1st r I r j I P it K I IV J I 4 i Economical f j Shoes nro never chonp shoos Shoes liko Pingroo Smiths mens womous and childrens nud DroW Solhy Shoo Coa ladles shoos aro truly economical booauso thoy Will Outwear two pairs of choap shoos and aro not high priced at that If you havo novor tried thorn wo would adviso you to do so Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER Offlco llarclys Coal Offlco Firo insuranco Farm and City Loans and Real Estate Good houso barn mid 4 acrosof lntitl in Nor folk for biiIo clionp J E SIMPSON OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENTS Aro never printed THEY ARE AROUND TOWN Business men professional men clerks and me chanics who are wearing Diamonds Watches or carrying that came from our store A PLEASED CUSTOMER is the best advertisement We know wo can please you in our line of business SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS C F W MARQUARDT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA Have You Seen the New Spring Styles of PHOTO MOUNTS AT MICHAELS Latest out First class work guaranteed Photo Buttons finest assortment in town Frames all sizes made to order at low rates Yours for business C P MICHAEL At Thompsons 3 cans corn 20 3 oaus tomatoes 25 Wheatling per package 1 0 Gold dust 4 lb 18 3 packages yeast 10 Bakers chocolate 18 2 lbs A B O crackers 15 1 gal pail syrup 35 Gloss starch per pkg 05 18 lbs granulated sugar 100 We Can Save You Money c C of as Q O -3 ffl W 1 44liiSA 44l4i H4 THURSDAY TIDINGS Little Lee Queen is on the sick list Damasous commaudery will attend sorvicea at Trinity Episcopal church Easter morning Tho fatuous stock yards caso will como up for trial in tho district court Monday afternoon at 1 oclock J W Edwards is having tho raco track north of his shop fixed up for hlmsolf and friouds Ho oxpocts to mako of it a regulation track and koep it in tho best of order during tho season Mauagor Sprochor announces that tho Madison teluphonc oxohango is now in working order Thoro aro Hi iuBtru inouts in uso and more aro to follow Ho has boon suporiutondlng tho work for sovoral days past Miss Stella Luikart outortaiucd tho members of tho High school Junior class at her homo last night Tho party was given as a farowoll to Miss Julia Requa who is soon to romovo to Cali fornia Tho occasion was thoroughly onjoyed by thoso in attondanco Daiuty refreshments wero served during tho evening Tho seat sale for the amateur produc tion Saratoga is now on At a re hearsal mooting hold last night sovoral acts woro road Thoso having part will meet again tonight for rehearsal and meetings will bo hold nearly ovory night from now until tho timo of tho performance Tho play iB said by thoso who havo roviowod it to bo very catchy and those who aro engaged to tako part aro very enthusiastic S H McClary returned homo last night from Romo N Y whero ho has been employed in tho sugar factory for tho past seven months Ho enjoyed his stay In tho Empire state vory much and saw many places of iutorest but ho is more than pleased to again behold tho cornfields and prairios of his boy hood homo Ho returned by way of Niagara Falls and viowod its granduor Ho will be home until tho middle of Juno when ho will leavo for Grand Junction Col whero ho has a position as suporinteudout of tho sugar factory at that place Mr McClary is rapidly working to tho front in the new indus try and his Norfolk friends aro con fident that ho can qualify in tho best position obtainable He has beon a close Btudent of tho industry giving careful attention to details and is now reaping his reward by rapid and do served advancement Beautifully decorated show windows appropriate to Easter aro displayed by many of the business houses and some of them are deserving of especial men tion Marquardts jewelry store con tains an Eastor nest which it would delight most any one to find and know it was theirs The nest contains watches and other jewelry Venus Nenow of Davenport Bros shoe Btoro has mado a little extra effort and pro duced a beautifully arranged display Tho Trocadero has a colored hen and a llock of little vari colored chickens in one window and in the other is a colored rabbit and nests of colored eggs In the candy store and Utters book store are displays of goods that would tempt tho heart of any child The window of the Johnson Dry Goods company is by far tho handsomest in town however and would ornament the window of any city firm The life like lady forms are used to display fashinable goods while tho background of the center window especially is of harmonious colors and very beautiful In tho east window is displayed a spider web with a gigantio spider clinging thereto and behind it is a lady form dressed in the height of spring fashion The work was done by Misses Chosnutwood and Sidler and Mr Lewis Johnson who prove thomselves to bo artists in that line It as well as other windows attract