The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 19, 1900, Image 1

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k 4
Twenty Killed nml One Hundred Wound
rd In Fighting nt Wepeunr Ilorr Up
port neclnren llrntmnt Him Surritulprctl
1 lluroiiemi OtUcors to Lend Rnon
lfifiiKN April 10 Heavy rains Im
pede tho movements of the British col
umns Tho blockade of Weponer ron
tinnes nltliongli relief is near Largo
iunntities of storos mo being moved
bouthwnnl from Bloomfontoin which is
a rovergal of tho courso of freight for
tho Inst six weeks Thco sbipincnts
nro nintlu necessary by tho operations in
tho southeast of tho Frco State Thoro
are 2000 sick in tho hospitals most of
tho cases being of dysentery and ontenc
fever With tho exception of theso
facts tho cmbugo upon war intelligence
is almost complete Tho special corre
spondents send trhialitios or obscuro
statements rather than explain tho situ
ation in their efforts to prepare matter
that will pass tho censor Hero and
there a phraso indicates an oxpoctancy
that largo things nro about to happen
What is to bo dono with Sir Roelvers
Buller and Sir Charles Waircn occu
pies everybodys attention The pa
pers continuo to comment on Loid
Roberts censure of theso commanders
They ask if more errois arc not likely
to occur together with fruitless waste of
life in tho eveut that men who have
been declared incompetent by their su
perior continuo to command 40000
troops It is now generally accepted
that tho government had a purpose in
tho publication of Lord Roberts dis
patch and that tho recall of General
Buller and General Warren has been
decided upon
Accoiding to Boer reports there is a
steady flow of foreign volunteers into
tho Transvaal Hithorto theso adven
turers have been attached to tho various
commandoes Now it is said they are
to be formed into a special legion with
continental officers and rumors are that
command will bo given to a distin
guished French soldier lately retiied
General do Negner who is in the
Transvaal or is ueanug tho cud of tho
journey thither
According to a dispatch to tho Daily
Mail from Lourenzo Marquess nearly
half tho members of tho Chicago am
balance corps when offered Mausers on
their arrival at Pretoria toro off their
Ttcd Ci oss badges Adelbert S Hay
United States consul notified tho
Transvaal government that ho must re
port tho circumstance to Washington
Tho Bloemfontem correspondent of
the Times telegraphing Wednesday
says A corresp6udent with General
Chermsido reports that tho Thud di
vision has advanced eight miles east of
Reddersburg and gone into camp where
the Irish Ritlcs surrendered Four hun
dred Boers had just evacuated the posi
tion General Chermsido had no fur
ther contact with the Boers
KuniaHsie Closely Invented
Accua April 18 News has been re
ceived here that Kumassio is closely in
vested that the situation will soon be
come grave if relief is delayed The
governor Sir Frederick Mitchell Hodg
son is asking for all available forces
A British officer who s in command of
an important station north of Kumassie
says that unless relief is forthcoming
eoon it will bo impossible to hold out
Tho first relief force is expected to ar
rive at Kumassio today and it will at
tempt to forco tho cordon Natives
there are convinced that French influ
ences are operating against the British
DalRPty KeportK Ioisei
Maseku April 10 Colonel Dalgotys
casualties since ho has been besieged at
Wepener have been 20 killed and 100
wounded The Boor losses aro reported
to have been considerably heavier
After the night attack on April 12 tho
dead were left on tho field whero they
still lie unburied Thoro is a conflict of
opinion among the leaders Somo want
to attack again whilo others refuso to
do so Desultory canuon firing and
sniping continues
Ilrulmnt Snlil to Have Surrendered
Loukenzo Makquez April 18 Tho
Boers aro extremely anxious about
Wepouer Tho Standard and Diggers
News of yesterday says General Bra
bant is hourly expected to surrender
Wmterbach commandant at Koinati
Poort said that a telegram arrived today
announcing that the garrison had sur
Pointer for Turkey
London April 10 Tho Vienna cor
