l2 r BHAHMA 1 m the mole In the mintcimi ntnl t am th Imrnltiii mm HmI herd I wliltpcr tlio itnim I cult lo llio orb Hull oni I in tlip ltnh of tlio inornlii inl 1 m tlic rirnlnit tirecjoi I m tlic lrl low tnminiir Ilic cll of tlic I im tlio lift flip fouler flip Ilril unil IU Mini try iTIic mirror the form rcllerlnl the ooiiml tul It nho I The lovers Anlonnto ilrilltiR the mlilrn whUprml frnr Tlic warrior flip Mnilo tint uniltc him III rr lunrt uning four I m Intoxication rnpo vIiip preiw nml imil ninl wine iTh punt the hot tho Utrrn flip gohlrt ol rrjotnl lino 1 nm the hrcnlli of the fliitp I m the wlml ol limn Ooldd fjlltir r ho Unlit of the ilUinoiul anil tho koa prirln luatcr wan jTlie rov hrr poet iIrIi1Iiik1p the aonffn from lila throat that rlno Flint fark the taper tho moth that ahonl It fllra II am lioth rooiI and evil the ileeil ami the ilppila Intent iTcmplatlon lctlm Inner crime panlnn pun ttimient ll nm what tru la will lie creations mu enl ami fall Thc link the chain of cxlatence Iterjlnnlnit ami enil of all Translated Prom Dachelaledilln Itutnl hy lilt- I tcT trz n Ft Iffll COORT How t lio Ugliest Muu In tho Regiment Won it Dusky Ileuuty Asfv4 He was tho ugliest man In tho Steenth lufnntry And lio look oil It So tho nuui culled hlin Cross Dog and siivo on the imy rolls lie know no other mauie i Cross Dog was In tho prime of life Ibttt looked older lie hnd put In about 1 12 yours In tho nnny and wns nt that jpolnt In a prlvnto Holillern career where lie realizes that lio has lost tho knack of earning n livelihood In civil life but Btlll yearns for Its freedom Kor It Is only after about 15 yearn of service and numerous failures at civil voca tions that tho average enlisted man ceases to vow that ho will never tako on again and settles down to soldiering for life Cross Dogs temper was peppered dynamite Ho had thrashed or been thrashed by nine tenths of tho regi ment and was ready at a seconds uo jtlco to begin again His tongue match ed bis temper and bis face was seamed with surliness Thcro was only one thing In the world of which Cross Dob was afraid fiuul that was woman Shure said IPrivntc SeveiiBpot nv Cross Dog Ivor loved a woman hed bo scared so hed cuss her to death and thin elopo with n recruiting sergeant Hack In tho States it had been a fortunate thing for Cross Dog that bo was not suscepti ble to tho charms of tho fair sex for his personality was not an attractive ono and bis conversation was a Jumblo of cuss words and growls Hut In the Philippines tho world is topside down ns a Chinaman calls it and curious things happen And It was In tho Phil ippines at the Ilaclentlu do Sovllla near Isabella Negros tlutt Cross Dog won a womans heart A company of the Steenth Infantry was stationed at Isabella and a de tachment of live men In charge of Pri vate Sevenspot was sent to tho hacien da to protect property In that region from the raids of Paplrclo bandits who Bwarmed In tho nearby mountains Cross Dog was ono of tho detachment The Hacienda do Sovllla consisted of a big sugar mill tho blackened ruins of the plantation bouse burned to the ground by the Paplrclos and six native nlpa shacks scattered nlong the west ern bank of tho river Hallnlmgan Hut this little hamlet supported a popula tion of 300 native ninlgos most of whom burned out of their homes by tho Paplrclos camped In the big sugar mill under the protection of Private Sevenspots little detachment During the clay they worked In tho cauellelds nud at night huddled together in the mill around which the six Americans stood guard Lulsa tho woman In tho case for girls of M are women where the world is topside down lived In a six by six nlpa shack built in the box of a two wheeled cart that stood beneath the shelter of tho sugar mill roof On tho evening that Sevenspots detachment nrrlved at tho hacienda old Pedro was absent Old Pedro was Iulsas father Ills crony old Jose In the next village up tho river had received a montlrs pay from Senor Holljos that day and Pedro had gone to pass the evening with him nud help drink a bucket of tuba At 11 oclock he camo saunter ing homeward with unsteady but cat like stops in blissful Ignorance of tho fact that the Americanos wero In pos session of the sugar mill Pedros brown hide was chock of tu ba and bis soul was filled with great joy In fact bo was so happy that ho yearned to butcher something an old woman or a baby or a lame log As he camo through the trail lu tho cane brake lie slashed at the young stalks and