n M r 1 ft 5 h I 8 I m o I N If 4 M Economical Shoes nro never chonp shoes Shoes liko Pingrco Smiths mens j womons and childrens and Drow Solhy Shoo Cos Indies shoos nro truly economical because they Will Outwear two pairs of chonp shoos nud aro not high priced nt that If you have never triod thorn i wo would ndviso you to do so Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER OlHco Hanlys Coal Oflleo Fire insurance Farm aud City Loans nud Heal Estnto Two kodiI houses for rout J E SIMPSON 3R FJBt BUYING EYES Isnt an easy matter The best occculists and opticians are not magicians They cant restoro the sight to the blind Dont Wait Until You Cant See Well Its little things that count A little headache n few spots burning sensations these are the warnings that should be heeded Have your eyes prop- erly tested by C F W MARQUARDT GRADU TE OPTICIAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA Have You Seen the New Spring Styles of PHOTO MOUNTS AT MICHAELS Latest out First class work guaranteed Photo Buttons finest assortment in town Frames all sizes made to order at low rates Yours for business C P MICHAEL At Thompsons 3 cans corn 20 IJ cans tomatoes 25 Whoatling per package 10 Gold dust 4 lb 18 3 packages yeast 10 Bakors chocolate 18 2 lbs ABC crackers 15 1 gal pail syrup 35 Gloss starch per pkg 05 18 lbs granulated sugar 100 We Can Save You Money c S O u 5XjxJxxkJvJ I a 5- 3 m bo 2 5 c So CQ z u Q 2 a 13 cd tn cs 33 tn 9- a u a THURSDAY TIDINGS James Gildea is moving his family iuto a residenco on Fourteenth Btreot Frauk Neligh of West Poiut was de clared insane Monday aud brought to tho asylum at this placo Tuesday even ing by ShoritT Philips of Cuming county A shooting match was indulged in by a number of local sport s yesterday af tor noon Chief of Polico Widamau is today trying to locato a trio of Norfolk boys who loft thoir homes yesterday without announcing thoir intentions or destina tion A daughtor was recontly born to Mr nnd Mrs Linnobury of Sioux City Mrs Linnfbury wns formorly Miss Laura Klsloy and mndo this city her homo Tho weathor continues to bo all that could bo dosired Tho grass lias grown about an inch a day during tho past two day3 under tho influence of tho suus rays Union sorvices to which overybody is welcome will bo hold at tho Y M O L rooms noxt Sunday afternoon at oclock Dan I Leo will addross tho mooting Miss Irouo Dextor eutortaiued a few friends last ovening in honor of hor schoolmato Miss Nellio Little of South Dakota A very onjoyablo ovening was passed by thoso prosont Tho work of completing tho Audito rium was resumed this morning aud it will probably bo completed at ouco It is understood that the building will bo covered witli a tin roof A J Hosinbaum has niovodjuis fam ily aud household goods to Omaha nud H E Austin is today moving his family iuto the house vacated by him on South Fourth street from addition Edgowater Park Beginning with next Sunday the 2ud train Nos f 10 11 and 10 over tho C St P M fc O road will run every day Two of them have hereto fore run on Sundays but heroaftor all four will bo run on that day Artichokes aro hardy nud will stand this climate remaining out of doors all winter without injury It is claimed that one acre of artichokes will produce moro fat hogs than four acres of corn oven in the most prolific seasons Tho special election held at Madison Tuesday for the purpose of voting bonds in the sum of 12250 for tho oreetion of a now sohool house in that district in place of ono that had beconio unsafe was carried almost unanimously in favor of tho bonds tho vote being 253 for to 28 against tho proposition Frank Riley the Omaha liquor man was up before police court again this morning on the charge of being drunk and disorderly Tho flue assessed against him was 5 and costs amount ing to a total of 1110 Tho prisoner was advised by the judge to get out of town and about his business aud prom ised to take tho advice Tho American Beet Sugar company recently held its annual meeting No report was given but tho following directors were elected W Bayard Cutting Henry T Oxnard J G Oxnard 1 G Hamilton D Clarke Geo F Peabody Edwin M Bulkley Kalmau Haas Robert Oxnard and Denuiston