respondent of The Times says By
further resistance to the olaims of tho
United States tho sultan will expose
himself to grave consequences which
probably ho had not foreseen The
United States government is not accus
tomed to indulge in empty threats If
tho sultan supposes for a moment that
he would find protection from any
European power let him remember
KaniH llenuullcHUi denominate iAmg
Hutchinson Kan April 19 Hon
Chester I Long of Medicino Lodge win
unanimously renominated by tho Ro
publicancouventiou of tho Seventh con
gressional district Delegates to tho
national convention aro Judgo T B
Wall of Wichita and H F Milhken of
Santa Foj alternates William Duon of
Stafford uud Dr Sabine of Garden City
presidential elector J Q Thompson
Delegation netructed for McKinloy
John Trimble 1nrmerly of IMrM Ne
liruakn Hluya lumen In Kftnum
PmiMPsnuuu Kan April 10 John
Trimble who set veil with tho First Ne
braska regiment during tho Philippine
campaign slow his brother James on a
farm claimed by both tho brothers ton
miles smith itf hero yct onlay afternoon
Tho men had not been on good terms
for four years or moro and recently
thero has been serious trouble over tho
disputed ownership of tho farm Yes
terday tho brothers had a quarrel
which ended by John shooting James
John who is only 20 years old cnniu
to Phillipsburg and gave hinisolf up
Mllltlit Itend for Tioutilr lint Stvlkrm
Millie No DriiKintti atlon
Ckoton Landing N Y Apiil 10
In accordance with tho piomiso mado
last night by General Roe in command
of the tioops work vvns resumed at tho
Cornell dam Tho strikers made no op
position About 200 men reported for
duty Of tins number about fit weio
stouemasoiiH while tho others wero la
borers and men who worlc on tho littlo
quarry trains
Nono of tho moil who reported for
duty wero stiikers and theio still re
main out between 400 and fi00 mostly
Italians Of tho GO stonemasons who
returned to work 10 wero Italians
Knnaa Midland Cliiwigc Ilnnd
Wichita April 10 Instruments
transferring tho Kansas Midland rail
road running from Wichita to Ells
worth a distance of 100 miles to tho
St Louis and San Francisco Railway
company wero filed hero yesterday
Tho consideration is 1100000 of Kan
sas Midland division 4 per cent first
mortgage bonds and 005000 common
stock trust certificates of tho St LoniH
and San Francisco railway Tho new
Frisco bonds aro used for 1800000 of
which 200000 will bo leservcd for fu
ture impiovemcnts on tho Midland
Contrnct for WJ 00000 lot
Omahv Apiil 19 Kilpatrick Bros
Collins tho railroad contractors have
been awarded tho contract for the ex
tensive improvements to bo made by tho
Union Pacific at Sherman hill in Wy
oming Official announcement of the
letting of the contract and tho names of
the successful bidders wero given out at
Union Pacific headquartes The entire
contract as secured by tho Kilpatrick
firm The improvements will cost m
the neighborhood of GOO000
lieu Ioh of Itiinga Stock
Dknveii April 19 Reports received
heio from tho grazing legions indicate
that heavy lossos of live stock will re
sult from the prolonged rain and snow
storm State Senntor Baacla says that
tho losses of sheep in tho vicinity of
Trinidad aggregate not less than 20000
lJerts Minors Iroin Homes
Knoxville Teiin April 10 Tho
sinking miners at Coal Creek are still
out and aro standing together firmly
Oilicers have served writs of disposses
sion upon tho stiikers and their fam
ilies compelling them to vacate tho
houses owned by tho company
Friction continues between Korea and
Russia with reference to tho lattors de
Fire Wednesday destroyed Morris
Driskin Cos box factory in Jersey
City Loss 50000
Tho Peruvian government has ac
cepted the proposal of tho United States
for a new pan American congress
J M McKiusloy grand secretary of
tho Royal Arcanum died of apoplexy
with which ho was strickon in his office
at Boston Wednesday
Tho board of survey in tho case of tho
United States ship Boston has reported
to tho navy department that tho sliip
can bo repaired at a cost of 175000
At Wednesdays meeting of tho Ha
vana board of trado it was decided to
appoint a suitablo person to represent
