The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 03, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Nebraska Republicans Nomi
nate Him for Governor
All the Nomination but Two Arc Marie
by Acclnnintlun lloth TliurUon nnd
Itoneiratsr Otioimi Delegate to Ililln
delilila The Platform
ForGovcrnor CllAltlKS H Dibtmcii
For Lieutenant Governor B P Bavaob
For Secretary of Statu Geouok WMAnsn
For Treasurer Wllll AM Bthukkbii
For Auditor Ciuiukb Weston
For Attorney General Fiianr N PnouT
For Iand ComtnlHHlonorOGoitnKD Foimkii
For Bnpt of Iuullo liiHtrnotlonAv K Fowl Eli
Dclegatea at Large
Alternate at Iaro
Preclurntlal Eleotors
KnwAiiit RtwrwATKn
John M TnuiuvroN
John h McCi av
John A Biuiaiidt
Nonius Buown
M R HNononAM
r John F Nksiutt
KnwAiin Hoyhe
R L llAOiir
Jacob L Jacomov
John L Kknncdy
John J Lanoeii
Lincoln May 8 Everybody was
vindicated yesterday in the Republican
fetate convention With two exceptions
the state ticket was nominated by accla
mation The contest over
the orux of which was the fight
made on United States Sonator Thurs
ton caused intense excitement while
tho roll was being called But when
the result of tho balloting showing
that both tho sonator and Editor Rose
water who headed tho anti Thurstou
movement had been elected was read
the convention gave itself up to the
wildest of cheering Tho convention
assembled at 230 p m and shortly be
fore 7 oclock had finished its business
and adjourned sine die State Chair
man Tefft called the convention to or
dor and after tho reading of the call by
Secretary Mallalieu introduced as tem
porary chairman George W Jenkins of
Roll Call on Delegatei nNLarce
A determination on the part of the
delegates to get down to business was
immediately made apparent A motion
was put and carried making tho tem
porary organization permanent Roll
call wob ordered on delegates-at-largo to
the Philadelphia convention No nomi
nations were made in tho formal way
but Adams the first county called
started the list with tho names of
Blown Erhardt McClay and Rose
wator Antelope county followed add
ing tho namo of Senator Thurston Tho
roll call was followed with breathless
interest by tho 1033 delegates and 3000
spectators present It was so close that
the result was in doubt almost to the
last moment When the secretary an
nounced the totals tho convention broke
loose and cheered for ten minutes Calls
for Senator Thurston who was seated
on the platform were repeated with
growing energy until finally tho four
successful ones mountod the stage and
bowed their thanks A speech was de
manded from the senator but he did
not avail himself of tho opportunity
just then Tho voting was as follows
Rosowater 002 McClay 983 Er
hardt 072 Thurston 009 Brown 500
Mauderaou 72 Nerval 80 Mercer 1
Field 9 Lambertson 5 Wells 4
Crounse 1 Gear 1 Harrison 1
Election of and
presidential electors were made by ac
Dietrich Heads the Ticket
For governor only one namo was pre
sented that of Oharlsa H Dietrich
president of the Gorman National bank
of Hastings His was the namo to
head the ticket by acclamation Mr
Dlotrich accepted the nomination in a
brief speech in which he predicted the
reclamation of Nebraska by the Repub
licans in Novcmbttr
For lieutenant governor Colonel
Savage of Ouster county was nominated
by acclamation
George W Marsh editor of tho Falls
City Journal received the nomination
for secretary of state in the same man
For treasurer William Steuffer of
Cuming county was unopposed
For auditor Charles Weston of Sheri
dan county was placed on the tioket by
Two names were placed before the
delegates for the position of attorney
general They were Nelson O Pratt of
Omaha and Frank N Prout of Gage
county Considerable feeling was
stirred up over this matter It seemed
to hurt the majority of the delegates to
bo compelled to take a vote so general
hod tho harmonious feeling become A
roll coll had nearly been completed
when it was seen that Prout had a win
ning lead and Mr Pratts namo was
withdrawn allowing tho unanimous so
leotion of Prout
For commissioner of pnblio lands and
buildings George D Folmer of Nuckolls
county was the unanimous choice
W R Hart of Gage county and Pro
fessor W K Fowler tho well known
educator of Blair City were presented
fur superintendent of publio instruction
This time the roll call was gono through
to the end and rosnlted in tho selection
of Professor Fowler by a vote of 039
against 494 for Hart
The Platform
Chairman John L Webster from tho
committee on resolutions then laid his
report before tho house Its reading
was loudly applauded and the report
was unanimously adopted Tho declara
tions against trusts and the laudation of
the national administration scorned to
be extremely pleasing to tho delegates
Following is the Dlatform as
v e tho Hopiilillcatm of Nebraska are
unlike our political adversaries ho In
Into convention held high oarulvol out
imuglnury evils threatening our countiy
iiiul adopted platforms which aro u stand
inn protest against prosperity grandeur
and glory We rejoice tluit we uro elti
tens of a mighty nation whoo revenues
nro larger than nt any previous period of
its history whoso tteastiry Is overllowlng
with gold whoso agricultural Industries
flourish in never before whoso laborers
ulto more generally and continually em
ployed at profitable wages whoso finan
cial policy commands the confidence of
tho peoplo at home and stimulates otir
trade with the notlonsnbroad whose pro
ducts from the farm and tho mill from
the workshop and tho fivotory nro ft moun
tain of wealth whose commerce In Its
stupendous strides has outdistanced all
competitors whose achievements In peaco
and glorious vlotorles In war aro without
a parallel all these aro living evldonces
that It Is fulfilling tho destiny for which
it was created and that Democratic pro
tests cannot stay Its career
These and other equully meritorious
considerations have endeared our hearts
to our nations worthy loader William
MoKlnloy a president who has wisely
dealt with new and untried questions
who has guldod tho ship of state with
safety and security through unexplored
channels und tho troubled waters o agi
tated seas and In each hour of danger
given evidence of such masterly states
manship that wo unhesitatingly Indorse
his magnillcent administration nnd pledgo
ourselves to secure to him tho voto of Ne
braska at the November election
We point with prldo to tho remodeling
of our tariff laws which has increased our
revenues and not impeded trade which
has opened tho doors of mills and facto
ries to tho millions of American skilled
mechanics and Is returning to them tho
higher wages that aro tho just recompense
for their toil
Gold Standard Endorsed
We ondorao tho legislation that has
strengthened our financial system and
firmly established tho gold standard and
mado tho American dollars so safe and se
cure that they uro kept busy chasing ono
anothor around tho endless circle of busi
ness too good to go into hiding and too
patriotic to steal abroad In answer to tho
cry for the frco and unlimited coinage of
silver and tho claim that thoro is not gold
enough as a basis upon which to do tho
business of the country the United States
troasury puts In evidence the 120000000
In gold that has oonio to it within a year
and the 418000000 In gold now held
within Its vaults and the unoxnmplcd
prosperity and measureless and limitless
and countless financial transactions thus
sustained without seeming effort
To tho army and navy which so signally
and suddenly humbled our enemy and hon
ored themselves and doubly honored our
country and the causo of hum anlty for
which they battled we acknowledge our
debt of gratitude The Republican party
has alwuys been ready to protect its pro
tectors and to defend Its defenders
While wo are unalterably opposed to
Imperialism und militarism as practiced
by European nations wo are willing to
accept all the legitimate results of honor
able warfare and wo assume tho burdons
of governing and holding territory Wo
are in favor of Increasing our navy to
such strength nnd power as will make us
6001110 from foreign aggression and tho
maintaining of such an army us may be
necessary to quell insurrection establish
peace und maintain good order in our
islands In tho seas and protect tho flag
from insult at homo and abroad
But wo are opposed to u largo standing
army in tlmo of peace rolylng on tho na
tional ardor of tho people to moot any
emergency with tho volunteer soldiery
such as hus for more than 100 yours chal
lenged the admiration of tho world
For tho nations defense for the
strengthening of tho navy for tho en
largement of our foreign markets for tho
employment of Amorlcan worklngmcn in
tho mines forosts mills factories and
shipyards and forthe enhancement of tho
value of farm produots we favor such
appropriate legislation as shall muEc the
seas give oviuonco that American built
and Ainerlcan inanned ships are carrying
American foreign commerce to tho four
corners of tho earth
We applaud the nelon of the administra
tion in securing to American merchant
men free acooss to trade with tho Chinese
empire through tho ports and harbors
now held by foreign powers as ono of the
greatest achievements of diplomacy
Oppoie Truiti and Combination
The Republican party recognizes that
legitimate business fairly capitalized and
honestly managed has built up our in
dustries at home given tho largest em
ployment to labor at highest wages and
enabled us successfully to compete with
foreign countries in the markets of tho
world But the Republican party now
as always Is unalterably opposed to all
trusts und combinations having for their
purpose the stifling of competition and
arbitrarily controlling production or fix
ing prices Woreforto the fuot that all
restrictive legislation in tbo national
congress lias been the product of the Re
publican party and we demand In sub
stance thu following amendment to the
constitution of tho United States Con
gress shall havo tho power to regulutoand
control any nnd ull corporations copart
nerships and joint stook companies and to
enact such laws as will prevent any und
all combinations In restraint of produc
tion and trade tho formation of trustsund
such other combinations of capital as op
erate to prevent freo cempetitlon
Wo earnestly recommend that congress
devote a part of tho money now annually
expended in largo quantities for river und
harbor improvement to reclaiming tho
arid lands of the west und to this end
wo urgo our representatives and senators
to secure if possible upproprlutlons for
expenditures in irrigation In tho western
part of our state
Stiito Intereit
Wo uro not unmindful of local condi
tions and state interests Wo are in favor
of a reapportionment of legislative and con
gressional districts to bo bused upon tho
census of HtK that will accord fuir and
equal representation to tho people In ull
sections of tho state
Wo favor tho widest latitude of munici
pal rule consistent with our system of
good government Wo favor a revision of
tho constitution of tho state to meet tho
demand of her growth us sho enters tho
beginning of tho Twentieth century
Wo cheerfully pledge oursolves to tho
encourugemunt and protection of home
comoaulcs homo associations ami iumu
societies i nn iitett in pm itllng Intlfttinlh
for loss of iii rt life and lliub so that
as far as reasonably may be the nionev
collected ftoi i the people shall remain
with our people and bo In vested and ox
pc tided for the use of our people
We Invite and will heartily welcome the
return to lteptibllean ranks of former
members of the pnrtvnitilull tho patriotic
eltlens who mnj hoobcen cstiutigcd hj
false alluieinints and Insincere and uu
kept pledges for the time has come when
they can plainly see and knowingly uu
derstatid that they are but the menial
servants In the household of tho Demo
cratlo party
Methodist Mliiltrn Voto Full ftepreie iita
tlon to tlin Laity
CinoAOO May 3 Tho pulpit and tho
pow sharo equally in tho highest gov
ernmental body of tho Methodist church
Without dissenting voto tho general
conferonco nt tho Auditorium ratified
tho action of tho annual conferonco in
extondlng equal representation to tho
laity Tho provisional delegates wore
admitted without a contest
Mt s M Y MoMahan withdrow her
claim to a Heat in the conferonco rather
than jeopardize tho status of her raalo
Tho step takon makos the Methodist
church a democratic body tho rulo of
the preacher passes with tho century
Tho episcopacy in tho church long since
has been restricted to a superintend
ence without any authority beyond the
placing of ministers and suggestions to
tho general and annual conferences
Number of Cnuipanlea Apply for Admit
Ion to Ueglment
Dns Moines May 8 Today Adjn
tant General M II Byera will go to
Cherokee to mnstcr out Company M of
that plaoo which has applied for such
action Company M is of tho Fifty
Becond regiment nnd its muBtor ont
will leave a vacanoy which both
Sao City and Emmotsburg nro
likely to bo applicants for On
Saturday General Bycrs will go
to Croston to muster in Company
G of tho now Fifty first Iowa Ho has
not decided on whut dato ho will visit
Oelwoin to muster in the now company
whioh 1b to tnko tho placo of tho former
Clinton company New elections of
lieutenant colonel of the Forty ninth
Iowa regiment and of major in tho
Fifty second woro ordorod by tho adju
tant goncral Both oloctious will bo
held May 10
Womnn Vote for hchoolhouie
Iowa City In May 8 At a spooial
eloctiou hold hero yesterday tho propo
sition whether or not to build a 05100
high school building was carried by a
majority of 219 votes in a total of 1081
votes Tho women of tho city woro
permitted to vote on tho proposition
Tho female majority in favor of tho
proposition waa 800 whilo tho malo ma
jority against tho proposition was 120
It is alleged that several prominent tax
payers aro preparing to contest the
legality of tho eloction on tho grounds
that tho womnn had no right to vote
and that their ballots changed tho re
sult of tho election
llrenk In Castlewood Dam
Denver May 8 Chief of Police Far
ley was uotiiiod last night by a tele
gram from J W Alsop superintend
ent of Castlewood reservoir that -an
ugly leak had developed in the dam and
there was danger of its giving away
Tho request was made that residents in
Cherry Creek valley bo notified All
farmers living in tho valloy above Den
ver havo been warned and Superintend
ent Alsop has horsemen ready to give
further warning if tho dam goes out
Ntro Lynched by M attend Men
LiBEKTY Mo May 2 Henry Darley
a negro was lynched in tho court house
yard hero just before midnight last
night by a mob of masked men The
negro was arrested in Excolsior Springs
on Tuesday charged with having brut
ally assaulted Miss Vera Armstrong a
waitress employed in Snapps hotel
Darloy was employed in the samo hotel
as a porter The mob came from Ex
celsior Springs on horsoback
Knd of Dewey Celebration
CmoAfio May 3 Tho Chicago cele
bration in honor of Admiral George
Dewey practically camo to a close yes
terday with an excursion by tho admiral
and mombers of tho general committee
of the Dowoy celebration down the Chi
cago drainago canal as far as the con
trolling gates of Lockport
Viotor Bierbower formorly liouten
aut governor of Idaho died at a Spokane
hospital Tuesday
Demonstrations havo occurred at
Widin Tirnova and other towns in Bul
garia as protests against tho now tithe
tax law
Gerondale n hamlet on tho Wiscon
sin and Michigan road was destroyed
by forest fires Tho fires aro abating
Sir Henry Stanley theoxplorer while
denying tho stories of his immediate re
tirement from parliament says ho will
uot seek re election
Tho German torpedo flotilla Wednes
day passed up tho Rhine through Hoi
land immense crowds witnessing its
passage at vurious points
Tho Portuguese chamber of deputios
Wednesday refused almost unanimously
to interpellate the government in ro
gaid to tho Beira matter
Judgo Cumuli of Frankfort Ky
Wednesday ordered a change of venue
to Scott county for the trial of Powers
Davis You t bey and others charged with
complicity in tho Goobel murder
Albert Bryan uu Englishman 22
yeaib old jumped from Brooklyn bridge
Wednesday holding un umbrella to
bieak tho full mid bludders to keep him
afloat and was bvriously injured He
did it for notoriety
Mine Disaster at Scoficld Hourly
Grows In Horror
Wuik of Itriciii In Mill doing On Hum
Mil Unto CniiMil the ICuplimlon bjr lining
Until 1oMilrr to Arndit litem liiilmlr
Mnrlt lHtulU of tlin ltlntfir Mmikto
Salt Lakic May 3 Tho latest re
ports from Scollold say that It is now
known that 178 aro dead from tho ex
plosion and that tho estimate of Iorb
will increiiso rather than doorcase
Tho superintendent of tho mine says
hero is no record of tho number of
men that go in tho niino frotn day to
day and that tho exact number cannot
bo known until all tho bodies aro takon
out Ono oHtimnto is that thoro were
800 inon in tho mine nnd on that basis
there must havo boon at least 800 lives
Tho claim la mado that HO bodio
havo been identified Twonty or more
bodies nro said to bo mangled boyond
recognition nnd overy hour Is adding
further yietims to tho list While nu
niorouH ideas havo boon advanced as tc
tho cailso of tho explosion uothiug
yot dofluitoly known on that point
Tho theory of Bishop Pormolco is that
some of tho FiuuH recently imported
secrotly took giant powdor down iutc
tho mino to assist thorn in their work
They woro oxcoodingly anxious to make
a good showing and niako as much
money as possible and it is thought this
form of explosivo was used in onict
that groat liodioB of coal could moro
ensily bo dislodged It is thought that
when tho giant powdor was touched off
it ignited somo of tho dust of which
every coal injuft has morjSjflosB
Robert SauklnR to Drive Door Hack ro
Clour Way to Adnnoe
London May 3 Hard fighting Is re
ported at Rovoral points in the Ornngo
Free State but details arc monger it is
possiblo howover to form a general
idoa of tho scope of tho operations
Tho Boers nppoar to bo concentrated
in considerable forco along tho hills
which stretch like an arm or a bont bow
from tho noighbotbcxxl of Karoo Siding
to Thaba NChn to cover tho main
road from Bloomfontoin to Winburg
As tho result of desultory firing Mon
day and Tuesday the Boors woro pushed
back a few miloe Tho Boom oontinno
to follow their harassing tactics Ono
well horsod commando operating in tho
Saunas Pont district intorforos with tho
convoys going from Bloomfontoin to
Thaba NOhu Tho Boors noarly cap
tured n convoy Tuesday butworodrivon
off after a brisk fight
London May 8 Tho immediate ob
jective of Lord Roberts is to establish a
lino of British posts from ono frontier
of tho Freo State to tho other at right
angles with tho railway thus prevent
ing Boer raids southward It is osson
tial thoro f oro that tho Boers should bo
cxpellod from tho rugged Thaba NChn
district and bo forced to retire to Lady
Preparations for un advance continue
at Kimberley Sir Alfred Miluor has
written to the mayor of Kimberley
stating that tho relief of Mafoking has
not ceased to occupy his attention und
that ot tho military authorities und that
nothing will bo loft undone to raise tho
Forces along tho railroad to Warrou
ton have boon strengthened and supplies
havo been going along A mounted
forco has gono to Barkley West in con
sequence of tho Boors having occupied
Wiudsorton A thousand Boers
threaten tho communications between
Boshof and Kimberley
Malalu chief of the Taungs baa in
formed tho British that tho Boors aro
preparing to resist thoir advance at
Phipokani 20 miles north of Warrou ton
A correspondent at LouronzoMurguoE
telegraphed Tuesday that a largo part
of the investing forco at Mafoking hud
been withdrawn General Buller ro
maius quiet Tho Boers assert that
they are delaying an attack on him iu
the hopo that ull tho horses of tho Brit
ish will die of horso sickness
According to a correspondent of tho
Daily Telegraph with Lord RobertB
President Kruger is again asking peace
Tlirre Btatn Convention
Lincoln May 8 Tho Democratic
Populist autl Freo Silvor Republican
state central committees issued their
calls for state nominating conventions
to be held in Lincoln ut 2 p ni on Wed
nesday July 11 Tho Democrats will
meet in tho Oliver theater Populists in
tho auditorium and Silver Republicans
in tho conservatory of music hall The
basis of representation is tho same as at
tho lato state delegate conventions
Ililc ugn Mrlkem Are Indicted
CmoAao May 8 As a rosnlt of the
grand jurys investigation of tho pros
out labor troubles in O hicagoV bo far as
it has proceeded trno bills woro Totod
against eight men yestenluy all on tho
charge of conspiracy and Bovcral of
them on the additional chargo of per
jury Tho men indicted aro all labor
ing inon
liiwu Deuturruta Meet
Des Moines May 3 State Chairman
George A Huffman called tlo Dcino
cratia state convent ion to order at 10
oclock this morning Tompomry Chair
man Jerouuah Sullivan delivered a
lengthy address and after tho appoint
ment of cotniuittoos tho convention ad
journed until afternoon Douglas Dare
more mayor of Waukou is likoly to bo
Kolocted for permanent chairman
llollel I OiomIiiu Unit llio llitlli nl
I ritilit In Itrinl
Mamia May II U Miernl Fuuston
has tliseoveied a icbel muo1hiiino near
CulmtiutUHii containing all tlin archives
of the Malolos government Agninol
dos coirespoiitleneo up to the time of
his Might and much valuable hiftoiieal
mill tor Tho belle I is glowing tliut
Aguiiuililo was killed by the IgmottcH
There is no pioni thai lie litis been alo
since Mnjtir Peyton U Maith of tho
Thirty third legiinent abandoned tho
chaso after tho Filipino lender in the
Boiituot inoiiiituitiH although an insur
gent officer who recently mm outlet oil
to General Young says tho insurgent
Tinio holds this belief Tinio hold
regular communication with Aguiualdo
until Dec 2H since when ho has boat tl
nothing of him and Tinio thinks
Aguinnldo would find means to com
municate with 1 1 in i if alive Major
Marchs information was that thoro
were only half a doon soldiers with
Aguinnldo when ho Hod boyond tho
Bon I no wilderness where tho savages
aro hostile to all strangers Friends of
Aguiualtlos wife assert that sho has
heard nothing from him since thoy de
Tho Hultnn of Hnlu with a rciinuo
including sovurul of his wives lms
sailed for Singapore ostensibly on a re
ligious mission A Hong Kong dis
patch ton Manila piiior says tho sultan
bus gono to Singapore iu order to pi o
test to tho Hutish against tho Amen
caiiH oKtablishing a tariff against im
ports claiming that it is a violation of
tho treaty of 1877 between Spain Groat
Britain nnd Germany guaranteeing ho
Bulu islands free trade whereas tho
Americans havo established a tariff
nearly doubling tho Sulu htaples of life
moflt of whioh aro imported from Sin
King Oaiiir hlilnn With KiiKlniid
Londojj May 3 I tun entirely on
tho British side in this war in South
Africa said tho king of Swodon and
Norway now on a visit to this country
in an interviow with a rcprosontativo of
tho Associated Press You may mako
it quito clear that I havo no sympathy
whatovor with tho Boors and that 1
will glvo no support to tho attempts
thoy aro making to secure tho counten
ance or co oporatioii of our countries
SIIIHOII in iiuctii
Kansas City May 3 Tho directors
of tho Kansas City Mexico and Orient
railway chartered Inst week at Topoka
yostorday elected tho following officers
A 15 Stilwoll president Enrique O
Creel Chihuahua first vico president
S A Withurboo Detroit second vice
president W W Sylvester St Louis
third vico president Alonzo Fernandez
St Iouis fourth vico president
Vonnif Womnn KIIU Hurnclf
Boone la May 3 Miss Mary Olson
20 years old u graduate of tho Boone
high school committed suicido by
drowning hersolf in a cistern Griof
over tho death of a brother is said to
havo unbalanced her mind She was a
member of tho First Methodist Episc
opal church and belonged to a highly
rcsp cted family
Tirii Chllilit n Kntnllt llurtinl
RuiKiow la May 8 The hoiifo ol
James Walsh threo miles from hero
was burned last night Ono child waF
so badly burned that it tiled before
morning Another is thought to bo fa
tally burnod und Mrs Walsh tho hired
woman and n son nro iiIho badly burned
Itlfl Attuuk HiiiiiII 1oit
Manila May 3 The American gar
rison of Ontubig island of Samar con
sisting of 80 men belonging to the Forty-third
regiment has been attacked by
rebels Twenty of tho Americans wer
killed The remainder won- rescued
Macon Mo May 3 Reports from
tho primaries held in all tho counties of
tho First congressional district indicate
tho selection of Congressman James T
Lloyd as tho Democratic candidate Tho
convention will formally nominate later
An Ohio man bus announced that he
does not wnnt tho office of vice presi
dent Well well This Is Indeed an
age of surprises
inmt N lluyeU Vriterdny
New York 6 Philadelphia 7
Brooklyn 6 Ikwton 10
Pittstmnr 0 fit Louitf 6
Buffalo 10 IndlunapoliH 4
Cleveland 6 Uotrot t
MinmnoliH CliicaKO 12
Milwaukee 6 Kaiikun City 0
GntiHa Today
National lAMguu Now York at Brooklyn
Philadelphia itt Boston Cincinnati at Chicago
St Ixmia at PiltflburR
Anxrican LcaBUo Kannaa City at
Chlcupo at Minneapolis ludianapolU
at Buffalo Detroit at Cluvtluud
Four Italians while charging a hole
with dynamite on Murdocks section of
tho Rainy River railway Wednesday
were blowu to atoms
Montana Central switchmen joined
tho striking trainmen Wednesday
Ex United States Sonator Waitman
Thomas Willoy of West Virginia died
at Morgantown Wednesday of old age
Tho strike of tho carpenters of Boston
and vicinity for nn eight hour dav and
a minimum rato of 250 a day has prac
tically eiuled by nearly all firms sign
ing tho now schedule
Chief Wilkio of tho United States
secret sorvice has received from tho
Ponn National bank of Philadelphia
ono of the most dangerous counterfeit
20 notes that has appeared in a long
Ono of tho engines of tho Booth Kelly
Lumber company llvo miles east of
Saginaw Ore exploded Wednesday
killing Engineer 0 Fredericksou of
Cottage Grovo and soriously injuring
II Rudolph and Otto Aulauf of Com
stock Ore
canal Buys mm
Big Majority In the House for
Nicaragua Project
rloinx tKMoinilllli Inilnliroil In lint I nt Hi
CloitliiK llrlnit n IIUipi rniinoa
tlin llo -Am liiiiiiilinia lloliiiln on the
Army Airoirliillnn Hill In tlin firnnln
WaniiinhtoN May II Tho hoiiso yos
totduy at tho conclusion of the most
stormy debate of tho present session of
congituiH passed tho Nicaragua canal bill
by tho overwhelming voto of Jo to 35
All attempts to retain in tho bill tho
language of tho original bill for tho l
fortification of tho canal and to further
strengthen tho language on that lino
woro balked and tho victory of Hop
burn and the committee was complete
Those who voted nay woro Achoson
Adams Burton Cannon Cupron
Clark Mo Coonoy Cowherd Cox
DuIaoII OoAiniond Denny Dougherty
Fleming Fletcher Footnu Gillotto
Mass Graham llitt King Luwronco
Lester lovy Ltttnuor Llttlolleltl Mc
Call Novillo Rhea Ky Richer
Khufiolli Hpiaguo Stewart WisTal
belt Thayer 35
A motion to recommit the bill with in
stiuctionH to report buck another bill
leaving tho selection ol tho touto to tho
