i M joooooo t oiwHiifir V p g 4OOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O ------ a o LIFES FI in out1 of tlio nnrrow white bods In u dormitory of u hospital n woman lay tossing As she tossed sho talked I am ho lonesome without you she said Come back to me If you only know how lonesome 1 wns you would come hack to me I know you would A young nurse a mere girl arose from a chair near the table and ap proached the bed She beckoned to an other nurse who was old Come here she whispered and see whnt Is the mntter with her She talks so 1 have given her medicine again - fZZ f - A TOUNO NU11SK AIHtOACnKD TIIK 1IED nnd again but It hasnt quieted her 1 nm afraid she Is going to die and I havent got used to seeing them lie yet Oh I wish the doctor would come If you are going on like this Bald the old nurse youd hotter give up at once nnd take in plain sewing for n liv ing Youll never make a decent nurse The girl Interrupted her with an im patient gesture Listen Bald she Its enough to break your heart to hear her talk Nurses have no business with hearts asserted the old nurse Give her some more medicine The days have been so long moan ed the woman turning her head heavy with tawny hair from side to side and the nights have been so long with out you Are you there Have you come back It is dark I cant see When I look up I see only spider webs thick In one corner They spread and spread The whole world seems to be tilled with spider webs And she shud dered The girl dropped some medicine in a spoon and placing her strong young arm beneath the womans shoulders raised her up There now she said soothingly Wont you take this medicine Take it for me please Wont you The woman shook her head No no- she murmured Let mo lie right still nnd rest I am so tired Put my head back on the pillow I cant do anything with It myself It doesnt seem to belong to mo some how or other It seems to belong to somebody else It Is all wrong this head of mine she went on by and by all wrong Do you know why It was because 1 wrote stories So many stories had to come out of It a week they had to or I couldnt live nnd that was what ailed It The brain was overworked It couldnt stand the pressure And 1 was doing so well with my work too Juan Who is Joan asked the old nurse I dont know She talks of him con stantly nnd to him He Is her husband or her sweetheart I cant tell which And he is dead that Is sometimes I think he Is dead and then again I think he Isnt The woman smiled faintly If you were here you would be proud of me she said really you would but now that you are gone there Is no one who cares Isnt that very hard to have to work and work and work nnd then to have nobody In all the wide world who cares for your success You might nlmost ns well not succeed quite as well I sometimes think Dont you Jean I wish she wouldnt talk to him like that said the girl tremblingly I Imnglno I see the wraith of him standing here by her side To bo n successful nurse remark ed the elder woman you must leave lmngiuntiou out of the question alto gether and deal with plain facts The plaint of the Invalid once more filled up the silence Think of stopping at a bookstore und finding your story In a magazine she said then coming to the house nnd saying nt the dinner tnble I have n new story out because you must tell it to somebody you know I dont sup pose there ever was a soul in the world that didnt reach out now nnd then to some other soul for sympathy Was there Rut you are uot often surround ed by sympathetic souls Jean partic ularly If you write Those about you appear to take tho fact of your having stories In print as a personal affront That Is strange isnt it Hut it is true I have found it to be tho case Not only I but others They raise their eye brows thesu people and soy Indeed Is that so And in what magazine Then when you tell them the name of tho magazine Oh they exclaim I - FITFUL FEVER ivri nil yoc iimrnm iinn u u u u u u u wt never heard of It before Is It n new one here Is It published And hasnt there been a tremendous change In the weather since morning dont you think It hns grown quite a good deal colder with the wind In the north I wish you would take this medicine for me pleaded the girl She still held the spoon In her hand Wont you No no Let me rest 1 want to be rigid quiet so Hint 1 can think Ami ho after all what good does it do you since there Is no one to now that you are gone there Is no one to care Jean no one at all Her wide bright eyes stared unsee Ingly at a little white curtain which was strung aeioss the window pane It lu a queer thing about these sto ries Jean she continued Do you re member what you used to say I re member You used to say You are too happy Nan to write Well Nan No body ever calls me Nan now I never hear my own name from one clays end to another She sighed nnd half closed her eyes for a moment Well she added since you cannot utter It I dont want to hear it 1 dont want to hear it from anybody else lie must be dead whispered tho girl You will never write well until your heart is broken you said and you were right about that Jean Your heart must break llrst then you must struggle and struggle you must know privation nnd suffering of nil sorts and hunger oven before you can touch the hearts of others who have nlso known these things She fell to moaning the two nurses standing by and looking helplessly