tho interests of tho board in Wash
Mrs Susnn Rusio wifo of tho big
Now York pitcher brought suit Wed
nesday for divorce She chaiges that
Rusio has mistreated her and that ho has
been drinking
W S McKeen has severed his con
nection with the National Association
of Democratic clubs He has been tho
acting secretary over sinco tho death of
Lawreuco Gardner
Lieutenant W J Lent Second in
fantry has been ordered to take 92 re
cruits from Fort Thomas Ky to Pasa
Cabellos Cuba for distribution among
the commands there
The steamer Miles arrived at Victoria
Wednesday from Kobo with 1200 Jap
anese immigrants a majority of whom
are destined for the United States to
work on tho railways
The Chinese government has issued
an edict directing all viceroys and gov
iruors to warn armed organizations
that they must refrain from acts of hos
tihty toward native Christians
Thomas M Page president of the
Pago Kraus6e Manufacturing and
Mining company died ut his Si Louis
home of heart disease aged 59 years
Mr Pago was tho author of a number of
Judgo Isaac Johuson of Wooster O
was killed by an Erie freight train at tho
Union tit pot at Mansfield Wednesday
Ho was standing on the track and did
not seo the cars appproach He was 60
years of go
Considerable discussion has grown at
Havana out of the recent killing of an
American by a Cuban policeman Tho
American it appears was under tho in
fluence of liquor and attacked tho po
liceman and rook away hib club There
upon the polioeoiau shot him dead
The Norfolk Weekly News
Movements of British Ham
pered by the Weather
Transmississippi Commercial
Congress Elects Officers
II II 1 llrfnrn Cottcreii Aiirorii Inline n
000000 For lite St Inuli ICiponlllou
Kndoried MriirnRiltt tlinnl Irojeel In
Strongly Ircnd
Houston Tux April 10 Tho com
mittee on resolutions the most import
ant of tho TraiisiuisHissippi congress in
at woik preparing a repoit It has
something over 100 resolutions before it
to bo acted upon and not more than 25
will bo accepted Special inlerests are
behind many of tho resolutions and the
committee has no easy task in selecting
only thoso which will ailect tho whole
west which is lis object
Tho fiist business was the introduc
tion of resolutions as follows By Pat
teison indorsing the bill now before
congress to appropnato 5000000 for
the St Louis Worlds fan Whit mm e
favoung government cable fioni tho
United States to Hawaii and Manila
Patteison opposing the Hanna Payne
ship subsidy bill
A telegram from W J Bryan
thanked the congress lor its invittbtion
to attend the sessions but declined be
causo of other engagements
Tho coiinnittcn on permanent organ
ization lopoi ted tho following nomina
tion of office s President Hon John
R O Pitkin of New Oilcans first vice
president Walter Uresham of Galves
ton second vice president L B Prince
of Santa Fe third vice president S O
Biooksof St Paul fourth vico presi
dent George Q Cannon of Salt Lake
Tho report was adopted and the offic
ers were diclared elected Tho selec
tion of a secretary is left to tho delega
tion of tho stato which secures the next
Coleman and Whitinoro introduced
resolutions indorsing the bills now pend
ing before congress providing for the
immediate construction of tho Nicaragua
canal There was greit applause when
Whitmoro declined that the tune ha
gone by for argument over this canal it
must bo built and at onco
Hill I Won Tiilem a Hand
Ciucvgo April 10 Mayor Harrison
took a hand in tho labor trouble yester
day by calling n number of manufactur
ers and dealers in building material
together to discuss a way to settle the
difficulty Tho plan is lor the matenal
men tomningoa joint meeting of ar
bitration committees liom the building
con ti actors ad tho building tiides
councils with a committeo of t lie it own
as letereo Tho conference was at
tended by ten mateiial dealers repre
senting 00 per cent of tho building
trade Impoitaut developments aie
looked for
Colonel 1ettlt Coi rt Miu Haled
New Yokk April 19 A dispatch
from Manila announces that Colonel
James S Pettit of tho Thirty fiist in
fantry in command at Zaiuhotugi lias
been court martialed for handing a
to President Medell
of Zamboanga who killed tho prisoner
at ouoo without trial Pottit is the ol
ficer with whom Lieutenant Colonel
Webb O Hayes who recently resigned
is said to have quaireled owing to Pet
tits dickering with a Morro dato for
tho right to land troops and compelling
his inon to submit to indignities from
tho natives
Couuulmilon Sail for Philippine
Washington April 19 A brief tele
gram was received at the war depart
ment announcing the departure ot the
members of tho Philippine commission
party from San Frnncibco Tuesday on
tho transport Hancock InaHunich as
tho vacancy in tho ofllco of secretary
of tho commission has not yet been
filled it is tho impression of Secretary
Root uud other officials that the com
mission has decided to make tho ap
pointment from among tho Anient an
rcsidonts of the Philippines
Meeting of Governor
Salt Lake April 19 At the opening
meeting of tho governors called to meet
hero to discuss and land problems J C
Mackay president of tho Wyoming
Sheepineus Protective association anil
Jcsso Smith president of tho Utah
Wool Growers association made ad
dressos on tho subject of leasing of gra
iug lands and tho ceding of arid lands
to tho states Tho discussion was in
Ileijuest to KammH Medical College
Topeka April 19 Tho will of Mr
Eliza Chrismau who died in Topeka re
cently has been filed in tho probate
court Sho bequeaths tho greater part
of a fortune estimated at 250000 for
tho fouuding of tho University of To
poka Tho bequest is contingent on
the Methodist churches of Kansas rais
ing an equal amouut within ten years
Mrs Chrismau also leavos 35000 cash
to tho Ohio Wesloyau university r000
for a now parsonage for tho First Meth
odist church of Topeka and 3000 to
tho Womens Missionary society
Andrew Has Jtetlgned
Chicago April 10 Dr B Benjamin
Andrews superintendent of the Chi
cago public bohools who was lately of
fered tho position of chancellor of the
University of Nebraska has deoided to
accept tho place Ho presented his res
ignation as superintendent of schools
to take effect May 1 After that date
he will tako two months vacation ami
will go to the university at Lincoln
July 1
Innn State limiMinr Will Amnfr Ilia
lovernnrf Statement
DitH Moinks April 19 Today State
Treasurer llerriott will give out tho
third edition of his fatuous protest This
document is said to contain as Interest
ing rending mutter ay to the two pre
vious ones It is in tho nature of a con
tinuation tvf the stato treasurers argu
incut on the railroad ntwsRinont ques
tions and will bo a specific reply to
Governor Shaws statements in tho an
svvor issued by tho majority of tho exec
utive council several weeks ago
At a mot flag of tho slate fair direct
ors jesterday it was decided to invito
Hr Sheldon of Topeka to deliver user
mou at the fair giouuilH timing tho
slate fair At tho same meeting the
directots discussed a scheme to bring
Hagenbacks tanious wild animal show
Hatty Kennedy of tho state boutl of
health went to Toledo and Hampton
yestettlay to inspect the repotted small
pox cases Three now cases were re
ported in Des Moines jostoiday
Iowa runner Kill lllinorlf
WvTntioo la Apnl 1 Ilavid
Ahleis a well-to-do Got man fanner
committed suicide two miles south of
Dvsut yeHteiday inoining by deliber
ately throwing himself in ft out of npis
sengei train on tho Biiilington Cetlar
Kitphls and Not thorn Tho engineer
sivvjtlte man walking tho track towutd
the ham and when lie refused to pay
atteuhou to lepeateil winnings an em
ergency stop was made tho train stop
ping within a lew feet from Aiders
Aiders thun stepped oil tho track but
when tho tram had again started ho
plunged headlong in front of tho en
gine His body was terribly mangled
Hois50ycais old unci married Do
mestic trouble is assigned as tho cause
Dei Motn SI Paul llne
Dis Moinks April 19 It is an
nounced on tho best authority that tho
Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul loatl
will this year complete its plan of a
Des Moiues St Paul lino by building
from either Boone to Lehigh about 0
miles or ftom Boono to Clarion SO
miles At either Lehigh or Clarion
connection would bo made with the
Mitson City and Fort Dodge over which
tiams would run to Mason City thenco
into St Paul over the present lino ot
the St Paul system Tho Mason Citj
and Poi t Dodge is pitetically li not ab
solutely controlled by tho St Paul
llritf o Mililnln if
Ciinton Ii Apnl 19 Biucu Bald
win was sententcd to one year in the
penitentiary for obtaining money under
false pretenses Ho seemed cash on a
check drawn on a Dubuque bank whero
he had no deposit which ho cashed in
this city
li Tornon Dinner Ml lliookljn
New Yemic April 19 The Biooklyn
Demociatic club gave a dinner last
night at thn Germinia club to com
memorate the 167th annivorsnij of the
birth of Thomas Teffeisoii About l0
guests were present Grover Cleveland
sent a letter regretting his inability to
bo present and expressing his opinions
on tho present Democracy
A letter was nlso read fioni ex Gov
ernor Boies of Iowa m which he advo
cated the fret tlom ot Cuba and the giv
ing up of tho Philippines Joseph J
Willett responded to tho toast A Cen
tury of Democracy Ex Governor
Campbell followtd with nn address on
Tho Restoiation ot Jefferson Democ
VVnterimin n Candidate
Oskaloosa la April 19 It is an
nounced at Ottumvva that ex State Sen
ator Waterman of that city is a candi
date for nomination to congress in this
district Major J F Lacoy of this city
is tho present member serving his
fourth term and announced for
Captain John W Carr of Monte
zuma is also announced and it is ex
pected that N E Kendall of Albia will
also run Mr Kendall was tho author
of tho celebrated resolution which
pazsed the Iowa houso this winter by
unanimous vote condemning the Porto
Ricnn tariff bill
Carl ItiiHuell Creates Mir
London April 19 Tho cabled an
uouuoeinent in tho marriage columns
of the Times this morning of tho wed
ding of Earl Russell to Molho Cooko
at Keno Nov April 1ft has created a
sensation hero as it appears that Earl
Russell according to tho English law
is still legally married to the first Coun
tess Russell who is now performing at
the Tivoh Music hall
King Oscar and tho queen of Sweden
and Norway have arrived in London
The bubonic plague is repoited to
have mado its appearance at several
poits on tho Rod sea
Congressman Loudensluger was re
nominated Wednesday by tho Repub
licans of tho Frst New Jersey district
At a meeting WedneFday of west
ern stove manufacturers it was decided
to advance the selling prices of all stoves
C per cent
Differences between the striking em
ployes and the officials of the Best Brew
iug company of Chicago wero settled
amicably Wednesday
Chief Justice Gordon of tho supremo
bench at Olympia Wash Wednesday
tendered his resignation to Governor
Rogers to tako cfiect Aug 1
Second Assistant Secretary of Stato
Adeo left Washington Wednesday for a
two months pleasure tour a wheel in
iioi t hern Franco along the Rhino aud
through the Black foreet
A boat ou board of which wero 20
members of the Catholic Students as
ociatiou while crossing tho river Rhino
at Biugon Wednesday was capsized
aud IS of it occupants were drowned
mil m
1 mil 13
Grosvenor ami Williams Lock
Horns Over Naval Bill
lreildenl l Aeimed y Hie III mortal ol
llatlntt CliHiiued 11 In Mind Vlimkii Code
1X1 1 1 In tho Venule - Haimtiiouuli Ann nd
inrnt la ltennniK ml
Wamiimiion April 10 debate
on he naval hill under the live minute
uilo ycsteitlny drifted into politics anil
for n good pot lion of the afternoon
members fought hauinier and tongs
aetosit the political aisle Tho paitisui
raueot almost euliiiiniileil in a sonsa
tioual scene between liosvenor
tho champion ol tho admtiiisliatiotianil
Williams Mis Home of tho Deino
ciats began vvoiiving Iltivvloy Tex by
pointedly asking if the president had
not changed his mind on tho Portti
Hirnn tin iff tuestioii and Grosvenor
finally threw hiniself into tho btcacli
Williams mado an Inlet i option that
drew a sharp rejoinder hotn tho Ohioau
about tho tintair advantage taken by
tho Missisnpplan This aroused tho
wnilli of Ibo latter and nfti i Jiosvenor
hud concluded ho mado a stinging ie
spouse in which ho said patliameiitaiy
language would not net mil him pi op
oily to Iharacteiio Grosvonoi mo1oiio
Later Grosvenot disclaimed intentional
affiont anil there the matter ended
Some piogtesH was niailo witli tho bill
but most of tho oonhovertoil points
went over
A motion to shiko from tho bill the
contingent fund ol M0HK Tor the
navy iloiMrtmcnt was debated A point
of older against tho appiopriahon of
tf0000 for tho now naval academy at
Annapolis was pending when tho house
adjoin tied
AIakn Code Hill In Senate
Wamiimiton Apnl 19 During al
most tho entire session of the senate
yesterday tho Alaskan civil code bill
was undei lousiilenilion In this con
nection Stewiut Nov delivered an
address of neatly three boms upon the
mining laws of tho United States and
their relation to the pioposed amend
iiiiint of Hdiishrough as tho rights ol
alien locatoisof clainiH NnlsouMinu
Carter Mont and Teller Col lis
cussed the ponding ainentlmuit al
length both Nelson and Teller being
ptiticulaily vigorous m their denuncia
tion ol it
Illuooitl I Mlddlo ltoadurH Selei t Iro
BienBlve IeopluM Ilirtj
Kansas Cmv Apiil 19
he toad Populists ut their mass lonven
tion yesterday effected a poiiuiiicnt
stato organ i Jit ion nnd adopted a new
name tho Progressive Peoples Puity
The namo will ho presented to thn uu
tioiiul convention for ratification The
platform demands legislation on lines
indicated in the Omaha platfoim lugci
the reduction of state and county sal
lines to tot respond with the pi ices paid
for pioductH denounces both tho old
ptities for failure to enact initiative and
rile endiim legislation for tho protec
tion of coiporation interests und for
legislation for tho protection ot national
banks condemns William J Bryan
and John D Rockefeller for their al
leged connection with trusts A full
state ticket headed by Kichard Thomas
ot Saline county for governor was
naimd Tho convention selected ifi
delegates to the Cincinnati convention
and Hi presidential electors
Carl Browne ot tho Coxey army fame
was invited to address the convention
and created consternation among the
adherents of Wharton Barker when ho
strongly advocated Admiral Dewey as
head of the Populist national ticket
ioterninent lellniilli I m import
Wamiimiion April 10 Orders have
been given to turn tho transports Tartar
and Westminster over to their owners
as tho government has no longer need
for their services Theso vessels have
been used by tho ciuartorniasters de
partment for tho transportation of
troops and supplies between San Fran
cisco aud Manila
Simmer Hitu he Vlulta
WAFHiMiroN April 10 A telegram
was received at tho war department
yesterday saying that tho trausport
Sumner arrived at Malta in good condi
tion It is enrryiug a large number of
officers aud recruits to Manila
Ilu int M l J tlnlne
Ceimk Rai ids Iii April 10 Tin
infant daughter of Dr R N Kegleyan
emiuent oculist in some mysterious
xvay secureel u bottle of strychnine pills
aud ate several dying in half an hour
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar
Safeguards the food
against alum
are the Greatest
ith of the present day
oru MUM eowtc CO Ktw imk
VtlorncjHiil Iim
1 II llnrnni
M 1 Iyler
At Ileire llniv Momln
Mnsltnitick Noifolk Nob
lloineeipallili IlivHlclan ami Surgeon
Ulllie IlireiiK Nntlniiiil Hmiik HtiildiiiK
Toleplmnn KM
Hiiiilliu iiiiii nml llmlili me Main nml Illli Htl
i i i ii
II NiiillitltliSlnil Niulolk Ntitir
Will lie III Mlidlloli llnnlllj mill Illllll if
I III li Ml I li
2 fouc
Ollir iiinr Citmii i Niilloniil Haul Iti Mill nro
mm hint li nnitli of I tiniii mitii mil i linn li
IliHliionnlilf Dressmaker
Ill sinus iii olton Mm It on i Hiiiiinh ntniM
I llM I lllPH Will It Ullllllllltl I I
powmis iV HAYS
AlteirncjH at Law
III II nml VI Miihl lilotk
Norfolk Nebraska
- - -
Citilertikcrs nnd lnilinlnieiT
Hit NoirollfAve
Norfolk Nebraska
- - -
Attornc at Law
Re cutis 1 and 2 Robertson MVVigtOD
Block Norfolk
iiin you want a jooi
J0 to
W 0 Halls Baljer Shop
Oil and Gasoline
Sale and i
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold o
Braasch Avenue
and Tnlrd St
Three Trains Daily
n - One Niulit to Utuli
usli Two jj in t fahfonun Oregon
From Missouri Eiver
For Timo TtibltK Folilori JHustratod Hook
Pamphlet descriptive ot tho territory truvers
ed call ou