The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 03, 1900, Page 11, Image 12

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Attend the
OlHco Hardys Coal Onieo
Firo Insurance Farm aud City Loans
aud lloal Estate
Two Rood liousos for rout
1 Why Glasses
l Are Worn
For a long time glasses wero
used only to assist iu rending
or near work but with the in
creased knowledge of the eye
we are able to adjust glasses
To Improve
the Sight
thereby curing chronic head- J
acnes neuralgia ana many
nervous afllictious caused by
eye strain The thousands
who wear properly adjusted
glasses are the liviDg testimo
nials to the truth of it Ex
amination Free See Our
Have you been to Michaels studio
since it has been refitted and improved
in every way We claim aud can prove
that we have the handsomest and best
syetemized and as thoroughly equipped
photograph studio there is iu this
country and we guarantee our work to
be strictly first class and satisfactory in
every way Our help we know to bo
competent to make work equal to any
made in the state We are here to stay
aud will try to please you with our deal
ings and give you your moneys worth
every time Wo have the very latest in
photo mounts and novelties and you
will find our prices right Wo have
just received a fino line of picture frame
mouldings that we offer at very low
rates Crayon water color sepia and
oil painting in enlarged photos
Yours for business
3 cans corn 20
8 cans tomatoes 25
Wheatling per package 10
Gold dust 4 lb 18
8 packages yeast 10
Bakers chocolate 18
2 lbs ABO crackers 15
1 gal pail syrup 35
Gloss starch per pkg 05
18 lbs granulated sugar 100
We Can Save You Money
X ft t
4 W
I 1
i tf 11 J
T O 4J ft
I tf Z it 5
f l z
1 Si SZ H I
I j 5 g
1 C goo
I w - t
Trinity guild will meet with Mrs
Humphrey tomorrow afternoon
Rev F M Clark of Dakota City will
occupy tho pulpit at tho M K church
next Sunday morning aud ovoning
Tho Huobnor Sottlo company will
show in tho Auditorium May 2 aud
Norfolk lodgo No li I O O l will
nieot tonight for worlc in tho First de
Mrs Dr A L Macomber ploasantly
ontortnlned a party of lady friends at
tea yesterday afternoon
A special meeting of tho Ordor of tho
Eastern Star will bo hold Friday ovon
ing By order of tho worthy matron
Mrs llutchcsou
Thoro was quito a hoavy frost last
night and oonBlrtorablo garden sass was
quito badly nipped What damago was
dono to fruit has not boon loamod
Tho Alba Hoywood oompany which
lias beou so popular in Norfolk is to
again visit tho city Tho dato for its
reappearanco is sot at Juno 4th nt tho
Fred Sldlor has taken tho position of
fireman at tho olectrio light station tem
porarily Frank Carrick who formerly
acted in that capacity has aceopted n
position on tho railroad
A lino of lovols will bo run from Nor
folk to Sioux City Iowa by tho Uultod
States coast survey Tho work will bo
in chargo of Bonj E Tilton of tho
United States coast aud geological sur
vey corps aud will bo started on Tues
day next
A report comes from Meadow Grovo
to the effect that a lady was seriously
injured by being run iuto by an Elk
horn train today Tho namo of tho
lady and tho particulars of tho accident
cannot bo learned It Is said howovor
that she was so seriously injured that
she is likoly to die
Thero wero but nino fires iu Norfolk
during the year ending May 1st which
required tho sorvico of tho Hook and
Ladder company None of tho losses
entailed were very heavy This is a
romarkably small number and Norfolk
is indeed fortunate in regard to destruc
tion by tho firo fiond
The street grader has been at work on
Mainstreet today levelingoff and grading
it up somewhat Tho work dono makes a
vast improvement in tho thoroughfare
as tho roughness has beon protty thor
oughly reduced Tho sprinkler wagon
has also taken a hand in tho work and
the street is now in pretty fair condi
Joe Vlaznoy has vacated tho Grant
building and the same is being newly
papered and placed in condition for Ed
Grant who will open a saloon therein
W R Hoffman has been notified to
vacate tho room ho has been occupying
in the Marquardt block which will bo
occupied by Ylazueys saloon Mr
Hoffman has not yet decided whero ho
will move
Pioneer Hook and Ladder company
last evening elected the following
officers for tho ensuing year Presi
dent W L Kern vice president
Venus Neuow secretary A G
Bohnert treasurer Rudolph Chris
chillis foreman Ed Benning first
assistant foreman Venus Nonow