much attention Wanted two girls at Bon Ton res taurant Lost or stolen on the 10th gents Adams bicycle Red enameled up turned wood bars Finder please notify J H Conloy Arbor Day Treait Evergreen lawn fruit and shado trees Fruit plants Nebraska grown 50000 108 15th st O B Hakes Tickets for the Dixie Jubileo concert company will be on salo Saturday at Leonards drug store ThiB company comes to Norfolk under tho auspices of the Y M O L For sale at a great saorifice slightly used upright Kimball piauo Can bo seeu at Pacific hotel or write J T Cam eron care of Pacific hotel Call Satur day afternoon Foit Rent A sovou room house on North Tenth street good collar city water aud cistern G W Box Farm laud and city property for Bale by G R Seiler Wont y Wire NewOkleans March 3 1900 To Waltham Manufacturing Company Waltham Mass I rode mile straight way today iu one minute twelve and two fifths seconds on Orient Leader paced by H J Benedict and F E Bur rows on Orieut Motor tandem Both records official O Stewart Boirixn Here is a road record for you Who says the Orient Racers need a polished track Tho leader that leads under all conditions is tho Orieut Leader Make note ot this Mr Dealer It is tho latest news from tho seat of war with no error in transmission Suoh a combina tion victory the wheel v Id has never THE NOKFOLK NEWS TI1UKSDAY AtUUL 12 1800 boforo known A groat family thoso Orionts mado groat by Miporlor con struction Tho rigldncss of tho fratno and thojriaut strongth of tho brass lined olluohor tubing oncourago rldors to tho utmost oxortion knowing that thoy aro safo as interlocked stool can make thorn Tho result Is such telegrams as tho nbovo And tho end Is not yot Watch for further demonstrations thoy aro snro to oomo Meanwhllo On with tho Orient Leader lot sales bo unre stricted Waltham MiO Co Waltham Mass Ahlinati Bros of this city havo sc oured tho agoncy for this celebrated whool and Invito thoso who contem plate purchasing whools to call Order your Easter lillios at L Huokon dorf s groonhouso Farm and city loans TllK DURLAND TRUBT OO Fresh white fish black bass wall oyod plko lake trout and Gorman carp at tho Palaoo Moat Market Wall paper at Ohristophs Mrs Ralph 11 Day aunouncos that aftor Juno 1 sho will conduct classes in tho following brauchos of musio FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING Including tho first musical rudiments Bight reading timo study of scnlos and hand oulturo NOTATION AND TERMINOlOOY Including tho use of all signs and terms found iu ordinary music writing of major aud minor soalos a thorough study of tho ombollishiuouts togethor with tho study of intervals and chords This work is a foundation for tho study of harmony and analysis HARMONY Including a thorough study of tho intervals tho treatment of triads and inversion dominant seventh and inver sions harmonizing of melodies passing notes progression sequouco3modulation alterod chords otc This work is a foundation for tho study of advanced harmony composition nud couutor point ANALYSIS 1 Section phrase period 2 Two and three part primary form I Cadenzas 1 Rondo form 5 Sonata form etc The lessons in analysis aro especially devoted to compositions which tho students have immediatly in hand and include not only tho analysis of their form but of their harmonic contents PIANOFORTE The special pianoforte course includ ing the developemeut of technique and tho acquisition of repertoire is taught in classes of throo or four or privately whilo the general course is devoted to theory harmony sight reading and analysis and is taught in classes only REED ORGAN According to tho Landon method of organ technique The distinctive reed orgau touch is explained an efTeotivo use of tho stops is shown Selections taught aro not arranged for tho pipe organ nor piauo but for tho reed organ only This course is arranged to givo instruction not only in a lino of solo playing but also with a view of fitting the pupil for practical church work and to this end thoso taking tho organ as a special study are advised to study theory harmony and solfeggio Tho special organ course is taught iu classes of three or four or privately SIGHT SINGING According to tho Touio sol fa method including principals of breathing as applied to tono production elementary vocalization voice placing enunciation and general sight reading Pupils entering tho singing classes are advised to study theory nud harmony childrens general class Twenty lessons in sight reading car training time keeping training of the fingers hands and arms and dancing and artistio posing iu timo to music also stories on musical subjects Pupils entering this class are not required to practice at home Tho practice ia daucing stops and gestures aro given for the purpose of making children realize the motion accent and swing of music Children are taught to sing simple melodies at sight For further particulars tuition etc call or address Mrs Ralph H Day Pacific hotel room 18 I will call on interested parents upon request to further explain my methods of teaching Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs Younger on the Heights Special riale Irlro Out In Two 2000 double rolls wall paper all now 00 Finest one band blondod border gilt paper 15 1000 patterns of wall papor to soloct from St Louis strictly pure white load red seal per hundred 5 00 Linseed oil per gallon 50 Best paint sold per gallon l 35 8f Goodready mixed paint per gallon Fino cloth window shades each 2 5 Extension curtain rods 10 Largest assortment of room moldings brushes varnishes glass calcimine etc ever in the city H O Truman 104 North Fourth street Houses for sale T E Odiosnk Smoked white fish at tho Palace Meat Market We make loaus on real estate at lowest rates Elkhoru Building and CAttlHnflnnnAnlnhnu fTI T1 SV - juuuiiraua3uJiuuuu x vj UUIOUNE O60 NlfOIWlS CHOSEN Fire Department Holds Its An nual Meeting 0A8H ON 1IAND 18 NOW 30068 Hilar Wlntnr U Itn Klmtml for Aimtlirr Yeur Until fur lrolilont t limit Vim lronlilmiti I ml ur Smireluryt InaruinlU Treasurer 1itloclilitl School Timitim The annual mooting of tho Norfolk liro department was hold iu llroinons hall last evening and wan attendud by a largo number of members A motion was passed that exempt inoinbers bo excluded from voting but It was afterward reconsidered and rescinded Tho treasurer made a ropott showing a balance of lWrS on hand The re port was roforred to tho auditing com mittee Tho oloction of officers was hold by ballot R II Roynolds and W L Korn woro nominated for president Tho latter won out by 38 votes to Roynoltls 11 For vlco president Ed Grant was oloctod without opposition John Docker was oloctod secretary over Arthur ICoonigstoiu by 11 voto of t2 to 13 For treasurer li A Pasowalk was ro olcotod by a voto of 31 ovor Koonig steins N For chief II W Winter was ro oloctod by a voto of 30 J J Clomonts his closest competitor received 10 votoH After tho adjournment of tho meeting tho lnombers in attondanco woro treated royally by tho olllcors oloot Chief Win tor starting tho ball to rolling I Mootlufr orOitrninn Iullinrmi TimrliorH Tho teachers of tho Luthoran paro chiul schools of north Nebraska met iu convention in this city Tuesday and Wednesday of this weolc Papors woro road now plans and methods woro discussed and other mat ters for tho mutual ndvantago of thoso in attondanco woropassed upon Tho following otllcors woro elocted for tho ensuing year Presidont Mr Bornthal of Arlington Vico presidont Mr Grosseof Scribnor Secretary and treasurer Mr Lassinan of West Point Omaha was solocted as the place for holding tho noxt meeting which will bo hold next December Thoso present woro Messrs Born thal of Arlington Duoring of Battle Creek Foolbor of Snydor Nimmor of Stanton Lassmau of West Point Bade of Omaha Mutschko of Pierce Frappo of Fremont Kollmorgon of Bancroft Grosso of Scribner Schroedor of St Paul school nud Singer of Christ school both of thiB city Fino Easter lillios at L Buckoudorf s greenhouso Sturgeon is tho piano man For first class tailoring see Fueelor Now JiiiiiIk forKuHtni Prettiest nud best kid gloves ovor shown for tho mouoy New dress skirts Morcerized and silk petticoats White and novelty waists Childrens spring jackets caps and hats Novelties in neckwear Now umbrollas and parasols Black chiffon boas 100 up Dress trimmings and all overs all kinds Mrs J Benson South Kith St Omaha Nob B P S Best paint sold at Chris- tophs DrFrank Salter Disease of children Choice celery at tho Palaco Moat Market PERSONAL Carl T Seeley of Madison is in the city J S Crue of Tekamah was iu town yesterday John Dohl was down from Wausa yesterday Mrs H McBrido is visiting in Mad ison a few days It W McGiunis of York was hero on business yesterday II J Backes of Lindsay was a city visitor yesterday I G Westervolt was a Madison visi tor yesterday J II Berryman was a visitor yester day from Oreightou O R Ellor was a Norfolk visitor yes terday from Long Pine Mrs D Q Nicholson was in tho city yesterday from Madison II S Beck was a Pierco representa tive to Norfolk yosterday Mrs E B Smith was a Crestou vis itor to Norfolk yesterday J Harold Oxnnm accompanied his father to Columbus yesterday Mrs L Cram aud sister of Tilden were city visitors yesterday Miss Hattie Copoland was iu tho me tropolis from Madison yosterday Captain J H Brown of Wakefield was greeting Norfolk friends yesterday A J Durlaud dopartod yesterday uoou for a business visit of four or five days in Knox county Miss Alico Ritter who has beon visit ing at the home of It Blatt for some timo past rolumod to hor hoinn in Ht Paul today Mrs J II OxnatnVMrs I II Main and Mrs li M Hooler wont to Wayne to attend tho Molhodlsts district Missionary convention Honry II Miller will leavo tomorrow morning for a visit with relatives and friouds Ho will tako In MiirHhulltown Hollo Plain and Duriuit Iowa and Omaha Neb boforo his return Tim WiHllioi Conditions of tho wont her as recorded for the 31 hours ending at 8 a 111 to day Maximum temperature 10 Minimum temperaiuro 3D Average tl Snowfall inches 00 Precipitation OJ Total proelpltatlon for month OJ Barometer 3U0H Forecast for Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight aud Friday Warmer Friday Aiilt utloil lor DriiCKUIn lliiii llrotino Mattor of application of A 11 Ktosau for a liquor liconso Notice Is hereby given that A II lCiosan did on tho fith day of April lK0 file his application to the mayor and city council or the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors for medicinal mechanical and chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1000 to thoilOthdayof April IIKll at east of lot I block i Mathewsoils addition iu First ward of said city If thoro Is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 5th day or April WOO tho said license will be granted 10 Sri rr City Clerk ApplWHtlon for UriiBKUIH llijiinr IImudhi Matter of application of J L Iler shisor for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that J L Horshisor didon the ITith day of March 1100 filo his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to soil malt spirituous nnd vinous liquors for medic inal mochnnicnl and chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May I lt to the HOth day of April 1101 At lot 8 block I Norfolk Junction in fourth ward of said city If thoro is no objection roinonstranco or protest filed within two weeks from tho Kith day of March 1100 tho said liconso will bo granted J O Srnr City Clerk Application fur Saloon Iliiior IlcmiHc Matter of application of O F A Marquardt for a liquor liconso Notico is horoby givon that C F A Marquardt did on tho 37th day of March 100 filo his application to the mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for liconso to Boll malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nobraska from tho 1st day of May 100 to tho HOth day of April MKJ at lot I block 1 Koonigstoins 1st addition in first ward of said city If thoro is no objection roinonstranco or nrotost filed within two weeks from tho 37th day of March 1000 tho said license will bngrantod J 3 Stitt City Olork Pure Fresh Groceries arc essential to good health and cost no more than the cheap stuff handled by some dealers Fuesler Sells the Best Sole Agent for Chase Sanborns Coffee You Never Know Any One who has Used a CHICKERING To bo Quito Satisfied with A PIANO of Auy Other Mako Tho roiifon lB thoro is 1111 INDIVIDUALITY to U10T0110 A Superior Excellence Depth Volume Reserve Power Tlnil place tho CHICKHRINO in a cltibo 1 itL lf Tho ACTION in nlcoty of Iiiliuco ami Ail jiifctnionl its Kntiro oiMriictioii for Strongth and Durability roniiltH in an Art Product In Iiano Iluililim illicit ie the Kuty of all Com nutitom and Whose rqual Does Not Exist If ou WANT TllK HKST buy tho CliicknriiiK VU ALSO SfiLL Now Iiauoh of tho Hot 110 Krado for 1377 Now Iiauobof tho Kimlwll Krado for 17100 Now Iiiinori of tho Victor uroilo for 123 00 Now 1iiiiioB of tho Kttzow urado for l iOO Now liauos of tho Corinth Kradn for I37M Now 1ianof of tho iilmoro Kradn for 1 100 Now Iiuiio of tho Sltuor urailu for 17300 Now liauos of tho Adniii hrluiuf urado 1YO0 Now Iianoh of lit ltnli A lurtn urudo 17301 Now lianoB of tho Kranich llach Krado TJOOO Now liauob of tho Kinarsoii Krado for 27300 Now Iianosof tho IvornA Pond urado 27300 Now Iiiiuobof tho KnalM Krado for Now liauob of tho Stoinuuy Krado for Good second hand Mason Orgau for sale nt a bargain Johnsons 32300 S3000 Hamlin Furniture Store For riumliing Stum Fillini Tumps links Wind Mills Ami nil work In thin linn mil on W H RISH Hnt Infliction Itiuriinlnnil KirnlilnorHoiillMif Till lMlv Nkwh Olllcn MOOKIMNDINd Itebiiiding Old Books and Miigainorf II mtllMMIJNl NoxttoDonnn Itln Slum Itli Hlinnl P J FUESLER Merchant Tailor North Side Hnln Street Four doors west of The Fair Store New Goods Latest Styles First Class Work and Perfect Fit Guar anteed Prices Reasonable Trial Order Solicited ASK FOR M BITTERS GOOD FOR WHAT - AILS YOU Por Sale at all First Class Saloons L P LARSON CO FREMONT - NEBRASKA Nebraska Distributors L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pump- Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik First door West of Post Olllce PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration aud sells them at FAIR PRICES You jet what you pay for at Uhles Three Trains Daily VIA siaaaaaaaafl llavllllaV aaaHftS KOlt WYOMING UTAH NEVADA CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC COAST POINTS nv 1 O110 Nisht to Utah unx1 j Ttt sjjins jo California Orofjou From MissourilRiver For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Hook Pamphlets descriptive of the territory travers ed call ou F W JUNEHAN Agent