The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 26, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The flotff oik rlecus
Tho WorliMIornliUs jnst now tlovot
1K inoronttiiitlon to lopubllcnti poll tics
tlinu it Ib to tlint of tliu fuMou btnnd
Tho Omnlin pollco lmvo iniulo ii mill
on tho opium illvti of that city iintl
tnUon in n lot of inilivltlimlfl who wuro
KuiHy of hittiiiK tho nlpo
Tho roiiKrossiuntt who will miiutcimIo
Mr Hohinson of tho fusion trust has
Ihoii named and it now hut roinains to
inaUoa faot of a practical certainty
Alatlhow Stanley xHiay is now entitled
to tako his sent in the circle of past
patriots with Clark and Kohtutfl Tho
oholo will hood he of sulllcient import
nnco to allow of tho oiKiuiiUion of an
Tho Dally Nowh vonturos to hurkosI
ii presidential ticket comprlsliiR thoM
eminent western statesmen Clark of
Montana and Kohorts of Utah Any
old plaeo to sit would do for a platform
Omaha Daily Nowh
Tho railroads will Hpond 150000000 iu
improvements and extensions this year
iv larRo porcontaRO of tho huiu rouir to
labor Thin is an unheard of amount to
spond in Improvements oven In prosper
ous domocratio years
Nebraska republicans have not felt as
confident of victory for years as they do
this campaign The foundation for
huccors should bo carefully laid during
tho next fow months and then with nn
uultod effort tho wheels of state should
bo drawn from the ruts of populism
Many of tho small fry our stone
politicians novor concede thoir ignoranco
on any subject no matter how now or
deop it may bo They put up a lino of
iURUiuont that sounds well nud may
Hooni plnuslblo to tho unlmforuied but
when It Is dissoctod and tho matter
given careful consideration it falls tlat
Tho Soward Hoportor has boon in
creased iu size from a six column folio
to a six column quarto with four pages
of homo matter Tho paper Is woll
tilled with ontortaining homo reading
niattor and is taking a foromost placo iu
tho ranks of Nebraska weekly publica
Tho bouutiful rains of tho past fow
weeks givooncouragomout to agricultur
alists and nil humanity who soo bouu
tiful crops iu sight Ou top of this is
tho firm couviotion that William
JdcKluloy will bo ro olected as presidont
of tho United states and that prosporou
business conditions will bo maintained
Thoro scorns to bo no cause for gloomy
forebodings mid ovorybody oven Bryan
should bo happy
It may trnnsniro that Alaska is a hugo
chunk of gold Tho recent discoveries
on the Koyukuk river indicate that not
half of that countrys hidden wealth
has yot been unfolded to tho gazo of
man Becauso of tho gold becoming
apparently more plentiful tho faither
north investigation is uindo it would not
bo surprising if sonio daring oxploror
finally discovered that tho noith polo is
solid gold sot with diamonds
Lovers of tho luscious strawberry will
bo pleased to learn that there is a mag
nificent crop of that fruit being bar
vested in southern Texas Tho borries
nro uuusnally largo and nro being
shipped north at tho rate of n car load a
day from many small towns It iB said
that ovory man woman and child in
tho coast country is busy picking but
cannot gathor tho fruit as fast as it
ripons A spring vacatiou iu southorn
Texas would bo most acceptable
Tho democratic editor with keen
avidity siozes his shears and clips out a
failuro or tho closing down of n mill
now and thon Iu tin view of what
past democratic administrations have
accomplished ho is working to tho eud
that more of this entertaiuing class of
iiows may como to hand If this is the
class of literature really desired by him
ho should novor rest until auother ad
ministration of tho G rover Cleveland
quality is inaugurated
Tho Sioux City Tribune formerly a
Staunch democratic paper evidently be
hoves that Mr Bryans journey toward
tho white houso is over a i omowhat
rocky rotd and that ho will scarcely get
iu eight of tho outer gate It says
Mr Bryaus anxibty to appear per
sonally at each state convention as it is
held evidences a little uneasiness on his
part Ho is evidently looking for
treachery even boforo the convention
and if he has to meet it beforo tho con
veution what is likely to happen after
It is said that a Kansas City hotel has
quoted a rate of 10 for a bath during
tho democratio convention on tho Fourth
What a nice sense of propriety mine
host has in Kansas City Ho knew
that there would bo no demand for
baths at that time and if a delegate
should happen to be so far gone with
enthusiasm as to forget time honored
customers tho mention of the price of
water would at once bring him to Ids
senses Tho price will also start any
young and uuiuformed delegate ou the
right path A wash ou - the iusldo
would bo difforont and if tlio prico of
rooK mm rye una doom HuiuiuNiy iruns
fercd with thoro would bo troublo ga
Kor some reason thoro hns boon very
lit t to heard of W 1 Biyau sinco tho
Dowoy boom was sprung Ho is talking
soino place that is a foregone con
clusionbut his speeches and tho
crowds iu attendance nro not horalded
through three or four columns of press
rcpoits Ho is evidently hidden by tho
Dowoy storm at least for tho tlnio be
ing Have good cheer Mr Bryan
Dowoy s battle was of hIioiI duration
all accomplished in a fow hours while
yours has consumed years Surely you
nro tho greatest hero yet
Jefferson precinct paid a nico tributo
to young lopublicanlsiu recently Her
ropiesontatives to the republican county
convention held hero Saturday were all
under 10 years of ago and but ono or two
of thorn had beforo boon representatives
to an Important convention They well
sustained that precincts tact and pro
gressivoness and wore an honor to tho
body in which they hold seats It is not
to bo wondered at that doHerson pre
cinct is ono of tho republican strongholds
of tho county Thoj lionet tho rising
It will bo n matter of much moment
to tho domocrats to cronto an issue that
will iuduco tho people to turn down tho
sploudld business administration which
they havo been enjoying for tho past
four years Thoy havo given up tho
task of donyiug a business improvmont
and now sook only to dodgo tho Issue It
presonts a foat which they can scarcely
accomplish Republicans wore confi
dent of nn era of prosperity If MoKinley
was elected In 10 and thoy are now
just as confidont of a continuanco of
this prosperity if ho Is ro olected
Tho claim of the United States against
Turkey is ngain engaging public atten
tion and Undo Sam proposos to mako
renewed efforts to collect from tho Turk
That government stands its European
neighbors off with promises to pay for
indefinite poriods but Undo Sam is
heartily tired of this sort of payment
and will try to develop something that
will pass for better collateral than
promises Turkey is already being
rominded of what happened to Spain
with tho insinuation tlint sho will re
ceive no sympathy or aid from Europo
should tho United States oudeavor to
enforce collection
Complaint comes from nil over the
country of a scarcity of brick with
which to begiu building operations
Tho reason is not readily npparont as
thoro is plenty of raw material and tho
labor can undoubtedly bo procured
It Ib probablo however that tho price
of brick has uot kept paco with the ad
vance of other building material nud
thoro is no great profit In making them
Thon tho building boom of last year bo
ing so much in advance over that of
tho past fow years also had something
to do with it as nearly nil of Inst sum
mers product was disposed of boforo
the season closed
Tho democrats express a fear that tho
mid road populists do not know that
thoy cannot elect their candidate for
presidont this fall aud tako pains to nd
vlso them to that effect when tho real
fear is ou thoir side whoro they notice
tho weakening of their forces Tho
mid roaders it is presumed do not hope
to elect their caudidato this fall but
they do hope to build up a party with a
basis of sonio prinoiplo on which it can
grow until it bocomos a power in tho
political field Tho fact is becoming
more and more ovidont that a confusion
of parties with no stablo policy cannot
live and will soon pass into history as a
very poor makeshift from which uo one
but a fow politicians nud pass grabbers
derived a benefit
Tho withdrawal of tho
populists from tho fusiou crowd Is
no small or insignificant movement
Tho mid roaders nro of the belief that
tho Cincinnati convention will be a much
more important affair than tho Sioux
Kalis side show of the democratic cir
cus D Clem Deaver has boon east iu
tho interests of tho causo nnd is author
ity for tho statement that all tho New
KuUnd states with the exception of
MI S husetts will bo represented at
Cincinnati Tho southern states will
also be represented and tho conven
tion will probably contain 1000 dole
gates from all parts of tho country
Tho fusioiiists may mako 6port of tho
movement but the mid roaders oppor
tunity for a laugh is comiug
In spite of tho withdrawal of tho
middle-of-the-road populists from the
fusion trust there yot remains enough
of the party to mnke a disturbing ele
ment and the partitiou of offices will
yet result iu auythiug but nu approved
braud of harmony Tho following from
the democratio Fremont Herald gives a
koy to tho situation being assumed
Now it will bo in order to uominato a
populist running mate for Bryan at
Sioux Falls Then on condition that he
be withdrawn at Kansas City tho state
ticket cau be fixed up with a liberal
sprinkling about as it is now Of
course if you follows are to havo the
national ticket we ought to havo nil the
state offices Aud plenty of you fellows
aro just about the same size without
compensation of any benefit to them
selves or paity
Evidences of ronowod fighting nro re
ported from tho Philippines which
leads ono to tho boliof that tho Tagals
havo recolvod a cuo from their demo
cratic allies that now is tho tlnio to
mako a stroke that will bo of much bon
eflt to Mr Bryan nnd his putty If tho
American advisors of tho Tagals de
sired to do them n real and lasting serv
ice thoy would havo used their ollorts
In getting them to lay down their arms
They woll know that this government
has never yet como into control of u
torrittny or country to its undoing but
they dont chooso to havo tho Tngals
bollevo that Tho political significance
of t heir warfaro is just now invaluable
regardless of tho lives thoy lose and
Tho domocrats mako a lino play of tho
phraso uo tnxation without representa
tion as used iu revolutionary timos in
connection with tho Porto ltican ques
tion In tho first placo tho Porto Hicans
aro subjected to no taxation in tho nbovo
soiiBo Thoy aro glvon vory favorable
laws as regards tariff when compared
with foreign couutries nnd ovory dollar
so collected is refunded for tho main
talneuco nud support of tho Island nud
its govornment Tho United States
hopes and desiros no rovenuo from tho
island aud whou thoir govornment is
duly organized thoy will bo accorded
representation with uo othor exponso
attached than thoir just share of the
running cost of tho govorumont Tho
domocrats mako a lino play ou tho face
of It but thoir argumouts willuot stand
thought nud aualysis
It is a groat scliemo of tho fusionists
to assert that every move rundo by tho
republican patty is iu favor of tho trusts
According to ovory popular moauiug of
tho word trust no law can bo passed
but that somo combiuation cau tako
ndvautago of It Free trado with Porto
llico would moan that tho great sugar
refining trust tho tobacco trust aud
other combinations with largo interests
ou tho island would bo favored A
tariff will inure to tho ndvautago of
trusts ou tho maiu land The beet
sugar trust the cano sugar trust tho
tobacco trust tho cottou trust nud many
other trusts will bo protected from tho
competition of this islaud nud at tho
samo timo tho thousnuds of producers
nud American laborers and mechanics
employed by those trusts will be pro
tected from tho cheap labor and produc
tion of tho othor trusts If tho demo
crats havo grouuds for arraignment of
tho republican party ou this score tho
republicans cau certainly reciprocate iu
liko coin
The Omaha News of Saturday gives
a comparative statement which indicates
prosperity In tho state metropolis It
coucorus tho erection of now bnildiugs
The following are given for the past
four years nnd up to dato this year as the
amount of money placed in now build
iugs ISOll 201103 1807 129SG07
1S0S la50832 1890 SlOOySJU and
up to tho present time iu 1900 100000
It will bo remombered that during 1897
1S9S and 1899 tho Trnusmississippl nnd
Greater American expositions wero nu
incoutive to increased prosperity in the
building Hue but this year it was some
what anticipated that there would ba a
rotrograde movement nud thnt tho
amount concerned would bo even less
than iu 1890 but scarcely one third of
tho year has passed and almost one third
of the amount iu 1898 tho banner year
has been accomplished iu the building
lino almost twice usmuoh during four
months ns tho entire year of 1890 This
indicates improved business conditions
which it will bo fruitless for cnlnmity
ites to douy
Tho fusionists are at presout making a
great fuss nbout the constitution that
ancient aud houored iustrumout of our
forefathers and yot thoy aro earnest
advocates of a radical departure from
tho provisions of that document believ
ing that preseut day requirements nro
different from tho needs of those days
The republicans are not opposed to such
a change and a republican houso of
representatives has voted to submit a
proposition to tho people to nmoud tho
constitution so that United States sou
atois may bo elected by direct voto of
the peoplo justead of by the legislatures
of tho various states as provided by
Father Washiugtou and his compatriots
If it is possible to make this ohange
from the constitutional requirements
it certainly should bo possible to make
other changes and the said partisaus
should uot bo bo inconsistent ns to op
pose a change iu ono particular nud
support oue iu another aud still it can
hardly bo said that cousistency is a com
ponent part of fusiouism
Tho position taken by the Madison
county ropublicnu convention in regard
to the natioiial committeomnuship
embreglio is houornble nnd just aud it
is uoticeablo that other conventions aud
many of the leading politicians aro tak
ing the same stand It but emphasizes
the old fable in whioh two dogs got to
fighting over a bouo aud a third dog
slipped up and appropriated the bone
of coutentiou If the party loaders so
far disregard party harmony and their
houor as to engage iu a disgraceful
disruptiug quarrel they bhould bo made
to step aside and relinquish their honors
to a sentimeut that has the party wel
fare uppermost Tho politicians should
bo given to understand that party suc
cess nnd pnity honor nro ns far removed
from porsonal ambition ns day is from
night Tho rank and lllo cannot prob
ably prevent dissontion nmong party
loaders but It can prevent tho dlssontcrs
from nttalnlng their onds without re-
gard to tho consequences Madison
nud nil othor couutics going to a conven
tion with u purposo to uphold patty
honor aud harmony first last aud all
tlnio will recelvo tho homnuo nnd re
spect of nil factious and will havo a
result benoflclnl to all
Tho silver issuo is grndually JJand
surely disappearing At a recent moot
ing of tho Mohawk SllveCclub of JDo
troit Mich tho word silver wns
stricken from tho club namo without a
dissenting voto Tho follows wlo
howled aud foughtfor freo silvor as tho
only redomptiou of tho country in 1S90
aro not coming outopouly nnd boldly
and courageously admitting that they
were in tho wrong but thoy do so tac
itly Thoy sneak away iu tho night
nnd quietly dopositJitho ouco very live
thing In tho garbage heap they conceal
It In tho waste basket JandJ chooso n
quiot opportuulty to throw it in tho
f urnnco thoy sniugglojit through thoir
thoughts aud lot it drop intoobllviou
It is ronlly too bad that tho domocrats
cannot secure nu issuo that will uot bo a
frayed and frazzled boforo tho opening
of tho succeeding campaign InJglS90
thoy dnred scarcely mention freo trado
and tariff aud iu 1900 it will bo danger
ous for thorn to refer to tho freo and
unlimited I coinage of silver without
tho aid or consent of auy uatiou cu
earth Thoir vagaries couniu smoke
beforo tho onslaught lot souudbusiuess
judgment aud they aro left iu a pitiable
plight with no chnraoterjmd very littlo
party uothiug but caudidates
There it goes agalu auother me
mento of tho importnut
ratio - of
li to -1 without -
issuo isbeiug hid
den under the bushel Au announce
ment has been made that tho freo silvor
republicans will uo longer bo known by
that uame but that theyjwill henceforth
bo kuowu as representatives of tho only
simou puro all-wool-and-a-yard-wide
Abraham Lincoln republicanism for
over more or anyway during this years
campaign Iu perhaps eight to 10 years
they will be entitled to wear the toga as
the ouly William McKlnley republicans
in existence It seems to be imperative
that this class of politicians should come
as uear to being republicans iu name as
possible and yet be a distinct and avowed
assistant of democracy It is feared this
announcement would cause Mr Liucolu
to Bhed bitter tears were ho alive be
cause those who houored him had
dw n lied down to such a small handful
in the first place and even they were
using every meaus in their power to
elevate tho very men he fought against
and who coveted his life It is a strange
situation but auythiug is better than to
be compelled to support freo silver
through nuother campaign
The World Herald coucoiviug that
thero is discord in the republican rauks
has inserted its hands iu the wouud aud
is exerting its strength to tear it apart
The World Herald is tho open and
avowed enemy first of tho republican
party and Edward Rosewnter second
Ic will use every means iu its power to
defeat either or both of them aud the
faction that will enlist its sympathies
nnd co operation is but laying the
foundation for their own defeat The
News does not favorjfpre couventiou
nrgumouts and discussions nnd for tho
sake of tho party it had hoped that
uothiug of the sort would tako place
this year whou there is so much at
stake aud would bo very muoh pleased
if the present impending conflict could
be adjusted or toued down boforo tho
state couveution meets Thero is honor
uud places enough this year for all
good aud truo party leaders and thero
should be uo quarrel over them thrtt
will iuuro to tho bquellt of tho opposi
tion Tho World Hornld nppareutly
uot only hates Mr Rosowater aud the
Bee but It fears their influence The Bee
mado a mistake whioh will probably not
soon bo forgiven by certain partisans
But Mr Rosewnter has signified his
willingness to ngain do the right thing
by tho party and should bo given some
consideration In the light of past
ovouts however ho should be vory
modest iu his demands aud in them
should receive tho support of all repub
licans desiring party harmouy and suo
Does Collce Agree With Vou
If not drink Graiu O made from
pure grains A ladv writes Tho
first time 1 made Graiu 0 I did not liko
it but attor using it for ono week uoth
iug would induce me to go back to
coffee It nourishes aud feeds the
system The children can drink it
freely with great benefit It is the
strengthening substance of pure grains
Get a packege today from your grocer
follow tho directions in making it nud
you will have n delicious and healthful
table beverage for old and young 15o
aud 25cts
Wanted Houoit man or womnu to
travel for largo houso j salaiy 05
mouthly nnd expenses with increase
position permuuent eu close
stamped envelope Manager
0 Caxton bldg Chicago
A blindness comes to me now and then I have it
now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Riins Tabulc
- A ens o of bad health that ItIPA lS will not benefit They bnnlah pain and prolong life
WANTFD rclk f Noto the word KTl AN 8 on the packuge and accept no substitute TVM ANS
In tor 5 cents or twelve packrta for 43 ccntu may bo lind at nn druc store Ten samples and ono thou
t md testimonials will be mailed to any address for 3 cents forwarded to the Klpans Chemical Co Mo
lo Spruce St New York
M 7
JRi v -
- nflililjiil i Hi -
The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World
Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us
Illinois Gentral R B
Tlio Illinois Central desires to cnll attention
to tho nnexccVil sonico tlint is ottered by its
lines to tlio couth for tlio fcoaeon of lb99 1900
yf i
and ores and wewiiist
Cut subject to exam
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM Personally conduct
ed ltuns tiirotiKH to
Los AiikoIcs mid San
Frnncieco via Now
Orleans in connection
EVERY witli the Southern
WPnNFnAV cic lemiim Chicago
iioKiK tho Ccntinls fast
MORNING Now Oileans
connection also made by this tiain with
daily trains out of New Orleans for tlio Pacific
Coast Tho Limited fiom Clifcnpo oory oicu
inn connects ou Mondije tud Tlmrsdasfc at
New Orlouns after December is lhlfl with tho
of the Southern Pnciflc Hiving special through
ten ice to San Francisco
Double daily sorv
ico is maintained out
of St Louis in tho
Illinois Central aud
connecting lines to
C I I fllllO NnbhUlluChattanoo
0 1 L U U I O R aml Atlanta thro
sleeping car to Jack
sonwllo Florida boing carried on tho
leaiug St Louis oery otening This train ns
woll as tho Day Kxpiess leaving St Louis in
tlio morning nro both solid trains to Nasliillo
having through coaches and sleeping cars tun
ning through Martin Trim mill tho N C A St
L Ily Connection in this lino for nil ptiiici
pal points iu tlio Southeast such us Charleston
Wilmington AiMu and btmnnuh and for nil
poiutb iu Floiida
Daily from Chicago to Memphis nud Now Or
points iu tlio South on tlio lines of tho Illinois
Central and V A M V railroads will bo run ou
tho first and thinl Tueodaj of each month dur
ing tho winter season
Full particulars concerning all of tho nboo
can bo had of agents of tho Illinois Central or
by addressing A II Hanson O I A Chicago
You can examine and try it on
at your nearest express or
ad out aud send to us state
our weight and height alio num
ber of inches around bodj at butt
send this
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satisfactory exactly at rep
reacntea ana inemoac
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ever taw or beard of
pay the express
agent our special
and espreea charge
Kxpress charges
will average 10 to
0 cents tor each
looo rulles THIS
from an titra Hot and
beayall wool black or blue
irenutne If urlton Hea
ver cloth VI Inches long very full sweep IMncb upper
cape extra fall I pper cape and large storm collar beauti
fully trimmed with black Ualtlc teal run upper cape
trimmed with three rows and collar with two rows of
Bat mohair braid cloth button omainentsThlt cape It
Eat tailor made throughout and equal to capes that sellat
more than double the price H rile for frta Cloak I at tlogot
ISean Ueetiack U trc Uiofoujtly reliable tator
To PATENT Good Ideas
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7 Vj
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V J en
JV a BBAAAlltn I Ia HnAal Aflnaaaa ttiftilA rW
at tACTOUY IltlCES less than ono tlilrd
the prlcu charged by others and WE
whethei jouwish our 62e trench Truu or our irl25 New
Wk IIMTIIle KUitlc TruM Illustrated above tut this
ad out and tend to us with OIK SIUIAL IltlCEntmni
state your Hrlght IVIyht Xgt how long ou have been
ruptured whether rupturo Ib large or small nlto state
number Inches around the bod on a line with the
rupture Hay whether rupture Is on right or leftside
and wo will send either truss to you with the under
standing If It Ii not a prrfcet fit anil equal to trnsrei that
retail at three tlmca our price you can return It and we
will return your money
a jlf M I wJI JWffl
muum si
or trutei Including the Nc tlUUO Lea Trun J l
thateurei aimnt any ease and which aft tell for MLilu
aulullak 500 WATCUq 7C
- - und send to uh
Bjour height and Height itale nnmberof
Inchea around bodr at breat taken oier
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wewlllsendjouthtscoutbyeipres 8
Ctlu tubject 10 eiainlnatlon Ex
amine and tir It on at j our nearest
Cipres3 ofllce and If found eiaclly
u rryrrrmru ana ine mo1 HOnaerrul
talue jou eter iaw or beard of and
equal lo any coat you can buy for
owi pus iiiu express agent ulu
EtUL Otftlt IlUtE 8275 and
xpres charges
eijie easy lilting mado from beaij
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Cloth t full length double breasted
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UUiTKST UM K eier offered b ua or
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and Suits and Over
coats at from tut 00 to tio 00 write for
ltlt Niinifu itfuiir o civ arfH
Scan Uottiuck 4 to are thoroughly reliable -Editor
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With direct connections to all South
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Unexcelled time und HCcommodBtions
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Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
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