Wood The company is capitalized at 20000000 Rev S F Shaipless is attending the notn semi annual session of tho Niobrara presbytery whioh is meeting in ONeill this week Tho session was opened with a sermon by tho retiring moderator Rev D C Montgomery of Wayne on the subject The Sword of Goliath Rev T Morning of Randolph was elected moderator and Rev F D Haimer of Atkinson clerk Rev Sharpless was made chairman of the committeo on home missions Wayne Republican The court house will have new furniture The commis sioners on Friday concluded negotia tions with an outfitting establishment who will put in chairs desks tables and in foot everything needed to furnish tho building complete in every respect ex cept fixtures for tho different vaults Tho contract price all set up in tho house is 3425 We aro assured that tho furniture purchased is such as will bo satisfactory to the taxpayers and the board believes that they have purchased it at a very reasonable price It is to bo hero and placed in tho building in 00 days Tho trial of tho stock yards case pro coeds without any particularly new features Tho ground covered in tho preliminary heariug is being gouo over again Tho defense examined its wit nesses yostorday afternoon and severa this morning It was expected that argument would bo held this afternoon aud tho case will bo submitted to tho jury this evening or tomorrow morning At this timo there aro many who believe that tho trial will result in a conviction of several of tho dofeudants but it is understood if that is the outcomo their cases will be appealed to the supremo court Morning lodge No 20 Knights of Pythias has received a letter from Virginia Grovo lodge No 302 of Morn iug Sun Iowa through its keeper of f records and seal Guy J Touilinson thanking them for their euro of O F Butler who recontly died hero The letter bays Although wo have never had the pleasure of personal acquaint ance with any of your members wo feel that wo aro brothers and that a new tie binds us on account of tho kind ness with whioh you treated our late brother O F Butler Such uctious THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AlKlh 19 1800 glvo fullor meaning to our motto of friendship and illustrato tho true tho Pythian meaning of that term Wo feel that you havo exemplified tho prac tice of fraternity nud it needs no com mendation from us but wo merely do sire to lot you know how highly your knightly courtesy is estcoinod by us Now York World A courtship tax imposed by n church hero is making tho young men poor and tho church rioh Tho church some tlmo ago in order to ralso money with which to buy an or gan fixed upon tho idea of levying a 10 cent tax for every visit paid by a youth upon n woman mouther of tho ehuroh Tho girls made a list of their callers and tho amounts duo woro gathered by a tax colloctor who gave receipts for thorn The congregation now wants to build a now ehuroh and it is proposed that tho tax bo relmposed with addi tions A tariff has boon made out by n committeo but It has not boon adopted Hero is some of it Ono call ovoning 10 cents ono call 10 am to 2 pm 3 cents one call 2 p in to 0 p in 5 cents hand squoco 10 cents Invitation to tea 31 cents buggy rido 12 cents kissosin tho presonco of tho girls mothor por doon 17 cents kissoB in mothers abseuco not allowed oxohaugo of photographs 42 centB nccoptanco of proposals 118 fixing tho happy day 2 cents on each pound of candy prosontod I cent It Is proposed that young mou who havo paid n tax shall recbivo stamps which thoy shall paste on thoir shirt fronts An inspector will call at tho houses of eligiblo girls to see if visiting suitors aro all properly stamped and to colloct all deficiencies Ho will carry a bell punch Mrs II II Hull is now ready to do manicuring shampooing and givo ladies baths over Hayes jewelry store Glissinauns for tho best lnrd Miss E J Bender is shosviug tho finest in millinery Call and look ovor our lino Wo nro ploasod to show you whother you buy or not Just received nt Michnels studio a flno assortment of strictly picturo moldings many of tho very latest patterns aud every piece n beauty aud the prices aro right to bring in your pictures A lovelv lino of mat nud molton boards Those who havo purchased tickets from tho solicitors for the entertainment to be given by tho Dixie Jubileo concert company under tho auspices of tho Y M C L next Tuesday ovoning nro ndvisod to got thoir Beats reserved at once to insure good locations IsluyclttHl We wish to inform the public that wo havo purchased tho entire Norfolk Bi cycle works aud havo onlarged our room added moro machinery tools sundries parts nud tho best liuo of bicycles ever brought to Norfolk Our lino consists of tho Orient World Pattoo Beobo National Sycamore America Acme etc We also build any special or reg ular wheel to order chain or chainless tandems triplets and quads Those will bo known ns Ahlinan Specials Our loading wheel Tho Orient mado by the Walthain Manufacturing Co of Waltham Mass is tho finest strongest nnd fnstest wheel m tho world today It is the leader of all leaders ridden by all the leading professionals holding all world records Our prices will be from 2000 up for good honest made wheels that aro fully guaranteed We will also handle some cheaper goods such as 1095 and 1875 in order to compete with mail order houses but these we do not recommend Our stock of sundries parts andro pairs is complete and tho largest over brought to Norfolk Wo aro also able to make any pari to a bicyclo on short notice Our terms will be cash except on bicycles whioh wo sell on tho install ment plan by tho week or month Prices reasonable and prompt work guaranteed Soliciting your patron ago we remain Respectfully Ahlman Buos The Norfolk Bioyolo Men Wastkd A good girl for general housework Good wages Mrs W II Buttertield Farm land and city property for sale by G R Seiler Those who havo been selling seats for tho concert Tuesday night report good success The attraction is a good ono and every seat in tho Auditorium should bo filled We make loaus on roal estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building nud SaviuRS association T E Odiokne Sec Harding creamery butter 22o and 17o per pouud at Glissmanns The Dixie Jubilee concert compauy is a guaranteed attraction aud tho fpeo pie who attend will receive full valuo for thoir mouoy Wall paper at Ohristophs B P S Best paint sold at Ohris tophs Smoked whito fish at tho Palace Meat Market J Harris n horso buyor will bo hore Saturday tho 21st propared to buy all kinds of horses aud mules Ho will bo found at Brunsons bam on Third street just bonth of Main Houses for sale T E Odiorsk PERSONAL P L Host of Stanton was a city vis itor yostorday F A Huston was In tho olty yester day from Kwlng Mrs Geo Thatoh of Battle Creek was a city visitor yesterday Elmor Fox was In the city from Crelghtou this morning G T Sproohor attended tho funeral of Otto Dano at Schuyler Willis MoBrido was over from Madi son today greeting frlonds Mrs 1 lamia Barnes was in tho me tropolis yesterday from Battle Crook Sheriff Kreador and Ionium Smith of Fremont were city visitors yostorday Post Olllco Inspector Albort O Swift called on tho olllco force hero yesterday F W Iiiuonian wont to Omaha on this mornings M A O train for a short visit M Mrs Uartiuan went to Seward Tiios day to see hor daughter Mrs Wolfo who is very sick with consumption Mr aud Mrs P F Sproohor returned yostordny from Schuyler where they wont to attend tho funeral of Otto Dane L O Watorbury of Tilden Is in tho city today on his way homo from Mud isou whore ho had business in sottllng up au estato for which ho is adminis trator Mrs J II Watts who has boon visit ing hor parents Mr and Mrs Jos Allbory dopnrts today for hor homo in Ohoyonno Wyo Hor mother accompa nies hor for a months visit Mr and Mrs I M Maoy doarpted this morning for Perry Iowa whore Mr Macys mothor iB vory sick and not ox pocted to live Mr MacyfH son from Battlo Creek came down to run tho gallery during his fathers absonco Columbus Telegram Miss Abbio Koatiug matron of tho Norfolk hospital for tho insane was visiting friends and rolntivcs in tho dity last week Miss Speico and Miss Lillio Koatiug accom panied her back to Norfolk for a fow days visit Farm and city loans The PurIjAND Trust O o If Your Wntcli Stops Go to Fritz Hoohno in Koonigstoins drug store Ho is tho host and cheapest