second assistant Ed Zuelow Tate
Wille and W L Kern wero recommended
for appointment to the position of fire
Cobs for sale at the mill
Lost On Main street a Waterman
Ideal fountain pen Return to this
ofllco and receive a suitable reward
The Auditorium trustees appreciative
of the work done by tho members com
posing the cast in Saratoga although
their work resulted in no profit to tho
board have purchased tickets and will
favor those who took part with seats at
the Alba Heywo3d entertainment on the
4th of June Geo II Speak
Horses clipped at Sellers barn
Wanted A good girl for general
housework Apply at News ofllco
Saturday evening May C our local
theatre goers will bo offered an oppor
tunity to witness for the first time
here Hans Hanson the new Swedish
dialect comody in whicli that yolly
Swede yodeler Jas T MoAlpiu is
starring this season aud making tho hit
of his career Tho play is said to ho a
thoroughly interesting comedy drama
and tho best of its kind that has yet
been presented to tho public As a
delineator of the Swede Mr McAlpiu
ranks as tho very best aud his support
ing company is a largo aud capablo one
Wanted Twenty men and teams at
sheep raucji at once
For artistic photographs and fiuo
work go to Michaels studio
Special hule 1rlcen Cut Iu Two
2000 double rolls wall paper all
new 01
Finest ono band blended border
gilt paper 15
1000 patterns of wall paper to
select from
St Louis strictly pure white load
rod seal per hundred 5 00
Linseod oil per gallon 50
Bost paint sold per gallon 1 2
Good ready mixed paint per gallon 80
Fiuo cloth window shades each 25
Extousiou curtaiu rods 10
Largest assortment of room moldings
brushes varnishes glass caloimiuo etc
ever iu the city H O Truman
101 North Fourth street
Traveling Men Will Meet in
rrogriiiii to ho lollowcil nnit iiiiiiltltcn
In Uliurj f ArruiiKiiioiitn Norfolk
ICiilo Nlioulil o IIimimoiI to Wolconin
tho Coiiiliifirrlill Mull
Tomorrow and next day Norfolk will
entertain a class of men who aro over
popular with pooplo gononilly The
warm hearted hustling commercial
travoHiigropiosontatlves who solioit for
thoro rospoctlvo housos In this stnto
They como to attond tho grand council
of tho United Commercial Travolurs u
socrot organization Tho pooplo of Nor
folk will bo delighted to havo these
goutlomou as thoir guests and it is
hoped that everything pnsslblo will bo
dono to make thoir visit pleasant aud
long to bo romomborod
Delogatos aro alroady bogiuuiug to
arrlvo aud it is thought that tho sosslon
will bo largely attondod
Tho following aro tho commlttoos
named to havo charge of tho various
Reception D P Owon C 15 Groono
J A Wingard O J Bonford Frod
Coryell It II Diy L E Walluratodt
Ed Soymour Geo Moohlor Harry
Diuco Fred Cashin Goo Moohlor
Music F L Estabrook L E
Refreshments O F Tapport J
Ladles rocoption committoo Mrs It
H Day Mrs O E Groono
Thoatro It II Day C I Bonford
Following is tho program arranged
most of tho meotlugs to bo hold iu Odd
Fellows hall
2 00 p m Subordinate council moots
in council chambor
Committee marches to Oxuard hotol
and escorts grand council to council
Invocation Rev W It McKim
Address of welcome Mayor W M
Responso D K Clink grand junior
counselor of Illinois
3 p m Grand couucil meets in exe
cutive session in council chamber
p m Danco at Mast hall
9 80 a m Meeting of grand council
in council chamber
2 p m Meeting of subordinate
ii p m Reception in parlors of Pa
oific hotol by ladies of Norfolk Council
in houor of visiting ladies
8 30 p in Theatre party at Audi
torium Hans Hanson
Special sale on sailor hats at Miss
Havo you seen tho Little French
Gems at Michaels studio
Wo make loaus on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odiornb Sec
Barn for rent J L Daniel
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 55
Minimum temperature 28
Averago 41
Snowfall inches 00
Preolpitation 00
Total precipitation for month 00
Barometer 2970
Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight
and Friday Warmer east and north
portions tonight and east portion Fri
Furnished rooms to ront by Mrs
Younger on tho Heights
Houses for sale T E Odiornb
Ah arent they lovely is tho re
mark made when ono sees those Freuoh
Gems at Michaels studio
ltoitl Khiaiu 1ritiitrH
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by E G Hoilmau man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
ofllco at Norfolk
Bertha Gall and husband to
Fritz Gall nej 15 and os of
seki 10-22-1 wd 2000 00
Arthur O Hazon and wife to
W H Buoholz lots 7 aud 8
block 2 Collamersaddlllonto
Norfolk qcd 105 00
Arthur O Hazeu and wife to
T E Odioruo lot fl block 1
Bear Mathewsons add un
divided i4 of lots 1115 and
11 Wards suburban lots to
Norfolk qcd 172 00
Sturgeon Is the piano man
Farm and city loans
Tub Durlasp Trust Co
If Your Wtttch btoii
Go to Fritz Hoehne in Koeuigsteins
drug store He is the best and cheapest
watchmaker aud jewler iu towu
All work warrauted
The performance of Haus Hanson
which will be seen at the Auditorium
next Saturday evening is interspersed
it is said with doous of pleasing special
ties Every momber of tho company
which is a large one contributes ono or
moro including a number of the latest
J popular sougs several new dances cake
walks eto Mr Jas T MoAlpln who
plays the title pail is conceded to bo
Americas sweetest singer warbler and
yodolor Tim porfornianoo promises a
delightful ovoniiigs entertainment
Tho annual meeting of tho stock
holders of tho Norfolk Hiilldiiig and
Loan association will bo held at tho
otllco nf tho secretary Monday ovoning
May 7 1900 at H oclock
Wall pnpor at Ohristophs
DrFrank Saltor Disoafloa of chlldron
Whut tho TruntoiH of ttm Auditorium
Almlo out ol NiirutoKU
Tho trustees of tho Auditorium do not
want the pooplo to bolievo that thoy
havo accumulated so nuioh wealth from
tho Saratoga oiitertalninont that thoy
aro In a position to retire from huslnosH
oaros and as tho novelist nays Live
happily over after Thoy havo pre
pared tho following statoiiiont showing
that thoy lacked several dollars of moot
ing tho expenses of tho porfoamanco
Performance of April HO I0H 50
Performance of May 1 W 85
Total N5 115
Stago hands janitor bill posting
oto If 5
Properties I t5
Elootrio lights 2 nights 8 00
Eloctrio lights 15 nights nt w
conts for rohearsals 7 50
Hnck two ovonings for moinhors
of cast 2 7fi
Printing and advertising 31 15
F II Livingstone director 90 00
Total 152 00
This leaves a balnnco of 015 which
tho trustoos had to pay out of their own
pockets not counting tho money which
thoy paid for tho admission of thorn
selvos and families Thoy aro not yet
ready to rocomniond running an oporn
houso in Norfolk as a quick and cortain
means for getting rioh
Sailor huts UU 19 75 9S conts and up
at Miss Bonders
Fino picturo moldings at Michaels
J W Cox was a city visitor yesterday
J H Iiorryman was down ifrom
Croighton yostorday
Mrs N E Ponder is iu tho city from
Oakdalo visiting frionds
A H Bohanon was a city visitor
yostorday from Croighton
Mrs P E Hliss and Mrs W C EUoy
of MadKon woro shopping iultho city
Mrs Hitchcock and sou Norris of
Pierce were shopping in tho city this
Mrs S 1 LaRuo of Valparaiso this
state is in tho city visiting rolntivos
and friends
Miss Edua Bailey who has been in
Michigau for several months past has
returned homo
Burt Mapes oue of tho Madison
county delegates to tho republican
stato convention has roturuod frorn
Dr W S Summers came up from
Omaha last night aud this morning in
company with G B Saltor O J John
son and Dr P II Saltor went hunting
tho sprightly jack snipe
lrensliiR hiioqueH forHprlnp Summer
Pretty outing flannel and ilauneletto
sacquos in plaids stripes and figured
goods trimmed with black velvet ribbon
or plain prices75c 85c and 100
Handsome tokios iu outing flannel
Dressing sacquos and tokios in whito
lawn trimmed with embroideries aud
colored borders prices from 100 to
285 Mrs J Bknson
South 10th St
Omaha Nob
Farm land and city property for sale
by G R Se
Dc nr Ilttle AInry Jonm
At the great exposition in Omaha It
was tho custom for tho people to regis
ter or sign their names iu the dlffeient
statu buildings People who registered
were asked to give their occupations
so that the book read like this John
Smith fanner Thomas Brown car
penter and so on
A little golden haired girl asked that
she might register She was told to
write her name and occupation and
this Is what she wrote Mary Jones
I help mamma Kansas City Journal
r l M V It It KxiiurNloiiH
May 1st and 2nd to Lincoln Neb
account republican stato convention
May 1st and 15thto Hot Springs S
D ono faro plus 200 with V day
May 8 and 9 to Boatrico Nob account
stato encampment G A It
May 15 15 17 aud 22 to St Louis
Mo account general assembly
May 19 and 20 to Washington D 0
accouut Mystic Shrine
May 21 aud 22 to Detroit Mioh ac
count national Baptist aimiver arios
May 28 und 29 to North Manchester
Ind account German Baptists Dunk
Juuo 2 and 1 to Milwaukee Wis
account general confederation Womans
Full information will bo gladly fur
nished H O Matrau
Thk News od aepartment is com
plete in every particular
of the Grand Council U C T
Saturday May
Tho yolly comedian ami hwpoI sinnr
ami his iiumt company present
The Newost and Bost
Swedish Dialect Comedy i
Muue Iurly iudo Swcdo Fallow
Dozens of Pleasing Specialties Worlds i
of Fun
Everything Now Bright and Attractive
PRICES 35 50 and 7fC Heats on Halo at Luonaids Ding Store
TIioiikIiI lie Wim it Injtc
When the Mimiuh of Illpou In an
nmlabli way wamluiud about tho Miih
HiiiliusottH Ntatcliousi one afternoon In
the Hprlng of 1S71 he sat down beside
a young mini who huh oivupjlng u cor
ner of one or the It iithcr milan The
fining man hud a bright face with a
iilvlcul look to hl mouth and now
anil I lien a twinkle came It his ee an
he talked The mnrqulH talked a little
condescendingly o tliu young mini nt
Hi stand In a moment betrayed the fact
that he thought his companion was a
Hut 1 am a senator mild the young
man mulling
Whutl hald tho nobleman In aston
ishment looking at tho nmooth face of
the joiiug man
1 am a senator elected from a ills
tret In the city of Uoston was tho
reply again
Were you born In tho city too
said the tnniquls
Where then
In the Island next to yours with a
Hharp look and n laugh In his eye The
mnrqulh laughed heartily too and ho
made mental note of the name and
face of young Patrick A Collins When
the two met In England In the summer
of 18S7 Mr Collins had a warm wel
come fiom the man who had taken him
for n page In tho state senate If yeais
before When General Collins was
ITul ted States consul geneial at Lou
dim the neiiunlntuneii was renewed
and the Incident of years before laugh
ed over Ha tin day Lvenlng Lost
Init r hiitic nt n Kroneli Tire
I happened to see the stmt of a llio
In rails Mild F I Hlgbee It was
a rather ugly bhizo In a three Htory
building I thought the depaitmcut
would never get theio and stood Jump
ing up ami down and cussing tho
Trench firo lightens for their slowness
1ieseiitly however my nuxloiiH gae
was lownrdeil by the Hlght of a small
platoon of gendarmes clearing thu
street as If they weie prcpiulng for a
big procession Then along came the
flits company mid drew up In line In
front of the building The engine and
a hose cart came lumbering along be
hind and then there was a pause tho
entire company standing sit attention
In a few minutes the real thing In
the shape of tho captain of the com
pany appealed He had on white
gloves and a fierce uniform The whole
company saluted solemnly and then
advanced upon the Hie Not a hand
hail been raised to make a hose coup
ling or to do anything else until that
august captain with those lovely
white gloves had arrived and been
piopeily saluted
Ilut what said I was happening
to the building dining the time of this
pleasing cei emony V
Oh It burned down Hut the fire
depaitnient inndo a noble- showing
concluded Mr Illgbeo It was a
most successful openttlon ns the doc
tors saj but the patient died Buf
falo News
IIim lie IllNOoerid Her
Yes Mil1 u noted detective I have
seen a great many queer things In my
Discovered a good many gigantic
frauds I suppose ventured an ad
Well I bhotild say so was the re
ply But between you and me tho
most complete piece of deception I
ever saw was a woman young pretty
nnd I would havo sworn an angel
But she wasnt
I should say not She has a temper
like a whirlwind and when she gets
wild the very earth seems to shake
Good gracious And how did you
manage to discover her true charac
Well I ahem The fact Is I mar
ried her
W B Vail tho jeweler and optician
is puttiug iu a lino of sewing machiues
and supplies
Ladies Baths
Over Hayes Jewelry Store
Pure Fresh
aro essential to good
health and cost no
more than tho cheap
stniT handled hy some
Sells the Best
Sole Agent for
Chase Sanborns Coffee
Well Driving and
Sharpens Lawn Mowers
li7 Philip Avo Phono 121
Cut Prices in
Good Golloo per lb 10c
Tomatoes per can 08c
Mixed Candy per lb 7Kc
Best Flour per sack 90c
10 bars laundry soap 25c
Oranges per do 15c
All kinds of Fruit cheap
Box Old Stand
mLWBi i
Lawn Mowers Screen
Doors Poultry Netting
Quick Meal Gasoline
Stovosand Steel Ranges
fiarden Hose Lisks
Anti Uust Tinware
every piece guaranteed
not to rust Stransky
Steel Ware at
Depers Hardware