on You could hnrdly accuse mo of bolng too happy now Jean she resumed falterlngly I have known what it wns to suffer I have known privations I have known want but worst of all I have known what It was to live with out you All the rest was as nothing And no mntter how I suffered I must work I must keep on working work ing working Sometimes while I work ed I tried to Imagine that you were near me because otherwise my mouth got hard and dry nnd my heart seemed about to stop beating altogether I was so unhappy I wns so nloue Think of being nloue Jean after being with you alone with only mem ories to keep mo company And mem ories nro snd sad company Do you remember the White City where we were so happy together Do you re member tho white bridge with Its elec tric pyramid in the water below nil shining with different colored lights and tho blue grotto and the Mexican who came out every evening nnd snug his little song What was tho song I cant remember the name of It but I know the tune If somebody would only hum a snatch of it I could re member It directly Will somebody Sho waited Presently she began to mutter Impatiently Will nobody hum tho tune It is strange I cant remember it I ennt remember anything any more It seems Those spiders on the wall have spun their webs across my brain There Isnt u single spider on the wnll said the girl Of course not assented tho other If you take all their ravings literally you will presently be raving yourself What Is tlds place she Is talking nboul I Imagine It wns some sort of expo sition held somewhere I cant tell where Maybe they spent their honey moon there Sometimes I think it must have been the Worlds fair Sho talks of white buildings nnd white bridges I believe I would know tho place If I saw It I have heard so much about It She talks of It constantly They fiat at little tables and looked at the crowd The women were pretty women They MSk ni n v I v s r n - J Fz3 TITE MUXICAV WHO CAME OUT AND SAKQ jus imu boxg were dressed in light flimsy organdies with llowers at their belts In one of the buildings there was a concert nnd tho orchestra often played Chopins fu neral march Sho hums It by tho hour Listen She Is humming It now That was the strain which followed us wasnt It Jean said tho woman when sho had Mulshed humming Do you remember the green arbors cover ed with gourd vines where wo Hit and listened to It The moonlight whiten ed the tuberose beds outside Oh oh It makes me sick nnd faint and dizzy THE NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY MAY 3 1900 now to smell tuberoses 1 pass the stn tlons wheie the Imjh sell them In a rush I cant bear It to be reminded so of you now that I have lost you Things like that said the girl make me believe he still lives and Is only lost to her She never says that he Is dead Just lost to her You cant tell anything about It declared the old nurse The host way Is to look upon them as cases Dont attempt to get into the iitlniithr of their lives It wont do them any good it wont do you any good She smoothed the pillow and pressed the womans tangled hair hack from her white forehead Perhaps the whole thing Is a dream They are full of fancies these poor Hick people Turn n deaf ear and harden your heart You will succeed nil the better in your work of caring for them Hut notwithstanding her sage advice her old eyes were full of pity as she listened to tho Incoherent muttering of the Invalid which re solved Itself at length Into words And the moonlight I lie moonlight I shut myself In the house so I cant nee that It breaks my heart 1 If the doctor would only come sobbed tho young nurse Well we will try to forget Hint there Is such a thing ns moonlight wont we Jean That Is the only way to live without going mad Tear such memories out of our heart and t rum ple on them Oh me She commenced lightly and delicate ly to pick at the coverlids Suppose said she that you should grow famous What Is fame The admiration In some eases even the ad oration of people you havo never seen anil whom you never will see Then how can fame beiicllt a womnn A man might manage to live on It but a woman Is different What a woman needs Is somebody to care for her What she needs Is a little love Her voice sank lower Take a seasliell sho whispered and carry It Inland No matter how far you carry It hold It to your ear and you will hear It moaning for tho sea moaning moaning Her head no longer tossed from sldo to side It remained motionless on tho pillow as If carved In stone her lips alone moving Since you left me Jean my life has been one long ache My heart Is like nn empty seasliell moaning for you I nm so far away from you Como back to me They bent forward In the effort to cntch her words Come back to me she repented Take mo by the hand once more nnd lead me I am so tired of stnndlng r iTiyliri 5 mY4 sTV J VSy ami3gC -9 THE GHEEN AltDOKB WHKItK WE SAT AND UBTKNKU nlone of walking stumbling groping my blind way about Come back to me 1 am so tired tired so tired Her words once more tottered Into Incoherence then stopped altogether like n clock that has suddenly run down Tho young nurse sank upon her knees and covered her face with her hands Sho is dying she cried What shall 1 do What shall 1 do The old nurse strode to the head of the bed Sho gently pressed the wom ans white lids down After a moment she took her hands away Ho quiet said she