watchmaker and jowlor in town All work warranted Now CiihIi Hardware Mnm B W Fisher lato of Red Oak Iowa desires to announce to tho pcoplo of Norfolk and vicinity that ho will on May 1 open up a handsome hardware store in tho Robertson block Tho stock will bo uow first class in ovory particular aud everything usually kept at au up-to-date hardwaro store will bo kept on hand Mr Fisher coutomplatos doing a strictly cash business and prom ises his customors tho benefits of such a system In buying and soiling for cash ho will bo free from long standing and dead head accounts aud will get a re duction on tho goods purchased IIo hopes to secure and deserve a sharo of tho patronage of tho pcoplo of Norfolk and vicinity IIo will bo ready for bus iness after May 1st aud invites a call from pooplo desiring now and clean hardwaro at nght prices Now Silk Wanna Prettiest and most durable waists over shown for tho money 385 and 525 A very largo aud handsomo lino of black chiffon boas Prices from 100 to 500 New neckwear of all kinds Mrs J Benson South Kith St Omaha Nob Choice celery nt the Palace Meat Market Tim Weutlmr Conditions of tho weathor ns recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temporature ij Minimum temperature 3 Avorago 52 Snowfall Inches 00 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 214 Earometer 2 18 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight aud probably Friday Slightly warmer south portion tonight Fresh whito fish black bass eyed pike lake trout aud Gorman at tho Palace Meat Market Special Sale IliroH Cut In Two 2000 double rolls wall paper nil now Finest one band blended border gilt paper wall carp Dr Frank Salter Diseasoa of children 01 15 1000 patterns of wall paper to select from St Louis strictly pure whito lead red seal por hundred 5 00 Linseed oil per gallon 50 Best paiut sold por gallon 1 25 Good ready mixed paiut por gallou 80 Fine cloth window shades each 25 Extension curtain rods 10 Largest assortment of room moldiugs brushes varnishes glass calcimine etc over in tho city H O Truman 101 North Fourth streot Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs Younger on tho Heights Sturgeon is tho piano man Agents wanted for tho best typewriter on tho market tho Pittsburg Visible j1 writing In sight nt all times oviluslvo territory given Address lHndley Hard- ware company Pittsburg Pa Application fur Saloon Itipnir lli mmn Matter of application of Ituotto Rico for n liquor Hemmn Notice is hereby given that Intinttn Klcn did on the 1 Ith day or April 1000 file her application to tho mayor mid city councilor the city of Norfolk No brasloi for HceiiNo to sell malt spiritu ous ami vinous liquors at Norfolk No braskn from tho Istilny of May HUH to the Mlh day or April 1001 at lot I block 2 Bears addition in first ward nf said city If there Is no objection ronionst ranee or protest filed within two weeks from the 1 1th day or April MM tho said license will be granted 1 1 Suit City Clnik Application toi IImikkIhIm 1 1 i 1 1 1 ri r llrnm Matter of application of A II Klosau for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that A II KioHuu did mi tho ith day of April 1000 fllo his application to the mayor and city council or the olty or Norfolk Nebraska Tor license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors for medicinal mechanical and ohemienl purposed at Norlolk Nebraska friuu the 1st day of May 1000 to the 30th day or April 1 IK t at east a or lot ll block 3 Mathewsons addition in First ward or said city H there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 5th day of April MM the said license will bo granted 11 Sri it City Clerk Application for Drucwlxlii Liquor ltccnmi Matter or application or J L llcr shiser for a liquor liconso Notice is heroby given that J L Horshiser didon tho 15th day of March 1100 fllo his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell mall spirituous and vinous liquors for medic inal mechanical and chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1100 to the 30th day of April 1101 At lot 8 block INorfolk Junction in fourth ward of said city If thoro is no objection romnnHtrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho Kith day of March 1100 the said liconso will be granted J C Sirrr City Clerk QAppllcatlon or Saloon Ihtinr IIiuiho Mat tor of application of C F A Mnrquardt for a liquor license Notice is heroby given that O Marquardt did on the 27th March 1000 file his application mayor and city council of tho You Never Knew Any Ono who has Used a I flay to city Norfolk Nebraska for liconso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nobraska from the 1st day or May 1000 to tho 30th day or April 1001 at lot f block 1 Koonigstoins 1st addition in first ward of said city If thero is no objootion remonstrance or nrotost filed within two weeks from tho 27th day of March 1100 tho said liconso will bo granted 1 0 SriTT City Clerk GHIGKERING A of the of Application for Saloon Liquor IIcimino Mattor of tho application of Sam Schneider Notico Is hereby given that Sam ScliHoidor did on tho 14th day of April 1000 fllo his application to tho village trustees of tho town of Battlo Crook Nobraska for licenso to sell malt spirit uous nnd vinous liquors nt Datllo Crook Nobraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to the 30th day of April 1101 at lot 4 block 17 in tho building known as the Huns building If thero is no objection remoiistranco or protest lilod within two wcoks from the Kith day ot April 1000 said license will bo granted Sam Schneider Application lor DniKKlHtH IlquorllroiiMO Matter of application of Asa K Loonard for a Liquor Liconso Notico is heroby givon that Asa K Leonard did on tho 27th day of March 1000 file his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for licenso to sell malt spirit uous and villous liquors for medicinal mechauical and chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to tho 30th day of April 1001 at lot 2 Pilgors subdivision in First ward of said city If thero is no objection romonstranco or protest filed within two weeks from tho 27th day of March 1900 tho said license will bo granted J O Stitt City Clerk Go to see CARL L LAUBSCH for first class TINWORK One door west of Oxnard Hotel To bo Quito Satisfied with A PINO of Any Othor Mako Tho ronEon U tlicrn ih mi INDIVIDUALITY to tho Tom -A Superior Excellence Depth Volume Reserve Power That plarib tlio CHICKHRINO in a rlab li ilHllf Tho ACTION in nlcotj or Jlulanco ami Ad justment ith Kntiro C011M ruction for Strciihtli ami Dunibilit rci iiltt in an Art Product in Iiiino lluildim which U tho lu of all Coin pistitorx aud Whose Puual Dot Not Ilxltt If ou WANT Till lliST bu tho Chickiriim WIJ ALSO SRLL Now Iiunns of tho Homio prndo for flSTM Now Ilanos of tho Klmliall Kradn for 17JU Now liiiiio6 of tho Victor Krado for 1200 Now Iiaiioa of tlio Ntitzow rado for 12100 Now Iiannn of tho t ornMi rado for 137V Now Iiiinosof tho lilmoroKrado for 11000 Now lianoa of tho Stumer wrado for IV100 Now IMuiiob of tho Adam Schaaf knido 16M0O Now Iianob of tho lltieh A lortt tcrmlu 17500 Now IiiuiOB of tho Kranich A llirli Krado 2V01 Now IianoH of tho Kmoion urailn for 27500 Now llanoB of tlio hor A Pond kimiIo 27500 Nnu Piano of tho h an ho urado for K230 Now iiiinob of tho Ktolnwu urado for 350U Good second hand Mason Humliu Organ for sale nt a bargain Johnsons Furniture Store Pure Fresh Groceries iivo ossonliiiii lo good lieiilUi and cosl no moro Mian lho dioup s toi IT handled by sonio doalors Fuesler Sells the Best Sole Agent for Chase Sanborns Coffee For IloDiliinj Sleam Filling Pomps Tan a P Wind Mills Ami all work In thin linn call on W H RISH Hallnriirlloii Umiiatilnod Klint door South of Tm I 111 NiwmOIT1co MOOKHINDINd Books and Magazines Neatly Bound II HKUiMMUNl NoxltoDoan h Paint Stunt ilh Strool P J FUESLER Merchant Tailor North Side flaiii Street Four doors west of Tho Pair Store New Goods Latest Styles First Class Work and Perfect Fit Guar anteed Prices Reasonable Trial Order Solicited ASK FOR iTTEKS GOOD FOR WHAT AILS YOU For Sale at all First Class Saloons L P LARSON CO FREMONT - NEBRASKA kl Nebraska Distributor L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wmk First door West of Post Ofllce PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration aud sells thorn at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhles