The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 12, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    The ffoitfolk J4exis
In Froiuoiit this sprint Ihorlly oloo
tlon wns for roimcUtiiiii iilouo ami In
ovory wiml u lopnMlnui wiim oliitod
Tho ooiiiioll now hIiukU Mvon ropult
ILnns to oncMlouiornt
Tho lust lit inch hih11 llrod hy Ail
miml Downy lm- liuulril in tho Iiunp of
doinoorrttle prosliloutliil uHplmiiK hut
thoro Is u loiif fimo iiMiioIiimI mitl it In
not likoly to explotlo much hcfoio the
l inulh of Inly
Iloss Hrolcor Hiooios lliyim in profor
once In Dowoy a ono ho niiijlit show
Mnrlc llnniia n 1 rink or two at
aH ho fusion papaiH iloliKlit in
HivrtiiiR MoKlnloy has hirf Ilanua
lirynii if cltotctl would corlainly hnvu
Ills Jrokcr
Tliiro aro no tlimtl advirtisoiuontH in
Tin Nisws Wlion I ho tinio rotmH that
thlHpapor must resort to HUiiiK up Us
coltiiiniH with dicousetl uiiiiouiiroiiioiitH
nnd outlawed lcal nollcest thou Its
niMon of usefulness will liavo conned
nnd it will only ho spoken of in tho past
Tho Hryun domnoratH aro willing to
honor Dowoy as tho horo of Manila hay
and moat anything is ood onouRh for
hint hut it presidential noniiitation
Tho horo of sovoral buttles is aftor
that and Deweys htotoinont that ho
would ho willing to nutko tho raio is
littlo short of hiRli troiHon
Tho stato hoard of transportation
sends its relets to tho peoplo of Nor
folk that owiiiR to tho hellish stand
taken hy tho railroads tho hoard is un
able to complete its boitolleont labors in
behalf of rato reduction for that oity
Tho tears Mietl hy tho members of tho
board havo Already caused a two inch
rise in tho waters of Salt creek at fan
coin Oinnha Hoe
Uryan hasnt materially helped his
causo on tho coast hy his reeont efforts
As a result of his visit thoro Col John
II Allen of Soattle one of tho best
known democrats of tho stato of Wash
ington has aunouueed his attention of
votini for McKiuloy Ho has been a
supporter of tho MoKinloy policy for
noarly a year and Bryans visit soonis
to have cansed his determination to
inako an open confession
Tho fuBionists appear to bo bettor
satisfied when they can twist facts into
sliapo for their purposo than at any
other tinio In doing this they do not
stay a moment for truth consistency
honesty or any other quality In fact
fchoy cannot truth and facts would in
juio their causo irrevocably Thoy aro
kopt so busy dodging old issueH and
facts that they havo no tinio to proparo
any thing short of stories Thoy aro in a
pitiable plight
Tho St Louis Globe Democrat rofors
its readers to page f50 of Bryans hook
Tho First Battle whoro is found this
display of llnancial insight and fore
sight Tho gold standard means
dearer money dearor monoy moans
cheaper proporty cheaper proporty
moans hardor times harder times moans
more people out of work moro peoplo
out of work means moro pooplo desper
ate moro dosporato pooplo moans
moro crinio Aud says tho paper
moro Bryan politics means a frosh crop
of predictions that turn out exactly tho
other way
Now keop an eyo peeled for demo
cratic nrgutneuts to tho effect that
Admiral Dowoy was not so groat and
good as ho has boon painted Thoro
will bo some ono to discover that his
nohiovomouts were iniioh loss significant
than thoso of Colonel Bryan It will
undoubtedly bo shown that tho man
behind tho gun is after all not as great
as tho man behind tho month Tho
sinking of Montejos fleet was probably
not as notablo a feat as sinking tho
issuo and raising in its
stead tho imperialistic bugaboo
In 1S9G tho total monoy in circulation
in tho Uuited States was a littlo more
than a billion and a half of dollars On
February 1 1900 tho amount in circula
tion was more than two billions of
dollars and all this iuoroaso without
tho aid of free and unlimited coinago of
silver at tho ratio of 15 to 1 Tho fu
sionists aro wise enough to look elso
where for an issue during tho coming
campaign Thoir iutenso interest in
tho affairs of the Porto Bicans Filipinos
and Cubans is not surprising when tho
facts confronting former all importaut
issues aro considered
Tho Nebraska Press association al
ways has a feeling of loudness toward
tho Omaha World Herald aud its mem
bers aro now under still greater obliga
tions to that papor for tho handsome
souvenir of the last session held iu Lin
coln It is iu tho form of a neat picture
showing faces of officers as well as a
group of the association taken during
tho afternoon of tho last day of tho
meeting in tho seuato chamber
At tho tenth annual banquet of tho
Hamilton club which was held in tho
auditorium at Chicago Monday uight
Hon William 1 Gurley of Nobraska
in a toast ou Democracy and the
atiou Hung a tolling arguniont into
tho doiniKTiitlo camp that shows up
their hypocrisy In it tolling manner and
allows them no claim to tho titto of
Abraham Lincoln democracy lie
coinpletoly shalteis their claim as tho
only true interpreters of tho declaration
of independence and pluces V 1 Bryan
in his ti lie place before tho people It
was a masterful address and most thor
oughly dissects a lot of democratic
wash One slitoncois deserving of
especial note Ho says No democrat
can pay honest tribute to the Abraham
Lincoln of history without thanking
5od for the defeat of democracy
The Madison Chronicle made its llrst
appearince yesterday under the inannge
iiient of the new proprietor Walt H
Reynolds who came from Fremont
The now proprietor starts out with some
changes and improvements in thepaper
the continuance of which will mako it
more popular with its patrons In re
tiring from tho ownership of the paper
Oarl T Heoly states that ho hits been
connected with it for I years during
which time it has grown from a sheet
of miner iniporlnueo to be u power In
tho community Nineteen years is a
long time in Nebraska and Mr Heoly
might well have told in his last issue
the many changes that havo taken place
while he has boon wielding tho editorial
pen and shears
Btorling Morton of tho Conserva
tive dohignutes tho two political parties
of tho United States as a political trust
and ho seriously objucts to sovonty llvo
millions of peoplo being hound down to
two great parties for their ohoico lie
thinks thai a greater variety of candi
dates and platforms should be presented
for tho approval of tho peoplo In I Kilo
bolides tho great republican and demo
cratic parties there wore candidates in
tho field of the socialist labor gold
democratic prohibitionist and national
prohibitionist parties which should cer
tainly havo presented a sufllcient radius
of choice for tho voters of tho country
Tho fact that tio largo majority of
thorn voted cither tho democratic or re
publican tickot indicates that thoy
wanted their votes to count aud real
ized that cither ono or tho othor would
Ono would Bcarcoly think that there
iB moro than a corporals guard of gold
domocrats in Bryans state Tho Bryan
itos havo boon making so much uoiso
that thoy havo not given othor pooplo
or fuctions an opportunity to bo hoard
Yot in Nebraska Oity last Tuesday r
gold domocrat was olooted us mayor
with tho monoy question an issuo
Thoro wore three candidates in tho Hold
aud a total of 1 i 10 votes wore cost of
which tho gold domocrat recoived iUl
or within III of a majority of tho total
voto Tho Nows tho ofllcial silvor
organ a fow days before olection had
this to say in regard to tho situation
No man who is an admirer of W J
Bryan or who wishes to seo him olocted
this fall can afford to voto for tho gold
bug candidato by petition Ho is tho
noinitieo ol tlio lalnier lluckuer men
and nothing olso
While there is a practically utiaui
lnous Bontiniont among republicans that
Presidont MoKinloy will bo rououiinatod
and ro elocted to tho presidoncy it is
ossoutial that thoro should bo no dally
iug along as tho opposition is awake
and active Whilo tho republicans
during tho past fow years havo been
making a record for prosperity business
activity and progress which a sauo
peoplo should oudorso tho fusiouists
havo boon just as active iu discrediting
tho achiovonionts aud searching for
Haws in tho acts of tho administration
Bryan aud his supporters havo dovoted
a largo part of thoir time in an nttempt
to croato discord and dissatisfaction
without causo aud it must bo couceded
that thoy havo boon partially successful
among classes that would bo satisfied
with nothing short of a gooso that
would lay golden eggs The fusionists
aro organizing thoroughly aud with tho
corruption fund that has beou aud
will be raised by thorn they will put up
a vigorous campaign
Tho 22nd of this month is Arbor day
a holiday peculiarly appropriate to tho
Treo Planters stato It is a small
matter to plant a troo and care will keop
n filthy and growing It is somo
thi t iu tho power of every man
woiiau and child to do and if thoy
would linprovo each Arbor day in this
maimer this country would soon become
ono of shady avenues beautiful groves
andin tinio flourishing forests Bobort
W Furnas of Brownvillo and J Storling
Morton of Nobraska Oity aro two
staunch supporters of tho Arbor day
idea Through tho influence of tho
latter tho holiday was created and tho
former this year announces that there
aro ono thousand ash olui nmplo ca
talpa red bud birch box older black
walnut black locust honey locust balm
of gilead iron wood blackberry aud
mulberry trees freo to thoso who will
dig and plant thorn tho coming Arbor
day in Forest Treo uursery at Brown
villo Young trees around Norfolk are
cheaply and easily obtainable and if
ovory proporty owner would securo a
supply and plaut them he would not
only incroaso the property value but
would assist iu making Norfolk a city
of surpassing beauty which thanks to
mnuy early settlers it is fast becomiug
Plant a treo
Tables and Statements of In
terest to Taxpayers
Ciiinpiiilmilii Muilo Willi Otlirr DMrlclM
uf tho County- llimril linn Tuhnii Wepn
III DlMIIJIHd Hill ItllltlllltllllIMM of Ilin
lilnt KciclpN mill ipiinillliiicH
Noitrouc April H lllfli Tho sub
joined statument of tho Norfolk city
school district prepared hy Mr O W
Drum county superintendent of schools
for tho years from I8S to 1H0 inclusive
nnd letter from Mr Oriiiu which noeotn
paiiied statement is puhlishod hy order
of the hoard of education for the In
formation of the tux payers nnd patrons
of this fcchool district Tho figures
which Mr Orum was uuahlo to furnish
from tho lecords iu his olllco havo been
supplied as far as possible from records
of t ho school district kept hero
In the column of Annual KJxponseh
tho amount for tho year 1881 includes
iS7S0000 paid for buildings and real
itato Tho amounts shown as annual
oxponses for tho 10 years from 18110 to
18i inclusive includes expenditures
during that peiiod for new school
houses furniture and real estate
amounting to I IS 000 00
Tho receipts and oxponses for tho dis
trict from July 1 I8ltl to March
1000 wore as follows
Receipts from taxes saloon licenses
stato apportionment etc 185 7
lll10100 1807 8 jlolSOO 00 1808
IO70 00 180 to March 0 1000
STlolOO total 1800 lOxpenses
exclusive of interest on bonds and
sinking fund 18li717S 18 00
1893 9 ltKJI 1809 to
March 1900 I I82 00 total 72
Mi7 0 Deficit H5S 1900
Tho unpaid outstanding warrants at
tho close of tho last three fiscal years
woroas follows
Jnuo HO 1897 71000 Juno Jit 1898
5711178 luiioW 1895 3323il and
on March ItO 1900 jl70iyV3
For tho balanco of this fiscal year
ondiug Juno SO 1900 ostiinated receipts
and oxponses are as follows
Receipts Saloon licouso 1150000
taxos 200000 stuto apportionment
120000 jtuition finosotc J00 00 total
800000 Expenses Teachers sal
aries lt0000 Janitors salaries
t7200 fuel 15000 miscellaneous
15000 totali072 00 outstauding war
rants now 1701052 total 2070852
Hstiniatod amount outstanding warrauts
Juno 80 1900 1270852
Notwithstanding tho largo ainouut
paid out of tho genoral fund of 10
00000 for permanent bottormonts of tho
district property and which should not
bo charged to running expenses of our
schools there has boon a marked do
ereaso during tho past 10 years in tho
cost por pupil for educating our child
ren it being 2125 per pupil iu 1890
and10 28in 1899
In tho matter of fuel tho board has
made quito a saving during tho last
threo years as compared with tho three
preceding years by using cheaper coal
the exponso for fuel for tho threo years
from 1891 to 1890 being 550001 and
for tho threo years from 1890 to 1899
11 83 07 being a reduction of 107207
or an avorago reduction in tho fuel ex
pense of 55700 per year with an in
croaso of two to four roouiB heated
Attention is called to tho great do-
croaso iu tho assessed valuation of tho
district from 02000000 in 1890 to
12000000 in 1899 whioh alouo greatly
hampers tho district iu realizing enough
from taxes to meet running oxponses
Tho tax levy for school purposes for
the years 1897 8 and 1898 9 was lower
than the tax lovy for tho city as follows
School lovy 1897 8 25 mills 1898 9
25 mills Oity lovy 1897 8 28 mills
1898 9 29s mills
The board has already taken action by
which it oxpects to reduco exponses dur
ing tho next school yeasomething over
JtfOOOOO Tho closo of our next fiscal
year should how a cousldorablo reduc
tion in tho amount of our outstanding
unpaid warrant indebtedness
By order of tho board of education
II O Matiiau
Iottnr Front Siipnrlnteiiilntit Crtiitt
Madison Neb March IU 100011
O Mat ran Esq Norfolk Neb My
Dear Sir Your request for assessed
valuation of district J or Norfolk City
district camo to hand some days ago
I should havo roplied soonor if it had
boon possible but I havo heon under
tho weather tho past ton days
I havo worked out tho following or
inclosed tablo which I think will
answer your turn It requires much
timo nnd labor to work out the assessed
valuo for any school district as the
valuation of all tho property both real
and personal in tho township must bo
gone over and tho values of tho proporty
within each district separated from
that of othor districts
I huvo worked out tho assessed valua
tion for your district for tho years 1888
1S93 and lb 1 had formerly worked
out 1897 and 1MW which I also insert
These valuations for tho district includo
everything real and personnl property
and also railroads and telographs etc
I havo given you the assessed valua
tion of teal aud personal property in
tho whole precinct of Norfolk as
shown by tho treasurers records for
tho years issil to 189 inclusive This
dos not innludo tho railroads and
olographs You will nolo tho heavy
incn iiMi iu valuation last year of nhout
Hm00 K in thoproeiuctnnd 20000
in the school list l let
I had occasion to roinpiuv tho assessed
valuation of tho Madison district for
the years IS7 nnd 1891 and tho 189 is
over 1900000 less than 1897 whilo
yours for tho Binno timo has increased
21100 00
I show also tho annual levy for
general exponses and bonds for tho
years 1S91 to 189 Inclusive After
diligent search in all the ollleos for other
yeats I could not mm tho levyYour
total levy including hondsas you will
seo for tho yoars beginning 1811 are in
nulls 21 181 25 211 2iL 20 20 115
i Tho reason for tho high levy tho
last two years is beoauso the law re
quires the county commissioners to
provide for a sinking fund for tho
SViOOO issuo of bonds
I havo alsoj shown tho nutnhor of
children in tho district us per census
7ls in 1885 and 17H in 1899 Tho total
number of children ourolledjeach year
IS in 188iautrit2iin lSlllljJTho aver-
ago daily attoniliiucoiucreasing also
fi inn 780 in 1892 to 1200 in 1899 The
records us to avorago nttondonco for
former years aro blnuk nnd very defect
I also show the total amount of debts
for each year except ono Also the
total annual exponses of tho district
ecept such payment as may have been
niado hy tho county treasurer onjbonds
or interest on sumo
1 also show numbor of toachors en
gaged for each year 18S0 to 1899 increas
ing from 7 to 21
A very excellent report can bo made
by showing tho number of children
enrolled aud per avorago nttondanco
per teacher for tho different years
Tho averago cost per pupil enrolled and
per average attendance Tho por cent
of increase of pupils and teaching force
and expenses A uico comparison
could be made with Madison and Battle
I hopo I havo not wearied you
Yours truly
O W Ouum
County Superintendent
Inpnrod Hy C W Crinii County Suporiutomlt
-x v x to a r y y y
p ji o i r t c w a
a 2
li tc o i
1 I LP - 3 O V -I -1 - i
r3siili isls
- o ii 117 CO O CC or
Q Li iJ W 3 tC JC - - - W 1 9 tO l
CJ O O D - 1 5 O 3 J
Heal Estiito
lucroaBO in toacliiiiK forco
eliico 192 por cont
IucroiiM iu No children in
llblrict binco tM por cont
Incrniit u In J urollmont cllicel
1M2 nor cont
Incroaco in aornK0 attorn
inico tinco 12 nor cout
AvoraKi No children ourolloil
por totcnor lor year
UoriiKu attendance per toaclt
UoniKO No children enrolled
lior toachor lubt your
AturitKOHtlunluiicoHir teicli
or hibt veur
Aera cobt per pupil iu
lucniL o nttonilnuce
leu cobt of liulldiiiu etc for
S oirb
Mnije rofl per pupil in the
tlibtrict labi oar
AertK coet por pupil en
mllid latt mr
iorBcot periuiilouiollol
jetr oeiore uibt
No TonchorB
13 StMlfl V3
12 Ui 11 II
7 g
O o
Asho bocl Ynluntioli
of Norfolk School
Total Debts
3 O
Annual Exponas
not IticludinK pay
montB on bonilg by
County Troaburor
No Cliiltlroii
Kitrnlled pnrToitfltr
Cout per pupil babuil
nu nwiriLii
Incroaso 2JS por cont
tlncroaBO 20 jcr cent
ilncliulop 411000 oxpondoil for now IniihliiigB
tlncroii o 71 pnrcont
Norfolk MmUtioit and Itattlo Creek Coiu
Tho following table has been kindly
prepared by County Superintendent
Crnin giving some statistics comparing
Madison Battlo Greek and Norfolk
school districts Note tho increase of
children in Norfolk districts to99 is 87
pur cent enrollment 1S per cent and
averago daily attendance SI por cout
which is a hanvior increase than in Mad
ison or iiattie ureeu Tlio mcroaso in
our teachiug forco amounting to 02 per
cont is less than either Madison or Bat
tle Creek
Tho avorago numbor of pupils por
teacher is larger in Norfolk than either
of thoso districts
Tho avorago cost por pupil is somo
whut higher in Norfolk aud cau bo no
counted for iu the largo amount ex
pended in Norfolk for now sohool
houses and other permanent improve
ments II O Matuau
22 bV
15 00
I2ifi U 10 20 2s
12 I 11 C 12 57
ad out and Hund to us mate
your nriht kml Iu Izhl illf o mini
uerof fiichus mound ttly utliuf
siiil Drclt and h u III rend till
ClOTH CAPE to jou by exprun
VrfCWP1 Vou cm
ffWWvr n nee
rl Wi h
SJfexp a
is hard enough as
it is It is to her that
we owe our world
nnd everything
should be made as
easy as possible for
her at the time of
childbirth This
is just what
will do It will make
babys cominir easy
uujcci 10 exnmmalloii
exmnlii and try It o
ur ncaicat oxorosH of
and if found jifrftcllj
foclnr Pkncllf a ri
rreuld sad tliemutt
HoiiJprful hlii ou
ffrr tan or lit aril of
puy thn eipirsp
ni ent nir pptdiil
aod riire rliartcfk
Lxpreu oharid
will acruiro il to
CO cents lor each
1000 miles THIS
WINTER timdu
from an rxirs nue ant
DPMyall wool blarltirblup
rpiiulno Kurltoii lieu
ver cloth 27 Inches Ions very full sweep 13 Inch upper
rape extra full Ipiw aod Urr atonn collar beauti
fully trimmed with black Baltic aril fart upper cape
trimmed with three rows and collar with two rows of
Out raobalr braid cloth button omametjtsaTlila cape U
tlue tailor nadplhrouxbout and equal to capes that sell at
more than double the price Vt rite for free final Catalnrnc
btan Uocbuck Co are Ihorooikly reliable Ltliior
nnd painless and that without tak
ing dangerous drugs into the sys
tem It is simply to be applied to
the muscles of the abdomen It
penetrates through the skin carry
ing strength and elasticity with it
It strengthens tho whole system and
prevents all of the discomforts of
The mother of a plumb babe in
Panama Mo says I have used
Mothers Friend and can praise it
Get Mothers friend at the
Drug Store SI per bottle
The Bradfield Regulator Co
Write for our free illustrated book
lieforo Itaby is Horn
A blindres ccmcr to rac now and th i I have it
mow It is queer r I enn see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover thorn it is very uncomfortable
1 know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabule
A rino of unci health that IfPPAN S will not henrflt Thoy tmiitflh pntn and prnlnnR llro
WANTED r ilef Nolo tho word on tlio packiiKO nnd accept no ntlbitltilt IfMAN S
10 rorSconlior twelve iiackrt fur 43 contt may be hud at nnj drutt store Tmi Rumples nnd one tlmu
tttml letlmonlnlx III bo mulled to any addrus for S tents forwarded to thvlUpuusCbendcul Co No
W Soruco St Now York
Edisons Phonograph
ncttcr than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays and
dont cost as much It reproduces the music of any instrument band or orchestra tells
stones ami sings uiu tuu imuiiiur jiy uuis us wen as me popular songs it is always
t - trt Ainnnn c nA 1 t T1 i -
i rices swtm to tuuuv ouu uiiu ir jiuisims siRiiaiurtr is on every machine
logues or all dealers or ima i iual InumuuKAiii tu 135 Fifth Ave New
JS Ql jtl fe jtf fe jrf llC rf b rf Vt jfi Ifc j
A Mr TaO tO tS fi f y E9 Iv V Jh fc Jp m
11 IrJ
are the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
hills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catzdosus Free
Ask for it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
Illinois Gentral R fi
Tho Illinois Central dot ires to cull attniition
tt tlio iiiioxcoUlmI corvico that ib olToied bv its
lines to tho bouth for tlio boiibou of IVJU IPOi
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM ltirbonnlly conduct-
it kiiiih tiiroimii to
Ios AiiKolob mill San
Frmicibco via Now
Orlouis in connection
with tlio Southern Ia
citlc leavitiK Chicago
on tho CentralV fast
Now OrloatiH aim
cial connection also inailu hy this train with
daily traiiiB out of Now Orleans for tho Iacilic
i oabt rna liinlteti iroin i incinrn oviry ovon
itiK connoctB on Mondays and Thursdays at
Now Orloinis aftor Dccumlrar IS 1M1 with tlio
of thn Southern Pacific giving special tliroutjli
service to Sun Francisco
Double tluily sorv
ico is maintained out
of St Louis via tin
Illinois Central ami
connecting linos to
Kii ami Atlanta thru
eleenini car lo Jack
sonville Florida boinK carried on tlio
leaving St Iouis ovory ooning This train as
well as thu Day Kxprcss loaving St Louis iu
tlio morning aro Ixith solid traiiib to Nashville
liaiug through couches and sleeping cats run
ning through Martin Toiiu ami tho N C SI
L Hy Connection via this line for all tifinci
pal points in the Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington Ailin ami Savannah ami for all
points iu Flotiiii
Daily fiont Chicago to Memphis ami New
iMiiutB iu tlio South on tlio linos of the Illinois
Central anil Y fc M V ralhoads will bo run ou
tliollrtt anil third Tuesday of each mouth dur
ing tho winter season
Full particulars concerning till of tlio aboo
cau bo liail of agents of tho Illinois Central or
by addressing A II Hanson 1 P A Chicago
Apr A
LT -
Aiiuwui saoo WATiK n
IlKKir MAIKINTrr f ihljli
isf i ii i vii
i jgyity
Hlltl MStnl til n
aliiiimr btljM ami Ulit dale Duulirrur
iiiur ariiuu noaj at il lalrp mvr
uoiirrriiaiffin yiniidrrana uu 1
WtfWllMnljnutllii ctiit li iniilu o
ltll mlJtl lu fitulnallo it
ami ouiHltiv It omit Diir iienit c
oOlcc and if found nan
a antl Or mu1 wundtrfil
talun jou trr aaw or tirurd of aul
Kiual lu itij rual tin fn buf fur
VLll Ill I i 111 I till fat d iliFtn lit t
Plum 6int Iliur 27n u i
cxtire rliMriftK
ft J If iity Ilttllitr itiidti 1 1 em lira7
oalriurttr tan rtiltr grnuliir lliliattittrl
lullil full Irlltll luublt Iireaattil
aclrltlllllur fane ilaltl llnlim
ut riiroul Hfxttlscaius hulbtlili l 1
Nun liln or UitrrtLt Rlltl cuaraulrrd
Ltd HIM tAIU rr rrri li tla
nil utlil rhiiUM lurlnwtlutli HauplK
nr Miiit MiitMiiloil up to liiw
m la ut fmiii MOO tt10ll wiltit fur
HI k htltCI V ItitnL V mil i
Kin Uwttuia u tu art ituruujU reliable Idltor