8 WOMEN CURED AT HOME THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES lormoro tlmn yr nrs Dr J Nnw nn llutlmwny lino ninth n FclAlty nf Ipinnlo DlfonUR During lint tlmo ho lins hnd mining THE GBTlftT his patients mnr en tlimm ntnl women Mulcting from all tliotn inn ii y illltorent ciini ilnltitHicoiilliir to IIiom mill 1ms completely ami petinii iiciilly cured iiiuru than M per rent nf tliu casus tiu lias treated lly hi a txrlitMvn metliod vlilcli helms perfected during tlio tuentyllvn ears of Ills inot pxtoiislvo praetloc liu Is unatileil hi ctirn nil of tlicv dllTerenl iIImmm s llirlutllng painful profiiMMir Mtiiressid nieiistriiiillnii prnlnpMi nllmnrlnn trouble tumors and ulceration In fact overv form of tlioso dlseaes which inulio u burden of lifo to tho grciit nmjorlty of women Ho lias so crfoctel this system of his that ho can treat IIicm eavos hy mall without ntry per wonat aiuluatlon to which mcry seiisltlvo woman naturally objects and without nnyopur ntlon with Its consequent pain mid necessary danger Ills system of treatment Is taken In tlio pri vacy of tlio homo tlio euro Is painless and It Is ixsltlu ONE LOW FEB Wrlto him n letter Mating tirlpfly your condi tion and ho will send you a Mnnlc to Im filled out Ho will ghoyonr enso Ii1shtsoiiiiI attention and nro and uiako his feo so moderatn IneludliiK nil medicine necessary that you will not feel tlio Inirdeu of tlio payment mid ho will gtmrnntoo you it positive euro Addruss O J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr lliitluuviiy St Co Vouiiucrrliil lllocli Sioux Olty lawn MKNTION Tlllt 1AlKH WlllCN WH1TINU THE North -Western LINE p E IB V R fl is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska TAPE WORMS A tapo worm olitlitpcn foot lone at ItASt enmo on tbn scono utter my taking two CASCAItETS This I am sure lias caused my bad hoaltu for tho past tlirco years I nm still taking Cascarots tho only cathartic- worthy of noiloo by lonslulo people uiiu vi uowLEB uaira raisi CANDY THADI MAUN WIOITIMD Pleasant Palatable potent Tnsto Good no uooa novor mcion v much or uripcivc iicaic CURE CONSTIPATION Rlrrllif Hntilj CcnBr blcfo Nolrl K tori 313 HnTI1RIP Bold nnd stinrnntped by nil drug HU I UDJIO glita lo VlUK Tobacco Habit rbotOfTApfctd irun un inn a itt t n r m v m wm Ai v flSJ REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY NyIcS9 Made a Well Man I of Me XKEDBSrOJBC XUUIXEDS produce tho above result ln30 days It actl powerfully and autcklr Cures when all others fall Young men will regain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful visor by uslnl BEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervoua net Loet VlUllty Impotcncy Nightly Enilslona boat Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and til effect of aeM abueo or excels and indiscretion Which unflta one for study buoinesB or marriage It not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but Is a great nerve t onto and blood builder bring log back tho pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the Ore or youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO nc other It can bo carried In vest pocket Oy mall lOO per package or sit for 0000 with port Uve written guarantee to care or rafantf the meney Circular free Address Royal Medicine Co StoftSi For wile by Geo B Christoph Ask your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Balm contains no cocaine mercury nor any other injurious drug It Is quickly Absorbed opens and clcantcn tue Natal Iaseagcs Allavs Inflammation CATARRH COLD HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane Mettore the Heutes of Tune and bmetl Pall SUc 8U Trk BlzelOct at Drurcictaor hy null tLYimOTUUIttiW War- vv ItrMts with too whther yon eonttan Him Btrte kllllng lobcro Libit H uvro li AtaH nfflurn the deatr for tobtno lUlvY AaiiiiiiB out DerTou dlatrejt cipcli ulco jl 1 1 llPBfr tine purine the blood xtzlm I a mJTJW stores lot mnhood grTI WlsljWuoOboiei BdPoUeWrfViSSsWl HjVnO TO 11 Jk O from book 1 jWTjjrour own dniciiimi I wlll Touch forui Tte It with XwllpitlfntljpfrlltBtlr One I p box SI uually cureti J boiriSt to lirusranteedtoeurr orwerefund money BUrUolKmlr Cklitt olfl S fri Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medl cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no aubtl McearsnariDisss tutc Ask your druggist EXIT PNEUMATIC TUBE As n lie lilt of ftrnntlnnitl Disclosures Ilonsn Voir Agnltut It WARllINdTON April 20 Tho Iiohfo ycMortlny put i t 4 licol npon tho pnetf mntlo mnil tulK Rorvlco now in ojicm Ion in New York Iloston nnd Ihllrt tlclphln find if it h nclion ntniulH tho wliolo Hcrvioo will bo crushed ojt Tlio postolllco committoo hntl rocomnionilpil nu Increnso of tho npproprintion for tliifl Rorvico Tlio propofiod inrrcnRO wivr nt tucltcd hy tho nppropriutloiiH connnitto ntitler tho loadcrship of Moody Miihh with such vigor anil ruccobr thnt in tho end tho hotifio votod 87 to CO to etriko tho entire npproprintion from tho bill Moody cfcuted it RoiiRntion by tho mail nor in wltich ho nnRnilcd tho mothodn of tho Pnomnntio Tubo company nnd tho direct ohorgo thnt a former mombor of coiiKreas who war rt membor of tho npproprititiotifl cotmnittcu hnd boon n holder of tbn stock mid bondu of tho company Ho declined to dlRcloRO the KcntleinniiH nnmo Ho ndded to tho HCiindnl by charging that u block of tho Htoclt had boon sent uh a Now YcarH gift to a near relative of nnothcr mom bor of congresH but to tho credit of tho member ho wild tho dishonoring gift hnd been returned to tho Bonder by tho next mail Although tho tubo Rorvico was highly commended by other mom born thcHo revolutions transformed tho Boutimont of tho Iioubo which several tlmoH voted for tho tubo service into a deciRlvo majority ngainst continuation in ttuy form Tawiioy Minn offered as nn amendmont a bill to rcclasfiify rail way mail clerks but it wont out on o point of order Senate Passes Agrlititturnl Dill Wahiiiniiton April 20 After a brief dobato 3cstordny tho sonato agreed to tho conferenco report on tho Hawaiian civil government bill tho provision ro tating to tho right of franchises and im prisonment for dobt having boon amended to conform to tho ideas of tho Bonato Tho agricultural appropriation bill was passod carrying a littlo over a000000 The Alaskan civil govern ment bill was undor consideration for an hour but no progress was made Piatt N Y moved into Quays old seat A joint resolution authorizing tho exhibit of govornmont relics at tho Now York printing exposition was adopted Jtollcf for Flood StifTorors Jackson Miss April 20 A relief expedition has just returned from tho overflowed district in Rankin county and thoy roport tv terrible condition of affairs among tho inhabitants who have been loft homcloBS by tho high waters Over 40 families nearly all of them colored woro fouud in a dostituto and starving condition and in soveral instances puoplo were found on small islands who had not tasted food for threo dajB Two boatloads of rations were distributed among them and pop ular subscriptions nro being solicited for further contributions 1alr of Fittnl Acrltleints Lhau S D April 20 D O Buncon a well known mining man was killed at Union shaft while hoisting a pump Tho remains will bo sent to Kansas Baruoy Ingulls a minor in tho Holy Terror mino was instantly killed Ha fell 1100 feet to tho bottom of tho bhaft IMontMir Nt lnitnkau lUiul BLMU Nob April 20 Abram Ca tellar who cumo to Nebraska in 1851 ami was fonuder of tho Castollar bank ing houhu of Blair is dead aged 01 years Ho came from Ohio settling at DeSota Neb in 1850 and moved to this city in 18G9 SVlicn It Docniit Tarn A womans silk frock Is spun by a worm but If the worm tries to crawl on it the woman shrieks Chicago Rec ord TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tfeo Notional City bank of New Yorfc shipped J250O00 gold to Europo Wednes day According to Yokohnma advices Li J Hung Chang is continuing his crusade against roformers Tho Colombian revolutionists nro masters of Carthagena tho most im portant Colombian harbor Tiro Wednesday night destroyed tho largo tobacco warehouso of W S Mat thews Sons at Louisville Loss on stock 125000 on building 50000 fully insured A mossago from Tishomingo capital of tho Chickasaw nation reports that Governor 1 H Johnson was renomi nated by tho Indian convention held thoro Wednesday Georgo P Dold a son of Jacob Dold tho Buffalo pork packer was found dend in bed at his homo Wednesday Death was probably duo to fatty de generation of tho heart Major John E Howard 74 years old and well known in western newspaper circles was accidentally killed Wednes day night by falliug over a banister at his boarding houso Chicago Mrs Susan Simmons Winaus who it is claimed waB the first white child born in the city of Chicago and tho last survivor of the Fort Dearborn mus gacro is upon her deathbed in Santa Aim Cal A largo delegation representing tho browers of tho United States appeared before tho ways and means committee Wednesday to urgo the repeal of tho extra 1 a barrel imposed on beer by tho war roveuue act Tho southwestern express on the Penusylvauia railroad ran down a party of three at South Fork Pa killing Jo seph Peturgeu a miner aged 35 years uud Mary Poteski his niece 5 years old and fatally injuring Petargeus daugh ter Lizzie aged 8 years It is now positively stated that the men charged withdyuamitiug the canal locks at Welland were on one of tho isl unds in the river and were using dyua in i to for libhiug purposes aud while un der tho influence of liquor decided to try tho same method for fish iu tho canal William P Watson uud James A Sample special agents of the treasury took from tho New York 6ubtreasury Weduosday 500000 iu coin to be shipped on tho United States transport McPherson to Porto Rico and given there in exchange for Porto Ricun coin on the basis of 00 cents for each peso THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 26 1900 IVrnlliirltle of Unnll Thoro are many odd and Interesting thltigH to bo Hitid of the jiiall which is known throughout a lnrgu scope of the country nn I lie partridge One Is that It has the power when badly frighten ed of withholding Its scent A covey quickly Unshed will scatter mid lie so close tho best dog In the world will overrun them making no sign of point until the bird lluttoiH up right under foot Another Is that It hns the faculty of simulating dentil If taken wlngcil In hand and of coming quickly to life the minute tho grasp Is relaxed In the neighborhood of good cover Further Hie birds have n sort of barometric sense A woodsmnn marking the direction in which quail feed can almost certain ly foretell tlio days weather If tliey choose stubble or cornfields It will bo mild and moist If they go to tho open woods he looks for wind and sun If they scurry for thickets of brier and sedge then he knows bitter cold Is Im minent Unless forced to migrate by lack of food a covey iilwrtys sleeps within 100 yards of the nest it was hutched In and this although It may have foil nil day several miles nwny The sleeping Is done In a huddled ring tails In heads out nil around and so closely bunched thnt a good sized nap kin will cover It Instinct possibly lies back of the ring making Thus tho shy creatures hope to escupe surprise from creeping vermin minks weasles foxes which steal upon thorn In the night A rccullnr Dutch Cnatom The four Sundnys of November aro observed as fete days In Holland They tire known by tho curious names Re view Decision Purchase nnd Posses sion and all refer to matrimonial af fairs November In Holland being the month par excellence devoted to court ship and marriage probably because tho agricultural occupations of the year aro over and possibly because the lords of crentlon from quite remote antiq uity have recognized the pleasantness of linvlug wives to cook and cater for them during the long winter On Review Sunday everybody goes to church nnd after service there Is a church parade Inovory village when the youths and innldens gaze upon ench other but forbear toflpcalc On Decision Sunday each bachelor who Is seeking a wife approaches the maiden of his choice with a ceremo nious bow and from her manner of re sponding Judges whether his advances are acceptable Purchase Sundny the consent of the parents Is sought If the suit has prospered during the week Not till Possession Sunday however do the twain appear before the world us actual or prospective brides and grooms Philadelphia Ledger Simv Ton Much A fanner hired a man and put him Into his Held to work After awhile the fanner came along and accosted the new hand Did you see a carriage go down the road awhile ago Tes I did One of the bosses was a gray boss and tho other was a roan and lame In his off leg I thought I heard some men shoot ing over there on the edge of the woods Yes one of them wns Colonel Jones He was the tall one The second one wns Major Peters and the third one was Tom McSniflor Colonel Jones had one of them newfangled breech loadln guns what breaks In two Did you see those wild pigeons fly over just now See em Rather There was 19 of them They lit In that old cornfield down yonder Well you see too much for a man that Is hired by the day neres your wages When I want a man to keep watch of what Is going on Ill send for you London Answers The Doe and Her Fawn Fawns when llrst dropped are for some hours unable to stand The doe does not remain beside them but paces slowly around nt a considerable dis tance Every now nnd then she gives a little tremulous bleating call at sound of which the fawn lifts Its head aud tries to struggle to Its feet Should a man or a dog appear meantime the doe runs away In a straight Hue but lag glngly nnd halting ns though herself hurt unto death When she thinks she hns lured the enemy far enough away she glvps three great Hying lea ps which take her at once out of sight and goes back to her baby upon seven league boots But If left undisturbed she keeps up the pacing until she sees the fawn standing then pnees dnlntlly nwny In n straight line choosing al ways the easiest grade As she paces she calls faintly and every now and then hnlts looking over her shoulder to see If she Is followed How Are Your Kidneys r Dr Hobts Sparacus Plllscurc nil kidney tils Sam ple free Add bierllmi ltetnedy Co LYVcago or N Y The private nnd personal bltssing one enjoys while taking Rocky Mountain Tea is wonderful A great maker of hnmnn happiness Ask your druggist Works wonders while you Bleep liriiiLs hriuht bvpr red lins lovelv color Rocky Mountain Tea makes people happy 85 cents Ask your druggist To Cure Constipation Forever Talio Cibcurelt Cnnilv Cathartic 10c or2ftc U C C C lull to cure driiKKiKts refund money licet for the liuuels No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your bowels are put right Cnscarets help nature cure you without a gripo or pain produce easy natural movementB costs you juBt 10 cents to start getting your health back Cascarets Candy Cathartic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet has O O O stamped on it Beware of imitations Educate Tour Vowels With Cascarets Candy Catnrilc cure constipation foreer 4cSSc It C C C fail druggists refund money CORN TAKES ON A BOOM Sharp AilTnnrrs In All the Laaillns Grains anil rrovlslons ClltCAOo April 2V The grain and prorlolons markets worn Mrong today thn former liolpol principally by hlclier cables and a good ex port demand Wlit olosexl Jifclo higher com lftflo better and oata jo Improved The rnnrket for hoR product at tho olMe was from Vi to lfiohlnlior Closing prlcos Wheat May BOoj Julr fiQio Court May ne July 0He OATS May SKIJfo July 23H023o PonR Mny m72 July mB7J1000 Hins May I707H July I7M710 IiAHD May I717H July 724 Cash quotatlona No 8 red rhr at C0 7a NoBprinB wheatJKJiB6ffioiNa t corn Wa No 2 oats Ziio Chicago Lin Stock Chicago April 14000 choice qunllty stnerfl steady to strong others slow Rood to primo natlvo steers tlWXJ580 poor to medium M10C476 selected fceduru 416t5t0 mixed stackers tanoIDOi cows 0 0OCtWhnlfern BWI80 canners 1278 85 bulls t275ti2S calTeVl46O3O60Toxas fed steers U 00 6 20 Texan bulls t2537o Hogs Receipts today 23000 tomorrow 0 000 estimated left over 4t002HWahlRher cIomIiik easy top 5 00 mixed and kutohera 5UiiiB00 Rood to choioo heavy At8600 rouifh heavy I5wxa540 Unlit 5255W bulk of sales t5tV4565 Bhecp ltecslpts 18000 sheep slow to lOo lower lnmbs Rtendy good to choice wethera t52y95C5falrtocholcomlxcd f 475540 western sheep l540Cit5G0 ycarllnga J550vtW00 natlvo lamba 660sl7UO western lainbB W002r7U0 Kansas City Lift Stock Kansas Citv April ii Cattle Receipts 7050 heavy cnttle trifle slow about steady for all classes natlvo steers 4455U5 stockem and feeders t4Bfi5A0 butchers cows and heifers 18 25500 canners 205a2A fed westorm 1406400 Tsxans 1100 440 Hors lteoetpts 17000 opened steady closed to lower heavy MB59646 mixed 1526640 light l500iA25 plRs I4XX4505 Sheep-Receipts 2400 light run sold nt steady prices spring lnmbs 75X300 Colorado clipped lambH S025000 muttons 300000 culls J400O500 Month Otuahn Live Stock South Omaha April 25 Cattle Receipts 8600 steady to 6 10a lower native beef steers 1400540 cows and heifers J350170 canners I22AJ340 stockers and feeders 1875 510 caWeH 180700 bulls stngs etc 1285 425 Bogs Receipts 7400 shade to 5o higher heavy J5U5542H mixed 5825i517i light 5J5G7 plgsl476i2l5as bulk of 8alest582H 5 87 Sheep Receipts 2800 steady year lings J670i080 western muttons I6WX8010 stock sheep 4508560 lambs t000710 SpreudH IIke Wlldllre When things nre the best they be come tho best selling Abraham Hare a leading druggist of Belleville O writes Electric Bitters aro tho best selliug bitters I have handled in 20 years You know why Most diseases begin iu disorders of stomach liver kidneys bowels blood nnd nerves Electric Bitters tones up tho stomach regulates liver kidneys and bowels purities tho blood strengthens the nerves henco cures multitudes of mal adies It builds up the entire system Puts new lifo aud vigor into any weak sickly rundown man or woman Price 50 cents Sold by Kiesan Drug Co Natures greatest gift to tho human family is Rocky Mountain Tea With it your family is fully protected Best baby mediciuce in the world 35 cents Ask your druggist A Horrible Outbreak Of largo sores on my little daughters head developed into a case of scald head writes C E Isbill of Morganton Tenn but Buckleus Arnica Salvo completely cured her Its n guaranteed cure for eczema tetter salt rheum pimples sores ulcers and piles Only 25c at Kiesan Drug companys Men can bo cured privntely and posi tively at home of all weakness and dis ease Write for new free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sionx City la TryOriiin O Try Graln O Ask your grocer to show you a pack age of Grain O tho new food drink that takes tho place of coffee The children may drink it without injury ns well ns the adult All who try it liko it Grain 0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Javn but it is made from pure grains and tho most delicate stomach receives it without distress J4 tho price of coffee loc nnd 25c per package Sold hy all grocers Thnt Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave yon if you used Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick nnd nervous headaches They make pure blood and build up your health Only 25 cents Money back if not cured Sold by the Kiesan Drug Co Millions Given Away It is certainly gratifying to the publio to know of ouo concern which is not afraid to be generous The proprietors of Dr Kings New Discovery for con Bumption coughB and colds have given away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma bronchitis la grippe and all throat chest and lung diseases are surely cured by it Call on Kiesan Drug company and get a free trial bottle Regular size 50c and 100 Every bottle guaranteed This Is Your Opportunity On receipt of tea cents cash or stamps generous Entnplo will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh nnd liny Fever Cure Elys Crenm lialm EufSeunt to demon strate the great meriti cithi remedy ELY BHOTHESS CO Warren U 1cw York City Rev JohnReid Jr of Great Foils Mont recommended Elys Cream Balm to me 1 can emphasize his Etntemrnt It is a poai tive cure for catarrh it ued as directed Rev Francis V iWe Faster Central Pres Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh nnd contniua no mercury nor any injurious dn Price 50 cents Pont Tobacco Spit aud hiusle Tour Lire inar To quit tobacco easily and forever be mac netlc lull of life nerve and vigor take Xo To Hoc ne wonder worker thnt makes weak men itrocg All druggists 50c or II Curcguaran teed Iiooklct and sample free Addreat Psrllug Remedy Co Chicago r New York ills Terrible couqIl Few things nre so depressing and weakening as a constant cough Few things are ns discouraging ns a cough that will not yield to treat ment It breaks in on the nights rest It interferes alike with buii ncss and with pleasure Above all the persistent cough constantly sug gests the thought of that dread dis ease consumption with its lingering agony Dr Pierces Golden Medi cal Discovery cures coughs when all other medicines fail because it is more than a cough medicine The coueh is but a svinntom IIirthv r 3 taMaatwliSHt Jmm 5rfy PtKV WttRiai91aaiUiiV JM S V - cry makes new antl pure blood heals the lacerated tissues nnd gives the body the needed strength to throw off dis ease It cures the cough by curing the cause of the cough People have suffered with bronchial affections for years with obstinate stubborn cough and growing weakness They have tried doctors and medicines in vain At last they have been induced to try Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery with the general result experienced by nil who put this wonderful medicine to the test help nt once and a sneedv cure For coughs bronchial affections weak lungs spitting of blood and other diseases of the organs of respiration Golden Medical Discovery is nracticallv n stiprifin n always Helps it almost alwnvs ni C W BRAASCH DEALER IN- EaiiiHlaKtSat 111 CrGaSsxC X There is no alcohol neither opium cocaine nor other narcotic in the Discovery Do not allow any dealer to impose on you by selling you a substitute for Dr Pierces medi cines The only motive for substitution is an excessive piofit for the dealer You pay that extra profit if you accept a substitute I had a terrible cough something over n year ngo and could find nothing to stop it or even to do me a particle of good writes Mr J M Farr of Cameron Screven Co Ga I chanced to see an advertisement of yours and forthwith bought a bottle of your invaluable Golden Medical Discov ery Before I had taken half a bottle I was entirely well Of PIccqb Common Scnao Madtcml Ad-X-I containing lOOB largo pagaa la aant FREE on raemlnt ofatampa to pay axpanao of mailing ONLY Sond 21 ono aent atampm for tho papor bound hook or 31 atampm for at r on a cloth binding Add roam Dr R V Plarce Buffalo M Y co I Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the oesc in ine marKei Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 31 AFTER USING HEALTH AND VITALITY IlbHL DH MOTT8 SHaM m anal aa at aw TrzpxwiamiaiEl 3EPXXjXjS Tho great remedy for nervous prostratl6n and nil diseases of tbo generative organs of either sex such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotency Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry ezccsslvo use of Tobacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With every 95 order we guarantee to euro or refund the money Sold at 100 per bos O boxes for 500 I1K ITIOTXS CUEIOICAIi CO Cleveland OUIoi For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY BBBBBBBBBBBBKIty999afiSlQff jJ rrrx rw - - Erastus A Benson t President of tho Omaha Real Estate Ex- chancre and one of the leaders in real f tate circles in Nebraska writes I tried f Dr Kays Lung Balm for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr W L Selby and the result was remark- t able The effect was so quick I would not X have trusted my senses had not Mr Selbys experience been the same T Shun substitutes Remedies Just As Good as Dr Kays Lung Ualm are not madoor sold any- 1 whore If notat druggists we will send it post- paid on receipt of price Dr Kays Lung Balm 10 5 Sicts Free Medlcnl Advice Sample nnrt Book for T tbo asking Address Dr B J Kav Medical Co Saralona Snrlnnc N Y jmjj5 SOLD BY KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY AND KIESAU DRUG CO aaHHIBI7 XiAiJvsaS aHHUKtir sHaT tavKuaHfl rrJCsiaiiiiiiH aHHHIH SKaHHIH The Man of the Hour A Magnificent Portrait of President McKinley Reproduced in Ten Colors from a Late Photograph for which the President specially sat at the re quest of the Publishers Size 14x21 Inches yil be published by us shortly It is now being printed for us on heavy plate paper in a form suita ble for framing by one of the largest art lithograph houses in America in the famous French style of color plate work Every American family will want one of these handsome pictures of the President It must be remembered that this picture will be in no sense a cheap chromo but will be an example of the very highest style of illuminated printing It will be an ornament to any library or drawing room Our readers can have the McKin ley portrait AT WHAT IT COSTS US namely 10 cents per copy by merely filling out the coupon below and sending it to this office AT ONCE There will be such a demand for the portrait when it is published that we advise sending or ders in advance As many copies as may be desired can be had on one coupon providing 10 cents is sent for eaoh copy Write name and address plainly and remit in coin or postage stamps To THE NORFOLK DAILY NEWS NORFOLK NEBRASKA For the enclosed remittance of cents send me copies of President McKinleys Por trait in colors as described in to days paper Date Name 1 i Cl 1 1 n I Address- -