Look up and see how beautiful she Is now See how well she rests after lifes litful fever Sho laid the womans hands across her breast When you have lived as long ns I have child sho added softly you will find thnt it is not death that Is hard It Is life KlIKlUh KiikIInIi An English Journal recently wonder ed whether tho pronunciation of some of tho ignorant classes or of some of tho cultivated classes Is the worse For Instance the groom says Arry old my oss Hut tho curate says Ho that hath 3aws to yaw let him yaw And tho doctors wife says Jawge please go to Awthah and awdah the hawse and dont forget to look nt the Hah And tho vicar snys If owah gra cious soverlng wur ali to die HlM PlIMt Mrs Jackson Speakln oh your bus ban Mrs Wimple did ho ovnh convey to you dat ho done propose to mo befo ho married you Mrs Wlmple Dced lie didnt tell me He was so ashamed ob some oli do lings ho did dat I nevnh Insisted upon a confession Ilia Ii mIcIiiii Sometimes you hear a man say my physician with such nn air of pro prletorshlp thnt you would never drenm that he owes the doctor 50 which the medical gentlemnn never expects to get Somervllle Mass Journal Tliut TIiiiiIiIiIiik llriiilnclto Would quickly leave you If you used Dr Kings New Info Pills Thousands of mid orors havo piovcd their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches They make pure blood and build up your lienltlt OnlyW cents Money back if not cured Sold by tho Kiesnu Drugto MUllnm lln Axuty ll is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern whloh Is not afraid to bo generous Tho proprietors of Dr Kings Now Discovery for con sumption coughs and colds have given away over ten million trial hollies mid have the satisfaction of knowing it has oui ed thousands of hopeless cases Asthma bronchitis la grippe and all thiout chest and lung diseases are surely cured by it Call on Kiesau Drug company and get a fieo trial bottle Heguhir size fiOo and sMtM Kvery bottle guaranteed You cannot get rid of yellow skin pimples lusleiiess eyes bad breath with paint and powder Tho only way 1h take Kocky Mountain Tea Cures from within Ask your druggist Tij IimIii IM Trytliiilti Ot Ask your grocer to show you a park ago of Urnin O the now food drink that takes tho place of colVeo Tho children amy 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uuoboiei makes ion siroug T IBIAlJsold M 000 la health nervessS W I WWciei rureJ llu and Pockct sfY MWSO TO ll A r from book nTa sWi70iir own drucvlkl wbu i Ml 1 SBf wIII vouch for us TkclwHh mM One rsta P l01 f usually curtis 3 bosrs ft U or wr refund mnnrjr SjBJsBP Burbot KtiBtd Co blrsto Boslrftl Stw feri Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co AladUon Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on eacli package Price 35 cents Neer sold In bulk Accept no substi tute Ask jour druggist w to V C AIIIHAN THESE FOUR HATS ARE S LATE PARIS PATTERNS YV Mm g vwmmtm See copies of them diss fef INSKEEPS AHLMAN BROS IIandsom Va Dec 31 I hsve been Buffering from fcmalo weak ness for four years and havo taken iniiny inedlclnes but Wlno of Card 11 1 and II aclt DraiiKbt have dono more for inu tlmu uny tbiug else MU8 CAnOLirH UVANS etahle being made of herbs whose medicinal properties act directly upon the organs of womanhood It is a long tried remedy and has many years of success behind it It f V li1 V VfiaJf 1 II C ISBSSSSa V af it NisPfcr O C W AIIIMAN Tho Norfolk Ibcyolo IMuii Propriutors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS M ii mi fuct in n h liililiciH mill Dunlins in Bicycles Sundries Parts nnd Repairs Agnnr for Wiillliiini Mniiiifiirlmiiiu Vs OiimiiI IIIicImm Ilin l innsl SliongitHt und ImhIoM llicjilii In tlin World Wi iiIho limiilln tho imihi UoiIiI Tubulin IIddIhi Kyriiiiiiiiii I ill I rii mill our own mill oillini rlinin or cIiiiIiiIihk ulilnli will I in Known us llio MiIiiiiiii SoIiiIh Wo do Repairing- Promptly nnd Reasonable Norfolk iiBc isssKB WiteTGrttf1 7- It is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are sick There is danger in it Most of the so called cures for female weakness do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before It is never wise to take chances You have only one life and that is dear and precious If you have any pain ache disorder or weakness in the femi nine organs nothing will help you like Wine of Cardui It helps do away witli morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy aiid modifies the pains of childbirth recovery is rapid and future health is assured I lie wine is purely veg LADIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT 1 or ml t - In nmrs rriutrln upeclal illreriioiiii mlilrt M irivlny symptoms I Uillr 4lliri llot Tbl IU1T1MIOU1 f nmiiir in 1 n iiiaiioutta jenn is sure Why take a chance medicine when you can get a sure medicine Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100 li N A iIAINIIOIjT rrnnuliiiit J AMiXANDKIt IlKAIt Vlcii Proslilnot 1 W II IIUCIIOI Cnalilnr K W ZUTZ Assistant Cnxhtor National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business HuyH and SoIIh Exol 1 an c Interest jPaJdon Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRBOTOES A JiKAIt K P HANIiON KJ JIALK W II HUCHPLZ WM ZOTA N A HA IN HOLT JOHN U HAYS K VBUOKH B H COTTON A SURE MEDICINE TRY THE Daily News Job Department for FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING