The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 19, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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i I
For morn tlirm twenty Hn year Dr 1 New
ton HntluiTMiy lias inndii a ipcclnlty of Female
1Ifc ims During tliit tlmo lin lius liiul among
IiIk patients over leu tlmiix
ntul unineiistiifcrltig rum nil
those in n n y dirtoienl coin
plaints peculiar tntlitmctmd
tins rntuilctcl mill xriun
Ik ntly cured imito tlinii i per
t rut ut Hid en mis tin litis
II his nxrluMtn niethoil
w lili li lie litis perfet led during
tin Iwentj llM enrs if IiIh
inoft iixtrnsUo practice liu Is enabled to cumuli
of these dllTcictit dlscises Including iallinl
profuse or suppressed luiiistriiiillnii prolapsus
nil nwirlnn trouble liniitirM mul iilieintleii In
furl iimtv form of llmso discuses which niolio n
liiirileiuif lifo to tlm great majority of women
Ho lias ko perfected tills system of lilHtliil lie
can lreil lliesK enses liy iiintl without niry per
sonal examination to wlili h every sensitive
woman naturally bjcts mid w lllunit nny opur
ivttini wlllt Its roiistiiitient pain mul necessary
lllshstm of treatment Is tnlteti In tlin pri
vacy of tin lioine tliu euro is painless mul Ills
oNn low rrn
Wrlla lilm a letter stiitlnu lirlrlly your condl
linn niut lio wilt send you a Mimic to Im lllled out
Ho wilt give your case his personal nllentlnumul
care mid mnko Ills fee so moderate liieliidlng nil
medicines neci ssiirj Hint joii will not feel tho
tnirdeti ot the pajnient mul ho will gimrntitcu
you a positive aire Add reus
Dr lliillmuiiy Co
Commercial lllnek Mloux CltyInwn
North -Western
p E W V R H is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
I bavo iiodo 14 days at a time without av
snovemeut of tlio bowels not being ablo to
movo ttiom except by using liot water Injections
Chronlo constipation for seven yonrn placed mo In
this torrlblo condition during Hint tlmo I did ev
erything I heard ot but uovor found any relief such
nat my cato until I bPiiau using CASCAHICTH 1
dow havo from ono to tlireo passages a day and If I
vu rich 1 would glvo llUOCOfor oach movement It
tssuoba rollof Aviuru L Hunt
I68V llussoll lit Detroit Mloh
THADI mmn niormmo
Pleasant Ialatable Potent Taste Good no
Qood Mover Bleken VVcakenor Urlpo 10c3UcUo
tortlM Bsasdy fapia Clltsis Mntl n Tsrk tt
itoh urs
v lines tteitci at once
Made a
Well Man
A of Me
forodacea the above results ln30 days It act
powerfully and quickly Cures v ben J1 others all
Yoagtnen wilt regain tbotr lost manhood anil old
sues will recover their youthful vigor by usinl
BEV1VO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
Dees Lost Vitality Impotcncy Nightly Emissions
tVost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and
11 effects ol selfabuso or eicefsaud indiscretion
which unfits ono tor study tniBlnees or marriage II
not only cures by starting at tho seat ot alBeasobul
Is great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
Ing back tho pink flow to iialo cheekaandre
storing the flro of youth It wards off Insanltj
and Consumption Inslct on having REVIVO nc
other It can be carried in vest pocket By mail
lXOperpackogeorslz for 8500 with posl
Uve written guarantee to core or raioBd
be money Circular roo Address
Royal Medicine CokXSo
Tor sale by Geo IB Ohristopli
Ask your
for a generous
Elys Cream Balm
contains no cocaine
mercury nor any oilier
injurious dru
It Is ipjicMy Absorbed
opens aim clemte
tneliaml lasBaLis
IT -
rfll fl JeJ H FA T
Alia s liiflaminatlon
lU als and Protects tho Membrane KcKorts the
rentes in June ami num run cize ovs inu
felze 10c at DruKlsts or by mill
tLYUIsOlKlK60 War - --
it rest with you whether you continue tbrBtM
DrrTe kllllug tobacco habit NO TOUasBBBBBBB
removes tbe desire for lobario UbTsMSBBBBBsTi
out nervous distress eiuels nlco fl 1 1 WWKi
tlue purines tbe blood I LJT3
stores lost nianhoodsfTal BTm botes
makes vou ongJ J I iljssoid 100000
labealtbuervetBSMU IVlSiateseurrU llur
and pockct sJVBBBBal ILlIO HAttrou
bop il rVloXT own druf trit bo
s I Ifapwill vouch forus Take it with
1rJVSBfJLApawlllpatltntlyrerlittntly One
fSfV sms box usually euresi Sboies IS W
torur orwerefund mnnt v
SbbbV 8trlli UniljCo I blots B00I ta irk
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never suld
In bulk Accept no substi
tute Ak your druggijt
Free llluli rhocil Atlrnilnnes Un Is 1
rlnreil tliiroiistltulln iml
Lincoln April in Tho freo IiIrIi
Mghuol ittlejiuliinco lnw piiHHed nt tho IftHt
sosfclon of tho hiHlntiiru wna doclivrdd
tiiicoiifitlttitioinil by tho mipreiiio court
ycHtonlny Tho court holtls thnt
1 and l of tills law ooutrnvono
hoctlotiH 1 l unci I of nrtlolo ix of tho
coiiNtitutioii of tho Htuto rondorliiK tho
lnw lnviilid
Tito cimo of T J Mnclmy nntl otlicrn
nKiihiHt thy Rtuto npponlod from Doug
Ins comity wlioro tho Rppallnntn yoro
fined by JuiIko Scott for conUuiipt of
court wriH remanded nntl tho notion of
tho lowor court rovorsod
Tlio mipromo court mmrninrd JuiIro
linker in dlroctiut n vorxltot of not
Kuilty in tho cnBo rf Iho stnto iigtilnst
ThomuH DuiiiiIhoii who wiib ohnrfrcd by
tho prosecuting nttornoy of Doulrta
county with oponitliig and tnuiutnininK
n initio of chuiico in Otnnhti
Item ni hnlile Itun by n Special Train
Omaha April 11 Ono hundred mid
llfty thrcu mul u lml f miloH In lfilt mitt
notfl 1h tho record mndo by n Hpooliil
train which emtio in on tho Union Pit
clllo from Ohoyonno yustcrdny It wns
compoHcil of four privnto enra occupiod
by K II Iliirrininn of Now York presi
dent of tho board of directors Jacob
H SolillTof Now York Prusldunt Homoo
O Dm t mul General Manager K Diok
iiiRon Tho entiro dlstiinoo of Till miloH
wob covered in ten hours and fivo
miuutoH including Htops Tho record
breaking speed however was attained
between Grand Island and Omaha
Lincoln Inn Club Shoot
Lincoln April 10 Tho third annual
tournumont of tho Lincoln Gun olub
open to the world begun at the olub
grounds west of thii city yostordny
Tho program includou tnrgot and live
bird ovcutH nnd prizes amounting in
value to 1000 have been offorod for tho
best scored Many of tho crack shooters
of tho country are hero and tho tourna
ment promises to bo ono of tho most
fiuccesbful over held in the city
Captain Golden Who Accompanied One
or tho Victims t he First Witness
Fkankfout April 10 Tho taking of
testimony in the trial of Colonol Oolion
charged with killing Lieutenant Scott
nnd L W Domareo commenced vos
terdny in the circuit court Tho first
witness introduced by tho common
wealth was Captain B B Goldon who
was badly shot during tho duel and
who is supposed to havo entered tho
hotel oilieo with Kthelbert Scott
Colson took steady aim and tired tho
first shot said tho witness but I do
not know who fired tho second I was
shot in tho buck whilo trying to got out
of tho room
James N Kohoe n prominont lawyer
of Maysville who was in tho hotol of
fice at tho time of the shooting wns the
next witness Ho thought Scott and
Colson fired about tho samo timo He
gnvo a vivid description of tho tragody
Womeun Mlnslounry Coat tuition
Sioux Falls S D April 10 At
yesterdays session of tho convention ot
tho Womens Foreign Missionary So
ciety of tho West annual roports were
made by Mrs M E Klino of Chicago
treasurer Mrs A W Bacon corre
sponding secretary and Miss M E
Boynton assibtunt secretary of tho for
eign dopartmout Addresses at tho
evening session ciuio under tho titlo
A Quartetto Abroad Tho speakers
wero Miss Floreuco Dulllold on Japan
Mrs George Warner of Minnesota on
China Mrs O O Tiugley of Nebraska
on Burumh nnd Miss Anna Dahl of
South Dakota on India
Cut In lrlcii of Steel
PiTTSiiuiU April 19 It wns learnod
yesterday that at n meeting of tho Bar
Mill association held in Pittsburg last
Friday tho prico of steel bars was cut
from 2xi cents n pound to J cents equal
to n reduction of 5 a tou Ono of tho
causes for this reduction is that tho
eastern manufacturers have been under
selling steel bars in this market nnd had
secured several good contracts
Kxtt ml Time for SpnnUli
WABiiiMrrov April 10 Tho sonata
committee on foreign relations agreed
to a favorable report on the convention
between tho United States and Spain
extending for six months tho time in
which Spanish residents of tho Philip
pine islands can elect whether they will
remain citizens of Spaiu or become citi
zens of tho Philippines
Death lnils DUoreo Case
Lanoastkh O April 10 Tho di
vorco case of Moses Swift against Mar
tha Swift was to bo heard hero yes
terday and tho defendant arrived from
Chicago to light the case This morn-
nig the plaintiff died with tho dofenr
ant on her kuces at his bedsido praying
for his restoration
Mood llamuge la In tut
Jacusox Mits April 10 Dispatcher
from several sections of this tato indi
cate that tho threo days flood has
caused damage generally in excess of
tho first estimates especially to grow
ing crops Tho Illinois Central is again
tied up by a freight train which tum
bled off tlie track just below the city
Uoiiuil to HuUt tlitt Duties
CoNbTANTlNOlMK Aiinl 10 The norta
yesterday replied to the third of tho col
lective notes of the powers on tho sub
ject of an increase of U per cent in duty
Tho note announces tho intention of the
government to adhere to the plan of in
creasing tho duties on account of the
bad condition of Turkish finances
No riufile t Honolulu
Wasiumton April 10 Consul Gen
eral Haywood at Honolulu has informed
tho state department under ditto of
April 10 that tluro havo been no cases
or diatlts fiom bnboiuo plaguo ut that
port since March ill
Chinese coinage In tbe shnpe of a
knife has been traced back ns far as
2210 B C
A Doutitlnu Inther
Ono wnrm midsummer day Stove
found himself seated tinder tho old
Baldwin apple tree with tho bnlf hull
of a red hearted wntermelon In his Inp
Old Mr 1 busy with the other half
paused now nnd then to ask Htcve
about IiIh new Job how many cigars ho
smoked In a tiny what they cost nnd
what ho pnld for IiIh lino clothes Pres
ently be wanted to know whnt they
called his boy on tho road conductor
brnkomnn or what
They call mo tho general freight
agent father nald Steve
Thats n mighty big name Steve
Yes father lla rntber n big Job
too for me
But ye dont do It all Stove Yc
must havo linnds to help you load nnd
unkind V
Oh yes I have n lot of help
And tho company pays them nil
How much do they pay you Steve
2n tiny
Stove almost strangled on n plcco of
cot nnd tho old gentleman saw thnt
ho lind guessed too low
Three ho ventured
More than that father
Yo dont menu to miy they pay yo
ns much ns fl-v-e
Yes father more than 25
Tho old man let the empty hull fall
between his knees stared at his boy
and whistled
Hay Steve ho nsked earnestly
ro yo worth It Llpplncotts Mngo
The Iniiutnltlvr Dnnisrl
A girl who took up photography not
long ago nnd endeavored to get some
valuable snnp shots had bad luck with
her first pictures There wero funny
streaks of white all through them
when there was any picture nt nil and
she couldnt Imagine how they came
there Neither could an experienced
amateur who assisted In developing
her first negatives and who took tho
usual precautions In loading the cam
era nnd tnklng the plates
I cant Imagine what Is tho mat
ter ho said as plate after plate caino
out cither good for nothing or with
only n little of the plcturo visible
Those ought to havo been good
Neither can I said the girl They
looked all nice and smooth nnd white If
that Is the way they ought to look
Looked all right exclaimed her in
structor In dismay You hadnt look
ed at them before we put them In tho
camera had you
Oh not enough to hurt them said
the glil I Just lifted up tho black
paper from each plate Just tho littlest
crack In the woild I Just couldnt re
sist the temptation of seeing how nlco
they looked nnd think of tho lovely
pictures I was going to have on them
New York Times
Iter Ilnnily Money Stocking
Yes you are right snid tho con
ductor of n Main street car viciously
ringing up a fare Somo people do
carry money In queer places Now
that Chinaman In there kept mo wait
ing over two blocks while ho untied n
gordlan knot In his cue where ho had
his cash Some people keep mo wait
ing five blocks or more while they fish
around for their money
Yesterday I was going north on
Main street when at the corner of
Adams two women got on tho car 1
waited u minute or so and then went
In for the fares The women looked
sort of dashed and then ono of them
began to fumble In her purse Empty
Then her companion made a dive at
the bottom of her skirts
Well sir It beat all That woman
deliberately unlaced her shoe and took
It off and through a hole In her stock
ing fished out n dime Memphis
Horn to Lend
You remember young Carpley who
used to have an ambition to bo an ac
tor dont you
Well hes playing a leading role
You dont say so By George I
never thought he hnd It In him
Hes with an Uncle Tom company
and leads the bloodhounds in the street
procession Chicago Tlmcs IIerald
Ienrla nntl Tears
What splendid pearls the bride hns
How can n man give bis bride pearls
They mean tenrs
Oh thats superstition Besides
they re Imitation pearls
Well if she knows that the tears
will be genuine at any rate
gende Blatter
Spreads IIke Wild lire
When things are the best they be
come tho best selling Abraham
Haro a leading druggist of Belleville
O writes Electric Bitters aro the
best selling bitters I have handled in 20
years You know why Most diseoses
begin in disorders of stomach liver
kidnoys bowels blood and nerves
Electric Bitters tones up the stomach
regulates liver kidneys and bowels
purifies the blood strengthens the
nerves henco cures multitudes of mivl
adios It builds up tho entire system
Puts new lifo and vigor into nuy weak
sickly rundown mail or woman Price
jiO cents Sold by Kiesan Drug Co
This Is Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps
a generous Kimplo w ill be mailed of the
most popular Cittarrh nnd liny Fever Curt
Elys Cream Halm eufilcient to deiuou
btrato the gient merits of the remedy
60 Warren ht nv York City
Ttov John Iteid Jr of fircat Falls Mout
recommended Elys Cream liam to mo 1
cau emphasize hs statement Jt is a posi
the cure for catarrh if ud nsdirt cted
ltev Prow is W iWo Pastor CeutrulPres
Church lltlci u Mont
Elys Cream Balm is iho acknowledged
cure for cnnrrh aud coutninu vo mercury
uor uuy ijjurious dni Price CO cents
Wheat Mnrltrt la Inclined to Drne Llqnk
la On tn Provisions
Chicago April 18 With corn exerting nn
upwnrd Influence nnd the weather furnishing
a btnrlhh outlook the wheat tnnrkrt today
coiiipromloeil by UnlMiIng tho aewdon merely
sternly fo tinder ycitorday Corn cloned
Jic to o hlghnr oats Jo up and provisions
7Wa depressed Closing prlcev
WllBAT May 00c Julr 6o
Colin May WJfoMint July 40tH0o
OaTH Mny iKIc July 23Jo
roliK May 12 05 July 1810
Itliw Mav I71ryr7 17 July 715717H
liAlin May 7 25 July 17
Cash quotations Mo 2 red wheat WJ70c
No 2 spring whnafc C0G7o No corn
8Seo No 2oat 23Jo
Chicago Ilva Stock
ClllOAOo April 18 Cattlo Keeelpt 11600
steers steady to shado lower butchers stock
steady good to prlmo ateert UlKViWlH poor
to medium fl 109476 selected feeders 14 00
mw mixed stockcrn 3 403 M J oows a 00
4 CO ltplforH ia2Yt4 7 canncrs U2V92 80
bulls UoiXiMZa calves 14 tOigVl 60 Texas fed
steers 14 00 26 Texas tmllv 3 2V3r 7n Hogs
Hecelpts today 28000 tomorrow 25000 esti
mated left over 5000 fnlrly nctlve KiJlOo
lower top K 80 mixed and butchers 5 60
0 l1i kood to cholco heavy lf 0Vdo 8S rough
henvy SA4rV25 tXJ light 4SfWu7K bulk of
sales 16 00C4 70 Hhoup llecelpls 14KK sheep
and lambs mostly 1015o lower cood to cliolcn
wothors 15750 IB fair to cholco mixed 476
8576 western sheep lfi7rVtfll0 yiarllngs
0 00tW60 natlvo lamba 5 0740 western
lambs J0O0ffl74O
Kansas City Lite Sloolt
Kanbas Oitv April 18 Cattlo Itecrlpts
0800 supply of heavy grades too liberal fancy
stock steady plain heavy 10a lower butcher
weights steady to shndo caster luavy natlvo
stoers 48M6o5 UghtwelKhts 4403605
etocknrs and feodcrs l 6031515 bntcherscows
nnd huirors 11 403470 cunncrs 276J 40 foil
westerns 4 0046 00 Tuxans tJ IUV Hogs
Keoeipts 16000 supply mostly of common
quality prices 610o lower heavy 5 605 00
mixed 5406 65 light tbWtbVli pigs 4 85
515 Blieup ltucelpts lW0 muttons nctlvo
steady fid lambs c higher Colorado lambs
7004706 clipped lambs ll 154050 cllpptd
muttoUH 5155 05 culls 400i40
South Omaha Live Stooh
Houtii Omaha April 18 Cattlo Receipts
2400actlvo stronger natlvo beef stters 4 20
5 40 cows aud heifers llllOyJl Oj canners
226a U0 stockors and feeders 8 8035 10
calves 4003700 bulls stags etc 2 80410
Hogs lieceiptB 7600 6c lover heavy 560
655 mixed 5 47J5 50 light 5 405 60
pigs 4755 40 bulk of sales 5 47560
Bheep Kecelpts 5100 stiady lambs lower
yearlings BTO0 U5 wtutcrn muttons 5 40
016 stock sheep 4 6045 60 lambs 0 000725
When thou dost feel denth slowly
creeping towards thyself niayest thou
not regret that thon didst fail to take
Itocky Mountain Tea Prolongs life
Ask your druggist
Itest for tlio Itovtels
No matter what nilB you headache to
a enncer you will never get well until
your bowels are put right CnscarQts
help nnture cure you without n gripo or
pnin produce enFy unturnl movements
costs you just 10 cents to start gotting
your health bnck Cascarets Candy
Cathartic tho genuine put up in metal
boxes every tablet has O O O stamped
on it Beware of imitations
Try Qriilu O Try Graln O
Ask your grocer to show you a pack
age of Grain O tho now food drink that
takes tho place of coffee The children
may drink it without injury as well as
tho ndult All who try it liko it
Grniu O has that ricli seal brown of
Mocha or Juvn but it is made from
pure grains and tlio most delicate
stomach receives it without distress J j
tho pi ice of coffee 15c aud 25c per
packago Sold by all grocers
How Are Your Kidneys f
Dr Hobbs Sparngus Pills euro all kidney Ills Sam
ple free Add Sterling Hcinedr Co Cl lcago or N Y
Jnmes Dont marry a girl unless
she is willing to do her Bhnro of tbe
work and take Rocky Mountain Tea
Ask your druggist
Tiiat Throbbing Headache
Would quickly lenvoyou if you used
Dr Kings New Lifo Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick nnd nervous headaches
They make pure blood and build up
your health Only 25 cents Money
back if not curod Sold by the Kiesan
Drug Co
A Horrible Outbreak
Of largo sores on my little daughters
head developed into a cose of scald
head writes O E Isbill of Morganton
Tenn but Bucklens Arnica Salve
completely cured her ItB a guaranteed
cure for eczema tetter salt rheum
pimples soreB ulcers and piles Only
25c nt Kiesan Drug companys
Tn Cure Constipation Forever
Take Cascarets Cundv Catlinrtic 10c orCSo
If C C C fall to cure druggists refund money
Millions OH en Avtuy
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of ono concern which is not
afraid to be gonerous The proprietors
of Dr Kings Now Discovery for con
sumption coughs nnd colds have given
away over ten million trial bottles and
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma brouohitis la grippe and all
throat chest aud lung diseases are
surely cured by it Call on Kiesau
Drug compauy and get a free triul
bottle Regular size GOo and 100
Every bottle guaranteed
Men can be cured privately and posi
tively at home of all weakness and dis
ease Write for now freo book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Educate Tour Ilmvels With Cascarets
Candy Cathartic cure constipation foreier
Oc85c HCC C fall druggists refund monuy
Wauted immediately fifty five young
ladies with pimples black heads unfty
complexions to take Rocky Mountain
Tea and have a benutiful face Ask
your druggist
Dont Tobarro Spit aud SiucVe lour I lfe Array
To quit tobacco easily and forever he mag
cetlc full ot lifo nerve and vigor take No To
lac ije wonder worker that makes weak mcr
btrorg All druggists iOc or ft Cureguaran
teed lloolilet aud sample free Addrcsi
Pcrllng ilemedy Co Chicago rr New York
His Tcrriie m
Few things arc so depressing and
weakening as a constant cough
Pew things are as discouraging as a
cough thnt will not yield to treat
ment Jt breaks in 6n the nights
rest It interferes alike with busi
ness and with pleasure Aliovo all
the persistent cough constantly sug
gests the thought of that drcatl dis
ease consumption with its lingering
ngony Dr Pierces Golden Medi
cal Discovery cures coughs when all
other medicines fail because it is
more than n cough medicine The
couch is but a svmntom Discov
WmJ 4fcOICr
RKB 1 v Alii
ery mnkes new and pure blood heals the lacerated tissues
nnd gives the lody the needed strength to throw off dis
ease It cures the cough by curing the cause of the cough
People have suffered with bronchial affections for years
with obstinate stubborn cough and growing weakness
They have tried doctors and medicines in vain At last they
have been induced to try Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis
covery with the general result experienced by nil who nut
this wonderful medicine to the lest help nt once anu a
speedy cure
For coughs bronchial affections weak lungs spitting of
blood nntl other diseases of the organs of respiration
Golden Medical Discovery is practically a specific It
G CD sc Hj
sH2 GKR IIsr
niways ueips u nimosi always cures There is
no alcohol neither opium cocaine nor other
narcotic in the Discovery
Do not allow any dealer to impose on you by
selling vou a substitute for Dr Pierces medi
cines The only motive for substitution is an
excessive profit for the dealer You pay that
exit a fvjtt if you accept a substitute
I had n terrible cough something over n year
ago and could find nothing to stop it or even to do
me a paiticle of good writes Mr J M Fnrr of
Cameron Screven Co Ga 1 chanced to see an
advertisement ol jours and forthwith bought a
bottle of j inn invaluable Golden Medical Discov
ery Ilefore I had taken half a bottle I was
entirely wtll
Dr Plarcom Common Sonma Medlcml Ad
2j conSalnlna 100B largo pagoa Is son
FREC on recolnt ol at amp to pay oxponao
ot mailing ONLY Sontl SI ono cont mi amp
for tho paper -bound book or 31 at amp
for atrong cloth binding Addroaa Dr R V
Plorco Buffalo If Y
Exclusive agent lur the Celebrated Sweetwater Bock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61
m mm9am m mmm m mm
3WIj33ErLVr33XUriVEl XXIiXsS
The great remedy for nervous prostrati6n and nil diseases of tho generative
organs of cither sex such as Nervous Prostration Failing or Lost Manhood
Impotcncy Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry cxcesslvo uso
of Tobacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With every
85 order wo guarantee to euro or refund tho money Sold at 100 per box
C boxes for 500 1 MOTTS CXIETIICAIj CO Cloveluud Ohio
mwViamwmLWUtfNwrlLmHatKJtolXnf aW9WfvVaWV I
ssHpIbbVa Sr AWlBssssssssssKrl
Mm rrr -
Erastus A Benson t
President of tho Omaha Real Estate Ex-
change and one of the leaders in real
tate circles in Nebraska writes I tried
Hr Kays Lung Balm
for a severe cold as did my neighbor Mr
W L Solby and the result was remark- 1
able The effect was so quick I would not
have trusted my senses had not Mr Selbys
experience been the same
Shun substitutes Remedies Just As Good as Dr 4
Kays iung Halm aro not madoor sold any- i
whoro If notat druggists we will send it post- v
paid on receipt of nrlce Dr Knvs Lunir Halm in 2
2cts Free Medical Advlco Samplo and Hook for V
tho nsklni Address
Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y
Daily News Job Department
How a Woman
HOWELL Ind Nov 28
I will always praise Wine of Cardui It
has done me more good than all tbe medi
cines I have ever taken in my lifo Please
tend a book about female diseases to the
ladies whoss names I enclose
WneTtaflU 1
It isnt necessary for a woman to give particulars When she savs
she has female troubles other women know what that means It
means days and nights of endless suffering It means headaches which
no tongue can describe It means that terrible bearing and draggine
down in the lower abdomen It means agonizing backache and shoulder
ache and arm ache and aches in the lower limbs It means nerves on
edge the blues- despondency and loss of hope It means debilitating
drains that the doctors call leucorrhcea It means martyrdom-some-times
even death seetm preferable And still Wine of Cardui will utterly
For advice In cases reqnlrlriK nceisl
directions addreM glvini lynii nuns
UdlM idiUtrf llpl I tt IllTl i MlllUi
ituuunu uiutnaneoKa nnu
put muse ulseasesana pains to rout
It has cured thousands of cases
when nothing else on earth would
To the budding woman to the
ruie io itie wue to the expectant
mother to those going through
the Change of Life this Vegetable Wine is a blessing
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