picMtlout was buried under an adverso
majority ol r2 to 111
Cannon chairman of tho appropria
tions commit too and Burton O oh air
man of tho river niul harlmrs commit
too mado a game fight to stall off no
tion at this session but thoir appeals
woro in vain and tho mombors rodo
rough shod over nil their arguments
and protests Muoh excitement pre
vailed throughout tho day und somo
times bitter words wero uttered Tho
excitement reachod a climax in a scope
between Hepburn and Cannon when
tho former used the words Ho and
liar as ho donouucod tho chairman of
tho appropriations committeo for at
tempting to dishonor him
Tho houso was in confusion during
tho tpiarrel momlmrs crowded tho
aisles autl tho situation ut ono time was
bo threatening that Whoolor sought to
pour oil on tho waters by raising a point
of order But ho wns not uphold nnd
tho two iruto mouthers carried thoir war
to tho very hilt Thero was a show of
peace at tho close of tho incident but
tho fooling between tho two mon ran
so high that tho mutual rotractioue
with which such incidents gonerally
oud wero but tho oloaks for tho keoncst
und most cutting sarcasm
Txt or tho III1I
Tho bill iih it passed thu houso is at
Bo it enacted etc That tho presi
dent of tho United States be and is here
by authorized to ncquiro from tho states
of Costa Rica and Nicaragua for and iu
behalf of tho United States control of
such portion of territory now bolong
ing toCoMa Rica and Nicaragua ns may
bo desirable and necessary on which to
excavate construct and protect a canal
of such doptli and capacity as will bo
sufficient for tho movements of ships
of the greatest toumigo and dniit now
iu uso lrom a point near Groytown on
tho Caribbean soa via Luko Nicaragua
to Brcto on tho Pacific ocean and such
sum as may bo necessary to securo such
control is hereby appropriated out of
any money in tho treasury not other
wise appropriated
That when tho president lias se
cured full control over tho territory re
ferred to ho shell direct tho fioorotury
of war tocousiructsafoaud commodiou
harbors at tho termini of said canal und
such provisions for defense us may be
necessary for tho safety aud protection
of said caual and harbors
That in any negotiations with the
states of Costa Rica or Nicaragua tho
president is authorized to guarantee to
bind states tho ui o of biiid canal and
huibors upon such terms us may be
ugieed upon for all vessols owned by
said states or citizens thereof
That the sum of 10000000 is here
by appropriated toward tho project aud
the secretary of war is further heroby
authorized to enter into contracts for
muteriuls uud work thut may bo deemed
necessary for tho proper construction
and defense of said caual to bo paid
for as appropriations may from tinio to
time be hereafter mado not to exceed
in tho aggregate 140000000
Acrlinouloii Debate uu Army lit 1 1
WAhiiiNUTON May 8 Consideration
of tho army appropriation bill in tho
senate developed a dobato ou tho treat
ment of tho volunteers sent to the Phil
ippines that ut times was very bitter
Turner Dem Wash mado a very
vicious attack ou the administration
because of tho poor accommodations ou
the transports returning from tho Phil
ippines Ho was followed by Pettigrow
who violently arraigned tho govern
ment for not discharging tho South Da
kota voluutcers when their tinio had
expired Mason dolivorod n speech ou
tho investigations made by tho commit
tee on tho adulteration of food Ha
strongly urged that congress should
tnko immediate action to remedy exist
ing evils
A loilif Alturthounlit
Thut was a pleasing afterthought
of yours remarked the old preacher
who bad listened to a 6ermon by oue
of his youngest brethren when you
drew upon tho nnalogies of nature to
prove the Immortality of the soul
An afterthought V said the younger
clergyman In some porplexlty
Yea You thought of it about -400
years after Socrates Chicago Trib