grimaced blissfully as In Imagina tion lie neatly clipped the leaders of unarmed foes with bis bolo sword Cross Dog was on post too at the upper entrance to the sugar mill The first night on guard at a strange post with n small detachment and In a country swarming with treacherous foes Is a great trial to mens nerves Especially so when It Is next to Impos sible to distinguish friend from foe Moreover Cross Dog had been unfor tunate In his detnlls for a week back and bad been mnrcKed on an average of 15 miles each day through muddy Mceflclds which is equivalent to 10 miles a tiny on an Amerlran highway Consequently Cross Dogs temper usu ally peppered dynamite win now saw edged lightning Sevenspot had posted blm with the Information Hint unlive amlgos were not supposed to be abroad after I oclock and left the test to his discretion CtosH lc hacked with his bayonet at the dried mud on his leggings and Hinted across the narrow clearing be tween the mill and thccnncllchl There came Just the semblance of a rustle from the ciinebiiike and Cross Dog Hlopped hacking and dropped suddenly on one knee for at night n man can see better siptattlng than standing The nearer his eyes lo the ground the high er and plainer objects are thrown tip against the horizon The rustle lu the canefleld grew loud er and Cross Dog unlocked the safety on bis Krag Then oblivious of bis danger old Pedro stepped noiselessly Into the clearing and the shadow of death Cross Dog waited for the roc ond native to come out of the brake If he came In the footsteps of his lllo leader one bullet would do duty for two And It Is a pity to waste ammu nition and a dirty rllle barrel makes worlc If old Jose had accompanied old Pedro home that night there would have been two funeral drums to beat next day Hut as old Pedro came nlono Cross Dog hesitated a second and de cided to give the Intruder a chance for his life Haiti ho cried Old Pedro started and then In his fright came on all the faster his wick- ed looking bolo In hand That was too much for Cross Dogs temper and nerves but he was an American and Instinctively hated to kill a half armed creature whose life ho could take as ho would snuff a candle Moreover ho had an American contempt for tho lighting natalities of these brown mles and the disposition to play cat and mouse with them until they camo right up to tho bayonets point So Cross Dogs llrst shot made a kite of old Pedros straw hat his second spat tered the mud lu front of him and three more made shallow grooves In his bare brown legs There was ono cartridge left In Cross Dogs rllle when Pedro halted panting at the bayonets point An Inch more and that cartridge would have been tho tlual period In old Pedros book of life I for Cross Dog was not only rattlesnake mad but also grossly Insulted A bare I legged ICakiack in Ills shirttall nud a straw hat anil armed with a four span bolo had dared to charge right up to his rllies mouth Cross Dog felt that ho ought to kill tills fool creature It was according to orders Hut some how he couldnt ipilto do It So ho Jabbed with his bayonet through Pe dros hide and gave him a choice selec tion of profanity and advice Hllnk blank Jab you be exclaim ed when Mellcann say halt you Jab halt Jab Savoy You blink blank caramba fool If you Jab keep vn mooslu blank you when Mellcana say Jab halt Mellcana boom boom you blink blank you blank quick Hllnk blnnk you Jab when Mellcana say halt you stop quick every blank tempo till Mellcana malayoh see you with bis blanked mala eyes and talkcc ah keo come here blank you You Jab savoy Then old Pedro nfter explanations was permitted to go to bis nlpa shack and the four Americans off guard re turned to their blankets After crawl ing Into his shack Pedro ordered ills daughter Lulsa to make a light and to emphasize the order he heat her with his 1st In the face And Lulsa being only a woman made a great outcry Then she got a big bundle of split bam boo and laid It upon the bed of coals In the center of the mill and fanned tho bamboo into n great laming torch Then old Pedro ordered her to dress his scratches and beat her lu the face to Insure obedience The blaze of tho torch fell upon Cross Dogs back so that he was a tine mark for a Paplrclos Itcmlugton nnd blinded his eyes so he could not see live paces Into the clear lug And Lulsas outcries deafened bis ears to the secrets of the canelleld Por these reasons and not because be cared to Interfere with Pedros meth ods of parental discipline Cross Dog deliberately violated regulations and deserted bis post He picked up a bundle of dry split bamboo and marched through the sug ar mill to Pedros nlpa shack He reached lu and caught that disciple of Solomon by one ankle and dragged him forth after the fashion of a plantation negro who knows where tho chickens roost And Pedro howled and Cross Dog swore and 50 brown babies woke up nud squalled anil a hundred ttiun grel dogs barked Shure said Sevenspot reporting the occurrence to his lteutenaut who vlhui 1 the hacienda the following day wh u I woke up I thought I were lu purgathory tho day nfther the holo caust av an Insane asylum n dog pound an an orphan asylum An Lu lsa there th ould dlvll Pedros daugh ter sat by while Cross Dog larruped her dad an wept tears av joy an grati tude Im thlukln twere th llrst tolme she Ivor knew th ould bandit to get his deserts The other amlgos say ho has a brother an two sons with the Paplr clos in th mountains If thats tho ease said tho lleuteu nnt mounting bis carabao you need not bother to halt him the next time he tries to come lu after taps I dont want this detachment to get cut up out of leniency to any native of doubtful antecedents When tho detachment turned out for their chicory tho morning nfter old Pe dros chastisement Lulsa was waiting for them with a baking powder can half full of carabao milk for Cross Dogs coffee Tho men squatted on the edge of a sugar vat and gnawed their hard tack and drank their bitter chico ry Cross Dogs scraggly beard bris tled with bad temper and he choked In tlic effort to eat drink and swear In tho some breath Willi eyes that beam TI1R NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAY 3 WOO ed with gratitude and admiration Utile Lulsa timidly ptesenled her offering of carabao milk Cross Dog glut cd at her Hllnk blank you he growled what the blink blank do you want SI Hcjmr said Lulsa ducking ob sequiously and holding the can so that Cross Dog cotid see lis contents Mtichii gooda And Lulsa pointed llrst at the mlllt nnd then to Cross Dogs cup Then Cross Dog comprehended and grabbed the can and emptied ll into bis coffee Ill be blink blanked he growled If the blink blanked rag didnt bring me some blink blank milk Lulsa listened like an attentive pupil Then with a knowing air she nodded her little head and pointing Into the empty can she said HI senor I savoy Filipino loob kat Mellcana dam milk SI I savoy muelia Mellcana poco t tempo Cross Dog slopped In the middle of n gulp of coffee and stared at tho little brown woman Well Ill bo blink blanked ho ex claimed If the blink blanked nigger aint swearing at mo In English SI si senor she chirped coquet tlshly lifting the yard of red calico that Rorvod her as petticoat and dress skirt and exposing rather more than a peep of pretty bare ankle I savoy Scno rlta that mo In Kspnnol Dam nigger that me Mellcana SI I savey nnicha Mellcana poco tlempo Cross Dog choked with Irritation Well Ill be hllnk blanked was all ho could say Porn week thereafter Lulsa followed nt Cross Dogs heels like a faithful dog much to that Individuals outspo ken disgust And meanwhile Lulsas vocabulary of English became a thing of beauty nnd a Joy forever to tho sol diers Genrrul Iaikuhh ISurneaturaa Tho late General Logan said Iley ward Church of Chicago wns a most intense mnu In his feelings nud his be liefs lie showed this lu his public speeches At ono time I wns a member of tho reception committee nt a small town where the general was to speak and consequently snt quite near him on the platform I forget what was tho topic but tho general was deeply Interested In It and llunlly lu empha sizing n point banged his hand with tremendous force upon n hard wood table at his elbow So strong n blow was It that ono of the bones of his hand wns broken Ho nevertheless courageously finished his speech but ho had to carry his hand In a splint for sonio tinio thereafter nnd It wns a question of weeks before he wholly re covered Its use New York Tribune STORY OFTHE YAZOO FRAUD Oni of tlic Mont Cluantln Trunin ISver Kiiomii In A merlon One of the most glgnntlc trusts ever formed on this continent was In the early days of the republic back In 1705 Several gentlemen organized themselves Into a company for the pur pose of purchasing from the state of Ceorgla her unclaimed western terri tory extending from the Mississippi on the west to the Atlantic on tho east and from the tlilrty tlrst degree of lati tude north of tho equator on the south to tho