Size 1 1x81 Inches will be published by us shortly It is now being printed for us on heiivy plate paper in a form suita ble for framing by one of the largest art lithograph houses in America in the famous French style of color plate work Every American family will want one of these handsome pictures of the President It must be remembered that this picture will be in no sense a cheap chromo but will be an example of the very highest stylo of illuminated printing It will bo an ornament to any library or drawing room Our readers can have tho McKin ley portrait AT WHAT IT COSTS IS namely 10 cents per copy by merely filling out the coupon below and sending it to this office AT ONCE There will be such a demand for the portrait when it is published that we advise sending or ders in advance As many copies as may be desired can bo had on one coupon providing 10 cknts is sknt for kaoii copy Writo name and address plainly and remit in coin or postage stamps THE NORFOLK DAILY NEWS NORFOLK NEBRASKA For the enclosed remittance of conts send me copies of President McKinloys Por trait in colors as described in to days paper Date Name Address