southern boundary of Tennessee on the north Including what now con stitutes the territory of Georgia Ala bama and Mfsslsslppl Tills vast ter ritory was purchased for 500000 and this was the commencement of tho fa mous Yazoo fraud about which so much wns said and written The bill authorizing the purchase and sale passed tho Georgia legislature on Jan 1 1715 and It is said that members were paid all the way from eight negroes to 1200000 acres of lnnd to voto for It Corruption by bribery was open Qrcnt Indignation spread throughout tlic state nud upon the as sembling of the legislature ono year later an act was passed declaring that the said resurpod net wns null nnd void Unit the records relntlng to tho stuno be hurnod In order that no trace of so unconstitutional vile nud fraudu lent ft transaction should remain pub lic The Infamous records were placed in one vast heap Bald a senator and ft sun glass was used to set It on Ire that It might be said that tho Arc that destroyed It wns from heaven This Is the llrst and only Instance In the history of the country where n leg islative body personally superintended tho destruction by tire of Its previous Then there enmo nnotber Saturday records of corrupt and obnoxious i a - niva Nr iiiiii ij n in nignt this time oni rcuro aim joso went to a vlllnge down tho river to visit Juan who had received much money from Senor Ilolljos And they tnrrled late and drank a great deal of tuba and also bono And tho more they drank the braver they grew until In the dark hour Just before tho dawn they laughed scornfully as- they spoke of the white faced Americanos nnd snnpped their lingers nt all HaltasI Then Junn nnd Jose snllled forth to sco Pedro homo and help him bid defiance to the American Halt And to In sure success they carried their sharpest bolos It was tho enrly morning relief on guard Cross Dog was on post 2 at the down river end of tho mill nnd it nlways stirred his bile to have his sleep broken Just before daylight Tho nlr was chill and damp nud Cross Dog shivered and cursed nil creation by catalogue Then he stopped and lis tened The light breeze from the east never caused that rustic In the cane tleld Again Cross Dog crouched on one knee and threw the safety lock of bis Krag A half naked native stepped out into the clearing Agnln Cross Dog wnlted to see if he enmo alone An other and another stopped out beside the llrst and the three advanced crouching with bolos In band They mockingly echoed Cross Dogs chal lenge and came on and then the haci enda awoke to the music of Wow rprp Wow rprp Wow rprprp And this time Cross Dogs rltlo lyid done Its deadly work as three silent Knklacks lytug there In the gray morning testi fied Six men In blue stood and looked down nt the slain And then there wns a great uproar and native men chattered and native women shrieked nnd nntlve dogs barked and native ba bies howled Only tho soldiers wero silent and grave as they looked upon tho dead until a gray haired little brown woman enmo and knelt beside old Pedro and sought to close his eyes nud compose his limbs Then Cross Dogs eyes looked down to the ground nud ho wns ashamed of his handiwork for the gray old woman was old Pe dros wife and Lulsas mother It wns while his eyelids wero weighted down with shame and pity that little Lulsa pretty and coquettish nestled up to bis sldo nnd caressed bis hairy freckled 1st nnd looked up at him with smiling lips and eyes moist with lovellght Pressing his hand over her heart with both of hers she said Mo love you mucha You boom boom madro pointing to her mother and we matri mony Esta For In the outlying Islands of the Philippines where the world Is topside down the old folk pound out no rice and are the better for being killed It was thus that Cross Dog won ono womans heart Hut Sevenspots proph ecy came true for be cursed her until bis throat was sore and then exchanged witii a soldier at Isabella to get out of her sight And now when some young soldier bonsts of his success with the fair sex Cross Dog blurts scornfully Hllnk blank It I can tako my Krag nnd 200 cartridges and go out and get enough women to stnrt a harem All you have to do to make em love you Is to kill their mothers and fathers blank lt New York Sun laws St Paul Globe AN EDITORS APOLOGY A Ifnppr Innplratlou Thnt Proved to lit a Iloomernnic The editor of n small provincial pa per in Austria was in great dllllculty to dud a lit subject for his lending nrtl cle having been too Intent upon other business or upon pleasure to provide one Tho last moment hnd come and tho editor was In despair He tortured his brain in vain when ho suddenly was Inspired by a happy thought nud dashed off the lines After carefully perusing the leading article written for the present number by ono of the nblest of our contribu tors wo have arrived at the conclusion that It may bo misinterpreted by the authorities and regarded as an attack upon the government We ourselves consider it to bo perfectly Innocent but ns we nre unwilling for our rend ers sake as well as for our own to have our newspaper confiscated wo have very unwillingly though as we think prudently resolved to withdraw tho article This must servo as tho apology toour readers for tho blank space In our present Issue The journal was published in the evening nnd the sly editor after per forming this little piece of stratagem left the ofllce in high humor As soon ns ho arrived In tho ofllce tho next morning a clerk came up to him with n doleful expression nnd said Herr Redaktor the paper Is confiscated by tho police For what reason ask ed the astonished editor For mali cious ridicule of tho Institutions of tho Austrian empire by the omission of the leading nrtlcle replied the man A Curlotia Shoe Trunt Doylestown has four odd characters who pool their Issues In buying shoes They nil have the same sized foot and each regards this fact in the nature of a libel perpetrated upon him by tho other three Every year each ono of tho quartet chips In 18 nnd the fund of 72 is expended for shoes Buying them in such quantities there Is natu rally a reduction in price One would think that there would bo nn equnl dl vision of the shoes but that isnt their little game The shoes are owned collectively share nnd share alike and when not being worn they nre kept In a closet In tho express ofllce which Is the general lounging place of tho quartet If ono man wants to wear new shoes he goes to tho express ofllce nnd puts them on If bo wears russets In tho daytime and wants to wear patent leathers In the evening bo goes to the express ofllce nnd makes tho change They have been doing this for several years and claim they wouldnt wear shoes In any other way Philadelphia Record Why They Keen to the lllnht It Is n rare treat for npersou to go through Europe the first time said a returned tourist I visited ono old palace in Scotland nnd wns walking down a long corridor when I enmo to a sentinel who told mo to keep to the right I could not see any reason why I should keep to tho right and nsked him why but bo said ho could not tell I finally asked the custodian nud he said he had looked it up In tho archives of tho palaco and found that nearly 100 years ago the floor was painted nnd some people walked over the fresh paint Tho blllcer of the day was or dered to station a sentluel there to keep people off from the fresh paint and have them walk to the right The order hnd never been countermanded nnd from that day to this a sentiuel stands there nnd tells everybody to keep to the right Indianapolis lress Antidote For Curliollc Acid Alcohol nnd vinegar nre effective antidotes for carbolic acid poisoning a New York doctor announces What ever quantity of tho poison has been swallowed four times ns much whisky or five times ns much vinegar should be administered Immediately No oil of any kind should be given Thus trent ed early enough he adds all cases will recover Tin K inrrt Mi t II In Mnteli At a North Sido boarding house one of the newly arrived boarders named Hui ton Is nn expert accountant The llrst evening after his arrival ho began boring tho other boarders by talking shop and relating tho great feats of mathematics that he had accomplished in his time Smith ono of the star boarders mndo up his mind to rid the parlor of shop tall nt least for that night I hnvo n Httlo picco of addition work that I think you would havo n hard time in doing If you can add it without tho aid of n pencil and papor you aro a good one Nnmo each Item and I wiil add said llurton Five barrels of cider nt frlBG a bar rel Havo yon got that down Yes Four bushels of brnn at 00 cents a bushel Havo you got that down Ye Fifteen kegs of horscshoo nails at 285 ami two strings of garlio at 50 cents n string Havo yon got that down Yes go on Six gallons of castor oil nt 425 Havo yon got thut down Yea Suro yonvo got it nil down Sure I hnvo said Burtou H ml How does it all taste Chicago Journal Proved Hln Theory MM Dlcil The acme of realism was reached though by accident in a criminal trial a few yoars ago nt Lebanon O Two men had n personal encounter Ono of them nfter vainly trying to draw his pistol from his hip pocket turned to flee A moment later lie fell shot in tho small of tho back One chamber of his pistol was fonnd to have beon fired His assailant was tried for murder The dfense contended ftbnt tho mnn had shot hiniHelf while trying to draw tys pistol which had becomo entangled in the lining of tho pocket and that tho prisoners shot had not taken effect Tho prosecution contended that such a wonnd could not havo been self inflicted Tho defendants counsel Clement L Vallandigham undertook to demon strate to the jury just how tho dead mans pistol had hung in the pocket and just how possible it was to inflict such a wound Suddenly there was n loud report and the lawyer sank to tho floor The ball had entered the back almost in the identical spot where tho dead man bad been shot Tho defendant was acquitted Mr Valandighaui died Cleveland Plain Dealer Thin Dos Cnn Spell Thoro is n SouthSido lady who owns n Gordon setter which eho believes ia endowed with almost hnnian intelli gence This is not a hastily formed nor nnfounded opinion but has been devel oped by years of experience Here is one of tho many incidents from which has sprung her faith in her dog Last Sunday having finished her dinner tho lady went into the drawing room to read tho paper On n rug near the window tho setter was basking drowsily in tho sun Tho ladys two sons wero still in tho dining room fin ishing tho repast and the mother over heard qomething said nbout bones Now tho good lady has a mortal dread that her beautiful dog will choke to death on a bono some day so raising her voice eho called ont Beys dont give Dan any spelling these two worda so tho dogs attention would not be at tracted I am afraid he will choke As eho spelled chicken the dog raised his head and listened at bones he got up walked into the dining room and looked at tho bones the boys were picking Chicago News The Coquette A coqnetto is a being who wishes to please Alasl coquettes aro too rare Tis a career that requires great abili ties infinite pains a gay and airy spirit Tis tho coqnette that provides all amusements suggests the riding party plans tho picnic gives nnd guesses charades acts them She is the stirring elemont amid tho heavy congeries of so cial ntoms tho soul of the house tho salt of tho banquet Let any ono pass a very agreeable week or it may be ten days under any roof and analyze the cause of his satisfaction and one might safely make a gentlo wnger that his so lution would present him with tho fiolic phantom of a coquette Lord Beacons-field- ii rj mi The Julus carry their wounded to the hills and expose their wounds to th nlr having found by experience that that Is the quickest wny of curing them Girls expect remedies to work mir acles in a days timo Beautifying changes come slow Keep on taking Rocky Mouutain Tea Twill make your face fair and blooming Ask your druggist Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to nealth of the present day SOUL OAKISQ POWDCR CO NEW YHK RAHNES TYLEU J J B Harno 111 D Tyler Attorneys nt lat Norfolk - - Nebraska DU C S PARKER DEMIST At Plorco Every Monday Must Block - - Norfolk Neb DR II T IIOLDEN Homeopathic Physician nntl Snrgcon Olllco Cltlzona Nntlotml HnnW Rnlldius Tolophono tut Sanitarium mill Itcslilonco Mnlu nud 13tli St Tolopliono 9 Norfolk - Nebraska DR I K SCOBEE OSTEOPATHIST 511 South Otli Street Norfolk Nobr Will lio In Muilisoti Tuostlny nnd Fridny of onch week H J COLE DENTIST Olllco over Cltlzons Nntlonnl Bntik Roaldouco ono block north of CoiiKrogntlounl church Norfolk Nebraska yISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Up stairs In Cotton block ovor Hauius store Kirst clusa work KUiirnutceil Norfolk - - - Nebraska pOVERS HAYS Attorneys at Law Itoonis 10 11 nml 12 Mnst block Norfolk - - Nebraska SESSIONS BELL Undertakers and Enibalmerp Soesions Blk Norfolk Ave Norfolk - - - Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson JWlgton Block Norfolk M C WALKER DEALER IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE Braasch Avenue and Tnird St NO 33 CRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission PHONE 44 KARO BROS iHi Sausage Everybody wants the best of meats We make a special effort to please our trade Onr Shop Is the Neatest In tbo City THE North -Western LINE F E V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska A i h